The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, October 18, 1923, Image 1

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    The Gazette-Times
Volume 40, Number 28. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 18, 1923. Subscription $2.00 Per Year
President Coolidge Issues
Proclamation Urging
Liberal Education Necemtary to Guar
antee Permanence of Democracy;
Learning Policy of America.
In furtherance of the observance of
American Education Week, November
18-24, in th in county, Lena Snell
Shurte, superintendent of schools,
wishes to call attention' to the procla
mation of President Uoolidge. In set
ting the dates for this week and urg
ing its observance, the President has
outlined the growth and importance
of education in America. The procla
mation in full follows:
From its earliest beginnings, Ameri
ca has been devoted to the cause of
education. Tkls country was founded
on the ideal of ministering to the in
dividual. It was realized that this
must be done by the institutions of
religion and government In order
that there might be a properly edu
cated clergy and well trained civil
magistrates, one of the first thoughts
of the early settlers was to provide
for a college of liberal culture, while
for the general diffusion of know
ledge, primary schools were estab
lished. This course was taken as the
necessary requirement of enlightened
Such a policy, once adopted, has
continued to grow in extent. With
the adoption of the Federal Consti
tution and the establishment of free
government in tho States of the Un
ion, there was additional reason for
broadening the opportunity for ed
ucation. Our country adopted the
principle of self-government by a
free people. Those who were worthy
of being free, were worthy of being
educated. Those who had the duty
and responsibility of government,
must necessarily have the education
with which to discharge the obliga
tions of citizenship. The sovereign
had become the people. Schools and
universities were provided by the var
ious governments, and founded and
fostered by private charity, until
their buildings dotted all the land.
The willingness of li e people to
bear the burdens of maintaining
these institutions, and the patriotic
devotion of an army of teachers, who,
in many case, might have earned
larger incomes in other pursuits, have
'made it possible to accomplish re
suits with which we may be well grat
ified. Rut the task is not finished,
It has only been begun.
We have observed the evidences of
a broadening vision of the whole ed
ucational system. This has included
a recognition that education must not
end wiht the period of school attend'
ance, but must be given every encour
agement thereafter. To this end the
night schools of the cities, the moon
light schools of the southern Appa
lachian countries, the extension work
of the colleges and universities, the
provision for teaching technical, ag
ricultural and mechanical arts, have
marked out the path to a broader and
more widely diffused national culture
To insure the permanence and con
tinuing improvement of such an edu
cational policy, there must be the full
est public realization of its absolute
necessity. Every American citizen is
entitled to a liberal education. With
out this, there is no guarantee for the
permanence- of free institutions, no
hope of perpetuating self-government.
Despotism finds its chief support in
ignorance. Knowledge and freedom
go hand in hand.
In order that the people of the na
tion may think on these things, it is
desirable that there should be nn an
nual observance of Educational Week.
NOW, THEREFORE, I. Calvin Cool
idge, President of the United States,
do hereby proclaim the week begin
ning on the eighteenth of November,
next, as National Education Week,
and urge its observance throughout
the country. I recommend that the
State and local authorities cooperate
with the civic and religious bodies to
secure its most general and helpful
observance, for the purpose of more
liberally supporting and more effect
ively improving the educational fa
cilities of our country.
hereunto set my hand and caused the
seal of tho United States to be af
fixed. Done in the City of Washington,
this twenty-sixth day of September,
in the year of our Lord, One Thous
and Nine Hundred and Twenty-threo,
and of the Independence of the Uni
ted States, the One Hundred and Forty-eighth.
By the President:
Secretary of State.
Recall Petitions Being:
Circulated at Heppner
Morrow county's quota of Pierce- re
call petitions arrived at Heppner the
first of the week and tiro now in the
hands of circulators. Just what suc
cess Is being atUinpd in the way of
gathering In signatures, we cannot
any, but this paper has the Impression
that they are not being very gladly
received, and that the number of sig
natures to be obtained in this county
will not add very materially to the
sum total gathered from other parts
of the state. Tho recall of Governor
Pierce does not nppenr to be a pop
utar move among our people.
Mrs. W. O, Livingstone was a pass
enger for Portland on Tuesday, where
she was called to attend a meeting of
tho stato board of the Christian Wo
men s Motird of Missions, of which
she In one of the ollicers. She ex
pected to return home by Saturday.
Class of '27 Made Happy at Hard
Times Party at High School
Last Thursday Evening.
The Freshmen were initiated into
high school last Thursday evening,
when a hard times party was given in
their honor. Arriving at the school
huose they were kept outside for a
little while in order that their ardor
might cool properly before the cere
monies. The Freshman boys were
then spirited away to forbidden
haunts and given a little exercise.
The Freshman girls were marched
around the school building singing
"Nobody Knows How Green I Am"
until they were ready to have the
oath of admittance administered to
them. They were taken to the tor
ture chamber for this purpose and
there they became full-fledged mem
bers of Heppner High. The boys
were then brought in and forced to
submit to the same operation. After
all this excitement the Freshies felt
the need of rest and recuperation, bo
they were ushered down stairs where
many games were played.
The refreshments consisted of bak
ed beans and bread end butter sand
wiches, as befitted a hard times par
ty. The lunch hour was made more
entertaining by the parade of those
trying out for the prizes, Agnes Mc
Daid was awarded the palm for be
ing the best looking female exponent
of hard times and Carl Cason took the
"prune" for the toughest man.
And so the class of '27 are now full
fledged members of Heppner high
The football squad played Board
man's team at Boardman last Satur
day. Heppner played her second team
chiefly, but even at that the score
was 40-0 in Heppner's favor.
Work on the "Hehisch" has begun.
Many new features are to be intro
duced this year and the annual will
be exceptionally interesting.
Walter Reitmann, who Is a leading
farmer of the lone country, was a vis
itor in Heppner yesterday. He stn'es
that the big wind of Tuesday did a
lot of damage in blowing out wheat
that had just been seeded. It appear
ed to make little difference in the
way the soil moved on account of
being wet. Heavy rains of a few
days before had wet the ground well
but it blowed just tho Fame, and trav
elers along the roads in cars and
other vehicles could not keep the
track owing to the thickness of the
Archie Cox, of Woodland, Calif., is
spending a few days at Heppner, vis
iting with relatives and friends and
looking after business. Mr. Cox rep
resents a firm of sheepmen in his
state who deal in high class stuff, and
he makes the various fairs and live
stock shows with exhibits, expecting
to be at the Northwest Livestock show
at Portland when it opens and from
there will go on to Chicago. He is
interesting our sheep owners in his
line. j
Jack French and Kddy Sheridan,
two young men who were victims of j
accidents during the Heppner Rodeo,
have been getting around town this
week on crutches. These boys both
received broken legs and Mr. French
has been recovering at tho hospital
in Pendleton while Mr. Sheridan was
cared for here, and they will soon
be able to get off the crutches.
Dean T. Goodman of Heppner gar- i
age returned from a trip to Portland
on Tuesday, bringing up a new 4
brake Kuick. The new car was for
John Higley, cashier of the Farmers
and Stocky rowers National bank.
Dean got the benefit of the big sand
storm between Rhen and Morgan and
states that it was the worst he ever
Mayor Bert Mason was up from
lone a short time Wednesday after
noon. He had contemplated making
this visit to Heppner on Tuesday, but
owing to the big wind storm he decid
ed to put it off. Mr. Mason states
that tho wind was extremely heavy
in the north end of the county and
can be recorded as one of the worst
blows in many years.
J. G. Doherty informs this paper
that the hail and rain storm struck
his place hard last week, and much
damage was done to his summerfal
low, (Jreat ditches were washed in
the fields, and Jimmy states that the
storm was something fierce while it
lasted. The area covered was small,
E. H. Kellogg of Rhea creek reports
the prompt sale of his seven head of
Jersey heifers and cows advertised in
these columns. The heifers brought
$75 per head and the older cows were
disposed of at $85 apiece, and hd
thinks this pretty good as a cash
.las. M. Kyle and J. M, Richards,
rsidents of Stnntield, spent several
days In Heppner this week on busi
ness. Mr. Kyle is a prominent irri
gationist of the west end of Uma
tilla county.
Mr, and Mrs, Fred Parrish of Con
don are visiting this week at the
country home of Mr. and Mrs. Gurnet
Harratt. Mrs. Pnrrish was formerly
Miss SiuMo HuddleMon of this city.
J. C. Zan, C. J. MeUusker, Dr. F. B.
Kfstner and T. M. Joyce constituted
a hunting party from Portland that
visited this section on Monday and
were registered at Hotel Heppner.
Hon, C. K. Woodson returned home
Sunday from Eugene where he had
been to attend a meeting of the board
of regents of the University of Ore
gon held in that city on Saturday.
,W. A. Wirtz, auditor of Tum-A-Lum
Lumber Co., came over from
Wulla Wnllti on Monday on an offi
cial visit to tho yards of the com
pany on the Heppner branch.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cannon of the
Ilardman section were visitors in
this city over Tuesday night, return
ing to their home Wednesday morn
ing. Joe M. Hayes, Ilutter creek sheep
man, spent a couple of days in the
city on business this week,
Arthur Gemmell Victim
of Run-Away Accident
Arthur Gemmell, local farmer, had
his skull fractured last Saturday fore
noon in a run-away accident. He
was raking hay in his field on the
Gemmell farm just south of this city
when his team was frightened by the
explosion of a blast on the road being
built by the county through the Gem
mell place, and ran away. Mr. Gem
mell was thrown from the rake on
his head, resulting in the injury. He
was not knocked unconscious as he
walked to the house and was brought
to town by car immediately to receive
surgical attention.
When the fracture was examined
by Dr. McMurdo It was found that a
piece of the bone was pressing on the
brain, necessitating quite skillful
manipulation for its removel. The
operation was quite successful, and
Mr. Gemmell is reported to be pro
gressing very favorably, though not
yet entirely out of danger.
L. V. Gentry was found not guilty
on a moonshine charge in Justice
court Monday. Officers raided his
home on Hinton creek during the Ro
deo, finding what they believed to be
some moonshine mash, along with
some of the finished product. Mr. Gen
try had previously filed a plea of not
guilty through his attorney, C. L.
Sueek, and his trial was set for last
Monday. The jury was convinced that
the moonshine did not belong to Mr.
Gentry, and that the mash was noth
ing more than some fruit pulp which
Mrs. Gentry had left after making
jelly, and which she was using to
make vinegar.
J, B. Calmus has decided to close up
his black smithing business in this
city, for the time being at least, and
may decide to go elsewhere and en
gage in business, having in view the
city of Bend as a good opening,
though he thinks that it would be bet
ter to go farther south. Mr. Calmus
has been in poor health for some
time and would like to get into a
climate that agrees better with him
than it apparently does at Heppner.
Dramatic Company of Merit, 1 4 People
With Polite Vaudeville Between the Acts No Long Waits.
Heppner is seldom visited by a company of this
class, so be there.
A Guaranteed Attraction
Prices: Children 30c, Adults 75c. No Reserved Seats.
Curtain 8:00
Word of Waterspout at Lexington
Causes Suspense; Heavy
Wind Storm Reported.
There was considerable excitement
in lone last Wednesday night when
we were notified of a cloud burst
In the Lexington vicinity and that
we might expect high water.
Knowing what could happen under
such conditions, people were not slow
to spread the news and prepare to
seek higher ground. Several went to
Lexington to see if help was needed
but finding everyone safe, they soon
returned to tell there was no danger.
The section crew went, on duty at
2 o'clock to remove ton's of mud and
rocks from the railroad tracks in or
der that the train might run on sched
ule time.
Sam Lininger and wife of Portland
passed through lone Sunday on their
way to Pendleton.
Mr. Barzee was a business caller
in lone Saturday.
Mrs. Matches and Mrs. Barnard of
Dayton, Ore., returned to their home
Saturday, after a short visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lunger,
The ladies were very favorably im
pressed with eastern Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Noble, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Snyder, passed through lone
Sunday. They were on their way to
lower Willow creek to pend a few
hours hunting.
A small son of Mrs. Lydia RitcVue
was carelessly handling a gun Sunday
evening when it was discharged and
inflicted bad flesh wounds in both
Nolan Page and his mother, Mrs.
McMurry, drove to McMinnville Fri
day, returning Sunday. They were
accompanied by Mrs. Howe who has
teen visiting at their home for some
Mr. and Mrs, Gunzel and daughter
Dorris, spent the week-end in Port
land. L. E. Dick who has been inLewis-
tnn for some time, was called home
tropolitan Players
Grandma Howard Has
Birthday Anniversary
Sunday was the birthday anniver
sary of Mrs. Henry Howard, and the
event was remembered by her neigh-
bora and friends, who, to the num
ber of 18, came in on her with an
abundance of good things to eat, and
the occasion of her 90th birthday
was one of such pleasure that Grand
ma Howard will always remember it.
Mrs. Howard, who is a pioneer res
ident of Heppner, is fast approaching
the century mark in life's journey
and is numbered among the most el
derly people of the community. She
still enjoys good health and can reas
onably look forward to many more
birthday anniversaries, and the hap
piest times of her life are the oc
casions when her neighbors come in
as in the manner they did on Sunday.
Robert Jones, eldest son of the late
Emmett Jones, had the misfortune to
break both bones in his right fore
arm, while at play at the school
grounds yesterday afternoon. Dn Mc
Murdo set the bones, and reports that
without further mishap the fractures
will heal in due course of time.
Saturday to relieve Mr. Doty of the
Heppner station, Mr. Doty being call- ,
ed to California.
Miss Grace Cochran came in on
Sunday evening's train to visit rela
tives in lone.
The wind storm Tuesday did con
siderable damage in and around lone,
several large shade trees being up
rooted in lone.
Archie Cochran reports 1220 acres
of wheat, that he had just seeded, en
tirely blown out of the ground. Mr.
Peterson, who farms the Heliker
place had a number of acres of wheat
which was coming up. This was cov
ered so deep that he will likely have
to re seed.
Mr. Fred Braly of Albany is in lone.
He is on a deal for the Schriver
place which is located 6 miles south
west of lone.
J. W. Becket of Portland was in
lone on business Monday.
Vawter Crawford, of the G.-T., was
a business caller in lone on Saturday.
How Long Can You Think
Divorce and Cancer.
How Rich Are We?
"Harvard will teach freshmen to
think." Perhaps it can be done.
But it recalls the old saying about
leading a horse to water.
"I write, not that you may read,
but that you may think." Montes
quieu put that in his "Spirit of Laws"
long ago. Socrates showed where
true thinking begins when he said
he supposed he was called the wisest
of the Greeks because he knew that
he knew nothing.
Thinking cannot be taught, ex
actly. But it can be stimulated.
When the apple fell, that started
important thought in Newton. When
Columbus made the egg stand up,
that probably made the spectators
think for a few seconds.
But how can you teach or provoke
PKOLONGED concentrated thinking?
Select your subject, "matter unlimited
in infinite space," or "time without
beginning or end," or "the logical
probability of personal Immortality."
The average mind will find it hard to
stick to one thought for three min
utes. For seven marriages in the United
States there is one divorce. For 1
seven people of middle age one is
sure to die of cancer. ,
Some call the divorce cancer worse j
than any other malignant tumor. j
If we understood cancer and di
vorce w-e might find them not so far
Both come from ignorance, both
could be prevented.
The voters of Oklahoma seem to
have decided against Governor Wal
ton, in favor of the Ku Klux by an
overwhelming majority. Governor
Walton secures an injunction to pre
vent an election that would impeach
and put him out.
If it be true that the Eu Klux com
pletely control a great state, that in
terests all other states. It may be
that Oklahoma voted not so much in
favor of the Ku Klux as against Gov
ernor Walton's use of militia to pre
vent voting.
Statistics put the wealth of the
United States, everything included, at
three hundred thousand million dol
dolIarB. Taxation assessment on New York
City's real estate is increased, this
year, more than one thousand million.
The total assessed value of New York
is eleven billion and a quarter. It
would be impossible to guess the to
tal wealth of the United States with
several cities that will soon be bigger
than New York is now, Chicago, Los
Angeles, Seattle, Detroit, among oth
ers. Man Wanted Here Is
Captured at Vancouver
Alvin Strait, wanted in this county
since early last spring, when he es
caped from the officials in a raid on
a moonshine outfit down in Juniper
canyon, was last week located at Ya-
colt, Wash., and is now being held at
Vancouver, awaiting the necessary le
gal procedure, that he may be return
ed here. Strait was alleged to have
resisted arrest and took a shot or two
at District Attorney Notson and dep
uty sheriffs Tom Chidsey and Paul
McDuffee, and afterwards made his
escape across the Columbia into
Washington, succeeding in his eva
sion of the officers since that time.
Lord's Day, October 21, 1923.
The world has one hope, and one
only; it is not money, power nor dip
lomacy, it is the Church of Christ,
this will ultimately be discovered.
Your first duty is to support her in
every way; here is the repititlon of
your weekly opportunity: Bible school
9:45, teachers, equipment, the Book;
all we need is YOU. Communion and
preaching at 11 o'clock, subject, "The
Lord s Day. ' Junior and lntermedi
ate Christian Endeavor at 4 p. m. Sen
ior Endeavor at 6:30 and song service
and preaching at 7:30. Theme of eve
ning sermon, "God's Plan to Save the
Race." You are most cordially invited
to attend the services.
Report coming to this paper is to
the effect that the Ford truck of Edi
son Morgan was totally destroyed by
fire on Tuscday. together with 25
sacks of grain. He was on the way to
town from the rnnch and was caught
in the big dust storm. Getting off the
road into a bunch of dry weeds, the
truck was evidently tired by the ex
haust setting fire to the weeds as Mr.
Morgan was endeavoring to get back
into the road.
Miss Lucile Melick arrived at Hepp
ner on Saturday and on Monday took
up her duties as teacher of English
and history in the high school, taking
the place of Miss Janet Frasier. re
signed. Miss Melick is a graduate
of the University of Nebraska and
last your taught at Long Bench, Cal
ifornia. Gay M. Anderson regrets very much
the accident that happened to his
family on Sunday, when, on taking a
shot at some pheasants he wounded
his faithful bird dog. Lady. The in
juries were not fatal to the animal
at the time, but the outcome depends
on careful nursing.
T. J. Mahoney. vice president of
the First National bank of Heppner,
was in tho city on Friday to attend
a meeting of the directors of the
l bunk. Mr. Mahoney now resides at
Nam pa, Idaho, where he hits charge
of a bank.
or Arthur u
Father of Irrigation Represented
County in Legislature: Was
Well Known In State.
Pendleton East Oregonian.
The death of Joseph T. Hinkle oc
curred at his home near Hermiston,
Sunday at 12:30 p. m. after an illness
covering a period of about three
Mr. Hinkle was born in Cumberland
county, Kentucky, on November 2,
1866 and came to Umatilla county
with his parents in March, 1882, set
tling in the northern portion of this
county in the Juniper district. Here !
he continued to reside for several ,
years and here he returned to teach
in the public schools of that district
after his marriage to Miss Ada Coop
er, in Idaho in 1884. While thus en
gaged he took up the study of law un
til he was admitted to practice at the
Pendleton bar in October, 1897. He
was subsequently admitted to prac
tice in all the courts of Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho and in the Supreme
Court of the United States.
After practicing law for some years
in Pendleton Mr. Hinkle became in
terested in irrigation, removed to the
western portion of the county and
gave such application to the irriga
tion laws of the state that he became
the best known and most consulted
specialist in this line in Oregon. He
was the founder of the Oregon Irri
gation congress and served as its sec
retary and president for several years.
While serving his county as its repre
sentative in the legislature in 1911-13
he became known as the father of ir
rigation in Oregon through his la
bors in the establishment of the pres
ent laws and in the revision of the
similar laws which preceded them.
He was a member of the National Ir
rigation Congress and an active par
ticipator in ita councils and for sev
eral years before his death was under
retainer by the government as spec
ial counsel to the National Reclama
tion Service for the district of Ore
gon, Washington and Idaho, perform
ing services in this employ which
took him all over the states named
and extended his acquaintance over a
great region which will feel his loss.
The Hinkle Ditch, one of the com
pleted irrigation projects in this
county, bears his name and owes its
existence to his faith and preserver-
ance. Irrigation projects in central
Oregon also owe much to Mr. Hinkle's
cooperation and professional counsel.
At one period Mr. Hinkle was en
gaged in journalism in Denver, Idaho,
and at another in Pendleton, where
he was editor of the Alliance Herald,
publslhed In the interest of the Farm
ers alliance in this county of which
he was then an active member. His
editorial writings were marked for
their ability and moderation. He was
also in great demand as a public
speaker in the early period of the
settlement of this county, and was
held by his friends to be one of the
ablest extemporaneous speakers which
this portion of the state has known.
In the old days "Joe" Hinkle was in
great demand and went from one
school house to another in the per
formance of the political labors which
he deemed to be his duty, while in
more recent times he became one of
the most eloquent pleaders ever heard
at the Pendleton bar.
The Eagle-Woodman hall in this
city was the conception of Mr. Hinkle
and as-Eociates who cooperated with
him in its erection and in the organ
ization of Pendleton Aerie No. 28,
Fraternal Order of Eagles, here. I
The surviving members of the fam- j
ily are his widow, Ada Hinkle, and !
his son and daughter Dale and Fran
ces Hinkle. His mother still lives, at
the advanced age of 90 years. The
living brothers are, C. P, Hinkle of
Lewiston, Idaho; W B. Hinkle of
Portland, Ore., and A. C. Hinkle of
Hillsboro, Ore. Funeral services will
be conducted at the family home near
Hermiston, at 11 a. m. Tuesday, Oct.
16 and the interment will be made
in the Pendleton Mausoleum at 3 p.
m, of the same date. Mr. Hinkle was
very active in the work of the order
of K. P. of this county and the funer
al services will be in charge of Rec
lamation Lodge No. 107 of Hermi.Uon
in and near which he has resided
during the past fourteen years, and
from which lodge he has recently re
ceived the gold medal awarded to
members who have passed through
the chairs and continued in good
standing throughout a period of 25
The pallbearers have been selected
from the Umatilla County Bar Asso
ciation. They are Col. J. H. Raley,
Will M. Peterson, Mayor James A.
Fee, Fred Steiwer, Homer I. Watts,
and W. J. Warner.
The tailoring and pressing estab
lishment of G. Framen this week
passed into new hands, when Mr.
Franzen closed up a deal with Messrs.
K. Schibar and John Shusenski, re
cently of Portland, who have taken
charge. Mr. Franzen departed today
for Portland and will make his home
in that city in the future, his family
having preceded him some six weeks
ago. The new firm comes to Heppner
well recommended, and we bespeak
for it a good patronage as successors
of Mr. Franzen, who enjoyed a good
trade here for many years.
Mr. Lloyd McPherrrin and Miss
Leoni Dausner were married at the
home of the groom's brother, O, H,
McPherrin last Wednesday, Rev. W.
O. Livingstone performing the cere
mony. Mr. McPherrin has been here but n
short time and is connected with the
Arlington-Heppner stage line of
which his brother is proprietor and
his bride was a resident of Umatilla
Mr. and Mrs. McPherrin have not
decided whether they will reside at
Heppner or Arlington their location
depending on just how his work as
driver for the stage line develop.
lst 3-8 karat diamond setting
from ring; probably between Method
ist church and Ad kins home. Re
ward. Mrs. Albert Ad kin a, phone 654.
TOO 111
Cooperation of Producer
and Consumer Is
Farmer Mast "Get Higher Returns
While Public Demands Lower
Prices to L'ae Supply.
By C. E. SPENCB, State Markrt Aent.
728 Court Hoiwe, Portland.
The plain purpose of cooperation is
to control marketing in the interests
of the producer or consumer.
Producers cooperate to obtain high
er prices, consumers to get lower
prices. It would seem that the two
movements would conflict, yet on the
contrary, through efficient organiza
tions and management, both classes
may be benefitted, through elimin
ating the many needless expenses,
profits and waste between the pro
ducer and consumer and dividing
them between the two classes.
To illustrate: Apple growers state
that the wholesale price they receive
is below what it cost them to grow
the fruit, but at the same time single
apples on Fourth street in Portland
retailed for five cents each. A G re sh
am gardner reports that he received
fora 12 to 15 cents per dozen for corn,
which the Portland restaurants re
sell from 15 to 25 cents per ear. Some
weeks ago the Yakima Valley News
stated that new potatoes were re
tailing for 10 cents per pound, or
$200 per ton, and the price the farm
ers got was three cents per pound
or $60 per ton. A Portland business
man, who has a home on the River
road, five miles out of Portland, has
hundreds of sacks of apples that he
gives to those who will come after
them, but for which he cannot get
enough on the Portland markets to
pay the expense of picking, grading
and sacking.
Too many profits were added to
these products, and to nearly all oth
er farm products. They go through
too many hands. There is far too
much distributing machinery, too
many classes of markets and profits
in between.
Distribution of farm products is
almost entirely in the hands of the
dealers and brokers. The grower has
nothing to say as to the price. The
middle interests fix both the buying
and selling prices and both producers
and consumers must take it and pay
The producer realizes that he must
market his own products and obtain
a higher price or go out of business.
He knows that the middle interests
are getting the profits that should be
his. He knows that he must get a
part of these middle profits or he
must quit producing. Hence commod
ity organizations are rapidly forming
in many states with the purpose of
controlling the bulk of the crop and
so distributing and marketing it that
a living price may be obtained.
Consumers could greatly help to re
duce distributing expenses and get
farm products at lower prices if they
were as much concerned in the re
tail price as the grower is in his
price. Consumers, retailers and pro
ducers' organizations cooperating
could shorten the long route; elimin
ate middle speculation and greatly
reduce the between expenses.
The success or failure of Oregon's
organizations will depend almost en
tirely on management. This is the
most important part of cooperation.
It must be in competent hands. It
must be business from start to finish.
Friendships, favors, jobs must have
no part in the organization. It must
be handled as successful private or
ganizations are managed. Nearly ev
ery co-operative failure in Oregon can
be traced to poor management. Men
I who know marketing, standardizing,
grading, distribution must have
charge; men who know how to hold
i down expenses, to reduce waste, to
handle men. Experts in these lines
must be found. Growers' organiza
tions seldom succeed in successfully
marketing their products.
When co-operative associations are
founded on these safe principles, and
are backed by growers' contracts to
the extent of 75 per cent of the pro
duct grown, then will the farmers be
able to tell the buyers what the price
shall be.
Mr. Roll Takes Over Ho
tel Heppner Dining Room
W. E. Bell, proprietor of Hotel
Heppner this week took over the com
plete management of the hostlery
when he assumed control of the din
ing room. This had been in charge
of K. Tani, from The Dalles, who has
run the same for the past couple of
months and enjoyed a good trade.
Mr. Tani gave a turkey dinner on
Sunday to his patrons, and states that
he will likely remain here and open
up a lunch counter.
Under the management of Mr. Bell,
who is making some changes and tak
ing out the lunch counter that was
recently installed by Mr, Foley, It is
anticipated that the hotel dining
room will become yet more attractive
than in the past.
The first football game to be played
on the local gridiron will Uke place
next Saturday afternoon between Ar
lington and Heppner hih schools.
Arlington is reported to have a strong
team, and as Heppner has not lost a
game, this contest promises to be well
worth the attention of local fans.
The high school boys urge that every
one turn out and give them a boost.
They hope to have a winiririg team
this year, at the finish m well a the
Charley Acock, Rhea creek ranchur,
ia recovering from the results of an
accident in which he had lumu rib
broken arid was othurwUe bruised up,
when a toad of hay turned iivnr on
him at hi home recently.