PACK TWO THE GAZETTE-TIMES. HEPPNER. OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. 1923. THE GfZETTE-IlIS THB HKrpKF GAZVTTE. feteUtoM MaH. M l THE flKrVNKr TIM K IrttUlM NowvnWr It. I1 OMMMlUri PtrWT it. itit chjrd Uoyd Jones Says NO Mai ha i HIKE AND t.FtRV. m4 MUrari t iW Hu M Hap ADVHT1IIIHO KATFfl CIVIN ON &rru ATION tlMCRIPTIOM Am Kia Mm. Tfcf-OT Monlki SIils CoftMB - , MORROW COl'XTT OFFICIAL rAPtl THt Alf bJilC AN ftihAA ASSOCIATION OT DEFUNCT YET. THE Herpnr Commercial club may ytt outlive iti reputation. What that rrutation is, is hardly necessary to, but for the benefit of those who may have a lapse, of mem ory we mill reiterate that it is noted for it r. umber of demises, being about a versatile as a cat in this respect. But now the club has been erpaniiei for some three months and it is going to meet again. It is our ardent prayer that ft may meet again, and again and yet again, and again, and a pa in yea. that it will nerer say die. President Van Marter ha called meeting for next Wednesday evening. the first since the orgamiation meet ing early this spring. Perhaps some have already been shaking their heads and saying "too bad it was a very good thing while it lasted." But thoM who have thus expressed them aelvea will receive a jolt right in the aolar plexus next Wednesday for the club is not dead and what is more it has more pep than the ordinary babe in its swaddling clothes though it might be said to be its "steenth" chiidhood. even if it is only three months old this time. What's past in regard to the club is dead and buried, however, and it is the hope of the president that every member and as many more who want to break in. will be on hand Wednes day, for there are some mighty good things in store, including food for both brain and stomaeh, as a luncheon is part of the program. Plans and de velopments of the Heppner-Spray road will be discussed. Interior trade rela tions and what Heppner wants to do with reference to the Heppner-Monu-ment road, and what she can do in re gard to it. will be talked over, and other matters brought up, including a mail route between Heppner and Hitter. Most of Heppner's business men agree that all these things mean a pre a.t deal for Heppner and would like to see them go over, but the fly in the ointment is the scarcity of money with which to put them over. These problems then resolve themselves mainly into one issue, that of financ ing them. It is impossible for Heppner or even Morrow county to think of taking on the burden alone, and this scares some poeple out. However, there are ways of obtaining outside help, and it is in this direction that the commercial club will extend its efforts. It does no good for just one or two persons to do a lot of hulla ballooing and this is the reason the commercial club was revived, to get the united effort of the citizens of the community. The question now is. are the Heppner business men still as enthusiastic as they were at the or gan irati on meeting. If they are all well and good, there will be a big attendance Wednesday night. But if history repeats itself, as the old ad age aaya, there is liability of that oid chronic inertia setting in again. Let's outlive our reputation. S-S-S Th htiir the man tVi mnr he ac complishes, applies to cities as well I as to individuals. Heppner can stand to have one or two more irons in the fire. S-S-S Put up the fashing pole and swim ming suits, kiddies, and get ready for school. s-s-s The scarcer the deer the better the hunting. an cn KNOW the earth who not waiked upon it. The boy who drove a tow mule along the Erie Canal knew New York as ne boy can ho riif today from Albany te Buf- alo on the Empire State Express. Indians reckoned time by nights (as we do dayst, a place was so many nights away. The night measured their march. Walk from night to night across the plains and lay your day's exper ience upon the map ot Africa and you will just begin to sens the lonely vastness of the Sahara's sands. Life's golconda is found by tired feet. Get next to earth if yott would know it The young who is carried reaches manhood handicapped. He has to learn how to march while the bat tie of life is on. Ruskin said that the children of the rich often get the worst education of protection, whereas the poor often get the best education for nothing, be cause they get into the common school of hard knocks. A tired leg makes the whole world real. It will make a sunset glorious. It is a kind of school that sets a boy down in the middle of a wild wood and tells him to walk out. Privately we commend the Boy Scouts and the Camp Fire Girls. Many parents who approve of the "hike" would be the first to protest against its adoption as part of the school curriculum. Privately conducted they call the "hike" wholesome and a helpful rec reation. Publiclv conducted they would call it impossible and unwar ranted hardship. Our private impulses are generally right. Our greatest difficulty is that w have not yet learned to do our best things together. The campfire cements the hearts and enriches the memories of com rades as no well-regulated steam ra diator will ever do. S-S S The Heppner Rodeo is a new insti tution, but none the less a thriving one. Bigger and better than ever this year. Let's go. S-S-S If the Heppner-Spray road is com pleted, Heppner will Hand in line for her share of the tourist business. s-s-s Shall the world court prove a farce, or shall the bully be made to hold his place. War is in the offing. s-s-s Abundant erops are broadening the farmers' smile. Let's hope the mar ket reports wont wipe it off. s-s-s Who knows what', the matter with the Brotherhood? Maybe it's too good for Heppner. S-S-S The whole world mourns for strick en Japan. S-S-S Calvin Coolidge is measuring up to the man-siied job of president. S-S-S Walter Cason, former Heppner mar shal, has accepted a position as spec ial officer for the O.-W. R. A N. com pany, reports Mrs. Cason, who waa In the city last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ca son now make their home in Portland. Mrs, Cason will spend some time with her mother, Mrs. Hale, in lone before returning to the metropolis. Miss Virginia Barlow is visiting rel atives and friends in this city and Eight Mile, coming up from her home in Portland. Miss LeMoyne is the new trimmer at the Herren Millinery, arriving last Thursday evening from Montana. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE OF CAPITAL STOCK. Notice is hereby given that by or der of the board of directors of the Farmers and Stockgrowers National Bank, we the undersigned, will on Monday, the first day of October, 1923, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the office of The Farmers and Stockgrowers Na tional Bank, in the city of Heppner, Oregon, sell either at private sale or public auetlon for the highest and best bid offered therefor, certificate Numbered Seven (7) for Twenty-five (25) shares at $100.00 per share of the Capital Stock of The Farmers and Stockgrowers National Bank, issued to S. W. Spencer, on the 11th day of June, A. D. 1917. Dated this 30th day of August, 1923. By J. W. BEYMER, President. By EMMETT COCHRAN, By J. G. THOMSON. Directors. ... ... - - ... ! , , ..I ! ! H.I B.I .1 ( 1 51 I'M 5-1 9" 3' J- 1 ."l "l . .1 3. U .-V I'fU ..IV imflUUV. ri.' r..' f..' r.iii -.y ,.i h m w ..Mil i.iw Yes IT CAN BE DONE Hams, 30c Breakfast Bacon 25c Lard 75c and $1.50 for 5 & 10 lbs. Prices on Fresh Meats in Proportion. SMALL PROFITS AND LOST OF 'EM CENTRAL MARKET G. B. SWAGGART YOUR PATRONAGE WE SOLICIT I Alfalfa Hay Fir& Cutting Baled BROWN & LOWRY HEPPNER, OREGON Phone 642 SCHOOL TIME IS HERE When the school bell rings Monday morning, September 10, you will want to be prepared with a full set of supplies IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOU NEED, ASK US. Pens, Pencils Lose Leaf Note Books Tablets, Rulers Erasers Paints, Crayons Inks Ingersoll and Ev- ersharp Pencils 60c - $5.00 Wahl and Wa terman Pens $2.50 - $6.00 Authorized Textbooks For All Grades HMrHHaaiHHHHaHHaHMaHaWaWH All Books Are Cash. Telephone and Mail Orders Promptly Filled Humphreys Drug Company NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, August 27, 1923. Notice is hereby given that George R. Pearson, of Lena, Oregon, who, on March 12, 1920, made Additional Homestead Entry, Act 12-29-16, No. 018128, for SEtt SE4 Sec. 25, T. 1 S. K. 28 E.; Lot 1 Sec. 81, Tp. 1 S. R. 29 E.; SEK NW4, NE-4 SWK, SV4 SEaSec. 33, SWK SWK, Section 3s, Township 3 S., Range 29 E., Willam ette Meridian, has filed notice of in tention to make three year final Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before the United States Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 6th day of October, 1923. Claimant names as witnesses: F. J. Hiatt, John Keegan, Jas. Hlg- gins, F. M. Duncan, all of Lena, Ore gon. CARL HELM, Register. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. Notice is Hereby Given that on the second Monday in September (Mon day, September 10, 1923) the Board of Equalization of Morrow County, Oregon, will attend at the Court House in Morrow County, Oregon, and publicly examine the assessment rolls for Morrow County, Oregon, for the year 1923, and will correct errors in valuation, description or qualities of land, lots, or other property assessed by the Assessor of Morrow County, Oregon, for the year 1923. All persons interested or having any complaint against their assess ment for the year 1923, should appear at that time. Petitions for reductions in assessment must be presented in writing, verified by oath of applicant or his attorney and must be filed with the board the first week it is in ses sion and any petition or application not so made, verified and filed shall not be considered or acted appn by the board. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, August 14, 1923. JESSE J. WELLS, Assessor for Morrow County, Oregon. knowa hairs at law of) amuel Stratton, deceased.) Nancy Ana Stratton, the) unknown heira at law of) Nancy Ann Stratton, de-) ceased, Lucy at. Atwood.) the unknown heira at) law of Lucy at. Atwood,) daceased. J. L. Perry,) formerly J. L. Stanfield,) and Jamea Perry, her hue-) band, R. B. Stanfield and) Florence Stanfield, his) wife, Emma Stanfield, a) widow, R. L. Stanfield and) Loretta Stanfield, his) wife. P. M. Stanfield and) A. Cisco Atwood, the un-)SUMMONS known heirs at law of A.) Cisco Atwood, deceased,) C. B. Atwood, tha un-) known heira at law of C.) Atwood, deceased, Da-) vid Atwood, the unknown) heirs at law of David At-) wood, deceased, the un-) known heirs at law of) B. C. Atwood, deceased,) Mary McCarty, and John) McCarty, husband and) ife. Nettie Shaw and) Robert Shaw, husband) and wife, also all other) persons or parties un-) known claiming any right,) title, estate, lien or in-) terest in tha real prop-) erty described in the) complaint herein, ) Defendants,) To Samuel Stratton, the unknown heira at law of Samuel Stratton, de ceased, Nancy Ann Stratton, tha un known heira at law of Nancy Ann Stratton, deceased, Lucy M. Atwood, the unknown heirs at law of Lucy M Atwood, deceased, Emma Stanfield, R. U Stanfield, Loretta Stanfield, P M Stanfield, A Cisco Atwood, the un known heirs at law of A. Cisco At wood, deceased, C. B. Atwood, the un known heirs at law of C. B. Atwood, deceased, David Atwood, the unknown heirs at law of David Atwood, de ceased, the unknown heirs at law of B. C Atwood, deceased, Mary Mc Carty, John McCarty, Nettle Shaw and Robert Shaw, also all other persona parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in plain tiff's eomplaint and herein described, Defendants, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby 'summon ed and re.quired to appear and answer the plaintiff s eomplaint filed against you herein on or before six weeks from the date of first publication of this summons, to-wit: on or before Saturday, the 22nd day of September, 1923, and you are hereby notified that if you fail to so appear and answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief pray ed for in his eomplaint, to-wit: For a decree of the court that the plain tiff is the owner in fee simple of the following descrbed real property, to- wit: The South half of Section 28 and the Northeast quarter of Section 33 in Township 2 North Range 27 E. W. M., and that the defendanta be decreed to have no right, title or in terest in or to said real property and that the plaintiff'a title be forever quieted against said defendants and each of them and that the defendants and all persons claiming by, through or under them or any of them, be for ever enjoined from asserting any right, title or interest in or to said real property or any part thereof. Thia summons Is served upon you by publication in Tha Gasetto-Timoa, a weekly newspaper of general cir culation published at Heppnor, Mor row County, Oregon, once a week for the period of aix weeka, by order of tha Hon. William T. Campbell, Coun ty Judga of Morrow County, State of Oregon, made and entered on tho 7th day of August, 1923, and tha date of first publication of thia aummona ia August , 1923. WOODSON SWEEK. Attorneys for the Plaintiff. Address, Heppner, Oregon. Professional Cards DR. F. E. FARRIOR DENTI8T Office Upstairs Over Poitofflca Heppner, Orecoa Heppner Sanitarium DR. J. PERRT CONDF.R rakiaa-la-Chara Treatment of all diseases. Isolated wards for contagious diseases. FIKK INSURANCE Waters & Anderson Heppner, Orcyon MATERNITY HOME MKS. G. C. AIKEN, HEPPNER I am prepared to take a limited num ber of maternity emu at my home. Petlenti prl'Ueaed te ckeese their ewa e-hvilciaa. beet of ears and attention assured. PHONE 1(1 E. J. STARKEY ELECTRICIAN HOUSE WIRING A SPECIALTY Heppa Pkel Oi L. VAN MARTER FIRE, AUTO AND UFI INSURANCE Old Line Companies SEAL ESTATE Heppner, Or. JOS.J.NYS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Upstairs in Humphrey! Building Heppner, Oregon A. D.McMURDO, M. D, PHYSICIAN ft SURGEON Office in Masonic Building Trained Nurse Asalstant Heppner, Oresoa C. C. CHICK, M. D. PHYSICIAN ft SURGEON Office Upstairs Over Poatofflco Trained Nurse Asslatant Heppner, Oresoa WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices In First National Bank Building Heppner, Oresoa Van Vactor & Butler ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Suite 306 First National Bank Building THE DALLES, ORE. S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Court House Heppner, Oregon F. II. ROBINSON 1 I I I I I beat of ears and attention aaeured. I II PHONE 1(1 I V 'I'" LAWYER ONE, OREGON IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of S. W Spencer, Deceased, CREDITORS' NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the undersigned, Anna Spencer, has been duly appointed Jy the County Court of Morrow County, Oergon, the Administratrix of the estate of S. W. Spencer, deceased, and has duly qual ified for such trust. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent them to said Administratrix, duly verified, at her residence in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, on or before six months from the date of first publication hereof. Dated and first published thia 30th day of August, 1923. ANNA SPENCER, Administratrix. Demonstrator Is Here The 1 924 STUDEBA KER is here, and I will be pleased to give dem onstrations at any time. Call, write or phone. KARL L. BEACH Lexington, Oregon IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY. E. P. Jarmon, Plaintiff, ) vs. ) Samuel Stratton, the un-) Gilliam & Bisbee s j& Column j? If a McCormack Header is your choice, buy it now. No McCor mack Headers manufactured since 1922 and these will be made no more. The Deenng will take the place of the McCormack. We have a few McCormacks in stock for this season. The most economical way to take care of your grain hay is with a Binder. We have both the Mc Cormack and Deering in stock. With such a large crop all over the Northwest there is likely to be a shortage of Binder Twine. Buy it now while we have it in stock. Superior Manilla, 650 feet to the pound. We have i large stock of Mc Cormack and Deering extras, also Mailable Cham Belting. We try to have everything nec essary to rig up for harvest Oils, Greases, Doubletrees, Sin gletrees, and a lot of other things and what we have not got we will get for you. Come in and see us when in need of anything and we will try to give you one hundred cents worth for a dollar, Gilliam & Bisbee ffolqpraof Jjasiercj, Sam Hughes Co. Phone Main 962 The Gazette-Times Is Morrow County's Newspaper nnr fnr happy childhood TH OSE active youngsters, now here, now there; romping, or building block castles on the nursery floor! Give them a smooth, clean, sanitary floor surface on which to play. Use Fuller Rubber Cement Floor Paint, Phoenix Floor Paint or ''!$' for Floors" Varnish -they , keep the nursery floor bright and cheerful. Fuller Rubber Cement Floor Paint, Phoenix Floor Paint or "'15' for Floors' Varnish corer the surface with a tough, elastic film that ii non absorbent and easy to keep clean and that frnnti riitltiifal frm ruiitmgjticr JUeri. Whatever your painting need, W. P. Fuller k Co. makes a paint for the purpose. A Fuller dealer in your vicinity sells them. See him, or write our Ser vice Department for advice. Our "Home Service" booklet !. W P FULLER & CO. 301 Musion Street, San FrancUco ftt Brucbw U Piclek Court Ctfltt PscfwrlM 1 tea PraaelK utl Lm Am1 FULLER PAINTS IW VARNISHES 7-rtl PEOPLES HARDWARE COMPANY Heppner, Oregon CALLS FOR Iced Tea We now carry Tea vacuum packed, to keep all the flavor for you. Try it the next time you order Tea. You will like it and you can get it here. Phelps Grocery Company PHONE 53