r; At PAGE FOUR THE GAZETTE-TIMES. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1923. Old Morrow Countyitos Hold Reunion July 21 2t Sn'ofUy 'trrrn'f-rt. t .Jiuri ort i-h-A n I'TiiM.d. fir hi for !r cititrt f c'i-r.ty held "frj f "frfertrr" and in boun-t-u qufcrttii', vfr b(riy wot thrir pliifki 1"t rri1, thf ffoprum i f-.i-d tut not too h'Tp nd furr:y twryur. 1 rr.t pr,.'"yf-d ihptiit;vs U tr. fu.i. E;'"tion of offirrm rffu'ted fc fol io : T r-sni-rt, t.rn. llorin an ; rice prvtdprt, Hfien M. Wrrrr; treasur er, J. W. Bucket, tecr !J.ry. N. i fcUri v Mrs. A. K. Finn pv a very be and entertaining aptness on thf char acter and vrTth of Up pi freer stock of Morrow county. Miss Lucia Van Wirkie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C Van Winkle, recited r.nVy, Little Orphan Anr.ie. A u'usi W. 1 Mal lory jrfcvf a jpiendid ta.k, this time in memory of the departed members of our association. Mrs. Helen War ren fare a very interrstinc oin the eary hi.tory of Vmati.ia county (from which Morrow was carved and aotna of her prominent pioneer citi zen a. Renewing o'd acquttintanres and talking ever old times occupied the greater part of the afternoon and thii feature of this annual fathering li the one mont enjoyed and it was pot till after nine o'clock that a'.l had aaid goodnipht and left beautiful Laureihurft for tht-ir various home. It was decided to hold next year'? picnic at the same place, on the af ternoon of the firt Sunday following the Fourth of July. 1 be constitution of the organiza tion provides for an official aong to be sung at the opening and closing of each meetinga matter which had boen overlooked in former years. The following ode w-as adopted and sung at thig meeting. Heppner Portland. (Tune America. My Heppner tis of thee, i'iice of nativity. Of thee 1 sing: Land where my children grew! Land of real freindship true! To thee my thoughts return And pleasure bring. Dear friend? back there, to yoo, We sadly bade adieu. To move down here: Friends whom we can't forget, Frierds whom we're glad we met, We welcome you to come And make homes near. Pr.rOand our adopted home, From thee we ne'er shall roam, Thy streets we lore: We love thy park and drives. That health and pie&ure gives. We love thy water pure, Our home we love. N C. MARIS, Secretary. treatment. Mr. Haines will not re turn for a etk or more. He is re covering nice'.y from an operation. Condon G :ob-Timea. Mr. and Mrs. Otmund Severaon ar rived at Hepprer by auto on Tuee df.y from their home at Black foot, ldhho. and are enjoyirg a visit at the home of Mrs, Emiae Kelley. Mrs. Sever on in a niec of Mra, Kelley, whom she had never seen, and her vUit to her aunt was a very pleasant Furpriee. Miss Clara Linn has resigned as bookkeeper at the Bert Mason store and Miss Vera Engelman has been appointed to nil the position. It is aid Mis Linn resigned to aceept an other position carrying greater re f ponsibilities. lone Independent. A small blase at the power house early Friday morning caused an alarm to be turned in and the city to be roused at an unearthly hour. No damage resulted as the piompt re sponse of the lire truck extinguished the flames resulting from the burn ing out of the big smokestack. Mai Humphreys, who was in town from his Eight Mile farm oa Tues day, states that the grain ia rapidly reaching the harvesting stage in Ms locality. Mr. Humphreys does not go very strong to wheat raising, but he produces some very fine draft horses. John Hughes was down from Helix on Friday, remaining over until Sat urday. He was accompanied by Dr. Parrett who is city physician of Helix and who was located at Monument a number of years ago. Bom Friday, July 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andrews of Lexington, a T-lb. son, at the maternity home of Mrs. G. C. Aiken in thia city. Threshing is on in full blast at the farm of J, D. Bauman and sons this tide of Lexington and the ield is turning out welL Visa Bern tee Cool is visiting for a short time with her parents, Mr. and Mra. H. E. Cool, at Athlone Cottage, near lone. C. E. Woodson departed for Port land on Saturday and has been ab sent during the week on business in the city. E. S. Ackerman, who publishes the lone Independent, was a vUitor at Heppner for a short tinn on Monday. An experienced threshing machine man desires work through harvest. Address W. S. George, Haines, Ore. Grain Bins for Sale, while they last. SOO-bu. bin, 26; 1000-bu. bin, $30. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.Heppner. W. B. Barratt and family departed on Sunday for St Maries, Idaho, where they will make a short visit. H. C. Gay and aon Walter were over from their homo near HermU ton for a short time yesterday. Cooking apples for sale. See J. W. Johnstone, next door to Claud Cox. south of depot. Elmer Griffiths, lone merchant, was doing business in thia city yesterday. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY. C. A. Low celebrated the 82d anni versary of hia birth July 12th last in company with a few intimate friends at hia home. After an appetis ing dinner waa partaken of a few social hours were pleasantly spent, the host receiving many wishes of fu ture felicity and returns of the day. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Lundell, Mr. and Mrs. Parkins, Mr. and Mrs. Lax ton McMurray, Dr. Walker, Jos. Howk and Nolan Page. Io.ie Independent. Give the little chicks a good start; Guy Huston, leading Eight Mi.e farmer, accompanied by Mrs, IIutor. was in Heppner a few nours on Wed- J ntday. Harvesting wiii scon be in ; ordtr at the Huston farm, and we ; presume, in order to make it mere j attractive during this season, as well f ai tc have some real er.tr ruir.rr.ent for the fami.'y throughout the entire year. Mr. Huston purchased an up right Cheney phonograph from Har wood's, and a supply of popular rec ords, which he loaded into the car and took home with him. A big feeder and derrick table for the thresher at the Andy Rood farm, rolled into town Wednesday evening and was taken out to the farm today. The attachment was purchased by Mr. Kood at Dayton, Hash., and pulled here by truck, Raymond Thornton go ing after it and leaving Dayton on last Friday. The attachment will ex pedite the handling of grain going in to the thresher. Game Warden Albee has on Us hands a pet fawn which he took over in the course of his official duties from Ed Potter, a resident of Wheel er county, who was making a pet of the animal in violation of law. Mr. Albee will hold the animal here awaiting instructions from the state game commission as to what to do with it. Mrs. M. B. Haines returned Wed nesday evening from Portland where she has been for several days at the Washington hotel with Mr. Haines, who has been there for medical Reduced Prices on STANDARD MAZDA LAMPS at Case Furniture Company MAKE 0. A. C. Your Next Goal Von have finished hit .! and, like all wide-awake grade att, arc looking tm calif. Th Stats of Oregon offers yea lh boit of training and a collegiate eYgrro in tho leading bunyiu prufcoMona, a fol low i Engineering, Agriculture, Com merce, Foiestry, Home Econom ics, Miiilary Science and Tactics, Minirig, Pharmacy, Vocational F-ductJun and Music Student lift at the Colloga It rich la opportunities for l4r htp and poraonal culture. FALL TERM OPENS SEl'TEMHEU 28, 1923 Far M.rm.llo. writ U THE KKCISTHAB Orrf oo Af rlrullural College Corr.llli ELKHORN RESTAURANT Come in and look over our new location in the Odd Fellows Building, where you will find one of the best equipped dining rooms in Eastern Ore gon. And when you have inspected the front, come back and take a look at our sanitary kitchen. You will be able to get quick service at our lunch counter. GOOD MEALS AND SERVICE AT POPULAR RATES ED. CHINN, Prop. WHAT EVERY SUCCESSFUL MAN KNOWS The man who has worked for his accumulations; the man with responsibilities of success, he knows the necessity and full value of established relations with a first class banking or ganization. Financing any business to success, whether it be mercan tile, industrial or agricultural, is a job which requires courage. But most important of all is to have an established credit and a friendly business relationship with bankers of proven ability; men of vision who know their own success can be only in pro portion to yours. No matter what your work may be you are striving for success. Start today to establish your credit. This bank can assist you. Carnegie's great fortune started in a small saving account while he was delivering telegrams as a tiny lad in Pittsburg. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank Heppner, Oregon w haT th BteMary chick ti. Alto for tho Ujing hoao bono aoal, ((g moker, grit mu4 ojstor oholt Poo plot Hardware Company. For Sale Two-man Docring com bine, without engine. Machine in good shape. Price Tery reasonable. Kbijt Terma. E. M. HULDEN, Bla ijek. Oregon. St USED CAR PARTS. VflhiTt just wrecked a Chevrolet 490. Han porta In excellent condi tion at bargain prices. HEPPNER GARAGE, tf. Weenllng plga for aale. Cleveland ranch. 4 miles east of Heppner on Willow creek. tf. FORD OWNERS. Wo have quite a supply of SOxSH used tires and tubes in good condi tion at price, -rom 60c up. HEPP NER GARAGE. Cash & Carry Store We will fill your Harvest Mail Orders Bring in your order and take your groceries home L. G. DRAKE, Prop. ODD FELLOWS BUILDING Thomson Bros. DRY GOODS, LADIES' and GENTS' FURNISHINGS, CLOTHING, SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Groceries We handle the best that money can buy, and the prices are right. Come in and let us figure with you. Thomson Bros. It's a Fact We are selling good Breakfast Bacon at 25c per pound Our own kettle-rendered Lard at 75c for 5 lbs. $1.50 for 10 lbs. PRICES ON ALL OUR MEATS IN PROPORTION The Place to Buy Your Harvest Meats CENTRAL MARKET G. B. SWAGGART The shop that cut prices without competition MEATS Save Money on Threshing Bills Make Your $ $ Count When Wheat Prices Are Low Wood Bros.' Individual Hummingbird Thresher Operated with the Fordson Tractor will thresh your grain better and cheaper than any other method. This outfit will take care of the cut of one header in the heaviest grain with a total crew of seven men and when the harvest is over the Fordson will serve you at other farm work all through the year. There is no dead investment in the Fordson. It will work and earn money for you every day in the year. Com in and let us quote prices and show you this outfit and the many bonafide testimonials from those who have used it. Latourell Auto Co. Authorized Ford and Fordson Sales and Service HEPPNER AND BOARDMAN THE PEOPLES CASH MARKET carries a full stock of the finest fresh and cured meats. Special effort is made to give you just what you want and you are assured that it is the best the market af fords. Nice stock of lunch meats boiled ham, minced ham, bolonga, corned beef, etc. Come in and look over our sanitary market. Peoples Cash Market HENRY SCHWARZ, Prop. Phone 752 I RUN MY OWN DELIVERY AND ASSURE YOU PROMPT SERVICE L. MONTERESTELLI Marble and Granite Works PENDLETON, OREGON Fine Monument and Cemetery Work All parties interested in getting work in my line should get my prices and estimates before placing their orders All Work Guaranteed G.-T. Printing Is Known For Its Good Quality Watch What Happens! Lubricate your automobile with Zerolene, which costs about half what you pay for many other oils, and watch what happens. First, you find that your gasoline bills are lower. Repeated tests have demonstrated that, other factors being equal, the car lubricated with Zerolene makes about 5S better gasoline mileage than cars lubricated with other oils. Second, your car goes from 15? to 50S farther before you need to grind valves or remove car bon. This fact, too, is fully substantiated by numerous tests. Insist on Zerolene even if it does cost les? STAND ABD OIL COMPANY (California) 30 ky CARBON 5 mmmdint milcagt IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllltlli: A. M. EDWARDS WELL DRILLER, Box 14, Lexington, Ore. Up-to-date traction drilling outfit, equipped for all sizes of hole and depths. Writs for contract and terms. Can furnish you CHALLENGE SELF-OILING WINDMILL all steel. Light Running, Simple, Strong, Durable. Star Theater Thursday and Friday, July 26th and 27th HOUSE PETERS in , "LOST AND FOUND" A Story of the South Sea Islands "Our Gang" in "YOUNG SHERLOCK" Eleventh Episode of "SPEED" Saturday, July 28th MABEL BALLIN in "VANITY FAIR" By Thackeray Snub Pollard in "COURTSHIP OF MILES SANDWICH" Sunday and Monday, July 29th and 30th WANDA HAWLEY and MILTON SILLS in "BURNING SANDS" "A Man's Answer to 'The Sheik'." Hiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiimiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiii?