I CLOC' The Gazette-Times PUBLISHED WEEKLY AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF MORROW COUNTY Volume 19, Number 15. HEPPNER, OREGON, TH URSDAY, JULY 19, 1923. Subscription $2.00 Per Year 1 KILLED John Hubbard Loses Life Near Messner Sat urday Morning ASLEEP ON TRACK Three Young Fellows, Tired and Hungry, Stop to Rest; Two Lay on Ralls John Hubbard, aged about 24 years, was Instantly killed by being struck by the engine of train No. 23 on the main line about a mile and a half east of Meaaner, early Saturday morning. At the coroner's inquest held at Ar lington, where the body was taken by the train crew, conducted by Coroner Case of this city, it developed that young Hubbard was a native of Can ada, his home being at Rockville, west of Montreal, where hla mother resides. In company with two other young men, he was making his way west, hoping to get back to Kalama, Wash., where he and another of the com pany had formerly worked tn the paper mills, and had had good wages and good quarters In which to re side. Being taken with the wander lust, they had struck out for the in terior country and traveled as far as ; Idaho and Montana, and were on j the return, broke, and getting along j as best they could by tramping, and catching a ride once in a while. They had been working along in the night time, had but little to eat, their last meal consisting principally of raw potatoes, and when they reached the point above Messner, Hubbard and one companion sat down on the track and the other man went nearer the edge of the right of way, all three, because of their fatigue, soon going to sleep. The approach of the train wakened Hubbard's companion on the track and he tried to arouse him and evidently had lifted him to a stand ing position when the engine struck him and he was knocked from the track. His legs were broken at the ankles and at the thigh, his chest crushed, his neck broken and the skull crushed at the base of the brain, death being instantaneous. The engineer, who stated that the train at the time was making a speed of about 60 miles per hour, saw the mn and thought that both of them had been struck. After bringing the train to a standstill 150 yards from the scene of the accident, it was backed up, the body taken on and left at Arlington, where, after the inquest, it was turfed on Sunday. Instruction had been received in answer to a tel egram pent to the young man's mo ther, to bury the body there. The young man at sleep away from the track knew nothing of the acci dent until he had been awakened and Informed that "Slim," as they called Hubbard, had been hit by the train and killed. MORROW PLTILS WIN PRIZES. Mrs. Lena S. Shurte, school super intendent, reports that Grace Louise Buschke of District No. 3 on Rhea creek, and Earling Thompson of Dis trict No. 10, Ella, were awarded cash p rites of $10 each for their essays written on the importance of care of the teeth, the prizes having been awarded by the state board of dental examiners from more than ten thous and contestants in the state. The state W. C. T. U. also offered prizes for essays and posters and Olive Young of Pine City 7th grade won a prize in the poster content and Mary Wattenberger of the 8th grade of the same school received honorable mention for her essay on the evils of the use of tobacco, and It was requested that the essay be read at the teachers' nstitute this fall. As there is to be no institute, Mrs. Shurte hopes to be able to get the essay printed in the county pa pers. KILLED BY TRAIN. Charles Allinger received word Monday that his brother Fred had been killed the night before at Wav erlcy station, near Portland, and im mediately left for the scene of the accident. The Portland papers ftate that Mr. Allinger was aged and practically deaf and failed to hear the warning whistle of the train while he was walking on the railroad track. lone Independent. In conversation last Sunday with Charles O. Conner, who farmi ex tensively In the Olex neighborhood, he said that after a survey of the wheat )n the southeastern sections of the county, he was of the opniion that the late rains did far more good than they did harm. lone Independent. THE CHURCH OF CHRIST. July 22, 1923. The two groat mistake that the American people are making Is ab senting themselves from the ballot box, and from the church. These are the two levers that remove stum bling blocks to real civilization. Here is the opportunity that we offer you for spiritual help Sunday: Bible school 9:45 a, m followed by preach ing and communion at 11 o'clock. Themo of the morning sermon is "Lost in the Church." The Christian Endeavor meeting at 7 o'clock, and the song service and preaching nt 8 o'clock. The theme of the evening sermon will be "The Real Secret of Happiness." Our church building is the coolest place in town; you are invited to enjoy the services with us. LIVINGSTONE. LEXINGTON HAS RESTAURANT, Victor Knight In preparing to open up a restaurant and short order house at Loxington. The restaurnnt will be located in the Carty hotel buldlng, and Mr. Knight expects to be ready to serve the public of Lex ington and vicinity by the first of the coming week. An eating house of this sort is something that Lexing ton has needed for some time. High School Teacher Is Injured in Eugene Mias Janet Fraaler In Serious Condi tlon as Result of Automobile Accident Tneaday The following news taken from Wednesday morning's Oregonian eomes as a severe shock to the many Heppner friends of Miss Janet Fra sfer, popular high school teacher here last year, and who was rehired for the coming school year; Eugene, Or., July 17. (Special.) Miss Janet Frasier, 22, daughter of Mrs. E. J. Frasier of this city and a former student of the University of Oregon, sustanied severe injuries when an automobile in which she was riding and which was driven by Mrs. M. S. Ady, Eugene police matron. struck an electric light pole in the eastern end of the city this morning. Miss Frasier was thrown against the windshield of the car which broke, severed her jugular vein and cut deep gashes in her scalp. Although suf fering from great loss of blood she has a chance to recover, according to the attending physicians. The physicians declared that death soon after the accident occurred was prevented when Mrs. F. W. Gilstrap an occupant of the car, grasped Miss Frasier's neck and checked the flow of blood. Other members of the party who were on their way up the river for a picnic, were Mrs. Frasier, the girl's mother, and Mrs. Martin Svarverud. Mrs. Ady, the driver of the car, is prostrated. Some Damage Caused by Grasshoppers Here Grasshoppers are causing consider able damage in Morrow county this summer, mostly on second cutting of alfalfa and on some of the spring grain. The best method of control for these pests is the spreading of poisoned bran bait made up as fol lows: 26 pounds of coarse bran mix ed thoroughly with one pound of white arsenic or Paris Green, two quarts of low grade molasses, two gallons of water, one pound of salt, one ounce of anise oil or six finely chopped lemons or oranges, mix the above and add to the bran and ar senic mixture. This should be mix ed well and then be spread broadcast very thinly at the rate of five to ten pounds per acre being careful not to let any of the bait be put out In chunks. The best time to spread grasshopper poison is from about nine to eleven o'clock in the morning as the grasshoppers do the most of their feeding between 9:30 and 1 p. m. The poison is a slow acting one on grasshoppers and It usually takes from two to four days after the hop pers take the bait for the result of the poison to become apparent. How ever, hoppers do no feeding after tak ing the bait. The mash is a deadly poison and should be kept away from all children and farm animals. As the hoppers are moving in from the hills to the fields it will proba bly be necessary to keep poisoning every few days as long as they are coming in as the grasshoppers do not readilly take the bait after it has dtied out. ROGER W. MORSE, County Agent. SISTER DIES AT MEDFORD. Mrs. Charles Swendig and Mrs. Er nest Starkey received word here last Thursday of the death at Medford, Oregon, of their sister, Mrs. Nannie D. Hull. Mrs. Hull was suddenly stricken with heart disease and died in a very few minutes. She was aged 44 years and leaves one son, Harold, of San Francisco, a brother Lyle V. Douglas of Portland, and her two sis ters residing here. At the time of her death she was also survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Doug las of Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Star key and daughter and Mrs. Swendig departed from Heppner by auto to at tend the funeral of Mrs. Hull, which occurred at Medford on Sunday. The mother, Mrs. Douglas, who was an in valid and bedfast at the time her daughter died, passed away on Tues day morning, following the burial of her daughter. Mrs. Swendig and Mrs. Starkey had remained at Medford, ex pecting to bring their mother here to care for her, and Mr. Starkey and daughter left Medford early Monday morning, arriving at Heppner Tues day evening, finding a telegram awaiting him here that Mrs. Douglas had died. Mrs. Swendig and Mrs. Starkey are expected to arrive home in a few days. LEXINGTON CHURCH OF CHRIST. We are back from the Turner con vention and at our post of duty again. This is indeed a very busy season, but let us not rob God of His share of our time. If we appre ciate the bountiful harvest let us show it by respect to the Lord's Day and services. The Bible School at 10 and the morning worship at 11 are deserving of our time and presence. Also the evening service at 8. Come let us fellowship together in a profit able day next Sunday. E. A. PALMER. LAMBS TO OMAHA. Seven double-deck cars of fat lambs left the Heppner yards this morning billed to Omaha. The shipment was made by Klink & Taylor who have been buying lambs in this vicinity for some time and it was a fine bunch of stuff. "There la more wool unsold than the public Imagines," says Jnmes Carty of Lexington, Or., at the lin perial. "Some of the best wool in the country is still in the hands of the growers. Of course, much wool has been bought and fleeces have been picked up here and there, hut it is surprising the amount still on hand." Mr, Carty has been in the sheep bus IneHs many years. He owns Juniper canyon, using it as a sheep range, This Is the canyon that is intended as a reservoir to Impound the waters of the John Day river some time when a great irrigation project is launched. Mr. Carty, however, is of the opinion that his canyon will be used for a range for a great many years to come, Oregonian. IT MAY BE A GOOD IDEA, BARNEY.-BUT WHAT ARE WE TO" DO WITH THIS PERFECTLY GOOD FOUNDATION? . ri CECIL NEWS ITEMS The low price of wheat may have caused the birds of the air to dis agree and to send a delegation to parts unknown to investigate mat ters. We presume in sympathy with the wheat men and in search of wheat worth eating at a higher fig ure, is the reason of three wild geese passnig over Cecil on Tuesday, July 10, and four more passing over on Wednesday, July 11. Messrs E. W. Ericksen of Grass Valley and Ab Miller of Heppner. also Misses Bernice Githens and Thelma Miller of Heppner and Mild red Hennksen of Strawberry ranch were the guests of Mrs, Jack Hynd of Butterby Flats on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Van Schoiack and family made a short stay on Sunday at The Last Camp on their return from Cottage Grove where; they Bpent their vacation before starting harvest on their ranch at Balm Fork. Mr- H V TvW of Rh KMIn was visiting Mrs, Jack Hynd at But terby Flats on Monday, also meeting Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Franklin who were the guests of Mrs. Hynd during their slay in cecn while caning on tneir friends. Heat registered in the shade at Ce cil store Friday, July 13, 102 degrees at noon. A heavy sand and wind storm visited Cecil about 7:30 p. m. Bame day. Saturday, July 14, at noon heat 104 in the shade. Misses Doris Logan of Heppner and Ester Logan of lone were the guests of Miss Georgia Summers at The Last Camp for a few days before leaving for their respective homes on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Barnard and daughter Miss Loye of Lexington and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. franklin of Mil ton were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Lowe at Cecil on Sun day. Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Lundell and family accompanied by Misses Elsie Huff of Portland and Blanche Gro shens of Heppner were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lindstrom at their home near lone on Wednesday. Jack Hynd returned to his farm on Thursday after touring around the county for a week with his daughter. Miss Annie, who has stayed over in Ukiah at Hynd Bros, ranch The Pines. Mr. and Mrs. Weber who have been visiting with their daughter, Mrs. Geo. Henriksen at Strawberry ranch for some time left on Wednesday for their home in Canby. Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Logan and son Gene of The Willows and friend Sydney Willmott of Portland were visiting with Mr. and Mtb. H. J. Streeter on Friday. Oscar Chandler of Willow Creek ranch left Saturday with his Ford son tractor for the harvest fields near lone where he will work during harvest. Miss Olive Logan of Portland re turned from Heppner on Saturday and ppent the week-end with Mrs. Weltha Combest at Cecil. Misses Annie C. Lowe and Violet Hynd accompanied by Mrs. Alfred Shaw were calling on their friends in lone on Monday. Krebs Bros, and their men left Ce cil on Wednesday for their ranch above Heppner and are busy putting up their hay. R. Ralcomb the genial postmaster of Morgan was calling on W. H. ('handler at Willow Creek rnnch on Wednesday. J. W. Osborn, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Streeter of Cecil were taking In the slghtB of the county seat on Friday. Geo. Henriksen of Strawberry ranch left on Monday for Portland where he will visit for a few days. MIhs Elsio Huff of Portland Is spending her vacation with her sis ter Mrs. Oral Henriksen at Ewing. Mrs, J. E. Crabtree and son of Dotheboys Hill wero visiting with Mrs. H. J, Streeter on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Henriksen and daughters of Ewing were visiting in Heppner on Monday. E. H. Ha'bison, grain buyer of Morgan was doing business in Cecil on Saturday. Mr. Shernrd and family of The Willows were calling in Cecil on bunday. Points Out Need to Stop, Look, Listen Railroad Posters Show Grade Cross ing Accidents Due to Driver's Heedlessness. Eugene Register. The Southern Pacific company Is displaying in garages and in other places where it may be seen by mo torists a poster that is graphic and striking in the extreme. It depicts two automobiles one dashing reck lessly in front of a speeding train and the other standing sanely at a safe distance from the crossing. One driver is rushing his passengers to a sudden death; the other is saving them for long and useful lives. The poster bears the slogan: "Cross Cross ings Cautiously," and displays these gruesome figures: "in five years 9101 killed; 24,208 injured." The poster is supplemented by sta tistics gathered by the Southern Pa cific company on its own lines. In the past five years there have been 3708 crossing accidents on Southern Pacific tracks, resulting in 261 deaths and 1237 injuries. Of these 3708 accidents, 1870, slightly more than half, resulted when drivers ran in front of trains. That in itself is a pretty fair indication of carelessness cut it is not all. In the five years covered by the figures quoted, 906 drivers ran actually into the side of moving trains at crossings, 119 skid ded into trains, 283 ran into lowered crossing gates and 28 ran down flag men who were in the act of warning them of approaching trains. Running in front of approaching trains may result in two ways. The driver's time may be bo precious, or he may think it so precious, that he cannot spare enough of it to wait for the train to pass and bo he en dangers his life and the lives of his passengers by an effort to beat the engine over the crossing. Or the accident may be the result of inat tention, the driver simply failing to see the approaching train. For the accidents resulting when cars crash into the side of moving trains, or skid into trains, or smash into lowered crossing gates, or run down crossing watchmen there can be but one explanation the driver is so criminally heedless of the respon sibilities resting on him as the oper ator of a motor vehicle as to ap proach danger-laden crossings with out even seeing the road ahead of him. The lesson inherent in these fig ures is as obvious as the pun on a clear day. It is this: When ap proaching railroad crossings, stop, look and listen. The time of drivers of automobiles may be precious, but very, very seldom indeed is it pre cious enough to risk a frightful death under the grinding wheels of a locomotive in a mad attempt to save a few seconds of it. APRICOTS RIPE BY JULY 20. T. S. Coffey of The Dalles, who carried an ad in this paper last week announcing that he would have apri cots ready for shipment by the 16th, writes us to say that he missed his calculations slightly, and picking will begin the 20th. He states that in re sponse to that .little advertisement, he has received a rush of orders from here and people may be worried on account of not receiving a response sooner. These orders will now be filled just as soon as possible, as Mr. Coffey did not desire to ship fruit before it was matured. NeU M. Johnson, farmer and Rtock man of Gooseberry, is doing business in this city today. MOUNTAIN RANCH FOR SALE. 1160 acres timber land, 27 miles south of Heppner. Grass more than pays taxes. About 27 acres in culti vation. Two creeks run through place. Good house and barn; lots of good timber fine for milling purposes. Wood selling $5 a cord at stump. Good road, One treo an acre cut in cord wood will pay $11 an aero for place besides cutting. Half down, reasonable terms on balance. No in cumbrance. Only one pull to Hepp ner; highway part of way. For fur ther information address Addio and Stacy Roberta, Heppner, Oregon, tf. I own sevoral choice irrigated tracts in Bonrdman district. W sell on terms, on crop payment or will rent. Geo. C. Howard, 1115 N W, Bank, Portland. LOCAL ENS ITEMS Ralph Thompson, who was in the city Monday, states that while it has been bis luck to have every cutting of hi h&y thoroughly wet this sea son, yet he thinks but little real dam age has been done. Being an old timer in Morrow county, Mr. Thomp son cannot recall a season when we have had as much rain as this one, and that is the tstimony of many ether old-time residents. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman of San ' Francisco were at the millinery store of Mrs. L, G. Herren on Friday and Saturday last with a display of ladies dresses and other garments that at tracted the attention of the ladies of the city. They expect to be here apriin in September, and in the mean niepMr, Herren is prepared to take orders for any of the garments de sired by her customers. j Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Patterson, who have been absent from Heppner for ' several weeks, are now at Pasadena. Calif., and Mr. Patterson is negotiat-' ing for a drug store business there. He hopes to put the deal across, in which event they expect to become permanent residents of the Southern California city. Pete Hughes met with quite a ser ious accident at his home near the depot on Sunday. While fixing a tire on his motorcycle and using acid on the same there was an explosion that nearly blew his eyes out and has caused him considerable pain and suffering. E. R. Jackman, of O. A. C, has been in the county the past week, working with County Agent Morse in certifying wheat. Work was comple ted Monday in the fields and Mr. Morse estimates that some 3000 acres have been certified, though the checking has not yet been completed. O. J. Cox, who was in the city yes terday from Lexington, states that harvesting of grain is getting well under way and will be general over that part of the wheat belt within a few days. As yet there is no data on the yield but this will be given out in a few more days. Mrs. Elsie Stevenson, who was vis iting at the home of her daughter In The Dalles, was taken ill with appendicitis and on Wednesday of last week was taken to the hospital there for an operation. She is re ported to be getting along well. The Farmers Elevator Co., of Jor dan Siding are erecting a big wheat j platform, made necessary by the ' large yield of grain tributary to that, station. The material for the plat form is being furnished from the lumber yards of Martin Reid. Oscar Keithley, Eight Mile wheat raiser, states that he will be In the midst of his grain harvest about August 1. Grain is maturing well and will be plump, thanks to the abund ant moisture. Mr. Keithley was in town Tuesday. W. Y. Ball and Stephen Irwin, two of the clerks in Minor and company store are otf on their vacations. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin have gone to Yakima, Wach., while Mr, Ball has not yet de cided just where he will spend his acntion. Frank S. Parker has taken over the lease on the Dutton place adjoining his farm and will harvest the crop there this season, The wheat on this place promises to turn out well and is rapidly reaching the stage of ma turity. Andy Hayes left for Pendleton the first of the week where he will have a position in the commissary depart ment of the contractors on the Mc Kay creek irrigation project. Work on this big system is now under way. Mrs, Mattie Adkins returned home on Friday from a visit of several weeks with her son Cyril and his fam ily at Emmet t, Idaho. She expects to leave soon for a visit with re latives at Portland and The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Cohn and daugh ter Elinor will leave the end of the week for Portland. After a visit of a few days In the city, the ladies wilt go on to Rockaway to spend the summer at the beach. Mrs. R. B. Wilcox of Lexington was a pleasant caller at this office while in the city on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Wilcox are funning the Jos. Eskelson place west of Lexington, formerly owned by them. Fred Elder and family, who have been living in southern California, Fire Takes 300 Acres of Weatherford Grab Low to Arlington Man Covered by Insurance of $25 an Acre; Yielding S5 Bushels Fire destroyed about 300 acres of wheat belonging to Mark Weather ford on Shuttler Flat Monday after noon. G. S. Smith and son Delmar and Carl Henderson, of Arlington, were driving along the road and saw the fire just starting in a pile of straw that had been dropped by Mr. Weath erford's combine which was working in the field. The Arlington men stopped their car and rushed into the field hoping to stamp out the fire before it reached the wheat. They could not, however, and soon a trail of fire was leaping in a Southwesterly direction across the wheatfield which contained a section of land. The crew from the harvester stopped the ma chine and also ran to fight the fire. Soon neighboring farmers began to arrive to lend their aid. All the har vest crews for miles around came to offer assistance. Plows were put into service to stop the flames. All efforts to Btop the onward progress of the conflagration proved useless, but it was held from spreading laterally. The fire swept diagonally through the field commencing at the north east comer of the section near the Mark Weatherford house and ending near the J. H. Bottimiller house. When it started, the path of des truction was only 60 yards wide, but by the time it ended it had become a half mile wide, containing an area of about 300 acres. A fortunate silver lining to the black cloud of bad luck lies in the fact that Mr. Weatherford had the field of wheat insured at $25 an acre. It was harvesting 37 bushels an acre in the few outside swaths that had been cut around the field. The origin of the fire is a mystery. It started early in the afternoon and had burned across the field and was all put out in an hour's time. A strong northeast breeze was blowing. Per haps 100 men had collected on the scene by the time the fire was ex tinguished. Many came later. Arling ton Bulletin. Delegates and Guard Team Off for Union Delegates from Maple Circle, Neighbors of Woodcraft departed this morning for Union, where they will attend the district convention of the order being held there on Friday and Saturday. Those representing Maple Circle are Rosa Richardson, Cora Crawford, Hattie Ferguson, Lu lu Herren and Hannah Briggs. The guard team of the Circle will also attend the convention and com pete in the drill work. These will be under the direction of Anna Boyd, district captain, and consists of the following: Hattie Ferguson, Ruth Hottman, Lena Stapleton, Bernice Coole, Nora Doherty Iva Robinett, Lilly Fell. The delegates and some of the guards left for Union by train, while the others will travel to the convention city by auto. Mike Curan departed for Trout Lake, Wash,, where he will spend a well earned vacation of a week or ten days. He expects to land a lot of big fish at the lake, which is fam ed for the speckled beauties. Married At the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Lizzie Cox in this city, on Monday, July 16, 1923, occurred the marriage of Miss Alice Gertrude Cox of Heppner to Mr. Raw ley M. Metcalf of Portland, Rev. W. O. Livingstone, officiating. have returned to Oregon and are now residing at The Dalles, where Mr. Elder will engage in the barber bus iness. Mrs. William V. Crawford arrived from Portland on Sunday afternoon and on Tuesday morning assumed her former position as bookkeeper in the Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank, taking the place of Miss Mar garet Brown, who has gone to her home at Prairie City, Oregon, and will undergo an operation for appen dicitis, expecting to resume her place in the bank later on. Rev. W. O. Livingstone arrived home on Friday from Turner, Oregon, where he attended the annual con vention of the Christian church held there. Mrs. Livingstone and Miss Lois went on to Friday Harbor, Wn., where Mrs. Livingstone will assist in a meeting being held there by Evan gelist Ted Leavitt. Grandma Crawford and Grandma Parker leave Saturday morning for La Grande and Joseph. Mrs. Parker will visit with some relatives living at La Grande and Cove, while Mrs. Crawford goes on to Joseph for a visit of a few weeks with the family of her baby boy, O, G. Crawford. WT. P, Mahoney and family and Mrs. K. K. Mahoney who have been absent for the past ten days or more on a visit to Bonners Ferry, Idaho, and Spokane, Washington, arrived home late last evening. Charles Corder and family, who have been visiting for the past ten days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Aiken in this city, returned on Sunday to their home at Portland. Mr. and Mrs. George Moore are at Ritter springs, where they expect to spend a month in hopes that the treatments will be beneficial to Mr. Moore's health. Clyde Witcraft, who has been liv ing for several months in Lane coun ty, returned this week to Heppner and expects to spend the summer here. Mm. Albert Adkins left on Friday for her former home at Gresham. where she expects to spend several weeks visiting with her parents. Peter Curran haB gone to Galena, Oregon, for the summer to look after some of the bands of John Kilkenny in the capacity of camp tender. Wesley Felch, young farmer of the Lexington section, was a visitor in this city on Monday, Feter Prophet returned Friday trom a business trip to The Dalles, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Minor of lone are visiting in Heppner today, Held at County Jail for Theft of Auto Tire Cecil Ledgett is being held at the county jail here in default of $500 bail, fixed by Judge Cornett. Led gett, who gives bis address as Pen dleton, is charged with the theft of an auto tire from the ranch of Hynd Brothers in Sand Hollow. Accompanied by three other young men, Ledgett was passing the Hynd ranch, evidently on his way to Hepp ner. A tire giving out on them, they went to the ranch bouse and inquired if they could get a spare tire there. Miss Hynd being alone at the house told them to see the boys at work in the hay field. The visitors also asked if she would put up a lunch for them, and while doing this, Ledgett, so it is stated, went to the garage and help ed himself to the spare tire and rim on the back of the Hynd ear. He was noticed by Miss Hynd as he went up to the road with the tire, and she went to the phone and spread the alarm, notifying the officers at Hepp ner, and also calling Charley Hem rich and asking him to get the li cense number of the car. This Hem rich did and in the meantime Sher iff McDuffee traveled out on the road to meet the car. The men, however, seemed to change their minds about coming on to Heppner and instead turned off for Lexington. Deputy Sheriff Scott at that place was noti fied to be looking out for the car, and when it arrived at that place he picked them up and brought them to Heppner. The guilty party seemed to be Ledgett, and he is held for the grand jury, following the preliminary hearing in the court of Justice Cor nett. Colorado Beetle Causes Damage to Potatoes The Colorado potato beetle or com mon potato bug which appeared in Morrow county two or three years ago is doing considerable damage to the potato fields this year. These in sects have lived through the winter in the soil as the striped adult beetle. Early in the spring as the potatoes are sprouting and coming up they emerge and feed upon the tender tip of the young plant. In a few days they begin to deposit eggs on the under side of the leaf, these eggs hatching and the larvae, slug-like, are reddish in color and also attack the leaves of the plant. When they have matured they tunnel into the soil and change again to adult bee tles. There is usually two genera tions of these beetles through the summer. The beetles may be con trolled by the use of poison spray of either lead arsenate or calcium ar senate mixed at the rate of two or three pounds to fifty gallons of wa ter. Paris green may be used at the rate of one and a half pounds to fifty gallons of water but the arsenic sprays are preferable as there is danger of burning the plant by the use of Paris green. ROGER W. MORSE, County Agent. FOOD PRICES AND FARMER. The price of food, according to the Department of Labor, averages 42 per cent higher now than it did in 1913. The Department of Agriculture re ports, however, that the farmer is re ceiving less for the staples like wheat corn, barley, hay and livestock than he did in 1913. What causes the dif ference? Higher wages in every line except farming account for the discrepency. Miners, steel workers, railroad men, labor in packing, milling and canning plants, all are receiving more money with the result that the cost of trans porting and transforming the farm output into finished products has greatly increased. These increased wages are' a distinct economic bene fit except to the farmer. The size of his compensation is fixed by the price his surplus brings on the world market. The world market is low, hence the farmer gets less for his work than he did in 1913. The situation can be remedied in two ways: An effort can be made to lift the world market price by im proving world conditions, or the Am erican farmer can reduce his output, thereby forcing the price up. His chances of improving world condi tions are microscopic, but he can re duce his output. In fact, he is almost compelled to produce less. He is doing it. He is cutting down. Pretty soon food prices will go up. When they do, don't howl. On the contrary, be thankful that for the last three years the farmer has been working for you for less than nothing. He is entitled at least to the wage of a day laborer. Sunset. All, All Alone. "Ah, I wish I could find some place where I could be cut off entirely I from this world." "Try a telephone booth." Rasper (Stockholm.) Both ni the Swim. "My daughter sprang from a line of peers," said a proud father. "Well," said her suitor, "I once jumped off a dock myself. Every body's Magazine. Take It as He Pleased. The irate customer shook his por trait in the photographer's face. "Do I look like this picture? The thing's an outrage! Why, you've giv en me an awful squint and the look of a prize-fighting bully. Now an swer me, and no nonsense about it! Do you call that a good likeness?" The photographer scanned the print, then looked at the customer. "The answer," he said, "is fn the negative." And the customer went away with a look of deep thought on his face. Life. FEDERATED CHURCH. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Sermon, 11 a. m.; 7;45 p. m. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. There will be snrcial music a era in Sunday at both morning and evening services. A young man studying fo the ministry will till the pulpit Sun day night, you will enjoy his mes nage. tome and worship with us. J. R. L. HASI.AM, Pastor. To Trade I have a 2S inch Case separator and a 20-40 engine to trade for a truck of not less than 2 12 tons capacity. J. II. PADBEltO, Heppner. j FARM BUREAU CHIEF FflU HI QUITS Resignation of George Mansfield Accepted by Federation REORGANIZATION UP General Meeting of Directorate Is Called for July 23 to Work Out Programme (Wednesday's Oregonian.) Announcement of the resignation of George Mansfield, president of the Oregon Farm Bureau federation, and of the acceptance, were made yester day by the members of the executive committee of the bureau. Plans for a complete reorganization of the bu reau have been made, and a eall has been issued by the executive body for a general meeting of the directorate July 23, to work out the definite pro gramme. Mr. Mansfield's resignation, accord ing to the statement issued by the executive committee, was occasioned by the inability of the president to devote to his office the time which ha felt that it required. There is no breach of harmony in the bureau on this point, it is declared, and posi Mr. Mansfield, who has held the posi tion for the past three years, retires from active charge, he will continue to be identified with the work of the organization. For some time a plan for the re organization of the farm bureau has been under way. 3. F. Burton, a member of the executive committee. of the American farm bureau, is in the city aiding with the work, which involves some measures declared to be revolutionary in the conduct of the bureau's work. Co-operation with the business men and co-ordination of effort to ward the solution of the mutual agri cultural problem is the keynote of the new plan, which has obtained to a large degree the backing of the commercial interests. The farm bureau's finances during the past year have been the source of some difficulty because of the ad verse conditions which have affected the fanner. This is rapidly being worked out so that the bureau will be upon a functioning basis, the committee members declared. The Portland Chamber of Com merce has been aiding in the estab lishment of the farm bureau on a functioning basis, and through its co operation meetings in a number of the different communities have been held and more are planned as the means of educating both the busi ness Lien and the farmers in the work vhich is to be accomplished. "The new plan of co-operation is the logical thing," said E. E. Faville, head of the agricultural committee of the chamber. "Co-ordination of the activities of the business men and the farmer is the only way to solve their collective problems. The farmer will be able to stand on his own feet if he is shown how and given the chance. The farm bureau will ultimately bear the same rela tion to agriculture which chambers of commerce today bear to business." ,The call for the directors' meet ing included representatives from the farm bureaus in every county in the state where they are organized. It was issued over the signatures of L. G. Smith, Columbia county; H. H. Chindgren, Clackamas county; H. Lynch, Multnomah county; William Schulmerich, Washington county, and H. E. Kruger, Douglas county, the members of the executive committee. MRS. MURRAY DIES AT BEND. Word received here on Sunday an nounced the death at Bend, Oregon, on Tuesday, July 10, of Mrs. Mabel Owen Murray, formerly of this city and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Owen. We were not able to ascertain the cause of death, but her parents departed immediately for Bend, and word was received here this morning that the body would arrive here to night and the funeral will be held from the Federated church on to morrow afternoon at 2:30, Rev. J. R. L. Haslam officiating. Mrs. Murray was formerly Mrs. Ed Winters, and besides her parents and several sis ters, she is survived by her husband, Mr. Murray and two small children by her former husband. RODEO TRYOUTS SUNDAY. On next Sunday afternoon at the Rodeo grounds at Gentry fieid, there is to be a tryout of some 20 bucking horses, the performance to begin at 2:30. for which a charge of 25 cents admission will be made. The admis sion charges will go to the fund to pay the riders, and there is promise of pK-nty of excitement, a some of the animals are outlaws for which the country is being scoured. If you are looking for thrills you can get them at the tryout on Sunday af ternoon. FORMER HEPPNER BOY MARRIES. George W. Mills, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mills of Kamiah, Idaho, waa married on July 3, 1923, at Lew iston, to MUs Frances M. Laird, of that city, according to word received here by relatives this week. George is a native son of Heppner, and grad uated at the LewUton high school, later taking a business course, und his bride is aUu a graduate of the Lewi at on high school. Many friends of the young man here extend hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mm. Mills. PLANTING SEASONS NAMED. Four rather distinct planting sea sons fur the garden are recognized by the O. A. C. vegetable garden upecial ints for early hardy vegetable, for tender vegetables after disappearance winter crops, and in fall for fall, win ter, and spring marketing or u. The aim is to keep th ground buy for as much of the year an it can ha made profitable. Crop rotation In observed to economize production aitd combat diaeaae and insect Injury,