THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1923. PAGE THREE OCCtJ 1 lien Huschke ft. thut the big rain of Thursday and Friday last did lot of good to tlie grain crop in the Rhea creek section where he farms. Ilia prospects were greatly brighten ed for an increase in yield ai the grain will now be very plump be CHune of the Rottkinn raig. Mr. HuKchke wan in the city Monday and states that it will be the first of August before he will be ready for harvest. Many will be interested in knowing that Mrs. H. K. Warren was appoint ed chairman of the historic spot com mittee by the l'9rtland chapter of the Daughters of the American Revo lution, and was their representative at the Meacham pageant. Through the efforts of Mrs. Warren, Wells Springs will be marked as a spot of interent in relation to the Old Ore-; gon Trail. Hoard man Mirror. The rains of Tuesday afternoon and evening seemed to have fallen the heaviest in the Hardman and Eight Mile sections. Fears were ex pressed that there might have been a lot of hail, but so far at we have been able to learn, little or no hail fell and no damage is reported to crops from this source. The rain storm was quite heavy toward the west side of the county. John Adums was down from Hard man Monday to look aftw affairs of business in this city. That part of the county has received a very thor ough wetting down and as the most of the grain is later maturing up that way the crops have been great ly benefitted. Mr. Adams states that a bumper crop will be harvested in the south end of the county this sea son. Howard Anderson reports that the rain that came to the Eight Mile country the end of last week was certainly a soaker, and in some places the grain was borne down by the weight of the moisture. No perman ent damage is expected from this, however, Mr. Anderson was a vis itor in this city on Monday, Joe Devine states that he will be gin his harvest on next Monday, pro viding it remains dry. The rain of Tuesday evening did not strike his place to amount to anything. Grain throughout the north of Lexington section is now ripe and harvesting will be on in en an est there the com ing week. David A. Wlison returned on Sun day from Ritter. where he spent the 4th. He was accompanied home by Mrs. Wilson and their baby daughter who had been spending a few weeks visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elder. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Simonton of Alpine were visitors in Heppner Mon day. Harvest is already for the sickle out that way and the north end of the county received its due portion of the big rain that fell on Thursday and Friday last, Wm. Hendrix was in from Rhea creek Saturday, and reports that the big rain of last week caught him with his first cutting of alfalfa down and he expressed the fear that it miht be pretty badly damaged as result. Martin Rcid and family spent the three days of celebration at Meach am, where they saw President Hard ing and had a good time. They also spent a day visiting in Pendleton with a sistor of Mrs. Reid, residing there. Cecil Warner, extensive wheatrais er of Lexington was among the numerous residents of his vicinity in Heppner Saturday. Willis Ward, who is farming in the Iilackhorne section, was doing busi ness in this city on Saturday. Herb Olden, extensive wheutraiser of Fi.irv.ew, was a visitor in this city on Saturday. Earl Warner, Lexington grain rais er, whs doing business here on Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kellogg, of Rhea creek were Monday visitors in Heppner. FOR JULY SESSil County Court met In regular ses sion at the court house In Heppner, Oregon, on Thursday the 5th day of July, 1923, at 10 o'clock a. ni. with all officers present, when among oth ers the following proceedings were had, to-wit: The court took up the matter of the various claims against the county Bnd being fully advsied allowed, rejected or continued the same as per nota tions on the face of the cluim. Court ordered the transfer from Spl. 2 funds to the General Road fund the sum of $-13.19 same being the am ount formerly transferred from the General Road fund to take care of an overdraft on Spl. 2 fund. Court ordered the clerk to give no tice of cancellation of all uncalled for warrants issued prior to July 1, 1916, same to be cancelled if not called for in sixty days from July 1, 1923. Claims Allowed by Court. Umatilla County, insane $ G.00 C. B. Orai, sealer 13.K0 C. C. Chick, physician 10.00 S. Shaw, overseer 25.00 Daisy Becket, wid. pen 25.00 Sadie Morey, wid. pen 17.50 Hazel Logan, wid. pen 17.50 Rebecca Knight, wid. pen 40.00 Amy D. McFerrin, wid. pen. ... 17.50 Lydia Ritchie, wid. pen 17.50 P. J. Gordon, poor 25.00 Ida Fletcher, poor 15.00 Jesse Kirk, poor 30.00 Andy Cook, poor 30.00 Dick I-ahue, poor 25.00 A. E. Perry, watermaster 10. HI W. W .Smead, cur. ex 11.51 Paul McDuffee, salary G4.00 Dalton Add. Much. Co., ct. house 200.00 Red Cross, nurse 250.00 Heppner Herald, office 14.90 Glass-Prudhomme, office 9.58 Bushong Si Co., office 72.6!) A. L. Cornctt, just, ct 20.19 Ed Huston et al, jus. ct 12.00 Phil Brady et al, circuit ct 135.00 Lena Shurtc, supt lx.00 Heppner Elevator Co., ct. hse. 30.00 Thomson Bros., ct. hse 7.73 Heppner Lt. & W. Co., ct. hse. 73.90 Case Furn. Co., ct. hBe 1.75 Emanuel Hospital, poor 120.50 Mrs. M. Jordan, poor 23.59 Underwood Typewriter Co., house !5.00 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., cur. ex... 39.17 A. D. McMurdo, insane 5.00 L. D. Neill, watermaster...- 15.00 R. L. Henge, co. ct 10.00 L. P. Davidson, Co. ct 30.00 County Agent, Co. agent 225.00 Martin Reid, ct. hse 1.68 Gilliam St Bisbee, ct. hse 25.51 W. T. Campbell, co. ct 20.00 Geo. McDuffee, prohi 39.00 Howard Cooper Co., gen. road 2,01).",. 34 Ed Breslin, wood cont. 708.75 B. P. Stone, dog 10.50 U. S. Reclamation, West Ex.. 1,300.00 A. E. McFarland, West. Ex 9.00 C. E. Glasgow, West Ex 78.011 J. McCoy, mkt. road 130.00 Pyle St Grimes, mkt. road 21.00 Watt Shipp Co., mkt. road 33.98 Humphreys Drug Co., mkt. rd. 20.17 State Acci. Com., roads 109.10 Max Deweese, Spl. 2 20.91 Jack Avers, 17 . 21,72 Jay Uiatt, 17 43.89 Ed Breslin, gen 10.00 A. C. Ball. Spl. 14 35.94 W. A. MefTord, Spl. 2 49.41 W. L. McUaleD, gen 106.06 Eddie Chid.-ey, HUB 147.30 J. W. Kirschner, HUB 133.60 Carl Casun, HUB 67.65 II. McDuffee, HUB 97.30 W. (). Hayless, HUB 125.80 Heppner Machine Shop, HUB 7.90 Minor & Co., HUB 108.00 Howard Cooper Co., HUB 221.32 .1. H. Cox, HUB 14.50 licit Illeakman, HUB 22.50 Phelps Grocery Co., HUB 168.45 K. L. Harwood, HUB 3.50 W. P. Prophet, HUB 3.05 Peoples Hdw. Co., HUB 62.80 G. S. Smith, HHB 74.82 C. T. Hacker, HUB 11.66 E. E. Adkins, 3-5 15.00 G. W. Kirk, 20 8.80 I. Illeakman St Co., 20 10.40 A. Z. Barnard, Spl. 14 4.20 Bert Mason, Spl. 14 3.50 Standard Oil Co., Spl. 14 15.47 I'aul Balsiger, Spl. 14 2.86 Heppner Herald, gen 48.00 F. E. Parker, 19 134.25 Turn A Lum, HUB 61.05 Gilliam St Bisbee, HHB 67.05 Martin Reid, HHB 372.04 W. T. Campbell, gen 14.00 W. !,. Mcf'aleb, gen 26.62 C. E. Carlson, . 6281 F. S. Bank, various 656.37 Bank of lone, various 154.67 Arl. Nat. Bank, various 619.08 1st Nat. Bank, various ,142.6 RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE. Hall of Ruth Chapter No. 32, Or der of Eastern Star. Whereas, It has pleased our Heav enly Father to summon to his eternal home our esteemed brother, 8. W. Spencer, who was a charter member of Ruth Chapter No. 32, Order of Eastern Star, be it Resolved that we bow in humble submission to the will of the Omni potent and extend to the bereaved femily our heartfelt sympathy; tnat wc drape our Chirter in mourning for a period of thirty days in memory of our departed brother; that a copy of these resolutions te fpread on the n-niutes of the Chapetr, a eopy sent to the family and one to the press for publication. REBECCA E. PATTERSON, J. A. PATTERSON, FRANK GILLIAM, Committee. RESOLUTION'S OF CONDOLENCE. Whereas it has pleased God in His wisdom to call from his earthly labor To know how good a cigarette really can oe maao you must try a-y llSTRIKEiJ HIS word is the best bond that any honest business man can put up. We have given Goodyear our word that every customer who buys a Goodyear Tire from us will get real Goodyear Service. We are keeping our word and we are satisfying old cus tomers and winning new ones. A Condylar Sarvica Station Daatart wa tall and rwn mand thm now Coodyaar Cordt with tha bawled Alt Wtathar Traad and bock tham up with standard Coodyaar Sarvlca Heppner Garage "Western Mde for WrMcru Trnde" Wr ' iv SUCCESS BUILDING "IT ISN'T YOUR TOWN IT'S YOU" "If you want to live in the kind of a town, Like the kind of a town you like, You needn't slip your clothes in a grip And start on a longt, long hike. For you'll only find what you left hchind, For therre's nothing that's reallyl new; It's a knock at yourself when you knock your town, For it isn't your town it's you. "Real towns are not made by men that are afraid Lest somebody else gets ahead; When everybody works and nobody shirks You can raise a town from the dead. And if you make your personal stake, Your neighbor can make one, too; Your town will be what you want to sec; It isn't the town it's you." A modern hotel is any community's greatest asset, and evry community that has a good hotel should see to it that the hotel is given local sup- "ort Hotel Heppner, J. B. FISHER, Mgr. Charter No. 228. Reserve District No. 12. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE LEXINGTON STATE BANK At Lexinijlon in the State of Oregon at close of baslnesa Jane 30, 1923. RESOURCES Loans and discounts, including . rediscounts Bhown below, if any .- U. S. government securities owned, including those shown below, if any . Other bonds, warrants and securities including foreign government, state, municipal, cor poration, etc., including those shown below, if any Stocks, securities, claims, liens, judgments, etc. Furniture and fixtures ..... Real estate owned other than banking house Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers and trust companies designated and approved reserve agents of this bank. Total cash and due from banks, last item above $11,268.12 Interegt, taxes and expenses paid, less gross profits Other assets, if any " 1 $100,674.40 2,650.00 1,000.00 234.40 1,000.00 1,300.00 11,268.12 819.61 18.71 TOTAL $118,965.24 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $ 15.000.00 .Surplus fund 1,600.00 Undivided profits --..-$ 2,691.82 Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid- 3,511.43 DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than banks, subject to reserve: Individual deposits subject to check, including deposits due the State of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds 67,894.14 Demand certificates of deposit outstanding 47.12 Cashier's checks of this bank outstanding pay able on demand 154.94 Total of demand deposits, last three items above . 68,096.20 TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, subject to re serve and payable on demand or subject to notice: Time certificates of deposit outstanding 17,259.04 Notes and bills rediscounted including bonds or other securities sold under repurchase agreements with contingent liabilities 10,510.00 Hills payable with federal reserve bank or with other banks or trust companies - 15,000.00 United States government or other bonds bor rowed 1,600.00 TOTAL $118,965.24 STATE OF OREGON, County of Morrow, ss: I, W. O. Hill, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. O. HILL, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to be- fore me this 6th day of, July, B CORRECT Attest: SAMUEL E. NOTSON, W. G. SCOTT, (SEAL) Notary Public. J GEO. L. McMILLAN, My cnmmihMon expiies Dec. 23, Directors. n2:i. B CHARTER NO. 11007. RESERVE DISTRICT NO. 12. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank at Heppner in the State of Oregon, at the close of business on June 30, 1 ::.. . " RESOURCES Loans and discounts, including rediscounts, ac ceptances of other banks, and foreign bills of exchange or drafts sold with indorse ment of this bank (except those shown be low) $218740.73 Total loans $218 Overdrafts, unsecured I. S. Government securities owned: All other United States Government securities (including premiums, if any) 7 Oiher bonds, stocks securities, etc.: 8 Furniture and fixtures 2 Real estwte owned other than banking house 2 Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 17 Cash in vault and amount due from national banks Amount due from State banks, bankers, and trust compnnies in the United States (other than included above) Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank Total of last three items above 10,309.13 Miscellaneous cash items.. ,740.73 428.86 ,896.00 ,136.82 526.52 ,600.50 ,204.81 9,997.71 23.46 355.96 1,991.20 TOTAL -- $269.902.57 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $ Surplus fund Undivided profits Cashier's checks outstanding Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days): Individual deposits subject to check Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed) Total demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to reserve 167,660.15 Time deposits subject (o Reserve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more potiee, and postal savings): Certificates of deposit (other htan for money borrowed) Other timo deposits (savings accounts) Total of time deposits subject to reserve 22,595.45 Hills payable (including nil obligations repre sentng money borrowed other than redis counts Notes and bills rediscounted, including accept- -ances of other banks and foreign bills of ex change or drafts sold with indorsement of this bank 50,000.00 30.00 1.49 75.48 167,647.16 2.99 8.732.37 13,863.08 22,600.00 6,950.00 TOTAL $269,902.57 STATE OF OREGON, County of Morrow, rb: I, .1. W. Heymer, president of the above-named bank, do solemnly swenr that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. W. HEYMER, President. Subscribed and sworn to be fore mo this Nth day of July, V.m. JOS. J. NYS, (SEAL) Notary Public. My commsiwon expires June 8, H'27. CORUECT-Attost: J. G. THOMSON, J. I). FRENCH. EMMET COCHRAN, Directors. our brother Septimus W. Spencer, and Whereas brother Spencer, for many years, was a faithful and valued companion of Heppner Chapter No. 26, R, A. M , and It la fitting and right that we, his companions make prope acknowledgement of the e te-m in which he as held in the Chapter; Resolved, that while we humbly bow to the decree of the Great I Am, we are filled with sorrow at the de parture of our Companion, that we extend to the family and relatives of our Companion our deepeht sympathy n their hour of sorrow; that a copy of theHe resolutions be entered upon the minutes of the Chapter, a copy snt to the family and a ropy to The Gazette-Times for publication. FRANK GILLIAM, J. A. PATTERSON, THOS. B KEN'S AN'. Committee. N. A. Clark and family, who recent ly arrived at Bend from their old home at Newton, Illinois, were visit ing with friends here for several days the past week. They have returned to Bfrid where they expect to locate. Mr. Clark contemplates going into buKinexs in that eity. The Clark fam ily drove from Illinois to Bend in their car and had a very fine trip. While here they were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hemrich in Sand Hollow, .A , FT 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 a. This famous kotel on ke Colum bia River Highboy offers -you a delightful refreshing break in our journey. It is cool, beautiful. Its meals are excellent, its rooms su perb. Rotes are reasonable. Stop for a meal or overnight COLUMBIA Qorge Motel A M I LE WE ST OF Hood River Ore. 4& ifr arm rpresto ! A lighted match to the wick and your oil cookstove is instantly ready. It con centrates clean, steady heat directly on the cooking utensiL No coal or wood to lug, or ashes to shovel out a clean, cool kitchen free from dirt and smoke. To obtain best results, use Pearl Oil the clean-burning, uniform kero senescientifically refined and re refined by a special process. Pearl Oil is sold by dealers every where. For your own protection order by name Pearl Oil. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) PEARL (KEROSENE) HEAT AND LIGHT L j OIL STANDARD OIL COMPANY is the inspiring roar of Old Ocean and the charm of its many oeacnes wnere mose glonoui VACATION haunti are. It will be a great surprise and delight to lee the Tart improvements that hare been made to Insure the pleasure of visitors to North Beach Clatsop Beach Tillamook Beaches or Newport whera every ooocefvable form of restful health-giving recreation may be enjoyed. Ask our agent fox our "Outings In the Pacific Northwest" and Oregon Outdoors." They tell the whole story In word and picture. Then purchase a Round-Trip 8ummer Excursion Ticket via Union Pacific System which gives that wonderful trip through the Columbia RhtrGorge. Our agent will be gladtD arrange your itinerary and make your restrvatioo. C. DARBEE, Agent Heppner, Ore. WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent Portland. Oregon Pioneer Employment Co. With Two Big Offices PENDLETON AND PORTLAND Is prepared to handle the business of Eastern Oregon better than ever before Our Specialties Farms, Mills, Camps, Hotels, Oarages, Etc. WIRE RUSH ORDERS AT OCR XPBItIB Portlakd OsBee 14 If. Imld ft. 11S SS. WsM Only Employment Office in Eastern Oregon with Connection in Portland GARDEN TOOLS A complete line of tools for the handy man in home or garden. "Good work depends upon the tools" every man knows that. Spading Forks, Barrows, Rakes, Iloes, Watering Cans, Sycles, Lawn Mowers, Hose, Shovels, and our "Handy Kit." Peoples Hardware Co. Heppner Oregon s A F E T Y & 5 Recommendations PP$jNE of the best recom mendations you can KIRK BUS & TRANSFER COMPANY WM. M. KIKK, Proprietor Prompt and efficient service at all times, both day or night. Leave orders at Hotel Patrick or Phone Main 661. BAGGAGE : EXPRESS : FREIGHT COUNTRY TRIPS -:- GENERAL HAULING give to your prospec tive employer is your savings bank book showing regular de posits. One manager of a great business said: "I do not care what a man's capabilities may be, I will not give him a re sponsible position until he has demonstrated that he can save money regularly." Firt National Bank HKPPNTCR, OREGON