tte-Times PUBLISHED WEEKLY AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF MORROW COUNTY HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1923. Volume 19, Number 14. Subscription $2.00 Per Year The Gaze' Judge Cornett Kept Busy Past Week on Moon shine Charges SEVERAL ARE FINED Fourth of July Celebration Causes Carelessness In Displaying Booze; Officers Are on the Job Numeroua casea were heard before Judge Alex Cornett in Justice court during the week, many of them tha outgrowth of too free indulgence In moonshine and bootleg whiskey. Some of the casea were offenses com mitted during the celebration at Par kers Mill, where booxe flowed rather freely "in spots and put fights and disorderly conduct on the docket as charges for which the law violators were to be heard. Lee Philips plead guilty to charge of being drunk in a public place, and the judge thought his offense sufficient to call for a fine of $25, with coats asHessed at $8.60. His dis turbance was at Parkers Mill on July 5. Karl Saling, for possessing intoxi icating liquor, came before the judge on the 6th and he drew a fine of $25 and coatH at $2,50. Frits Rader was arrested at the Mill and brought to town, but plead ing the necessity of returning at once to the ranch to look after bum- ness, he was allowed to. go on his promise to appear in court later to receive his sentence. Jas. Wilkes and Raymond Thornton, who were caught by the sheriff were brought Into court charged with un lawful transportation of liquor. The liquor was taken from a car belong ing to F.d Adkins, and the sheriff con fiscated this vehicle, which is now in the possession of the circuit court. Upon coming before Judge Cornett, Thornton plend guilty and was given a fine of $250 and costs of $2.50. Wilkes had a hearing before the court, was adjudged guilty and fined court, was adjudged guilty and fined $100, with costs at $2.50. A keg con tainnig between five and eight gal Ions uf moonshine was taken from the car by the sheriff. Frank Howell of Hardman, was drunk at Parkers Milt and raising a disturbance; his hearing will Ibe on August 1st before Judge Cornett. Carl Ylander, who is a powder man with the road crew up Hinton creek, was tnken in charge for fighting; he was a little obstreperous when the sheriff servpd him with a warrant, not having yet sobered off, so when reaching the office of the justice at the court house the district attorney proceeded to swear out another war rant on the charge of being intoxi cated, and the judge gave him $26 and costs of $2.50 for this offense, and he begun to sober up. The fighting charge will be heard later. Alex Star, for disorderly conduct, drew a fine of $10 and $2.50 coats. Veterans Bureau Is Doing Good Work During the fiscal year just ended, the employment service of the United States Veterans' Bureau in Wash ington. Oregon, Idaho and Alaska de veloped many hundreds of employ ment opportunities, which made It possible to place in positions all but a few of the 955 disabled veterans who completed their training courses during this period. During the next six months 730 more injured ex-ser-vire men will finish training under the direction of the government and be ready to fill responsible positions in a variety of occupations. The job of putting this most im portant touch on the vocational re habilitation of injured war veterans of this district is being tackled with untiring seal, according to District Manager L. C. Jcsseph. Employers of the Pacific Northwest are urged to cooperate with the veteran's bu reau even more earnestly than in the past in this campaign of placing In employment rehabilitated ex-service people. The load of training comple tions Is now nt its height and quick action is necessary in order that hun dreds of war veterans of this district who are scheduled to complete their courses soon will be tnken care of. Employers should get in touch with the nearest office of the Veterans' Burenu located in Seattle, Portland, Spokane or noise. Chambers of Commerce of the larg est cities in the district and members of the West Coast Lumber associa tion are actively supporting the drive to stimulate employment of these men who have learned new occupa tions to replace the ones they lost because of war service. Governors of Washington, Oregon and Idnho re cently issued statements urging the people of these states to meet this Junt plea for employment. Heppner Odd Fellows Install New Officers At tho rejrulnr mtrtlng of Willow Lodge No. (Hi, I. O. O. F. It evening, tho following office were Inslnlled for tho enduing six months: N. C, Sherman Khaw, V. G. D. 0. Justus, Secretary A. M. Phelps, Treasurer J. L. Yengor, Warden Adam Knoblock, Conductor M. J. Devin, Chaplain J. C. Kirk, It. H. N. 0. Albert Ailklns, L. S. N, O. O. M. Scott, I(. 8. V. G. 0. W. Sperry, L. S. V 0., D. C. Our dane, Past Grand A, Z. Unrnnnl. NOTICE. As there has been a fence placed across tho county road on Freexeout mountnln, we hereby notify tho pub lic that we will not ailow livestock to make a trail over any of our lands In this district, owing to this fence, and will handle such stock na wilful tres pass. HYND BROTHERS CO., t. By David Hynd, Secretary, New Meat Market Is Open for Business Henry Swartx this week opened up the Peoples' Cash Market in the building next door to the Calmus blacksmith shop on Main street, and has been quite busy serving the pub lie of Heppner since. Before going Into this building it was quite thor oughly worked over and completely repainted and papered throughout, and under the charge of J. H. Cox a sanitary cold storage vault has been installed, where all meats are kept cool and fresh. In the rear of the shop Mr. Swartz will have his sau sage mill and rendering vats and withal the place is put in a neat and sanitary condition, in which manner the Peoples Cash Market is to be run. Mr. Swartz, who has been engaged in the meat business at Heppner more or less for a number of years past, states that he can promise the best the market affords all the time to his patrons, and It will be his desire to please. Just at present he is butcher ing at the Lexington slaughter house, but will arrange to do this work at home a little later. Vancouver, B. C. Will Have Official Meeting The International Northwest Law Enforcement Officials' meeting will be held at Vancouver, B. C, July 23-4-5-6, 1923, which will be attended by all law enforcement officials from the provinces of Alberta and British Col umbia and the states of Washington, Montana, Oregon, Idaho, Colorado, California, Utah, Nevada, Wyoming and the territory of Alaska. The meeting will be an international anti-crime conference for the discus sion of vital criminological matters that demand immediate attention, and to advise ways and means of install ing modern systems of combating crime. Instructive talks of interest to every man engaged in the investi gation of crime or the enforcement of law will be given by some of the most noted criminologists "and offi cials on criminal investigatoin, iden tification, procedure, and crime pre vention. There will also be great en tertainment features for all visitors and President Harding will be there the last day of the conference. District Attorney Notson and Sher iff McDuffee are planning to attend this conference, the former being one of the speakers on the program for the first day. CAPTAIN VISITS OLD HAUNTS. Back once more amid the scenes of his college days, Everett May, captain of the regular army and for mer football star of Oregon Agri cultural college, ia here spending a two months' leave from duty. He is stationed at Clemson college, South Carolina, as a military instructor, and is delighted with the south and the treatment he has been receiving there, "Next to Oregon I never saw a place that so completely pleased me as does South Carolina," he said yesterday. "I did not like to leave Vancouver, where I was stationed with the 60th infantry, but after I got acquainted around Clemson col lege I was not greatly displeased." Ten years ago Captain May was a well-known athlete at the Corvnllis institution. Particularly was he fear ed by players on the University of Oregon team. "Watch out for Ever ett May," or "Get May," they would say. After college graduation he be came graduate manager of the college athletic teams. Then when the war came he went to the Presidio at San Francisco and was commissioned a lieutenant. Assigned to the 91st div ision he commanded a company at Camp Lewis and in France. He will remain here several days longer, greeting old friends and comrades and then drive back to South Caro lina to prepare for his year's work at college. Oregonian. Captain May spent a few days in Heppner the past week, visiting nt the home of his sister, Mrs. Guy Boy er. He made the drive from South Carolina to Oregon in 13 days, and greatly enjoyed every bit of the trip. Tack Kept Them from .. Middle of the Road Four young women in knirkerbotk er and skirts, touring by Ford auto mobile from Oregon to the Yellow stone National park, were at the Coeur d' Alene hotel yesterday. They were Mrs. E. E. Clark, Miss Pauline Happold, Miss Odile Groshcns of Heppner, and Miss Creola Ailnms of Portland. "We were unable to atay in the road for 15 miles until we found a tack In a tire," aaid Mrs. Clark, who waa at the wheel. She removed the tack, cloacd the hole it made and waa on the way again and able to keep in the middle of the road, states the Spokcaman-Rcvicw of Monday, July '.Uh. Tho young women left Heppner about a week ago, and aeem to be pro gressing on their journey all right. FEDERATED CHUKdl. Sunday school, 9:46 a. m. Sermon, H a. m.( 7: 45 p. m. Chrtatlan Endeavor, 7 p. m. Choir practice, Friday 8 p. m. We invite any who aing to come help in the choir. The special music at our servicoa last Sunday waa greatly enjoyed by the splendid and iencea. There will be apecial muaie again next Sunday at both morning and evening services. The Indies missionary society meets In the church parlora Frldaj afternoon, 2:30. All ladies are In vlted. The Lord is blessing, come and be bleaaed. J. R. L. 11ASLAM. Paalor. ESTRAYED. From the barn of George Dykatra in Heppner, ono bay horae, about 6 yenra old, weight about 1150, brand ed EF on front shoulder; aome alight collar marks. Reward. W. I. FKI.CH Lexington, Oregon. 4t. (IJUVM.I.Ktt Iron gray mare, 2-year-old, invis ible brand, weight nhout 1100 pounds. Left my place on Eight Mile during March or 1st of April. Reward, tt HfWARD ANDERSON. CECIL ENS ITEMS Sunday, July 1, waa the hottest day of the season, heat registering 103 degrees in the shade at Cecil. Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday cooler and very windy. Thursday, July 5, cool all day, rained heavily all nijrht. Heavy showers occasionally during Friday, finished up at midnight with a tremendous downpour. Saturday fair but very cloudy. All harvest work at a standstill on all ranches in Cecil vicinity at least. We did expect "Wid" Palmateer of Windynook to have been the win ner of the fat men's race at lone on July 4th. Especially after allowing him to practice on the Cecil race track with Walter Pope as instructor for so many days in preparation for the big event. "Wid" retired from racing to start a game of Who Can Empty a Lunch Basket First. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Deos and family and Mr. and Mrs. Sherard and family from their ranches near The Wil lows were calling in Cecil on Wed nesday evening. Mr. Sherard, who has a fine radio installed at his ranch was quite delighted with the results of listening in on the president's speech, the big fight, etc., during Wednesday afternoon, July 4. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madden of Portland arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Logan nt The Willows on Sunday and have been busy during their short vacation vis iting all of their friends on Willow creek. Mrs. W. H. Chandler and youngest daughter Miss Laura left on Sunday for Lebanon where they will visit fori a few days. Mr. C. is too busy among his fine garden produce to go visit- j ing at present. Peter Bauernfiend left on Tue.sday . for Condon en route for Ritter Springs, so Cecil is now minus hor right hand man, while Pete ia enjoy ing his annual vacation, which we hope will benefit his health. Francis Nash, son of Peter Nash, of Shedd, Ore., accompanied by his cousin John Logan of Four Mile, had merry time on Sunday while on their journey of discovery around Cecil. Jack Hynd and daughters Misses Annie and Violet of Huterby Flats and T. H. Lowe of Cecil, accompanied by Robt. and Willie Hynd, sons of the late R. F. Hynd of Portland, were visiting in Arlington on Monday. Misses Mildred Henriksen, Violet -edford, Annie and Violet Hynd had the time of their lives on Saturday night escorting J. C. Kelsay to the big dunce held at Mr. Willey'a ranch. Leon Loc-an of Four Mile, Miss Olive Loi::in of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Logan of The Willows pent funday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 2,'onneth Logan at Boardman. Mrs. Coo and son arrived from Missouri on Thursday and will spend part of their holidays with Mrs. Coo's brother, Mr. Wade Crawford, nenr Cecil. linn Violet Ledford of Canby has hnen visiting1 at Strawberry ranch, the home of Mrs, Geo. Henriksen, was nice J. C. Kelsay of Crass Valley. Mrs. F-met Cochran left Cecil on the) local on Sunday for Heppner af tnr spending some time at the home of Mr. Hi;d Mrs. C. Harnett at Four Mile. Mr. and Mrs, H. J. St router and family and Mis. Weltha Conibest of Cecil spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Tyler near Rhea Siding. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Harratt and nephews, R. and W. Hynd, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd at Butterby Flats on Sunday. Johnnie Shoefeldt of Rhea Siding left on Saturday morning for Nnshau, Montana, whore he will visit with friends for n few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wllley and family from their ranch near Tho Willows were calling in Cecil on Sunday. Walter Pope waa a visitor at the homo of Mr, and Mrs. J. K. Crahtree at Potheboys Hill on Sunday. Miss Olive Logan left on the local for Heppner on Wednesday, where she will visit for some time. Mrs. W. H. Anderson of Olex is visiting with her sister Mrs. Geo. Noble nt Rhea Siding. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krelts of The Last Camp were doing business in lone on Thursday. MUvph A. C, Lowo and Georgia Summers wore visiting in lone on Sntutdny. A Great Big River to Cross ( Ml0',4 what ) Forest News Notes of the Gurdane District A new telephone line has been constructed, leading southward from Ellis Ranger station to Rtmrock, a distance of about ten miles. At Rim rock a horse pasture will be fenced and a small cache of lire fighting tooU established. K. P. Cecil and T. P. Flynn of the Portland office were in the Gurdane district a few days in connection with the construction of the Western Route road. The route between Ellis and Ditch Creek Ranger stations was decided upon and part of the way located and staked. Some location work was also done between Ellis and Ukiah, It is planned to clear the light of way and burn the brush this season, then next year to do the grading. Forest Examiner Bottcher who is in charge of improvements was at Ellis Ranger station and supervised the location work on the El lis-Rim-rock telephone line. Ranger Groom of the Heppner district assisted in the work of construction. L. M. Bowles who is in charge of the warehouse and dispatcher's at Ukiah, was a visitor in the district the last of the week. Mr. Bowles, in company with Ranger Woods, visit ed at Arbuckle lookout and familiar ized himself with the lay of the land and the fire hazard. Mrs. Fred Casteel and the boys moved from Albee to Ditch Creek Runger station the first of the week to be with Mr. Castee! during the summer. An attractive, new fence of peeled poles has replaced the old yard fence at Ellis station. The work being done during the rainy weather, at odd times. DR. RASMUS AT SPOKANE. The Rev. Dr. Henry I. Rasmus of Long Beach, Calif., former pastor of the Central Methodist church, preach ed in his old church yesterday to an audience that filled the edifice almost to capacity, states the Spokane Spokesman-Review of Monday last. Dr. and Mrs. Rasmus are guests at the home of their daughter, Mrs. E. Z. Smith, on Walnut road, Opportun ity. John L. Jenkins and wife of Board man were visitors in Heppner for a short time on Monday. John stHtes that the project received a genuine soaking in the big rain that fell on Thursday and Friday last, and it was a great help to vegetation. Announcement r- THE PEOPLES CASH MARKET is now open and is prepared to supply you with fresh and cured meats, fish in sea son and lard. I wish to thank the people of Heppner for past business favors, and solicit a por tion of their patronage. While my pres ent location is small, you will find it neat and sanitary, and all of my products the hest. HENRY SCIIWARZ. Peoples Cash Market Phone 752 I RUN MY OWN DELIVERY AND ASSURE YOU PROMPT SERVICE L0C1LHS ITEMS The families of Peter Prophet, E. Albee and O. H. Hendrix, who went to the mountains Tuesday of last week to enjoy a few days of outing, were marooned at their camp near the mouth of Potamus on the John Day river, when the big rains came and caught them there. The roads and grades were made so soft that it was not possible to get out with the machines, and the campers did not get back to Heppner until Monday. Rain and hail made it very unpleas ant much of the time, but they got their share of trie fish just the same. Mr. Hendrix, who is foreman at the Herald office, has been somewhat in disposed since arriving home and not able to do the machine work on the paper, making it an uphill job for Pat to get out his edition this week, and he had to call on the G.-T. to mpc'ne some of his copy for him. Robert Notson, student at Willam ette University, and captain of the university debating team the past winter, arrived home on Thursday and will spend his summer vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Notson. Robert made a good show ing on the debate team this season, and greatly enjoyed the itinerary of the team when they took a trip through the Middle West and South last winter and carried off the laurels in five out of six debates they had with other colleges. Mrs. D. E. Gilman arrived home on Sunday after a visit of several weeks in Portland with friends. She re mained at Portland after attending the W. R. C. convention in Grants Pass in May. We understand that Mrs. Gilman is receiving endorsement for national president of the Relief Corps and will be pushed for that place at the national convention this fall, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Mahoney, daugh ters Doris, Kathleen and Patty and Mrs. Kenneth K. Mahoney departed by auto on Sunday for a visit at Spokane, Wash., and Bonners Ferry, Idaho, expecting to be absent for a week. Miss Viola Brown, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orve Brown, was successfully operated on the first of the week for the removal of ade noids and diseased tonsils. She is practically recovered from the opera tion at this time. Special music Sunday 11 a. m.; 7:45 p. m. Federated Church. Come. Woman and Kiddies Ride Horseback to Meaeham In order to be on hand at the big celebration at Meaeham and to see the President and wife, Mrs. Hugh Currin and kiddies of Pilot Rock, sad dled up their ponies and made the long journey on horseback, arriv ing in good time and taking in the doings at the top of the mountain. They met President Hardnig and Mrs. Harding, and when Mrs. Currin ex plained to them that they had made the long trip on horseback he com plimented her as being a brave wo man. They returned home in good time after the celebration and suffer ed no inconvenience from the pioneer mode of travel. The president's language was very gracious, but when the trip was re ported to Jerry Brosnan, father of Mrs. Currin who resides in this city, his comment was somewhat of ft dif ferent nature. Jerry has a way of expressing himself very forcibly and in eloquent terms. Farmers Elevator Co. Holds Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Farm ers Elevator company was held at the offices of the company at the elevator on Monday. The business affairs of the company were gone over for the year, the financial re port showing a very satisfactory con dition and a substantial profit for the year's business. W. G. McCarty was re-elected pres ident for the coming year and R. W. Turner secretary to take the place of E. R. Huston. C. N. Jones was chos en as a director and Chas. Swindig is retained as manager. The Hepp ner flouring mill property, owned by the elevator company, and which has been standing idle for some time, will ba disposed of, either by sale or on lease, the company now having a prospective buyer in view, and in event this is done the mill will be put in operation again, in the opinion of one of the officers of the com pany. Central Market Puts on Service for Farmers Grover Swaggart, proprietor of Cen tral Market, has put on a service for the delivery of meats to the farmers in the Heppner territory. The Ford car fitted up properly to carry the meats and produce is in charge of Earl Miller, and it is the intention of Mr, Swaggart to reach all the farm ing section tributary to Heppner of ten enough each week that they may be well supplied for their harvest needs. Look out for the Ford with the little blue house on it. Mr. Swaggart has also started up a delivery from the market in town ) and all orders will be promptly rilled and delivered from nis shop in nis own car. Mrs. Lena White, daughter of Mrs. Wf. W. Smead of this city, and for merly a resident here, has been ap pointed to the position of house mother of one of the homes for chil dren being erected by the state W C. T. U. at Corvallis, end will take charge of her work at once, accord ing to announcement appearing in the Sunday Oregonian. Two cottages have been constructed on the farm, and one of these will be in charge of Mrs. C. T. Webb, wife of the super intendent of the home. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hemperly, re cently from China where Mr. Hem perly was a representative of a Port land flouring mill and looked after the trade of his company in that for eign country, spent several days in Heppner this week, visiting at the home of Joseph Snyder and wife. Mrs. Hemperly is a sister of Mr. Snyder. Ike Howard of lone is in the city today. The recent heavy rains have delayed the harvest to some extent there, according to Mr. Howard, and it will be several days yet before har vest will be generally under way. The storm at lone on Tuesday afternoon I was light and no damage was done. Fred Tash and wife and several i members of the family made a trip over to Walla Walla during the week for a visit witn tne parents oi nr. Tash, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Tash. Fred brought home with him his automo bile which he left at Walla Walla late last fall. . W. J. Gooding, a young man from Boise, Idaho, is in Heppner this week. Mr. Gooding engages in the sheep industry in his state and is here at this time looking up the market for lambs, considerable number, of which he has purchased from local sheep men. Lester Gemmell, son of Robert Gemmell of this city was operated on Monday at the Heppner Surgical hospital for appendicitis, and is re ported to be getting along well. Jas. Carty, extensive rancher and sheepman of Tub Springs, is in town today. Mr. Carty is summering some of his bands in the mountains over in Wallowa county this season Give the little chicks a good start; we have the necessary chick feed. Also for the laying hens bone meal, egg maker, grit and oyster shell. Peo ples Hardware Company. To Trade I have a 28-inch Case separator and a 20-40 engine to trade for a truck of not less than 2 1-2 tons capacity. J. H. PADBERG, Heppner. Mrs. John B. Cason and children arrived home on Sunday from a visit of several weeks with relatives and friends at Lone Rock and Spray. Vic Groshena left for Fossil Tues day where he has work as a stone mason on the new hotel going up there. Good grass pasture for horses, $ for cattle, $1.60, per month. Plenty of water. B. H. PECK, upper Rhea creelc tf. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Whetstone are visiting with relatives and friends in Pendleton this week. Wanted Wheat haulers on or abtut July 10. Call or wriU Cecil C. Sargent, lone. Apricots about July 1Mb.; $1.00 per box, prepaid. T. S. COFFEY, The Dalles, Ore. 2t. Special music Sunday 11 a. m.; 7:4ft p. m. Federated Church. Come. Reform Is Needed in Rural School System Superintendent of Freaao, California, Schools, Point Way to Im provement ia Country University of Oregon, Eugene, July 6. Reform in the rural school sys tem, the weak link in the chain of American education, ia necessary if the public schools are to attain the results expected of them, William J. Cooper, superintendent of schools in Fresno, Cal., declared this morning in an address before the summer ses sion assembly on the subject MWhy the Public Schools? The why of the public school in Mr. Cooper's opinion is to inculcate the ideas of democracy and effective citizenship and to unify the nation's culture. "The main defect in the American public school now," said Mr. Cooper, "is that the child in the rural dis trict has not the educational oppor tunity of the city child. You ean easily see this by simply taking a look at some of the buildings to which the rural child is sent." Short terms, poor building facil ities, inexperienced teaching staffs, all contribute to the inefficiency of the rural school, according to the speaker. He quoted statistics show ing that the city child receives edu cation for a much longer period of each year than the child in the rural district does. Figures quoted from Kentucky, selected as a typical and not exceptional case, indicated that in the first eight years of schooling there was available for the child in the city district a total of 72 months of school against an average of 48 in the country. "This," said Mr. Cooper, "makes it necessary either for the rural child to do one-third more work in the time he is in school or to re main in school for one-third more years. Few are able to do either one or the other." Figures quoted from recent educa tional research indicated that of native-bom whites ten years old and over, 30,000,000 live in cities and an equal number in the country. The number of illiterates of the 30,000,000 in the cities was given at 211,000 or seven tenths of one per cent, while in the country districts, the number was 1,031,000, making the percentage i of illiteracy 3.4 per cent or nearly five times as high. In the case of the negroes, illiteracy ranged from 13.4 per cent in the city to 28.5 per cent in the country. The amount of wealth back of each child in the public schools Is a factor, according to Mr. Cooper, and serves to explain much of the in equality of educational facilities be tween city and country. The answer to the problem," said Mr. Cooper in conclusion, "is the spreading of the burden of school support over the state as a unit to raise the money where the wealth is and spend it where the children are. Then you may have equal opportun ity for every American child." The policy of state support for schools should be carried out, believes Mr. Cooper, in spite of the influence of large corporations making big profits n, outlying counties having few chil dren, who protest against being tax ed for the education of children in other districts. $8,000 Shortage Incur red in Mountain Pageant A deficit of about $8000 is facing the communities that staged the Old Oregon Trail celebration at Meaeham July 3 and 4, according to incomplete checks made Sunday at a meeting of the general committee at La Grande. L. C. Scharpf, chairman of the com mittee from this side of the moun tains, attended the meeting. An accountant is now making a check of expenditures and expenses, and a detailed statement will be ready within a day or two. Communities co operating in the celebration repre sented four counties. Baker, Union, Wallowa and Umatilla counties. Pre sent indications are that Pendleton and Umatilla county will have about $2500 to pay toward satisfying the deficit. All the buildings that were erected on the grounds have been sold, and all except the dance hall have been wrecked. The work of tearing this structure down started this morning. hast Oregonian. Morrow County Picnic Is Postponed Again As sometimes happens in Portland, it rained Saturday, July 7. the day the Morrow County Reunion asso ciation was to have held its annual picnic at Laurelhurst Park in Port land, and of necessity it was again postponed. After duly consulting the weather man, the executive committee hare set Saturday afternoon, July 21, for this annual event. We have the promise of good wea ther on that date and with the addi tional assurance afforded in the tra dition that "the third time's the charm," it is confidently expected that the attendance will be large and the event will be an unprecedented success. N. C. MARIS, Secretary. FILES SUIT FOR DIVORCE. Cruel and inhuman treatment is given as the reason why she should be granted a divorce from her hus band, Charles J. Bookman, in a suit filed this week in the circuit court at Pendleton by Lulu J. Bookman. They were married in Heppner in 1S18 and have two baby girls, cus tody of which is asked by the moth er, who also requests in her com plaint that she be granted alimony in the sum of $40 per month for the support of the children. Mr. Book man is a resident of this county. MASONS ATTENTION. There will be a special meeting of Heppner Lodge No. ti9 on next Satur day evening, the 14th, It is desired that a large attendance of members be present, as there will be work in the third degree. WHEAT GROWERS GET Fl Association Pays Balance Due Farmers on 1923 Crop PRICE UNFAVORABLE Adrn Condition, In Marketing Last Tear Hoped to Be Orer come Thia Year. Check, in final aettlement for the 1822 wheat ahipmenta were received in this county the pait week by the membera of the Oregon Wheat Grow ers association. Alone with the checks was a full statement covering the transactions, snd from what thia paper was able to learn, the price re ceived by the association members was not altogether satisfactory. We note from the Producer, organ of the association, that on the aver age the price received this year was about equal to that paid through the association in the 1921 settlements. This was regardless of the difference in the relative values of the varieties of wheat handled. Last season red wheats brought more money on the whole than the white varieties while this season the latter varieties were the better aeilers. The association officers attribute this change to the fact that thia sea son, due to the fact that the associa tions have Increased the west coast prices as compared with the mid dle west, large quantities of Montana red wheat grown by unorganized pro ducers were dumped on the western markets, lowering the price for the red varieties. With the largely in creased membership in the Montana association which has been secured during the last three or four months, it is hoped that this dumping will not be continued in the future. However, the Morrow county mem bers seem to be pretty much disap pointed just at present in the final re sults of the 1922 crop prices, ana they will doubtless make thia known to those who have the management of the selling end of the association, if we are to judge from numerous remarks heard on the streeta here Saturday last, when a considerable number of the farmers were in the city holding a consultation over tha matter. Navy Band Plays in Portland August First Oregon folk will have the oppor tunity of hearing the famous Navy Department band when that organi zation plays in Laurelhurst Park, Portland, August 1, according to an announcement made Saturday by Lieutenant-Commander Daniel E. Bar- bey, navy recruiting officer of th Portland district. This band is officially known as the President's band and is now on board the U. S. S. Henderson on the Alas kan tour with President Harding. Tha band will arrive in Seattle the latter part of July and is due to arrive in Portland, where the concert will be given August 1. The band which is rated as the best in the United States, consists of 30 pieces and is directed by Band master C. A, Benter, U. S. navy. Lau relhurst Park was chosen for the con cert because of the crowd that can be accommodated at that point. During the concert, the Portland navy recruiting office will exhibit two reels of motion pictures. One is en titled "Rolling down to Rio" while the other is the 'Navy In tho Near East." Governor Walter M. Pierce and his staff have been invited by Lieutenant Commander Barbey to attend the con cert and view the pictures. After the Portland concert, the on ly one to be given on this coast by this famous band, the band will leave for Washington, D. C. A concert will be given at Salt Lake City, August 4. OFF FOR CRATER LAKE. A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Turner, Mrs. Julia Boblit, Bob by Turner, Ruth Turner, Mrs. R. W. Turner, Miss Anita Turner and Miss Ora Gentry departed by autos this morning on a trip to Crater lake and for a cruise of Central Oregon and other points of interest. They expect to be gone for about two weeks. Har ry Turner and family Just returned from a trip of several weeks into Washington and Idaho, making tha circuit of the wheat growing sections of that state, where they found erop conditions in all lines of agriculture very promising. MOUNTAIN RANCH FOR SALE. 1160 acres timber land, 27 miles south of Heppner. Grass more than pays taxes. About 27 acres in culti vation. Two creeks run through place. Good house and barn; lots of good timber fine for milling purposes. Wood selling $5 a cord at stump. Good road. One tree an acre cut in cord wood will pay $11 an acre for place besides cutting. Half down, reasonable terms on balance. No in cumbrance. Only one pull to Hepp ner; highway part of way. For fur ther information address Addie and Stacy Roberts, Heppner, Oregon, tf. The ladies of Neighbors of Wood craft gave an entertainment at the Star theater on Tuesday evening that was quite welt patronized. Thy a!o sold candy and disposed of a quilt, Vic Groshens holding the lulcky num ber. Owing to the big itorm that came up, several of those to appear on the program were unable to gt to town, and some important feature had to be omitted. Thvne will be given later at the Star ht eater, so we are informed, the appearand of the troop to be on Saturday evening, for which there is to be no e&tra charge. Roaa Geiger, formerly of Heppner, was in the city a short time today. He is now with the Mack truck pwo pie in Portland, and cume to Heppner on business for hii company.