The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, June 21, 1923, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Thompson of
PorUund arrived in llepptter by auto
Friday. They were accompanied by
Kobert and Willie Hynd of Portland,
soni of Mm, R. F. Hynd and the com
pany were guests for several duyg
at the home of Mr. and Mn. W. B.
Burrutt, Mrs. Thompnon being a slit
ter of Mm. Harratt. At the time of
the Heppner flood, Mr, Thompson was
employed in the warehouse here,
working with Mr. Lipnett who perish
ed in that di banter, and he amsisted in
rescuing a number from watery grav
es, among them being the late E.
1). Hood. Mr. Thompson is with a
grain company in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ayers arrived
home from Portland on Tuesday eve
ning. Mrs. Ayers was a delegate
from the W. R. C. of this city to the
atate meeting at Grants Pass, along
with Mrs. D. E. Oilman. Mr. and Mrs.
Gilman and Mr. and Mrs. Ayers went
directly to Grants Pass from Hepp
ner the first of this month, and while
the ladies attended the W. R. C.
meetings, the gentlemen explored the
Josephine county caves end took in
other points of interest round about.
Mr. and Mrs, Ayers are expecting to
camp for the summer at the Wilhoit
Springs south of Portland.
Dr. A. D. McMurdo and wife de
parted Tuesday morning for Portland.
From there the doctor will go to
Seattle to attend the meeting of
the Northwest Medical association,
and Mrs, McMurdo will go on to
Salem for a visit at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Sims. She will be joined
a few days later by Dr. McMurdo and
they will continue their auto journey
on to San Francisco for the meeting
of the National Medical association
in that city.
John M. Spencer and daughter,
Miss Hern ice Spencer of Echo, came
up to Heppner on Tuesday, being call
ed to this city by the serious illness
of S. W. Spencer. Mr. Spencer is an
alfalfa rancher near the mouth of
Butter creek, and just now is in the
midt of putting up the firt cutting.
The alfalfa is making a good yield
as to quality but is rather short of
stem owing to the continued cool wea
ther. Henry Blackman arrived at Hepp
ner on Friday from San Francisco
and Portland, Hnd has been a guest
during the week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Phill Colin. Mr. Blackman
makes annual pilgrimages to Hepp
ner, still having interests here, and
he greatly enjoys meeting up with
his old-time friends and talking over
bygone days.
According to word received here
this week, C. M. Sims, who has been
on the board of state bank examiner.-
and resided at Salem for the past
two years or more, has resigned from
that position, and with his family
will immediately move to Med ford,
where Mr. Sims has become vice
president of the Jacknon County
State bank.
Mrs. Celaus Keithley, a delegate to
the convention last week from Pen
dleton, spent a few days viniting with
friends here after the clone of the
meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Keithley have
but recently moved to Pendleton from
Walla Walla, and Mr. Keithley is
now in business at the Umatilla coun
ty capitol with Clyde Wells.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Padberg of
Heppner flat were visitors in Hepp
ner Tuesday forenoon. The grain on
the Padberg farm is coming along
well and maturing nicely, because of
the excellent weather conditions to
date. Mr. Padberg expects, however,
that It will be the middle of July
before he begins harvest.
W. T. Matlock, who bought the
Craig ranch up the creek severa
months ago, has recently purchnaed
the lone milk route from A. C. Alli
son and will now supply our citizens
with that necessary article of food.
Mr. Allison will return to the man
agement of his ranch.- lone Indepen
dent. P. M. Gemmell returned on Sun
day from a viit to Portland. While
in Portland, he attended the meeting
of the Masonic grand lodge a a rep
resentative of Heppner Lodge No. 6'J.
Mr. Gemmell was acompanied to the
city by Mrs. Gemmell, who went on
to Senttle for a vinit with friends.
H. G. Voruz, wife and son, who
were in atteminnce at the convention
at the Christian church the past week
were formerly residents of Heppner.
leaving hero about seven years ago
for La Grande, where they have since
resided, Mr. Voiuz being in the em
ploy of the O. W. R. and N.
Judge Robinnon and Jack Karris re
turned Inst Friday night after spend
ing six day lishing at Silver Lake
about 40 miles below Bend. They
made the round trip of some 400
miles by auto and were well satisfied
with the outing and good fishing they
enjoyed. lone Independent,
Miss Lena Hughes, of Portland, is
visiting this week with her brother,
Percy Hughes and family of Butter
creek. Miss Hughes, who is a trained
nurse, makes her home in Portland
and is now returning to that city
from a visit at Walla Walla.
Farm Wanted -Wanted to hear
from owner of farm or good land for
sale, for fall delivery, L. Jones, Box
177, Olney, 111.
Farmers Find Station
Has Increased Work
Different Crops and Improved Var
ieties Inspected for L'se on
Their Own Farms
New crops to replace some of the
old that have failed to make good
on Oregon farms, anu new varieties
of the old standbys were Inspected
by fanners from Rainier to Rot-.eburg
on the annual field days at the ex
periment station, Corvallis. Better
treatment of soils to get more profit
able yields and still keep up fertil
ity, and new facts on feeding and
handling farm livestock, cows and
poultry, were other things picked
Getting bigger yields by changing
the crops in regular cycles, was one
thing. The farmers say fields that
had grown beans every year for 14
years and the average was low, only
about 9 bushels an acre. Alongside
other fields were seen growing beans
every third year with barley and
clover between times, and the aver
age yield for the 14 years was 18
bushels of beans. The profit was
more than twice as great in the ro
tation, and the soil U still good, while
the all-bean fields are so run down
as to produce five or six bushels in
the later years.
How to increase cherry yields 3000
to 10,000 pounds an acre was seen
in the orchard work. The big sweet
cherries best of their kind In the
United States are shy bearers and
late, unless pollenized by a suitable
variety. Trees planted before this
fact was found by the station may
be top-worked with varieties named
to the farmers and thus get the
big crops.
If you want 15 bushels more pota
toes an acre, everything else the same
cut and plant only the blossom ends
for seed, was one lesson. Prune your
trees right and help them grow, bear,
or two of the other 11 best suited to
or sell, 62 of the 63 kinds of wheat
grown in the state and grow the one
or two of hte ohter 11 best suited to
your lands for bigger profits, was
still a third.
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.
Sermon, 11 a. m., 7:45 p. m.
Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m.
Dr. Leach of Portland will fill the
pulpit Sunday morning. Those who
have heard him know he brings a
real message.
This church will not be closed on
Sunday evening but will have our reg
ular Sunday evening service. If we
closed up for the Chautauqua which
is commercializing the Lord's Day we
feel we ought to close up for other
amusements which we have in our
town every Sunday evennig. The av
erage church member today advises
to fall in with the worldly sentiment
and be a pood fellow, but what about
Europe Now at Work
Says Henry Allen
V ' r- mn II I
WM. M. KIKK, Proprietor
Prompt and efficient service at all times, both
day or night. Leave orders at Hotel Patrick
or Phone Main 664.
tha time when we muat lUnd before
God to five account?
We will welcome yon in our roidit
1. R. L. HAS LAM, Ptor.
Want more tggil Try KERB'S
Scratch and Egg Producer. BROWN
Good graaa pasture for horaca, 12
V fZ5?rPQ5L sir continental route when it
TT? wa. blazed and IS NOW .
jftkrn?) VrBut if. eaaier to "negotiate" now than then,
Se and the REDUCED round trip
f In effect diily between
May 15 and September it.
LJf l V will make It very attractive. Study this table.
UT7 I f. Denver. . 64.00 Muffalo . $120.62
V, ixF 1 Omaha . . 72.00 ritt.burah . 118.76
1 1 Kn... Cllj . 72.00 Wa.hlr.Kton 141.56
1 J?i---:T SM.ouia , . 81.50 Philadelphia 141.92
E Detroit , . 105.62 lio.lon . . 153.50
fSuLXl Cincinnati 106.30 Atlanta . . 117.55 r
X2JgU Toronto. . 113.78 Montreal . 132.75 N
Jfc ci . with oorreapondltiR fare toother important center.
S. Final return limit October 31st. Libera atop-over
' 5. 1 r privilege! soing and returning.
(KS t A A aide trip to Yellowatone at email additional
IjFMWr'l , coat will afford the experience of a We time.
gJllVMr.c7 1 1 iff J Call ua by phone and let ua make all your arrangementa.
Bnjf .'JkT" tVtT J " CMU n0 nK,r '"' """ "v you lo" wrn'-
.a2rtW C- DARBEE, Agent, Heppner, Ore.
"If iwi- )
Tlient, J General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore.
Will 111 P St
rm:nTl v
VI the highest
grade, long - staple
cotton, of unusual
tensile strength,
and builds up the
carcass of the Good
year Cord Tire by the
exclusively Good
year method of
group-ply construc
tion. The result is a
tire that lasts longer
in any service and is
the most economi
cal you can buy.
At Goodyear Strvtcm Stzlin
Ocer. we Mf and
mmnd thm nttc Goodytar
Cordi with ihm beveled AU
Wtather Tread and back
tham up imith standard
Gaadyaar Servica
Heppner Garage
. -Wertern for Wettern Trade"
Ilonry Allen, former Governor of
Kama", J"t hork from ffiurope on
. ti... ntinr l mlirliiv hnneftll
for a quick recovery as agrlcultur
Trotcdt your noiisc
from UK wcaincr
It is the effect of rain, wind and sun
on theunpainted parts of a house that
"weathers" it that makes it age and
decay. But when a house is well painted,
the tough, elastic "film" of paint shields
the surface like a rubber coat protects
a man.
All Fuller house paints and stains, Pure 1'rrpjred
Paint, Phoenix Pure Paint, Pioneer Shingle Stain;
and Concreta for stucco, brick and concrete ur
faces, have high protective properties as well as or
namental value. They are manufactured from for
mulas that are the result of " years paint-malcuif
experience. Fuller paint products give long, posi
tive protection.
Get in touch with master painter before the weath
er causes your house to show signs of decay. Or
write to our Service Department for advice and i
copy of the free "Home Service" booklet. What
ever your painting need, W. P, Fuller & Co. make
a paint for the purpose.
301 Mission Street, San Francisco
tl Rrmrhra In Pacific Court Cltlet
Putorlrit Sin Frmneiico md Lot ADgctcl
Heppner, Oregon
for eattle, 11.60, per month. Plenty
of water. B. H. PECK, oppar Rhea
ereek. ir
FOR HAI.R Mrrormirk 12-ft. h,d-
er. In food condition. Ray Toanf,
See BROWN LOWRY for Alfalfa
Hay. $21 a ton.
Our Chautauqua
June 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 1923
OUR BUSINESS Is to Serve and Please
Central Market
A complete line of tools for the handy
man in home or garden. "Good work
depends upon the tools" every man
knows that.
Spading Forks, Barrows, Rakes, Hoes,
Watering Cans, Sycles, Lawn Mowers,
Hose, Shovels, and our "Handy Kit."
Peoples Hardware Co.
Heppner Oregon
Public Sale
To be Held at My Place in Rood Canyon, Five Miles Northwest of
Hard man, on
Saturday, July 7, 1923
At Which Time I Will Dispose of the Following:
1 Sorrel Gelding, Weight 1450 lbs.
1 Bay Gelding, Weight 1450 lbs.
1 Sorrel Gelding, Weight 1350 lbs.
1 Black Gelding, Weight 1450 lbs.
1 Span White Geldings, Wt. 1500
1 Black Mare, Weight 1300 lbs.
1 Black Mare, with colt, Weight
1350 lbs.
1 Black Mare, with colt, Weight
1200 lbs.
1 Black Mare, Weight 1150 lbs.
1 Sorrel Gelding, 2 year old.
1 Bay Mare, with colt, 6 year old.
1 Black Gelding, 2 year old. .
1 Bay Mare, 2 year old.
1 Black Mare, with colt, 5 year old.
2 Black Mare Colts, 3 year olds.
3 Head Milk Cows, fresh now.
20 Head Stock Cattle from Year
lings up.
2 Sets of good Breeching Harness.
5 Sets of Good Harness.
1 3 1-2 Birdsell Wagon.
1 3 1-2 Weber. 1 3 14 Wagon.
1 33-in. iron wheel Wagon.
1 31-4 Truck Wagon with 12-ft.
rack. 2 16-ft. Wheat Racks.
1 14-ft. Wheat Rack.
1 14-ft. McCormick Header and 2
racks. 1 33-54 Russell Separ
ator; run 2 seasons.
1 14-in. new Oliver Chilled Gang
Plow. 1 14-in. Canton-Clipper
Gang Plow. 1 12-in. Walking
Walking Plow.
1 Good Double Disc. 1 Superior
Hoe Drill.
1 3-sec. Iron Harrow; also 1 5-sec.
1 4-sec. Jones Weeder. 1 Bob Sled.
1 2-row Cultivator.
2 Riding Saddles.
1 5-ft. McCormick Mower and
Rake. 1 Cider Press.
1 Blacksmith Outfit.
1 Good Shaler Tire and Tube Vul-
1 Kitchen Cabinet and Tables.
1 Home Comfort Range.
1 Turbine Vacuum Washer.
Dressers and bedsteads, and other
articles too numerous to mention.
TERMS OF SALE All sums under $10.00, cash; all sums above $10.00
notes will be accepted with approved security, due December 1, 1923.
10 per cent discount for cash.
Sale Begins Promptly at 1 0 a. m.
Free Lunch at Noon
Fred Ashbaugh, Owner
E. J. KELLER, Auctioneer
pssjijjj i iii n
cJhrwgh jorfhedqy
Your day's work is shortened and
made easier when you have a good ofl
cookstove. Burn Pearl Oil for fuel and
you no longer have coal and wood to
carry or ashes to shovel out
You work with a clean controlled
heat that is concentrated directly un
der the utensil where it Is needed
and your kitchen is kept cool and free
from dirt
Pearl Oil Is the clean-burning, uni
form, economical kerosene refined
and re-refined by a special process.
Dealers everywheie. Order by name
-Pearl OiL
Pioneer Employment Co.
With Two Big Offices
Is prepared to handle the business of
Eastern Oregon better than ever before
Our Specialties
Farms, Mills, Camps, Hotels, Garages, Etc.
Pertlua OBm Fa
14 H. tavmn It.
Ill a. Wakk .
Only Employment Office in Eastern Oregon with Connections in Portland
Uit i. es is
Earning Power
PpONSIDER seriously
: the earning power of
you spend money foolishly you
are not only losing this actual
cash in hand, but also the in
terest that this money might
earn for you as long as you live.
How much money have you
saved up? How much can
you save in the next year? It
does a man good to look the
situation squarely in the face
once in a while and see how
he is coming out financially.
FkSt National Bank
tun producers r umuw -
wotll -