rica Society. The Gazette-Times PUBLISHED WEEKLY AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF MORROW COUNTY Volume 40, Number 9. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1923. Subscription $2.00 Per Year HI 10 FUTURE OF Country Boys and Girls Are Led Estray By School Alone FARM IS BEST BET Five Facton In Educating Young Farmer! Held to Be Eaaentlal; "Start Them Early" (By R. B WILCOX In Morrow County Farm Bureau News.) The great quarrel In the country to day Is about unsatisfactory condi tions surrounding the producers of grain, fruit, stock, etc., and the prop er way to better these conditions. A prominent banker recently said that he believed that what the pro ducer needs most is not an unlimited amount of credit but a better mar keting system. The chance to bor row money when absolutely needed has been a very unsatisfactory hand icap but unless the crop, that this money finances, can be profitably mar keted then the producer is surely playing a losing game and the lender has small chance of repayment. Some of the great problems for the future to solve then are: labor, money, cost of production, methods of production and marketing. Under ordinary conditions the boy and girl whose duty it is going to be to help work out these things never has any occasion to think about these things until he is turned loose from school. We rightly urge our boys and girls to at least finish high school and that means they are about 17 or 18 years old. Through the school car eer the things that they ordinarily do tends to wean them away from the essentials that they must combat sooner or later, rather than to help them to a simple acquaintance with them. In some unaccountable way educa tion seems to discredit labor. I heard a speaker address some pupils on the play ground in front of the school building. Near at hand was a large number of men at work on a new building. The gist of the speaker's remarks was, "Get an education boys and girls so you will not have to work like those poor fellows over there. Several of the children's par ents were at work on the building. All the way through the school course the school work and school requirements occupy so much of the pupil's time that about the only thing left of his rural connections is the distasteful remembrance of disagree able chores and farm drudgery. If any other opening presents itself he abandons the farm for some other supposedly more agreeable calling. Through this poor arrangement of existnig conditions we And many a man behind a desk that should be following a plow and others forced through circumstances to farm when they would make a better success of life somewhere else. The aim of boys and girls club work Is to try to open their eyes to the proper understanding of Tural conditions and to try and keep an agreeable connection between the boy and girl and their home surroundings while the modern school is weaning them away from them. Club work lays a foundation for an understanding of the rural prob lems referred to above. The second factor mentioned was money or credit. Provision is made in club work whereby club members may borrow money to buy calves, pigs, etc. In this way they get an idea of that problem. The third factor was cost of pro duction. In every project the club member must keep an accurate ac count of all cost. Thus they are lay ing a foundation for an understand ing of this problem. The fourth was method of produc tion. Club work outlines the best approved plans for this. The fifth was marketing. In many of the club projects the member is expected to sell his product. Thus they are brought face tu face with the problem of marketing. It is going to take years of study and experimentation to work out successful solutions for these great problems. Why not let our boys and girls commence the job while they are young. Once interested in these problems I am sure better conditions will much more quickly be secured. C1IUHCH OF CHRIST. Lord's Day. June 3, 1923. Another great day coming; we will meet one another and God, In our new home. The soul that stands face to face with God can say to Satan, "Get thee behind me." Bible school at 9:45, Mrs. Livingstone su perintendent: a place, a class, a room, a fellowship for all ages. Come. Communion and sermon at 11 o'clock. Sermon subject, "The Worth of a Vis ion." Junior Endeavor at 3 p. m., Ethel Moore leader. Senior Endeavor at 7 p. m. In the Endeavor parlor, Mary Crawford leader. Children's Day service at 8 p. m. Good pro gram fs being prepared. Come and see the little folks hold their annual , service. There's a hand-shake, a wel come, a seat for YOU. COME. LIVINGSTONE, Minister. USED CAR PARTS. We have just wrecked a Chevrolet 400. Many parts in excellent condi tion at bargain prices. HEPPNER GARAGE. tf. Mrs. E. N. Crawford, who has been spending the winter at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. G, Atherton, near Warrenton, Oregon, returned home on Saturday, expecting to spend some time here. Hilly Morrow came up from Port land on Tuesday evening and remain ed over for Decoration Day, Mr. Morrow never fails to be at Hepp ner on this occasion. Want more eggs? Try Scratch and Egg Producer, ft LOWRY, KERR'S BROWN HEPPNER TAKES IONE INTO CAMP Fast Game Sunday Re sults in 6 for Locals to Visitors' 2 With three welJ-placed singles, lone started the scoring game In the first inning on Gentry field Sunday. Their boom was nipped In the bud, however, for they were allowed only one run by Heppner's nice team work. Things still looked very favorable for lone at the end of the second, as the locals were unable to score while the visitors squeezed in another run after placing a few more nice hits. The game wan tit for tat then un til the last of the sixth nining, when Speck Aiken started a batting fest wh ich resu Ited in five scores for Heppner before lone was able to get things under control. Although the visitors knocked the ball around the lot for a total of 12 hits during the game, they did all their scoring the first two innings. The locals run in one run in the seventh, and the score stood 6-2 as the last batter took the umpire's count. AM told Sunday's game was a good exhibition of ball, with only three errors made by both sides. The lineups were practically the same that have faced each other in pre vious games this season, with the same batteries. Broughton twirled for Heppner, received by King, and Rochcy pitched for lone, received by Art Cochran. lone got 12 hits off Broughton, while Heppner got TI off Rochey, A large crowd of fans wit nessed the game. The lineup. Heppner 6 lone 2 King .. c... Cochran Broughton p Rochey J. Aiken 1st O. Rietmann Elwood 2nd V. Rietmann Ward as Eubanks Van Marter 3rd W. Rietmann Brown If Lewis Anderson cf .. Blake P. Aiken rf Bristow SIGNIFICANCE OF THE LEGION CLIMB The Oregon State Editorial associa tion will participate this year in one of the most unique conventions In the history of the state's organiza tion of newspaper men. Plans are complete for participation of the edi tors in the third annua! Mount Hood Climb of the Hood River Post, Amer ican Legion, which, according to in terest shown in various Northwestern communities, will attract an estima ted 750 visitors. The combined edi torial and Legion party is expected to set a record in Northwestern mountain climbing. The number gathered at the highland forest camp, on the banks of the sparkling Tilly Jane creek and at the very edge of Mount Hood's perpetual snow, will far exceed that of any former recre ational party ever held in the state, and the legionnaires, whose guides last year escorted 111 to the summit of the peak, expect the "Over the Top" party this year to be doubled. Delegates to the editorial conven tion will assemble in Hood River Friday morning, July 13. The day's activities will include tours of in spection through the refrigerated cold storage plants of the Apple Growers association and quarters of canning, vinegar and cider companies, registration and a business session. On the evening of the first dsy of the convention the Hood River Cham ber of Commerce will entertnin the visiting newspaper folk with a ban quet at the Columbia Gorge hotel, noted as the Northwest's most fully equipped tourist hoRtelry. Among the speakers at the banquet will be Hon. J. Adam Bede, formerly representa tive in Congress from Minnesota, who is known nationwide for his wit; Hon. N. J. Sinnott, representative in Congress from the Eastern Oregon district; Judge Fred W. Wilson, pres ident of the Oregon Bar association, and Cnpt. Geo. Rfc Wilbur, commander of the Department of Oregon, Amer ican Legion. On Saturday morning the editorial party will leave Hood River curly en ough to reach the mile-high Legion camp for an early lunch. The jour ney, by automobile, will carry the visitors over the Hood River Valley trunk of the famed Mount Hood Loop Highway, through the orchards, fruit of which is known In the markets of all the world and on into the Oregon National Forest. The editors for the afternoon will be provided with a natural amphi theater in a mountin ravine, cano pied with white firs and hemlocks. Here they will be permitted to with draw and conclude the formal busi ness ci their session. Saturday night will be devoted to a cam nil re program, where members of the Legion party and editors will vie in song and story. Parties will leave the base camp for an ascent of the mountain at day break on Sunday and Monday morn ing. Those who prefer less strenu ous excursions will be conducted on trips to the ice cascades of the gla ciers and over the expanses of blos soming meadows in the vicinity of the camp. FEDERATED CHURCH. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Sermon, 11 a. m.; 7:45 p. m. Christian Endeavor, 6:45 p. m. The men's class is plunning a ball pa me and wienie rnnxt thin Fridnv night for the men and young men of tne cnurcn and congregation. Next Sunday Velma Case will sing a solo at the morning service and the young peaple will aing a special num ber at the oveninir service. Fifteen of the young people will go to Morgan Sunday at to moon huv ina charire of the service there. We are endeavoring to mnko our services helpful and invito you to any or an ot mem. J. R. L. HASLAM, Pastor. John Bcrgstrom, who 1s a success ful farmer of the Eight Mile coun try, in charge of the Frank Anderson place, wns doing business in this city on Friday. Clint Gilliam is confined to his home, suffering a severe attack of la grippe, Famous Drama "Shepherd of the Hills" to Be Given at Chautauqua Here, June 22 to 27 Dramatization of Harold Bell Wright's Delightful Story of the Ozark Mountains to Be Presented on the Pp- Y I 4 s viJiA i ' U 1?-: "The Shepherd of the Hills" will be a feature attraction at the Chautauqua in Heppner this year. This delightful American play, dramatized from Harold Bell Wright's fumous story, is to be presented with scenic equipment by the Keighley and Peffer Players of New York City. A picked cast of experienced people, selected and personally coached by Messrs. Keighley and Peffer, will give the production. "The Shepherd of the Hills" is a play of the Ozurk Mountains. The characters, some rough and lawless, others of finer instincts, are typical of the strong, spirited pioneers who established the outposts of civilized life in the wild new land of the West. Dramatically real, with passages oi fdyllic beauty, is this story of their friendships, their loves, their feuds. Keighley and Peffer are perhaps two of the best known New York actor-producers. Their productions are solid and dignified and through their professional standing in New York are enabled to secure the best and cleanest of American plays for Chautauqua presentation. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Phelps, who at tended the meeting of the grand lodges of the different branches of Oddfellowship held recently at Coos Bay, and also visited with their daughter, Mis Elizabeth Phelps, who a student at U. of O., while on the trip, returned home Saturday, havnig enjoyed a splendid time. Mr. Phelps states that the big crowd of people gathered together on this oc casion were well cared for by the cit ies of North Bend and Mnrshfield, and every visitor there received roy al entertainment. Having been there a similar occasion a few years ago, we are ready to BUpport Mr. Phelps in every statement that he makes regarding the fine hopiality of the people of Coos Bay and the Coquiile valley. D. C. Wells, wife and son wood- row came over from Pendleton on Tuesday to be here on Decoration Day and to spend a few days visiting with relatives. Mr. Wells, who is associa ted w ith C. L. Keith Icy in the real estate and insurance game at Pen dleton, states that his firm is enjoy ing a fine business, and he is well pleased with the situation. He also reports that Umatilla county will ,e one of her bumper crops this year, though he finds a good deal of complaint concerning the large am ount of weeds. Farmers over there have fought the weeds hard every year, but they seem to have come in grater abundance than ever this sea son. Milton Maxwell, Eight Mile Center postmaster and merchant, was in the city on Friday, looking after business matters. This is his first visit to Heppner In two years. In former times, when politics really was a live issue in Morrow county. Milt got a lot of kick out of the game, and thinks our present system is tame beside the old ways of doing things. He thinks that. Eight Mile will be on the map this snson with a fine wheat yield, judging from the present out look. F. n. Haley has been relieved of the position of manager for the Stan dard Oil company in this district, and what his plans are for the future we have not been informed. Ills place has been filled by Roy Doty from lakima, who arrived at Heppner the early part of the week. Mr. Haley was transferred from the lon sta tion to Heppner to take the district management only a few months ago. Mr. Doty expects his family to ar rive at Heppner a little later. Arthur McAtee, L. E. Van Marter, Ed Bennett and Stephen Irwin return ed home on Saturday from a fishing trip over in the Deschutes country. They were at East lake, 50 miles be yond Bend and made & fine catch of eastern brook trout, the most of them being above 18 inches in length. The sport was fine and the boys enjoyed their trip immensely. Their friends have enjoyed fish feeds since their return. Adnm Knoblock and wife returned from the I. O. O. F. grand lodire meet ing at North Bend on Saturday. Mr. Knoblock drove over to the coast in his car, and on the return trip vis ited with friends near Eugene, lhey report a splendid time and fine enter tainment while at the convention cit ies of North Bend and MarsiuieM. Howard Anderson, who wns re-elected on Friday as a delegate for 1123- 24 of the Morrow county district of the Oregon Co-Operative Grain Grow ers, attended the meeting held In Heppner on Friday. Mr. Anderson has boon one of the directors of this association for the period of its ex istence. Clarence Scrivncr, who Is now fol lowing the real estate game with Mc Guiro in Portland, came up on Tues day evening and remained over for Decoration Day here. He states that he Is well pleased with his job and doing a good business. Mr. Scrivner returned to Portland today, Mr. nnd Mrs. Claud Huston of Eight Milo are the proud parents of a 14 pound son, born to them at the mn ternity homo of Mrs. G. C. Aiken in this city on Saturday, May 20. Mother hih1 hnbe are reported getting along well. The pupils of district 17, taught by Miss Audrey Grognn, together with a large number of patrons of the district and their friends, held an en 1. 1111 u j.nguii uj luc xvciguicjr auu i cuci L itxyclo. Memorial Services Held Last Sunday Morning Memorial Sunday was properly ob served in Heppner on last Sunday morning, when a large audience gath ered at the Christian church to hear the program and listen to the ad dress delivered by Rev. J. R. L. ILas lam. Members of the G. A. R., three in number, were there to represent Raw lins Post of this city. These were Comrades 3. C. Ball, Andrew Rood and N. S. Whetstone; other members of the post now surviving, not being able to attend. The W. R. C. were well represented, as were also the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, and mem bers from other orders of the city. Pastor Haslam of the Federated church delivered a short and im pressive adress and appropriate mo sic was furnished by the choir and audience. In his address, Mr. Has lam stressed the importance of the occasion and dwelt upon the great debt we owe the defenders of the country and all those who took part in our great wars, and paid a fitting tribute to the departed soldiers as well as offering encouragement to the survivors. Rev. W. 0. Livingstone offered the invocation, and the ser vices were impressive throughout. joyable picnic at the grove on the Harry Turner place in Sand Hollow on Sunday. More than 100 people were present and a fine picnic din ner with all kinds of good eats was spread, games of various kinds play ed and a general good social time was had, the day being perfect for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kinsman drove up from their home at McMinnville1 on Tuesday and are spending a few days in this city, visiting with friend? and looking after their property here. The trip over the highway from Mc Minnville to Heppner is a pleasant one now, and the drive is easily made in a day. Mr. and Mrs. Kinsman ex pect to return home tomorrow. Heppner s streets now receive their daily sprinkle, the city council hav ing arranged to have this work done during the summer months. A nice thing about it is that all the side streets as well as Main street are receiving the water and the dust nui sance wi II be greatly eliminated thereby. Chester Eugene Musgrave and Flos sie Annie Barnes, a young couple from lone, were given license to wed by Clerk Anderson on Saturday, and a little later calling on Pastor Liv ingstone of the Christian church they were joined in the bonds of wed lock. They expect to make their home near lone. A marriage license was issued by Clerk Anderson oh Saturday to Archie H. Nichols and Beulah Tucker, young people of Lexington. The wedding took place immediately in the office of the clerk, Rev. W. O. Livingstone performing the ceremony. The newly weds will make their home on a farm near Lexington. Willis McCarty, conductor on the O. W. R. & N. out of The Dalles is making a visit with the home folks at Heppner, coming in Inst evening to join his wife and babies, who have been visiting for several weeks at the home of Mrs. McCarty's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Campbell. Mrs. Fannie Rood, who has real es tate interests near lone, where she owns an extensive wheat farm oper ated by the Christopherson brothers. came up from Portland on Saturday and spent a few days at lone and Heppner. She reutrned home today. Guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Thomson in this city is Mrs. Ella hemmer of Spokane. Mrs. Kern mer was formerly Miss Ella Funk a tencher of music in the Heppner schools at the time Mrs, Thomson was one of the faculty. Charley Cox, Andy Hayes, Len and Earl Gilliam left Wednesday for the Deschutes south of Bend, their des tination being East lake, where they expect to gather in some of the big fish before returning home. Mrs. E. F. Campbell who has been at the Heppner Surgical hospital for several weeks, convalescing from the effects of a serious operation, is now at home, being quite fully recovered from her sickness. Good grass pasture for horses, $ for cnttle, $1.50, per month. Plenty of water. B. H, PECK, upper Khen creek. tf. CECIL m ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Wilson and children of Boardman, accompanied by John McNamee and Misses Zoe Hadley, and Beth, Ida and Alice Bleakman, and Mary McDaniels, also ail of Boardman, spent pome time in Cecil on Friday. Robbie says Boardman is the coming place, but why did he hide his tears behind his handkerchief and murmur when leaving Cecil, "Oh Cecil! Oh Cecil! With all thy faults I love thee best." Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stender of Sel dom seen ranch, spent Saturday in Heppner at the home of Roy's fath er. Miss Flossie Stender, student of Heppner high school, returned with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stender and will stnd her vacation "down on the farm." Roy declares the prospects for a fine wheat crop have not been better for a good many years in his district. "Wid" Palmateer and wife and daughter, Miss Cleta, of Windynook. also Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morgan and children of Broadacres, joined a large picnic party at Heppner Junction on Sunday. "Wid" is still alive to boast of the fine time every one had, so we can vouch he didn't reach the I dinner baskets first. Wid Palmateer on Tuesday left at Cecil store a fine bunch of galgalis wheat which was grown on his Win-1 dynook ranch. Dick Logan, not to be beaten, has also brought a very fine sample of Turkey red wheat four feet, one inch, in height, from his father's ranch at Four Mile. j Peter Bnuernfiend who has been ! visiting friends in Heppner and lone returned to Cecil on Thursday and will resume his work as Cecil's right hand man till his departure for his annual trip to Ritter. Leon Logan made a trip to Arling ton on Friday for a new McCormick header which he had bought during the week. Leon expects to start har vest about June 20. David Hynd from Hynd Brothers ranch in Sand Hollow spent several days with his brother Jack at But terby Flats, leaving on the local for Heppner on Sunday. Mrs. R. E. Duncan and daughter Miss Mildred of Busy Bee ranch hon ored Cecil with a visit on Friday. R. E. declares he is bnsier than his bei'S these days. C Barnet of Four Mile has invest- ed in a new Holt combine to help harvest his coming crops which are promising well at the present time. Mr. and Mrs. W. Beymer and Mrs. Bisbee made a short stay in Cecil on Saturday on their way home to Hepp ner after visiting in Arlington. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Van Schoiack and family from their ranch near The Willows were calling on their Cecil friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Minor from Alhlone Cottage near lone spent Sat urday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krebs at The Last Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Chandler and Miss Mary Chandler of Willow Creek ranch spent Monday visiting at the county seat. E. H. Harbison, the popular grain buyer of Morgan, accompanied by his son, was a business caller in Cecil on Sunday. Leon Logan and son John of Four Mile spent Sunday at the home of Melville Logan near The Willows. Georgo Wilson left on Thursday with a band of sheep en route for Hynd Brothers ranch at t'kiah. Mrs. G. A. Miller and son Elvin of Highview ranch were calling on Mrs. T. H. Lowe at Cecil on Thursday. Dwight Misner of Daybrnk ranch was a busy man last week-end enter taining friends from Portland. Jack Fenwick, painter and paper hanger of lone, was busy calling on his Cecil friends on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Hynd of Butter by Flats were calling on friends in Arlington on Thursday. Mrs. N. Wallace of Condon is vis iting with her sister, Mrs. Geo, Krebs, at i he Last Giunp. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. W. May of Lone Star ranch were calling in the Cecil vicinity on Sunday. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harve McHoberts In this city this a. m. and the attending physi cian reports mother and babe doing wen. Co-Operative Grain Growers Hold Election On May 1st a primary election was held for the purpose of nominating district delegates of the Oregon Co Operative Grain Growers, and in this district the followng men were nom inated: Howard Anderson of Hepp ner, R. L. Benge of Heppner, S. J. Devine of Lexington, Jeff Jones of Heppner, H, V. Smouse of lone and R. W. Turner of Heppner. The election took place in Hepp ner on Friday last. There was not a heavy representation of the mem bers of the association present to vote, and the result was as follows: Anderson 38, Benge 30, Devine 25, Jones 10, Smouse 28, Turner 21. The district delegates will meet in Portland on June 15, at which time the directors of the Oregon Co-Oper-ative Grain Growers will be elected for the year. Films African Big Game After Many Others Fail The enormous difficulties of Afri can photography which have caused many expeditions to return empty handed and have barred the making of feature films on the locale, have been solved by two California cine matographers, H. A. Snow and Sidney Snow, whose Universal Picture pro duction, "Hunting Big Game in Af rica" will be shown at the Star the ater next Wednesday. The film was packed in tin trunks. After exposure in the day's hunt, it was developed the same night within the portable movie laboratory. Pre vious photographers had trusted to chemically impure river water, but this expedition used rain water in the developing baths, collecting and storing it for the desert journeys. Working at night kept the emul sion from peeling off the base. Many a cinema house in Capetown has had the experience of seeing a whole feature dissolve to sticky glue. Guarding aganist heat was only one precaution, for static, insects that eat the film, and other pests play havoc. Every step was marked by the ut most care, and ceaseless experiment ation resulted in a technique that de fied climate. Another great difficulty in Africa has been that of getting up close to the animals. The "still" photograph er solved it by means of the "camera trap,' i.e., a string which the beast stepped on and which snapped his picture, but there has been no known means of making the animals picture themselves moviely. The Snows put a familiar American invention to work, and were no longer obliged to depend on telephoto views. They "got" all the large beasts in close ups, and show for the first time the intimate life of the jungle. Personal bravery in the hunt combats did the rest. Sidney Snow, the chief cine matographer was with his father on the gun firing line everywhere. Former Heppner Merch ant Dies at Hood River Frank McFarland, well known to many of the older residents of Hepp ner, and a resident of Portland for the past 25 years, died suddenly at Hood River on Saturday, where he was engaged at the time in putting over a business deal. His demise was caused by heart disease. More than thirty years ago Mr. McFarland came to Heppner and en gaged in the general mercantile bus iness, and for several years enjoyed a very large trrnde, especially with the interior country. He occupied the room in the building where the store of Phelps Grocery company is now situated, and the home that he built here was destroyed in the Hepp ner flood of June. UUK1, but he and his family had removed to Portland previous to that time. He was en gaged in the real estate nnd insur ance business in Portland for many years, in which line he was quite successful. Dr. Earl C. McFarland, recently appointed collector of cus toms at Portland by President Hard ing, is his son, and was born in this city when the family resided here. See BROWN & LOWRvlor Alfalfa Hay, (21 a ton. PILOT ROCK TAKES 2 TO HEPPNER'S 10 Tight Game Promised But Visitors Could Not Deliver Goods The game of ball between Heppner and Pilot Rock at Gentry Field yester day afternoon drew a fine crowd, as it was expected that the game wo-jM be a tight one, and an exhibition of real ball playing. In this, however. thre was disappointment, at tV -itors failed entirely to be a ma'ch 'or the home players, and iha sore a one-sided affair so :iuc!j no, tr at the locals were not encou r..'; l to i t uo their best exhibki-ja and cont quently were the butt of m;ic i tH?7 iv.g from the bleachers. In the first time at bat, Heppner ran in four counts, in the second three, in the fifth two, and in the sev enth one. Owing to errors Pilot Rock was allowed to scratch in a cou ple in their half of the ninth, not be ing able to get more than two men on bases in any previous inning, and this occurred a couple of times only. The battery of the visitors was weak and they fell down most of the way around. A new catcher was put in in the seventh after there had been a change in the pitcher's box and Pilot Rock gathered a little new pep, but the rally came too late. Heppner has strengthened their team by the addition of Doty, who is a fine man at the bat and fills short stop acceptably. Some other changes might be made to strengthen the line up, which will doubtless be done when another game is played. The Pilot Rock fellows are a good bunch of sports, and while the odds were greatly against thera in yesterday's game, they did their best and did it cheerfully, and the Heppner folks are only sorry that they were unable to make it harder for th local talent, as a far better game would have re sulted. LEXINGTON CHURCH OF CHRIST. Next Sunday is Children's Day and the morning and afternoon services will be conducted in the grove at Elder Reaney's home. The order of the services will be as follows: Bible school at 10. Missions will be the subject of the 11 o'clock service. Bas ket dinner at noon. Children's pro gram at 2:30. All are invited to bring their dinners and enjoy the day with us. The services in the evening will be conducted at the church at the usual hour. Junior Endeavor at 5:30. Senior Endeavor at 7. Song and sermon at 8.- You will be accorded a cordial welcome at all these services. E. A, PALMER. Mrsr Vann Presents A Varied Program The goodly audience that heard Mrs. Mary Adele Case Vann in re cital at the Christian church on Tuesday evening were delighted with the program presented. The num bers were of a very high order, and Mrs. Vann proved her ability to han dle in the most artistic manner each selection offered. She was assisted at the piano by her husband, James Silas Vann, who is an artist of high order, though of very modest demean or, and their program is a treat to all music lovers. While many of the numbers on the program were classical, Mrs. Vann sang enough of the lighter class of melodies to give variety and also to bring out the mel ow qualities of a well trained con tralto voice. It is a delight indeed to hear these people, and we hope that Mr. and Mrs. Vann will come this way again. JACKS FOR SALE. Several young jacks, 2 to 5 years old, registered and broke in. Will contract for their colts at yearlings for $100, from these jacks, in part or full payment Eastern Oregon Jack Farm, B. F. Swaggart, Prop. Herbert Olden was interested in the grain growers election Friday, and came over from his Fairview farm to cast his vote for district delegates. You Dreamed It Now It's Here Ready to Sell A Ladies' pointed heel, pure thread Japan tram silk, heavy weight, fashioned, double sole and advanced toe. Silk Hose in all of the popular shades, such as black, otter, car amel and gun metal. SPECIAL AT $2.50 A PAIR ALSO A Ladies' full-fashioned chiffon silk Hose with wide seam, Panel back. Extremely stylish. African brown and black. SPECIAL AT $1.50 A PAIR MINOR & CO. RECEIVE DIPLOiS It Youngr Women and 2 Young Men, Class of '23, Finish Work ADDRESS IS GOOD Monroe C. Everett of O. A. C Clrei Interesting Talk; W. P. M honey Presents Diplomss A class of fourteen young women and two young men were presented with their diplomas at the commence ment exercises of Heppner high school held at the auditorium on last Friday evening. They were greeted by a good sized audience and the program passed off as per ichdule and in a pleasing manner. To the strains of the processional played by Bernice Woodson, the class, faculty, school board, and speakers marched on to the stage and took their places. The stage and room were decorated in the class colors and many beautiful flowers were in evidence, the back of the stage being banked with evergreens. Rev. J. R. L. Hasiam gave the in vocation, followed by a song, "To a Wild Rose," by the girls' chorus consisting of Velma Case, Dorothy Hill, Willetta Barratt, Gene Pyle and Violet Hynd. Monroe G. Everett, who baa a place with O. A. C. at Corvallis delivered the commencement address and was listened to with interest as he dis coursed himself upon the subject of "At Break of Day." He dwelt for some time on the importance of the graduates continuing their prepara tion for life's work by attending the higher educational Institutions, and spoke many good words for both the Oregon Agricultural College and the University of Oregon, not failing to mention the high ideals maintained by the two state schools and praising the men who stand at the head of these institutions. Mr. Everett is not a finished oartor, but his address was nevertheless very impressive, being delivered in a plain and understand able manner. The girls' chorus then sang "Up, Sailor Boy, Tis Day," and Professor Hedrick, in a few well chosen words presented the class of 23. He prais ed their good work as students and congratulated them upon the success ful outcom eof their faithful work as pupils in the high school. W. P. Mahoney, chairman of the school board, in his "maiden speech," presented the diplomas and the pro gram closed with the ringing of "The Passing Days" by a mixed quartet and the benediction pronounced by Rev. W. O. Livingstone. The graduates were Velma Case, Opal Lena Craddick, Christina Doh erty, Rose Anna Hirl, Ray W. Me Duffee, Thelma Lucile Miller, Retha Owen, Ruth Zell Tash, Willetta Elis abeth Barratt, Florence Aida Cason. Nellie Taylor Flynn, Evelyn Eliia beth Humphreys, Elizabeth Leona Huston, Philip W. Mahoney, Maude Reliance Moore, Frances Crawford Parker, Henry S. Biglow Dies at Home in Walla Walla Henry S. Biglow, who for many years was engaged in farming in this vicinity, owning a piece of land about four miles north of Heppner, died at his home in Walla Walla on Monday, May 21, after an attack of appoplexy of short duration. M. Biglow removed from this coun ty to Walla Walla in 1909 and has continued his residence there to the time of his death He leaves a wife and eight children, the eldest being 15 years of age. His funeral was held in Walla Walla on Friday last, the Salvation Army officiating and burial was in Mountain View ceme tery. FORD OWNERS. We have quite a supply of 30x34 used tires and tubes in good condi tion at prices from 50c up. HEPP NER GARAGE.