The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, May 17, 1923, Image 1

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    The Gazette-Times
Volume 40, Number 8. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1923. Subscription $2.00 Per Year
- j 7 j - .
Rally in Last Period Is
Nearly Disastrous
for Visitors
M on U true and Soivester Star for Gil
liam County Tram; Game
Scoreless to Seventh
A broken bat may have been the
cause of Heppner's defeat at the
hands of Arlington on Gentry field
Sunday. It was a no-score game up
to the seventh inning when Arling
ton run in 4 counters. It looked then
like a shut out for Ileppner till the
last of the ninth, when the locals
started a batting rally which resulted
In two tallies before the broken bat
incident brought the game to an end.
"Speck" Aiken started the rally
with a safe bingle for two bags, and
crossed home plate on a pretty drive
by "Chappy" King, the next man up.
King made third in the melee that
followed, and a hit by Van Marter
brought him home. Anderson waa un
able to locate the ball, making two
down. Ward picked a nice single that
landed Van Marter on htird and Paul
Aiken came to bat. Paul had his bat
ting eye with him and hit the pill a
lick that should have sent It out of
the lot, but Fate decreed against the
locals when his bat broke, making a
nice little pop fly to right field.
What might have happened with
Van on his way home from third and
Ward on second if the bat hadn't giv
en way, la left for Heppner fani to
surmise. As It was Arlington went
home with the bacon to the tune of
The pitching of "Toots" Montague
was an outstanding feature of the
game. He had a no-hit record to his
credit till the last of the ninth, and
it is little wonder that he weakened
when once he was found. B rough ton,
Heppner's lanky twirler, had an off
day, as he was unable to put the dope
on the ball that has characterized
his pitching in previous games. The
receiving work of King did much to
ward holding the local team together.
"Buster" Soivester, short-stop for
the victors, was a thorn In Hepp
ner's side, as they were unable to find
a safe place for the ball any place
in his part of the daimond. He field
ed several balls that were probably
good for hits in most any league.
Con ley, his running mate on sec
ond, likewise played a pretty field
ing game.
The locals consider it no disgrace
to be downed by the brand of ball
dinplayd by Arlington Sunday, and
are only awaiting their chance to re
deem themselves.
Ths line-up;
Heppner Position Arlington
Broughton p Montague
King c Coons
Allen 2nd Conley
Aiken 1st Josephsen
Van Marter 3rd Hunted
Etwood ss Soivester
Anderson If Groat
Ward cf... Baker
Aiken, P rf Montague, B.
Home Institution Is
Making Fine Ice Cream
As a usual thing we all think that
what is produced away from home is
superior in quality to that of the
same article produced by the local
factory. During the past several sea
sons, the Morrow County Creamery
has been manufacturing ice cream,
and each seaRon Manager Cox has im
proved the quality and increased the
quantity of his product until now he
is taxing the capacity of his plant to
meet demands.
The best thing about it is the ice
cream now being put out by the
creamery company is not excelled by
any product on the Heppner market,
and Mr. Cox Is to be congratulated
for the excellence of the article he is
manufacturing, and is deserving of
the fine trade he enjoys.
Argonaut Shirts
We have these shirts in all the
popular colors:
Pearl Balloon, Tan Supertex, Gray Ox
ford, Tub Silk, Etc.
They are made in the new Golf or College
collars and Fifth Avenue Cuffs.
Styleplus Clothes
The popular priced clothes of America
$25 - $30 - $35 - $40
David A. Wilson
.Men's Furnishings
University to Be Host
at Junior Week-End
Many Festivities Planned for Tomor
row and Saturday; High School
Students Arc Gnests
University of Oregon, Eugene, May
16. The University of Oregon will
be host to hundreds of high school
students from all parts of the state,
May 18 and 19, when the annual
Junior Week-End will be held. A
large committee of juniors are mak
ing elaborate plans for entertain
ment of the visitors.
Festivities will open Friday morn
ing with a baseball game between
the University and 0. A. C. varsity
baseball teams. In the afternoon
the varsity track teams of the two
institutions will hold their annual
meet on Hay ward field.
The canoe fete on the MlHrace will
be the chief attraction of Friday
night. This parade of decorated
floats will take place under the play
of colored lights. At this colorful
fete men's and women's living organ
izations join in the construction of
beautiful floats to enter in competi
tion for cups.
Saturday will be a big day for ath
letic events, starting in the morning
with high school track preliminaries
at 10 o'clock together with a tennis
tournament between the University
and O. A. C. varsity teams. At one
o'clock a second game of baseball
between the Oregon and 0. A. C.
varsity nines will be played and at
3 o'clock the Oregon frosh will meet
Portland high school track teams in
a track meet on Hayward field. In
this meet the Oregon freshmen will
compete with teams from Franklin,
Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Ben
son, Roosevelt and Commerce high
schools and Columbia University.
A campus luncheon served at noon
on Saturday, Freshman-Sophomore
tug-of-war, painting of the varsity
"O" on Skinner's butte by freshman
athletes and other features will be
sandwiched in the program Saturday.
Festivities wilt close Saturday
night with the annual Junior Prom
which will be held at the Eugene
Lexington High School
Graduates Appreciative
We, the Senior class of Lexington
high school, deem this, our gradua
tion, an opportune time and an appro
priate occasion to extend to the peo
ple of Lexington and vicinity our ap
preciation of their encouragement
and asssitance given to help us in
securing this, the initial step of our
Vour assistance has been rendered
in various ways; first, by giving us
the proper kind of encouragement,
you have enabled ua to achieve suc
cess in our work, and to cope suc
cessfully with other schools In ath
letics. Secondly, by your encourage
ment you have inspired us to greater
efforts along various lines of endeav
or. This encouragement has been of
a dual nature: that given consciously,
such as verbal and financial encour
agement, and that given unconscious
ly by the good examples found in
your daily living.
We feel that we are in great mea
sure indebted to you, our freinds, for
this assistance. So we will endeavor
to lead worthwhile and purposeful
lives that your interest in us will
not have been for naught.
Class of 23.
W. 0. Livingstone preaches the bac
calaureate sermon to the lone high
school on Sunday morning next, ad
dresses the eighth grade cUbs here
on Monday evening and also delivers
the class address at Pine City on
Wednesday evening.
From the John Adams pasture near
Hnrdman, one brown horse mule,
aged 8 years, and branded lazy JT
down on left shoulder. Reward.
RALPH JACKSON, Lexington, Ore.
W P. Dutton came up from Port
land on Monday and la spending the
week here, looking after business in
terests. A change contemplated in
the grade up Heppner hill through
the Dutton ranch waa the main rea
son for the Judge being here at this
time. He expects to return home on
Saturday, and when he takes his ac
customed place at the Imperial ho
tel, he can tell all comers and goers
that Morrow county never had a bet
ter prospect for bumper crops than
she shows right now.
According to the lone Independent,
workmen are excavating for Lax ton
McMurray's new building to be erec
ted on Main street opposite the In
dependent office, and its erection will
be pushed as fast as a large force
of workmen can do the work. It will
be of tile construction, 25 x 80 feet,
with 1 foot walls on a foundation of
sufficient strength to carry a second
or even a third story. The build
irg will be equipped with the lateBt
conveniences and strictly up-to-date.
Wesley A. Chaney and Miss Vir
ginia Strader, young people of Irri
gon, were granted a license to wed
by Clerk Anderson on Saturday last,
and calling at the home of Rev. J.
R. L. Haslam a few mniutes there
after, they were made man and wife
and sent on their way rejoicing. The
young people will continue to make
their home at Irrigon.
Sam Notson brought in a sample of
Turkey red wheat which he gathered
off the Karl Warner place while out
in the north end of the county on
Friday afternoon. The grain was al
most waist high, and Mr. Notson says
the whole field looks just' like the
sample he handed us. It should cer
tainly produce a wonderful yield.
Mrs. A. M. Phelps departed this
morning for Eugene, where she ex
pects to visit for a few days with her
daughter, Miss Elizabeth Phelps, stu
dent at U. of O. She will later be
joined by Mr. Phelps, and together
they will proceed to North Bend to
attend the grand lodge of Odd Fel
lows and Rebekahs.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mason of Prine
vilJe are the proud parents of a son,
born to them on April 28. The heir
to the Mason estate has been named
Joe, Jr. Mr. Mason wa formerly
a lesident of lone and engaged in
business there. He s running a
gents furnishing establishment at
Poppiea for Memorial Day Anyone
desiring poppies to wear on Memor
ial Day, wilt be able to get them eith
er at this office or the First National
bank, the Legion boys expecting to
have a aupply on hand In ample time
for the services Memorial Sunday.
The poppy is the official flower of the
Mrs. Edward Seufert of The Dalles
a cousin of Miss Gladys Turner, tea
cher of the seventh grade in the
Heppner schools, made this city a
visit on Monday, She drove up from
The Dalles, being accompanied by
Miss Turner, who spent Saturday and
Sunday visiting at the homo of her
Richard Peterson has moved with
his family from Eight Mile to the
Sherman Wakefield place on Heppner
Flat, where he will reside in the fu
ture and have charge of the place.
For a number of years past Mr.
Peterson has been farming the Es-
teb place at Gooseberry.
Rev. W. R. Storms, who has filled
the local Baptist pulpit for the past
year, has accepted a call from the
church at New Plymouth, Idaho, and
left Wednesday morning last for his
new charge. lone Independent.
Mr. and Mrs. Phlll Cohn departed
the first of the week for The Dalles
to join Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Matthew
on an auto trip from that city to San
Francisco. They expect to be absent
three or four weeks.
George R. White was in the city
for a short time on Tuesday from his
farm out north of Lexington Some
showers have visited his locality dur-1
ing the week that have benefitted the I
wheat a great deal,
Mrs. Spencer Akers, accompanied
by her little granddaughter, Miss
Edith Marie Barlow, departed for
Portland Monday, to be absent on a I
visit with relatives in the city for a I
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott of Heppner
are the proud parents of a 0 1-2
pound daughter, born to them on
Sunday, May 13, at the maternity
home of Mrs. G. C, Aiken.
Mrs. E. F. Campbell underwent a
serious operation at the Ileppner
Surgical hospital on Tuesday fore
noon. She stood the ordeal well, and
U now on the way to recovery.
Hear the High School class at the
Federated church Sunday morning,
11 a. m. Notice the change of time,
the morning instead of evening as
previously announced.
Rapidly improving from the injur
ies received In an automobile acci
dent, W. G. McCarty was able to be
on the streets Tuesday, walking with
the aid of a cane.
E. Albee, who is fish and game war
den for this and Umatilla counties,
has moved his family from Portland,
expecting to make Heppner his fu
ture home.
Ship your livestock to the Mays
Commission Company, North Port
land. I handle shipments from the
producers' point of view. Edwin Mays.
The Willing Workers will meet at
2:30 p. m. Friday next in the pastor's
study in the Church of Christ. Mem
bers please be present.
Mr. and Mrs, Alva Jones and Mrs.
Ellis Hendricksen returned on Mon
day from a visit of a week with rela
tives in Portland.
J, W. Beckut drove up from Port
land on Tuesday and is spending a
week or bo with his Morrow county
Good wagon and rack; two good '
milk cows for sale. Terms. Second
Hand Store. It.
Wanted Small blacksmith outfit.
Second Hand Store. It,
Commencement Exercises
Held at School Auditor
ium Last Night
The commencement exercises of the
Lexington high school were held in
the high school auditorium on Wed
nesday evening at which time a class
of nine fine young people received
their diplomas and are now ready to
pass on to the higher educational
Those graduated were Kathlyn Slo
cum, Blanche Shinn, Dallas Ward,
Beuiah Tucker, Ruth Stephens, Lew
is Allyn, Maxine Gentry, Wilma
Leach and George Tucker.
The address to the class was deliv
ered by Prof. Frederick Berchtold of
O. A. C. who took for his subject
"Value of an Ideal," and impressed
upon the graduates the importance
of choosing an ideal, or a standard
to look up to in whatever line of
endeavor they might choose; also im
pressing upon them that they should
proceed with their education just now
begun and enter some good college
that they might be better fitted for
life's battles. The address of Prof.
Berchtold was pointed and well re
ceived. Presentation of diplomas was made
by Professor Kellogg, superintendent
of the school, in a neat little ad
drers. An orchestra composed of Mr.
and Mrs. J. 0. Turner and Mr. and
Mrs. Ray White, furnished instru
mental selections, and Harvey Mill
er and Mrs. C. W. Walker each sang
and were heartily encored. Invoca
tion was by Rev. E. A. Palmer, who
also pronounced the benediction. The
citizens of the community, who are
justly proud of their high school,
turned out in large numbers and the
auditorium was tilled to capacity.
County Court Secures
Right of Way for Grade
A very satisfactory settlement of
all claims for right of way for the
grade leading up Heppner hill on the
new survey was made this week be
tween the county court and W. P.
Dutton and J. H. Gemmell, through
whose ranches the most of the road
runs. The problem of getting out to
Hepppner flat on a grade coming
within the requirements of the state
highway department, has been one
that has agitated the court for some
months, and pending its Bettieirent,
the work of building the new road
has been held up. Having found the
right grade, it was necessary to make
settlement with the parties interest
ed, and now that this has been ac
complished, it will not be long be
fore work is started with the road
machinery and the new road laid out.
The court expresses great satisfac
tion over the outcome and feel that
nothing now stands in the way of
getting the macadam finished to the
top of the hill.
Pendleton Blue Lodge
Masons Make Visit Here
Heppner Lodge No. 69, A. F. and A.
M. received a fraternal visit on Sat
urday evening from a large number
of the members of the Blue Lodge
of Pendleton, who brought over their
degree team and put Cecil Lieuallen
through the M. M. degree. There
were also a number of the brothers
up from lone on this occasion, and
Heppner lodge enjoyed a fine meet
ing. Following the work, a banquet
was served in the dining room.
The visitors present were Manuel
Fridley, C. H. Conroy, R. I. Keator,
George A. Ferguson, W. S. Ulery, M.
A. Ferguson, J. T. Hall, W. E. Ring
old, Herman Suhl, Frank Saling, Roy
Rew, Dr. A. M. Simmons, 0. A. Simp
son, A. C. Funk, W. W. Green, D. E.
Faville, F. E. Schmidt, Hans Pahl, E.
L. Bonney, N. R. Marin, C. W. Hancks,
Ira P. E. Reynolds, of Pendleton; W.
O. Staver, Pilot Rock; F. H. Holts, E.
J. Blake, lone; Thos, Robertson, He
The "Mother's Day" service last
Sunday was enjoyed by a goodly num
ber. We were glad to see the new
faces in the audience and hope to see
all back again. The usual services
next Sunday.
Bible school at 10. Communion and
preaching at 11. Sermon subject,
fcystematic Stewardship."
Junior Endeavor at 6:80.
Young Peoples service at 7.
Services in song and sermon at S.
All are welcome to attend these
services. E. A. PALMER.
A group of folks met in a meeting
called in the Church of Christ on
Wednesday evening last to plan for
the organization of a Community club
under the supervision of the church.
Several committees were appointed,
and a meeting with a banquet will be
calld Inter to complete the organisa
tion. Gay Anderson was chosen tem
porary chairman and Coramae Craw
ford temporary secrets ry.
At Venturi Garage
5 We repair all kinds of batteries
E and farm lighting systems.
Recharging Our
Diamond Grid
E JUNE 22-27
192 3 Chautauqua Will
Display Many Artists
of Repute
Local Organization Is Getting Under
Way to Make Event Bijgest
Success Ever
An exceptionally good collection of
talent has been arranged by the Ellison-White
company for the Hepp
ner Chautauqua June, 22 to 27. The
big tent will be erected at the same
location at last year on the Knights
of Pythias lot opposite the fair
grounds. Committees were appointed
at a meeting of guarantors last Fri
day evening, and final preparations
will be made at a like meeting to
morrow evening at the Christian
Officers elected Friday for the year
are; president, w, o. Livingstone;
vice-president. S. E, Notson; secre
tary, John W. Hiatt; treasurer, Fred
Tash. Chairmen of standing commit
tees: tickets, W. W. Smead; publi
city, S. . Notson; grounds, Charles
This year's program includes musi
cal entertainments, educational lec
tures, and high-class dramatics. Four
lecturers of high standing through
out the world have been obtained, a
ladies orchestra, concert company,
three brothers presenting "futuris
ti" music, negro minstrels, an enter
tainment company consisting of man
and wife, and a company of play ac
tors of exceptional merit.
Norman Allan Imrie delivers a lec
ture on "Working Together for Mill
ions, a stirring, forceful thought
provoking presentation of Anglo-Saxon
problems. "The Four Corner
stones of Citizenship" is the title of
the lecture of D. Pirie Beyea, a wom
an who has made a study of the prob
lem from the home standpoint. Henry
Gaines Hawn, who has national re
pute for his high-minded thinking
and oratory, presents an entirely new
philosophy in "The Soul of Things.
With his collection of Australian cur
ios, Norman V. Pearce, Australian
lecturer, has prepared a treat in "The
World's Curiosity Shop."
The Oceanic Quintet is as excep
tionally versatile ladies' orchestra
that has captivated audiences all over
the world. . A group of very talented
musicians troutrht together. -Ah rough
the Ellison-White agency is the Lew
is Concert company, consisting of
two men and two women from lead
ing musical schools of the United
States. A trio, the Patton Brothers,
presents a program of "futuristic"
music, something entirely new and
Everyone is interested in the
"Shepherd of the Hilla," Harold Bell
Wright's master novel which will be
acted by the Keighley and Peffler
Players. Then there will be one of
the finest negro jubilee companies in
America, the Garner Jubilee Singers,
with the Lombard Entertainers, pre
senting a program of novelty songs,
readings, whistling solos and piano
logues, rounding out the regalia of
talent for this year's Chautauqua.
Lexington News Notes
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Duran of Lex
ington announce the marriage 01
their only daughter, Mary E., to Mr.
Robert McMurty of Philomath Col
lece on April 19, 1923. Mrs. McMurty
was charmingly gowned in a blue
tricollette suit and the bridegroom
wore a lifrtit gray suit.
After Mr. McMurty is graduated
this June he expects to go into bus
iness in Philomath. The young cou
ple will visit in Lexington and will
be at home to their many friends
after June 20, 1923. Mrs. McMurty
well known in Lexington and her
many friends wish her every success
this new venture.
Notliinp but "exams" the latter
part of the week and the first of
this week at Lexington public school.
Karl Beach had the misfortune to
sprain his ankle early Monday morn
ing. The sprain was quite paintui
and caused Mr. Beach to consult a
Who threw the stone through the
large glass window in the filling sta
tion? A large crowd attended the bac
calaureate address at the school aud
itorium by Rev. Giltanders on Sun
dav at 9 a. m.
There were nine graduates this
season from Lexington high school
Class night was Tuesday night, with
graduation Wednesday night.
Part of tha teachers have been
hired for the coming year but there
are still more to be obtained.
May 20, 192S.
Last Lord's Day was a great day;
here is another coming. Mrs Living
stone is the new Bible school super
intendent, beginning Sunday at 9:45,
and we are planning and are ready to
take care of a big attendance. Mrs.
Livingstone will preach at 11 o'clock,
on the subject "Our Great Example.'
You should hear this sermon. The
junior C. E. will meet at S p. m., and
the senior C. E. at 7 p. m. The high
ichool bacculHureate service will be
held at 8 p. m. in the Church of
Christ, and the pastor will bring the
message on the subject "The Goal
and the Qui'tt." Let everyone be in
attendance, we can adequately care
for you. Don't overlook the Bible
study on Thursday evening, 8 p. m.
Come and worship with us in our
new plant.
Herman Hill, Dalles Ward, Clar
ence Cnrmirhuel, Elmo McMillan
Lowell McMillan, all young men of
Lexington, left that city today by
auto to attend the Jun'or week-end
at Eugene. We understand that sev
eral of these boys expect to atteud
the U. of O. next yesr,
Juniors Have Flunk Day;
Activities Increase
As School Closes
The student body primary election
to elect officers for next year was
held Tuesday, May 8, and the candi
dates having the highest number of
votes were selected to run at the final
election. The candidates for the of
fices are:
President: Carl Cason, Elmer
Vice-President; Elaine Sigsbee,
Paul Aiken.
Secretary: Marguerite Hisler, Mary
Treasurer: Reid Buseick, Keith
Yell Leaders : Kathleen McDaid,
Marvin Gammell, Faye Ritchie.
Hehisch Editor: Austin Smith.
Business Manager: Bernice Wood
MAY 18
The activities of commencement
week at Heppner Hi begin May 18
with the Junior-Senior banquet at
the Hotel Heppner. On Tuesday,
May 22, the Junior-Senior play will
be presented. Examinations will be
held on the 22nd and 23rd and on the
24th the Btudent body picnic will
be a big feature. The baccalaureate
sermon will be Sunday, May 20, t
the Christian church and the gradua
tion exercises will be on Friday eve
ning, the 25th.
There are sixteen in the class of
'23, fourteen girls and two boys. The
class roll is:
Velma Case, Willetta Barratt,
Florence Cason, Lena Craddick, Tina
Doherty, Nellie Flynn, Rose Hirl,
Evelyn Humphreys, Elizabeth Huston,
Ray McDuffee, Philip Mahoney, Thel
ma Miller, Reliance Moore, Retha
Owen, Francis Parker, and Ruth
This class has always been a live,
peppy bunch and the high school re
grets very much to lose them.
The junior class pins have arrived
and are now proudly displayed by the
class of 24. They consist of an "H"
of white gold on a background of
gold with "H. S." and the year in the
corners. The guard is a plain 24
of yellow gold.
Don't forget the play "And Home
Came Ted" to be given by the juniors
and seniors on Tuesday, May 22, at
the Star theater. This play is the
funniest comedy ever written, a reg
ular side-splitter. Aunt Jubilee, the
cook, and Mi& Loganberry, the spin
ster, are real "characters" who will
make you laugh and then laugh some
Last Friday the juniors kept the
old custom of Junior Flunk day in
a very fitting manner. They left at
six o'clock in the morning for Her
ren's mill where they spent the day.
Nobody took the eats, so all went
well. In the evening a mammoth
bonfire was built and around it the
class had the pleasure of listening
to the many beautiful songs sung
by Mr. McCoy. What if all the jun
iors were stiff and tired next day! It
was worth it!
Did you ever see a sweet widow
who would set in the moonlight for
hours with any man she could pick
up and sing Aloha Oe to him to the
accompaniment of a ukelele? Miss
Henrietta Darby in "And Home Came
Ted" will fill every requirement in
this direction and in addition can tell
of the "moon-kissed beach at Wa-
At the last student body meeting
t was decided to award small gold
H pins to all those who took part
n Heppner Hi's debating this year.
Is Elected to Klamath
County High School
F. R. Bennett, who was formerly
principal of the Lexington schools,
has been elected to the principalship
of the Klamath County high school
at Klamath Falls for the coming year.
Mr. Bennett will graduate from the
University of Oregon in June and
receive his A. B. degree. He has
been specializing in high school ad
ministration and management in the
educational department of the uni
versity. Mrs. Bennett, who has been teacher
of the primary department at Lexing
ton during the past four years, de
parts today for her home at Portland
nd expects to visit Mr, Bennett at
Eugene. She is highly praised as a
very excellent teacher by the pa
trons of the Lexington jcnool.
Arthur Campbell, son of Judge and
Mrs. W. T. Campbell, arrived home
on Sunday and will spend his sum
mer vacation here. He has been
teaching in the high school at Lake
view during the past year, and the
coming fall will go to the University
of Iowa, where he will have a place
as instructor in chemistry and also
be in position to prepare himself for
his degree from that institution.
Oscar Edwards, Adam Knoblock
and A, M, Phelps expect to attend
the meeting of the grand lodge of
Odd Fellows to be held the last of
this month at Coos Bay. The first
mentioned gentlemen go as delegates
from Willow Lodge No. 6G, and Mr.
Phelps is one of the grand lodge of
ficers. Ray McAllister will represent
the lodge of Lexington.
E. M. Hulden is up from Blalock
for a few days, looking after the in
terests of his farm on Blackhorse,
He is well pleased with the outlook
for crops here, and he states that
they are equally good on the big
ranch he is running near Blalock.
Mrs. A. M. Phelps and Mrs. Ray
Taylor will go to North Bend, Ore
gon the coming week as delegates to
the grand assembly of the Rebekahs
from the Heppner lodge,
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sweek are spend
ing the week at Monument, where Mr.
Sweek is called on matters of business.
Memorial Sunday to Be
Observed by G. A. R.
Sunday, May 27, is Memorial Sun
day and H wilt be appropriately ob
served by fitting services to be held
in the Christian church at 11:K a.
m. This will be a onion service and
Rev. J. R. L. Haslam, pastor of the
Federated church will deliver the ser
mon, being assisted in the services
by Rev. W. O. Livingstone.
The veterans of the G. A. R.,
Spanish War veterans and American
Legion, as well as all other patriotic
orders are cordially invited to attend
these services in honor of their de
parted dead.
By order Rawlini Post, No. 31, G.
A. R.
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.
Christian Endeavor, 6:45 p. tn.
Morning worship 11 a. m.
The high school cla3s of our Sun
day school wul have entire charge of
thy morning ervice instead of the
ever ing as has beer, announced.
Ihere will be several short talks by
these students, also special music
which you will enjoy.
We are dismissing our Sunday eve
ning service to meet at the Christian
church where Rev. W. O. Livingstone
uiil preach th : baccalaureate sermon
for the graduating class of che Hepp
ner high school.
The young people of our church
have banded themselves together to
visit the sick holding short services
of song and prayer. Anyone desiring
their help can call Mrs. C. E. Wood
son by phone or notify the pastor.
You are welcome at all our services.
J. R. L HASLAM, Pastor.
Eighth Grade to Grad
uate Class of 35 Monday
The eighth grade graduation exer
cises will take place in the high
school auditorium on Monday eve
ning, May 21, at 8 o'clock. Thirty
five will be handed their diplomas
and will thus be permitted to pass on
into the high schooL The follow
ing program will be given:
Processional march
Invocation Rev. W. O. Livingstone
Salutatory Eleanor Cohn
Piano Solo Marjorie Clark
Class Prophecy ...Donna Logan
Presentation of diplomas
"1 Love a Little Cottage," Geoffrey,
O'Hara ... Kathleen Monahan and
Marjorie Clark
Class Will Nellie Babcock
Valedictory -...Velma Huston
"Song of the Winds, Wilson
-. Members of class
Benediction. ...Rev. W. O. Livingstone
Whereas it has pleased God in his
wisdom to call fren his eetrthty labor
our brother Robert Emmett Jones,
Whereas Brother Jones has for a
number of years been a faithful and
valued member of Dorian Temple No.
16 of Heppner, and it is fitting and
right that we as Pythian Sisters make
proper and merital acknowledgement
and record of the high esteem and
fraternal love in which we hold him,
Resolved that while we humbly
bow to the Supreme Ruler we are
filled with sorrow at the passing of
of our brother. To the children and
relatives of our brother we extend
our deepest sympathy in their hour
of sorrow.
Let a copy of this resolution be
transmitted to the family of the de
ceased, a copy entered upon the min
utes of the Temple and a copy be giv
en the press for publication.
The program for the baccalaureate
services to be held at the Christian
church at 8 p. m., Sunday, May 20, is
as follows:
Processional, "Onward Christian
Hymn No. 324, "Come Thou Al
mighty King'
Scripture.. Rev. J. R, L. Haslam
Anthem, "All Hail the Power of
Jesus' Name"
Prayer W. O. Livingstone
Solo, "The Day Is Ended," Bart-
lett Mrs. Chester Darbee
Sermon ...Rev. W. O. Livingstone
Hymn No. 342, "Blest Be the Tie
That Binds"
Benediction Rev. J. R. L. Haslam
11 HOSE j
Children's half and three-quarters length
hose in the newest colors.
Silk hose-Brown, Black and While.
Fancy Colors.
Work and dress sox.
Everyday hose. Real Values
This is the season for lighter weight hose.
1 Buy them while the stock is complete.
Junior - Senior Banquet,
First Event, Is To
morrow Evening
Baccalaureate, Class Play, Class Pic
nic and Commencement Round
Out Four Years of Toil
Closing events of Heppner high
school for the year begins with the
Junior-Senior banquet at Hotel Hepp
ner tomorrow evening. Baccalaur
eate sermon will be at the Christian
church Sunday evening, delivered by
Rev. W. O. Livingstone, and the fol
lowing week will be filled with ex
aminations, class play, class picnic
and commencement.
The class of sixteen to be grad
uated from the high school Friday
evening has a busy time ahead of
them for a full week, when comes a
short relapse to regain energy with
which to attack further problems in
the making of a career. When they
gather round the festive board with
the Juniors tomorrow evening they
will forget all strife and dissention
between the two classes for three
years and bequeath to their succes
sors all the rights of Seniorship for
the coming year.
Then donning their best demeanor
and handsomest togs they will file
down the Christian church aisle Sun
day evening and take their places in
the front pews before Rev. W. O.
Livingstone to receive God's benedic
tion for having progressed thus far
in the struggle for supremacy with
a prayer to help them to attain much
higher stations. But, even at grad
uation time, all is not glory, for on
Tuesday and Wednesday this same
sixteen must knit their brows and ir
ritate the gray matter over final ex
aminations. For a moment's diver
sion, however, they will put on their
stage faces and amuse the public for
a couple of hours Tuesday evening
with the class play.
"And Home Came Ted" is the ve
hicle with which the class is to make
itself famous in high school theatri
cals at the Star theater Tuesday
night. The play is a comedy of mys
tery in three acts, and promises to
be a rare treat for those who may
see fit to desert family firesides for
the show house when it is presented.
After the play and another day of
exams have been safely passed the
class will resort to a day of recrea
tion Thursday, when the class picnic
will be held, to recuperate to the
fullest possible extent for the big
gest ordeal of all the graduating
exercises on Friday evening.
At the graduating ceremonies in
the high school auditorium the pub
lic will be accorded a musical treat,
as Mrs. Bernice Dafoe Hopper, di
rector, has prepared several beauti
ful selections. It is not certain who
will give the commencement address,
as Sam Dolan of O. A. C. who was to
speak has notified Professor Hedrick
that he cannot be here. Those who
will receive diplomas are:
Willetta Elizabeth Barratt, Velma
May Case, Florence Aids Cason, Opal
Lena Craddick, Christina Doherty,
Nellie Taylor Flynn, Rose Anna Hirl,
Evelyn Elizabeth Humphreys, Eliza
beth Leon a Huston, Ray W. McDuffee,
Philip W. Mahoney, Theima Lucile
Miller, Maude Relianee Moore, Rea
tha Owen, Francis Crawford Parker,
Ruth Zell Tash.
One sorrel mare, branded AD on
left side; 4 years old, weight about
1000 pounds. One sorrel 2-year-old
mule, branded with lazy JT down on
left shoulder. These animals strayed
from the Louis Padberg place about
the 10th of April. Reward. RALPH
JACKSON, Lexington, Oregon. 2tp.
Several young jacks, 2 to 6 years
old, registered and broke in. Will
contract for their colts at yearlings
for $100, from these jacks, in part or
full payment. Eastern Oregon Jack
Farm. B. F. Swaggart, Prop.