PAGE FOUR THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1923. Heppner Business Men Finance 1923 Rodeo Firarx-U) iurtr.ff for th 1&2S fiod o to th mount of llttO hat to dt. rnpeu ar even bnirMfT in 1Mb rept thi year thn Ut, r'ff'rti the committee, & much equipment purchased nt year it etili rod. 7ht liit of puanir.tont and amounts foi Gilliam A FuW. M; L. A. Ben nett. $10; F. S. Bank. f'0; Minor o Thomson Urea., $S0; Pat terson 4 Son. fU; T. J. Humphrey. $U.; U G. Irke, 2o; Wm. Hay lor, SlM; Morrow County Creamery, $16; H. F. Tawh. $lf; Fhelpa Grocery Con f.Sft; Uteurell Auto Co., ISO; Kirk Hu Tmn-fer. 115; W. W. Smmd. $10; VaupV.n A Goodman, ISO; Gur dan A Son. $';5; Peopieg Hardware Co $M; Weii k Wells. $15; Cohn Auto Co, ISO; Nobi Stone. f.SO; E. E. Ciark, $25; MrAtee A Aiken. $40; Star Theatre. $25; L. E. Var.Mar ter, $20; K. N. Conty, $15; E'.khorn ResUuraM, $25: H. A, SchulU, $20; Pavid Wilaon. $20; Sam Huphe Co., $15; G. K. SwBFfrart, $50; F. L. Har wood. $20; Firt National Bank, $50; Currmn A Barr, $25; Heppner Hotel, $50. Mr. and Mrs, T. 0. Goodman who reside in the Eight Mile section and are owners of the O. E. Adkint farm, were in Heppner ft short time today. Mr. Goodman expects to become one of the successful wheat raisers of Morrow county, having come here from the east end of Umatilla county and knowing the game. Stephen Hart, representing the Commercial Review, a flour and grain publication of Portland, was a visitor here today. He has been driving over a greater portion of Morrow county, during the past few days and states that the prospects for an abundant harvest are certainly very bright at this time. Large delegations from the Chris tian churches at Lexington and lone were present to enjoy the basket din ner served in the new church at Hepp ner on Sunday last and to participate in the services during the day. FARM PGiNTERS Alfalfa is ready to cut for bay whtft the new shoots bud out from below or when the crop is about one-tenth im bloom. Delay ia cutting wh the new stems are coming up aeti back the next crop several days. Itnng the alfalfa go into late bloom makes coarse hay. 0. A. C, Experiment sta tion. Success with corn depends mock on getting a good start. Plant plen ty of good seed IS to 16 pounds an acre if it is good in warm ground and do not cover too deeply. O. A. C. Experiment station. Favorable conditions now prevail in the dairy industry, due to better conditions and increased export trade in the Vnited States during the last year. Prices of dariy products aver se higher than last year, because of tV-e increase in the buying power of laboring men. Production is showing considerable increase but it is be lieved that consumption will keep pace except for seasonal surplus. O. A. C. Experiment station. Dairy cows of Oregon have taken seriously the agitation for better pro duction per animal, and have increas ed their individual production 17 per cent in the last 10 years. O. A. C. Experiment station. ATTENTION SCOUTS. AU Boy Scouts of Troop 1, B. S. A., meet at the new church quarters on Saturday next at 1:30 p. m. promptlv. Verv important; dont fail. LIVINGSTONE, S. M. Mr. and Mrs, Alva Jones and Mrs. Ellis Henriksen departed on Tuesday by auto for Portland, where they ex pect to spend a week visiting with relatives. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow county, adminis- Delbert Clabough departed for Port- : land on Tnesday, to be absent a few days on business. He contemplates going on the place of Evangelist F. A. Ross at Sherwood, and went down to look the proposition over. The Misses Opal and Wilma Leach were two charming young ladies from Lexingotn in the city on Wednesday. Miss Wilms Leach will be one of the graduates of Lexington high school this year. Condon vs. lone, at lone, May 13. Each team has won a game and this will be the hard contest. Hap Wyans will replace Roche who is laid up with a sore arm. Henry Boten was in the city for a few days the first of the week look ing after business affairs. He re turned to his home at Kameia on Wednesday. Ship your livestock to the Mays Commission Company, North Port land. I handle shipments from the producers' point of view. Edwin Mays, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Matlock of Pen dleton were in Heppner on Sunday vo attend the burial of the late T. J. Matlock, their uncle. Frank Engelman, hardware mer chant of lone, was a business visitor in the city this morning. John Olden was a busniess visitor in the city this morning from his Rhea creek farm. I After Eoety Mtal Arlington-Heppner Stage Line WE MEET TRAINS NOS. 1, 2, 18 TO HEPPNER A.M. PM. Arlington Lt 9:00 2:00 Cecil Lt 10:20 3:20 Morgan Lt 10:36 3:35 lone Lt J.1:0S 4:06 Lt 11:30 4:30 Ar 11:56 4:65 Lexington Heppner TO ARLINGTON Heppner Lexington lone Morgan Cecil Arlington ...Lt .Lt .Lt .Lt Lt. A.M. 9:00 - 9:25 - 9:50 -10:05 10:35 ..11:55 P.M. 4:00 4:25 4:50 5:05 6:35 6:65 Headquarters at Patrick Hotel O. H. McPERRRIN R. E. BURKE trator of the eitate of R. E. Jones, deceased, and all persona having claim against the estate of taid de ceased are hereby required to pre ent the ame with proper vouchers, to the said administrator it t'te law office of Jo. J. Nys. at Hepi'n. r. Ore gon, within six months from the date hereof. Iatd this 10th day of May. 1!23 C. N. JONES. Administrator. Mary A. Hein, ) Plaintiff.) vs. ) SIMMONS C. E. Hein and Henry) Payton, Defendants.) To C. E. Hein and Henry Dayton, the above named defendants:. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to apppear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff herein tiled, against you in the above entitled court and cause, within six weeks from the date of first publication of this Sum mons, and if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in her complaint, which is as follows: That the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between plaintiff and the defendant C. E. Hein, be forever dissolved and held for naught, and the plaintiff have an ab solute divorce from said defendant. That the plaintiff be given the cus tody and control of the minor child, Melvin Hein. aged seven years. That the deed given by th defen dant, C. E. Hein to the defendant, Henry Payton, be held void and of n. effect, save aa a trust deed, and that the defendant. Henry Payton hold the legal title to aaid land in trust for defendant, C. E. Hein and not otherwise. That plaintiff have an undivided one-third part in her individual right in fee of aaid land. That plaintiff have and recover from defendant, C. E. Hein, aa ali mony, and for care, support and adu cation of the minor child of herself and C. E. Hein, the sum of $3500.00 in one gross sum, and that aaid am ount be imposed as a lien upon the interest of C. E. Hein in said land. That plaintiff recover from defen dant her costs and disbursements In this suit, and hava such thr re lief aa ia meet and proper. Thia summons is aerved upon you by publication thereof onca a week for aix consecutive weeka in the liaiette-Timcs, a weekly newapaper, printed and published at Heppner, Oregon, by order of Hon. Gilbert W. Phelps. Judge of said court, made and entered on the 3rd day of May, 1923. Tha date of first publication thereof ia the 10th day of Hay, 1923 and tha period of publication expiree on tha 2 1st day of June. 1923. WOODSON a SWEEK, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Address. Heppner, Oregon. Reduced Prices on STANDARD MAZDA LAMPS at Case Furniture Company TACOMA Chew your food well, then use WRIGLEY'S to aid digestion. It also keeps the teeth clean, breath sweet, appetite keen. 7W (rmat Amnicmn I gisefui. id 1 itU 10 1 ijl 157 Shell Fish! i VOL' EX JOY SIIrOLL FISH. Oysters Clams Crab Served in any btyle to your order. Our Sunday dinner are an attraction and should appeal to you. Save the wife eactra work Sundays by taking din ner with usjust bring the whole family along. Elkhorn Restaurant Heppner Working in the vicinity of 1 1th Street and Broadway, our checker questioned 159 motorists concerning their preference in motor fuel 67 used "Red Crown" exclu sively, as against 26 for the nearest competing product a lead of over 157. An all -refinery gasoline, every drop of which vapor izes rapidly and uniformly in the carburetor, giving quick starting, smooth ac celeration and maximum mileage,"Red Crown" is the popular motor fuel through out the Pacific Coast. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Csliiomk) iRED CROWN for the experienced MAJORITY To Sheepmen: Those intending to trail sheep to Wal lula for shipment to summer range are re quested to follow the road from Stanfield through our ranges. Unless you are pre pared to do this don't start across, as viola tions of this request will be prosecuted. This becomes necessary on account of the large numbers trailed to this point. There will be a man to show you the way and you must keep moving if you expect to cross. (Signed) FRANK SLOAN. J. C. H0SKINS. ENOCH PEARSON. Martin Reid I now carry a complete stock of building material at Lexington. FULL LINE OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER Large stock of pine in the rough. M. D. Tucker in charge. LOCATED IN LIVERY STABLE MORROW COUNTY CREAMERY CO. wants MORE GOOD CLEAN CREAM Make Cream Test of 30 of Better Morrow County Creamery Co. Heppner, Oregon Phone Empire 1661 MAYS LIVE STOCK COMMISSION CO. NORTH PORTLAND Edwin Mays, Residence Phone Main 8669 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll -I f A. M EDWARDS WELL DRILLER, Box 14, Lexington, Ore. S Up-to-date traction drilling outfit, equipped for all sizes of hole and depths. Write for contract and terms. Can furnish you j 1 CHALLENGE SELF-OILING WINDMILL t all steel. Light Running, bimple, Strone. Durable. s New Records ggg mm Brunswick For MOTHER'S DAY 2098 Somebody's Mother. Where the La;y Mississippi Flows. 2287 Mammy's Lullaby. Swing Along. 13015 AfofAer of Mine. Smilin' Through. 5123 Mother My Dear. In the Moonlight. 13014 Mother Machree. Come Back to Erin. THE MUSIC SHOP Thomson Bros. DRY GOODS, LADIES' and GENTS' FURNISHINGS, CLOTHING, SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Groceries We handle the best that money can buy, and the prices are right. Come in and let us figure with you. Thomson Bros. Gold Bar Prepared Mustard 1 5c Blackberries, 1 gallon cans 90c Strawberries, 1 gallon cans $1.15 Sliced Peaches, 1 gallon cans 85c C. & C. Coffee (bulk) 3 pounds .... $1 .00 Red Mexican Beans, per pound 9c Mothers' Oats 35c Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes 10c Self Rising Hot Cake Hour, 9 8-10 lbs. 85c 5 lbs. Range Salt Licks 15c L. G. DRAKE, Prop. ODD FELLOWS BUILDING G.-T. Printing Is Known For Its Good Quality Methusaleh Says: ONSIDER the squirrel, Ohy my son, and be wise. For when the sun shines, yra then doth he gather the fruit of the 1 nut trees. But when the trees cease to bear fruit and snow covers the ground, then doth the squirrel feast on the nuts he hath stor ed against the cold days. If thou would be wise and farseeing, get thy self a'Bank Book and use it frequently. Be pre pared for the Rainy Day; for when it rains it doth pour. But thy Bank Book will protect thee and thou will be blest amongst men. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank Heppner, Oregon Star Theater PROGRAM FQJ THIS WEEK FRIDAY, MAY 11 "FREE AIR" From the Saturday Evening Post Story by Sinclair Lewis. RUTH ROLAND in "THE TIMBER QUEEN" Last Episode "SALMON" One of the Field and Stream Stories. Fun From the Press. SATURDAY, MAY 12 JACKIE COOGAN in "TROUBLE" Leo Maloney in "DEPUTIZED" Admission 30c and 50c SUNDAY and MONDAY, MAY 13 and 14 WALLACE REID in "ACROSS THE CONTINENT" Snub Pollard in "THE OLD SEA DOG" 2-Reel Comedy WED. and TIIURS., MAY 16 and 17 MARION DA VIES in "THE YOUNG DIANA" "The Beauty Contest" 2-Reel Comedy. Look Over Next Week's List of Pictures. You Will Want to See Them Every One. Clair Adams in "The Man of the Forest." Chas. Hutchinson and Lucy Fox in "Speed" Constance Talmadge in "THE PRIMITIVE LOVER" C. B. DeMille's Big Production "MANSLAUGHTER" Betty Compson in "The Bonded Woman." Get a Copy of Our Descriptive Program L. MONTERESTELLI Marble and Granite Works PENDLETON, OREGON Fine Monument and Cemetery Work All parties interested in getting work in my line should get my prices and estimates before placing their orders All Work Guaranteed THE body of the NEW OVERLAND Touring Car is made entirely of steel, with baked enamel finish. The hood is higher body lines arc longer scats are lower and the upholstery removable. $666 f. o. b. Heppner RAY M. OVITT & DICK JOHNS At Universal Garage, Heppner, Ore. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiSl