PAGE FOUR THE GAZETTE-TIMES. HEPPNER, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1923. Timber Supply of U. S. Gone In 70 Years rr. W.ITors) ef I . of . Makrs Fihaatlv Sli of For rt $itaalioa. rr(rThjr ot Or-(Tm. Eufn, Apr. Z. Without allfm-inp ffr any in-rr-ai in population tnt timber up ji y of the Vniud Ftt-s aill b fx iiupt4(j in 70 yearn, according- to O. f. rMa!Tnrd, head of hr 1'nivcrsity of Orf-iron department of chemistry, who has prepared a paper on "Vtilixaticn of Timber." I'rof Stafford has made a closa study of th tin.her rsourcs ha h-tna the work that lead to the succe.nlul dc-velopmer.t of th Stafford profess for wood distillation. There are people now living, saj-s Prof. Stafford, who will see a com plete dearth of commercial timber in ti.ii country unless condition! ef fecting promth and consumption chanpe radically. "The oricina! forest area of the llrited States was something near a niilioii acres," writes Prof. Stafford. "It is now less than half that. Wa had in early times five trillion board feet of timber: the present residue is perhaps two trillion. By far the larper part of the missing three tril lion units hat been removed in very recent yer. The rate of increment of American forests is estimated as only one third that in Europe and we are using trees three times 'as fast as they grow. Our per capita con sumption of timber is eight times as great as that of the European. We are using more than twice as much wood per person as we did fifty years ago. Approximately fifty billion board feet of lumber will be cut in the Uni ted States the present year, in or der to obtain the total of wood sub stance drawn from our forests there must be added to the above figure the amounts of wood used for pur poses other than lumber manufacture and this brings the grand total up to the incomprehensible sum of three hundred billion board feet equivalent. "This quantity of wood substance is the same as 25 billion cubic feet or near five million miles. The an nual forest harvest of the United States in other words, would suffice for the construction of a solid timber roadway a foot thick and 20 feet wide entirely around the earth at the equator. Of all the products of life action that good Mother Nature brings forth in this world of our wood substance is the most lavishly supplied; yet our needs ar rapidly forging ahead of this supply. "About one half of the present standing timber in these United States is in the Pacific Northwest. Heading the list of available species is our own splendid Douglas fir. Southern pine stands second in the list, although very nearly equaled in quantity by Western yellow pine. It is obvious from these statements that this section of ths country must play a very important part in tha futura of a key industry whlck inevitably must advance rapidly to proportions of collossal magnitude. Tha neat fif ty years of history in the lumber in dustry will see the cashing in of re sources which have been accumulating in Oregon for a period reaching far back beyond its settlement and pos session by white men." ElirrOR HAS OPERATION. M. A. Cleveland, editor of the Stan dard, was taken to Pendleton Wednes day, where he was operated upon by Dr. McClellan. Mark will coma back to us in a week or two feeling much better than he has for some tima. Let s all send in news and keep the paper up while he is gone. As the paper goes to press, the report comes that he is improving slowly but sura ly. Stanneld Standard. HEMSTITCHING I hava installed a hemstitching machine at my apart ment in the Gilman building and will giva all orders for work in that Una my best attentoin. Your patronage is solicited. Mrs. C. C. Patterson. tf. Give the little chicks a good start; we have the necessary chick feed. Also for the laying hens bona meal, egg maker, grit and oyster shell. Peo ples Hardware Company. Bone meal, scratch feed, egg maker chick feed, grit and oyster shell, all necessary to get the best results from your poultry pens. Come to os for these. Peoples Hardware Company. FENCE POSTS FOR SALE 2000, mostlv tamarack, on Barlow ranch. near Parkers MilL Price 6He cash. H. L. GREEN. Parkers Mill, Oregon. Give the little chitks a good start; we have the necessary chick feed. Also for the laying hens bone meal, egg maker, grit and oyster shell. Peo ples Hardware Company. PIGS FOR SALE Weiners to 90 lb. shcats Poland China strain. Ex tra good. Phone 25F33 for prices. W. P. COX. FOR SALE 13 Golden Campini hens fine birds. Write or inquirs) of Mrs. G. C. Aiken, Box 142, Hepp-ner. FOR SALE Pigs and shoats from 30 to 60 pounds in weight Sold in any number. Inquire Central Market FOR SALE Or will trade for hogs, 35 head sheep, ewes, lambs, wethers and buck. W. Harold Mason, lone. After Every Meal wrigleys Top off each meal with a bit ol sweet In the form ol VRIGLEYS. It satisfies the sweet tooth and aids digestion. Pleasure and benefit combined. f Sawn y DO YOU ENJOY SIMLL FISH? Oysters Clams Crab Served in any style to your order. Our Sunday dinners are an attraction and should appeal to you. Save the wife extra work Sundays by taking din ner with us just bring the whole family along. Elkhorn Restaurant Heppner Martin Reid I now carry a complete stock of building material at Lexington. FULL LINE OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER Large stock of pine in the rough. M. D. Tucker in charge. LOCATED IN LIVERY STABLE Sheepherders Attention Come in and see our small portable outing Phonograph. Just the thing for camp ers and inexpensive. NEW BRUNNSWICK RECORDS AND SONG HITS JUST ARRIVED. 2106 v Farewell Blues," "Saw Mill River Road" 2a(JJ "Peggy Dear," "Railroad Man." "Farewell Blues" Biggest Hit Since "Wabash Blues." THE MUSIC SHOP There wouldn't b much of a "boy problem" if more parents tried to make themselves younf instead of expecting their boys to be old. When enthusiasm runs away with judfrment, the grafter runs away with the pocketbook. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE I'N PER FORECLOSURE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that under and by virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued by the Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, dated the 3rd day of May. 1922, in a certain suit in the Circuit Court of tha State of Ore iron for Morrow County, wherein J. O. Hager and Ruth Hager McMur do, plaintiffs, recovered judgment against the defendants, Walter Rood and Helen Rood, hit wife, for the sum of 122.500.00, with interest thereon from the 21st day of January, 1922, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum until paid, and the further sum of 11600.00, attorney! fee, and the costs and disbursementa of said suit, taxed and allowed at $46.60. Notice is here by given that I will on Saturday, the 2nd day of June, 1923, at tha hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the front door of tha County Court house of the City of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the following described real property situated in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: All of Sec tion 23, and tha South Half of Sec tion 14, in Township 3 South, Range 25. E. W. M., or so much thereof as is necessary to satisfy said judgment, costs and accruing costs, same being the real property mortgaged to se cure payment of aaid judgment and ordered sold by tha court for satis faction of same, with costs and accru ing costs. Heppner, Oregon. May S, 1923. GEORGE McDUFFEE, Sheriff. Arlington-Heppner Stage Line WE MEET TRAINS NOS. 1, 1, IS TO HEPPNER Arlington Cecil Morgan ... lone .Lt.. .Lt... .Lt. Lt. Lexington Lt. Heppner Ar A.M. .... 9:00 .10:20 .10:86 ....11:06 -.11:80 .11:66 P.M. 2:00 3:20 3:36 4:06 4:30 4:66 TO ARLINGTON Heppner .. Lexington lone Morgan Cecil Arlington A.M. ....Lt :00 -Lt 9:25 Lt. 9:60 .Lv 10:05 .Lt 10:36 .--Ar 11:55 P.M. 4:00 4:25 4:60 6:05 6:35 6:56 Headquarter! at Patrick Hotel ' O. H. McPERRRIN R. E. BURKE Mil Make all your Summer dresses this year Butterick Design 4456 f JT-""'HE new materials are very beautiful and not costly. For a few dollars you can make charming dresses like these. You will find the patterns for them at our Butterick Pattern counter, and at our piece-goods counter you will find appropriate materials organdy, voile, Georgette, and taffeta. The Deltor enclosed with each Butterick Pattern explains every step in the making of your dress from laying out the pattern to A- w r. mushing. Butterick Design 4436 Western Naphthenic Crude Best for Motor oils ZEROLENE, made from selected Western Naphthenic Base Crude, vacuum-distilled by our exclusive process, will increase your car's power and gasoline mileage by about 5 mora than you can get when you us the verage higher-priced oil. In addition, your car will run from 25 to 50 farther before carbon-removing operations become necessary. Both these facts have been proved by re peated demonstrations In the laboratories of this Com pany and on the road. Insist on Zerolene even if it does cost half as much. Consult our Correct Lubrication Chart to determine tha right body of Zerolene for your car. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) 7NV Thomson Bros. DRY GOODS, LADIES' and GENTS' FURNISHINGS, CLOTHING, SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Groceries We handle the best that money can buy, and the prices are right. Come in and let us figure with you. Thomson Bros. ir 8 Design 4456 The Deltor shows you m pictures houi to make and sew on the cord pctttg which finishes the dress. Design 4436 Size j6 requires only 3) yards of j-tnch mar tend. The Deltor shows you how to lay out your pattern on the goods. V Visit our Butterick Pattern Department To-day I Minor & Company G.-T. Printing Is Known For Its Good Quality Cash & Carry Store Dollar Day SATURDAY, APRIL 28th 3 No. 2U, cans Gold Bar Peaches. 4 No. 2V-J cans De Luxe Plums. 4 No. 2VL cans Gold Bar Loganberries. 4 No. 2 cans Gold Bar Salmon. 7 No 2 cans Happy Vale Salmon. 7 Competition Sardines. 7 No. 2 cans Eagle City Corn. 7 No. 2 cans Utahna Peas. 5'2 lbs. Manchuria Walnuts. 11 Bars Ivory Soap. 11 Bars Palmolive Soap. L. G. DRAKE, Prop. ODD FELLOWS BUILDING Methusaleh Says : ONSIDER the squirrel, Ohy my son, and be wise. For when the sun shines, then doth he gather the fruit of the nut trees. But when the trees cease to bear fruit and snow covers the ground, then doth the squirrel feast on the nuts he hath stor ed against the cold days. If thou would be wise and farseeing, get thy self a Bank Book and use it frequently. Be pre pared for the Rainy Day; for when it rains it doth pour. But thy Bank Book will protect thee and thou will be blest amongst men. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank Heppner, Oregon MORROW COUNTY CREAMERY CO. From April 1st, the following prices will prevail: MILK, per quart, 12 1-2 Cts. This is to be on the basis of Strictly Cash. CREAM TICKETS $2.60 For 16'2 Pints Our milk is delivered from tubercular tested cows is strictly pure. Heppner Transfer Co. R. E. JONES, Prop. Handles Freight and is Prepared to do a General Hauling and Transfer Business SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM'- 1 A. M. EDWARDS WELL DRILLER, Box 14, Lexington, Ore. s Up-to-date traction drilling outfit, equipped for all sizes of hole 5 and depths. Write for contract and terms. Can furnish you CHALLENGE SELF-OILING WINDMILL all steel. Light Running, Simple, Strong, Durable, x Star Theater FRIDAY, MAY 4th MABEL BALLIN in "THE" JOURNEY'S END" RUTH ROLAND in "THE TIMBER QUEEN" Episode No. 14 "Heza Liar" Comedy and Fun From the Press. SATURDAY, MAY 5th RICHARD BARTHELMESS in "SEVENTH DAY" Felix Comedy "The Ghost Breaker" SUNDAY and MONDAY, MAY 6th and 7th LILA LEE and WALTER HIERS in "IS MATRIMONY A FAILURE" "Our Gang" Comedy "The Fire Eaters" WED. and THURS., MAY 9th and 10th TH0S. MEIGHAN in "IF YOU BELIEVE IT, IT'S SO" Aesop's "The Wicked Cat" and Topics of the Day. NEXT WEEK "FREE AIR" Saturday Evening Post Story by Sinclair Lewis JACKIE COOGAN in "TROUBLE" ' WALLACE REID in "ACROSS THE CONTINENT." MARION DA VIES in "THE YOUNG DIANA." Get a Copy of Our Weekly Illust rated Program L. MONTERESTELLI Marble and Granite Works PENDLETON, OREGON Fine Monument and Cemetery Work All parties interested in getting work in my line should get my prices and estimates before placing their orders All Work Guaranteed THE body of the NEW OVERLAND Touring Car is made entirely of steel, with baked enamel finish. The hood is higher body lines are longer scats are lower and the upholstery removable. $666 f. o. b. Heppner RAY M. 0VIATT & DICK JOHNS At Universal Garage, Heppner, Ore. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiS1