PAGE FOUR THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEPPNKR. OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1923. 3uncIjcttC6 THE CHVRCH BACKWARD. AS HAS been mid Vy many who are tulerit of the condition, there rt two tnd-ncies that are working toother to disrupt all orthodox evan-p-flical denomination. Thete two forcei mipht properly be called false teaching and autocracy. The fall Uacher has been in the cfcoreh aince the first century. He tried to destroy with hi? false doc trine the little croup of Christians who beg-an in the first century, and since that time he haa been march ing aerons the continents of time. The rationalist is compelled to set up a human gospel, a piece of human machinery, and to build his little bu reaus in order that he may advance his cause. He is corrupt at heart, designing in his motives, autocratic in his methods, bureaucratic in his government, A great many of those who are teachng and who have taug-ht false doctrines have taup-ht them because they wanted to reduce God's stand ard and mode of living, or because they have never become regenerated Christiana. The falw teachers and the advo cates of the vicious doctrines are per fectly willing to use money, political machinery, or any other means that they can devise, to destroy the in fluence and power of the great Chris tian leaders of the day. They use every method of chicanery to keep such ministers out of pulpits, to pre vent their being called to permanent pulpits, and to deprive them of lead ership in their denominations. No regenerated man has ever de nied or will ever deny the deity of Christ. Therefore, any such denial on the part of any man who claims to be a minister of the gospel is prima facie evidence that he has never been regenerated. These false teachers and ration alistic agents enter our denomina tions and try to destroy our church governments and establish their Ne ro-like autocratic, bureaucratic gov ernment of destruction. Will the layman awake and drive this biack hand from the church? Give the little chicks a good start we have the necessary chick feed. Also for the laying hens bone meal, egg maker, grit and oyster shelL Peo piey Hardware Company. CECIL NEWS ITEMS Mr, ard Mm. J. Hartesty and fam ily and K. B. Gorton and Mr. and Mra. Fred Pettyjohn and family of Mor gan were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mr. H. Streeter on Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Geo. Henriksen of tha Strabrry ranch, and Mr. and Mra. H. J. Streeter of Cecil were caller in Hfppner on Saturday. Jack Hyr.d. accompanied by Miss Annie Hynd and Mr. Frank Madden sp?nl Tuesday and Wednesday in Heppner. A. Henriksen and son Clifford of Lexinpton were calling at the Oral Henriksen ranch of Ewing on Thurs day. Miss Orpha Williams, who has been at the Last Camp for some time, left for her home in Newberg Saturday. Mr. and Mra. L. D. May of The Dal les are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. May at Lone Star ranch. Mrs, Lena Snell Shurte, county su perintendent, of Heppner, visited the Cecil school on Tuesday. W. EL Weatherford and son of lone were looking up their old time friends on Wednesday in Cecil. Mrs. Ista Rauernfiend and son Mar tin were calling on their friends in Cecil on Sunday. Bob Thompson and Guy Boyer of Heppner were busy men around Cecil on Wednesday. Harold Ahalt and Herman Havecost i After Every hfal of Rh Siding ipnt Sunday in lone Mr. and Mr. C. A. Minor of Port land were callera at the Last Camp on Monday. J. W. Brymtr of Heppner wai a caller at the Jack Hynd ranch Tue-day. B. F. Morgan and family were busi ness callers in Cecil on Tuesday. K. Balcomb of Montan was a Cecil caller on Monday. FOR SALE A $139 Silvertone phonograph, wal nut cabinet, attachments for Edison, Emerson, Okeh, Brunswick and Col umbia records; price $76. In good condition Also $4$ worth of records good condition, for $25. A $66 book case, 6 sections with base and top, glass door in each sec tion; golden oak, no scratches, all in good condition at $40. Two $37.50 rockers, upholstered in brown leatherette, very strong springs good as new, at $25. each. 4 gilt picture frames, with glass for each: 60 cents apiece. See MRS. F. R. BENNETT, Lexington, Ore. tf. Shot Up Your Chickens Notice is hereby given to all chic ken owners within the city limits of Heppner, that the city has an ordin ance prohibiting the running at large of chickens, as well as all other domestic animals. This ordinance will be atrictly enforced, and all owners of chickens and domestic an imals will comply with the same, or expect to suffer the penalty therein provided. By order of the City Council. S. P. IXEVIN, City Marshal. ESTRAY. There came to my place, the Jack son farm southwest of Lexington, on March 25, one dark brown mule, about 7 years old and weighing about 900 pounds; has a dim brand on left shoulder and fresh collar scar on right shoulder. E. S. MILLER. FOR SALE IS Golden Campine hens fine birds. Write or inquire of Mrs. U. C. Aiken, Box 142, Hepp ner ' ITO.EY5 Chew your food well, then use WRIG LEY'S to aid digestion. It also keeps the teeth clean, breath sweet, appetite keen. Tim Grmat America Arlington-Heppner Stage Line WE MEET TRAINS NOS. 1, I, 18 TO HEPPNER A.M. Arlington Lv 9:00 Cecil Lv 10:20 Morgan lone Lexington Heppner Lt 10:35 Lv 11:05 Lv. 11:30 Ar 11:55 P.M. 2:00 3:20 3:35 4:05 4:30 4:55 TO ARLINGTON A.M. Heppner Lv , 9:00 Lexington Lv 9:25 Iona Lv 9:50 Morgan Lv 10:05 Cecil Lv. 10:35 I ih'.afimut 1 THE DELTOR is like a MOVIE f It shows you with pictures every sterj in the making of a dress Buy Butterick Patterns With THE DELTOR MINOR & CO. Arlington Ar.. ..11:55 P.M. 4:00 4:25 4:50 6:05 5:35 6:55 Headquarter! at Patrick Hotel O. H. McPERRRLN R. E. BURKE Shell Fish! DO YOU EXJOY SIKLI, FISH! Oysters Clams Crab Served in any &tyle to your order. Our Sunday dinners are an attraction and should appeal to you. Save the wife extra work Sundays by taking din ner with us just bring the whole family along. Elkhorn Restaurant Heppner GARDEN TOOLS A complete line of tools for the handy man in home or garden. "Good work depends upon the tools" every man knows that. Spading Forks, Barrows, Rakes, Hoes, Watering Cans, Sycles, Lawn Mowers, Hose, Shovels, and our "Handy Kit." Peoples Hardware Co. Heppner Oregon KU KLUX KLAN LECTURE REV. W. A GRESSMAN Pastor Christian Church, Pendleton, Oregon, will give free public lectures on "The Truth About the Ku Klux Klan" LEACH HALL LEXINGTON, ORE., APRIL 25th, 1923 AMERICAN LEGION HALL IONE, ORE., APRIL 26th, 1923 ODD FELLOWS HALL HEPPNER, ORE., APRIL 27, 1923 Lectures Will Commence at 8:00 p. m. MORROW COUNTY CREAMERY CO. From April 1st, the following prices will prevail: MILK, per quart, 12 1-2 Cts. This is to be on the basis of Strictly Cash. CREAM TICKETS $2.60 For 16 Vi Pints Our milk is delivered from tubercular tested cows is strictly pure. Heppner Transfer Co. R. E. JONES, Prop. Handles Freight and is Prepared to do a General Hauling and Transfer Business SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC A. M. EDWARDS j WELL DRILLER, Box 14, Lexington, Ore. s Up-to-date traction drilling outfit, equipped for all sizes of hole 2 and depths. Write for contract and terms. Can furnish you 1 CHALLENGE SELF-OILING WINDMILL all steel. Light Running, Simple, Strong, Durable, 1 Open for Business The Music Shop it Brunswick Phonographs Sherman-Clay Pianos Latest Records Sacred, Instru mental and Dance Selections TWO BIG SONG HITS JUST OUT "CRYING FOR YOU," Waltz "DEAREST," Fox Trot WE HAVE EVERYTHING IN MUSIC IRVING A. MATHER Manager Thomson Bros. DRY GOODS, LADIES' and GENTS' FURNISHINGS, CLOTHING, SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Groceries We handle the best that money can buy, and the prices are right. Come in and let us figure with you. Thomson Bros. G.-T. Printing Is Known For Its Good Quality Day Old Chicks FROM BEST STRAINS OF BARRED ROCKS WHITE LEGHORNS PRICES : LEGHORNS April to May 10 delivery $13.00 per 100; $70.00 per 500; $125.00 per 1000. BARRED ROCKS $21 per 100; $200 per 1000. Rhode Island Reds $21 per 100; $200 per 1000. WRITE FOR MY CATALOGUE J. M. McCALEB MONMOUTH, OREGON Star Theater FRIDAY, APRIL 20th ZANE GREY'S "DESERT GOLD" RUTH ROLAND in "THE TIMBER QUEEN" Episode No. 12 "Quail Hunting", Field and Stream Pictures Fun From the Press SATURDAY, APRIL 21st 'THE LAST TRAIL" Anouner Zane Grey Picture With Ea Novak and Wallace Beery Aesop Fable, "The Lion and the Mouse." Topics of the Day. SUNDAY AND MONDAY, April 22 and 23 SPECIAL CAST in "THE SERVANT IN THE HOUSE" From the Famous play by Chas. Rann Kennedy Comedy "FELIX FIFTY-FIFTY" WED. AND THURS., APRIL 23th and 26th PETE MORRISON in "HEADIN' NORTH" and "FELIX LENDS A HAND" NEXT WEEK Enid Bennett in "KEEPING UP WITH LIZZIE" Constance Talmadge in "POLL OF THE FOLLIES" Charlie Chaplin in "PAY DAY" Dorothy Dalton in "FOOL'S PARADISE" Get a Copy of Our Weekly Hlust rated Program Methusaleh Says: pONSIDER the squirrel, Ohy my son, and be wise. J or when the sun shines, then doth he gather the fruit of the nut trees. But when the trees cease to bear fruit and snow covers the ground, then doth the squirrel feast on the nuts he hath stor ed against the cold days. If thou would be wise and farseeing, get thy self a Bank Book and use it frequently. Be pre pared for the Rainy Day; for when it rains it doth pour. But thy Bank Book will protect thee and thou will be blest amongst men. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank Heppner, Oregon L. MONTERESTELLI 1 Marble and Granite Works PENDLETON, OREGON Fine Monument and Cemetery Work All parties interested in getting work in my line should get my prices and estimates before placing their orders All Work Guaranteed THE body of the NEW OVERLAND Touring Car is made entirely of steel, with baked enamel finish. The hood is higher body lines arc longer seats are lower and the upholstery removable. $666 f. o. b. Heppner RAY M. OVIATT & DICK JOHNS At Universal Garage, Heppner, Ore. TillllUIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllMlllllllilllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIlj;