The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, March 22, 1923, Image 1

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    The Gazette-Times
Volume 39, Number 52. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAR. 22, 1923. Subscription $2.00 Per Year
Preliminary Survey Made During the
Weflt by Mr. Klrahner Reveal the
Fact That Outlet on Heppner-Hard-tnan
Road Can be Had to Comply
With State Requirements
Some comment waa had In these
columni a couple of weeks ago on the
proposition that the county court
would be forced to find another route
out on to Heppner Flat from that now
occupied by the road leading up
Heppner hill. A new survey and relo
cation of this road appears to have
placed the county in the position of
facing more damage and expense,
claimed on the part of those through
whose places the road pauses, than
the court feels justified in making,
and rather than face a lot of litiga
tion and put through condemnation
proceedings for right-of-way, they
had concluded to work out another
During the past week County Sur
veyor Kirshner made a, preliminary
survey up Shobe canyon past the
Berry place and on out to the top of
the hill, the terminus striking at
about the south line of the Wm. Hen-
drix place on the flat. The surveyor
found that he could make it out of the
canyon on a little less than a Ave per
cent grade, and that the distance to
the point of Intersection of the Hepp
ner Flat road would not be very ma
terially increased. Should the coun
ty decide to change the road over to
this canyon, permanent survey will be
ordered and the necessary steps taken
to get permanent right-of-way, which
they are figuring at this time will not
be very difficult The permanent lo
cation of the road here would mean
the abandonment of the present road
leading up Heppner hill, as the new
road would become a part of the
Heppner-Hardman market road and
be maintained as such by the county.
However, the court does not wish
to be considered as taking an arbi
trary stand in this matter, and feel
that they will only be forced to make
this change because of the conditions
as they now exist, and they yet have
hopes that these conditions will be
so modified that the road can go
where it Is at present located on the
new survey.
Besides the fact that heavy dam
ages are claimed because of the con
struction of the new grade, the court
also faces difficulties in getting across
the flat as the road is now surveyed,
and some of these difficulties would
appear to be solved if the route
should be changed up Shobe canyon.
It has also been suggested to the
eourt that they construct a real
scenic route out of Heppner. This
can be accomplished by starting about
the power house and making a switch
back up and around Dutton hill,
thence on out on to the flat up Dutton
canyon. And then again, they might
start out from the depot, or from the
O.-W. highway near the depot, and
then go up Dutton canyon, this latter
being a very feasible plan and the
top of the big hill can be attained
easily on the required five per cent
grade. However, what the people of
Heppner are interested in, as well as
the people of the large territory
served by the new market road, is
that a good grade is made out of
town, such as is required by the state
highway department, and we shall not
fuss much about which canyon or hill
it is placed on.
According to the lone Independent
one of the largest real estate deals
made for some time was the sale last
week by W. H. Padberg, of the C. A.
Rhea place on Khea creek. This
place consists of 2260 acres of bottom
nd hill land, and is considered one
of the best combination stock and
wheat ranches in the county. The
purchaser Is J. A. Toney of Hubbard,
Oregon, and the deal was put thru
by "Hap" Woods, real estator of lone.
Consideration in the deal was not
made known. It is expected that Mr.
Toney, who is a successful and ener
getic farmer, will put the place in i
high state of cultivation, and he will
take possession at once.
Lexington Man to Use
Lucius For One Month
Thoroughbred Stallion, Belonging to
War Department, Used In I'ma
tllla County Last Year.
Pendleton East Omroninn.
Lucius, thoroughbred stallion, own
ed by the war department, who was
used in Umatilla county last year as
a breeder, will be taken to Lexing
ton tomorrow by B. F. Swaggart, not
ed breeder of race horses. Mr. Swag
gart has lately entered the field of
breeding polo horses, and he will use
Lucius for this purpose on his stock
The stallion has been kept by
Frank Frailer here this winter. Th
horse will be returned to Umatilla
county within a month or nix weeks
and will then be used at Pendleton
and Ukiah. The horse was particu
larly popular with cattle men last
year, Fred Bennlon declares.
Lucius weighs 1160 pounds, stnnds
16 hands high and has a running
track record of 1:38. He ran on the
biggest tracks in New York, Mary
land, Kentucky and Louisiana and
out of 88 starts in five years won 17
firsts, 16 seconds and 11 thirds. He
was purchased at one time by August
Belmont for :i6,00U.
t I U.HL IS ID1)!
liUTU I'ni iTinn.n r, air".
There will be an all day service at
the hall on next Lord's Day. An ln
tdpttvtitttf thomn will ho nresented in
the morning, following the Bible
School and Communion Service; then
luncheon will be served to all that
...I..X. anA at 9-:m ttin
whirlwind evangelist, who la holding
a meeting at lone, will speak. You
T niiuilt hn la wnnilor
A good time Is planned for the eve
ning services, ooin inriswnn ciiueuv
or and preaching. Don't forget them
and don l ihii 10 near ueavui..
Radio to Have a Place
In Rural Communities
Valuable Information and Interest
ing Concerta and Lecture Will
Be Received By Farmers.
Radio will have a definite place In
the life of all rural communities in
Morrow county, predicts Jacob Jor
dan, instructor in physics at O. A. C.
"Conditions arising from the last
big storm completely isojated some
sections of the state for three and
four weeks," says Mr. Jordan. "If
Alsea had had a radio station, news
reports of the world's activities, help
ful lectures, and entertainment could
have been enjoyed when all other
meant of communication failed.
"Farmers comprise the majority of
residents living In isolated commun
ities. Radio will be an invaluable
asset to farmers because of the vast
amount of educational matter broad
cast by the larger and more import
ant broadcasting stations. This Is
material that the farmer would not
have opportunity to obtain If it were
not for the radio. Lectures on farm
subjects, social subjects, and enter
tainments are available at almost any
"The value of radio cannot be esti
mated. Farmers living in those sec
tions of the United States that are
subject to severe winter conditions
will find radio the means of saving
thousands of dollars and many lives
yearly, by being informed of the ap
proach of tornadoes, blizzards, and
preparing for other storms.
"Subjects of interest to the wives
of farmers are broadcast frequently
from all the larger stations."
The radio station at 0. A. C. is the
property of the college. It is avail
able for every department to use for
lectures, speeches, and any matter
that will be of interest to the public.
It is our desire to give the people
who listen to our station the kind of
entertainment and educational lec
tures that they want," says Mr. Jor
dan. We would appreciate it if those
who desire certain programs would
write and suggest the lectures that
will be of hlep to the farmers of their
own locality."
The 37th anniversary of Lexington
Congregational Church from 1886 to
This church will celebrate the above
anniversary Sunday, March 25th, by
appropriate services morning and
evening. All are invited to attend.
Do not miss them.
A public reception will be given
M on dy evening, March 2fith, the ac
tual date of organization, at the new
parsonage. Everybody welcome to
this reception. We especially urge
all old pioneers and old residents of
Willow valley to be present. We ex
pect several speakers of pioneer
days who will give us interesting ac
counts of the hardships and the
pleasures of those early times. Come
one and all and honor these early
home builders.
A Stockgrowers National Bank, made
a trio to Portland during the week.
where he consulted with a special
ist. He returned home en Tuesd-iy.
He was accompanied on the trin hy
Mrs. Spencer.
Baseball is again the all-absorbing
topic. Baseball practice has become
a regular after-school occupation and
the high school team wilt soon be
The proofs of the pictures for the
annual have all returned from Mr.
Ward at Pendleton and are a very
creditable bunch of proofs. From all
present indications the 1922-23 He
hinch will be the best ever put out
by the school, and every supporter of
the school should help them out by
buying one.
Waffles! And more waffles! And
green capsl And seniors sick from
eating too many waffles! And a dig
nified class advisor in the same con
dition! Presto! We have the senior
St, Patrick's Day breakfast. How
the lazy seniors ever got up so early
and how they ever got outside of so
many waffles remain two of the un
solved mysteries of the world. But
they did, and bIro set a good example
for other classes to follow for St.
Patrick's Day amusements. But they
needn't have worn the green caps;
everyone knew who they were without
having the fact so visibly advertised.
Vegetables Follow Vegetables.
Early planting of hardy vegetables
such as spinach, peas, radishes, onion
sets, and early cabbage, means a cor
responding earlier maturity of these
vegetables which will then come off
the ground In very dry or warm
weather. This early planting of har
dy vegetables makes possible the
planting of a succession crop such as
peas followed by late cabbage or fall
cauliflower, or onion from sets fol
lowed by lute beans or fall lettuce.
0. A. C. Experiment Station.
Mrs. C. C. Chick, who was stricken
with partial paralysis at her home In
this city on last Saturday, is still
very low, and any hope for her re
covery seems to be vain. Charles
Chick, her son, and other relatives, of
the family have been at the bedside
during the week and she has re
ceived the closest attention of doc
tors and nurses and sympathizing
friends, hut there seems to be little
hope that she can rally from the Af
fects of her ailment.
St. Patrick's Day passed off very
nuiv. tly in Heppner, there being no
public celebration of the day. Quite
a large number of the -Irish people
were In the city, but the majority of
the boys were busy on the sheep
ranches and farms and were not able
to get away. Appropriate services
were held at St. Patrick's church
and these were well attended.
PUH SALE Boarded seed barley,
$45 per ton; also seed ryo. B. F.
Swaggart, Eastern Oregon Jack Farm,
Lexington, Ore.
It is estimated that the World War
cost in money and wealth something
like three hundred billion dollars.
Whatever the sum, reckoned In dol
lars, it upset known economic laws,
monetary systems, rates of exchange,
trade and commerce. It loaded the
principal belligerent nations with a
combined debt of something like one
hundred and eighty billion dollars.
The debts of all the belligerents, with
the exception of the United States
and Great Britain and Belgium, have
increased during the last three years.
The debt of the United States due
to the war, reached its peak in Aug
ust, 1919, when it was 26 billion
dollars. In October, 1922, it was 22
billion dollars. It is somewhat less
In 1918, Great Britain's total debt,
largely due to the war, was about 37
billion dollars; today it is about 34
billion dollars.
The debt of France at the close of
the World war was about 50 billion
dollars; of Germany about 71 billion
dollars; and of Italy about 18 billion
dollars. When hostilities ceased it
was estimated that the total debts of
the nations of the world engaged in
the conflict were anywhere from 350
to 380 billion dollars.
The United States and Great Brit
ain are the only primary nations in
the whole list seriously undertaking
the payment of their debts. Recov
ery from the war waste is necessarily
slow; and with the exception of the
two nations mentioned, little or no
progress has been made in this direc
tion by the "big six" nations over
whelmed by the catastrophe.
The success of debt reduction in
both the United States and Great
Britain has been due to the vast re
sources of thetwo nations and the
determination of both to preserve
their credit and demonstrate to the
world that economic and financial re
covery is possible, if the tried prin
ciples of economic and financial laws
are put into operation and permitted
to function. The success of recovery
in the United States Is a large credit
to the leaders who have been respon
sible for the course pursued.
Supply and demand and the gold
standard are the two primary prin
ciples essential to this recovery. Na
tional expenditures must be trimmed
to fit national receipts. One of the
great obstacles to world recovery is
the persistent folly of attributing na
tional and international disturbance
and distress to the sound monetary
systems of pre-war days. As long as
false and foolish experiments, long
since tried and discarded, are brought
forward in the belief that repudiation,
inflation, legislation and political in
terference with natural laws wll cure
alt national and international ills, re
covery will be slower than is neces
sary. The United States has made the
largest degree of recovery, not so
much because it has vast wealth and
resources, but because It has set It
self sternly and spiritually to the
task of cutting expenses and stimu
lating receipts. Great Britain's or
dinary expenses for 1922 were 6 bil
lion dollars; those of the United
States only 3H billion dollars. Great
Britain's ordinary receipts by taxes,
in 1922 were six billion dollars, while
the ordinary receipts of the United
States were a little over four billion
It is interesting to note that in
1922 Great Britain's receipts from
customs duties were 634 million dol
lars, while receipts from customs
duties in the United tSates were oly
3f0 million dollars. Yet a writer In
the magazine "Current Opinion" h
the hardihood to declare that Great
Britain is "still a free trade coun
try." Great Britain's estimated or
dinary expenditures for 1923 are 44
billion dollars while the total est!
mated ordinary expenditures of the
United States are only 3 1-3 billion
If other belligerent nations would
cease their quarreling and fighting,
restore the gold standard, balance
budgets and reduce expenditures, the
vast debts of the world might be ad
justed and settled finally. Recovery
from war waste is recovery from the
madness and insanity of human ha
trcd and Jealousy. The world is not
lost; only wandering. Give it
chance. Recovery, if permanent, must
be spiritual as well as material,
Forward March
Protegee of Jack O'Neill to t Meet
Jack Horner.
The Dalles Optimist.
Fighting Jake Dexter, giant prote
gee of Jack O'Neill, local fight pro
moter, will get a chance to do his stuff
early next month when he steps into
the roped arena with Jack Homer,
the Portland colossus, according to
word received here this week from
the Portland Boxing Commission.
A clash between the two giants of
the state has been talked of for some
time. Threats of a speedy and ex
cruciating annihilation of Horner
have been sent out from Jakes camp
hile Horner has promised to knock
the Heppner giant for a row of "ash
cans." At any rate sports writers and
fight fans all over the state are wait
ing and wagering on the proposed
bout. The sentiment in Portland and
through the Willamette Valley
where Little Jack" used to make his
barefoot way, seems to favor him,
while all of Eastern Oregon antici
pates a triumphant victory for Fight
ing Jake. Verily, a big bout is in the
Portland papers have been giving
columns of advance press dope on the
fracas and from all indications the
bout will draw the greatest crowd ev
er assembled in the state of Oregon
for a prize fight.
The exact date has not been set but
the fight will be held in Portland.
The boxing commission of Portland
will decide upon the date and place
in which the bout will be staged. A
large purse running into the thous
and dollar regions, is to be offered,
according to meager information ob
tainable. Dexter is training in Heppner,
O'Neill said, but will come to this
city and finish up his work several
days before the match. He is eager
to feel the Portland giant out and is
confident of success.
The winner of the coming fight will
go east, where a number of good of
fers await.
Heppner Young Man
Married In Portland
The marriage of James F. Adkins
to Miss Alma Wills, a charming young
lady of Portland, was consummated
in that city on March 17th, the wed
ding taking place in the class room
of Miss Wills in the First Presbyter
ian church. Dr. Bowman, pastor, offi
ciating, and only relatives and a few
intimate friends of the bride being
present. Following the ceremony,
there was a sumptuous wedding din
ner served at the home of the bride's
parents at 6:00 p. m.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Wills, formerly resi
dents of this county, living on the
Vincent place above Pine City. She
is a niece of Mrs. W. H. Padberg and
has numerous other relatives in this
county, where she has spent much
time during the past two years and
formed the acquaintance of her fu
ture husband. Mr. Adkins is a son
of Mrs. Mattie Adkins of this city, a
native of Heppner and one of her
promising young men. He saw ser
vice in Uncle Sam's navy during the
war, and for the greater portion of
the past year he has been with the
Albers Milling Co. in Portland, where
he holds a good position.
The young people have fitted up a
nice home at 3364 12th street in
Portlnnd, where they will live.
Miss Norma Frederic, who lm been
a fixture in the local telephone office
for a number of years, the rcost of
the time as cashier, has been pro mot
ed by the company to a similar posl
tion at Eugene. She departed for
her new work this morning, taking
with her the abundant good wishes
of all her friends, and this means all
the patrons of the Heppner office.
Miss Frederic has been a faithful
employee in the local exchange, and
if there Is anything better the com
pany can give her In the way of pro
motion, she is certainly entitled to It,
much as we all regret her departure
from the city.
J. D. Tobin, who Is now supcrin
tending some bridge construction In
Gilliam county on the O.-W. highway,
visited in this city for a short time
Saturday. His firm, Tobin & Pierce,
built the new concrete bridges in
Heppner last year, and they are also
doing some work on the John Day
highway at Rock creek as well as on
the w illow creek road.
State Superintendent Churchill ar
rived in Morrow county yesterday and
has been spending the time, with
County Superintendent Shurte, in vis
iting the high schools. This fore
noon a trip was made out to Hard
man, arriving back at Heppner in
time to visit the school here and take
dinner with the teachers and mem
bers of the school board in the din
ing room of the domestic science de
partment, where they were served by
the students in that department un
der the direction of Miss Chambers.
Following this, Mr. Churchell and
Mrs. Shurte left for Lexington and
lone and will go on to Pine City, lr-
rigun and Boardman for tomorrow,
when Mr. Churchill will depart for
other points. He is making a gener-
1 visitation of the high schools of
the state and checking up on their
We are pleased to note that the
state superintendent does not have
ny symptoms of the ailment that a
certain anonymous letter sent out a
few weeks ago all over the state ac-
used him of. In fact he never
seemed to be in better health and
mental condition, and it will be hard
to convince the public that he is
suffering any weakness of this sort
Mr. Churchill takes this letter as a
huge joke, though it is quite evident
that it was sent out with malicious
Will you lay aside your cares of
the daily toil and come to the ser
vices next Lord's day, to honor Him
from whence cometh our strength?
These services are set to meet your
needs if you come in His spirit. The
Bible School meets at 10. The morn
ing worship is at 11. The sermon
subject, "God's Call to Service.
Junior Endeavor at 6:30, Senior
Endeavor at 6:30. Evening preach
ing services at 7:30. Sermon sub
ject, "The Gospel of Jesus Christ.1
We were glad for the goodly re-
sponse last aunaay ana nope ior me
same return wun an aoaea increase,
n.. rtn.uL-,
Vegetables Promote Health.
Vegetables eaten freely promote
health. They are an excellent source
of mineral elements, vitamins, and
roughage. Some protein and energy
are also supplied. These materials
are necessary for the successful nu
trition of both children and adults.
Raw vegetables carefully cleaned and
thoroughly chewed have ft higher
mineral and vttamm content than
cooked vegetables. Overcooking veg
etables in too much water results in
loss of flavor and food values. 0. A.
C. Extension Service.
June Li verm ore was born In Ohio
July 24th, 1850, and when ft young
woman gave her heart to God. In
August, 1867, she was married to Ab
raham Smith, who later became a
minister of the gospel, and who passed
to his reward in 1912. To this union
were born three children, two sons
and one daughter, the latter passed
several years ago to await the
coming of the mother on the othe-
short. The sons, W. C. and George
Smith, of Portland, survive her.
In January, 1913, Mrs. Smith was
married to George Drkstra of Hepp
ner, who survives her. She also
leaves to mourn her loss, one brother,
Frank Livermore of Jamesville, Wis.,
and a sister, Mrs. Ola Gidings of
Mntinaw, Mich.; eight grandchildren,
Mrs. C. W. Cone, Fay Smith and Linn
Smith of Portland, Ray Taylorf
Heppner, George Taylor and Mrs. Ola
Cooper of Michigan and Emmet and
Glen Smith of St. Helens, Oregon,
also six great grandchildren,
Mrs. Dykstra's health began to fail
several years ago, but until her eye
sight failed her she was a constant
reader of her Biblf, and on March
4th, after two weeks of sickness, she
passed on to join the loved ones gone
before. Her funeral was held in
Portland on March the 6th, and bur
ial was in Mt. Scott cmetery beside
the grave of her lute departed hus
band, Abraham Smith.
Htg 40 and 8 dance at the Fair Pa
vtlion, Saturday, March 24th.
Heppner Club Partially Organised
Monday Evening. Nine Gimet Now
Scheduled, and Prospects Bright
for Speedy Team Here.
The baseball meeting called for
last Monday evening, although slimly
attended, accomplished the tentative
organization of the local club and
laid plans for the season. La Verne
Van Marter and Jared Aiken agreed
to act as manager and captain re
spectively until such time as those
offices could be filled perm an ntly.
It was thought, after considerable
discussion, that it would be nec senary
to hire only a pitcher this yir. there
being enough talent locally o fill the
rest of the team. B. R. Finch, teach
er in the local school, who expects to
spend the summer here, will take care
of the receiving end of the battery,
and with the fellows who made Hepp
ner's team last year a winner, we
should put up some real class. Ne
gotiations have been opened with
B rough ton, the pitcher who assisted
in administering a severe drubbing
to Arlington last year, and it is ex
pected he can be secured for the sea
son without a very great outlay of
Nine games have already been
scheduled, four with lone, four with
Condon, and one with Echo. The
game with Echo may be played next
Sunday, although this has not yet
been entirely settled.
For the purpose of raising money
for the team a dance will be given at
the pavilion Saturday evening, March
The Ross Evangelistic Company
The local Christian Church has
contracted with the Ross Evangelistic
Company to hold a revival meeting
here beginning April 15. This is a
very strong company, consisting of
Mr. and Mrs. Ross and daughter.
Their musical talents are very much
above the ordinary'musicians, and it
is confidently expected that their ef
forts will result in a great revival
here. Keep the date in mind.
West Coast Life Holds Convention.
The West Coast Life Insurance Co.
held its second annual convention of
the Northern Department, at the Ho
tel Gowman in Seattle, on March 5th,
6th and 7th. Approximately forty of
the company's representatives from
Oregon, Washington and Idaho were
present. Vice-presidents Chas. W
Helser and Gordon Thomson, attend
ed as representatives of the home of
fice in San Francisco. According to
J. W. Stewart, superintendent of ag
encies, it was one of the most suc
cessful conventions that the company
has ever held. Emery C. Gentry,
district manager, attended as repre
sentative of the Heppner district, and
took part on the program.
Sunday School 9:45 a. m.
Sermon 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m.
Prayer Meeting Thursday 7:30.
The Sunday School orchestra has
added much interest to the school;
you will enjoy the music.
One week from Sunday being East
er, there will be given a Cantatta
which you will enjoy. Plan now to
be present.
J. R. L. HASLAM, Pastor.
Lexington High Students
Will Present Fine Play
The Lexington high school sutdents
will present the play, "Our Little
Wife" on Saturday evening, March
31st. The presentation will be at the
high school auditorium, and the cast
ia ae t rtl 1 nu.
Mnntirnnilira Pa
Dallas Ward
j Dorothy May U Velle Leathers
jTod Hunter j0e Devine
'Lucy Hunter Wilma Leach
Otis Hammerhead Louis Allyn
(Mrs. Pansy Hopscotch
Kathlyn Slocum
Officer McCormack Elmo McMillan
Marie Ribeu Maxine Gentry
Kloompy Ruth Stephens
There is much comedy in the plot,
the young people have been giving
their parts a lot of study and hard
work, and the rehearsals are placing
the cast in good trim to deliver "Our
Little Wife" in a manner that will
please. Admission will be 25 and 50
Whole Grain Products Healthful.
Eating whole grain products in cer
eats and bread stuffs is a healthful
food practice. Grains in their natural
state contain considerable amounts of
minerals, vitamins and roughage, be
sides energy and proteins, all daily
food essentials. Present day milling
of wheat especially removes the bran
and the germ, and with them- very
largely the minerals and the vit
nuns. White flour, polished rice and
refined breakfast cereals no longer
contain the minerals, vitamins and
roughage of the original grains. O
A. C. Extension Service.
Dedication of the Christian Church
It is now planned to dedicate the
new Christian Church on April 15, in
an all day service. This to be fol
lowed by a revival meeting, Mr. Floyd
Ross, head of the Ross Evangelistic
Company, to do the dedicating, and
is the preaching evangelist for the
Mrs. Mary Price, mother of Mrs
Frank Lleuatlen of Heppner, passe
away at her home at Pilot Rock, Ore
gon, on the 12th of March, Mrs. Price
was aged 75 years and was an early
pioneer of Oregon, having crossed the
plains by ox team to this state with
her parents from Missouri in 1865
Carl Troedson was in the city
short time on Tuesday from his home
at lone. Mr. Troedson has been suf-
iering for some time from an attack
of Lloodpusoning, and has been
ceiving treatment for the trouble by
a Heppner physician,
Big Charge of Powder
Exploded at Quarry
Five Tons of Dynamite Loosen t'p
Rocks for Big Crusher at Jones
Place on Heppner Flat.
An attempt to explode a charge of
five tons of powder, s heavy per cent
of which was dynamite, was made
yesterday evening at the new rock
pit the county is opening up just
west of the Wm. Hendrix house on
Heppner flat and on the land of Jeff
Jones. The work of putting in the
heavy charge of powder and setting
it off has been In charge of a man
sent out by the DuPont powder peo
ple, and very careful pains had been
taken to get each hole properly load
ed and wired, so that the entire
charge might be exploded In the in
itial attempt. Regardless of this,
however, two attempts were made and
all the holes were not "shot, leav
ing a portion of the middle row to be
exploded yet. This would be done
today, providing everything worked
out right.
It is very disappointing to the
workmen to have ft failure of this
kind, as they desire to have all the
holes exploded at the same time for
the best results In breaking up the
rock to be taken from the pit, be
sides they do not like to think they
have left s loaded hole to be explod
ed later when the pit is being dug
into by the big shovel, or have a few
sticks of dynamite shoveled up and
run into the rock crusher, as this
may result very disastrously to the
workmen on the job. The powder men
will make every effort possible to get
the powder out or explode it before
they turn the job over. Aside from
the failure to shoot all the holes, yes
terday's results were splendid in the
heaving up of the rock and the later
work may finish the job in good
Sunday School 10:00 a, m.
Preaching, 11:00 a. m. Subject,
"Anniversary of the Church."
Junior C. E. 6:30 p. m.
Senior C. E. 7:00 p. m.
Preaching, 8:00 p. m. Subject, con
tinuation of a. m. subject.
Bible Study Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.
Ladies Aid, Wednesday 2 p. m.
Food Sale, Saturday, 10 a. m.
The above services are for you.
The Bible is our authority.
God gave us all the power of per
sonal choice. Congregationalism does
not try to take that power away. We
try to teach how to choose wisely. The
Holy Spirit is our teacher. He will
help you if you will let Him. Try
Pierce Appoints New Fair Board.
Salem, March SO. Governor Pierce
today announced appointments to the
state fair board consisting of J. Rey
nolds, La Grande, reappointed: Dr.
W. Morrow, Portland; Wayne H.
Stuart, Albany; Frank E. Lynn, Dal
las; A, C. Marsters, Roseburg. Stuart
s a merchant, Lynn a dairyman and
Marsters a banker. Three members
of the old board resigned last week
and the terms of the two members,
Reynolds and W. H. Savage, of Cor-
vallis, expired Thursday.
The masquerade given on Saturday
evening by Happner lodge of Elks for
the benefit of Heppner library, Was
very pleasant social event, as well
&i being a profitable one, it being
well attended by the members of the
order and their ladies. Many and
varied were the characters represent
ed, and good music was furnished for
the occasion by local talent. The or
chestra consisted of Mesdames Roy
Missildine and Walter Moore and I
Messrs. Peterson, Irwin and Mather.
The net proceeds amounted to $44.50,
and this sum was turned over to the
library management.
Rev. M. McLean Goldte. just re- i
eently appointed archdeacon for the i
Eastern Oregon district for the Epis-
copal church, to succeed Rev. Geo. 1
B. VanWaters, is in Heppner to get
acquainted with the people here and !
held services at the Episcopal church ;
last evening, and is also speaking to i
the people there again tonight. Rev. i
Goldie is a recent arrival from Scot- ,
land, is a very pleasant Christian
gentleman and has been given a warm
reception by the people of his church
Work is progressing nicely with the
grading on the Heppner-Hardman
market road in the vicinity of the
Hendrix ranch and it wilt not be long
before that section of the road is
ready for surfacing. The new rock
pit is being opened up and the rock
crusher and bins will be installed just
as soon as the work on the quarry is
completed. The changes being work
ed out on that part of the road will
make it very much easier to get over
the hill to Rhea creek.
Robert Notson, son of Mr. and Mrs.
S. E. Notson of this city, on the first
lap of his itinerary with the Wil
lamette University debating team.
writes his parents that he 'as hc:d
up by a big blizzard in Montana, and
the team would not be able to meet
their first engagement. They were
unfortunate in meeting up with the
severe weather conditions prevailing
in the middle west at present, but as
they proceed on the rounds of their
schedule they should get away from
bad weather,
W. L. McCaleb. county road master,
who was called to Condon on business
the latter part of last week, reports
that they had some real wind at that
point on Friday. He would not at
tempt to start home until it subsided
somewhat, for fear that his car would
he blown over. He saw cars that had
their tops blown oiT. and the wind we
expreienced at Heppner was not
circumstance to what they had on the
high plains about the Gilliam county
K. K. Mahoney and wife. Mrs. W
A. Richardson and Mrs, W. P. Ma
honey, motored to Pendleton on Sat
urday, where they nit(t W. P, Muhon
ey, returning from Hot Lake. The
party returned to Heppner Sunday
'All-of a-Soddea Peggy" Is Well Pre
sented by Members of the Student
Body, and Is Pronounced One of the
Best Ever Given.
One of the best yet given ts the
general expression of those who at
tended the presentation of "AU-of-a-Sudden
Peggy" by the high school"
students on Tuesday afternoon and
evening. This is a light comedy in
three acts, and the east had been well
chosen, this being specially true of
the leading characters, and Mrs. Ber
nice Dafoe Hopper, who coached the
young folks, is entitled to all the
praise she has received for the man
ner in which she handled the play
and brought out the interpretation
of the various parts.
Phillip Mahoney, as Anthony, Lord
Crackenthorpe, a fellow of the En
tomological Society, was ably assist
ed in his research work by Rose Hirl
as Mrs. O'Mara, and together they
were enabled to make very important
discoveries regarding that wonderful
insect, the spider, and their associa
tions naturally led them to become
very intimate. But the suddenness
of Peggy O'Mara, a character fully
sustained by Dorothy Hill, came near
precipitating the family of Lord
Crackenthorpe in difficulties from
which they were only saved by Peggy
taking up with the Hon. Jimmy Kep
pel, brother of Anthony,, and being
saved from marrying that worthy
the outcome of a scheme of the elder
brother of Lady Crackenthorpe, pre
sented by Carl Cason, who had plan
ned to save Anthony from the de
signs of Peggy by introducing her to
Jimmy and then announcing through
the papers that these two had become
married. It had become a very diffi
cult situation for all parties concern
ed and of course was very distressing
to the mother of Anthony and Jimmy,
who was much opposed to the 0
Maras anyway. Bern ice Sigsbee as
Lady Crackenthorpe, and Velma Case
as MiHieent Keppet, were each good
and sustained the important charac
ters in a splendid manner. Miilicent
rather helped her brother along in
bringing about a situation that solved
the problem of the family, but "the
suddenness of consequences" and the
"consequences of suddenness' final
ly brought the play to a happy climax
and all ended well.
As Jimmy Keppel, William Gilliam
did well, having a rather hard part
to carry out. Carl Cason made his
part stand out prominently and
although he got things muddled up
somewhat, it was "all for the good of
the family as anyone eould readily
J see. Phillip Mahoney and Rose Hlrl
make a team that is hard to beat, and
their parts created ranch merriment,
while Dorothy Hill interpreted the
character of Peggy in a manner that
could not be well excelled in the ama
teur class. Minor parts were taken
by Austin Smith as Parker, Reid Bu
seick as Lucas, servants in the house
hold, and Helen Curran as the Hon.
Mrs. Colquhoun, who appeared in
one scene only, and this for the pur
pose of creating a little scandal and
increasing the suspicions of the
Crackenthorpe family that all was
was not as it should be between Jim
my and Peggy. Sigvard Franzen took
the part of Jack Menzies, friend of
Preceding the performance, there
was good music, furnished by Mr.
Mather and Stanley Peterson, ftnd be
tween acts the following girls from
the high school chorus ga-e a medley
from the musical comedy "The Glass
Slipper": Veima Case, Leola Bennett,
Mary Crawford, Helen Curran, Violet
Hynd, Marguerite Hisler and Bernice
Woodson, accompanist. A special be
tween acts 2 and 3 was "Where My
Caravan Has Rested," a violin obliga
te by Stanley Peterson and Velma
Case, and Miss Case gave a musical
reading "In the Usual Way."
The play was well patronized by
the Heppner folks, both the afternoon
matinee and the evening performance
being greeted by large crowds. The
financial returns were good, and all
concerned are happy over the results.
Telephone Serenade In
1876 Day's Best Joke
Editorial In New York Paper Forty-
Seven Years Ago Suggests Some
I ses For the Telephone.
The full significance of a new in
vention is not always appreciated at
the time. An instance of this is in
an editorial printed in one of the
prominent New York newspapers on
November 9, 1S7A, regarding the new
telephone which Alexander Graham
Bell had exhibited at the Centennial
Exposition in Philadelphia. The edi
torial began appreciatively by saying,
"The telephone is ft new instrument
of electrical science, more likely than
some of the rest to find immediate
use." But that the telephone had to
create its own demand, like many oth
er new things, and itself develop the
larger life which now gives occasion
for its service is evident from the
climax of the editorial.
In closing the writer says, "Of what
use is such an invention? Well, there
may be occasions of state when it is
necessary for otVicials who art; far
apart to talk with each other without
the interference of an operator. Or,
some lover may wih to pop th ques
tion directly into the ear of a tady
nd hear for himself her reply, though
miles away; it is not for us to guess
how courtship will bo carried on In
the twentieth century. It has been
said that the human voir has been
conveyed by this contrivance over a
circuit of sity miles. Muic can b
readily transmitted! Think of sere
nading by telegraph!"
Guy French, brother of Dlllard
French, died Sunday at bin home on
Nutter creek. Complications devel
oping from an attack of influenca
cuust-d his death. Mr. French U sur
vived by a wife and three children.
Pendleton Tribune.