The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, March 15, 1923, Image 1

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The Gazette-Times
Volume 39, Number 50.
Subscription $2.00 Per Year
Brotherhood Meeting Discusses Hepp-
ner'a Heritage, and Then Saya Nice
Thinga- to Retiring Highway Com-
miaaioner and County Clerk.
The aubject for discussion at the
Brotherhood meeting on last Monday
nignt was aomewhat laid in the shade
by the turn that eventa took. W. O.
Livingstone was the first to speak,
and he confined his remarks to the
subject, stating that he was "talking
about something that he knew noth
ing about," but nevertheless bringing
out a number of very good points on
neppner s Heritage." Among a
number of things touched on by the
speaker was the regaining of trade
territory that at the present seemed
lost to the city; this being a heritage
that we should regain, if possible.
Then there was the bringing of cheap
er fuel into the city from the almost
inexhaustible supply lying right at
our door in the big belt of timber back
of town and but a few miles away;
an attractive and convenient camping
ground for tourists, and last, but not
least, an improved train service on
the branch. These were just some
things that appealed to the speaker
at this time, and he left much for
C. A. Minor was then called on,
word having been sent to him at
Portland by a member of the commit
tee on arrangements that it would
be a pleasure to hear from him on
this subject If it were possible for
Mr. Minor to be here. Having re
ceived the consent of his physician
that he might come to Heppner, an
that he would be permitted to take
some part in the meotinur. orovide
ho made no attempt at speaking, Mr,
Minor came prepared with an original
poem that set out, not only his ideas
or Heppner s heritage, but also con
tained much ancient history of th
town, all of which was well presented
ana greatly enjoyed. Art is endowet,
with a fine memory, and his contribu
tion to the evening's program set jut
much that was enjoyed by tha old'
timers present, as well as those com
ing to the city at later dates.
It was up to S. E. Notion to divulge
the "conspiracy" of the evening, and
after a few remarks on the subjee
in hand, he proceeded to hand out
some read bouquets to W. B. Barratt,
retiring highway commissioner. Hi
excuse for this was that he felt it
was better to show our appreciation
of the pepole while they were yet
here to receive it, because they could
' not read the nice things said about
them on their tombstone when they
were dead. Mr. Notson made Barratt
feel that he had the gratofu! appre
ciation or his home town and com
munity for the good services per
formed while on the highway com
mission, and what he said was gen
erously applauded. He also turned
loose on Joe Waters and said a lot of
nice things about him, all of which
was deserved for the eight or more
years or raithful service on behalf
of the public of Morrow county as
Other speakers fell in line to add
their testimony of appreciation to
these two gentlemen, these being C.
fc. woodson, V. I,. Kweok, J. J, Nys,
Judge lampbell, R. W. Turner and
rrank (.Milium.
Mr. Barratt responded in a cheer.
ful manner, stating that he had been
jobbed in coming to the meeting,
for it was to devolve upon him to
make a speech and hand out some
nice talk to Mr. Waetrs, and here
they had turned their guns on him
He thanked the speakers, kindly, for
their remarks concerning his efforts
lo bring something to his home town
and county while on the commission,
out rclt that he had only done hi
- duty and was indeed glad that he had
been of some real service.
Mr. Waters, who is quite reserved,
wnen It comes to speaking In his own
behalf, thanked the Brotherhood and
friends for their good words and was
glad that he had been able to serve
the people in a way that called forth
their generous approbation. Joe
couldn't say very much, but he felt
a whole lot and was made to realize
that he has gained a place in the
hearts of his fellow citizens that
should be the envy of every good man.
the meeting was attended by 76
members and visitors, and when it
was over the expressions on all sides
were to the effect that It was the best
yet hold. It was gratifying to the
president and other members of the
Brotherhood that so many were pres
ent and President Wators gave them
an urgent Invitation to come back
next month, prepared to toll
"best story."
Car Turns Over On
Rhea Creek Road
While returning to town from a
trip to upper Rhea creek on Sunday,
Game Warden Albee met with an acci
dent to his Ford car. Striking a rock
in the road, the car was suddenly
swerved and turned completely over.
With Mr. Albee in the car was his
son, 16 yeara of ago. The latter re
ceived quite severe injuries to his
ankle, but Mr, Albee escaped unin
jured. The enr had the windshield
smashed, but otherwise was slightly
STRAYED Prom my pasture about
Jan. 20th, one bay mare, age 8 years,
weight about 1200; mane was reach
ed Inst Sept. Branded circle 8 on
left shoulder. Notify C. N. Jones,
Heppner; Phone 2DFG1.
Charles Thomson of Thomson Bros,
has been experiencing some lumbago
for sevoral dnys the pBt week, which
threatened to lny him oft the job at
the store.
John Vaughn, representative of a
big firm of auto distributors of Port
land, spent several dnys In this city
on business this week, coming in on
bath. Inquire this office.
Who will got the clock In Hurwood's
American Leeion Sun
Day Will Be April 8th
Posts Will Arrange for Union 8er.
vices and Members Expected
to Attend In a Body.
In the 112 cities in Oregon where
are located posts of the American Le
gion, April 8 will be commemorated
as "American Legion Sunday," it be
ing the Sunday falling closest to the
anniversary of the declaration of
war against Germany.
The Rev. Frank James of Dallas,
department chaplain of ;the American
Legion, in calling attention to a state
convention resolution establishing
the day which it is hoped will become
as distinctive to the legion as Memor-
ial Sunday is to the G. A. R., declared
"The thought is that each post in
the state will Brrange with the minis
ters of the churches in their town for
a union service of all the churchei
in the name of the Legion, one of the
ministers preaching the sermon, the
Legion attending in a body. It is
hoped that the churches in the town
where posts of the Legion are dulv
organized will accede to the request
of local posts for such a service when
requested. It is further hoped that
every post will make the request and
then honor the courtesy of the
churches by attending the service ar
ranged in a body with as strong a
representation as possible. The
American Legion stands for the high
est and the best interests of the com
munity. Many of it's members are
active in the work of the churches of
the various denominations. Such a
service will be in harmony with the
ideals of the Legion, and wherever
it may be held will be distinctly non-
denominational. It is therefore hoped
that this American Legion Memorial
Sunday will find a permanent place
in the program of the Legion posts
and the churches of the state."
Bible School begins next Sunday
at 10 and we want every member pres
ent if possible. Our school is doing
fine work, but you can help to make
it better. Morning worship at 11.
Sermon subject; "The Lord's Pray
er." This is truly an inspiring sub
ject. We know If you come in the
right spirit you will be helped.
Junior Endeavor at 6:30. This so
ciety has reached a large attendance
and interest under the leadership of
hlstcr Kesney and her helpers, Sister
Davis and Bio. Parker.
Senior Endeavor at 6:30. We would
like to see all the Life Recruits at
this service. Evening evangelistic
services at 7:30. Sermon subject:
"The Discourse on Mars' Hill."
Prayer services on Wednesday eve
ning. This will be an unusual ser
vice. Come and urge others to come.
All are welcome at all these services.
C. H. Latourell, of Latourell Auto
Co. of this city, Is busy with the con
struction of a new garage down at
Boardman. The new building is 40
x 80 feet, hollow tile with pressed
brick front, and is sufficiently large
to accomodate the rapidly growing
business or Mr. Latourell at that
More New Books Added
To Public Library Lists
More new books, donated by Hepp
ner people, were added to the lists at
Heppner Public Library this week.
and we are furnished the following
list by Mrs. Mlsslldine:
A King In Khaki, Webster: Streets
of Ascalon, Chambers; Man in Eve
ning Clothes, Scott, donated by Mr.
and Mrs. J. O. Turner; The Crossing.
Churchill; The Crisis, Churchill; Re
creation of Brian Kent, Wright; The
Major, Connor; Spirit of the Border.
uray; Lord Loveland Discovers Amer
ica, Williamson.
The response to the request of the
library board for the financial aid of
different organizations of the city has
been gratifying so far, arrtl a number
of benefits have been given and plann
ed, all or which is greatly appreciat
ed, and will be the means of placing
the library on a much better footine.
The donation of books is also appre
ciated, and it is hoped that before
ong there will bo a much better
showing on the book shelves.
Stray Dogs Cause Loss of Sheep.
The visitation of a couple of stray
dogs at the ranch of W. H. Cleve-
and Tuesday, caused the loss of
about 54 head of ewes. The dogs came
to the corral at the barn where the
ewe band was, during the absence of
the herder at dinner, and rushing the
sheep, caused them to pile un. The
band was being prepared for lambing
and Mr. Cleveland feels that his loss
is all the more severe on this account.
Mrs. M. Brown, Miss Ruth Steph
ns, Miss Maxine Gentry, Miss Kuth-
een Slocum, Miss Neva Shinn, Miss
llulduh Tucker, Miss Bertha Tucker,
Miss Lave I lip Leathers, Miss Velle
Ward und Miss Margaret Jones com
prise a group of Lexington visitors
who were here for the basketball
tournament last evening at the high
school gymnasium. The Lexington
boys' team met the McLoughlin high
school team.-Pendleton E. O.
J. E. Gillespie was in from the
north Sand Hollow country Tuesday
nd states that the farming condi
tions are beginning to improve quite
npidly out that way. Ho is located
n the fnrm of Dr.. P. Condor, which
e haa leased for a number of years.
F. R. Brown is moving his office
nto the rooms formerly occupied by
A. McMcnamln in the G linon
building. He has been located in the
Farmers Elevator Co. building on
Main street.
Judge Gilbert W. Thelps will be In
Heppner on next Thursday, March
22nd, to hold a brlof session of clr-
uit court, and take care of some
matters pending on tlio docket.
Mrs. J. II. Wilt of Grass Vnllov.
who spent several dnys hero the past
woek visiting with her sister, Mrs. C.
Chick, returned to her homo on
Illg 40 and 8 dance at the Fair Pa
vilion, Saturday, March 24th.
' sushhm WTtoena rute
1 : .
High School Play to Be
Given Wednesday, 21st
The student body play, "All-of-a
Sudden Peggy" which is being coach
ed by Mrs. Hopper, will be presented
at the Star 1 heater on Wednesday
March 21, with the following all-star
Anthony, Lord Crackenthorpe...
Phillip Mahoney
Jimmy Keppel William Gillam
Major Archie Phipps Carl Cason
Jack Mer.zies Sigvard Franten
Faiker ...Austin Smith
Lucas Reid Buseick
Lady Crackenthdrpe....Bernice Sigsbee
Millicent Keppel Velma Case
Mrs. Colquhaun Helen Curran
Mrs. O'Mara Rose Hirl
Peggy Dorothy Hill
You may be sure it will be worth
seeing, because of the fact that Mrs.
Hopper is coach'g it, not to mention
the brilliant cast.
Plans for the H. H. S. baseball
team are already under way, and
very successful season may be pre
dicted, w hether Heppner will take
part in a track meet haa not yet been
The Seniors had one of the wildest
drcss-up days imaginable last Tues
day. All of these dignified creatures
appeared in gypsy costumes of the
most brilliant shades procurable.
I heir jewelry would have been a haul
for any ambitious robber, especially
Keith s ear rings. Their plan is to
establish a regular Senior dress-up
aay wmcn will become a tradition in
the school, as Junior Loud Sock Day
now is.
The high school operetta, "The
Treasure Seekers," is going to be the
best yet. Just waltl
Hermiston and Pendleton debated
last Saturday in order to work off
the tie between the two schools. Each
town chose one of its teams to rep
resent It In this final, Pendleton
choosing her affirmative and Hermis
ton her negative. A unanimous de
cision was won by Pendleton, this
making Pendleton the district cham
pion. The millinery class have completed
their first hats and are now beginning
on their second ones, which are to be
silk and braid.
A debate was held in the Civics
class Tuesday on the question, "Re
solved that the U. S. should imme
diately relinquish her control over
the Phillipine Islands." Tha affirma
tive team consisted of JCeith Logan,
Clara Phelps end Myra Wells. Vio
let Hynd, Elaine Sigsbee and Doro
thy Pattison maintained the negative
side. The class was unable to decide
the debate in favor of either side.
At the Patron-Teachers mectins-
held Tuesday night the 85.00 which
Is given to the grade having the larg
est number of parents present was
nwnide.l to the seventh grado, taught
by Miss Turner.
The stunts put on at the1 theater
Tuesday were a great success.
lha first stunt, a representation of
Ford, was very amusing and took
well with the public.
Recitations were given by Helen
Wells and Elaine Sigsbee in a most
entertnlning and humorous way.
1 he n.usic, consisting of violin so
los by Stanley Peterson and a sextet
composed of Juniors, was much ap
But the crowning stunt of the eve
ning was the Virginia Reel. Tho pen
and life put into this dance would
have done credit to some real negroes,
and in fact it was hard to believe that
tho performers were only Juniors
blacked up, so much did they enter
into the spirit of the thing.
The Juniors certainly extend their
thanks to Mr. Slgsbca,, for his aid.
lie is always willing to help the
school in any way and they appreciate
The proceeds, which were divided
50-50 with Mr. Sigsbee, netted the
Juniors $07.15, which will be used in
giving the Junior-Senior banquet.
Dig 40 and 8 dance at the Fair Pa
vilion, Saturday, March 24th.
i Dr, D, R, Hnylor, March 26-27.
Home Study
Team Will Be Organized, Manager
Elected, and All Fans Are
Crged to Be Present.
A meeting of baseball fans, and all
those Interested in this great Ameri
can game, is called for Monday night
at me council chambers, at which
time steps will be taken to organize
for the ball season,
lone, Arlington and Condon have
already organized and are getting
meir teams in trim, and desire to
schedule games with Heppner, and
the fact that we have a lot of good
ball talent here is sufficient reason
that we should be getting ready to put
on some good contests during the
Last year'a team pulled through in
gooa shape, winning a good percent
age of the games played. Financially
tne result was even better, and the
town now bas a good equipment for
a ball team, both as to grounds and
individual equipment for the men.
A dance is in contemplation for the
near future to raise funds to heln the
ball boys along in their expense ac
count. Get out to the meeting on Mondav
nif-ht next at the council chambers
and help get the organization going
good shape.
Grand Lodge Officers
Visit Willow Lodge
Willow Lodge. I. O. O. F. of this
city was host on last evening to the
other lodges of the county, it beine-
the last of the series of get-together
meetings the various lodges have
been holding. Besides a number of
visitors from lone, Lexington and
Hardman lodges, there were present
Grand Master Bowman of Pendleton
and Grand Chaplain Reeves of Her
miston, each of whom made addresses
and witnessed the exemplification of
nmation and degree work.
Addresses were given bv a number
of visitors and the grand officers and
a jolly good social time was enjoyed
around the banquet table as a fitting
close to the evening's ceremonies.
Mrs. Henry Howell Dies.
Mrs. Henry Howell died at her
home in this city on Tuesday night,
and the remains were taken to Lone
Rock today, by way of Condon, for
burial. Mrs. Howell had been ailing
for some time, suffering from heart
trouble and other complications. She
was taken to Portland by her hus
band some two weeks or more ago,
out physicians there could do noth-
nji for her, and she returned home
ust a few days before her demise.
She was 47 years of age, and leaves,
besides her husband, two daughters,
Mrs. Walter Rood and Mrs. Hazel
Leathers, of this city. She was a
native of Lone Rock.
Who will get the clock In Harwood's
Leave them in the basement of the
Federated Church
Enclose a few needles and thread; they
will do the patching.
Shipment will be made Monday, March 19th
"The Lord loveth a cheerful jfiver."
"It is more blessed to give than to receive."
C. D. Marin arrived Tuesday morn
ing from his home at New Rockford,
w. u ip join Mrs. Marin who has
been spending the past few weeks vis
iting at the home of her sister, Mrs,
C. V. Hopper, in this city. Mr. and
Mrs. Marin expect to remain at Heno-
ner for another week before leaving
tor roruana, where they will visit
with relatives and friends before con
tinuing their journey home.
H. C. Gay and son Walter were up
to Heppner from their place down on
the Umatilla river in the vicinity of
nenniston, ana spent Mondav and
Tuefday in thia city. They drove
over in the big wind that nrevailed
suncay and lound it pretty hard eo-
ing. i The Gays are getting nicely sit
uated on their new home in Umatilla
county and will have a fine place be-
iere.aan;' summers paea by. ,
Prof. E. H. Hedricic accompanied bv
rroi. Wallace Kellogg of Lexington
schools, made a trip to Stanfield on
Saturday to be present at the high
school debate between Pendleton and
Hermiston, Prof. Hedrick being the
district manager of the debating
teams. Pendletlon got the decision
unanimously and that team will rep
resent the district at the state meet.
Karl L. Beach, Lexington hardware
and implement dealer, was in this
city a short time on Friday. He ex
pects to sell quite a number of Harris
combines for the coming wheat har
vest, and he was looking up a little
business along this lina while here.
Ray Oviatt, who is agent for the
popular Overland car in this section,
returned the last of the week from a
trip to Portland, coming in with F. R.
Brown who had been spending a few
days in the city oIbo.
W. H. Garner, Butter creek resi
dent, was in the city on Friday. He
has been on the sick list for a short
time, along with other members of his
family, all of whom are now improv
EASTER LtLLIES. We have just
received a shipment of beautiful East
er lillies, priced from $1 to (2. Will
take orders for cut flowers and pot-
ted plants. HUMPHREYS DRUG CO.
Mrs. May Case returned the first of I
the week from Hot Lake, where she
........ .v.... . ... .1,., . .
snout about two weeks taking treat
ments for rheumatic trouble. She is
much improved in health,
Paul Hisler departed for Portland
on Sunday and will remain in the city
for some time to receive medical at
tention. He has been in poor health
for months past.
FOR SALE U. S. Motor truck, ltt
ton, pneumatic tires, in good condi
tion; reasonable terms. Write Box
391, lone, Oregon.
FOR SALE Bearded seed barley,
$45 per ton; also seed rye. B. F.
Swaggart, Eastern Oregon Jack Farm,
Lexington, Ore.
LOST Chauffeur's badge, No. 636.
Finder please return to W. M. Kirk,
Big 40 and 8 dance at the Fair Pa
vilion, Saturday, March 24th.
IrtT nr nunrn limn
Readjustment of Charges to Live
Stock Interests Postponed Until
1925, When It la Believed Condi
tions In Industry Will Be Better.
Washington. March 12. There will
be no increase in fees charged for
grazing live stock on national forests
until iy:5, according to an announce
ment of the U. S. National Forest
Service in a telegram to the National
Wool Growers' Association.
For the first ten years after the
national forests were placed under
the supervision of the Department of
Agriculture only a nominal charge
was made for permits to graze live
siock. However, it was realized that.
excepting for the pioneer seriod. the
charge for our government range
must eventually be based UDon its
xair commercial value.
As steps toward such valuation.
moderate increase was made in graz
ing rees in iaia and 1919. at which
time the stockmen using national for
est ranges were given five-year per
mits expiring at the close of 1923.
Coincident with the issuance of such
permits, the stockmen were advised
that the various national forest
ranges would be carefully appraised
during that period and fees adjusted
accordingly for a new five-year per
iod beginning in 1924. and that the
new fees would be announced earlv
in 1923. The work of range appraisals
naa aavanced to where it is now evi
dent that a readjustment of fees
would result in a marked increase in
the grazing charges made on many
national forests.
However, the livestock industry in
the West is suffering severely from
economic collapse following the war
and aggravated by the climatic condi
tions which have been unfavorable to
the industry in a number of Western
states. It is therefore felt bv for-
stry officials that it would be unwise
take action at this time which
would result m increasing their bur
dens. For this reason the forester
as recommended and the Secretary
oi Agriculture nas approved the post
ponement of the readjustment of fees
until the grazing season of 1925.
According to forestry officials the
postponement of readjustment should
ot be construed as m any wav indi
eating a departure from the original
intention to establish and adhere to
the commercial value principle, which
is felt to be absolutely sound and
which they believe in the long run
will prove most acceptable to the
stocit industry.
Morrow County Should
Produce Seed Alfalfa
Oregon Agricultural Colleee. Cor.
vauis, Mar. 14. More alfalfa seed
can be profitably produced in Morrow
county, believes George R. Hyslop,
hief of farm crops at the O. A. C.
experiment station.
V e need a large production of
seed to take care of our annual plant-
gs, especially Grimm alfalf a." said
Hyslop. "There are not many farm
ers attempting to grow alfalfa as i
seed crop, but a great many have sold
stands that are thin and free from
weeds, which can be used for seed
Other counties in which food eed
can oe produced are Douglas, Jose
phine, Umatilla, Jackson and Baker.
Jackson county is probably the larg
est producer at the present time.
It is possible that alfalfa seed
will be a good crop in some sections
oi Lake county, if grown without ov-
irrigation. Some e-ood yields have
been obtanied in Malheur county."
i rials lor seed In the Willamette
lley have not been successful, pro
bably due to some unfavorable cli
matic condition. It is considered un
wise for the firmer of this section to
attemPt to grow alfalfa for seed.
"?nJL f .V" 1P"blem" lf!'fa
" T k k, f,- ge. t0
set, probably a pollination Droblem.
It seems that the best seed is obtain.
ed where the growing season is hot,
the stand thin, and aften where the
conditions for good growth are un
favorable such as gravelly or slight
ly alkali soil, or land that is a little
"The second crop is usually saved
for seed in those counties where three
crops are cut. The first crop is saved
for seed in the sections where only
two crops are cut.
"Special care must be taken to grow
seed free from dodder, and get it
hulled with a low percentage of hard
seed," continued Hyslop. "It is more
profitable to grow good clean seed in
the field than to try to clean undesir
able weed seeds out of it after it has
been harvested."
S. E. Notson, Frank Gilliam and
Judge Campbell, bonus loan apprais
ers, were down in the BoardniBn coun
try f nday to look over the property
of some applicants. They were ac
companied by Clerk Waters and re
port that they found the weather
down that way somewhat milder than
here, with spring well on the way.
"Farmer" Smith of the Union Pa
cific, was a visitor in this city for a
short time the end of the week. He
has been promoting a dry farm in the
Irrigon section for a nunibor of years
and was here on business connected
with the disposal of this place. He
returned home on Friday.
HEMSTITCHING I have installed
a hemstitching machine at my apart
ment in the Gilman building and will
give all orders for work in that line
my Dest attentoln. Your patronage is
solicited. Mrs. C. C. Patterson, tf.
FOR SALE Thoroughbred White
Leghorn hatching eggs, from fine lav
ing strain. 76 cents per setting and
$4 per hundred. MRS. CLAUDE
WHITE, Lexington, Oregon.
FOR SALE 6 head 4-year-old Bel.
gian horses; 2 new Oliver double
discs, 8 ft Will trade discs for
horses. Property can be seen at the
Blackhorse ranch. Terms. E. M.
ton. rassps Awav Hwp
Death Closes Illness of Many Months
And Pioneer Woman la Laid
to Final Rest Monday.
In the death of Mrs. Eliza J. Mc
Alister of Lexington at the horn of
Mrs. w. E. Straight in thia city on
last Saturday evening, another pion
eer of that section haa passed to her
reward, and the community ia called
upon to mourn on of itm lflHin IH
zens. ueatn came to Mrs. McAlister
after an illness of many months, and
after all had been done that it waa
possible for human bands to do to
relieve her of the physical disability. I carrying tne Burglar insur
At the time of death, Mrs. McAlia- ' WM fonnl that all the valu-
ter was 76 years of age. Her funeral I . mi""fS seems to be some 1100
was held from the C,ono-re.tinn.l
cnurcn in Lexington on Monday after-
noon at 2 o'clock, Rev. D. J. Gillan-
ders preachine- tha sermon. nA ft,
burial being in Lexinrton
wmcn service the Kebekah lodges
of Lexington and Heppner had a part
She was a member of the Rebekahs
at Lexington, and active in tho work
of the order, as she always waa in
church matters and charitable organi-
zations, though not adhering to the
tenets of any nartirnlor a
dependable, loving friend and neigh-
bor, Mrs. McAlister was one of the
Hinars oi ine community, respected
and belolved by all.
fcliza Jane (Buckingham) McAlister
was porn near Shelby, Richland
county, Ohio, March 22, 1847, and
died at Heppner, Oregon, March 10,
aged 75 yeara, 11 months and
18 days With her narents h mn,.A
from Ohio to Iowa in 1853, and in
Jur.e, 1868 she was united in
ringe to William B. McAlister, near
Smyrna, Clark county. Iowa, and tn
.L! . T.' '
She was the youngest of a family
of 11 children, and two sisters only
survive: one residine- at r.onnii
muns, Iowa, and the other, her old-
una union were Dorn three sons, Har- ; n was ine worn
vey L. and Charles R. of Lexington, . 8matenr- Th tools used in get
and Marshall of Portland tlng into the buW'ng and found there
est sister, livinir at Garihalrfi nn..10w 10neI farther investigation re-
She came to Oregon with her has-
band in 1882, locating first at Weston
and in the spring of 1883 coming to
what is now Morrow county, .h.r.
they took up land and followed farm.
ing for many years, later building a
uume in i.exington and continuing to
resiae mere.
When a young woman, Mrs. McAl
ister was caused to pasB through
period of prolonged hardship in the
state oi lowa, this being a condition
coming about from the results of the
Ulvll war and tha ninnaa
existing there when she was growine
inio womannooa. rne men, all that
could qualify, were called to war and
it was left to the women to run the
iarms and undergo the drudgery nec-
essary to eke out a livine. and h
made a hand in the fields and helped
n uie pianung ana reaping of the
harvests, as other members of her
family and her neighbors of that time
were called upon to do. She also
passed through the trials of three
wars, and contributed her share of
manhood to these struggles of our
, . - .i.1,,.u,g1,. oac.
AfiVAa hBMnri twt hn - J. .
...uu ,,, VUUIU1UU11V B
memory that will long be cherished
oy all those whose good fortune it
was to know her.
TTIU el,l 1VMI r x
"'6" ocuuui mil rreseiU
Fine Three-Act Comedy
The three-act comedv. "All-of-a.
ouuuen reggy, win oe presented at
the Star theater on next Tuesday eve-
ning by the students of Heppner high
scnooi. ine young people have been
faithfully rehearsing this play, under
me sKiuiui guidance of Mrs. C. V.
.. . t
nupper, ana win oe prepared to elve
tho H... ii;. . .." . .
th. diu In 7 ,T. 1 t!X
turn out.
.a.. i.cucwiii jjuukb no.
Hull i-i f unITn T K ,.1. U T 1 t-
WhiN :
v' i
has been broken, and our beloved sis-
anuuici iiu ia uur ciimn i
r t,iita j. aicAiister nas Deen called
to that mysterious beyond;
Therefore, be it resolved, that in
we nave lost a vaiuea
ineiiu ana meraDer, wno py ner many
gooa aeeas and kind acts endeared
herself to us, in our associations in
life, and we deeply and sincerely de
plore the loss to our fraternity.
Resolved, that a copy of these res
olutions be spread upon the minutes
or our Lodge,
the family of our deceased sister, and
a copy to the Heppner paper. That
out oi respect to her memory our
charter be draped for a period of
thirty days.
Fraternally submitted.
Lexington, Oregon, March 4, 1923.
C. A. Minor Here Thia Week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Minor arrived
in the city on Monday evening, hav-
ng niuae tne trip up trom Portland
n their car and being some four davs
on the journey. He is here to look
after some business affairs, and it is
a pleasure to be able to state that un
der the care he has been receivins-
from his physician at Portland for the
past several months, Mr. Minor ii
rapidly gaining in health and fully
expects to be able to look after his
atTlilrS nf h,laina. in tht. n.i.t.
Ills Vliror of former ver Ho b.
becn receiving tho congratulation, of
his many friends unon his returnln.
physical strength.
rred Raymond, who is one of the
extensive wheat producers of tha lone
section, was in the city Friday. He
was Interested somewhat in the claims
the sheriff had marked up against
him for taxes, and while in this of
fice for a short time stated that the
rop conditions in his neighborhood
are good and a fine harvest is in pros
W. G. Moore got home Friday from
a business trip to Portland and Wil
amette valley points. He renorts
business as moving up fine in the
metropolis, and up the valley as well.
Pr. D. R. Haylor, eye specialist.
will be in Heppner March 26-27.
Who wil'
get the clock In Harwood's
. iu
i nmiw . . .
Vault Entered and Safety Depoalt
Boxes Relieved of Contents. Only
Valuable Missing About $100 In
Stamp. Belonging to PontoftVe.
The Bank of lone was burglarised
' I , J J : i . .
I"" -"" nignt ny one or more
I jeRgmen, and after a thorough in
"atigntton bT officials of the bank
I snd representative of the bonding
,n postage stamps, belonr hi to th.
i"""-""":' a lone and leift in the
Tault of the Banlt for fe keeping,
I Entrance to the buildine was farreA
ana n robpers evidently wasted no
" open me mangirhese
mone7 afe which is outside of the
Tanlt' ni which they concluded waa
tf tough a problem to tackle in the
time that they might have at their
a,Pi; mey blew the vault door,
I uln nitre-glycerine, and going into
I the vault proceeded to rifle all
!afetr deposit boxes and scatter the
content" thereof on the floor, making
I 7 u,bb w vmngs ana aesxroy-
ing some valuable papers, seemingly
" ln Ior Cashier Gunzel, as
r " into Bits. Many
boxe contained bonds, but as these
were a" "altered the yeggs had no
, l"r ""m na lne were left. So
far a cn be ascertained there waa
notnlB' ele ot nl" besides the post-
a "tamps taken.
,, job Beem" to have been quite
weI' Panned, though there is consid-
.Mh. --iA l . I.
en tne Dank was opened, bore the
"tamP ,0.' the Warren Construction
vo- "na n was tnought that they were
7 Irom lne nPny camp be-
vealed that they had been taken from
a SaraSe in I"e, where the tools had
recentlv been left by employees of the
comPny. Telephone and telegraph
wlr" were cnt, both local and lone
distance, so that communication waa
shut off from this source, but they
failed to reach the main line between
lone and Heppner, so the officers here
were immediately communcated with
when the robbery was discovered.
. leBraPh hne was temporarily
o me train could be
? 8patc,lea from Ion Monday morn-
I l"B.
. e omee" took up the trail as
. ' """ ut " ootning to
wor . on' and " is b"eved that the
f?1?" made tneir S"eVaway down the
r: r , ,u '""ng no clues be
Sunday School 10 a. m.
Preaching. H a. m. Suhiwt "Th.
Future Destiny of Believers."
Preaching, 7:30 p. m. Subject "The
I -
30 n. m.
Senior C. E. 6:30 p. m.
Bible Study, Wednesday 7 p. m.
Ladies Aid, Wednesday, 2 p. m.
These services are for you. Come.
" you 've ""O' Christ and if
you want Him lifted up before the
nope oecause ne is the world s re-
deemer. If you trust in anything
i"r salvation, you will be lost,
G1 the Father, God the Son and God
tne Holy Spirit, invites you to hear
lne ospei. ume.
hi;., d.i o .,
"'" v. omitn departed this
mo""n? for 'er home at Rose-
curg, where she expects to remain for
a "uib, ui uqui sne locates work at
th Cash Variety Store in HeDnner
I e ,-,
iur a Derma or Btinnt tvm
7 . ,
uuriiic ini nmu mse
her retire from business and leave
iritnos n pro vnn nt-a gnm u -..
the city, but wish her success where
ever she may go. She thinks she will
not again engage in business, but will
secure work of a clerical nature.
We desire to express to our friends
of Lexington and Heppner, our sin
cere thanks for their help and sym
pathy during the sickness and burial
our beloved mother, and also to
e "embers of the Rebekah lodge of
D. C Wells Will Soon
Move to Pendleton
After having spent about ten days
at Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. D. C
Wells returned home on Friday and
are now preparing to move their
r"8ehld effpcts ,0 '.h"t city and
make their home there in the future.
With C. L. Keithlcy, formerly of
this city, but now livine: at Walla
Walla, Mr. Wells has taken over a
real estute and insurance business at
Pendleton, buying out ono of the old
est established businesses of this na-
'' "'' " 'Mr. Reim-
wlil carrT on this business in the
future, having the promise of a pros-
perous venture. The bnrber business
"i vtyue arm UICK Nl'lis in this City
wli continued by the latter.
Mr. and Mrs. Wells expect to dc
P" from Heppner by the first of the
coming month.
Lord's Day, Match 18.
Wide-awake, snappy, real guspt-l
sen-ices at every session on Sunday.
lou need what the church has for
5'ou' " tl,e rlt hu'n ccd -
the great gospel messnge. Come and
get it; it is the lower of God unto
Bible School 10 a. m. Communion
nd preaching 11 o'clock. Junior C.
E. 3 o'clock. Senior C. E. Q::t0, and
preaching at 7M0. All ut these ar
worth while services, and vou will
meet with a real welcome If eom.