The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, March 08, 1923, Image 1

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    n V1iMonca Society.
e Gazette-Times
Volume 39, Number 48. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAR. 8, 1923. Subscription $2.00 Per Year
Popular Official and Esteemed Resi
dent Compelled to Make Change
Because or Other Matters. Has
Served the County Well.
Coming aa a complete surprise to
the county court and to hit many
friends as well, was the presentation
to that body yesterday afternoon of
the resignation of J. A. Watera as
county clerk. It seems that while Mr.
Waters has had this step in contem
plation for some time past, he has
not made it known to members of
the court or to his closest friends,
hence the expression of surprise on
all sides when the fact became known.
He asks that he may be relieved im
mediately, but the court has taken
the resignation under advisement and
will not give their decision until they
have had time to thoroughly canvas
the situation. The resignation of Mr.
Waters carried with it no suggestion
as to his successor, and just who
that may be is now open to question,
though it might naturally be expected
to fall to Deputy Gay M. Anderson as
the logical man for the place.
Mr. Watera has been one of the
most popular officials the county has
ever had. He has been faithful, cour
teous, obliging and prompt with ail
his work, and highly satisfactory to
his constituents. Besides this, he
has been one of the substantial citi
zens of the community, a clean, up
right man whom the people of the
county have been pleased to honor
with one term after another in pub
lic office, and there is no telling how
long he might have remained in the
court house to serve the people if his
. remaining there had been left to
them alone.
Just what the plans of Mr. Waters
for the future are, or just how soon
he expects to leave Heppner, we can
not say at this time. We can say
this much, however, that whenever or
wherever he goes and whatsoever
business he may engage in, there will
go with him the best wishes of a
grateful and appreciative community
and hundreds of fast friends, that his
future may be pleasant and all hfi
business ventures successful. We
shall all regret to say "good-bye" to
Joe Waters.
W ill Hold Food Sale.
The ladies of St. Patrick's church
will hold a food sale in the vacant
room in I. 0. O. F. building on Sat
urday, the 10th, for the benefit of
Heppner public library.
Forest News Notes of
The Gurdane District
There is more snow in the moun
tains than average for this time of
year. It is settled and crusted so
hard that a man can travel without
snowshoes, except in the afternoons
of warm days when the crust becomes
soft. At the snow take at the head
of Big Butter creek the depth av
eraged 23 inches and on the head of
Ditch creek the snowstake read 86
inches the last day of February.
Ranger Woods talked to the Gur
dane school last Friday on forest
conservation and the work of a For
est Hanger. Preserved specimens of
poisonous plants that are common in
the Blue mountains were shown.
Death camns attracted most atten
tion. An epidemic of what appears to be
the flu in a very mild form is preva
lent in the Gurdane neighborhood.
Very nearly every family has one or
more members on the sick list. At
tendance at school is quite irregular.
New Justice of Peace
For Hardman District
The county court yesterday ap
pointed G. A. Bleakman as justice of
the peace for the Hardman district,
vice Jap Walker, resigned. The ap
pointment was made upon a petition
of the residents of that district,
which accompanied the resignation
of Mr. Walker, who had received the
appointment at the January term of
court, but finally decided that he
could not undertake the duties of
the office. Walker is a cripple, and
has been assisted to some extent by
the court, and when appointed jus
tice of the peace, he was given an al
lowance of $20 per month under the
Small Claims statute, and this will
not go with the appointment to Mr.
Sunday School 10 a. m.; preaching
at 11: subjoct, "The New Birth;
What It Is." Junior C, E. 6:30; Sen
ior C. E. 6:30. Public meeting in the
hall at 7:30 in the interest of the
Near East Relief work. W. A. Sell
wood will be the speaker. He spent
about four yeurs over seas and knows
whereof he speaks, having been on
duty In Russia, Armenia and China.
Be sure and hear him Sunday night
at 7:30. He has three reels of mov
ing pictures. Do not fail to see them.
Do not fail to hear the morning
sermon. If you are in any doubt as
to what salvation really is come and
Mrs. R. W. Turner departed Friday
last for Hot Lake, where she is receiv
ing medical alttention and taking
treatments. Sho was accompanied by
her aon Frank. Mrs. Turner under
went a very serious operation Mon
day morning, but is reported to be
recovering well.
The Hynd Bros, of Cecil and Sand
Hollow will lamb out about 4500 heud
of ewes this season. Lambing is now
on At Cecil, and will start at Sand
Hollow about the 15th of this month,
according to David Hynd, who wns In
the city looking after buslnons affairs
of tho firm on Saturday.
Oscar Edwards returned to Hoppnor
the end of the week after having
spent the most of the winter over in
Umatilla county,
lone People Celebrate
Wedding Anniversaries
On last Friday evening almost the
entire community of lone gathered
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton
R. Morgan, and assisted those worthy
people in the celebration of their
25th wedding anniversary. About 76
adults were present, as well as the
children, and the Morgan home was
made the scene of a very enjoyable
W. O. Livingstone of Heppner was
called upon to re-unite the couple,
and pronounced the ceremony in an
impressive manner. The company
had prepared the eats, which they
brought in in great abundance, and
following a session of gimmes and mu
sic, the tables were spread and the
feast of good things enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan were present
ed with a handsome chest of silver, a
gift the company had joined in buy
ing, and this was given them with an
appropriate presentation speech, and
withal the occasion is one long to be
remembered by Mr. Morgan and fam
ily and all those who attended as well.
On Saturday evening, about the
same company of people came to
gether at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Hryson, js being the date of
their 15th wedding anniversary, and
this party was a complete surprise,
the company coming in on. them un
expectedly. A repetition of the good
time enjoyed at the Morgan home on
Friday evening took place at the Bry
son home, after Mr. and Mrs. Bryson
recovered from their surprise and
gathered themselves together. There
was music, games and a big feed, and
then the presentation of a beautiful
set of cut glass, W. O. Livingstone
making the presentation speech, af
ter which the company retired, wish
ing Mr. and Mrs. Bryson abundant
happinesB and many returns of their
nuptial anniversary.
The revival closed last Sunday with
an all-day service. The interest was
good and a large number of the young
people dedicated themselvos to the
life work of the Christian ministry.
We are hoping for great things in
the future from these and all who
accepted Christ. The reception for
the new members has been postponed
jnttl next Wednesday evening.
Bible School next Sunday at 10;
communion and preaching at 11; ser
mon subject, The Works of the
Spirit." "Faith without works is
dead." Junior C. E. at 6:30; Senior
at 6:30; union services at 7:30.
Moving pictures will be shown of
the Near East Relief in the hall.
Margaret J. Clark, wife of W. H.
Clark of this city, passed away at her
home Thursday, Febuary 1, 1J23, fol
lowing a sickness of some two weeks
with pneumonia. She was aged 39
years, and leaves besides her husband
five daughters, by a former marriage.
The youngest of these is also very ill
and hardly expected to live, suffering
so with pneumonia.
Mrs. Clark came to Heppner with
her husband and family about two
years ago. from their home in Mis
souri, where Mr. Clark had gone to
reside for several years, and after
rriving here they built them a new
home near the power house.
The funeral was held at the Feder
ated church on Saturday afternoon,
and the infant son that died a day
or two previous, was placed in the
coffin with its mother and the two
laid away together in Masonic ceme
tery. The little daughter referred to
above, Nettie Irene Pettijohn, aged
6 years and 3 months, passed away
Tuesday evening and her funeral was
held this afternoon.
C. M. Sims, state bank examiner,
visited with relatives in this city a
couple of days the past week. He
was on official business to lone and
Lexington, making examination of the
banks at these points. His home is
in Salem, but he is still interested in
a farm or two that he owns in this
Nels Johnson was In the city Sat
urday from his big ranch in the
Gooseberry section. He received some
painful and severe injuries to one of
his legs recently, when a horse he
was riding fell on him. He called on
a physician here and it was ascer
tained that no bones were broken.
New Regent for U. of 0.
Named by Gov. Pierce
University of Oregon, Eugene, Mar.
6. The appointment by Governor
Pierce of State Senator Fred Fisk, of
Eugene, to membership on the Uni
versity of Oregon board of regents
has met with the goneral approval of
alumni and friends of the institution.
Senator Fisk is an alumnus of Ore
gon, obtaining his degree in 181)7, and
while In college was a lending de
bater and orator.
Senator Fisk was born In Fisk, la.
His parents were both natives of Ver
mont. He lived on a farm until he
came to Oregon in 1HK8. He was
graduated from the Eugene high
school. He took an active part in the
Laurcnn, a debating society, while In
the university, and in 1H97 won both
the state and triangular interstate
oratorical contests. He defented the
representatives of Washington and
Appointed a deputy sheriff of Lane
county in 1K0H, he served in this ca
pacity until 1004 when he was elected
sheriff. He was reelected in 1000. In
1909 he was among oh tors who found
ed the United States Ntitional Bnnk
of Eugene. Senator Fisk was cashier
for two years and was a director un
til 1915 when he sold his interests
at the ttmo the bank was consolidated
with the Eugene Loan and Savings
Bank. In 1912 he opened an office as
a dealer In Oregon timber lands and
has since given his attention to this
work. He has important in to rout a in
and around Eugene,
FOIt SALE Bearded seed barley,
$15 per ton; also seed ryo. B. F,
Swnggart, Eastern Oregon Jack Farm,
Lexington, Ore,
Mac, our weather man, has been
acting so queerly with our weather at
Cecil this last week that the Mayor
made a hurried trip to Heppner for
a new weather wand for Mac. Con
stable John is "a sight for loving
eyes to see" for he had to stand
guard over Mac till the return of the
Mayor and therefore haB had no time
to shave. He declares all he can get
out of Mac is something about weath
er, groundhog, Notson, Missouri, sor
ghum, mollasseB and cornbread, and
then a little ditty about Cecil sun
shine, chinook and moonshine. The
sun is brightly shining on Saturday,
March 3rd, and weather is ideal. The
moon shines at nights so bright that
Mac will be able to wander in the
moonlight when his guard is off duty
and search, but he will never find
moonshine in Cecil, although a car
of corn was shipped into Cecil a
while ago.
Herbert Hynd, accompanied by
Misses Annie C. Hynd and Mildred
Henriksen, joined the Morgan or
chestra on Wednesday at the home
of Mrs. Hal Ely near Morgan. A
pleasant musical evening was spent
and a fine supper was served at mid
night by Mrs. Ely. Owing to the ab
sence of Wid Palmateer of Windy
nook, there was abundance for all
Mr. and Mrs. R. A, Thompson spent
Thursday in Cecil. Mrs. Thompson
visited with Mrs. Geo. Krebs while
Bob visited all his flocks in Cecil.
No place so good as the Shepherd's
Rest," said Mr. Thompson as he hur
ried away to an appointment else
Congratulations are extended to
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Streeter of Cecil
on the arrival of a fine eleven-pound
nirl on Sunday morning, Feb, 26th.
Dr. ,hick of Heppner was in attend
ance. Mr. and Mrs. George Thomson and
children, accompanied by Mrs. W. E.
Pruyn, all of Heppner, took afternoon
tea with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Lowe at
the Highway House Sunday.
Mrs. John Johnson of Rtdgetield,
Wash., and nephew, Elvln Miller of
Highview, were calling at the home
of Mrs. R. V. Tyler near Rhea Siding
on Wednesday.
F. C. Maloy of Morgan was a busy
man between his store and the Wil
lows, on Thursday delivering the
great Lenten dish of fish to his many
John Hughes of Heppner, accom
panied his son Tom to Cecil on Sat
urday so he would be sure that Tom
returned home, the same day he left
Mr. and Mrs. George Krebs and
sons, who have been visiting in Port
land for the past week, returned to
the Last Camp on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Farnsworth and
children of Rhea were calling on
Mrs. Geo. Krebs at the Last Camp on
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McEntire and
family of Killarney Bpent Saturday
evening with Mrs. Pat Farley at the
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morgan of
Broadacres ranch near Cecil were
doing business in Cecil vicinity on
Mrs. Jesse Wallace of Condon ar
rived in Cecil on Thursday and will
visit with Mrs. Geo. Krebs for a few
J. M. Morrow, representative of
the Pendleton Marblel Works was a
Cecil business man on Thursday.
Miss Minnie Reis, teacher of Four
Mile school, spent Saturday in Ar
lington visiting at her home.
Messrs, A. L. Strait and J. II. Imus
of Lexington were visiting in Cecil
on Friday.
Mr, and Mrs. Harbison of Morgan
were culling on their Cecil friends on
J. llowk, the geninl depot agent at
lone, tiindc a short call in Cecil on
J. W. Osborn was a passenger on
Thuraday on the local bound for Ar
lington. Who will get the clock in Harwood's
Dr. D. R. Haylor, March 26-27.
Who will get the clock in Harwood's
"Tut" Has a Rival
( 1
Cash and Carry Store
Is Open For Business
The new cash and carry grocery,
opened up the past week in the mid
dle room of the I, 0. O. F. building
by L. G. Drake, is now doing busi
ness, and Mr. Drake states to this
paper that he is quite' well pleased
with the reception the people of
Heppner have given him. The store
presents a bright, clean appearance,
as the room had been thoroughly
renovated and put in shape, and the
stock is all fresh and bright.
It will be my desire, and my ef
forts shall be largely spent in the di
rection of holding to Heppner the
large amount of trade that is con
stantly going to outside concerns,"
was the statement Mr. Drake made
to this paper. "I shall sell strictly
for cash and make no deliveries, giv
ing the people the benent of this
method of doing business in the prices
I snail charge for my goods.
Mr. Drake is a Morrow county boy
who, with his brother, Ray Drake,
engaged in farming for a number of
years in the Eight Mile and Goose
berry sections. For the past two
years he has been living at Hood Riv
er and engaged in the production of
apples. He arrived here with his
family the first of the past week, and
for the present they will be domiciled
in the rear end of the store, where
they have fitted up living apartments.
Religious Books Sus-
gested for Library Use
University of Oregon, Eugene. Mar.
5. The religious and moral activities '
of the University of Oregon and the
Library have provided lists of import
ant books in the field of religlion for
students and others interested in Re
ligious Book Week, March 4 to 10.
At the request of the committee, M.
H. Douglass, librarian, wrote to a
number of leading pastors, asking
them to submit lists of books they
would particularly recommend to the
Rev. Harold L. Bowman, pastor of
the First Presbyterian church of
Portland submitted the following:
"Christianity and Progress," a study
of the permanent and progressive ele
ments Tn Christianity, and "The
Manhood of the Master," "Meaning of
Prayer," "Meaning of Faith " and
"Meaning of Services,' all by Harry
t. rosdick; "racing the Crisis' a re
sume of Christian belief and social
service in the light of modern thought
George fcddy; "Reading the Bible," a
good presentation of the Bible as lit
erature, Prof. William Lyon Phelps;
L,ne and Letters of St. Paul," an
interesting and unparalleled study of
the great Apostle's life; David Smith:
"The Days of His Flesh," a perman
ent life of Christ, Dnvid Smith;
"Things Fundamental," essential
Christian belief in up-to-date terms,
Charles Jefferson; "Jeusu Christ and
the World Today," the application of
the teachings of Jesus to social prob
lems, Grace Hutchlns and Annie
Rev. W. T. McElvecn, pastor of the
First Congregational Church, sub
mitted the following: "The Recon
struction of Religion," Elwood;
"What and Where Is God?" Swain;
"The New Orthodoxy," Ames; "Some
Christian Convictions in a Day of
Social Rebuilding," Henry Coffin;
"The Spirit," Streeter and others;
"The Seeming Unreality of tho Spir
itual Life" and "The Ethics of Je
sus," Henry C, King; "The Gospel of
Good Will," William D. Hyde; "What
it Means to bo a Christian," Bos
worth; "The Ultimate Conception of
Faith," Dr. George A. Gordon; "The
Inner Life of Juaus," Alfred E. Gar
vie. Ben Swnggart slates that some real
warm, growing weather would be the
proper thing now, as feed is getting
a little short out at tho Eastern Ore
gon Jack Farm. Plenty of moisture.
so sunshine is tho greatest need at
FOR 8ALE-Thoroughbrod White
Leghorn hatching eggs, from fine lay
ing strain. 75 cents per setting and
$4 per hundred. MRS. CLAUDE
WHITE, Lexington, Oregon,
Wm, Kummerland canto in from his
farm out on the hills Saturday and
he stated that the weather was none
too pleasant out that way yet,
1 a
This is not a fairy tale, says Dr.
Frederick D. Strieker, of the Oregon
State Board of Health, but suppose
you were walking along a railroad
track and as you rounded a curve
and approached the river, you discov
ered that the magnificent bridge that
once spanned the stream had been
destroyed. In a few hours the trans
continental limited, with hundreds of
passengers on board would sweep
down upon the chasm and plunge
headlong into the opening caused by
the destruction of the bridge unless
you immediately took action to have
the train stopped before reaching the
Under such circumstances what
would ycu do?
Recently a birthday party was giv
en for a certain small son. This par
ty w&e attended by ten other children
all under six years of age. At the
party the young host seemed ill, and
immediately after the departure of
the guests a physician was called and
the child's illness was diagnosed as
diptheria. The parents were dis
tressed to learn that their boy was
afflicted with such a serious malady.
They were also very much distressed
over the fact that ten other children
had been exposed to the disease as a
result of having attended the party.
Under such distressing circum
stances what would you do?
In this particular case the father
accepted the responsibility of the sit
uation, as any other true man would
have done. He immediately telephoned
the health officer and reported the
case, he also reported the names and
addresses of the ten children who at
tended the party; he then telephoned
to the parents of the ten children
and explained to them the circum
stances, so that they and the health
department might immediately take
the necessary precautions to prevent
the further spread of the disease.
This parent realized that upon his
actions depended the possibility of
the prevention of other cases that
would bring sadness to other homes,
and possibly a death, and grief be
yond endurance to the hearts of lov
ing parents. He did not wait for the
train to plunge into the river and
then shudder with the horror of the
accident. He stopped the train 1
The actions of this parent are wor
thy of the highest commendation.
Anything less would have been sub
ject to condemnation. He did what
he knew was right. A man deserves
no special praise for doing his duty.
Vi ill you do yours m as manly a
300 Delegates Attend Big
Odd Fellows Convention
At Pilot Rock Saturday
Pilot Rock Record.
"Its always fair weather when Odd
Fellows get together." At any rate
that was the case with Pilot Rock's
big convention, at which 800 delegates
representing practically every lodge
in Umatilla and Morrow counties
were present. The convention opened
at 10:00 a. m. Wr. O. Staver delivered
the address of welcome after which
the business of the convention was
taken up. Grant Chittenden presid
ed, as president of the convention.
The business meeting continued well
into the afternoon after which sev
eral interesting talks were given. A
short talk by Grand Master Bowman
was greatly enjoyed.
At noon, a bounteous dinner was
served by the local Rebekahs at which
more than 200 were fed. At 6:30 the
big banquet was held at which 300
were present, it was reported. A short
local talent program was given at the
close of the banquet. A 7:00, lodge
was opened again in the auditorium
where the crack degree teams of Pen
dleton, Weston and Hermiston rivaled
for honors. Pendleton put on the
first work, Weston next and Hermis
ton last. Judges awarded the prize.
which consisted of a beautiful silver
fruit basket, to Weston.
Pendleton was chosen as the next
convention city, and Ivan Dimick was
elected president, with W. T. Reeves
to succeed himself as secretary for
the next year.
Tho little daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Chris Rrown residing west of Hepp
ner, is reported to be quite sick, suf
fering with the trouble that has been
going about among the children of
the community.
eppb mm
Book. Moral Thia Week Into Council
Chamber., and Are Being Placed
In Good Shape and Catalogued.
New Booka Added.
The Heppner library waa moved
this week into its new quarters at the
council rooms, upstaira in the Hum
phreys buiding. The books are all
being catalogued and placed in as
good shape as possible, and Mrs. Mis
sildine, who is at present in charge
reports the receipt of the following
books to be added to the collection:
Adult Books.
East Over Parish, Margaret Sang
ster; Elliott Gray, Jr., Colton May
nard; Place of Honeymoons, Harold
Macgrathj Conspirators, Eobt. W.
Chambers; House on Cherry Street,
Amelia E. Barr; Out of the Silences,
Mary E. Waller; House of Pride, Jack
London; donated by Mr., and Mrs. J.
O. Turner. Centennial History of
Oregon, given by S. E. Notson. Eu
rope Illustrated; Christmas Stories,
Dickens; Great Expectations, Dick
ens, by Mrs. L. S. Shurte.
Children'a Booka.
Eight Cousins, Louisa M. Alcott;
Elsie's Womanhood, Martha Finley;
ElsieVMotherhood, Martha Finley, by
Mrs. J. O. Turner.
MessrB. Jones & Reasoner, dray
men, donated their services in mov
ing the library, and to them Mrs.
Missildine extends the thanks of the
library board for this kindness.
Lord's Day, March 11.
Charles Blanchard says: "The
church establishes the moral stand
ard for men that never go near it
and for communities that never re
ceive it." True, you are getting more
out cf the church than you can ever
put in it, whether you attend its ser
vices or not. Why not put more in
it, and get even more out of it.
W. A. Sellwood, world traveler, who
was announced to speak last Lord's
Day, on account of a change in his
program, could not be with us then,
but will speak for us at 11 o'clock
Sunday in the interest of the Near
East Relief. Come and hear him.
All the other services at the usual
hours, and you will find a welcome at
any or all of them. Come and wor
ship with us. LIVINGSTONE.
Entertainment Postponed.
The entertainment announced to
be given by the W. R. C. on the eve
ning of March 17th, has been post
poned until a later date. Due an
nouncement will be made when the
new date for the entertainment is de
cided upon.
Cecil Lieuallen, traffic cop, was in
the city for a day or so this week.
He has been over in the mountain
district east of Pendleton, where he
states they have had a lot of work
in clearing the highway of the heavy
snows. There was a fall of nine feet
of snow in the vicinity of Meacham.
"Heppner's Heritage"
Brotherhood Subject
On next Monday evening the Bro
therhood will have its regular lunch
eon and meeting at the Hotel Hepp
ner dining room.
"Heppner's Heritage" is the sub
ject to be presented, and the com
mittee on arrangements will be pre
pared to present other numbers on
the program, also. It is hoped that
there wilt be a very large attendance
of members and friends on this date,
to hear a subject that is of great in
terest to the community.
W. A. Selwood of Portland is in
Morrow county this week in the in
terests of the Near East Relief, and
on last Sunday morning spoke at the
Federated church. He has been at
other points during the week, and
will be in Heppner again on Sunday
speaking at the morning service of
the Christian church in I. O. O. F.
hall. He is a man of wide experience,
has traveled much, and is well in
formed on the subject of the Near
R. L. Benge returned the first of
the week from a trip to Pendleton.
He took his son Terril over there to
have an examination of his hip made
under the x-ray. The boy fell and
hurt himself on the ice some time ago
and it was feared that the bone in the
hip had been injured. The examin
ation revealed no injury, however,
and Terril should be fully recovered
before long.
Bob Thompson, who has been look
ing after the sheep of Minor A
Thompson at Cecil for a few weeks
past, was in town on Tuesday and
reports that the lambing season in the
Cecil section is coming along tine,
the ewes making a heavy percentage
of increase.
Harold Cohn made a trip to The
Dalles on Saturday, where he attend
ed the district conference of the
Americnn Legion. He returned home
on Sunday and states that the Legion
boys had a fine meeting.
Commissioner L. P. Davidson was
up from his home at Iono, yesterday
to oflicmto with the other members
of the county court in the business
of the regular march term.
L. E. Van Marter, insurance and
real estate man of this city, has been
spending several days in Portland on
business this week.
Man and wife want work on sheep
ranch. Inquire Room 1, Case hotel,
Dr. D, R. Haylor, eye specialist,
will be in Heppner March 20-27.
Kig 40 and 8 dance at the Fair Pa
vilion, Saturday. March 24th.
May Be Compelled
To Abandon Survey
At the meeting of the county court
yesterday, proposals were made to
the county for compensation to prop
erty owners on account of the new
survey on Heppner-Hardman road,
going up Heppner bill.
Much time aftd expense has already
been spent and a grade coming up
to the requirements of the state high
way department was at last located.
In the locating of the new grade. It
will cut through the Dutton and Gem
mell places, and to the latter there
will be no small amount of damage,
though the court is of the opinion
after much deliberation on the mat
ter, that the benefits of the proposed
road wilt far outweigh the damages
after it has been once established,
and to the former, their conviction is
that the new road would prove of
great benefit.
However, as the matter stands at
present, in its process of adjustment
as to damages, the court seems to be
at a standstill, as the claims present
ed wilt aggregate a sum of nearly
$3000, and is far more than they are
willing to pay. At least this is the
sentiment of that body as we were
able to gather from their discussion
of the proposition on Wednesday, and
for the present, at least, they are in
clined to abandon the proposition en
tirely and look to another way of
getting out on Heppner Flat.
Should the court decide on this pro
cedure, a new survey will be run, en
tirely, the court intimating that they
would reach Heppner flat by a route
going up the other canyon. As to
this, of course, they are not fully de
cided, but they are quite well advised
that just as good a grade ean be se
cured and the proposition has the ap
pearance of being far less expensive.
The people of Heppner, and those
of the country who have to get into
town are anxious to have this matter
settled, that the work of building the
new grade may proceed and be com
pleted in time to handle the coming
Pat Connell Sells Ewes.
During the past week, Pat Connell,
sheepman of Rhea creek, disposed of
a band of 2-year-old ewes to J. A.
Funk of Portland for $9.25 for the
ewes and $5 per head for the lambs,
delivery after shearing, Mr. Connell
expects the ewes to shear on on av
erage of 12 pounds apiece, and when
the return is all footed up it will
bring the price of the ewes to around
$20. There has been no activity in
the sheep or wool market at this point
so far, and this is the only sale that
has been recorded. It is setting a
good price for the season.
Te Heppner Lodge of Elks will
give a benefit dance on the evening
of March 17th, the proceeds to go to
Heppner library. The dance will be
given at Elks Temple and will be a
masquerade affair for Elks and their
ladies only. This is the first of sev
eral benefit entertainments for the
library, many others being contem
plated by other organizations of the
Rufus Farrens, extensive farmer of
the Gooseberry section was a visitor
in Heppner Saturday. He has been
somewhat under the weather of late
suffering from an infection on Ms
neck that interfered with the opera
tion of swallowing. He had his trou
ble looked after by a physician here
and was feeling better when he left
Reports from Hot Lake are to the
effect that Sheriff McDuffee is rapid
ly improving from the effects of his
recent operation. He is able to be
sitting up in bed and doubtless will
be released from the hospital and
ready to return home in another cou
ple of weeks. Mrs. McDuffee expects
to make him a visit the end of this
C. H. Merritt, who has been a pa
tient at Hot Lake sanatorium for the
past five or six weeks, returned home
Tuesday evening. While at the san
itarium, Mr. Merritt underwent an
operation on his ankle, and he feels
now that he will be relieved from the
pain that he has suffered to a greater
or less degree for the past 14 years.
Get up in time Sunday to attend the
Federated Sunday School, 9:45 a. m.
Interesting classes for all ages. You
nie welcome.
University Artists Will
Compete in Exhibit
Universitv of Oregon, Eugene, Mar.
5. Prof. Alfred H. SchrorT, head of
Fine Arts department, and Prof. Vir
gil Hafen, instructor in the same de
partment in the University of Ore
gon, will compete in the annaul art
exhibition of Springville. Utah. March
15 to April 3. The exhibition is one
of the most unique in America.
Springville is a small city, yet it has
a collection of art work in its schools
valuled at $1200.000, and holds an ex
hibition with annual awards amount
ing to $500.
Prof. SchrorT, who won first prize
in the recent Northwest Artists ex
hibition in Seattle, will submit
water color, "At the Foot of Black
Head, Monhegan Island," and an oil,
"Cypress Trees at Del Monte.' Two
of Prof. Hafen's works which will be
submitted were painted near Eugene,
They are. "A Clearing in Autumn "
and "A Misty Morning." The third
painting is "Afternoon on the Chicago
Artists the country over compete
in the Springville exhibition. The
prize money is offered by the chil
dren in the high school and in the
five grade schools of the town. Prof.
Hafen, himself a native of Utah, won
second prize last year. His father.
John Hafen, helped to estabHlsh the
annual competition. "The Buffalo,
one of tho works of Avard Fairbanks,
astffctant professor of Fine Arts, who
tenches modeling at the university, is
included in the Springville art col
Springville ha" been the early home
of a number of talented persons, in
cluding Cyrus Edwin Dallin, the great
American sculptor.
Otto and Iran Leathers of Hardman
and Ora Hawk and Bill Wehrlt of
Condon Takea With Still Near
Parkers Mill Last Sunday.
Deputy Sheriff Chidsey, accompan
ied by Paul lMcDuffee, assistant in
the sheriff's office, and Dan Kerfoot
and Harry Barker, two federal offi
cers from Portland, proceeded to a
point on one of the tributaries of
Rock creek, about six miles south
west of Parkers Mill on Saturday
night, and early Sunday morning took
into custody Otto and Ivan Leathers,
of Hardman, and Ora Hawk and Bill
Wehrli of Condon, on a moonshine
The men were occupying a small
cabin and had their still and vat set
up in another cabin adjoining. The
outfit consisted of a 60-gallon still
and a vat containing about 700 pounds
of corn meal mash, and the run was
about ready to be completed. The
outfit was destroyed by the officers, a
sample of the product taken in
charge, and the trip undertaken back
to Hardman where the ear had been
When arrested, Otto Leathers as
sumed all responsibility for the liquor
making outfit, claiming to be the sole
owner and manufacutrer of the pro
duct, the Condon men claiming to
have stumbled upon the place while
out hunting for deer, and had only
stopped there for the night. How
ever, there is a suspicion on the
part of the officers that they had had
a tip of their coming, as the men
were eating a very early breakfast
and evidently preparing to make a
hurried getaway when the officers
came in on them. No resistance was
offered the officers and they proceed
ed with their men out to where the
car was parked. While getting the
car under motion, Otto Leathers made
his getaway, using a horse that one of
the men had been using, and he is
still at large.
The others were brought to town
and lodged in jail, and on Monday
friends came to their assistance and
put up bond for their release. A
trial of the case was begun on Wed
nesday before a jury in Justice Cor
nett's court, which was postponed
early yesterday afternoon until 1:30
today to bring in some material wit
P. T. A. Will Have
Fathers and Mothers
The Patron-Teachers association
will have a fathers and mothers meet
ing at their regular session on Tues
day, March 13th. The meeting will
be held in the evening at 8 and the
fathers and mothers of the school are
to be the guests.
Miss Turner s room will give an
Mr. Livingstone will speak on the
subject "Suggestion."
Mr. Mather will sing, and there
will be other numbers on the pro
gram, and following this will be a
reception and refreshments.
BLANCHE FAHY, Secretary.
New Manager For Warehouse.
B. G. Sigsbee, who has been con
nected with the Farmers Elevator
Company for several years as mana
ger and bookkeeper, has resigned his
position, and the place of manager
has been given to Chas. S win dig. Mr.
Sigsbee will retire the first of April,
and expects to give his full time to
his movie business, and some other
matters of a business nature that he
now has in contemplation.
Mrs. George W. Dykstra
Dies At Home Sunday
Following a lingering illness of
many months, from which she was
confined to her bed during the past
several weeks, Mrs. Mary Jane Dyks
tra, wife of George W. Dykstra,
passed away at her home in this city
at 11:00 a. m. last Sunday morning,
at the advanced age of 71 years, 7
months and 8 days.
The body was shipped to Portland
on Monday, being accompanied by
the husband and other members of
the family, and interment was in Mt,
Scott cemetery on Tuesday,
Mrs. Dykstra leaves, besides her
husband, two sons, George S. and W.
C. Smith of Portland, who were at
her bedside when she passed away.
W. G. Scott, banker and warehouse
man of Lexington, spent several hours
in this city on Saturday. W. G., who
is, if anything, more youthful in ap
pearance and feeling than he was
twenty years ago, has made arrange
ments with Sam Notson to preside at
his obsequies some twenty years
hence, or thereabout., as he expects
Sam to still be on the turf, and on
this occasion he will be constrained
to say many things concerning the
virtues of his long-time friend and
urge the rising generation to emu
late these good virtues only. In case
Notson cannot officiate, it is up to the
editor of the G.-T. to find somebody
that will un evidence of the fact
that W. G. thinks the rest of us are
growing younger as well as himself.
Jeff French returned Friday from
a visit to Kelso, Washington, and the
new town of Lnngview, which Is be
ing built up right near Kelso. Mr.
French states that work I going
along lively there at prusent, but the
promise is that it will increase rap
idly Boon, when there will be oppor
tunity fur employment for at leaut as
many more men as are busy there at
present. The Long-Bull Lumber Co.
are perfecting plans for their big
mills at this point, and Mr. French
thinks it will not be long before there
is a substantially built city at Long
view, lie may go there later to se
cure employment.
Mrs. Ethel Ailibaugh, who is ttmch
Ing school in District 34 on Willow
creek, has been alcctrd to the pri
mary department of tho Lexington
school for the coming year,