n Historical Society, The Gazette-Times CI PUBLISHED WEEKLY AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF MORROW COUNTY Volume 39, Number 42. . HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 8, 1923. Officers Are Elected. Urge Attend ance of Memberi and Lad lei. Res olution Recommending Withdrawal From State Organization Adopted. A very unusual interest was mani fested by the members of the Mor row County Farm Bureau in then annual meeting held in Heppner on Saturday, this being shown by the large attendance of members and their ladies, and I. 0. 0. F. hall was filled to capacity by people from near ly every section of the county, and they were treated to a good program. The meeting being called at 10:30, President Turner was gratified to meet practically a full house, and a great majority of these remained un til the adjournment at 3:30. In the forenoon Paul V. Maris of the O.A.C. extension department, was the principal speaker and occupied the most of the time before the din ner hour in a very interesting ad dress In which he pointed out that it was largely up to the farmers to solve their own problems; legislation and acts of cojHiress might be of assist ance, but could only be taken as tem porary relief. He strongly favored the co-operative marketing associa tions, but admitted that in some in stances there had been disappoint ment, but this was only the natural result when any large undertaking was inaugurated; it took time to get them on their feet, and the main thing for the farmer was staying by his contract until the job was put over. Many obstacles had to be met and overcome, and the speaker brought out the fact that no under taking of this nature had been put over without many difficulties. In some instances, speaking of the dif ferent marketing associations with which he was familiar, Mr. Maris said association members had failed in getting the price received by non members, but the average price had been better, and the lesser price could be attributed to the off grade of the product going through the hands of the association. Mr. Maris quoted Kugcne Meyer and Herbert Hoover as leading men who were strongly in favor of the co operative and orderly marketing of the farmers' products. The plan was growing and would ultimately be suc cessful. He also strongly indorsed the extension work of the Agricultur al college, but did not spend much time in talking along this line. Mr. Maris is a former Heppner boy that is making good, and he has de veloped into a fine public speaker as woti as becoming prominent in his line of work throughout the state, all of which fa gratifying to his many Heppner friends. Following Mr. Maris, President Turner appointed a nominating com mittee and a committee on resolu tions, and then a recess was taken for lunch. Dinner had been pre pared by the Willing Workers of the Christian church, at the request of the officers of the Farm Bureau, and this was served in the dining hall at the Odd Fellows building, and gen erously patronized. The afternoon program was opened by a short musical program. Mrs. J. O. Turner furnished a piano solo, Mr. Turner offered a violin solo and re sponded to an encore, and Harvey Miller and Dan Lindsay each sang so well that they had to answer the call for more. President Turner gave a short ad dress and endorsed all movements for the betterment of the condition of the farmers, stating that all our ills were said to be the outgrowth of three causes: ignorance, selfishness and pure cussed ness. He therefore en dorsed the educational work on behalf of the farmers as well as the gon er nl education of the growing man hood and womanhood of our state. His remarks were preliminary to the introduction of County Agent Cal kins. Agent Calkins rendered a report of his work for the year, and was , glnd to note that there had been pro gress along a number of lines. He mentioned as improvements made the more general adoption of early plow ing and seeding, improved seed va rieties and the use of certified wheat, more general control of rodents, tu bercular tests for dniry cattle, mod ern methods in handling poultry and a more general adoption of this prof itable adjunct to farming. Some of the things to be urged the coming year would include the above and the adoption of the dry treat ment of wheat for smut on a larger scale than the past year, though some 25,000 acres have been seeded this season to wheat receiving this treatment; the reduction of the large number of varieties of wheat to those that are recommended for this sec tion of the state by the Moro station and a continuation of the fight on predatory animals nnd rodents. (Continued on Page Six) Complaint About Wild Horses Is General One Herman Oliver, who returned this week from Pendleton, whore he at tended a meeting of the Oregon Wool growers' Association, snys that the complaint about range horses was general from all sections of East ern Oregon, states the Blue Mountain Eagle of Canyon City. It is cstimnt-, ed that on the ranges adjacent to the John Day valley there are at least 1500 wild horses. They are of no value and during tho yonr destroy much valuable range. Complaint from similar conditions . come from all over this pnrt of the state. How to dispose of these animals Is be coming quite a problem. It has been suggested that they bo killed, canned and shipped to the Near East as n food product. Many parts of Europe and Asia horso meat hns been con sumed as a regular diet. They can have all tho horse meat in Grant county. Silver laced Wyandotte cockerels for sale; $2 each, Vlda Ilelikor, lone. Local Boy Scout Troop AC. ft ff ft 1 Alter More Members A national campaign is now on mong the Boy Scouts to add 100,000 members to that organization by February 15. The local organization under the leadership of Scoutmaster Livingstone is cooperating in this movement. The quota assigned by National Headquarters is a twenty per cent increase in membership for each troop in the country. Troop No. 1 of Heppner will strive to get their entire quota of eight new mem bers by, or before, that date. Apropos to this movement the Ore gon Journal has the following to say in an editorial of February 8: The Boy Scouts of America are In the midst of a nation-wide campaign for new members. The Portland council's quota has been fixed at 600. The drive will end February 15. The Boy Scout movement is indors ed by the leading men and women of the nation. The organization has proved its effectiveness in training boys for manly, upright citizenship. Besides, hundreds of useful things which boys do not learn at school are included in scouting. A scout is taught how to take care of himself and others in time of danger. He knows the great outdoors in detail, and many of nature's secrets are made familiar to him. The fact that no Boy Scout who has passed through the initial stages of scoutdom ever has been haled before a juvenile court or other reclamation agency is a splendid testimonial to the work being done by the scout leaders. A boy attending a meeting of a scout troop is far from the road which leads to a training school and later to a jail or a penitentiary. Portland is said to have 12,000 boys of scout age, yet scarcely more than 2100 of these are reported as scout members. The campaign under way deserves the support of every citi zen. A father could do no higher service for his boy than to help and encourage him to become a scout. C. H. Bartholomew of Pine City, left the first of the week by auto for Paso Rob It's, Calif., where Mrs. Bar tholomew and her mother, Mrs. O. F. Thomson are at present. At Portland he was to be joined by Miss Mary Bartholomew, and the family will tour California before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Palmer, who reside a short distance west of Lexington were in the city Saturday and attended the meeting of farm ers at the I. O. O. F. hall. Heppner Masons Make Visit to the lone Lodge Twenty-five members of Heppner Lodge No. 69, A. F. & A. M., made a pilgrimage to lone on last evening for a fraternal visit with lone lodge No. 120. It was the regular meeting of the lone Masons and they had work n the third degree. After the open ing of lodge and the disposal of bus iness, the officers of lone lodge vacat ed their stations to the officers of Heppner lodge, and the latter put on the degree work, making a Master Mnvon of Roy Stender, a young far mer of that city, following which ceremony and the closing of lodge, a big feed was spread and an hour of social good time and fellowship prevailed. The visitors had to face a pretty bad storm in going to lone, but this had ail passed by the time to return hn.e and no particular inconvenience vas experienced on this account. The attendance of members of the Hepp ner and lone lodges would have been much larger, however, had the storm delayed its coming for ft few hours. LEXINGTON (111 'RCH OF CHRIST. The revival is still in progress and the intcrpt is irrowinp. Our song leader, Kdward Wnuht, was com pelled to leave us. He was not well when he came and took suddenly worse and so left for home on Mon day. We have secured Taul DeF. Mortimore whom we believe amply able to lead the song service, lie comes very highly recommended as an enthusiastic leader. Come and hear him. These services continue this week and next. Two great ser vices on Sunday. Great themes are being discussed every night at 7:30. You are urged to profit by these ser vices. E. A. PALMER. Christian Endeavor Tea flon't forget tho Christian Endeav or Tea to be held at Livingstone's on Wednesday, February 14, from 4 to R o'clock p. m. The price will be 2fc. Your patronage Is cordially solicited. C. D. Morey and Dan Lindsay were Alpine members of the Farm Hureau who took in the meeting in Heppner on Snturday. These men aro quite active in carrying on the bureau work nt Alpine, where there is a live wire local organization. Mr. Lindsay also appeared on the program and offered a couple of Scotch songs which lie rendered in very acceptable style. Howard Anderson, In town today from his Eight Mile farm, reports that Inst night's storm left a cover ing of snow on the ground to the depth of about three Inches. This is about what foil at Heppner and at lone it was less, Mr. nnd Mrs. Nat Shaw of Clarks Canyon spent Saturday in Heppner nnd were among he many farmers attending the Farm Bureau meeting. Chaa. Allinger, Ionc's pioneer car penter and builder, was in this city on Saturday, an interested visitor at tho meeting of the Farm Bureau, Hen Morgan, Hal Ely and Wnte Crawford woro Morgan farmers In Heppner Snturday, attending the meeting of tho Farm lturoau. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Devine of Lex ington were visitors in this city on Saturday and participated in the farm Bureau meeting. CaWAM GOT OA'S r ' OF MY i George A. Miller, Cecil, Dies Here Saturday Following an operation for appen dicitis, Georgej A. Miller, for many years a farmer in the vicinity of Ce cil, died in this city at 1 o'clock Sat urday, February 3rd. Mr. Miller had been sick but a few days when he was brought to this city for an opera tion, but his trouble had advanced ao far that there was no chance to save his life. Funeral services were held at lone cemetery on Sunday afternoon, the burial service of the I. O. O. F. lodge of which he was a member, being used, and the lodges of Morgan and lone participating. Mr. Miller was a member of the Modern Woodmen and of the I. O. 0. F. in Portland. He was 51 years of age, a native of Ne braska, and came to Morrow county in the spring of 1902, settling on a place near Cecil where he has con tinued to live ever .since. He leaves a wife and one son, aged 17 years. FIUST CHRISTIAN CHURCH. February 11. Emerson says: "All that I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all that I have not seen.' Trust, love, obedience and the like are things in which the church services help us to practice: come and see if it is nut so. Bible School 10 a. m., preaching and communion at 11; Junior Christian Endeavor 3 p. m.; Senior Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. and the evening preaching service at 7:30. You will find all of these meetings interesting and helpful; there is special muMC, good fellowship, and little unexpected things of interest all the way along. Come and be one with us. LIVINGSTONE. T, T, T, T, T, T. A REAL TEA will be given by the Christian Endeavorers of the First Christian Church on Wednesday, February 14, at Livingstone's from 4 to 8 o'clock P. M. The charge will be 25c and it will be worth far more. Come and help the young people with their church pledge. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Palmateer of Morgan visited Heppner on Saturday. They attended the meeting of the Farm Bureau and enjoyed a visit with relatives while in the city. Sheriff McDuffee, who has been quite ill at his home in this city dur ing the patt week, was able to be at the court house on Tuesday for a short time. Was Resident of Indiana Before Coming to Oregon Tn the obltunry of Mrs. Ruth E. French, published In the last issue of The Oanottc-Times, no mention was made of the residence of the family for a number of years In Indiana Just pervious to their removal to Oregon. Following her marriage to Asa D. French, many years were spent in her native state of Ohio, then the family removed to White county, In diana, In the central part of that state, where they resided for a period of nbout twenty years. ' Mr. French was a member of the Rnptist church and during their so journ together Mrs. French had her membership in that church, and shortly after his death united again with the Christian, becoming, as tat ed in our last Issue, a charter mem ber of the church when It was organ lied In Heppner, along with her eld est son, M. D. L. French. W. 0. Pnlmateer, of Morgan, was here Saturday and took In the big meeting of fnrmers at I, 0. 0. F. hall. He states that this paper recently put him in bad by stating that he was road boss In his district. He is not road boss, but has been Interest ed in getting aome road work started out that way and has rather been In tho position of a "goat" on which the troubles of the community in this respect have been loaded. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Troedson helped to make up the Morgan representa tion at the Farm Bureau meeting In this city Saturday. Lota of line weather hns prevailed In their part ot Morrow county for many weeks. Jig Saw Puzzles WAR 01 TURKEY A radio caught at Heppner to day states that England has de clared war on the Turks over their refusal to come to the terms of the allies and it now looks like the Near East question will be settled in a manner that will stop trouble in that quarter. France and England have both rejected demands of Kemalists, according to today's papers. Mrs. M. L. Curran Entertains. ' A pre-lental social was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Curran on last Thursday evening, for the benefit of the Ladies Altar Society of St. Patrick's church. Mrs. W, E. Moore and Mrs. -Curran were host esses, and a large number of Hepp ner's social bridge, players helped to make the affair a success both so cially and financially. Miss Violet Nys contributed two vocal selections in a charming manner. Honors were won by Miss Nora Hughes and J. J. Nys. consolations going to Mrs. W. P. Mahoney and Chas. Thomson. The Curran home was also the scene of another very pleasant party on Wednesday evening last, when about twenty friends gathered there and spent the time in playing bridge and enjoying a splendid social time. Honors went to Mrs. J. B. Calmus and Lloyd Hutchinson, while Mrs. L. E. Van Marter and J. J. Nys received the consolation prizes. Director P. V. Maris Re ports Extension Service The educational campaign in co operative marketing is but a part of tne well rounded program of sixteen phases of projects conducted by the extension service of the Oregon Ag ricultural College in 1922, and re ported in extension bulletin 354 just issued. The activities include: Writing an average of 123 letters a day during each working day of 1922; printing 100.000 copies of bul letins for distribution; conducting extension schools in seventeen coun ties; organizing 6762 boys and girls jn club work; assisting in reclama tion of many thousand acres of wet lands by drainage; demonstrating pruning, spraying, thinning, and soil building methods in many orchards of the state; securing the adoption of better feeding and breeding prac tices and assisting in disease control among the herds and flocks of the state; determining cost of wheat, niilk and alfalfa production; conduct ing gopher, squirrel and jnckrabbit control campaigns; cooperating with the federal government in training wounded soldiers and sailors for suc cessful farming. Farmers and others interested may write for extension bulletin 8d4. UMATILLA COUNTY DELEGATION IS BACK OF BILL TO COOPERATE IN SUR VEY OF UMATILLA POWER PROJECT The entire Umatilla counfy delega tion In both houses of the legislature at Salem have united in the Introduc tion of a bill to appropriate $10,000 for the purpose of matching a similar sum from the federal government to make a survey of tho Umatilla rap ids project under the direction of the interior department. The bill was drafted at tho unoffic ial request of Congressman Sinnott and Director Davis of the reclamation service. At the time of Fred Stei wer's recent trip to Washington in behalf of Pendleton Commercial as sociation the whole subject of the Umatilla rapids project was gone over and a promise was secured at that time of federal cooperation in the aurvey of the project. Further advice has since been received from Do You Want a Rodeo In Heppner Next Fall? The Rodeo committee has called a meeting for Friday evening, Feb. 9, at the council chambers, of all those who were signers of the guranatee for the Rodeo of last fall. The pur pose of this meeting is to discuss the matter of another show of this na ture for Heppner next fall, and to get at the sentiment of the com munity in regard to the matter. To this end all the signers of the guaran tee, as well as all others interested, are urged to be at the meeting to morrow evening. It will be much easier to put the Rodeo over in a suc cessful manner another year than it was the first time, and it is none too early to be making the arrangements. LEXINGTON CONGREGATIONAL - CHURCH NOTICE, FEB. 11. Preaching at 11 a. m. Subject: "Where God Meets Men" Preaching 7:30 p. m. Subject "The Devil's Four Servants." Sunday School 10 a. m.; Junior C. E. 5:30 p. m.; Senior C. E. 6:30 p. m.; Bible Study, Thursday, 7 p. m., Ladies Aid Wednesday 2:30 p. m.; Food Sale Saturday afternoon. The above services are for you to enjoy. Good singing and Gospel preaching. The Bible is our author ity. It does not think so, it gives definite assurance. We give all the privilege to think and act for them selves. We will be glald to have you wor ship with us. Come next Sunday. D J. GILLANDERS, Pastor. flay Sella For $16.00 a Ton. Several large sales ef alfalfa hay were made by Echo fanners this week. The balance of the crop of Al Hiatt and Mrs. Stanfield, consisting of 800 tons, was sold to Ernest Fre pons, Inc., of Walla Walla, and the same company took the 600 ton crop of Gaylord Madison, The Frepons company will install its own steam baling outfit and bale the hay imme diately. Shipment of this hay will be from Echo, and will be hurried through as fast as cars can be loaded. All of the J. B. Saylor hay was also sold this week to Cato Johns of Her miston, for shipment. It is under stood that these sales were made at a price of $16.00 a ton f. o. b. cars at Echo, inspection and settlement to be made here. This feature is quite an advantage to the local hay men as compared with inspection and adjust ment at final destination. Echo News. Local Rebekah Lodge Will Give Pie Social The ladies of the Rebekah lodge of Heppner are arranging to give a pie social on Friday evening, February 9, at I. O. O. F. hall. Besids the eats that the ladies will have, there will be a fine literary and musical program, and the entire public of Heppner is cordially invited to attend. Walter Luckman, farmer and stock miser of Lena, was in the city on Saturday. Mr. Sinnott and on the strength of suggestion the state is being asked to appropriate $10,000. There is also another way whereby federal money may possibly be se cured for the Umatilla rapids survey. That is through a $50,000 clause in tho bill for the Columbia basin sur vey. However, this measure has not passed congress and It is doubtful If it can pass at this session. On the other hand the other money ia sure to be available and hence it is deem ed wise to make use of It, provided cooperation can be secured from the state. As Senator Taylor and Representa tive Mann are both on the ways and means committee, as is also C, C. Ilrownell, it is predicted the bill will be favorably reported to the commit tee and will pass. Pendleton E. O. LOCAL H ITEMS Bert Mason, C. M. Sch river and other parties from lone and Goose berry were in the city yesterday to interview the county court concern ing the Gooseberry market road. The people out that way are very earnest in their desire to get some much needed aid in the construction of that road, the building of which would be of great benefit to all of Morrow county. Assessor J. J. Weils is in Portland this week to appear as a witness in the U. S. court, where involuntary bankruptcy proceedings have been in stituted against Messrs. Kenny & Healy. Clerk Waters is also retained as a witness in the same case, having carried records of the county to Port-' land to be presented in evidence. Mrs. T. J. Humphreys was sum moned to Hillsboro on Tuesday in answer to a message announcing the death there on that day of her moth er, Mrs. L. A. Rood. Mrs. Rood had been an invalid for about three years and her death, while coming as a shock to the relatives here, was not unexpected, C. J. Anderson and Erik Bergstrom were Gooseberry farmers in the city yesterday interviewing the county court concerning the Gooseberry market road. Mr. Anderson states that conditions for crops out that way are good at present, though there has been considerable freezing weath er. Robert Perlig farms the Duran place in Blackhorse and is listed as one of the successful young farmers of the county, who keeps up on mod ern methods. He was in town Sat urday, accompanied by Mrs. Perlig, and they took in the farmers meet ing while here. Karl Beach, Lexington business man, was palming himself off as a farmer Saturday by attending the meeting in this city of the Farm Bu reau. Like some of the rest of us, Karl shines in the farming game when he can get his fee under the table. Commissioner L. P. Davidson ar rived from Portland on Wednesday afternoon and assumed his place with the county court. He had been to the city to attend to matters be fore the Highway commission in which Morrow county was interested. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Olden attend ed the Farm Bureau meeting Satur day. They report everything coming along well for the farmers of the Fairview district. Mr. Olden is quite well recovered from his serious ill ness of last summer and fall. Draws $100 Fine and 90 Days Jail Sentence Art Finley was hailed into justice court at Echo on Saturday and was convicted on a charge of violating the eighteenth amendment. He was given a fine of $100 and ninety days in the county jail of Umatilla county. Ac cording to the rule adopted in Uma tilla county, prisoners in the jail there for bootlegging and other vio lations of the prohibition laws are put out on the roads to wosk, and Sheriff Houser expressed the opinion to Deputy Sheriff Chidsey of this county, who was a witness at the trial, that this method would have the effect of lessening the number of cases of liquor law violations in Uma tilla county. Card of Thanks. The undersigned desire to thank their friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy during the last sickness and funeral of our be loved husband and father, George A. Miller, and especially do we thank the members of the Odd Fellows' lodges of lone and Morgan for their brotherly attentions and sympathy in the hour of our bereavement. MRS. SENA MILLER. GEORGE ALVIN MILLER. R. W. Willcox, who is running the Jos. Eskelson place west of Lexing ton, was up to Heppner Saturday. Mr. Wilcox formerly owned the place he is now living on and he was also head of the Lexington schools for several years. He is an enthusiast in boys' and girls' club work and hopes to see more accomplished along this line of endeavor in Morrow county. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Misner of lone, were in attendance at the meet ing of the Morrow county Farm Bu reau held in this city on Saturday last. Mr. Misner is one of the big gest wheat farmers of the lone sec tion, who has in a large acreage this season. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Rugg and Dave Rugg were Heppner visitors Saturday from their ranch home at the mouth of McKinney creek. Arlington School Boy Killed In Car Accident Stanley Riese, age IB, a member of the Arlington high school basketball team, was killed in an automobile ac cident near Rufus on Saturday night while returning home from a game at Wasco. In coming down the long grade to Rufus the brakes on the car failled to hold and in running the car up on the bank it was turned over and young Riese was crushed underneath it. The remains were taken to The Dalles, where an inquest was held and the facts of death in quired,, into. Other occupants of the car were hurt some, but none ser iously, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Finley of the Alpine district, attended the meeting of farmers in this city on Satusday la ft. J. R. Carmichael of Lexington was in this city on Saturday and took in the farmers meeting. T, W. Cutsforth, wheat raiser of Lexington and Morgan, attended the Farm Bureau meeting here Saturday. Bid of County On Road Surfacing Was Too High At the meeting of the State High way commission in Portland on Tues day, a number of contracts were let for pieces of highway in different sections of the state, among them being one for rock surfacing the Heppner-Jones Hill unit of the Ore gon-Washington highway in Morrow county. Commissioner Davidson and Clerk Waters were in Portland at the time of the opening of bids, hav ing presented the bid of the county court to do this work. The county's bid was too high, however, and the contract was awarded to the General Construction company of Spokane, for $51,592. We understand that this bid was better than $3000 under that offered by the county. It is gratifying to the people of this county to have this work completed, and the early surfacing of the road will be the means of saving the grade and likewise a lot of money to both county and state. When the High way Commission can finish up the remaining unit on the O.-W. highway to the Umatilla county line, we shall be better pleased, as this is the last link in the completion of the highway. WASHINGTON PASTOR HOME FROM EUROPEAN TRIP SAYS KEEP OUT OF THEIR AFFAIRS Washington, Feb. 6. "The proper policies of the solution of the prob lems of the world are being pursued by the present Administration of our government," is the statement of Rev. Dr. Henry Allen Tapper, pastor of the First Baptist Church, in Wash ington, D. C. Dr. Tupper recently returned from a three months' trip to the Near East where he made a particular study of the situation from the standpoint of America's position of non-interference. "It would be a grave error for America to entangle and embroil her self with questions which are strict ly European in character,'' says Dr. Tupper, "and which srould involve her in unending confusion and dis cord. - 'Today, as never before, the whole world has its eyes upon the United States of America, and the need for this nation to be sure of itself, to the world and to God was never so great as in this hour of the world's history. "If we make a false step now," he aid, "it may mean a universal cal amity. During my late visit to Eu rope and the Near East I received deep impressions and returned with deep convictions. Confusion, worse confounded, reigned nearly every where. National hatred, political controversies, bitter rivalries, com mercial depressions, social despair, abject poverty and future forebod ings mark the experience of the peo ple across the seas, and unwise lead ership and false policies have, large ly, created this calamitous condition of affairs. The aftermath of the great war has placed America in a most delicate as well as a most im portant and responsible position be fore the world. "We must avoid the mistake of med dling in other people's business and in other families' quarrels. This will implicate us, weaken our influence, and annul the end desired. It would be most unfortunate for us, officially, to sit in conference which may de cide the destiny of a nation or na tions with which we have had no dis agreement; but, as a friendly ob server or as a protctor of our own national rights, a helpful associa tion may be formed. I can testify that tn the four con tinents through which I have just passed the splendid representatives of our government, by reflecting the spirit and honoring the policy of the administration at Washington, are bringing credit to their country and glory to their flag." Local Boy to Head W. U. Debate Team Robert Notson, of this city, will head the debating team of Willam ette University this season, and with the other members will soon go on tl.eir itinerary. Robert won high place with the team last year and he is feeling pretty good that the sched ule for W illamette this year takes him to various points in the Middle West and Southwest. An item in the Oregon ian under date of February 4 from Salem gives the following concerning the debate schedule: "The final acceptance by the Uni versity of North Dakota of terms for a debate with the Willamette debate team which will tour the east in March, was received today. The North Dakota contest will complete the full schedule of eight contests for the trip. "Other schools which will be met are University of Wisconsin at Madi son; Gustavus Adolphus College at St. Peter, Minn.; Lawrence college at Appleton, Wis.; Wheaton college at Wheaton,' III.; University of Ari zona at Tucson; University of Red- lands at Redlands. Cat., and College of the Pacific at San Jose. The four men who will compose the squad on its eastern tour will be named by Coach Erickson this week." The men have been chosen and Pubert Notson of this city is the leader, there being no seniors on the tear, this year. Deputy Veterinarian to Be Here Next Week Dr. Derflinger, deputy state veter inarian, will be in Heppner next week, his visit being for the purpose of making tuberculer tests of dairy cattle. Anyone desiring the sen-ices of Dr. Derflinger should leave word at the office of the county agent in Heppner, C. Melville and R. E. Cherrick were here from Alpine Saturday and took in the farmers meeting. Mr. Cher rick is teacher of the school In the Alpine district and takes much in terest in community affairs. i -...liiulu MIR TUBERCULAR CASES War Veterans Whose Claims For Compensation and Hoapitaliilation Have Been Disallowed Will Benefit Greatly by New Order Tubercular war veterans of this district whose claims for compensa tion and hospitalization have been disallowed by the government will benefit greatly by a new federal or der calling for extension of proof period following separation from ser vice and the formation of a district tuberculosis board to consider ser vice connection of eases after obser vation in the hospital, according to an announcement made by L. C. Jes seph, northwest district manager of the United States Veteran's Bureau. Hundreds of ex-service men of the Pacific Northwest will be directly af fected by this measure and every tu berculosis ease will be automatically reopened for consideration.- A devel opment of tuberculosis from war service is increasing rapidly, it was stated. The new instruction states that "ac tive tuberculosis, minimal state, shown by competent proof as existing within 30 months from date of sep aration from active service, shall be considered as having been active and of 10 per cent degree within two years from discharge." The period of proof is extended three months in this instance and also to veter ans suffering from tuberculosis, mod erately advanced, who are allowed 33 months after discharge to show tu berculosis. The period of proof for tuberculosis with cavity formation or to the extent of two entire lobes is extended four months, giving the veteran 36 months after separation from service to show tuberculosis development. 'The cases of all war veterans of the Pacific Northwest suffering from tuberculosis whose claims have been disallowed wilt be reconsidered and given the benefits of the new regu lation' said Mr. Jesseph. "The new order gives us another opportunity to help the tubercular war veterans who heretofore have not been entitled to feredal aid. Where active tuber culosis of 10 per cent degree has not been diagnosed during the two year period following separation from war service and does not come under the 30, 33 or 36 months provisions, the claimant shall be referred to a hos pital for a period of observation and a report made by three medical offi cers. This special board shall report the extent and character of the pul monary lesion as disclosed by the X- ray and physical findings and shall record a careful medical histoy to the length of time the disease had previously existed. A district board of three members will be named by the district medical officer within a few days on these findings and make the necessary decisions This means that every veteran suffering from tu berculosis will be given an opportun ity to have his disability connected with war service regardless of the time the first examination was made." Announcement was made that the new measure will mean a material increase in the activities of the Vet erans' Bureau for many months both in awarding of compensation claims and hospitalization. U SCHOOL NOTES Two new students entered high school this week: Elinor Peck from Portland school, and Stanley Peter son from The Dalles. A double-header basketball game between lone and Heppner high schools will be played at the pavilion Friday, February 9. Heppner won from lone on their own floor. Come out and see them win again. The Sophomores held their class election last Tuesdav. The following officers were elected: President, Marguerite Hisler, vice-president. Austin Smith; secretary, Luola Benge and sergeant at arms, Bessie Mc Cabe. Miss Frasier was unable to be at school Tuesday afternoon and her classes were taught by Mr. Hedrick. Thelma Miller and Reliance Moore returned from the State Press As sociation convention Sunday evening. Monday they gave very interesting reports on the convention and stated that they got many new ideas for the "Hehisch." The high school wonders why so much of the reports were about the banquet and why Thelma nudged Reliance and said "Don't tell that!" The Juniors have decided to put on a stunt program at the theater the first part of March. Tho Heppner hi basketball team played a game with Fossil last Sat urday. The Heppner team seemed rather unlucky, the referee calling eighteen personal fouls on them and only six on Fossil. As for the score "Silence is golden.' The Student Body held their pri mary election last Friday in the most approved style. The votes were counted by the Student Council and the candidates receiving the latest number of votes are to run in the regular election. The candidates are; President Ray McDuffee, Retha Owens. Vice-President Francis Doherty, Keith Logan, Violet Ilynd. SecretaryMary Crawford, Thel ma Miller. Sergeant-at-Arms Charlie Ilirl, Leonard Sch want. Veil Leaders Muiiel Caswn, Guy Hall, Kathleen McDnid, Ruths Owens. Some very stirring speeches woro delivered in favor of the various can didates, especially by tho-tu long winded Seniors. We begun to wiah that the Seniors were a bashful and retiring as the Freshmen. All glory and honor Is due to Charles NuUon, who mtide a motion for adjournment even though he was a Ftethuinri.