n 0 ricaV Society. The Gazette-Times n . PUBLISHED WEEKLY AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF MORROW COUNTY Volume 39, Number 41. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 1, 1923. Subscription $2.00 Per Year INTERSTATE TAXES Oregon Woolgrowera Clou Annual Convention, Stale Predatory Ani mal Bounty Syitem Declared Fail ure. Officer! Elected. (Oregonian) Pendleton, Or., Jan. 29. More than 300 woolgrowers of Oregon today eloied their 26th annual convention here, pronounced the moat success ful ever held, after adopting a strong legislative programme and outlining their plans for 1U23. Among the features of the conven tion were the decisions voluntarily to tax each sheep 1 cent at the stock yards, to carry on the work of the association, to make uniform con tracts for shearing at 10 cents a head, to bring important legislation before the state legislative body, and reaffirming the position taken by the national association on the same sub ject, including "truth in fabric" leg islation, and predatory animal work. Fred W. Falconer President. Fred W. Falconer of Pendleton, the largest individual owner of sheep in Oregon, who 20 years ago was a sheepherder, was elected president, K. G. Warner of Pilot Rock, Fred Herrln of Ashland and J. W. Fisher of Shaniko were elected vice-presidents, and President Falconer an nounced the reappointment of Mac Hoke as secretary-treasurer. Jay 11. Dobbin, for years a leader in the association and for the last three years president, asked that he be relieved from further service. Old records of the association, produced for the first time today, snowed that in 1U11 Mr. Dobbin was president of the organization. Double Taxation Proteated. Double taxation of sheep in states, due to the fact that there is no tax the head for less than one year and because many sheepmen run the same sheep in different states at different times of year, was protested in a me morial to the state legislature, which is asked to enact a law providing for taxation only for the period of time the sheep are in the state and calling for reciprocal relations with adjoin inr states. A law to eliminate the nuisance of wild horses on the range also was asked by the sheepmen. A determined effort to have the state of Oregon pass "truth in fab ric" legislation will be made by the woolgrowers. The bill will oe a copy of the Wyoming act and providos for the labeling of cloth, or articles of apimrel containing or purporting to contain wool, either al' virgin wool, not less than per :erl lrgin wool, or no virgin wool. A penalty is pro vided for violation of the act. Senate Measure Condemned. A united stand was taken on the predatory animal question, in which it had been alleged that there -as a split among the woolgrowers. The first action tnken was to condemn senate bill No. 41!, which proposes to eliminate the bounty on coyotes. The sheepmen contend that this is dis criminatory legislation and that if any bounty ir to be repealed, all be repealed. The legislative committee's report which recommended thnt the rjtate, Instead of the bounty law, provide $100,000 for the livestock sanitary bureau so that it can work coopera tively with the United Slates biolog ical survey on predatory animal work was unanimously indorsed. Bounty System I'nder Ban. The woolgrowers also have asked that if the money is provided by Oregon for the co-operative work the biological survey expend as much money in Oregon as is necessary to control the evil. A resolution of in dorsement of the biological survey methods, in preference to the state bounty system, was unanimously adopted. Work of the state extension and experimental station work In the states was indorsed unanimously. That careful consideration of new regulations on graiing on the na tional forests be made In regard to maximum stability of range live stock business and economic condi tions of the northwest, by forestry officials, wns the meaning of anoth er resolution which also indorsed the "bedding out" systems and asked for an appropriation from congress to the bureau of animal industry suffi cient to enable the officials to aid In stamping out sheep scabies in the northwest. Tariff Resolutions Adopted. The following resolution was adopt' ed on the tariff question: Wheri'ss If the wool Browing Industry I, to survive In the United States, It is im- Iterative lhat the tariff on wool shall not be lower than tna present rale ; ana Whprpan. Home larir. rlilthiliff manufaC' turers, jobbers anil n'laitcrs would have the public believe that the prespnt duty on wikiI Is lartri' pnoush U Increase the prlre of a suit of clothe from $f, to 110. where In reality the increase dues not exceed $1.60 a suit ; be it therefore Resolved, That we recommend that the National Wool Growers' association raise aufliclent funds for the purpose of Inform Iria the people of the United Slates con cerning the renl truth In reaard to the merits of Ihe present tariff law. Financial Aid Indorsed. Resolutions Indorsing a speedy passugs of congressional measures planned to aid the financial situation of the wool growers and other live stock men were adopted. Indorsement of the state chamber of commerce development plan was unanimously voted, the members nlcdiring their cooperation. A protest ngainst the proposed rail road rates which are to become eiroc tlve February 10, and a request for a reconsideration, is directed by the wool growers to the interstate com merce commission asking thnt tTte prosent rates for carload lots of wool in grease, in sacks and bales, be con tinued. GOVERNMENT CITIZENSHIP 80 per cent of the peoplo do not understand the system of government of the United BUtes. 1)0 per cent shirk their own respon sibilities as citizens, Paid Adv, Sarah E. Shipley Is Called By Death Sarah Emily Shipley, widow of the lalte Dr. L. F. Shipley and a respect ed pioneer of Heppner, died at her home in this city on Friday, January 26, at the age of 78 years, 4 months and 3 days, and following an illness of short duration and the infirmaties of old age. She was a pioneer resi dent of Heppner and a woman well respected by all who knew her, being of a quiet and retiring disposition, a good friend and neighbor. Funeral services were held on Sunday after noon at the Federated church, Rev. Harper, Presbyterian minister of Pen dleton, delivering the funeral dis course and the remains were laid to rest at Masonic cemetery beside the other members of her family that had gone before. Sarah Emily Williamson, oldest child of Joseph and Eliza Cooper Williamson, was born on a farm in Washington county, Iowa, a few miles from Washington City, September 23, 1844, and she continued to live in her native state until she was about 22 years of age, when she came to Or egon via New York, the Isthmus of Panama and San Francisco, settling first at Portland and then going on to Salem, where she joined her par ents who had previously crossed the plains by ox team. She was married to Louis F. Shipley, then a medical student at Willamette University, on Sept. 9, 1809. With her husband she lived at Dayton, Hurriaburg and Mon roe, Oregon. In April, 1H80, Dr. Ship ley having purchased a band of horses, the family moved to the trad ing post of Heppner. Dr. Shipley was the first graduate practicing phy sician in this part of the country and his practice covered a very large territory from Echo to Monument and Rltter to Arlington. Three children were born to this union: Francis Marion, who died May 19, 181-2, Jay Williamson, living at Underwood, Wash., and Charlotte Scherzinger of Heppner. There are also three grandchildren, Elwyn F. Shipley of Portland, Marjory Shipley of Silverton, and Rachel Scherzinger of Heppner. besides two brothers, Frank Williamson of Denio, t)regon, and Newton N. Williamson, ex-congressman from this district and now postmaster at Prineville, Oregon. At the age of 16 Mrs. Shipley joined the United Presbyterian church and held to that faith through life. .11 ore Coyote Poison Available. We have replenished our supply of pecially processed coyote poison and will furnish it free of charge to par ties who are willing to place it out according to directions. The exper ience gained in moct of the western states indicate that the most effective way of controlling the coyotes is through poison campaigns. Next year without doubt this work will be or ganized and a systematic effort made to cover the entire territory. Stock men interested in ridding their ranges of coyotes should take advan tage of this opportunity. Complete directions will be put out with the poison. C. C. CALKINS. A chinook wind was reported to be blowing strong at Hard man this forenoon, but it passed Heppner up. Interesting Agricultural Address In Forenoon With Dutch Luncheon at Noon. Important Repo. is and Huslnesa Make Up Program. Hy C. C. CALKINS, County Aitent. The Morrow County Farm Bureau will hold their annual meeting in the Odd Fellows hall at Heppner on Saturday, beginning at 10:30. We are fortunate in being able to secure P. V. Maris, director of Extension, from Corvallis, as principal speaker in the forenoon program. Mr. Maris has charge of all extension activities in the state of Oregon, and IB well versed in the farmers' problems and farm conditions as they exist today and he will have a message that ev ery man interested in farming ought to plan to hear. The county agent will review the high spots In the past year's program .ind go more into detail as to the pos sibilities for work during the coming year which will be made possible through continued and increased or ganized effort. Some Important and interesting reports will be made by committees and by the executive committee of the Farm Bureau. Some Interesting local numbers will be in cluded in the program and the day promises to be a busy one, dismiss ing by throe-thirty and In that way giving all a chance to transact their business and get home at a reason able hour. The forty-cent luncheon at noon is being put on by the ladies of the Christian church and all who desire are invited to participate. The farmers are extending a hearty welcome to all business men of the town to attend any and all of the sessions, FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Lord's Day, Feb. 4. Ninety percent of all our Impres sions come through the eye. Lord's Day morning at oleven o'clock we will have our monthly sermon to boys and girls, illustrated with crayon drawings; subject will bo "The Sower." Special music will be a feature, and as a souvenir every one present will receive the best Life of Christ ever published. Come and hear the sermon and got your sou venir. Bible School, with the line chorus, and the surprise will open at ten o'clock under the supervision of C. C. Calkins. Tho Juniors, under the leadership of Mtss Margaret Crawford, will meet nt 8 p. m., and the Senior Christian Endeavor Society will meet at 6:!10, The third sermon of the series on the Prodigal Son will be preached in the evening. Come and worship with us, there Is a seat for you. LIVINGSTONE, FILERS 11 MEETING SATURDAY 111CES MOR ROW ROADS GOOD Jay W. Shiplely, in conversation with the editor of this paper the first of the week, stated that he consid ered our new macadam roads among the best that he has traveled over, and he wishes us to say for him, that though the road program of the coun ty may have been criticised, it is go ing to' come about before long that what road building the county has done so far, and the program they have adopted, will receive commen dation at the hands of the taxpayers, and our county court and other road officials will be rceiving praise in stead of condemnation. Mr. Shipley does not speak as a man lacking In experience. He has been very intimately engaged in this work of building permanent roads for a good many years past, as a member of the county court in Ska mania county, Washington. He was the originator of the idea over there of bonding the county to the limit for good roads, believing the only right policy to be that of making permanent roads and bridges, and knowing that it would require money to do it. His idea seemed to take all ripht at first, and the bonds were voted, but when it was time to carry out the road building program the people became dissatisfied with Mr. Shipley and proceeded to recall him. Then it was that he proceeded to re call the recall, something not heard of before, and was successful in win ning out. A second recall met with the same fate, and now Mr. Shipley, since the road program has been practically completed in his county, is receiving much praise for the per sistent work he did in getting good roads, and could not be beat for a place on the county court by anyone in the county. The work being done here in the construction of grades, surfacing, and building bridges is along the line of what , Mr. Shipley has had to do in his part of Washington, tho it may be said that the difficulties there were harder to overcome than here and construction was much more of a problem; the county does not require the mileage that we do, but it costs much more per mile for grading be cause of the contour of the country and heavy rock work. His people can now grasp the idea of good roads and what they mean, as they had nothing but trails before, and Mr. Shipley thinks this will be the atti tude of the Morrow county folks as the road program nears completion. Ho was instrumental in securing a large amount of aid from the gov ernment in the construction of the Skamania county roads, and this aid will also come to Morrow county as development goes along. Theoron E. Fell Dies At Portland Monday Theoron E. Fell, formerly a resi dent of this city, and prominent in business circles here, also one of the early representatives of Morrow county in the Oregon legislature, died at his home in Portland on Monday after a brief illness, aged 64 years. He Is survived by his widow, Mary D. Fell, and one son, Melvin D. Fell, and tluee brothers, George D., now of Portland, Dr. J. H., of Prairie City, Oregon, and Walter P. Fell of Eu gene, Funeral services were held in Portland yesterday. Mr. Fell has been engaged in business at various points since leaving Heppner, for many years with the Pendleton Woolen mills, and more recently with a simi lar Institution at Portland. For 16 years he was head of a mining com pany In Alaska. Card of Thanks. We take this method of expressing our thanks and appreciation to all friends and neighbors who extended assistance and smypathy to us dur ing the last Illness, death and burial of our mother. J. W. SHIPLEY AND FAMILY. CHARLOTTE SCHERZINGER AND FAMILY. John Cochran, chief coyote klllor of Morrow county, was in the city yes j terday from his lone home. Stealing Their Pet - Lexington Lodge I. 0. O.F. Entertains Visitors R. I,, Benge Presented With Twenty Five Year Jewel. Other Interest ing Items From Lexington. On Thursday evening last Lexing ton Odd Fellows entertained a num ber of visitors from neighboring lodges, representatives being present from Heppner, lone and Morgan. A big feature of the evening was the very excellent supper served, and this was greatly enjoyed by the visit ors and the local members. The mem bers of the order of the county have been holding these functions at va rious points, Heppner and lone hav ing been hosts to the other lodges, and this was Lexington's turn to en tertain. Your correspondent is in formed that the Lexington boys were right up in the front row and stood near the head of the class when it came to putting over the entertain ment and their hospitality knew no bounds. During the lodge meeting the degree work was exemplified, and a veteran's jewel was presented to R. L. Benge of Heppner, who has been a faithful member of Lexing ton lodge for the past twenty-five years, S. E. Notson, also a member of the Lexington lodge for a number of years, made the presentation speech, and this was delivered in his usual happy manner. On Wednesday of last week the Christian Endeavor society of the Congregational church held their an nual election of officers in the C. E. room at the church, commencing with a clam supper at 6 o'clock, at which between 45 and 50 sat down at long tables and did full justice to the fine spread prepared and served by the ladies. After supper the regular bus iness meeting was held and the fol lowing officers elected. Kathleen Slocum, president; James Walker, vice president; Margaret Jones, sec retary; Dale Cutsforth, assistant sec retary; George Tucker, treasurer. Te appointment of all committees was set for Sunday evening at the regular C. E. service. The remainder of the evening was spent in playing games. Revival services were begun at the Christian church on Sunday evening, the pastor, L. A. Palmer, doing the preaching and the singing being led by Mr, right, of Portland. On Mon day evening a large delegation of about 36 people from Heppner, mem bers of the Christian church and friends, were present and added their part in making the services interest ing on this evening. A special se lection was rendered by the choir of the Heppner church. It is announced that the revival services will con tinue indefinitely and the church looks forward to great interest being created from the presentation of the gospel by Pastor Palmer. On Tuesday afternoon from four to six, the junior choir of the Congre gational church, which has been do ing so much this winter to make the music of the church a pleasure by their sweet singing, as well as be ing of so much help during the re vival services just closed, were en tertained at a party in the C. E. rooms by Mesdames Slocum, Ruhl and McMillan. All report having had a very pleasant time. The following were present: Doris Wilcox, Eula McMillan, Mary Slocum, Freda Mc Millan, Opal Ray, John P. McMillan Alfred McMillan, Doratha Gillanders, Gwendolen Evans, Marie Allison, Har old Beach, Joyce Bennett, May Gen try, Laurel Beach, Florence Gammeli, Clara Van Winkle, Elmer Palmer, Laurel Ruhl, Bruce Gillanders, Ver n6n Munkers, Archie Munkers, Ken neth Gillanders, Floyd Gammeli, Em met Kuns, Richard Walker. Rev. J. R. L. Haslam of the Fed erated church of Heppner, will preach In Mr. Glllaiuiers' pulpit at the Congregational church on Sun day morning, February 4th. Rev. J. D. Gillanders is spending the week in Portland. Mrs. John Carmlchael, who has been quite 111, is reported to be improving. The condition of Mrs. Thompson, who has been very ill for some time, remains about tho same. A trained nurse from Portland Is in attendance and all possible is being done for the aged lady, Mrs, Robert Jones and small son AUTOCA-r&rS. By C. C. CALKINS, County Agent. A letter just received by the coun ty agent from Mr. Mackey, Stste Pathologist for California, who has done more work with copper carbon ate for the control of smut in wheat than anyone in the United States, in dicates that one-third of California's wheat crop will be treated by that method. Correspondence with the county agent of Adams county, Wash ington, indicates that they have 25,- 000 acres of fall seeded wheat treat ed with copper carbonate and they expect at leaBt fifty per cent of their spring wheat will be treated in the same manner, with a correspondingly increased acreage treated in that way the coming year. The county agent in Douglas county sayB they have fifty thousand acres of fall wheat treated with copper carbonate and that their farmers feel that the ad vent of the dry treatment will result in elimination of one of the biggest gambles in their winter wheat farm ing system. The county agent in Spokane county states that they have 20.000 acres of dry treated wheat and that their results are good. The coun ty agent of Franklin county states that a large percentage of their win ter wheat acreage was treated with copper carbonate and that they ex pect that the majority of the spring wheat acreage will be treated in the same way provided they can secure machines with which to make the treatment. Reports coming into the county agents office from all parts of the county indicate that the copper car bonate treated wheat is showing up very well and many farmers are in dicating their intentions of using the dry treatment next fall. This is very encouraging and especially when we consider that conditions were very favorable for seeding last fall and that under ordinary conditions the difference would be even more notice able than has been true this past year. A recent interview with the county agen oi uma,.a counvy ana . num- ber of the leading farmers in that section indicates that their tests are showing up extremely favorable and without doubt dry treatment cam- paigns will be put on in that tion this fall. A note of warning should be sound ed to all users of copper carbonate for much of the effectiveness depends upon the purity of the product and its fineness. An effort is being made through the county agent's office in the various counties to secure for the farmers the very best grade of this product. Results so far would in dicate that with a good grade of cop per carbonate applied with the ma- hine so that each kernel is entirely dusted can be quite safely recom mended, and this process means not only the saving of some twenty per cent of the seed wheat but will in sure much better stands on an av erage and therefore greatly increase yields. What the advent of this method means to the northwest can well be summed up in a statement of the farm crop specialist from Cor vallis who states that it is the great est discovery for the wheat farmers that we have had in many decades. Morrow county has between twenty and twenty-five thousand acres of copper carbonate treated wheat. Watch these fields. Silver laced Wyandotte cockerels for sale; $2 each. Vida Heliker, lone. spent Tuesday of last week at the home of Mrs. Runyan. Mian Mary Duran, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, E, S. Duran, was is a stu dent at Philomath college, has been quite 111 with pneumonia. Mrs. W. II. Gould and daughter, Miss Willa, spent the past week in Lexington, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Runyan. Fred C. Maloy of Morgan has made several flying trips to Lexington late ly. E. Nordyke is moving into his resi dence near the garage, Charley Brcshears had the misfor tune to break his arm while cranking his Ford one day the past week. The "animal kicked back on him. Percy Allison will move his shoe repnlr shop into the building just recently vacated hy L, Nordyke. DRY TREATMENT FOR SMUT GAINING FAVOR ECONOMIC CONFAB Speech of Hon. Charles L. McNiry, of Oregon. In the Senate of the Uni ted States, Thursday, December 28, 1922. The Senate, as a Committee of the Whole had under eon .deration the bill ( H . R. 13374) making appropriations for the Navy Department and the naval service for the ftcal year ending June 30, 1924, and for other purposes. Mr. McNary. Mr. President, I de sire to discuss the amendment of the Senator from Idaho (Mr. Borah) to the bill which is now before the Sen ate. In view of the brevity of the re marks which I shall make, I hope that no Member of the Senate will ask me to yield for the purpose of a question. Mr, President, the man in vie street would say, if two or more were in disagreement, the chances are that a mutual understanding would be reached if the discordant persons placed their feet under the same ta ble and discussed the various factors that brought about such disagree ment. By applying the same formula, dis cord subsisting among the nations would likely disappear by assembling an economic conference where world wide welfare could be discussed and the nations participating made to un derstand their mutual dependency and that national prosperity is found ed upon mutual sympathy and help fulness. In my humble opinion, the amend ment offered by the able Senator from Idaho (Mr. Borah) is limited to operate only in the field of interna tional economics and can not be con strued to imply any obligation cal culated to involve any aggressive or defensive military action, or to en tangle this Nation in any political maelstrom. The only charge laid up on the conference is the duty of con sidering the economic problems now confronting the world, followed by the expression of a hope that some understanding or arrangement may be reached providing for the restora tion of trade and the establishment of the finances of the world on a sol id foundation. I know of no provision of the Con stitution that would permit the dele gates at a conference of this charac ter to obligate our country in re spect to a reduction or cancellation of the allied debt, or to consider any other subject concerning our rela tions with foreign powers that are properly the subject of negotiations by the President and ratification or rejection by the Senate. Mr, Presi dent, I am not disturbed nor made to tremble by the rumblings of the iso- lationists that at an economic con-1 ference the traditional policies of our country would be overthrown or disregarded; nor am I persuaded by the argument that the best policy for this country to pursue is to leave the nations of Europe alone until they .solvj their own problems which so greatly concern us. That effort has been going on in Europe for more than two years, while this country has sat supinely by and conditions have grown steadily worse, until at this time it appears as though the whole economic edifice of Europe is tottering to its fall. The nations en gaged in the last war have drifted widely and strangely apart until they are now on the brink of chaos, and unless heroic measures are under taken by them, with the powerful as sistance of this country, financial collapse to many will follow, and to others instability and internal tur moil will be gathered as the harvest of dissension. Mr. President, I can see no analogy between the commitments contained in the covenant of the League of Na tions and the mere effort to discover the proper economic action the va rious nations should take in the pres ent world crisis under the sugges tion of the Borah amendment. The plan proposed does not anticipate the employment of a soulless economic boycott or retaliation as a means of its enforcement, nor does it suggest h use q nTiv fflRhiond to . unatab,e condiUong . . throughout the world the ecoomic current of the worId fm the debrU ol hBte and ,; . u ara Vaanit, nnan fua discord which are keeping open the wounds of war. This Nation, power cful and rich, should take as much interest and display as much concern to bring about mutual accord among its debtor nations as does the private banker manifest in the welfare of those patrons who have created pe cuniary obligations in the-institution of which he is the directing head. Aloofness should be our national pol icy when powerful foreign forces operate to involve us to our peril or national disadvantage, but such a sit uation can not grow out of a mere economic conference unless it is the desire of the people of this great Re public, expressed through their Rep resentatives in the Congress. There fore I cherish no fear that my coun try will shift from its assured foun dation on account of any economic discussion in which it may choose to participate. Mr. President, in a large way the cruel and unfortunate plight of the farmer is due to the fact that he is smothering in a surplus of agricul tural products. A strong, brisk, for eign market, such as he is entitled to enjoy, would lift the farmer from impending ruin to a position where he could meet his obligations and leave him a fair profit for his labor ious work and his investment. To this reward he is abundantly entitled. After a study of the problems of ru ral credits by the Members of the Congress representing agricultural States, Igeislation designed to pro vide farm credits so that the farmers may obtain better prices through the orderly marketing of their products will soon be brought before either branch of Congress for consideration. This legislation has been long de layed, but is now upon us and should be speedily enacted into law. But what is most needed by our farming population are markets, and these can be found and will be supplied if Europe is at rest, stabilized, and its economic structure made safe and sound. It will be said thnt rural pro- (Continued on Page Six) The Passing of Another Morrow County Pioneer After a long illness that extended over many months, Mrs. Roth E. French passed away at 8 o'clock a. m., Wednesday, January 31st, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. W. Briggs. in this city, at the advanced age of 94 years, 10 month and 23 days. Funeral services, conducted by Rev. W. O. Livingstone, will be held at the Federated chnrch, Friday, February 2nd, at 2 o'clock p. m. Ruth Eleanor, daughter of John and Elizabeth Glancy, was born in Clermont county, Ohio, March 8th, 1828. She was one of a family of eleven children and the last to go. She was married in 1849 to Asa Da vis French of Dayton, Ohio. To this union was born five children, three sons and two daughters: M. D. La fayette, John G Millard F., Mrs. Louella Gurdane and Mrs. Hannah Briggs. Three of these preceded her, Mrs. Gurdane losing her life in the Heppner flood of June 14, 1903; John C. passed away in Suothern Califor nia, December 4th, 1910, and M. D. L, who died at the French farm near Heppner, June 30th, 1913. M. F. French of Midvale, Idaho, and Mrs. Briggs of this city were present at her death. Besides these) two, she leaves six grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. With her husband and three young er children, she moved to Oregon in 1880, locating on a farm near Hepp ner, the eldest son following some years later. Her husband died in 1891 and since then Mrs. French has made her home in Heppner most of the time. She united with the Christian church in Ohio, at about the age of thirteen years and was a charter member of the First Christian chnrch of Heppner in which she was a faith ful member until death. K. of P. and Pythian. Sisters Entertained On Tuesday evening the Knights of Pythias and Pythian Sisters en joyed a pleasant social evening at their castle hall in the Odd Fellows building. An excellent musical pro gram, consisting of vocal, piano, vio lin, and saxophone selections was rendered and enjoyed by a large and appreciative audience. At the close of the program the guests retired to the dining hall where refreshments were served by the committee, after which a pleas ant social hour was enjoyed. These monthly social meetings are pleasant features looked forward to by the members of these orders, not onlv for their social benefits but as factors in strengthening the f inter nal ties among the members. We are asked to express the appreciation of the Knights and Sisters to the friends who gave their services to make the evening a success. By the courtesy of Mr. Fisher an attractive sign has been placed in the lobby of Hotel Heppner, stating the time and meeting place of the Knights of Pythias, and extending an invitation to all Knights who might be in the city to visit Doric Lodge No. 20, Jury Finally Secured at Pendleton. Plea of Defendant to be Shooting In Self-Defense. Sotry of Fight Related by Eyewitnesses. Wednesday's Pendleton Tribune Eleven witnesses called by the state were examined yesterday in the opening of the trial of L. D. Clark, Helix marshal, charged with second degree murder for the shooting of Harry E. Rose, Helix cigar stor man, October 28, 1922, with Circuit Judge G. W. Phelps presiding. A jury was finally secured yester day morning after the entire day. Monday, was spent in an effort to make a selection. The jury is com posed of John Home, George M. Ma son, John D. West, I. M. Phipps, Wil liam J. Boyer, Pauline Denny, Min nie Mitchell. Etta M. May, Mantha Wade, Clara Donaldson, Stillman Dempsey and R. E. Haskett. Most of the witnesses called yes terday were eye-witnesses of the fight and fatal shooting which happened on a Saturday night in Rose's store at Helix. A few of the versions varied slight lly. but the general story was as fol lows: Sims Clark, 18 year old son of the defendant, was in the Rose Cigar store in the afternoon, and following some practical joking, the young man and Rose came to blows, Rose eject ing him from the place. Soon after, L. D. Clark, the marshal, entered the Rose store and asked what the trou ble was. After some words, Rose told the marshal that when he want ed him, he would call for him. Clark then left but returned later. Here the trouble started and after hot words, a free for all fight start ed. No witness would say who struck the first blow, but the marshal's bil ly club flew across the room and Rose swung a chair. Then the two men clinched and fought on the floor. Rose got the better of the elderly man and was giving him a severe beating when Clark called for help. After calling, the marshal shouted that If he didn't get help he would shoot and a few seconds later tired two shots, one of which pierced the breast of Rose. A few minutes after tho scuf fle. Rose was dead. That Rose hud not been drinking and that Clark did not declare him under arrest before the fight started were two outstanding statements of the witnesses. Among those called by the state eye-witnesses were Gall Alspach, Walter E. t lark, a nephew of the de fendant; Willard Gritnn, John Heber- lin, Percy Kelly, Johnny Kupers, Lor- in O'Gara, Robert Zumwalt and Fred Oswald. County Coroner J. T. Brown and Deputy Sheriff Jake Marin both CLARK MURDER TRIAL BEGH ON TUESDAY Saturday's Game Was Speedy and Re salted in Score of 25 to S In Favor of Local Basket eers.- Other Good Games Will Be Schedoled. Arlington's crack basketball team journeyed up Willow river Saturday evening and received a good drubbing at the hands of Heppner quintet. The game, plalyed on the pavilion floor, was a fast one, despite the one sided score of 255, and the specta tors received their money's worth. During about nine-tenths of the game the ball was in Heppner's ter ritory, but through the efficient guarding of EUertson and Josephson many possbile goals were blocked. In passing the local boys had tho edge, and their guarding put an almost im penetrable wall in front of Arling ton's basket. The game was extraordinarily clean there being but few fouls called, and the best of spirit was shown by both teams. Max Rogers, as referee, kept the game moving and gave entire sat isfaction. Aiken was high point winner for Heppner, copping off five field bas kets. McDuffee came second with four field and one foal baskets, while Mather and Anderson scored two and one respectively. For Arlington, Ba ker scored three points and Joseph- son two. The line-up for the game was: Heppner: Aiken, f; McDuffee, f; Anderson, e; Mather, g; Finch, g. Arlington: Robinson, f; Baker, f; Josephson, c; Eilertson, g; Marcus, . Ferguson and Witcraft substituted for Heppner and Burton brothers for Arlington. Clyde Witcraft, manager of Hepp ner's quintet, arranged a game with Hardman for last evening, but the south-enders failed to come in. He expects to have several good games, and is trying to get the Columbia University team of Portland for a series of games in this territory. Smoker is Called Off. The American Legion smoker billed to take place at the exhibit pavilion on Saturday evening, has been called off owing to injuries received by Joe Marcus, one of the participants in the leading event on the program. While engaged in playing basketball here last Saturday with the Arlington team, Mr. Marcus recevied injuries to one of his hands that made il doubtful if he could appear at the smoker in his engagement with Geo. Welch of Walla Walla, so the Legion boys will postpone their smoker un til a future date. National Woolgrowers Meeting Was Success Local men returning from the Na tional Woolgrowers meeting held at Spokane January 24, 25 and 26, re port that they had a great meeting and that their only regret is that more of the local men could not have attended. The program was well fill ed with addresses and the considera tion of many subjects vital to the wool industry and every man attend ing felt like he had received many times the cost of the trip. The national meeting has been held in the past at Salt Lake City but it was changed to Spokane this year to accomodate many of the western men and the officers of the association were well pleased with the represen tation from all parts of the country. Spokane certainly entertained the sheep men royally and such men as E. J. Hagenbarth, president of the association, left the meeting saying that this convention was one of the most pleasant and profitable ever held. Over five hundred people attended their annual banquet which was held at the Davenport hotel on Thursday evening and all of the sessions were ttended by from one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty dele gates. Those attending from Morrow county were Jack and Will Hynd, George Krebs, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Mahoney, Joe Hayes, Frank Monahan and C. C. Calkins. E. S. Miller of Lexington was a visitor in this city today. Mr. Mil ler is running the Jackson place near Lexington and states that he has fine prospects for a crop the coming sea son. STRAYED -From my pasture about Jan. 20th, one bay mare, age 8 years, weight about 1200; mane was roach ed last Sept. Branded circle 3 on left shoulder. Notify C. N. Jonea, Heppner; Phone 29F51. identified the gun which killed Roue, and told of their part following the shooting when they went to Helix. Attorneys for the state and defense made their opening arguments yester day morning. District Attorney Keator reviewed the ca?e which the state will present, in brief time, and told tie jury that the state would prov Clark guilty of murder. Attorney Will M. Peterson for the defense tOid the jury thnt it would be proved that Clark acted in good faith as an officer and that he shot in self defense. Clark, who is over t ytnrs of sije, and a native of Umatilla county, has be n a deputy sheriff for years under Til Taylor, W R. Taylor :.nd Zouth Houser, and has been for the past three years marshal of Helix, t!m at torney told the jury. Attorney Peter son further said that the dfenie wculd show that Rose was under the influence of liquor before the fight. The defendant jtat with his wife and baby, and with his brother, Ed ward Chirk, an attorney of Dayton, Washing-ton, between bU attorney", Mr. Peterson and A. C. Melntyi of Helix. His entire family of 11 chil dren is attending the trial. The courtroom was packed y"i ter day and many of the HWix citizen are listening U the presentation of evidence. More than two more day ars ev pctid to complete tSe trial.