PACE FIVE Tf "V Of Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, Nipponware, Sewing Trays, Fountain Pens and Cutlery THE GAZETTE-TIMES. HEPPNEIt, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER U, 1022. 0 Sat LOSING Everything Must Go W HAYL (Q) Everything Must Go 11 UHai oca 7 wemng Sadie Bowen ask that The Ga-tette-Timea extend her aincere thanka to those who have ao kindly assisted her during the paat week in her need; also to the Knights of Pythiat lodge for their substantia! help. Mr a. Bowen, who is getting well along in years, has to depend up on what work she can get to do in order to make a living. Of late she has been out of employment and has reached a point of destitution. Her condition being made known to the good people of Ileppner, assistance waa rendered her at once, her coal bin was replenished, and the old lady given other assistance that will as sure her comfort while ahe is out of work. For all of this Mrs. Bowen is very grateful. Oris Tadberg was In the city from hia Ileppner Flat farm on Wednes day. Out that way the snow haa drifted very badly, blowing off the hills and filling up the low places. Many fields were blown quite dean of snow over large areas and this ia rather bad for the growing wheat. Should more snow come and cover up t!ie bare spots, it will be of much benefit In protecting the grain while the cold snap is on. There was no frost in the ground when the big snow began falling and Mr. Padberg thinks there was at least 15 inches on the level. Mrs. Henry Boten was here during the past week, attending to business in connection with the final settle ment of the John Garslde estate, of which she is the administratrix. She departed for her home at Kamela, Oregon, on Tuesday. After the first of the year ahe will have charge of the eating house at that place, and when any of the Ileppner people are passing that way on the Oregon trail, she would be pleased to have them give her call. Con McLaughlin, who Is an exten sive rancher of the Lena country, was in Ileppner the first of the week, lie reports lots of winter out his way, with the snow badly drifted as it is around Ileppner. Mr. McLaugh lin, who is extensively engaged in hog raising, will spend the winter near Vinson, where he haa secured feed for his stock. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jcrts returned heme on Saturday fioin Oakland, Calif., where Mrs. Jones has been spending the past three months, and where she was joined few weeks ago by Mr. Jones. They spent a week in Portland on the way up. Hugh Stanfield of Stanfield Bros., leading sheepmen of Weiser, Idaho, win in Heppner for a few days the f.rst of the week, looking after bus iness matters. He is a brother of Senator Stanfield, with whom he is engaged in business. Oscar Kelthley, Eight Mile fanner, was in the city yesterday and landed a bunch of orders for turkeys, dress ed and undressed, for the Christmas dinner of Heppner citiiens. He raised a fine lot of the royal birds this sea son. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Anderson and the little children of Mrs. Hilma Anderson, drove in on Sunday from Hot Lnke, where they spent a week with Mrs. Anderson, who is a patient at the Sanitarium. The announcement was received here Monday of the birth of a son on Sunday, December 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Crawford, at their home in Berkeley, Calif., and all parties doing well. Federated Church Mothers bring your babies and enjoy trie morning service on Sundays. Leave the lit tle ones in the basement with com mittee who will take care of them. Attorney C. L. Sweck returned Sat urday from a business trip to On tario, Ore. When he left thero they were enjoying balmy weather, with no signs of winter. Patronize Your Home Industrlca. Buy Heppner Bread; pay cash and pay less; 9 cents for pound loaf or 3 for 26c; 13 cents for 114-pound loaf, 2 for 25 cents. John F. Vaughn came up from Portland Sunday and spent several day in this city, looking after busi ness affairs. He returned home this morning. Judge Frank Robinson, Ione'a at torney, was an incoming passenger Sunday in order to be on hand for the opening of court Monday morn ing. Mrs. C. E. Woodson and her daugh ter, Miss Bornlce, returned home on Sunday from a stay of several days in Portland during the past week. Mrs. V.iwter Crawford returned home on Sunday, after having apent a week at the fjme of her sister Mrs. J. B. Cooley, tn Pendleton. Dates Announced for Oregon State Wool Growers Convention. The annual Convention of the Ore gon State Wool Growers will be held in Pendleton, Janurary 27-29, 1923. As these datea follow immediately after the National Convention which will be held in Spokane, Secretary Mac Hoke of the Oregon Association has been able to secure a fine array of talent of national prominence for the Pendleton Session. "Indications are that we will have a record attendance, not only because of the splendid program and impor tant businesa to be transacted, but because of the fact that all appli cants for forest grating privileges must appear in person this year be fore a special committee tliat will be in session at the Convention," de clares Jay Dobbin, President of the Oregon State Wool Growers Association. Live Cecil News Items. Master Jackie Hynd escorted Miss Blondie Miller and Miss Violet Hynd to Heppner on Sunday. The Mayor saw the young ladies safely on board the local and we presume Master Jackie had the time of his life be fore the young ladies were safely delivered at their respective homes in town. John Krebs of the Last Camp made a visit to lone on Tuesday with the express purpose of having a shave, but when John showed the growth of hair on his face, the barber quiet ly shook his head and said, "Nothing doing, young man." So John still wears the whiskers. Snow fell on Tuesday around Cecil to the depth of twelve inches. Wed nesday more snow. Thursday and Friday, hard frosts. Saturday morn ing a chinook blowing a gale. Snow fast disappearing at time of writing Saturday morning. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krebs of the Last Camp on the arrival of twin boys weighing seven pounds each. Born at the maternity home of Mrs. G. C. Aiken at Heppner on December 6th. Peter Bauernfiend, Cecil's right hand man, left on Thursday for Paso Roblcs Springs, California. Pete ex pects to be absent for several months. We all extend our best wishes for Pete's speedy recovery. Misses Lundell, Nelson and Schwart all charming young ladies from the Eg City, made things lively at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell at Rhea Siding for the week end. T. H. Lowe, Rock Inspector on the highway and hia assistant, A. E. Wheeler, are spending a few days vacation in Portland before starting work on the Gilliam county road. Geo. W. Wilson left on Tuesday with W. G. and Jack Hynd for Sand Hollow where they were to look up the sheep and cattle which were com ing in from the Freezeout ranch. Franklin Ely of Morgan was sport ing a fine new Ford roadster in Ce cil on Sunday. No need to say that a charming young lady was the only other occupant of the new car. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Farnsworth and children of Rhea Siding, also Mrs. Geo. Henriksen of Strawberry ranch were callers in Arlington on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wilson and family of Boardman spent Sunday at Killarney, the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McEntire. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stender of Sel domseen and J. E. Crabtree of Dothe boys Hill were visiting in Cecil on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe White of the Wil lows spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Logan. T. W. May of Lone Star ranch was S s g SI SI ss SI SI S3 1 V I : I 22 SI SI Xmas Suggestions Suitable Gifts for Auto Owners CRESCENT WRENCHES HOTSHOT BATTERIES TIRES TUBES SPOTLIGHTS MOTOMETERS REAR VISION MIRRORS TIRE CHAINS TIRE GAUGES LUGGAGE CARRIERS RADIATOR BAR CAPS TIRE COVERS RADIATO COVERS AUTOMATIC WINDSHIELD WIPERS TIRE PUMPS All packages wrapped in Holly paper - SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Heppner Garage Main 213 IS ft 95 ft ft ft ft ft calling on hia Cecil friends on Sun day. W. Pope and W. Lowe of Cecil were doing business in Arlington ft lb ft MieweA2esu.inSssrjtswA.WTtf tnmmmmimnninmmmmtimmunnmmi:sr4;ufflmnffliiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiniiiiiiimn HARWOOD'S DIAMONDS, WATCHES, PIANOS, PHONOGRAPHS JpWplrW An aPProPriate Christmas Gift for JCtVCUjr. y0ung of old. Our prices are right. SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR SUGGESTIONS The Store of Quality ODD FELLOWS BUILDING HEPPNER, OREGON itttttttttttttttttttttffli DANCING Smile a while, and While you smile Another smiles; And soon there are Miles and miles of smiles. And Life's worth while Because you smile. E. F. Steigelman If you are finding it hard to smile there's something missing, it may be a little deviation or perhaps some pleas ing recreation. Try DANCING Saturday - - - Dec. 16th Xmas Ball - - Dec. 23rd New Years Ball Dec. 30th FAIR PAVILION Heppner 9 to 12 . $1.10 Mothers and Dads Invited during the week. Schaefer-Agee. A beautiful wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Agee at lone December 6th, when their daughter Dorothy was united in mar- Shell Fish! DO YOU ENJOY SHELL FISH? Oysters Clams Crab Served in any style to your order. Our Sunday dinners are an attraction and should appeal to you. Save the wife extra work Sundays by taking din ner with us just bring the whole family along. Elkhorn Restaurant Heppner riage to Lester W. Schaefer of Mik kalo. The bride is well and favorably known both in the lone and Mikkalo neighborhoods, while the groom has grown to manhood in the vicinity of Mikkalo. He ia the son of Mrs. Frank Lewis. The young couple expect to honey moon in valley points and will make their home on a farm sear Mikkalo. Arlington Bulletin. s A F E T Y & s E R V I C E Your Vidory Bonds- Are they due for redemption Are your Victory Bonds among those recently called for redemption by the Government? The United States is ready to redeem all Victory Notes with the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F in the upper right hand corner. After De cember 15th these notes cease to bear interest. Bring them in and we will send them in for redemption. Many bondholders are starting sav ings accounts with this money. If they have a few dollars to spare, it can al ways be added. Or if they need the cash, it is here to meet the emergency. You've often felt more independent because you've had this Victory Note. Keep that independent feeling by hav ing a savings account in the Fir& National Bank HEPFNER, OREGON llllllllllllllllllilllllilll!l!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I AllKindsof I 1 HOLIDAY GOODS, TOYS and DOLLS I CHRISTMAS BELLS, TREE DEC- I ORATIONS, ETC., AT Cash Variety Store f Big Values for Little Money 1 iillllUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllM m m 1 0-Vv Ms. is Mr. Here's the Secret Of that wonderful "round" tone On hearing The Brunswick for the first time every music lover exclaims at its wonderful full, round, life-like tones. Back of the grill is the secret an oval horn built entirely of wood on the violin principle. Sound waves are amplified and sent out to the listener in correct acoustical "circles." No metal touches them. That's the secret! SAY IT WITH MUSIC THIS CHRISTMAS PHONOGRAPHS PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS - SHEET MUSIC RECORDS - PLAYER ROLLS It is not too early to buy for Christmas JACK MULLIGAN ShermanClay & Co. Representative at HARWOOD'S JEWELRY STORE Phone Main 1062 Odd Fellaws Building - Heppner, Oregon