THE GAZETTE-TIMES, IIEPPNER, OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMI5ER V, If. FAGF. FIVE jpemngq The equilibrium of thii first class family journal has been somewhat disturbed this week, while having a new foundation placed under our feet. The floor of the building became afflicted with dry rot, settled down under the wei-ht of machinery and printing material, all of which had to be pulled "out of the hole" and mov ed to other quartera while the carp enters rebuilt the floor. If there is anything lacking in the quality and quantity of material in the makeup of the G.-T. pleas overlook it for this time, as we have had to labor under extreme difficulties, as well as the loss of about four days of time. The sale conducted for Chas. Fur long by Ed Kellar last week, was largely attended by people from both Morrow and Gilliam counties The sale waa held at the Cradick farm on Hale Ridge, and we are informed that everything brought good prices. Mules were in espesial demand, and what were offered brought satisfactory re turns in cash, and Mr. Kellar states that the larger part of the sales were cash in hand. B. F. Sorenson and wife went to Hot Lake on Tuesday, where Mr. Sorenson will enter the sanitoriom of Dr. Phy for treatment. He has been suffering much of late with ailments which fail to yield to treatment, and he will try the efficacy of the treat ments at Hot Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Sorenson were accompained by Mrs. Hilma Anderson, who will also take treatments there. A. J. Fritz, representing Union Sav ings & Loan Association of Portland, arrived in the city on Sunday even ing and will spend a few days here in the interests of the association. He states that applications for loans are coming in quite lively from over the state, and there is much demand for the funds of the association for home building use. Mr. and Mrs. Loy M. Turner ar rived Saturday from Baker by auto, and after a visit of a few days at the home of Mr. Turner's parents in this city, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Turner, they will continue on their journey to California, expecting to spend the winter in the south on a visit with the relatives of Mrs. Turner, at Fol som. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Dempsey of Lex ington visited in Heppner on Satur day. Mr. Dempsey, who runs the big "cat" for the county, is busy with the crew at present getting the rock crusher moved out on the Jones place on Heppner flat, where operations will begin ere long on a portion of the Hardman-Hcppner market road. Mr and Mrs. Chas. Cox, Dewey Paine and Mrs. Chas. Vaughn and little daughter motored to Portland on Friday in the Cox car to spend a few dnys visiting in the city. Ed liurchell, who is one of the ex tensive wheatraisers of the Lexing ton section, was doing business in this city on Monday. Mrs. Earl Gordon arrived from Portland on Friday and has been visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hall in this city. Mr. Gordon came as far as Arlington where he has secured work in a drug store, and where he and Mrs. Gor don will make their home in the fu ture. II. H. Pomeroy, chief deputy fire marshal in the department of the State of Oregon, was in Heppner Monday on matters connected with the duties of his office. P. A. Anderson and Pete Shivcly, old-time friends of Mr. Pomoroy, enjoyed a good visit with him while he was in the city. Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Slocum and Rev. Gillanders, pastor of the Con gregational church, all of Lexington, were in the city on Monday evening, the gentlemen atttending the meet ing of the Brotherhood, and Mrs. Slocum the Neighbors of Woodcraft. Dr. D. R. Haylor, eye specialist, was here for a couple of days the first of the week, during which time he was very busy fittting Heppner folks with classed. Dr. Haylor enjoys a (rood trade in this line among the Morrow county folks. Oscar Kdwards returned on Satur day from Portland and Hillsboro. He took In the Live Stock Kxpoaition at Portland, and then enjoyed a visit at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Edwards, who reside near Hillsboro. Jas. Kyle, prominent citiien of Stanfteld, was a visitor in this city on Sunday and Monday. Mr. Kyle is active in irrigation affaire in East ern Oregon, and it president of the Oregon Irrigation congress. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Huebner of North Sand Hollow, where they farm and raise whit leghorn chickens, were in Heppner for a short time on Tuesday C. C. Calklna returned Sunday from Portland, where he had a couple of days of real pleasure during the past week in taking in the big stock show. Mrs. Edna Slocum returned to her home at Portland on Tuesday, after spending several days in Heppner, looking after business affairs. Miss Alma Akers arrived from Port land by the stee Saturday forenoon, for a visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Akers. M. D. Clark and W. R. Irwin were passengers for Portland on Tuesday, where they go to look after business affairs. Patrick Dougherty of the Union Stockyards of Portland, waa doing business in this city the first of the week. Born At their home in this city, Monday, November 13, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Clabaugh, daugh ter. L. E. Londergan and Willard Blake were lone residents doing business in this city on Saturday last. FOR SALE At reasonable price, good residence property in Heppner. For terms, inquire this office. 6t FOR SALE 4-burner New Perfec tion oil stove, with oven. Good as new. Inquire this office. ! J. D. Zurcher. an attorney of , Uy iLorr.,:, at 11 o'c;cK'k. a n j Standfieid, was in the city over Sat- ' t0 the family will be gi-en by uraay nini, ana was one or me speaa ers on the program at the community sing at the Fair paviilan Saturday evening, adding his boost to the sixth Annual Ded Cross Roil Call. s A F E T Y & LOOK AHEAD Prepare for the future and you will seldom hav to look back backward with regret. Build up a savings ac count it will be a reserve for any unf orseen trouble. Your savings earn 4 per cent interest. We invite small ac counts as well as larger ones. Fir National Bank IIEPPNER, OREGON FAMILY DAY services will be held at the First Christian Church Sun- pastor, and the family is reuur-ted to be sea'..-d toother duriF'g the j.-r-vice. l.h.IM.TO I'. T. A. MI'F.TING IS POSTPiiNKI). 1 ' I-eir L''r' r,,r-M-T-ac"-ers a- jci -. tK-n M-( i r g- hi, Attend the Men's Class Sunday. 1 Federato.l rhoirh. i llllllllllllllllllt!l!llltllllll!IIIIIIIIIIIlll!IIIIIHllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1 ARLINGTON-HEPPNER STAGE LINE 1 --! a; H a '"-, a; is? mi fine i urvi, i ir;ary Sei-fy of trt Vi r t Ont Mi rc t!. hitfh school ftUiiituriurB ian t Hureh will hod unin m.-t-car:hut bt u-i?'l. the meriir.z wul be injr t tn hom of Mr. Li fine r. -rr or. t-'I ' rt lk jn tv-e fifth nd six.h rraJe in Tuet,:iy af'ernfwui NTmt-? -t. until f r 1 1 J . i evenis r. NV.errTwr 17, at room. ?;''), un account o: the union C. E. mvetir.g at HpprUT oiimnc on the j r i'i!;ir n.i'i'ini nict t of tfcp P T. A. iUv. Gilhtn-ii r address the j a' Rhode laland Red chickeiu. j Slieep Range to Lat 1340 acres. nif.-tire on '-Thp ChiV, (Vd of O, T. Frrion. HepprtPT Oreon. 2t. Th'vHr B"lr, FirM MP, Ort?vm. For Site Some food young hojfs; I t if ery member is r i-"'" to Pr- I trt to aid in p.arninf for thir ' W.-uar iWembor 1 and 2. TO HEPPNER TO ARLINGTON A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. Arlington ....Lv 9:00 3:00 Heppner ... Lv 8:00 4:00 Cecil Lv 10:20 4:20 Lexington ..Lv 8:25 4:25 Morgan Lv 10:35 4:35 lone Lv 8:50 4:50 lone Lv 11:05 5:05 Morgan Lv 9:05 5:05 Lexington ..Lv 11:30 5:30 Cecil Lv 9:35 5:35 Heppner Ar 11:55 5:55 Arlington ...Ar. 10:55 6:55 HEADQUARTERS AT PATR ICK HOTEL I 0. H. McPherrin R. E. Burke SiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiii::iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii Announcement E WISH TO ANNOUNCE to the people of Heppner and Morrow County that we are open for business with a complete line of dry goods, men's clothing and furnishings, shoes, notions and groceries. Our stock is new and we respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. Our prices will be as low as is consistent with the quality of merchandise we sell. GIVE US A TRIAL W. P. PROPHET & CO Heppner, Oregon ELKS Thanksgiving Eve DANCE Wednesday, Nov. 29 Elks and their ladies only The Dalles Elks Orchestra Tickets $1.50. Extra Ladies 50c KIRK BUS & TRANSFER COMPANY WM. M. KIRK, Proprietor Prompt and efficient service at all times, both day or night. Leave orders .at Hotel Patrick' or Phone Main 664. BAGGAGE : EXPRESS : FREIGHT COUNTRY TRIPS -: GENERAL HAULING siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiui I HALF -PRICE -SALE ! on all MEN'S AND BOY'S UNDERWEAR j I 35c to $1.25 While They Last I Cash Variety Store I Big Values for Little Money f nlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllr rami km ! a m pkv I r:r s III i Come in and see our fine assortment of these Palmer Coats THOMSON BROTHERS ai - 1 NEW PRICES ON 3IASON CORDS HEAVY-DUTY OVER SIZE SIZE PRICE . SIZE I'RICE 30x3'2Cl. $13.95 32x4 2 $30.75 30x3'2s.s 15.80 33x4'2 31.55 32x3'2 19.35 34x4'2 32.40 31x4 23.10 35x4'2 33.20 32x4 24.50 33x5 38.95 33x4 24.70 35x5 39.95 34x4 25.35 37x5 42.10 FORD OWNERS! Remarkable Prices on Mason Oversize "Maxi- Mile" Fabrics 30x3 - $9.25 30x3 - - - $10.60 C. V. HOPPER TIRE SHOP FOR REAL TIRE SERVICE Christmas Shopping Days Are Drawing Near MAKE your gift, seledions from the complete shocks carried by Heppner's merchants. You will be able to secure any article you want and at the same time will keep your money at home. Think it over. Buy Early and BUY AT HOME