PAOE KIX THE GAZETTE-TIMES. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1922 COUNTY COURT HAS OCTOBER MEETING K'orMnord f-r-m Par 1 Gladys M fbrrv Wi 1. In. 1000 R.bwe Spirit- Wid. frn 40.00 Harriet v rdi..m, ViJ. rn.... l".fc Ida Fit her, l'oor sect t0.00 1U Fitthfr, ertt 8O.0C Vivian Yocum. Shfiff acct 80.00 t-e Snfll Shurte. State Li- brr Acct - - -. 185.94 Francis J. Gortion, For cloth ing for poor ti.00 Carl Vlrich, en wood conrtact 200.00 H. W. Oliver, Gen. Road SOW J. J. Weill, AiHiior pEM 600.00 C. C. Calkins, County Afrent 250.00 Thonasoa Bro court house 6.80 Heppner Light t WaWr Co, Court Hou . 60.40 Sam hushes Co, poor and ct, one 90 Geo. McDuffee, sheriff exp S7.M Colliver k Miller, Poor acct 10.00 Sara McNsracr, Supt. exp 14.00 Una Snell Shurte, Supt. xp. 14.00 E. J. Starkey, Supt. eip 15.M Court house S.70 A. Whelhousc, Supt. exp. 43.08 People! Hdw. Co, current exp. 15 Humphreys Drug Co, current expenfl? .. 00 rc IeL ft Tel. Co, current expense D. D. Darling, Tax rebate Ga-ette-Taies, various . Ed Hunt. Road So, ? - 15 00 Kite. Road No. 7 00 Ijiiourell Auto Co, Hardman Road 1M Joe Howell. Hardmaa Road 1SS.18 Bank of lone, Roads S70.S1 First National Bank, Hardmaa Road 1,022.9. Special No. t U59.S9 General Road 1,47 Farmera A Stoctgrowera Na tional Bank, Hardmaa Road 345.73 Special No. 2 159.75 Following from Uiiailoa Market Road: State Ind. Ace Com. J. F. Lucaa , Battry Electric Station . Phelps Grocery Co. Gilliam Bisbe G. W. Broadley . Watt Ship Powder Co. . 4S.M 20.00 3.00 15.55 16.45 .70 108.30 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S 8 ALB PER FORECLOSURE. Notice U hereby given that under and by virtue of as elocution and or der of aale duly iaaood by the Clark of Morrow County, Oregon, dated the "th day of October, 1922, la a certain suit in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, where in Frank M. Lovgren, plaintiff, re covered judirment against the defend ants J. F. Ward and Eliena Ward for 31,000.00, with interest thereon at the rata of 8 per cent per annum from December 10, 1920, the further sum of 3100.00 attorneys' fee and costs and disbursements taxed and allowed at 321-50; and ia which same suit the defendant and cross-complainant, Ada M. Ayera recovered judgment against said defendants J. F. Ward and El- aena Ward for 3366.S5, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from June 8, 1921, $50.00 at torneys' fee and costs and disburse ments taxed and allowed at 316.50. Notice is hereby given that I will on Saturday, November 11, 1922, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the following des cribed real property situated in Mor row County, Oregon, for the purpose of satisfying said judgments, to-wit: The North half of the Northeast Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 32, and the North Half of the Northwest Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section S3 in Township 6 South, Range 26 E, W. M. And if the proceeds from th sal of said last described real property be insufficient to pay both of said judgments, then I will at the same time and place offer for tale to the highest bidder for cash the Southwest Quarter of th Northeast Quarter of Section 32 in Townshtip 6 South, Rang 26, E. W. M. for th purpos of satisfying any sum remsinlng up paid upon th judgment of the de fendant and cross-complainant, Ada M. Ayers, with costs and disburse ments that hav or may accrue. GEORGE McDUFFEE, Sheriff. Heppner. Oregon, October 11. 1922. Gists t Prudhomm. various J. S. Harbison, tax rebate Bushocg t Co, election expense W. G. Cohoon, T. B. cattle J. R. Johnson, T. B. cattle Th Frank Shepard Co, Dist Attorney Fred Randall, Rd. No. 9 P. G. Balsiger, Rd. No. 8 W. 0. Minor, Rd. No. 8. Frank O. Rasmus, Rd. No. 17 Watt Ship Powdr Co, Bd. No. 17 - Standard Oil Co, court house TurnLam Lumber Co, court house : Frank Shivcly, Gn. Road Lena Snell Shurte, County Institute Mrs. W. P. Scrivner A Son, Roads and Court House W. A. McCarty, Rd. No. 16 L. W. Briggs, Gen. Road J. W. Edrachner, Roads . Fell Bros, Gen. Roads Clyde Equipment Co, Gen. Gen. Road Crane Co, Gen. Road C. V. Hopper, Gen. Road. Latourell Auto Co, Ges Rd Battery Electric Station, Gen. Road Feenaughty Mchy. Co, Gen. G. A. Farrena, Bounty Earnet tCannon, Bounty . L. P. Davidson, County Court G. A. Bleakman, County Court Wm. T. Campbell, County Ct rl. 1 Hasbrouch, County Ctl W. P. Prophet, poor acct - Fanners ft Stockgrowers Nat ional Bank, Rd. No. 17 Road No. 8 First National Bank, various roads Jones ft Reasoner, Hardman- Bond Dick Johnson, Special No. 2 Stat Ind. Acct. Com, Special No. 2 Other Roads ; ,. ,,, Arlington NatL Bank, Special No. 2 Pet Pattee, Special No. 2.. Tnm-A-Lom Lumber Co, for bridges , General Road Hardman Road Battery Electric Station, Hard man Road Geo. McDuffe, Hardman Road Road No. 7 Phelps Grocery Co, Hardman Road Gilliam A Bisbee, Hardman Road A. B. Atchison, Hardman Road Reasoner A Jones, Hardman Road : I D. Brown, Road No. 14. Howard Culick, Road No. 6 Frank Markham, Special No. 1 Wm. Barker, Special No. 1 L. P. Davidson, Road No. 14 Mrs. L. M. Hadley, Hardman Road - W. H. Ayerr, Hardman Road E. L. Ayeri, Hardman Road Standard Oil Co, Hardman Road L Bleakman A Co, Hardman Road , Watt Ship Powder Co, man Road Hard- Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co, Hard man Road Frank Shively, Hardman Road Watt Ship Powder Co, Hard man Road ,,. W. A. Marchie. Special No. . F. E. Parker, Road No. 7 24.20 19.68 64-20 27.75 1.80 153.00 ' 12.50 5.76 17.00 26.50 18.00 11.00 2.50 64.72 24.21 8.10 .50 200.00 38.50 15.00 13.75 53.00 8.15 2.45 6.32 1.75 429.72 10.65 45.00 8.00 10.00 26.00 27.00 25.60 25.00 20.00 111.84 15.14 121.53 24i5 5D8 38.68 70.68 8.9S 65.93 312.00 1.40 124.45 2.50 4.20 8.50 87.10 32.69 10.85 5.90 10.00 83.89 11.98 10.98 2.99 60.00 106.82 105.80 16.87 51.20 79.67 209.20 8.75 102.78 199.80 54.00 FOR REPRESENTATIVE It'; ' VJ 4 Hll&Mk-iitt-i J. T. LIEUALLEN Dembcratie Nomine for REPRESENTATIVE 22nd DISTRICT I'mstills and Morrow Counties GENERAL ELECTION NOV. 7, 1322 A Real Dirt Farmer JAMES T. LIEUALLEN, Adams; Platform! Apply th sam business principles to public affairs that I ap ply to my own privaU affairs. I favor strict oconomy in County and Stat affairs. I favor tlx free school sys tem with efficiency and economy. I favor a just and equitable taxation of all wealth of th County and Stat. 1 beli.vs that each dollar of wealth should hoar its equal burden of taxa tion. I favor good market roads and highways, hut am opposed to bonding th stat for th building of th tarn. 1 favor th principle of paying as you go, A resident of Umatilla County lot U fear. Football. University of Oregon vs.. Whitman College PENDLETON, ORE. Friday, October 20th Only collegiate football game to be played in Eastern Oregon this season. Grandstand Admission $1.50 Round-Up Park 2:30 P. M. . .' ' ," " ' ' j Big Cut In Overland Cars WILLYS-KNIGHT OVERLAND $1455 $666 We have taken the Morrow County Ag ency for the OVERLAND and WILLYS KNIGHT cars. Let us give you a demon stration. RAY M. 0VA1T - DICK JOHNS At Universal Garage Heppner, Oregon ;ife!i'i!i;!i:.';!t:y!'.:;;H:iit!'i!ii?iii-iiii;ii?ikh!i!!iT:!!!S!!iii!ii;i!;ii mil iiiiiiiSiiiiaiiiiiaiiiiMagl Don t Ruin Your Wheels Don't let your auto wheels go until you have to. buy new ones. With our new patented wheel tightener we can make your old wheels just as tight as when new and at a minimum charge. You can't afford to let your wheels go to pieces and take chances of wrecking your car and crippling yourself and family. If your wheel is not broken we can tighten it and guarantee that it will stay tight. Come in and let us demonstrate how it is done. , Prices $2.00 and $2.50 per wheel According to size. HEPPNER GARAGE MACHINE SHOP ailllllilllllUHIillllllllHIIIUllllUIUIIIIIIIIIUItlllllltllllllllllllllllllllllUllllllliy! I HALF -PRICE -SALE j !''".' on all.-" I MEN'S AND BOY'S UNDERWEAR 35c to $1.25 While They Last f I Cash Variety Store f Big Values for Little Money SlIllllUIIHIIIIUIIinilllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIr. n CARLOAD OF 1A! AT ReducedPrices ON TRACK AT FARMERS UNION WAREHOUSE AT HEPPNNER, October 16 and 17 A full car of the famous Early Ohio Po tatoes, extra good grade, at $1.75 Per Sack They are of good size and well matured for winter use. Get your supply while they last , Christ. Sautter Star Theater Program from Oct. 12th to Oct. 19th, Inclusive THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12th (TONIGHT) OWEN MOORE in "REPORTED MISSING" The Photoplay Novelty of the season; loads of laughs; a world of thrills; shipwreck secne that makes your heart beat faster; a seaplane and sea sled race that is easily one of the biggest thrills ever presented. ALSO NEWS WEELY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13th MARIE PROVOST in "MOONLIGHT FOLLIES" The peppery picture of a'Pretty Baby Vamp who eould get all the men she wanted excepting the "Cava Man" who finally got her. ALSO THIRD EPISODE OF "IN THE DAYS OF BUFFALO BILL" SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14th HARRY CAREY in "THE FOX" The first Western ' super-production. Yoa never law any thing like it before. Also "MOVIE CHATS" SUNDAY, OCTOBER loth JACK HOLT in - "THE GRIM COMEDIAN" By Rita Weiman, the story of "Million Dollar" Martin, a man who doubted all women, amused himself with many, but centered his love on one human being himself. Each of us makes his own des tiny. The world's a big circus ring and life's the grim comedian, who turns the laugh on ns. Also comedy, "FOOD FOR THOUGHT" MON. AND TUES. OCTOBER 16th and 17th PAULINE FREDERICK in "TWO KINDS OF WOMEN" A vividly realistic story of the West, with Miss Frederick in a new role, in which she wins her battles, first in cowboy's garb with horse and gun, then in an evening gown with women'i weapons. Also Hy Mayer's TRAVELAUGHS,-"Such Is Life In Munich" WED. and THURS, OCTOBER 18th and 19th OWEN MOORE Star in "Reported Missing") in "THE CHICKEN IN THE CASE" Pure 100 per cent farce comedy. Concocted for laughing purposes only. Also NEWS WEEKLY ft JF "SI .Ja-i.. I I I I Come in and see our fine assortment of these Palmer Coats THOMSON BROTHERS I uiiiuilllllllllllIlllltllllllMIIIMIMIIltllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllliltlllllllllllllllltltllllllllllllltt Harwood's, Phone 1062 VIONDS -:- WATCHES JEWELRY -:- PIANOS PHONOGRAPHS -:- RECORDS -:- SHEET MUSIC 1 1 DIAMONDS I. O. O. F. Building, Heppner liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiniiMiMiiMiiiiHiiiiiiiniiniMiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiMMiininiiiiiiiMiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiii; port Tonf twQ Fltxiile Strvuieilt Recognized as the world's mo& fashionable models. Beautiful fabrics cut on exclusive patterns. Featured and sold by Minor & Co.