The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, October 12, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Csrrol Morrifon was a visitor In
Heppner on Thursday. H had lio
ben spending day or two with hit
lister, lira. W. 0. Hill, and her fam
ily at Lexington, being on hii way to
Portland, where he takes a position
with the East Side State Bank. Mr.
Morrison haa been living at Fairfield,
Idaho, for the past nearly two yeara,
where he waa assistant caihier of the
' Securit National Bank, of which in
stitution Carl C. Baynie, formerly of
this city, is the cashier.
Geo. W. Dykstra returned during
the week from the Millican Valley in
Central Oregon, where ha has spent
the most of the past two months at
the home of his son, whose ranch is
located about 34 miles from Bend, on
the Bend-Burns road. A sample of
bunchgrass Mr. Dykttra brought in
from this little valley reminds one
of what need to grow on the hills of
Morrow county, when this section was
the stockman's paradise. It is better
than two feet tall.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Wells spent the
week-end on a visit to friends and
relatives at Walla Walla and Pendle
ton. At Walla Walla they visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Celtut Keithly, and en
joyed a trip over to Walla Walla and
Touchet valleys, returning to Pendle
ton on Saturday, and then on home
Sunday. Mr. Wells is quite well pleas
ed with the Walla Walla country.
Miss Audra Grogan, graduate of
Heppner high school, who has been
epending the past year at Portland,
has returned home end is now engag
ed in teaching the Blackhorse school,
taking the place of Mrs. Frank Tur
ner, who resigned to take charge of
the Blahm district, northwest of Hep
pner. ;
Ernest Cannon, of Hardmsn, was
a pleasant caller at this office while
in the city on Friday last He is one
of the successful young farmers of
that section, whose place is located In
the foothills, and his crop this year
turned off 17 bushels to the acre. Mr.
Cannon also handles some stock.
W. W. Smead and W. A. Richardson
left Monday for Portland, where this
week they art attending the grand
lodge, Knights of Pythias of Oregon.
Mr. Smead Is a member of the grand
lodge and Mr. Richardson goes as a
delegate. to represent Doric Lodge No.
20, of this city. .
Friends of Pro. Howard, formerly
superintendent of our schools, will be
grieved to learn that little Nancy
Penelope, infant daughter, died last
Sunday night Pro. Howard is now
dean of Columbia College at Milton.
Stanfield Standard.
Tom Kirk and wife of Eugene, with
their daughter, Mrs. Lets Thomb of
Portland, visited during the fore
part at last week at the home of J. C.
Kirk in this city. They left on Wed
nesday on the return trip, touring the
country by auto.
B. R. Patterson and Bub Clark, two
of Heppner's best nimrods, are over
in Harney county this week, having
a duck hunt at Malheur lake, on of
the greatest game preserves on the
Pacific slope.
Kenneth K. Mahoney, accompained
by Mrs. Mahoney, departed on Sunday
for Bend and vicinity, where he ex
pected to put In a few days hunting
ducks and otherwise enjoying an out
ing. Mr. and Mrs. lot Devine of Lexing
ton visited in Heppner Saturday. Joe
is all over smiles because of the good
rain in bla locality, vd tha fall sown
grain is coming along well.
Art Ayers and family, who have
been residing in Heppner for a time,
have returned to their farm on But
ter creek, near Pine City, moving out
this week.
Percy Jarmoir, Butter creek alfalfa
raiser, was in Heppner on Tuesday,
attending to business and having a
little visit with Assessor Wells.
Attorney F. A McMenamln arrived
from Portland on Sunday afternoon,
and apent several days In this city,
looking after business affairs.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McNsmer mo
tored over to Walla Walla Friday to
spend a few days visiting with re
latives and friends.
Nels Johnson, who is sn extensive
rancher of the Gooseberry section,
waa in this city on Monday, looking
after business.
For Sale At once, household furni
ture, piano and Ford car. Phone
We have some uncalled for suits
snd overcoats for sal cheap. Lloyd
Emil Johnson, stockman and far
mer of Rock creek, was down to Hep
pner, Monday,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neil of Pine
City, were visitors in this city on Saturday.
Slat's Diary
Friday Pa has ben
feeling sick for a cup
pie days and so he went
to see the dr. for sum
medicine today. Tha dr.
felt his Puis and look
ed at hie tung and hit
him In the stumlck and
etc. and then he ssd to
him When at do you
feci the wirst And pa
answered and replyed
and sed he felt the
wiret at horn A at a
Bridge party.
Sat When I was a
Spliting sum kindlings
I nocked a stick vs. my
shin and mad m ball
a little and I eemeneed
to cry and ma made fun
of me and sed Yur a big baby. I gess
she hassent no rite to Critisise me on
that sect haveing started out in life
thst away.
Sunday After they had tuk up the
collection in Sunday skool the teacher
ast Blisters whst passige in Scripture
he thot of when he dropped his nickle
In the baskit A he rudely remarked
A fool and his money Is soon Sepera
ted apart
Monday They was a St fair in
town tonite with side shows and evry
thing. Jane and me was together for
a while. But girls hassent much sense
sum times. A specially when it comes
to finanshal matters. Jan went and
spent a dim to get in side show
after I had went and shewed hej the
hole In the side of the tent
Tuesday--They was a jass band on
wagln went threw town advertising
music and etc. But I did not get to
stay snd lissen as pa ss ma prefurs
Classikal music. Pa calls these fel
lows Jass Bsndlts.
Wednesday Are Debaiting society
choosed up sides and I was on the a
firmativ side of the Question Does
to much studying cause Insanity
(craiiness) or does Insanity cause
to much studying.
Thursday Mr. Gillem says he dont
want to build a home because about
the time you get all set sum body
cums along and preeches yur funeral
for you.
Feed Mash For Layers.
See that the pullets consume as
much mash as possible as this is what
will make them lay. The tendency Is
to eat too much scratch feed which
causes them to stop laying. They
should have all the green feed they
will take, plenty of fresh buttermilk,
snd as much mash as scratch grain.
0. A. C. Exp. station.
Sells Eight Mile Farm.
Mrs. Laura Adkins haa disposed of
her Eight Mile farm to a Mr. Good
man, of the Umapine section, Uma
tilla county, and we understand that
tha deal will be closed just as soon
as the abstracts have been brought
down to date. In the trade, Mrs. Ad
kins becomes th owner of nice resi
dence property, centrally located in
Milton, and shs expects to remove to
that city to reside just as soon as her
business affairs can be closed up
Card Of Thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. George Moore wish to
thank their many friends for their
help, and for the beautiful flowers;
and especially Dr. Chick and Mrs.
Ray Moor, for their car and atten
tion during Mr. Moon's stay at th
Live Cecil News Items.
J. W. Osborn has recently pur
chased th home of Zenneth Logan at
Cecil and will once more take up hi
residence here. Mrs. Weltha Combest
will reaid with her brother, Mr. Os
born. We extend th band of friend
ship to them in there new home. Mr.
snd Mrs. Logan will make their fu
ture horn in Boardman and w wish
them every success.
Even if w have no water in Cecil
we can produce good water lemons. H.
J. Streetor has been treating all his
to fine water lemons. The largest
on grown in his patch weighed 43
and one half pounds.
Mrs. Phil Brsdy and son of Athlon
Cottage near lone and friends, Mr.
snd Mrs. E. Jones of Portland, were
calling at th horn of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Krebs at The Last Camp on
T. B. Wilde and sister Jessis and
Mr. and Mrs. James WarBeld, also
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Morgan and family,
all from the Morgan district r
calling on their Cecil friends on Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Matlock and
daughter spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Krebs at The Last Camp.
They were on their way to Heppner
after spending some time in Montana.
James A. Allyn of Oregon City, lata
of Cecil honored our town with a
short viait on Thursday, and Inform
ed us his wife waa just recovering
from a serious operation.
H. E. Carpenter, late postmaster at
Morgan arrived from bis home at
Portland on Thursday and is spend
ing a short vacation around the Mor-
ALEX GIBB, Plumber
Phone 872
At Starkey'a Electrical Shop
Radiators, Ranges, Beaters and
Tinware Repaired. Dirty Chim
neys Cleaned. Glaring, Key Fit
ting, etc
I have bought out the business of Mr.
Roy Whiteis and solicit the continued pat
ronage of his customers, in return for which
I guarantee first-class service.
Fire, Auto and Life Insurance
Patrick Hotel Bldg.
Heppner, Ore.
III lift
fE state it as oar honest be
lief that for the once askra.
Chest a field give the greatest
vsluo in Turkish Blend cigarettes
ever offered to smokers.
Liggett k Myers Tobacco Cat
So different is this ciga
rette that it is mild and et
it satisfies. Its mildness
is the more unusual be
cause of its satisfying body
and flavor. "Knowing
how" is everything in
cigarette blending.
gan and Cecil sections.
Gee. Krebs of The Lsat Camp and
J. J. UcEntire of Killarney, also Mr.
and Mrs. E. Logan of Cecil were sll
business callers in the county seat
during ths week.
W. E. Ahalt and son Hsrold and
daughter, Mrs. Hazel Logan and chil
dren of lone, spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Logsn
at Cecil.
Mr. Jesse Wallace and also Mrs.
Elisha Wallace of Condon were the
guests of Mr. and Mr. Geo. Krebs at
The Last Camp on Friday and Satur
day. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Palmateer and
daughter, Miss Cleta, of Windyaook,
left for Jssper, Oregon when they
will visit friends for a short time. 1
Rev. E. Harper from Milton Oregon,
made a short stay in Cecil on Satur
day, leaving on Sunday to conduct
services in Morgan school houss.
Ruth Logan left on th local on
Wednesday for Heppner where she
will resume her studies at Heppner
high school once more.
Rev. C. D. Dubois of Vancouver
will hold services in Cecil Hall on
October 30, 1922, at 8:00 o'clock,
everybody welcome.
A fine bunch of sheep belonging to
Smythe Bros., which have been past
uring in Montana. pa.ed through Ce
cil on Friday sfternoon on their way
to Arlington.
Mr. and Mrs. Jenks of Monument
have been visiting with their daugh
ter, Mrs, Karl Farusworth, at Rhea
Messers. Fay and Noah Pettyjohn
and families of Morgan were calling
on J. W. Osborn at Cecil on Saturday.
W. G. Hynd spent the week-end
with his friends in Cecil before re
turning to his home in Send Hollow.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Van Schoiak
and family from The Willowa were
doing business in Cecil on Sunday.
Mrs. Melvin Logan of The Willows
spent several days with her Cecil
friends during the week.
Mr. snd M's. R. E. Duncsn of Busy
Bee ranch were doirz b-JsineM in Tr
lone on Wednesday.
11 Legal Guarantee Given
Ha sweat Knit bo pain eoatino work.
Ask to see Ole-e-ais file Tieataeat.
Main Street -!- Heppner, Oregon
Auto Repair
Fords A Specialty
Oils and Grease
No-Nock Bolt
) Fell Bros.
End of Willow Street, East of
Patrick Hotel
I am offering for a short time
$22.50 Per Acre Long Time Payments
2 miles from town; fair improvements ; 20
acres can be irrigated ; small family orchard ;
abundance of good spring water.
I have disposed of my insurance agencies, but
will remain in the Real Estate business here
for the next thirty days at least
Patrick Hotel Building Heppner, Ore.
G.-T. Printing Is Known For Its Good Quality
The name Hardman in a hat gives you the
assurance of being correctly hatted.
Hardeman Hats are up to the minute in style
and they are the best your money can buy.
just try one on.
Made on the Pacific Coast
DA. Wilson
Solid Leather
Inside and outside, in every detail, our
shoes are built for service and solid comfort.
' Into each pair we put the maximum val
ues at the least possible price furnish you
extra good shoes.
High in Quality, Low
in Price
We challenge the shoe world on value
and price, and stand squarely behind each
sale with the strongest warrant of quality
ever put behind good shoes.
Try Them and You Will Always
Buy Them.
K2!!"5fcsi-3; m Mr j
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ZYb': lax mri SMS
13 P
Off the Hook'
When your telephone is accidentally left "off.
the hook," the operator first answers as she would
if you were placing a call. After repeated efforts,
receiving no response, she reports your line as out
of order." It is then disconnected from the regular
switchboard and placed on a special board where
it awaits the attention of the repairing forces.
All this takes time. It involves- tests, reports
and generally a trip to the location of the trouble."
In the meantime, what happens?
Others have been unable to reach you by
telephone. .
Even if the mistake has been discovered and
your telephone placed on the hook, service may not
be restored until the "troubleman's" final O. K.
On a party line all other telephones on the line
are deprived of both bcoming and outgoing
service for the same period of investigation and
"Off the hook" is a most common cause, of in
terruption to telephone service. -By the exercise
of care in this connection you will protect your
service and avoid inconvenience to yourself and
The Pacific Telephone
And Telegraph Company
Gonty Shoe Store
Main Street, Heppner, Ore.
Bargain Sale
We have a supply of 3-inch Mandt and
Winona wide-track wagons on hand and
offer them at the following prices:
3-in. Mandt wide-track . . $140
3i-in. Mandt wide-track . . 160 00
3-in. Winona wide-track . 160-00
Peoples Hardware Co.
General Hardware and Implements