The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, October 12, 1922, Image 1

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Volume 39, Number 27. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 12, 1922 Subscription $2.00 Per Year
First Meeting of Season Held Satur
day Evening Then U Lively Dis
caealon of Pending Mesearea, Alio
Market Road Completion.
The first meeting of the season of
the Alpine Farm Bureau wai held in
the schoolhouse on lait Saturday
evening, and wi quite well attended
by the people of the community, both
men and women. County Agent Cal
kina wai also present and took a live
ly part in the proceedings. A mem
br of the G.-T. staff accompanied him
and was atso pressed in for some of
the talk.
The program was arranged mainly
by E. E. Cherlck, teacher of the Al
pine school, who, by the way, we men
tioned In last issue as being principal
of the Pine City school, an error for
which we apologise. It being near to
election time, the measures that will
appear on the ballot seemed appro
priate for discussion, and each one of
these waa handled in a pretty thoro
manner; aingle tax, income tax,
school bill and all received their just
proportion of attention and there was
some pretty lively talk before all had
their say, but the ladies present could
not be pressed in. They had come to
serve refreshments of cske, sand
wiches and coffee, and this waa done
at the close of the meeting to the
complete satisfaction of everyone.
After closing the discussion on the
measures, the question of completion
of the Lexlngton-Jarmon market road
was taken up. The people out that
way are very anxious that this be
done just as aoon as possible, and in
order to get a thorough understand
ing of the present status of the pro
gram as it pertains to this road, a
committee was appointed to come to
Heppner on Wednesday for the pur
pose of going over the mstter with
judge Campbell. It is realised that
there Is at present a lack of funds,
but there are some promises standing
out that the Alpine folks would like
to see efforts made to fulfill.
C. D. Morey was the presiding offi
cer at the meeting, and he also took
part In the discussion of tho various
questions in an able manner. While
the great questions if not fully
settled, there was a disposition on the
part of each to get at the real facts,
in order to vote the more Intelligently
at the coming election. The Alpine
Farm Bureau is quite alive, and they
expect to hold a number of similar
meetings during the fall and winUr
The paper man noted that there was
a Am feeling existing hi the m
munity, backed by a spirit of coop
eration. The farmers were also re
joicing over the big rain and were all
busy with their seeding.
Miss Ada East is now the sixth
grade teacher. This grade was left
without a teacher when Mrs. Ed Clark
took the second grade. Miss Fahy, who
formerly taught the second grade, is
teaching one division of the first
grade. ..
Clyde Wltcraff who has been pro
minent in high school activtiies
has been forced to quit school.
Francis Doherty, Ruby Thornberg,
and Keith Logan are three new en
trants in high school this week.
Anyone might think the high school
had turned into a hospital ward to
see the bandaged members of the foot
ball team after the first few weeks
of practice. However, our boys don't
mind little things like that i( they
can help our team.
A practice football game waa played
October 6 between the high school
and the town teams. The Student
Body was supposed to practice their
yells at this game, but the cold wind
at the athletic field must have frosen
their vocal cords; at least they were
not much used.
" The following people are the mem
bers of the "Hehisch" staff for the
year 1922-23:
Editor-in chief Reliance Moore.
Business manager Thelma Miller
Assistant editor Ray MeOuffee
Assistant business mgr. Carl Caaon
Literary editor Frances Parker
Music and Drama Velma Case
Girl's sport editor Ruth Tash
Boys' sport editor Alvin Boyd
Joke editor - Elaine Sigabee
Society editor Dorothy Hill
Calendar editor Evelyn Humphreys
Publications Bernlce Woodson'
The Student Body of the high
school have voted to frame a new con
stitution. The old one has been out
grown and is no longer applicable to
high school activities.
Physical training is now being giv
en in the three upper grades as well
as the high school. The girls are dir
ected by Miss Turner and Misa Kast
and the boys by Mr. Finch.
Next Saturday, October 14, the H.
H. 8. football team will play a game
at Arlington. Everyone who can pos
sibly go is urged to do so and back
up the team.
"What are modern styles coming
to when they allow people to appear
in stockings which do not match each
other," was the exclamation of some
citliens of Heppner on Monday, Oct.
2. But let us explain. Monday tho
Juniors were observing the time-honored
custom of Junior Loud Socks
Day in fitting style.
An electric gong has been Installed
in the school, being operated in the
eighth grade room. It is used for .the
grades, the old gong being used only
for fire drills. A bell has also been
put up for the use of the school.
The sophomoros met at the home of
Miss Luola Benge Monday, October
8th, for a social time. The other
classes could not understand the si
lence observed in regard to the party
until Tuesday morning.. Then the
Sophomores appeared in all the glory
of arm-bands of their class colors
made from their old pennant. Some
of the said arm-bands mysteriously
disappeared on the way to school, but
some of the more valiant members of
the class of '25 were able to keep
their banda throughout the day.
Mr. Gilman Found
Abundant Fruit Crops
Recently D. E. Gilman, aceompained
by Dan Barlow, made a trip over into
the Washington country, going almost
as far north aa the boundary Una.
Going from Heppner to Arlington,
where he waa aceompained by Mrs.
Gilman who was on her way to attend
the national convention of the W. R.
C. at Des Moines, Iowa, and took the
train for the east at that point, the
gentlemen proceeded down over the
Columbia Highway to Portland, cross
ed over at Vancouver and proceeded
up the north bank of the Columbia,
stopping the first night at Home Val
ley, near Carson. They erossed over
the mountains here to Goldendale,
where, by the way, Mr. Gilman noted
that very short grain erops were the
portion of the farmers of the Klick
itat Valley for thia season; going on
through the Yakima Valley, the se
cond camp waa at Blewett Pass, and
then the journey led on to Wenatchee,
Lake ..Chelan .and Okanogan City
where a nice visit was had with Frank
Farnsworth and family, and this was
followed by a run through River
side and on to Tonasket and Oraville,
and back to Okanogan for the night,
leaving on the return journey at 5:00
o.clock the next morning, Yakima was
reached that evening and the next day
back to Heppner. The distance on the
trip was 1150 miles, made in the Gil
man Overland, Gene says, on 18 miles
to the gallon of gasoline.
From Yakima to Wenatchee, the
route traveled, it is almost one con
tinuous apple orchard, and the erops
this season are very abundant. Yaki
ma will ahlp 80,000 cars of apples,
and yet Mr. Gilman was informed that
the producers will make no profit this
year on their abundant crop, though
they do expect to break even. He
found money no easier there than
here, and there was Just as much or
more complaint concerning bard
Republican State Commit
tee Is In Need of Funds
The appesl is coming out from Re
publican state headquarters for funds
to carry on the campaign. No targe
sums are requested, but donations
from tl up can be used to good ad
vantage by the state committee in
their battle to elect the republican
nominees. All good republicans of the
county are asked to respond to this
appeal by forwarding their contribu
tions to M. D. Clark, secretary-trea
surer Morrow County Central Com
mittee, Heppner.
C. L. SWEEK, County Chairman.
Certification of grain fields for the
purpose of locating pure stands to
serve as a supply, took up a part of
the plan of the county agents in twen
ty counties, during July and August.
The field inspections were made by E.
R. Jackman, Crop Specialist, and Prof.
G. R, Hyslop. No attempt was made
to certify large acreages, the idea be
ing, on the other hand, to locate a
source of satisfactory seed of each of
the best varieties in as many commu
nities of the state aa possible. The
largest acreage certified was in Uma
tilla county, where 13,233 acres pass
ed. In Morrow county 5,180 paased.
Most attention was given to certifica
tion of Turkey Red, as every effort it
being made to establish this wheat in
those districts adapted to its culture.
Over 9,000 acres were certified. Hard
Federation constituted the largest
acreage of spring wheat certified.
This is one of the new wheats devel
oped by the Morro Station, procured
originally from Australia. It is a re
markably high yielding wheat for the
dry lands of Eastern Oregon, and it
has done particularly well in Wasco,
Morrow and Umatilla counties. Fed
eration, a somewhat similar wheat,
was certified in Lake, Union, and Mal
heur counties. This is the highest
spring wheat under irrigation grown
in recent years In Eastern Oregon
counties, with the exception of Mal
heur. In Malheur county it has not
yet demonstrated its superiority over
Dicklow. The counties and acreages
are as follows:
Acres of Varieties of Wheat Certified
In 1922.
Turkey Red 8.B40H
Hybrid 128 e.eiu
Jenkin Club 4,920
Fortyfold 840
Hard Federation
Bluestem 5.M
Triplet 230
Federation 18914
Early Baart ... 136
Marquis -
Red Chaff Club u
Dicklaw 25
Kinney 40
Rink 24
Huston - - 1
Eaton IB
Foisy 1014
Total 23,99354
0. A. C. Extension News.
The people of Heppner are hereby
notified that they should boil all
drinking water drawn from the city
water supply, until further notice.
Present tests show the water to be
contaminated. Compliance with this
order on the part of the citizens of
Heppner will prevent serioua sick
ness. DR. C. C. CHICK, City Physician.
WILL CLOSE OUT our entire stock
of guns and ammunition at very at
tractive prices. Some of these guns
have never been used. Come in and
look them over. LATOURELL AUTO
Co., Heppner.
To the many friends we take this
means of expressing our appreciation
and thanks for their kind assistance
during the illness and death of our
beloved husband and father, E. w.
Brotherhood Holda Regular Meeting
Monday Evening and Many Argu
ments for Advertising Oregon Ad
vanced. That Oregon should advertise ber
scenic beautiea and thereby bring
into the state many new and desirable
settlers, was the conclusion reached
at the Brotherhood meeting Monday
evening. In the absence of the sched
uled leadera in the discussion Chair
man Waters called upon many of the
men present and a variety of ideas
were expressed aa to how the adver
tising should be done, and what re
sults could be looked for.
C. C. Calkins handled the subject
from the angle of the 1925, or 192T
fair in Portland, the substance of hia
remarks being that the fair, because
of its Immense expense and the doubt
ful results to be obtained, is a form
of advertising that should be dis
couraged. S. E. Notson dwelt upon
some of Oregon's scenic wonders and
said that the folka here had become
so used to them that they failed to
appreciate them properly. He advanc
ed the theory that Oregon people
themselves should become more fam
iliar with and more appreciative of
our beauty spots and thereby be en
abled to boost them more thoroughly
and intelligently.
That the fine roads and other at
tractions of the state are more for
Oregon people than for the fast mov
ing tourist, was expressed by Pro. E.
H. Hedrick, who said he seriously
doubted if the tourist left enough be
hind him to more than pay for the
wear and tear of the roads over
which he traveled. This speaker be
lieved, however, that our scenery
should be advertised providing it can
be done at no great cost Somewhat
opposed to this idea was that advanc
ed by Roy Pickens, who maintained
that advertising the state was and
should be made a paying matter and
that if properly done would mean
wonderful returns to the state.
Talks were made by Harvey Launtx,
S. A. Pattison, Rev. J. R. L. Haslam,
Spencer Crawford and Gay M. Ander
son, all along the line of favoring
the exploitation of our attractions,
and each incidentally putting in an
objection to the big Portland fair.
But to keep the meeting from being
monotonous in its exprssion, Charlea
Thomson spoke quite spiritedly in
favor of the fair, saying that it
would prove a winner and would more
than justify its cost. He maintained
that while people of the world might
be hard uty they all have money with
wmen to nave a gooa urns, ana wouia
be in Portland in throngs, and it was
his contention that a great part of
those throngs would be Induced to
not only travel over the state, but a
large part of them would remain with
us and make this their permanent
Very pleasant features of the pro
gram were the songs by Mrs. C. Dar
bee and the readings by Miss Osea
Gray, which were highly appreciated.
A vote of thanks was extended them,
and also to the hotel management for
the splendid luncheon which was pre
pared. The next meeting or the Brother
hood will be held on November 13,
and a strong membership campaign
will be put over In order to increase
the attendance at least 100 per cent
For this purpose a committee con
sisting of C. C. Calkins, P. M. Gem-
mel and Frank Turner was appointed.
Clinic Will Be Held At
County Nurse's Office
Dr. Estella Ford Warner of Port
land, Director of Bureau of Child
Hygiene, and who will be one of the
lecturers at the coming teachers in
stitute, will hold a clinic for babies
and children of pre-school age, in
cluding six years and under, at the
office of County Nurse Lulu Johnson
in the I. O. O. F. building on Monday
next. The clinic will begin promptly
at 9:00 a. m., and it is requested that
all who can should come early. Dr.
Warner advises only and in the event
that any defects are discovered, par
ents will be recommended to take
their children to their local physician
for treatment
Wm. Davidson and family were in
the city from their farm southwest of
lone on Saturday, accompanying their
neighbor, Gus Liebl. Mr. Davidson
recently returned from a trip to his
old home state, California, where a
bout San Francisco, he found condi
tions much as they are here, but in
the Sacramento Valley, the rice pro
ducing section, the people are not do
ing well, owing to failures of the
crop. Mr. Davidson is quite content
with his situation in this county.
The former lone Garage building
on Main street, a portion of the Wool-
ery estate but vacant for several
months, has been sold to Jason Bid
die. As to what use Mr. Biddle will
put the place we have not learned,
but rumor says it will be conducted
as an auto sales room and also do a
general garage business, lone Inde
pendent "Caught Napping" is a playlet to
be given by the Christian Endeavor
Society of the Christian Church on
Sunday evening as a part of their
program. Don't miss it Odd Fel
lows Hall, 7:30.
S. H. Boardman, who returned to
Ashland last week, where he expects
to move his family, has accepted a
position as secretary-treasurer of the
State Democratic Central Committee.
Boardman Mirror.
Peace in the Near East is Import
ant; so ia the work of the Christian
Endeavor Society of the Christian
Church. They will Rally on Sunday
evening. Come.
FOR SALE Good milk cow, 4 years
old; coming fresh Nov. 1, Inquire
this office or sea wm. Wilson.
Star Theatre tonight (Thursday)
Last chance.
The Story Of Good Old Indian Summer.
YES-siaee'. me' a likeable ol' W
xkJ :j?- (in
Democratic Nominee of Umatilla
. County Is Consistent Advocate
of Tax Reduction.
To the Editor:
Being a candidate for the office of
Joint Senator from Morrow, Umatilla
and Union Counties, and having re
ceived the nomination at the hands
of the Democratic party in these
three counties, I deem it only fair to
make myself clear as to where I
In the first place, I am a adbaistent
advocate of tax reduction and favor
the strictest economy in the expendi
ture of the peoples' money and lib
eral support of public schools.
I am opposed to the School Mon
opoly Bill for the reason that its
adopton will mean the outlay and ex
penditure of about $3,000,000 for ad
ditional school buildings and equip
ment and an annual expense for in
terest and maintenance of about $2,
000,000 more in addition to the al
ready intolerable load of taxes now
upon us and for the reason that it
would deatroy parental authority and
deprive the citizens of the constitu
tional guarantee of religious freedom
and of the right to give their children
a religious education in addition to
the education afforded in the public
(Paid Advertisement)
Lord's Day, October 15.
Christian Endeavor Rally Day at
6:30 and 7:30 p. m. A regathering of
all the Endeavor forces ia the plan,
together with a great Christian En
deavor meeting followed by an eve
ning program, that will take the place
of the evening preaching service. We
shall look for you; come and we will
make room for you. We are expect
ing a fine Bible School attendance at
10 a. m, followed by the Communion
and Preaching service at 11. There's
a place for you at all these services.
We shall be glad to see you.
Note the progresa of the new church
structure; we are promised the priv
ilege of holding services in it by the
first Lord's Day in December Come,
let us prepare for it Ross Evangel
istic Company will be with us for a
revival at that time, get ready for it
Frank Sloan, Standfleld sheepman,
was in Heppner for a short time on
Candidate For Joint
Senator Visits Here
Henry J. Taylor, pioneer wheat
grower and farmer of Umatilla coun
ty, whose home Is at Pendleton, was
in Heppner over Tuesday night, and
remained here for a short time on
Wednesday forenoon, meeting his old
acquaintances and friends and mak
ing new ones. His visit to Morrow
county at thia time was in behalf of
hia candidacy for joint senator of
Morrow, Umatilla and Union counties,
he being the nominee of the Demo
cratic party for that office.
Mr. Taylor was aceompained by W.
J. Wattenburger of Echo, who while
being a Republican of long standing,
says that he will support Mr. Taylor
because of his firm Btand on the tax
ation question . Mr. Taylor stands
high in businesa and fraternal circles
at Pendleton and is considered a very
solid and substantial gentleman. He
has been on the retired list, largely,
for a number of years past, so far as
running the farm ia concerned, yet he
ia active in business affairs in Pend
leton and is a stockholder and direc
tor in the Inland Empire bank of that
city, besides having other business
interests. He informed this paper
that he considerd his prospects of
success at the polls in November
very bright Indeed.
Augustine Liebl, extensive land
owner and farmer of the west side of
the county, waa in the city on Satur
day. He took out a Dodge purchased
from Cohn Auto Co.
Work of Bonus Board
Is Now Cleaned Up
The Morrow eounty appraisers of
the state bonus commission have
cleaned np all the business before
them, so we are informed by 8. E.
Notson. The board of appraisers for
thia eounty consisted, of Mr. Notson,
Frank Gilliam and Judge W. T. Camp
bell, and with the few appraisals
made during the past week, all the
work before them in this county has
been (completed.
Mr. Notson further states that
practically every application acted
upon in the eounty has been allowed
by the commission, and the local
board has performed its work on a
basis of charging np to the applicants
their actual expense only, though the
lavi(tTi they sje to b paid cer
tain fees for their work.
We doubt Tory much if any county
in the state can boast a more faithful
and conscientious board of appraisers
than the Morrow county board. They
have done faithful work, and there
certainly can be no cause whatever
for complaint
Sunday school, 9:45; preaching, 11
a. m. and 7:30 p. m.j Christian En
deavor, 6:30 p. m.
Prayer meeting every Thursday
night at 7:30. This is the most im
portant service of the church and we
invite you to come have a part in
asking God to send His power upon
We are making plans for a big
Men's Class to be organized next
week and we will make announcement
at Sunday services. Much interest
is being shown by the young people
in the High School class which is go
ing to do much in building up a big
Sunday School.
The Sunday evening service is one
that should interest everyone and we
are endeavoring to make it interest
ing for the young as well.
J. R. L. HASLAM, Pastor.
The upper classmen entertained the
freshmen at a party last Friday night
All had a good time except the fresh
men who were disappointed because
they were not hazed.
The Parent - Teacher Association
met last Wednesday. Many of the
parents were present. They had a
good entertainment which included a
dramatization of the "Piper of Ham
lin by Miss Frieda Uhlman s pupils
of the first, second and third grades
and a recitation by Ilo Merrill. It
was decided to obtain a traveling li
brary, which will be kept by Mary
The report cards for the first six
week period will be sent out next Fri
Christian Endeavor Cosy Room
with its fireplace and homelikeness is
rapidly coming in the progress of the
new church, and the young folks are
rallying their forces for the new big
opportunity. Come Sunday evening
to their Rally.
Sam Hall and wife, daughter-in-law
and granddaughter departed for their
home in Portland on Friday, after
spending a week visiting with the
families of Mrs. Rebecca Penland of
this city and A. L. Florence on Wil
low creek. Mr. Hall was formerly a
resident of Morrow county but has
made his home in Portland for many
Harry McDonald, for many years
well known about Heppner, but who
has made his home at Pendleton for
some time, returned here the first of
the week, and has been enjoying a
visit with old-time friends.
C. C. Cleveland, a recent arrival
from Idaho, has established a taxi
service at Lexington. Accompanied
by his wife, Mr. Cleveland was in
Heppner on Wednesday.
The Willing Workers of the Chris
tian church will meet with Mrs. C.
C. Chick on Friday afternoon of thia
week. All members and friends cor
dially invited.
Phlll Cohn, prominent businesa man
of this city has been confined to his
home by illness for the past week. He
was able to be about town again to
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Allison, who re
side near lone, were visitors in this
city on Saturday.
Recommendation Made That 1921 Pool
Be Declared Closed Now.
(The Producer)
The district delegates of the Ore
gon Cooperative Grain Growers held
a meeting in the offices of the asso
ciation, in the Fitzpatrick building, at
Portland, Oregon, last week The del
egates present were:
A R. Shumway, Milton; J. W. Dyer,
MayvilL W. J. Edwards, Condon; Joe
Devine, Lexington, Ralph Benge,
Heppner; Howard Anderson, Hepp
ner; Fred Krusow, Grass Valley; V.
H. Smith, Wasco; Charles Harth, The
Dalles; A. V. Swift, Baker; W. N.
Downing, Shaw; J. E. Reynolds, pres
ident La Grande.
The delegates considered the gen
eral routine business of the associa
tion and studied the reports of last
year's operations as presented by
Whitfield-Whitcomb & Co., certified
public accountants, who were appoint
ed by Dr. Kerr, president of the Ore
gon Agricultural college, regularly
to audit the books of the various asso
ciations and found everything in or
der. The board recommended to the
Northwest Wheat Growers' Associat
ed, which was afterward adopted by
them, that the 1921 pool be declared
closed, and that the auditing depart
ment of the associated immediately
prepare to render to the various
statea intersted, the final accounting,
so that the states could render their
final accounting to the growers. They
thought that it would be possible to
close the business up now probably
by the first of December.
The Oregon board reported tnat
they had received up to October 1,
1,750,000 bushels of wheat in the pool,
which, measured with the 2,500,000
bushels of last year, was a very fav
orable showing. The percentage of
the total wheat brought by the farm
ers this year was larger than last
year due to the fact that the crop was
30 short this year. .
The Oregon board adjourned to
meet November 4.
Mr. Jewett, who just returned from
the east was present at the meeting
and gave to the directors a general
report of the conditions which en
thused them very much over the pros
pect of cooperative marketing.
The second boat which the associat
ed states of the northwest are loading
is now in the river, and the second
export cargo from Portland will soon
be on its way to foreign markets.
The citizens of the City of Hepp
ner are hereby notified to clean up
around their premises and vacant lots.
Remove all weeds and rubbish from
back yards and vacant properties. If
this ia not done immediately, the city
will be compelled to do the work and
charge it up to the property owners.
No further notice will be given.
IV T,. Hanlln. architect for the new
hiitvh hniMintr. waa un from Port
land a couple of days the first of the
week to inspect the work: now in pro
gress. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McAtee are
the proud parents of a son born to
them at their home in this city this
morning. Mother and child are do
ing well.
A ton was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Hemrlch of Sand Hollow, on
October 9th, at the home of Mrs. Geo.
C. Aiken in this city.
For Rent 3-room house, all fur
nished; suitable for man and wife
with one or two children. Inquire this
office. 2t
Mr. and Mrs. Dell Ward were In the
city for a short time on Tuesday from
the farm south of lone.
Sodium Fluoride Kills Lice..
Dust the pullets with sodium fluo
ride if troubled with lice. This is
beat done at night as less distur
bance is caused among the birds. O.
A. C. Exp. station.
Despondent, Takes Life
With High Power Rifle
Edward A. Clark destroyed his life
with a high power rifle at the home
of Dick Lahue, Just south of town on
last Thursday evening, while in a
mentally unbalanced condition. He
was alone in the house at the time,
and getting hold of the gas, stepped
into the woodshed, placed the muxzle
of the weapon ia hia mouth and
pulled the trigger. The impact near
ly blew hia head off and left a hole
in the back of the head sufficiently
large to receive a man's fist
George E. S perry and Glenn Hayes,
who were going by the place, were
asked by Lahue to look Into tho wood
shed and aee what had happened, as
he was some distance from the house
and had left Clarke there alone. The
men found Clarke had taken hia life
in the manner stated, and the author
ities were notified. Coroner Case held
an inquest on the body Friday and the
jury returned a verdict that the man
had come to hia death by a gunshot
wound, the shot being fired by his
own hand.
Clarke's act waa evidently caused
by his despondent condition. He waa
a one-armed man, and for many years
had suffered much from heart trouble.
He waa ambitious to work, but hia
physical condition would not permit
of this, and he often became despond
ent over hia condition, and drank a
great deal, though a fin fellow and
well liked by all who knew him when
not in his cups. He came her from
Fossil a year or two ago, and had fol
lowed aheepherding a great deal. So
far as is known here, he had no rela
tives. His funeral waa held from St
Patrick's church in this city Monday
Mrs. Tom Boyd was a paaaenger for
Portland on Monday, going to the city
to attend the grand lodge of Pythian
Sisters as a representative from the
local lodge.
Morrow County Chapter
of Red Cross Election
The annual election of Morrow Co
unty Chapter of the American Bed
Cross will be held on Wednesday eve
ning, October 25th, at 7:30, at the
office of the County Nurse in L O. O.
F. building. Officers for the coming
year are to be chosen at this time.
MRS. S. W. SPENCER, President
County Court met in regular ses
sion at the Court House in Heppner,
Oregon on Wednesday, the 4th day of
October, 1922, with following officers
Hon. Wm. T. Campbell, Judge, G.
A. Bleakman, Commissioner, L. P.
Davidson, Commissioner, Geo. Mc
Duffee, Sheriff, J. A. Waters, Clerk.
When among others the following
proceedings were had, to-wit
Various claims were presented to
the court and after due consideration
of the same were allowed or disal
lowed as shown by list following.
Court ordered that the County Sur
veyor make a survey of that part of
the Willow Creek road leading from
Heppner to west Morrow County line
along or near the Oregon-Washington
Highway which is to be retained as a
public road and not vacated by the es
tablishment of the Oregon-Washington
Petition of Chas. E. Glasgow et al
for special road meeting in Road Dis
trict No. 1 to vote a special 6-mill tax
in said district was read and ap
proved, and Nov. 25th, 1922 set as
date for holding said special road
The following budget committee
was appointed by the Court to meet
with the County Court November 2nd,
1922, for the purpose of assisting the
Court to make up budget for the en
suing year for Morrow County: S.
H. Boardman, Jack Hynd, C. H. Bar
tholomew, J. A. Adams, L. E. Bisbee
and Bert Mason.
Being no further business court ad
journed for the term.
J. N. Smith, Poor $ 26.00
Prophet & Brannon. Rd. No. 16 79.80
Chas. Nannaman, Rd. No. 9. 33.92
State. Ind. Acc. Com., Various
Roads . 38.42
R. H. Turner, Rd. No. 9 3.42
Go. McDuffee, Rdr No. 15 83.96
Geo. R. White, Bounty 4.00
V. L. Warren, Bounty 4.00
Bank of lone, Rd. No. 9 708.61
J. F. Lucas, Gen. Road 17.00
J. B. Huddleston, Bounty 22.00
Battery Electric Station, Gen.
Road 24.50
Gilliam & Bisbee, Roads 19.96
Hodson Feenaughty, General
Road 78.98
Clyde G. Wright Bounty 9.00
J. E. Penner, Rd. No. 9 35.00
Bank of lone, Rd. No. 1 and 9 39.44
Pac. Tel. Tel. Co., Current
Expense . 22.55
G. D. Coats, Rd. No. 16 11.97
Carl Ulrich, On wood con
tract 75.00
E. D. Clark, Bounty 3.00
Joe. Howell, Rd. No. 16 69.85
Hardman Cash Store, Poor 10.00
Chas. B. Orai. District Sealer 11.32
C. J. Gordon, Bounty 8.00
E. C. Stoneman, Rd. No. 16 17.95
E. Albee, Bounty 4.00
S. L. Crites. Rd. No. 17. 41.77
Ted Crites, Rd. No. 17 64.80
W. McFerrin, Rd. No. 17 1.60
Jss. Gentry, Rd. No. 17 206.77
Floyd Thomas, Rd. No. 17 77.76
Sherman Shaw, Salary 25.00
Daisy Pearl Becket Wid. Pen. 25.00
Sadi Morey, Wid. Pen... 25.00
Road Builders Equipment Co. 4.51
Jos. Burgoyne 6.45
McCracken Ripley Co 124.98
Good Roads Machinery Co 676.29
Mrs. Pearl Jarvis 76.00
M. L. Case 2.25
Clyde Equipment Co 18.70
Jos. Burgoyne 30.30
Howard Cooper Corporation .... 167.34
Feenaughty Machinery Co 56.25
Standard Oil Co 351.47
Phelps Grocery Co. 2.80
Watt Ship Powder Co. 2.19
Mrs. Scrivner A Son 13.00
Wm. T. Campbell 12.00
Two Northwest Coufemc Football
Teams T Play Friday, October It.
Many Heppaer Aluwl aad Fans
Will Attead.
Eastern Oregon football faaa and
residents of Heppner are much In
terested in the coming gama between
the University of Oregon and Whit
man College which ia to be played in
Pendleton on Friday, October 20th,
Both teams have developed a sur
prisingly strong early season organi
sation and the game promises to be a
real battle. Whitman, with a power
ful line and a veteran baekfield, dis
played unexpected strength against
the University of Idaho in the recent
gam at Walla Walla, when the Gem
Staters were able to defeat the Mis
sionaries only by a 3 to 0 score which .
resulted from a drop kick by Fitike.
Ob defensive the Whitman eleven waa
a tower of strength and the Idaho
team waa unable to pierce the Whit
man line at any period of the game to
any advantage. Coach Vincent Bor
leskie, of Whitman, states that in his
belief by Octobre 20th he will have a
mnch stronger team than he had last
year when he won the Northwest Con
ference championship.
The University of Oregon eleven
gives promise of Wing the strongest
team the Eugene institute has had
since the chantpionship 1916 team,
when it waa rated as one of the great
est teams in the United States. Al
ready it haa a powerful baekfield with
two acts of baekfield stars, either of
which ia almost equally dangerous.
In early season games Oregon has
shown that her team is to be serious
ly reckoned with in the Coast Foot
ball Conference this season.
Plans are being made for a gala
affair in Pendleton on the 20th and
indications are that the largest crowd
that ever witnessed an athletic event
in thia section of Eastern Oregon or
Washington will be in Pendleton on
that date. Reservations are pouring
in from every part of Eaatern Oregon
and Washington. The gam will be
held in the Round-Up Park at 2:30
p. m. Railroad connections with the
various towns are so that it will be
possible at almost any point in East
ern Oregon to leave home and return
after the game the same day. The big
celebration will be closed with a
dance at the famous Happy Canyon
pavilion Although open to the gen
eral public yet it will be a grand re
union of all former University of Or
egon and Whitman students.
Many former student of the two
participating schools and football
fana of Heppner are making plana to
be present at the game, and several
car loads of them will go over to Pen
dleton a week from tomorrow.
On account of the very serious
illness of her mother, Mrs. Snell, at
Arlington, Mrs. Lena Shurte, county
school superintendent spent several
daya at her bedside. She returned to
Heppner on Tuesday afternoon, but
was called to Arlington again on yes
terday afternoon., upon receiving
word that her mother was much
worse. '
W. B. Tucker, Blackhorsa wheat
raiser, was in Heppner a short time
Friday and states that he is a busy
man these days, getting his seed into
the ground. Since the big rain, farm
era have had to hustle as it is a fine
time to do the seeding. In fact no
better season has happened along this
way for many years.
W F. Barnett of Lexington was in
the city for a short time this morn
ing. He states that the farmers of
hia section are working almost day
and night now in getting their seed
ing done, and conditions are the best
they have had for many years for
getting in the fall crop.
F. H. Wilson was in the city over
last evening. He has taken back his
place from Mr. Douglass, near lone,
and the same has been leased to Chas.
Erwin, who will farm the land for
a period of years. Mr. Wilson expects
to return to his home at Huntington
Beach, Calif., in about a month.
E. B, Gorton started for the ahow
at Heppner last Saturday, but when
re got to lone concluded that it was
a so much better place that he stopp
ed off here for a couple of days. It is
needless to say that Mr. G. is a gent
leman of excellent judgment. lone
D. E. Gilman left for Portrland on
Monday for a short business trip. He
expects Mrs. Gilman to return home
with him, as she is making a visit in
Portland with friends since returning
from the W. R. C. national convention
at Pes Moines, Iowa.
We are glad to report that Clarence
Scrivner, who has been very sick for
the past two weeks with pneumonia,
is now well on the road to recovery
and is improving fast He could be
moved home from the hospital this
Francis Griffin, young farmer of the
Fairview district, was a visitor in
Heppner for a short time on Tuesday.
He is new busy with the fall seeding,
the recent fine rains in his section
putting the ground in excellent shape.
Material for the new Christian
church is arriving rapidly this week,
and Contractor Denisau is moving
right along with the work of con
struction, hoping to have the building
enclosed before bad weather sets iu.
W. F. Barnett 4.55
R. II. Lane 123.45
First National Bank 225.85
Farmers A Stockgrvwcrs Na
tional Bank 861.43
Bank of lone 154.80
Chas. Bartholomew, Special
Road No. 4 123.65
Geo. McDuffee, Prohibition ac. 20.80
W. C. Cason, Prohibition acct 18.W)
Dick Papthorn, Prohibition ac. 60.00
Shotwell Contracting Co., Sp.
No. 4 .. 689.50
(Continued on Pag 6)