I'A'iF. SIX THE GAZETTE-TIMES. HEFFNER, OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1922. I'l YOU curl Oil A HE; ME II OUT If Y.-u Want a Thinp Great ly Enough You Can Got It Kent the Endless Drain f it ) h . Si;r?,otrs hen the re i low n'a re dried and beginning to fall. If rut at t-e stages it is not usually rr."-sjry to add water, as the natural ;u!ct keep the siiape moist. Mr and Mr. Walter L. Toote. Jr., of Mt !invi!, C. E. Irpaila and Miss Betty Kur-y cf t'orvalh, were visitor in this fity pvrr last nipht. Mr. Tooie is state chsin an of the republican party of Or epn. Mr. lnfralls is the ttate secretary Miss Ruby, stenographer. They left Hippner eariy this morning for Condon. . LOST - Gold f.Ui hunting ea watch. barn nd fruit trees. Inquire Mrs. Ellen ?W!!!WWI!!!tI?!!!!M1!H!fHW Buseu-k. i -MUllUiUtiiUHiUlUlitUlllillllUUIUHU!ilUitUiiiiatiHUiUtMIUIiiiUilUiillMililllliltliilillJiliiiiiiii' - - T'cin movement, dent in cae. crystal broken; on August 11. between Three Rock ard Heppner. Leo L. Flower. n i;k (.KOVKR white. It i Mid that one test used in an o'.d tailored private asylum was to give a patient a dipper and then escort him to a lath tjk and adise him t.i eir.pt it., the fauret. bring turned on. If he were craiv he started to bail eren finusi his dipper tiled with hole. If he were .ane he firnt turr.ed off the water and then puiled the plujr. This may be only a "utory." RM it has a moral. Are you laboring to empty the tub of life of its financial trouble while all the time the rent faucet is on? Think it over. What would you think of a man who bought a pair of shoes that did not fit him very well, had been used by others, were not well made in the first place, perhaps, and certainly did not look well? And suppose further that when he bought those shoes he agreed to keep them in good order, to allow the former owner to take them off at any time and examine them, to give them back to the owner at the end of any period the ow ner desired without receiving back any part of the purchase price and further he agreed to pay the value of the shoes over and over again? That is just what you are doing, Mr. Kentcr. Listen. If tomorrow your salary is cut, your income lowered, and you must change your budget, what are you going to do about that unchanging drain the rent You can eat less expensive foods, wesr your clothes longer, go less often to the thtater, but your rent does rot change unless you move. If you move you move to a cheaper place and that means a less desirable place and that in turn means a lowering of your social life, an ever present sene of defeat, an acknowledgement to the world that you are going backward, that yo'j are not a success, that you have failed. The rent is one drain that cannot be stopped or halted or lessened at will. There are certain philoscphers that believe that if man wants anything greatly enough he can get i There may be reservations to this. But not a? many as you think. If you want a home of your own you can secure it. How? There are many agencies in this city that have been created to answer that question. If you want that home the -.irst step to prove it is to find out who tnose agencies are. If you haven't enough ambition, get-up and determination to Discover the first step you may as well give up right now. You will be poor, landlord ridden, dependent and shiftless all your life. Did you ever stop to count up what you had paid in rent the past tea years. Get out your pencil right now. Figure it up. Add to that the cost of wovirg. Add the depreciation on your furniture for every move. Add the time ou took to find a new place and to move. Add it. What is the result? Surprised you, did n't it? Now go out tomorrow morning and find out how you can own a home. Take these rent f gures with you. Keep them in mind. When you find the firm, or the man, or the institution that says We will show you bow to own a home" and they quote you a figure then remem ber those rent figures. Is your name written in only three books in all the world, the city direc tory, the telephone directory and the corner grocer's debit book? Is that your life's record? Did you ever walk by a little home wherein lived a man you knew and as you walked past did you say: "I wonder how Bill ever bought a home? He never struck me as being worth a darn." Is that man you judged as not being "worth a darn" any smarter, brighter, finer than you? He did it. How? He escaped the endless drain. You are still paying and paying, and paying. Think it over. Think hard. Take yourself in a corner and pry off the lid. What is wrong with you? Why are you "one of the mob?" A small fire is reported to hare oc curred at lone on Tuesday when a vacant house east of the depot and not far from the railroad track was destroyed. We did not learn the origin of the blaze. Wm. Leasure of Grant county, who was operated on at the Heppner Surgical hospital Thursday of last week for ap pendicitis, is now convalescing, and able to be out. CAXNMNG PEACHES FOR SALE Early Crawfords, Elbertas, Orange Clings, and Salways; 75c to $1.25 per box. Early Crawfords are ready now. A. E. Anderson, R. 1, The Dalles, Or. GILLIAM & BISBEE'S COLUMN j& Obituary IN 1921 Our Business DIED NOW SHE'S DEAD AGAIN We don't know where she's gone to, only trust for the hest. But trusting won't do: that is what caused her death. Bring some money instead of flowers to the funeral. Gilliam & Bisbee Legal Guarantee Giveru N nd cf JCnie no paur-coBtinue work. Ask to tee Cle-o-nia Pile Treatment. PATTERSON A ION Main Street, -:- Heppner, Orefon 0. A. C. FARM POINTERS Highest yields and best quality of wheat are produced on early spring plowed summer fallow in the dry farm wheat belt of Oregon. Careful experi ments at Moro for nine years have prov ed that the average yields of winter wheat after early spring plowing were 6.3 busheiB per acre more than after late spring plowing, and 2.3 per bushel an acre more than after medium early spring plowing. Pullets that are a few months later starting to lay than the average of the flock should be culled out. It has been found that pullets that lay well in the fall are usually good annual layers, while the late starters are likely to prove quitters. In culling hens, the lay ers ate selected from among the late moulters and the quick moulters. The copper carbonate dust treatment of seed wheat for smut control cannot be exDected to give the best results when the open box, floor, or canvas method of mixing is employed. Ine powaer is mi- ed with the grain at the rate of 2 ounces to each bushel, but 100 per cent control calls for the use of a special mixing de vice. Farmers are not counseled against this treatment provided they can mix it nroDerlv. In making silage corn should be cut when the kernel la fairly hard DUi Be fore the stalk and leaves get dry. Bar ley and peas at about the same stage as FELL BROS. Auto Repair Shop Fords A Specialty Oils and Grease No-Nock Bolt Fell Bros. End of Willow Street, East of Patrick Hotel Walter Becket, Eight Mile fjrmer, who " " 1 ; was in the city on Saturday, reports his For Sle al Once The Hart residence, threshing about completed and bis grain n-o,?ern Soe. r.irtly 'urnishe.l. 2 lots, coin eirht sacks to the .icr. 1 STAR TH1 EATER 1 KIRK BUS & TRANSFER COMPANY WM. M. KIKK. Proprietor Prompt and efficient service at all times, both day or night. Leave orders at Hotel Patrick or Phone Main 664. BAGGAGE : EXPRESS : FREIGHT COUNTRY TRIPS :- GENERAL HAULING YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK Nature's Wonderland and America's Most Famous Playground Its scenery is supremely sublime. Its hotels are marvelous establishments. Its camps are pretty little tent and cottage villages, models of cleanliness, sanitation, comfort and simple, informal living. 300 miles of fine boule vards. An ideal place for vacation pleasures. Send for beautifully illus trated booklet telling all about its wonders in word and picture. THROUGH SLEEPING CAR OPERATED DAILY BETWEEN Portland and West Yellowstone On the Main Line of the UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM GO NOW. September 15th is the last date passengers can arrive at West Yellowstone and make a complete tour of the Park, which closes September 19th. Let our representative explain the various toun which enable visitors to see the Yellowstone ao com fortably and at minimum coat; also quote fares, pre pare your itinerary and make your reservations. C. DARBEE, Agent will be glad to make all necessary arrangement for anyone wishing to visit Yellowstone. Call on him or address WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. NEW PRICES ON RflASON CMLD MASON CORDS HEAVY-DUTY OVER SIZE SIZE PRICE SIZE PRICE 30x3'2Cl. $13.95 32x4'2 $30.75 30x3'2s.s 15.80 33x4'2 31.55 32x3 Y2 19.35 34x4 '2 32.40 31x4 23.10 35x4'2 33.20 32x4 24.50 33x5 38.95 33x4 24.70 35x5 39.95 34x4 2T3I I 37x5 42.10 FORD OWNERS! Remarkable Prices on Mason Oversize "Maxi Mile" Fabrics 30x3 - - - $9.25 30x3 't - - - $10.60 C. V. HOPPER TIRE SHOP FOR REAL TIRE SERVICE - J I 1 Alt ' in fw Programme August 31st to Sept. 6th, Inclusive g TONIGHT AND TOMORROW NIGHT CIIAS. K. DIMOND AND HIS HAWAIIAN ENTERTAINERS IN THE DREAMY ORIENTAL FANTASY "THE PRINCESS OF - PARADISE" A Solid Hour of Musica Entertainment J Also WILLIAM S. HART in j "O'Malley of the Mounted" A big story of the Northwest, in which Hart is s an officer of the N. W. Mounted Police. Filled with s heart interest and thrills, staged in nature's subli- s mest settings. 5 CHILDREN 30 Cents -:- ADULTS 55 Cents I SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd Bebe Daniels in "THE MARCH HARE" The uproarous adventures of a millionaire's daughter who bet that she could live for a week in New York on seventy-five cents. There is always just one laugh in Bebe Daniels' picture, from start to finish. SUNDAY AND MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd AND 4th THOMAS MEIGHAN in "The Frontier of the Stars" From the heart-gripping story by Albert Payson Terhune. A pretty cripple who has spent helife in a wheel-chair a girl who knows no wrong A hardened East Side gangster, brought up in the slums of New York; a man who knows no right On top of a dingy tenement house they meet. What happens then goes to make one of the most thrillinc and appealing dramas ever unfolded on the screen. See "THE FRONTIER OF THE STARS." ALSO COMEDY. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th AND 6th DOROTHY GISH in "The Ghost in the Garret" An uproarous seance of spooks and crooks and the spirits of love and fun. Shivering with thrills. Shrieking with laughter. Every one wants to see this except the hair-lipped man. Also SCREEN MAGAZINE. GREAT EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN Conducted by Storms-Haslam Party Federated Church Every night 7:45 prompt GREAT GOSPEL SERMONS COR.NET 801.08 Special Music Every Eveninf Where Will You Spend Eternity? "Seek the Lord while He snay b found, call ye apoa Him while He is near." COME -COME SCHOOL DAYS Will Soon Be Here TlTl-a you say, "Now study hard," give them TEXT VV IlCll BOOKS to study. Y4 1 cannot guide their hand, hut you can put an EVER I U U SHARP in it for good marks. them a Fountain Pen WATERMAN or WAHL, (jl VP and because of the smooth easy action they will have a desire to keep on writing. T - . is better in which to keep notes, reports, etc., than Nothing a LOOSE-LEAF NOTE BOOK. We have them in the regulation school sizes. TELEPHONE AND MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED Humphreys Drug Co. GO TO WallaWallaCountyFair Walla Walla, Sept. 13-16 Washington State Fair Yakima, Sept. 18-23 Pendleton Round-Up Pendleton, Sept. 21-23 FREE -FREE Make This Week "PAY-DAY AT TUM-A-LUM"- and Receive Free Tickets to Any of the Above Fairs For all accounts paid in full on or before the date of the fair in amounts: $ 20 to $ 50 to $ 100 to $ 250 to $ 400 to $ 500 to $ 600 to $ 700 to $ 800 to $1000 & $ 50 we $100 we $250 we $400 we $500 we $600 we $700 we $800 we $900 we over we will give will give will give will give will give will give will give will give will give will give 1 Ticket 2 Tickets 3 Tickets 4 Tickets 5 Tickets , 6 Tickets 7 Tickets 8 Tickets 9 Tickets 10 Tickets NOTE The above will also apply to Cash Sales Tum-A-Liim Lumber Co. P S. We're Choke-full of Plans and Mater ials for Homes and Farm Buildings ,4?