VACiZ FITS Announcing the Opening of THE NEW MUSIC STORE In Heppner THE GAZETTE-TIMES, IIEPPNER. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 24. 1022. Saturday, August 26th Sherman-Clay & Co. Line of Pianos and Players Sheet Music Brunswick Phonographs and Records Jack Mulligan, at Harwood's Jewelry Store ODD FELLOWS BUILDING, HEPPNER, OREGON Easy Terms on Pianos and Phonographs if Desired oca atmenmas Pearl Shamhart and family arrived in Harrow county during the put week from their home in Klamath county and have been spending several days vielt ing with relative!, and friendt of for mer years. They departed on Tuesday for the return trip home. Mr. Shamhart peaks well of Klamath county, the crops all benig good there this year, though that section of the state has been pretty hard up for cash but business is gradu ally recovering and he expects it will reach a normal condition by another season. Jason Diddle and wife reutrned home Friday from their auto trip of some Ave weeks along the northwest coast. They went first to Vancouver, B. C, and after a short stay there, viewing the fine scenery and riding over the splendid highways, they came down the coast to Seaside and then on to Portland, enjoy ing the entire trip immensely. Karl L. Beach and wife of Lexington were in th city a short time on Monday. Mr. Beach was driving a Ana new Stude baker ear which he had brought down from the Walla Walla agency for Joe Devine. Mr. Beach is the agent in this territory for this popular car, and he expects to distribute quite a number of the machines this fall. Jones was in yesterday from Irrn.'on with a truck load of flue home grown watermelons and muskmelons, mined on his place at Irrigon. He was in the city on Friday last with a similar load of melons which cre disposed of to local dealers. He if raising a Ane kt Of Stuff this SC.U01. E. F. Day was in Heppner for a few days this week, coming up from his horn at St. Johns, Oregon, to look after business interests here. He was accom panied by Mrs. Day and Mrs. Margaret Reed, formerly Mrs. H. A. Emerson, who Is enjoying a visit with her many old time friends. Cecil Lieuallen. traffic cop In the em ploy of the State Highway commission, was in Heppner for a few days the first of the week. Cecil has a big territory to cover, and it was only last week that we ran Into him over at La Grande and received our passports for the high hills of Wallowa county. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Huston left in their Jitney Wednesday morning for a visit of ten days with relatives at Oufur, Portland. Salem, Turner, Albany and other Willamette valley points. They were accompanied by the young son of Mra. Huston, Maurice Ldmundson. W. B. Tucker was In the city on Wed nesday. He Anished his wheat harvest an Tuesday, and ii auite well satisfied with the outcome. Hia forty-fold made better than 18 bushels, but he fell down with the Turkey and got a yield of about half what the forty-fold made. Misi Rose Kilkenny and Miss Kara Kilkenny of Heppner, who have been guests of Miss Mamie Vey and Miss Anna Vey, returned to their home yes tcrdny. They were accompanied by Miss Anna Vey, who will visit there. East Orogonian. , $50.00 REWARD Is offered to anyone who finds this horse: A sorrel gelding with a roached mane; white stripes in face; stands well up; weight 1600 to 1800; 9 years old; no brand. Notify C. R. Tyson, Wallula, Wash. 7t. HEMSTITCHING I have Installed a hemstitching machine at my apartment in tho Gllman building and will give all orders for work in that line my best at tention. Xour patronage is solicited. Mrs. C. C. PatteravJ. - Mrs. Inei Freeland and daughter, Miss Elaine. Freeland. were visitors in thl city for it short time on Wednesday, coming up from lone where they have been gueati at the home of Mr. and Mra. Paul Riotmann. Jnhn T. Kirk was in the city yester day from lona. He has been putting in the summer in the harvest fields in that vicinity and reports very satisfactory yielda from the Aelda in the north lone country. C. H. Latourell and wife went out to their mountain retreat on Monday, ex pecting to remain until they had se cured their full quota 01 oeer. Mr. and Mra. Victor Carlson, were in the city on Tuesday from their farm home in the Gooseberry section. They were accompanied by Mrs. Sam Esteb who came to the city to have her ton sils removed. The Carlson boys have about finished their threshing season, and the output of grain on their places averaged around 25 bushels per acre, the grain being of very good quality. Miss Marie Curran will have charge of the music depsrtment at the Harwood jewelry store, and assist Jack Mulligan with the work there. She began work on Wednesday. Th new music store has an interesting announcement in this is sue of the Gaiette-Times, and we call your attention to it. STRAYED There came to my ranch bout July 1, brown mare branded quarter circle Z on right hip. Owner may have aame by paying pasture bill and cost of advertising. Harvie Young. Mrs, Ellen Buseick and son Reid, ac companied by Mrs. Robert Hart, depart ed for Portland on Wednesday and will spend a week or two visiting with rela tives in that part of the state. Lavern Van Marter and Henry Cohn returned home on Friday evening from vacation of two weeks which they spent at Portland and Newport, making the round trip by auto. Jack Hynd and son Herbert were in the city a few days this week from their home st Cecil. They were busy making some improvementa at the Hynd resi dence on Knob hill. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Day departed Wed nesday for their home at St Johns, Ore gon, after spending several days in this city. They were accompanied by Mrs. Margaret Reid. Dr. Fred E. Farrior has received from the Cohn Auto Co. a new Dodge coupe which he recently purchased, and he and his family are now enjoying the machine. DRESS MAKING I am prepared to do aewine and will give all orders my best attention. Your patronage is solicited. Mrs. J. W. Luntsford, Heppner. Zt. Misses Alma Akcrs and Norma Fred erick returned home on Sunday from Seaside, where they spent a couple of weeks in a delightful outing. A dauehter was born to Mr. and Mrs, Neil Doherty at their home north of lone on Monday, August 21. Dr. Chick was in attendance. Phil Doherty and Miss Rose Doherty and Miss Nora Doherty of this county were visitors in Pendleton over Sunday. Silas Harris, who is a homesteader re siding In the vicniity of Parkers Mill, was doing business in Heppner Monday, FOR SALE Thoroughbred a. c. Rhode Island Red cockerels, laying strain. Mrs. E. R. Frederlckson, Lexington, Ore. it James Carty and son, extensive stock men of the Tub Springs section, wore do ing business in this city on Tuesday. Sheriff Geo. McDufTee now drives a new Dodge car recently purchased from the Cohn Auto Co. oi tnis city. FOR SALE Heppner residence prop erty. Two houses on two lots, oesi oi locations. Inquire tnis omce. at. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hughes and daugh ter of Lena and Gus Ayera were visitors In this city on Monday. It pays to .buy good lubricating oils. Valvoline and Havoline oils at Peoples Hardware Company. tf. Attorney F. A. McMenamln went to Pendleton yesterday where he was call ed on business. It pays to buy good lubricating oils. Valvoline and Havoline oils at Peoples Hardware Company. tf. Four good work horses for sale. See Frank S. Parker below depot, Heppner. Phone 60F3. FOR RENT Good room in private residence gentleman preferred. Inquire this office. FOR SALE One 110-bushel wooden grain bin. Inquire of C. C. Rhea, lone, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest HeMker of lone visited in Heppner for a short time on Uonday. FOR SALE Used Ford car in good re pair. Jnauk" Universal Garage. Milk cows for salv Price reasonable, Harvie Young, Heppner. Tomatoes for Sale at 40c a box. R, L. Clark, Froewater, Ore. A New Manager on the Job at Hotel Patrick J. R. Fisher, an experienced hotel man from La Grande, is now in charge of Hotel Patrick, Mr. and Mrs. Dean, who have been managing the hostlery for Pat Foley for several months past, having resigned and returned to Portland, tak ing their departure on Tuesday. Mr. Fisher expects his wife to arrive here in a short time from La Grande and join him in the management of the hotel, and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Price, from Portland arrived on Tuesday eve- ine and will also assist in looking after the comfort of guests. Mr. Fisher has been engaged in the hotel business for many years and is thoroughly conver sant with the business and hopes to make the hotel a popular stopping place for the traveling public. to the effect -that their farmers shall be given the conditions of success," he said. "Unless the farmer has a margin of profit over the cost of production he cannot be a good customer." . It was pointed out by the assistant' secretary that when the farmer fails to get a profit wherewith to buy, the fac tories reduce or stop production, labor is thrown out, transportation lines run empties, trade falls off, and everyone suffers. The tour was made to become acquainted with farm conditions here with a view to more helpful cooperation by the great national department he rep resents in their solution. Assistant Secretary Sees Oregon Farming C. W. Pugsley Tours Leading Diatricta of State to Learn Nature and So lution of Problems. "As goes agriculture in Oregon so goes the town it supports," said C. W. Pugsjey, assistant secretary United States department of agriculture after a tour of some of the leading agricul tural districts of the state. In com pany with Paul V. Maris, director of the state college extension service, Mr. Pugs ley inspected the intensive trucking of the Portland districts, diversified farm ing in the Willamette and McKenzie val leys, the big cattle 'regions of centra Oregon, the bonanza wheat growing of he Columbia basin, and the famous Hood River fruit belt. "The interests of town and country here are so intimately related that any slump in agriculture is immediately re flected in down-grade conditions in the town," he said. "The sooner chambers of commerce and other businessmen's organizations recognize this and get be hind their farmers, the sooner will they see their own business make steady pro gress." The assistant secretary believes that the best way for city interests to back agriculture is to stand for the prosperity of the farmers already in action rather than strive for more farmers with more dairy cows. "Oregon chambers of commerce may well put into their platform one plank Work Clothes Work Shirts.... 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Overalls and Jumpers. . . .$1.35 and $1.75 Work Sox 2 for 25c, 1 5c and 20c Harvest Shoes. $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 B. V. D. and Union Suits .. $1 .00 and $1 .50 Khaki Pants $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Canvas Gloves 1 5c and 25c Leather Gloves 50c and up IN GROCERIES WE CAN FILL YOUR ORDERS, LARGE OR SMALL at Thomson Bros. We offer for sale this season 500 Rambouillet Rams Our sheep are well known as densely fleeced, fine wool and large size. For further information, address JAMES H. SCOTT, Superintendent, Prineville Land & Livestock Co., Antelope, Oregon THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Your Home Paper. $2.00 Per Year. Phone 872 ALEX GIBB, Plumber At Starkcy's Electrical Shop I FIX ANY OLD THING Auto Ra diators, Ranges, Heatera and Tin ware Repaired. Dirty Chimneys Cleaned. Glazing, Key Fitting, etc. USED GARS FOR SALE One ton Republic truck, express body, pneumatic tires, motor completely overhauled. 1920 7-passenger Hudson, motor over hauled, good cord tiros. All of the above are real bargains at the prices we offer them. MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS IN REASON We have just wrecked a 1917 Dodge and have many parts almost as good as new which wo are selling very cheap. HEPPNER GARAGE A REAL PLACE FOR REAL BARGAINS -Jllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I Reduced Cash Prices ! After August 1 st, our prices will be: Cleaning Pressing $1.50 Men's Suits $ .75 1.50 Overcoats 75 1.00 Coats 50 .75 Pants 25 1.50 Ladies Suits, plain 75 1.50 Coats :. 75 1.00 Skirts, plain 50 1.50 Dresses, plain 75 1.25 up Pleated Skirts 75 up Hats cleaned and blocked $2.00 Fancy Dresses, 25 percent lower than city prices See our line of Fall and Winter Woolens at $30.00 $35.00 and $40.00 LLOYD HUTCHINSON Where jLEAN Thev I LOTHES sisniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiR SELECTING and buying groceries for a home is a much more difficult task than purchasing in any other commodity. When one buys a new pair of shoes an automobile, a coat or a pair of shoes, the problem of deciding comes only at long intervals. But with groceries every rising sun presents three new problems: '"what to have" for break fast, dinner and supper. No wonder the gro cery question is the housewife's biggest problem. There is an answer. It is to be had at this store. We specialize on tempting foods and in such large variety that planning a meal no long er carries a dread. K PHELPS GROCERY COMPANY PHONE 53