The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, August 24, 1922, Image 1

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    Oregon. H;Moric,il Society,
Public Auditorium
1 1 1 IlVlJJi
Volume 39, Number 21.
Subscription $2.00 Per Year
Institution Heidi and Budget Commit!
Meet. Actios It Held I'd. Itemi to
Be Investigated and Absolute Needs of
Departments to Be Ascertained.
SALEM, Or., Aug. 22. Superinten
dents of the various state institutions,
at a meeting of the state budget com
mission held here today, recommended
the erection of new buildings, extensions
and improvements during the biennium
starting January 1, 1923, aggregating a
coat of $284,27?. Action on the recom
mendations will not be taken by the com
mission until the several items have
been Investigated and the absolute needs
of the institutions have been determin
ed. A summary of the recommendations
as submitted to the commission follows:
Oregon state hospital Industrial buil
ding, 134,500; machine shed, cottage
farm, 16200; total, $40,700.
Feeble minded home Dormitory, $46,
000; auditorium, gymnasium and school
building, $61,840; addition to dining
room, $12,800; alterations, $6000; total,
State tuberculosis hospital Pavilion
for children, $17,000.
State blind school Dormitory for
boys, $56,000; assembly hall and sleep
ing rooms, $11,860; total, $66,860.
State deaf school Service building,
$2380; machine shed and feed barn, $2,
760; manure box, $680; rustie bridge,
$280; total, $6000.
Oregon state penitentiary Root house
$1600; service building, $1300; green
house, $600; brooder house, $350; total.
Girls' industrial school Root house,
$860; garage and storage, $620; total,
Old soldiers' home Dining room and
kitchen building, $18,200; cold storage
building, $2200; total, $20,400.
Eastern Oregon hospital To complete
basement, $12,447.
Grand total, $284,277.
The industrial building recommended
by Dr. R. E. Lee Steiner, supernitendent
of the state hospital, if allowed by the
commission, will be 80 by 225 feet in
dimensions and will contain a carpenter
shop, psint shop, tin shop, tailor shop,
machine shop, sewing room and indus
trial room with storage closets.
The dormitory requested at the feeble
minded home would be devoted exclu
sively for housing boys, and would have
a capacity of between 70 and 80 inmates.
It Is proposed that the structure shall
be of brick construction and fireproof.
Besides having six clasa rooms the aud
itorium recommended at the feeble mind
ed inatitution woud havft a seating ca
pacity of 1000 people, and be provided
with a stage and moving picture ma
chine. Alterations to the present build
ings necessary because of the erection
of the new structures would cost opprox
Imately $6000.
Hospital Wing Wanted.
Plans for the proposed new dormitory
at the state school, for the blind call
for a building having a capacity suffi
cient to accommodate 46 boys. The
structure would contain 11 sleeping
rooms in the basement. An incline would
be provided instead of a stairway. An
assembly room also would be a part of
this structure.
Besides completing the basement of
the eastern Oregon state hospital, esti
mates were placed before the commis
sion looking to the completion of the
upper floor of the new wing to the hos
pital which was erected during the pre
sent summer. Estimates for this work
totalled $42,000. W. D. McNary, super
intendent of the eastern Oregon hospi
tal, said that the completion of the new
wing would provide accommodations for
approximately 100 more patients and
would tend to relieve the crowded condi
tions at the state hospital located at
The new dining room and kitchen
building requested at the Old Soldiers'
home at Roseburg, if approved, will re
lieve the congested condition of that in
stitution and provide storage facilities.
Aaron Peterson Passes
At His Eight Mile Home
Aaron Peterson, a leading farmer of
the Eight Mile section, whose place is
situated near where the Swedish church
is located, passed away at an early hour
on Wednesday morning, after a sickness
from which he has Buffered for the past
two years. He had been confined to his
bed for some time, and the past few
weeks it was thought that his death
would occur at any time.
Mr. Peterson came to this county in
1891 and located In the Eight Mile sec
tion where he followed farming very
successfully and succeeded in accumu
lating a large body of good farm land.
Some two years ago he met with some
financial reverses and this brought about
failing health from which he did not re
cover. He was a splendid citizen and
highly respected by his neighbors and
numbered among his friends the entire
population of the Bouth and west end of
the county. Ho Is survived by his widow
five sons and one daughter. Interment
will take place tomorrow, at 3:00 p. m
at the cemetery adjoining the church
and near the Peterson home. Rev, B, S.
Nystrum, pastor, officiating at the fun
era services.
Big Barn On Cleveland
Farm Destroyed By Fire
Fire destroyed the big barn on the
Cleveland place, four miles east of Hepp
ner yesterday morning. Tho origin of
the fire is not known exactly, but It is
thought to have been caused by defective
wirnig from the electric light plant on
the place.
About 9 o'clock Heppner was tele-
nhoned by Mr, Cleveland, stating there
was a fire at his place, and calling for
assistance, but there was no definite In
formation to be had, and before help
could reach the scene of the lire the
barn was in ruins. Tho loss to Mr. Cleve
land is quite heavy.
Expert To Give a Shooting
Demonstration in Heppner
Gus Peret of the Peters Cartridge Co. I
will give a shooting demonstration in
Heppner on Friday, September 1st, so we
are informed by the Peoples Hardware I
Co., who are making1 arrangements for !
the event. He appeared in this city some
years ago, and no doubt many remember
the work he was able to do with both
rifle and shotgun. The following infor-)
mation concerning Mr. Peret will be of
interest to those who appreciate sport
of this kind, and it is expected that
there will be many out to witness bis
Mr. Gus Peret of the Peters Cartridge
company, is a well known fancy trick
and expert shot. He has established a
reputation as a big game hunter, and
many of his articles on Alaskan hunting
have already appeared in the Out-Door
Life magazine.
The stunts performed by Gus Peret
constitute work with rifles, revolvers,
and shot guns. Peret will draw pictures
of Buffalo Bill, Uncle Sam, Indians, town
constables, or other characters suggest
ed by the crowds on sheets of blank tin
without tracing.
He will throw blue rocks in the air,
and hit them with five shots from the
pump, eject two empty shells from a
pump gun and hit them in the air. Ly
ing on his back he will break three eggs
tossed in the air, and with a 22 rifle will
eject the empty shell and hit it.
With the same rifle he will hit three
washers in the air; also marbles, and
will do special work with a 38 calibre
revolver; shoot through the holes in
washers while the same are in the air.
With the same gun he will aplit cards
in half while sighting through a mirror.
Besides all this, he will break a swing
ing and stationary target simultaneous
ly with 38 8. A W. cartridges.
Lord's Day, Auguat 27.
We are now ready to proceed with the
real work of building; the contract is
let, and everyone is enthusiastic. "Come
on let's go." Meanwhile we are pegging
away on Main street. You are invited
to worship with us. God's love is no
excuse for soul suicide, it demsnds soul
culture. Are you getting this? Then
we need to prepare spiritually for the
increased responsibility on entering the
new building. Then let ua rally to the
support of the church services. Bible
school at 10 o'clock, communion and
preaching 11, and the evening service at
8 o'clock. A cordial welcome awaits
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Vaughn returned
Sunday evening from a short trip to
Portland. Mr. Vaughn went down after
a new Buick roadster which has been
disposed of by Heppner Garage to Roy
White of Lexington.
Wallowa Lake Park
Fine Tourist Attraction
Mr. and Mrs. Vawter Crawford re
turned home on Sunday from a visit of,
ten days in the Wallowa hills around
about Joseph. They were accompanied
on the trip over by Mr. and Mrs. J. O.
Turner, and the visit was greatly enjoy
ed. O. G. Crawford, baby brother of the
editor of this paper is now publisher
or the Herald at Joseph, which he pur
chased some eight or nine months ago,
and while a pretty busy fellow, having
just recently installed a linotype ma
chine which was giving him a lot of grief
on account of some of its eccentricities,
snd making It hard to get up enough
stulT to fill the paper, yet he took time
oft to show the visitors around and lec
ture them on the great attractiveness of
the Alps of Oregon. He accompanied
Messrs. Crawford and Turner to the
rery top most point of the highest moun
tain, and they were given the thrill of
their lives when they had gained a
height of about ten thousand feet on old
Aneroid and looked out over the snow
capped peaks of Engle Cap and down
into the lake basin, where they could
count numbers of beautiful lakes and
many feathery cascades that came tumb
ling down over the rocks from the snow
banks near the summits of the sur
rounding mountains. No one should visit
Wallowa lake park without making this
trip, if they are able to stand the slight
hardship of a few hours of real moun
tain climbing.
Wallowa county, and especially the
Wallowa lake section, is becoming more
and more of an attraction abroad. The
completion of the highway Into that por
tion of the state is making it very easy
to get there, and the scenery along the
route for the greater part of the way
upon reaching the Blue mountains is
such as to satisfy the desires of the
average tourist. A fine grade la now
completed around Wallowa mountain
and the descent down to the river at Mi-
nam ia very easy and gradual. This
grade will soon be macadamized and
then cars will get over it easily, even a
Ford being able to negotiate the climb
on high, and then a genuine thrill is
thrown in for good change when you
peak over the brink into the Minam can
A contemplated highway leading
out of Enterprise and over to Lew-
Iston, where It will connect with other
highways now completed and under con
struction, will make Wallowa county
very favorably situated and it will be
come a mecca for tourists, as they can
continue around the cirle and will not
have to back-track.
There is a bright future for this na
ture beauty spot and we are not Bure but
that we would like to live there the year
around that is, if the weather condi
tions were always just as fine as they
were on this trip. However, it snows
some up in that high mountain country
and there is a long winter spell and as
with many other attractive spots on this
mundane sphere there are some dlsad
vantages as to climatic conditions, which
of course only add to the beauty of tho
short summen months in the former
happy hunting grounds of Old Chief
Joseph and his tribe of Ne Perces,
We hope to be ablo to make many
summer tours into this part of Oregon,
and be able some day to learn the trick
of capturing those wonderful fish In
Wallowa and Aneroid hikes something
a tenderfoot can't readily accomplish,
except he possess a silver hook,
' BACK TO SCHOOL, EDDIE! $mW& nft&VT I fe" I J
somethin' might happen! jw Iv SJf
School Will Open Here
Monday, September 1 1
Prof. E. H. Hedrick, who will be su
perintendent of the Heppner schools for
the coming year, arrived at Heppner on
Tuesday evening, and will be here from
now on, completing arrangements for
the opening of the fall term of school,
which will be on Monday, September 11.
A full corps of teachers has been se
cured, with the possible exception of
one in the high school, and this place
will be filled this week, so there need be I
no delay in any department when ope
ning day arrives.
Prof. Hedrick hss been putting in the
summer season at Eugene, where he at
tended the university summer school and
he arrives on the job here full of an
thusiasm for the coming year's work.
Other teachers selected are Irving H.
Mather, principal; Miss Janet Frasier,
history and civics; Miss Harriet Cham
bers, domestic science and art; Mrs. Ber
nice Dafoe Hopper, music; Breynton R.
Finch, 8th grade; Miss Gladys Turner,
7th grade; Mrs. Amy E. Finch, 6th
grade; Miss Addie O. Quesinberry, Mrs.
Opal E. Clark, Mrs. Elizabeth Dix, Miss
Blanche Fahy, and Mrs. Edna Turner the
primary grades.
Peppy Round-Up Publicity
Man in Heppner on Monday
"It 'er Buck," the war cry of the
Pendleton Round-Up was heard in Hepp
ner Monday, when Arthur S. Rudd, pub
licity man for the famous Umatilla
jambouree hit town and spoke at the
Star theater in the interests of the pro
We want all eastern Oregon to feel
that the Round-Up is its show and not
Pendleton s alone, he said. He declares
that interest in the show is rampant
throughout the west and that a record
crowd is expected. His work in Heppner
is a part of a "Denver to Portland cam
paign in the interest of the show.
Tom Mix and a galaxy of movie stars
will attend the Round-Up as a special
feature and will stage a picture using
the Round-Up as. a setting.
In his talk at the Star Mr. Rudd told
briefly of the Round-Up as a great epic
show and invited the people of Heppner
to attend with the famous Let 'er Buck
invitation, "Pendleton says, the Latch
String is out, Let 'er Buck."
Order Copper Carbonate Now.
The supply of copper carbonate is not
large. Moat of it will have to be ship
ped from San Francisco, It takes time to
get it. It will cost about 82 cents per
pound delivered to your postoffice. Will
be sent immediately upon receipt of
your order to the address you indicate.
Cash must accompany order.
It will require two ounces per bushel
or one pound will treat eight bushels.
The Morrow County Farm Bureau has
ordered 700 pounds to take care of the
first orders. Don't delay ordering and
expect to be served promptly. Make
checks payable to Morrow County Farm
Bureau. C. C. CALKINS, County Agent.
Contract for New Church
Goes to Heppner Builder
The contract for the erection of the
new Christian church In this city was
this week awarded to T. G. Dennisee,
local contractor and builder, and the
work of building of foundation and su
perstructure will begin just as soon as
the materials can be placed on the
It has taken the building committee
some time to work out the details and
a large number of bids had to be gone
over, but Mr. Dennisee presented the
only bid covering the entire construc
tion, but not including plumbing, wiring
and heating plant, These latter arc
separate contracts and will go to local
The excavation has been completed
some time and it Is now hoped by the
building committee that the structure
will be pushed to completion without
further delay and enclosed before the
bad weathor sets in. When completed
the church will cost in the neighborhood
of $20,000, so we are Informed by mem
bers of tho building committee.
Another Strike Possibility
An earnest warning'against surrender
to the influences opposing cooperative
market associations in Oregon is given
by Paul V. Maris, director of the agri
cultural college extension service.
"Oregon now has such large invest
ments of effort and capital in the half
dozen commodity cooperative associa
tions recently established that disaster
can not come to any of them without
inflicting heavy losses and giving coop
eration a setback from which it can not
soon recover," saya Mr. Maris.
- The success of-eoeftjeratiar associa
tions in California, which brought pros
perity to several groups of agricultural
producers and benefited the entire state,
is cited as an example. The Oregon as
sociations listed are those for market
ing wheat, fruit, eggs, hay, mint, wool,
and mohair. The new problems of or
ganizing, financing, and managing these
associations are in the most part being
coped with successfully. One failure,
that of the Oregon Dairymen's Coopera
tive league, is cited and warning given
that should others occur it would be
very difficult to maintain any of the as
sociations in periods of even mild ad
versity. "Such experiences must be avoided,
yet the danger of their occurrence is
apparent," asserts Mr. Maris. "Group
withdrawals have been attempted or
threatened within four of the existing
associations. There appears to be evi
dence that unfriendly influences outside
the organizations take advantage of in
ternal dissatisfaction to make success
extremely difficult."
. Mention is made of a report on good
authority that a member of the Poultry
Producers' association now defending a
suit for contract violation professes to
be relieved of any personal expense in
the matter. The qusetion is asked.
"Whence come the funds for the legal
defense and prolonged campaign being
curried on among members by a paid
"Let those who would avoid the dis
astrous effects of failure help now to
counteract them," Mr. Maris concludes.
"The initial days of heavy expense and
costly mistakes are past nnj possibilities
of success are demonstrated. Granges,
farmers' unions, and farm bureaus ev
erywhere can well atTord to give imme
diate .consideration to the problema of
cooperative associations. Let us dem
onstrate that cooperation ia a practical
possibility in this generation."
J. R. Olden, who is in town today
from his farm on Rhea creek, states that
his brother, H. M. Olden, who has been
seriously ill for several weeks, is still
far from recovery and is suffering from
the effects of his prolonged sickness
with erysipelas. It may be necessary to
take him to Portland for treatment by
a specialist.
T. E. Chidscy and family returned the
first of the week from their short vaca
tion in the mountains in the vicinity
of Ditch creek, where they succeeded in
laying in a supply of huckleberries. Tom
also landed a big buck deer gnd his
friends about town have been enjoying
a treat of venison.
Albert Adkins, who is local manager
of the Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co., is tak
ing his vacation, leaving Monday for
Gresham, where he will join Mrs. Ad
kins who hns been visiting for some
time at the home of her parents in that
R. L. Bcnge and family returned from
tho mountains early in the week. Ralph
is a good hunter and got the first deer
of the season. Some reports are to the
effect that deer is quite plentiful this
season, while others say they are having
poor luck at the beginning of the season
John T. Kirk wil leave today for tho
vicinity of Parkers Mill, where he will
be engaged in chaperoning a band of
sheep for C. A. Minor for the next cou
ple of months.
Laxton McMurray and his father-In-law,
Mr. Low arc Heppner visitors to
day from lone.
Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Keithlcy of Eight
Mils were visitors in this city on Wednesday.
Frank Shivery Takes
Over Scrivner Shop
On Monday of this week Frank Shive-
ly, expert horseshoer, who has been with
the Calmus shop for several months
past, took over the Scrivner shop in this
city, which he has leased for a year.
Mr. Shively has been engaged in bus
iness in this city for several years, the
majy portion of which he spent in the
Scrivner shop, in charge of the horse
shoeing department. He has now entered
into the general blacksmithing business
and is prepared to take on all work in
this line, not omitting the horseshoeing
Clarence Scrivner, who has been in
charge of the business the past several
years, is not fully decided bb to what
he will do but intends looking around
for a time while he is straightening up
business affairs.
Mr. Shively is a fine mechanic and he
assures the publis that there is nothing
m his line that will be turned down, and
he solicits a continuation of the pat
ronage always accorded the Scrivner
Will Attend National
Convention of W. R. C.
Mrs. Bertha Drew Gilman of this city.
who is spending the summer in Portland,
will attend the national convention of
the Women's Relief Corps which meets
in Des Moines, Iowa, beginning on Sep
tember 24. She will go to this conven
tion from Portland, expecting to return
home from Des Moines after the conven
tion has ended its labors, so we are in
formed by Mrs. Mattie Smead, secretary
of the local post.
Mrs Gilman has taken a very active
part in the affairs of the W. R. C. of the
state for a number of years past, and
has held a number of important offices.
At the last state convention the Depart
ment of Oregon unanimously endorsed
Mrs. Gilman as a candidate Tor the c-ffice
of national president of the Women's
Relief Corps, and her name will be pre
sented at Des Moines by ve Oreeon del
egation, and Mrs. Gilman's large circle
of friends in this city would rejoice to
have her win the honor of national head
of this patriotic organization.
Heppner Stockmen In
Portland This Week
"The prices we are receiving for sheep
and wool are just as good as we want
them to be," declared R. A. Thompson,
livestock shipper of Heppner, who
brought in three loads of livestock this
week and is registered at the Imperial
hotel. Other Heppner shippers at the
same hotel are Dlllard French, Guy Boy
er and Roy Whiteis. Mr. Whiteis is ac
companied by his wife. The sheep busi
ness around Heppner is good, in the
opinion of the visitors, who said that
lamb is netting them 10 cents a pound
on the hoof. "That is all we ever want;
if they go any tiigher than that people
will stop buying lamb, Mr. Thompson
said. "Wool is bringing 35 cents for
good qualities. We need higher prices
for cattle, because 7H cents, which we
are receiving now, is less than we can
produce steers for, he continued. Har
vest is about over in Morrow county and
the wheat crop will be only about 76
per cent normal, said the visitors from
eastern Oregon. This has been a dry
season and good pasturage is scarce now,
they said, but rain before September 10
would be a detriment to the last of the
harvest and to range conditions. Ore-
In other days C. Merritt was publisher
of the Heppner Gazette, but now he is
interested in mining properties in East
ern Oregon. He was in Tendleton 'today
for a brief visit. With an associate, C.
F. Redmond, he is on his way back to
Portland after an inspection trip in the
Okanogan district where the company in
which he is interested owns the Wanicut
Lake mine and 21 other gold and silver
properties, he says. They took photo
graphs of the various properties, accord
ing to Mr. Merritt, They left today for
Portland. East Orcgonian.
FOR SALE 4-burner New Perfection
oil stove, with oven. Good as new. In-
l quire this office.
Oregon Contributes Well
Toward Near East Relief
Contributions in cash and commodities
totaling $156,155.21 were made by Ore
gon for Near East Relief during the year
ending June 30, 1922, according to an
audit of the accounts of J. J. Handsaker,
state director, just completed by John
S. Wiltse, national auditor, and reported
oy nim to Arthur W. Brookings of Ladd
and Tilton bank, state treasurer of Near
East Relief.
In view of the size of the ttate, it!
comparatively stsrse population and the
small force of workers employed by the
Near East Relief, I feel that much credit
is due the state for raising this amount
at an overhead of less than 10 per cent,"
states Mr. Wiltse. "Contributions re
ceived from the wealthy, populous states
of the East, where one city will raise
more than the entire state of Oregon
and where the cost of securing the fund
is consequently lower, enables us to re
port an average overhead for the whole
United States of less than 5 per cent.
In other words, more than 95 cents of
every dollar contributed to Near East
Relief goes into actual relief work.
As an accountant. I am imnressed
with the careful check on its funds kept
by Near East Relief," said Mr. Brook
ings. "Through the system of bookkeep
ing and of daily and monthly reports to
New York there is practically a monthly
audit of every cent received at the var
the visit of the national auditor to the
ious state offices, as well as annually at
fifty or more Near East Relief offices.
Not only are the offices in America care
fully checked up to see that funds are
raised in the most economical way but
a firm of certified public accountants
check the expenditures in the Near East
for relief work as well. In addition to
this the Near East Relief must report
all details of receipts and expenditures
to congress each year, as it was charter
ed by a special act of congress to work
in the Near East. Because of the careful
way in which Near East not only han
dles its funds but also does its relief
work, it has the endorsement of the Na
tional Information bureau which ia to
charitable organizations what Dunn and
Bradstreet are to commercial organiza
tions. Acting on the advice of the Na
tional Information bureau the Portland
Community Chest last year appropriated
$41,250 to Near East Relief."
While in Joseph recently we had the
pleasure of meeting an old-time Hepp
ner boy in the person of Homer Harring
ton, who has charge of the clothing de
partment in one of the, leading atone
there. He seems to be the same genial
Homer of years agone, and he greeted
us like a long lost friend. He is fast
gaining the reputation of being the lead
ing fisherman of that city, having estab
lished hia claims to superiority by catch
ing eleven fish in eleven weeks, up until
Sunday last, when it was reported in the
Joseph paper that he landed a string
of eight beauties and now the charm is
broken. Homer is tickled to death to
see anybody from the old home town-
Dan Hanshew had the misfortune to
slip while getting out of his car Sat
urday and fell across the door, the re
sult being that he suffered a broken rib.
Dan has had about hia share of broken
bones during the past year or two, and
is not fully recovered from the effects
of a badly smashed leg that kept him on
crutches for many months.
Hanson Hughes departed on Sunday
for a visit of a month through the mid
dle west, expecting to go as far as Mis
souri, where he has numerous relatives
Mr. Hughes has been somewhat indis
posed for several months past and he
has hopes that a vacation of this sort
will be the means of restoring his
District Attorney Notson is slowly re
covering from his recent sickness and
is able to get to his office at the court
house this week, though not feeling
much like attending to business. He con
templates making a visit to Portland on
Friday, where he will undergo an exam
ination to ascertain just what his trou
ble is.
Editor S. A. Pattison of the Herald has
been enjoying a visit during the week
from his brother, John K. Pattison, of
Port Orchard, Washington. Mr. Pattison
is a Civil war veteran, 80 years of age,
and is on his way to Colorado and Kan
sas to visit with other relatives.
Mrs. Tom Johnson and Miss Elizabeth
Phelps chaperoned about seventeen
members of the Girl Scouts of Heppner
on a trip into the mountains, where
they went into camp for several days
near the old Herren mill. They return
ed home on Sunday and Monday.
Mrs. T. J. Humphreys received the sad
announcement of the death, late Tues
day afternoon of her sister. Mrs. Curtis
at Hillsboro, and she left on Tuesday
night to be present at the funeral. Mrs.
Curtis had been sick for about two
weeks with typhoid.
Misses Coramae and Mary Crawford,
who have been spending the past two
months in Wallowa county at the home
of their uncle, O. G. Crawford, at Jo
seph, returned home on Sunday with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vawter Craw
ford. Dave Wilson and Lester Poolittle de
parted for the mountain fastnesses yes
terday in quest of a big buck deer apiece.
If they do not get their meat on this
trip, they will stake out a couple of the
big fellows and turn after them later.
Mrs. Lloyd Hutchinson, who has been
visiting with relatives in Portland for
the past two months, returned home on
Sunday, accompanied by her two chil
dren. She was met at Arlington by Mr.
Ray Rogers was off for his vacation
Friday, which he will spend at various
coast points, returning to his duties at
the store of Minor & Co. after a couple
of weeks.
Walter Jones, Fuller brush distribu
tor, with headquarters in Pendleton, has
been spending this week in Heppner.
For Sale New, modern bungalow,
good location. Mrs. Tom Johnson, Hepp
ner. 2t
Copper-Carbonate Treatment far Smut
ted Wheat May Replace Bluceton and
Formaldehyde la Maay Stctioae.
(By C. C. Calkins, County Agent)
Thousanda of wheat grower! In Ore
gon, Washington and California have
been watching with keen Interest the
tests of copper carbonate for smut con
trol. Our own farmers have been inter
ested in a dozen careful testa made lo
cally the results of which have been
made known.
There was an average ef 1.5 per cent
smut where formalin and bluestone were
used as against 2.1 per cent where cop
per carbonate waa used. The larger am
ount of smut where the wheat was treat
ed dry ean be readily accounted for by
the method of treatment. One man who
had a high smut percentage treated hie
grain in the drill, pouring the powder on
and stirring. This waa not sufficient.
Had the grain been properly treated no
doubt better results would have been ob
tained. Note the results from other
counties noted below.
Note, however, that we secured an av
erage of one-third better stand where
the dry treatment was used and in tome
of the tests there was two and three
times the wheat in spite of the fact that
the drill was usually ahut down for the
dry treated grain.
Will copper carbonate really control
smut? How effective ia it? To get fur
ther information along this line we
heavily smutted some Bluestem seed this
spring rubbing it in until it waa nearly
black. This was divided and given the
following treatments with the results
No treatment 25 pet imut
Copper Carbonate . I1 pet smut
Formaldehyde Trace snoot
Bluestone Trace amut
Such smutty seed would never be need
yet the powder was fairly effective with
hand mixing.
Note the reports from other sections:
Umatilla County.
Fred Bennion reports to this office the
Bluestone and Formalin 4.6 pet amut
Copper Carbonate 6.6 pet smut; bnt the
stand from dry treatment was from 20
to 182 pet better. All tests but on on
Hybrid wheat which smuts badly.
Sherman County.
In Sherman county only two tost
were made with the results that .9 of a
per cent of smut was found in the wheat
treated with Copper Carbonate as
r-,- (Continued on Pago 6.)
D. H. McCarty Succumbs
from Injuries at The Dalles
David H. McCarty, who sustained
fractured skull July 26 when hia an to
went over a grade near The Dalles, died
at the hospital in that city Sunday
morning, August 13, at 3 o'clock. The
body was brought to Echo Monday after
noon by his brother, John McCarty, and
the funeral was held here Tuesday sifter
noon. Mr. McCarty had been in the hospital
at The Dalles since his accident and did
not recover consciousness sufficient to
relate how the accident occurred. Hia
skull was fractured and two of the bones
in his neck were injured, but at first the
doctors expressed confidence that he
would recover. Later it was found that
his left eye was injured and an opera
tion was necessary to remove it This
operation seemed to cause a temporary
improvement, but Saturday he began to
fail and death occurred the following
David McCarty was born at Zena, in
Polk county. Oregon, April 17, 1865. In
the fall of 1877 he came to eastern Ore
gon with his parents, and since that time
has been living at Butter creek. He was
a member of Umatilla Lodge No. 40, A.
F. A. M., at Echo, having joined that
order when the meetings were held at
Umatilla, and being a charter member
of the lodge formed here after the Uma
tilla location was abandoned. He also
held membership in the Heppner chap
ter of Royal Arch Masons and belonged
to the Elks lodge at Walla Walla.
His family was one of Oregon pio
neers, his grandfather having crossed
the plains to Oregon in 1843 and his
mother having been born in Oregon in
1843. The mother, Elizabeth Jane Mc
Carty, is still living at the family home
on Butter creek. A sister, Mrs. Jas. Mc
Cumber, lives at Glenwood, Wash., and
there are four brothers, John, who re
sides at Touchet, Wash., and James, Wil
liam and Otis, who live on Butter creek.
The funeral was held Tuesday at 2
o'clock from the Methodist church of
Echo. Rev. Faucett, of Stanfield, preach
ing the funeral sermon. Services at the
cemetery were conducted by the, Masonic
fraternity, there being a large number
of Masons present from Heppner, Stan
field and other adjoining towns in addi
tion to the members of his home lodge.
Echo News.
Miss Florence Cason, who is one of
the assistants in the Heppner postoffice,
returned on Sunday evening from her
vacation of two weeks which was spent
at the Rockaway beach in Tillamook
Early Crawfords, Elbertas, Orange
Clings, and Sal ways; 75c to $1.26 per
box. Early Crawfords are ready now.
A. E. Anderson, R. 1, The Dalles, Ore,
LOST Gold filled hunting case watch,
Elgin movement, dent in case, crystal
broken; on August 11, between Three
Rock and Heppner. Leo L. Flower.
Mr. and Mrs. Tilman Hogue of Goose
berry were visitors in this city fur a
short time yesterday, accompanied by
several members of, their family.
For Sale at Once The Hart residence,
modern home, partly furnished, 2 lota,
barn and fruit trees. Inquire Mrs. Ellen