Gazei IMES -1 HiLili PUBLISHED WEEKLY AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF MORROW COUNTY HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUG. 10, 1922. Subscription $2.00 Per Year Volume 39, Number 19. GRAVE CRISIS FACED IN STRIKE SITUATION Prominent Financier Citee Facta Con cernlnt Industrial Problem People of United Statea Appear Indifferent to Critical Situation. By ROBERT E. SMITH, President Lum bermen! Trust Company Bank, Port land, Oregon. The nonchalanca not to say Indlffer nee with which the American public accepta discomforts and hardship! caus ed by the conflict between capital and labor Is proverbial. It la perhaps a masa manifestation of that fond Indulgence with which the Individual American par ent ao often regards the vagariea of his "spoiled" offspring The citnens of the "land of the free" have become ao ac customed to surrendering their personal liberties that the acceptance of and ad justment to conditiona resulting from two major strikes are made with little or no grumbling on the part of the pub- lie at large. The economic and trade journals do not concur with this easy acceptance by the public of conditiona as they are. They utter much caustic comment on the seeming smiling acquiescence on the part of the people in the strike situa tion. The movement of freight and crops ia being retarded, the production of many industries is being sharply cur tailed, winter is looming closer and ever cloaer on the horizon with all signs pointing to a scarcity of coal and ex tramely high prlcea, unless speedy set tlement be effected, and still the "in ecrutabl mood of contentment" of the people continues. Perhaps they feel sure that the federal government will aoon bring about a settlement; or per baps they are comforting themselves with some such philosophical reflections as those indulged In by Mr. John Moody last week in his resume of financial con ditions. Mr. Moody says and he has statistics to prove it that the evil influence ex erted by great strikes on business is much smaller than might be supposed, and that the history of great strikes and their effects proves that business In gen ral need not be unduly alarmed in thii ease. The number of workers now out of work because of strikes is estimated at 1,260,000, and this is only about 2.9 per cent of the total number of workers in the country, which is estimated at 43,250,000. Mr. Moody names the recent yeara in which strikes were prevalent "conspicuously" as 1917, 1910, 1906, 1902 1894 and 1886, and cites the fact that in four of these years business was extra prosperous and the security mar keta were strong, and that in the other two (1910 and 1894) the lack of pros. perity could hardly be attributed in any large degree to the labor troubles. The trade reaction of 1910, he says, was largely the result of the general extrav agance and the heavy capital outlays of 1909; and the 1894 depression was the result of money inflation. Mr. Moody is even able to state with authority that strikes are beneficial, though in a limit ed and conditional sense. Through their instrumentality labor is prevented from becoming ao costly and inefficient as to choke production. He mentions as benefit the fact that the majority of atrikes are won by the employers and the power of the unions is curbed, the exception being, of course, in such yean aa 1917 and 1918 when labor ia in such demand that the unions generally win. He aays that in 1917, for example, the unions won 614 strikes in this country and the employers only 382, whereas in 1920 the employers won 633 and the unions only 360 strikes. "The general principle Is, says Mr. Moody, "that la bor efficiency diminishes roughly in pro. portion to the rise of wages; and if the power of organized labor were never curbed, labor costs per unit of output might become prohibitive. Thus while strikes cost something, they are worth something; and possibly in ordinary times they are worth as much as they cost," Strikes have not as a rule in years past seriously Interfered with bull movements in stocks. A downward trend in the markets was manifest in 1917 and 1910, but this was due to other causes than labor disturbances, and the many strikes prevailing in 1902, 1906 and 1886 did not prevent great bull movements. At no time in American history has the bond market fallen under the domina tion of labor troubles. On the whole, Mr. Moody'a comforting conclusion is that it is to be presumed until proven to the contrary, that these labor troubles will retard only in slight degree industrial and financial progress which will continue in spite of them. Union Pay and Ice Cream in the Holy Land. A letter to the New York Tribune from Jerusalem says that no one who knew the Holy Land in the days of the Turkish regime can fail to note the great changes that have taken place throughout the country since the close of the war, The Turkish army stripped Palestine of its animals to such a de cree that when the American Red Crosi rarlved there were many villages with out an animal, and neither sheep nor goats were seen on the hillsides. Today it is not uncommon for an automobile to come to a standstill on the principal streets of Jerusalem to allow a flock of hundreds of sheep and goats to pass by and out in the country the gray hill sides are covered with thousands of these animals. Italy gets a large amoun of her glove material from the kids of Palestine. Whereas much still remains to be done, a great Improvement already has been made in the character of the work animals. The army left behind it tens of thousands of horses, mules and donkeys, but even better than this, th nativea seem to have learned valuable lessons In the care and feeding of stock so that today horses of the public car riages In Jerusalem are far sleeker and finer than ever they were before the war. Farm produce of all kinds brings a much hotter price than formerly, hence the villagers are prosperous and indulge in luxuries undreamed of In pro-war days. The markets fo Jerusalem were never before supplied with such a wealth and variety of delectable articles, and vendors of Ice cream and lemonade A (Continued on Page 6.) IV C.T.U. Farm Home To Have Two Cottages The plan of the Oregon W. C. T. U. for the establishment of a Protestant home for Oregon's dependent children, hich should be all that the words Christian Home" suggest, has seemed to many of ita watchers to move slowly. Launched at a time of unsettled indus trial and commercial conditions and when the unemployment situation eeem-j ed to call for an unusual amount of heritable aid in all directions, it has yet succeeded beyond the hopes of its proponenta. It has always been the pol icy of the W. C. T. U. to look well to foundation work. Because of this it has ucceeded in all its great undertakings, nd its Farm Home, located near the O. C. and with the pledged help of all Its faculty, will be no exception to the rule. At a recent meeting of the board in Portland, the architect's plana for the first two cottages were accepted and the : building committee instructed to pro ceed at once to the erection of both cot tages if possible. Funds are in bank for more than the first one and it is hop ed that enough more will be paid in to warrant the econmoy of constructing both at once. Besides this both boys nd girls are on the "waiting list," and must be seperately housed, so says the Child Welfare commission. In conenction with the board meeting, luncheon was given in honor of A. C. Schmitt, president of the board who has just returned from the East where he went in the interests of the home. He reports that "Mooseheart," near Chica go, housing 1100 children of all ages and operated on identical lines with the one proposed for Oregon, Is an unqualified success. Among the distinguished guests who honored the W. C. T. U. at the lun cheon were Mayor Baker of Portland, President Landers of the State Normal school, Mr. Geo. Ehinger, secretary of the Child Welfare commission, Will Hale, former head of the State Indus trial school, H. Hirschberg, treasurer of the board and Mrs. Stephen A. Lowell of Pendleton. Mrs. Ada Wallace Unruh, financial director, presided. ' Prominent fraternal organizations and the churches are solidly behind the home. HOMEY PHILOSOPHY FOR 1922. The beat way to entertain a man is not to entertain him at all. Don't make yourself a four-flusher by giving him a better dinner than you always have. But give him what you have cheerfully. Then, too, your guest knows you ve got to work for a living and have lots of things to do, so go an' do them, telling your friend to do exactly what most pleases him till ou get finished. Dor't be afraid to say what you think and don't agree if you don't agree, but don't expect your guest to agree with you because you're entertainin' him. Just widen out. Let Jove an' tolerance be King and Queen of the home while the truest is with you, and then maybe you won't be able to throw them out after he gone. E Jark Mulligan to Put In Up-to-Date Block of Instruments. Will Be Loca ted With Hsrwood in I. O. O. F. Build ing. Jack Mulligan, genial Sherman-Clay representative, is busy this week com pleting arrangements for the installa tion of a complete and up-to-date music store in Heppner. He has finished ne gotiations whereby he will be located with F. L. Harwood, jeweler, in the Odd Fellows building, and Mr. Harwood will be associated with him in the new store. The space just in the rear of the jewel ry store is undergoing repairs, and will he refinished and furnished in a very attractive manner. A big stock of sheet music, pianos and phonographs has been ordered and will arrive soon. The opening date will be announced later, it now being expected that everything will be ready by the end of next week. Music is not any more considered a uxury, but has become very much of a necessity to our people, and Heppner is to be congratulated upon having a busi ness of this kind opened here. Mrs. Mary Brown of Condon is here from Yakima. She was accompanied by her daughters, Mrs. Louden and Mrs Morrison of Yakima, and are visiting at the home of R. A. Thompson. FOR SALE 4-burner rJcw Perfection oil stove, with oven. Good as new. In quire this office. Many Famous People At Pendleton Round-Up PKNDLETON, Ore., August 9. The Pendleton Round-Up never fails to at tract many famous people who are among the thousands who see the big show and the 1922 presentation, Septem ber 21, 22 and 23, will be no exception. Ben W. Olcott, governor of Oregon, D. W. Davis, governor of Idaho, Wallace Irwin, Saturday Evening Post writer; George Palmer Putnam, publisher and author; Haywood Broun and Ruth Hale, newspaper and magazine writers; Fred erlck O'Brien, author of "White Shadows the South Seas;" Charles Hanson Towne and Dr. Walter E. Traprock (George Chappell), both noted writers, have made reservations for the three days and other prominent people will be here also. Already the livestock Is being brought to Pendleton in preparation for the stag ing of the world's greatest out-door drama. Two carloads of Mexican long horn atvers, whose chief characteristic is a decided hostility to the world In general, are being shipped to the Round Up city. The animals will without doubt add considerable zest to the events of track and arena and it la probable that a pleasant time will be had by all when the visitors from over the border "meet up" with Round-Up performers, harms of Northwest Attract Many Tourists Over the highways leading into Ore gon, Washington and British Columbia there has been pouring for the last two months a veritable stream of motorists, lured hither by the pictured charms of the Pacific Northwest and by the stories they have seen and heard of the beauties and pleasures of "America's Summer Playground." Cars bearnig the pen nants and license plates of almost every state can be seen by watching any of the principle highwaya for a few hours big cars and little cars, some dust-covered and loaded with camp equipment, others shining and unburdened except for light luggage. Every west-bound transcontinental train and the steamer lines running to the coast ports likewise have been bear ing their crowds of tourist visitors, many of whom have come to the Pacific Northwest to secape the intolerable heat of the inland and southern districts, or who have been eager to spend their va cations among the mountains or along the many water-courses of this wonder land. Reports from various sections of the Pacific Northwest indicate that this tourist travel, both by auto and by rail is much heavier than in any previous year and inquiry among the travelers as to why they chose this for their vacation trip shows that large numbers of them were attracted -by the advertising and publicity campaign of the Pacific North west Tourist association. "A noticeable feature of this year's auto travel," states Frank W. Gullbert, of Spokane, one of the most active good roads enthusiasts of this district and a recognized authority on auto travel, "is the high class of the people who are mo toring to the Pacific Northwest this sea son. They seem to have more money and a larger percentage of them are stopping at hotels." Inquiries about touring conditions continue to pour into the office of the Pacific Northwest Tourist association from all sections of the country, and even from foreign lands. One corres pondent from Forfar, Scotland, has just written: "I have just read in the New York Tribune, copies of which relatives in the United States are kind enough to send me regularly, your splendid adver tisements of the Pacific Northwest" and asks particularly for literature partic ularly the booklet on "golfing." Incendiary Fire Destroys 973 Sacks Threshed Grain Fire of an incendiary origin destroyed threshed wheat at seven settings on the W. B. Finley place, north of Lexington Sunday night, the property of Messrs. Duvall & Norton, lessees of the place. It is estimated that 973 Backs of threshed grain are totally destroyed. The grain had just been threshed at the seven settings and the machine had moved to the eighth setting in another part of the field. The method of cutting and threshing was followed and there wns no grain in the stack to be burned, but the sack piles being close to the straw it was not difficult to produce fire enough to destroy the grain. There is no doubt in the minds of the officers that the fire was the work of an incendiary, as the footprints leading from one setting to the other were very visible Monday morning when Sheriff McDufTeo visited the Finlejr place, but just who the party or parties could be the renters of the farm have no Idea, not being aware that they had enemies In the country who would be so mean as to do them injury in this manner. The loss is partially covered by in surance, but there will be no salvage of the seven settings of grain. Cy Bingham, sheriff of Grant county, spent a short time in Heppner Friday, while on his way to Idaho where he will spend his vacation. His visit to Hepp ner was for the purpose of obtaining information about a Morrow county man who is in jail at Canyon City for passing bad checks, CANNNING PEACHES FOR SALE Early Crawfords, Elbertai, Orange Clings, and Salways; 75c to (1,25 per box. Early Crawfords are ready now. A. E, Anderson, R, I, The Dalles, Ore, DESERTED Enthusiasm Runs High at Meeting Last Evening. Committee on Arrangements Reports $1250 Available to Start Ball Rolling, and Givem Fult Charge to "Put It Over." "If they tell us to go ahead, well put it over," said C. W. McNamer, chairman of committee on arrangements. "You bet!" asserted L. V. Ger.try, fel low committeeman. This ia the spirit shown by the men given full charge to carry bat the detail work of the local round-up to be held the last three days in September, or near that date. Funds to the amount of $1070 have already been subscribed and Mr. McNamer said without hesitancy that $1250 would be available aa a working fund to start on. C. W. McNamer, L. V. Gentry and C. H. Latourell, the committee on arrange-1 nients, waa retained as a committee to manage the detail work of putting on the show, at the meeting last evening. It was the opinion of Frank Gilliam, who made the motion for their reten tion, that these men were doing mighty good work and ought to be allowed to go through with it, and not be handicapped by any more committees. This spirit was unanimously sustained and all pre sent promised their loyal support. "We intend for this to be a Morrow county get-to-gether and not just a Heppner bucking show," said Mr. Gen try. Alhtough the men in charge had not yet thought of a name for it they promised they would have an appropri ate one in a few days. As aoon as a name is given it and a date set all Mor row county and neighboring counties will be told about the show good and strong and a great incentive given them to attend. Heppner is blessed with a natural am- pitheater in which the round-up will be staged. A quarter-mile race track in closing a good tough turf for the buck ing contests and stunts will be put in first class shape immediately, and bleachers and grandstand erected where everyone will have an excellent view of the performance. It is the plan of those in charge to have a system whereby there will be something doing every min ute, and no lapse between numbers. The pavilions at the fair grounds will be obtained for dancing in the evening and other things which the committee have in mind, which will be made known later. Concessions will be made at the grounds, and here visitors will be royal ly entertained during the evening hours, people attending the show will have plenty of entertainment all the time, say the men in charge, and they don't intend for things to slack up a minute. A good bnnd will be on hand to furnish music and it is planned to have outside amuse ments sufficient to satisfy all wants. Close management is the aim of the committee. J, J. Nys, local attorney, has donated his services as secretary-treas urer, and Chairman McNamer said that whether the show paid out or went be hind there would be a set of books to show for it. They have no intention of going behind, however, and if they re ceive the support of the community, of which indications are favorable, they believe they can put it over big. Chairman McNamer haa given Mr. Latourell charge of concessions and Mr. Gentry charge of field operations. Former Heppner Boy m i r i ,d Married in rortlam John N. Elder, former local boy and graduate of Heppner high school, was married in Portland Tuesday afternoon. The bride was Miss Louise Nelson, a teacher In the Silverton, Ore., schools. The ceremony was performed at the Methodist Church First, by Rev. John H. McDonald. The newlyweds will make their home In Silverton for the present. It was feared that Mr. Elder had been killed in an accident near Creswell last week, but It was later learned that the accident victim was another John Elder, a hotel man at Moslor, 65 years of age. Naturally John's Heppner friends were very much pleased to find their mistake. Western Larch Source of Fuel For Flivvers Western larch has been found by gov ernment forest experts to be one of the most valuable sources for motor fuel. This announcement has just been received at the Portland office of the Forest Service from the Forest Products laboratory of the U. S. Forest Service at Madison, Wis., where experiments have been carried on for some time. This should be of particular interest to lum bermen of the Northwest, for according to Forest Service estimates, the National Forests alone in Oregon contain 2,835, 000,000 ft. B. M. of western larch while the National Forests of the state of Washington contain 1,550,000,000 ft. of thia species, or a total of over 4 billion feet for National Forest areas alone in these two states. Forest experts say that "experimental fermentations of sugars obtained from western larch indicate that this wood is one of the most valuable sources of ethyl alcohol. By a careful regulation of temperature and acidity and by find ing the proper yeast, the Forest Pro ducts laboratory has succeeded in con verting into alcohol not only the sugars obtained from a hydolysis of the cellu lose but also a large proportion of the galactose sugar obtained from the ga- lactan in the wood. The above, to the every day American, means that some day he may get ethyl alcohol from western larch to run his flivver with, for the total alcohol yield obtainable from western larch has been found to be at least 33 gallons per ton of dry wood, or almost 10 gallons per ton more than that of any other wood studied. The production of ethyl alcohol from any source is of particular importance in view of the impending shortage of motor fuel; and the fact that western larch is so productive a source of this material is of especial interest to the Pacific coast lumber industry since it affords a means of utilizing not only the waste but also the large quantities of butt logs of high galactan content now left in the wood. Forest officers believe that the paper industry should also be interested in the fact that galactose from larch can be fermented, for by ex tracting galactan from larch chips be fore pulping, a quantity of sugar easily converted into ethyl alcohol can be ob tained. Takes Over Case Bus and Transfer Business William M. Kirk took over the Case Bus and Transfer business on Monday and hereafter the same will be operated by him. The deal was made during the past week, and Mr. Kirk has moved to town from Eight Mile, where he has been farming for the past couple of years. Don Case contemplates leaving Hcnpner the latter part of the month going to Seattle to enter school for th coming year. UNAFRAID. "This is a nice canoe, isn't it, Maud?" said the tall, dark, young man. "Very nice indeed, Charlie," replied the pretty girl sitting in the stern. "There's just one objection to it," said the young man. "Indeed! And what is that " she asked. "Oh well, you see, if you try to kiss a girl in this canoe there's great danger of upsetting it, and then both the I el low and the girl would be thrown into the river." "Oh, indeed!" said the girl reflective ly. And she sat slient for a while. At length she remarked softly: "Charlie I can swim." London Tit-Bits. GETTING HER HAND IN. In New Hampshire they tell a story of a very parsimonious man whose wife had alwaya experienced great difficulty in inducing him to part with any change. One day she followed him to the door mil quietly asked: "Henry, can't you let me have $10? I wont to" "There you go again," exclaimed Hen ry. "It's always money, money, money! When I am dead you will probably have to beg it." "Well," said the wife, "I shall be a whole lot better off than some poor wo men who have never had any practice." I Harpers Magazine. Bishop R. L Paddock Says He Will Quit Head of Eastern Oregon Diocese of Episcopalian Chares Sayi Heart Is Broken. (Morning Oregonian, Aug. 8.) HOOD RIVER, Or., Aug. 7. In pri vate letter to friends here Right Rev. R. L. Paddock, bishop of the eastern Oregon diocese of the Episcopalian church, who is facing charges of dis loyalty because of alleged failure to wear church robes at services, haa an nounced that he will tender his resigna tion at the convention of the ehurch in Portland in September. He has declar ed his health is broken by a nervous breakdown. In a letter to an old fnend and neighbor, Captain C. A. Schetky, Bishop Padock said: "I have always looked upon eastern Oregon as a beloved child. These charges have broken my heart." Bishop Paddock, who made Hood Riv er his home, stands in the highest es teem among Episcopalians and the gen eral public here. News of the charges aguinst him created general discussion today, and numeroua expressions of re gret were heard. 'Bishop Paddock," said R. B. Bennett, member of the bishop's committee of St. Mark's church here, "has been the life of the church in our district. He has been performing a great work in east ern Oregon, and we resent these charges, ao obviously trivial, which, nev ertheless, have demanded so much of his time and attention the last year, that they have broken his health," Report of County Nurse For the Month of July Number of eases cared for, 26; num ber of calls made: investigative 10, in structive 23, nursing care 30, miscellan eous 18; total calls made 81. Services rendered to: county court 2; county physician 3. Number of office hours kept, 22; num ber of office calls, 12; number of com mittee meetings, 1; number of talks giv en, 6; number of letters written, 48; so cial service cases cared for, 3. Dr. Johnston of Arlington who makes regular trips to Boardman, kindly con sented to hold a free clinic in that town on July 26th to diagnose the school chil dren. Twenty-one attended, accompanied by their mother or father, and twelve were found to be badly in need of medical attention and more need to be closely watched. MRS. JOHNSON, County Nurse. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Wilson of Pen dleton came in Sunday evening for a short visit with Mr. Wilson's parents in this city. Otto Robinette was in Heppner for a short time yesterday. ICE IS Railway Age Pointa Out Facts Regard ing Coal Situation and Shows Rail roads Will Not Be Responsible. CHICAGO, Aug. 9. Certain spokes men for coal operators are already at tempting to place the blame for the coal shortage that is sure to come upon the country's railroads, the Railway Age poinst out in a leading article. "There is going to be a coal shortage," says the Railway Age, "there can be no possible question about that now. It will come no matter how soon the coal strike is ended; in fact it is already here in some parts of the country. The only question is how serious it will be come. "It has been the custom of certain spokesmen of the coal operators when a coal shortage existed or was threatened, to try to put all the responsibility for it upon failure of the railways to move all the coal offered them. They even did this after the great coal strike in November and December, 1919. They are starting to do it again. "The strike on the coal mines began on April 1. Up to that date there had been produced by the mines and moved by the railroads thia year 129,300.000 tons ot bituminous coal. This was 28,- 600,000 tons more than in the same per iod in 1921. In the four weeks before the coal strike the average tonnage of bituminous coal moved by the railway was 10,714,000 tons. If the railways had been given opportunity to move coal at that rate until their own strike began on July 1, there would not now be any danger of a coal shortage. "If the coal strike should end today the railways could immediately increase by 100 to 150 per cent the amount of coal they are transporting regardless of the shop employes strike. That would not be sufficient to offset the effects al ready produced by the coal strike, but it would be sufficient to meet all the country's really pressing needs for fuel except possibly in the Northwest. "If there is any industry in this coun try which would be justified in denoune ing the coal strike and its results and everybody responsible for it it is the railroad industry. The railroads will have their traffic demoralised by it and because they are the largest consumers of coal will have their operating expen ses increased more by it than any other industry. "So far as we know, no criticism of the coal operators because the coal strike prevented the production and transportation of 81,000,000 tons of coal in the first thirteen weeks it waa in ef fect has yet come from any railroad source, although it would have been easy to have found grounds for such criti cism. The coal industry will be well advised if it Influences those who speak for it to be as reserved In what they say about transportation conditions in fu ture as persona connected with the rail ways have been in what they have said recently about conditions in the coal mining industry. Jl SETTLEB AT HEPPNER Death Cones Peacefully to Pioneer Bas inets Man of This Cltr-Csnj Bete Spring of 1882, Was Penaaaent Reel dent for 4 Tears. John B. Natter passed away at his home in Heppner at 10 o'clock p. m, Fri day, August 4. Mr. Natter had only been bed fast for about ten days, and many of hia friends in this city, though knowing that he waa failing fast th past few months, were not fully appris ed of bis serious condition and the an nouncement of hia death cam aa a sur prise to them. Just two weeks before be hsd been able to be on th streets, and walked down to th barber shop for a shave. Death came peacefully and without a struggle after a long deep sleep into which he fell Friday morning. The excessive heat of th last few weeks had apparently had a very depressing effect on him and he was weakened much by it. John Baptist Natter was born in Mel lau, Tyrol, Austria, June 27, 1836, and died in Heppner, Oregon, August 4, 1922, sged 87 yeara, one month and 8 days. He came to the United States at the age of 19 yeara, making his first settlement at Galena, Illinois, where h remained for five yeara. In 1859 he pro ceeded by the way of the Isthmus of Panama to California, coming to Ore gon in 1868 and residing in different portions of the state since, living for a time at Portland, Albany and Pendle ton before coming to Heppner, where he has made his home for th past forty years, arriving her in th spring of 1882. Mr. Natter engaged in lusinesa in thia city continuously for a great many years and accumulated a comfortable compe tence. For long years he waa promi nent in the affairs of the First National bank as director and rice-president, on ly resigning th latter position a short time ago on account of failing health. He retired from other active business pursuits about twenty yeara ago but was always looked upon aa one of the moat substantial nusinesa men of th county and had formed strong friendships among the people with whom he associa ted for the greater portion of hia active business life. He was a member of Hepp ner Lodge No. 358, B. P. O. E. with which order he 'as affiliated a good many years ago. On February 5, 1876 Mr. Natter was united in marriage to Anna Mathilda Meinert. To thia union twin sons war horn, both of whom are deceased, Joseph passing away in infancy and Frak at the age of 28 yeara. He ia survived by his widow, Anna at. Natter and a niece. Katie Meinert. Funeral services were held on th lawn at the residence on Sunday after noon at 2:00, Rev. Gallagher, pastor of the Congregational church at Lexington, delivering the address, and burial was in the family plot at Masonic cemetery under the auspices of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. , 127,000 ACRES THROWN OPEN BY GOVERNMENT Spokane, Wash- Aug. 9. The govern ment has thrown open 127,000 acres in the Colville reservation, familiarly known as "the south half." On thia land soldiers and sailors may file at once and the remainder of the public after August 8. Also, th government has withdrawn from mineral classification 20,000 acres in the same region that haa been opened for homesteading. On this land, soldiers and sailors will have pre ference up to November 18, and after that the public. The 20,000- acres ia said to be the best on th reservation. The entire 147,000 acres opened for set tlement is in the reservation. The value of the land is appraised after the filing. The appraisals will range from 25 cents to 3 an acre and average about $1. Newsy Forest Notes of Gurdane District The Gurdane Base Line trail has been completed to Brown prairie making a completed trail for nearly nine miles. The brush is being piled and will be burnt as soon as the weather conditions mske it safe. The entire trail has been constructed on a grade that may be followed should the trail later be widen ed into a road and graded for ears and at the same time has closely followed section lines. A new lookout station has been erect ed upon the top of Arbuckl mountain. The station consists of a platform seven and a half feet square enclosed by a railing placed in the top of a large fir tree. The platform is ninety feet from the ground and is supported in the tree by a steel crow's nest frame. A new fire tinder has been placed. Homer Landers is the lookout man at Arbuckle and ia much pleased with his new quarters except when a strong wind sweeps across the top of the mountain. A band of sheep belonging to Guy Boyer of Heppner recently piled in the Rush creek region and sixty-three were killed. Several fire alarms had th forest of ficers of the district on bora back sev eral times last week. Two of the alarms proved genuine. A small fire was discov ered and suppressed about two miles southwest of the Gurdane sawmill, th other was on th west side of the Pot amus below Brush creek. Both fires were caused by lightning. It is planned to begin work on a new telephone line to extend from Ellis Ranger station into the southern part of the district. A new administrative site will be laid out, probably on lower Mat lock creek, and a horse pasture fenced. This improvement will greatly facilitate the administrative work of th district and will be a valuable link in th fir control system. Ed Keller's blacksmlthing department at the Scrivner shop Is being improved this week by the installation of a new floor.