The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, August 03, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Poem by
Start at thc bottom
: -c
fnck lohn
Marble and Granite
Fine Monument and Cemetery Work
All parties interested in getting work in my line
should get my prices and estimates before
placing their orders
All Work Guaranteed
One Saraztn, of
Pittsburgh, P not
yet 21 year old, s
the new open golf
champion of the
United State. Foar
years go he was I
caddy. He played 72
holes in 2S3 strokes
to win his laurels in
the national tourney
at Glencoe, III.
The Byers Chop Mill
(Formerly CHEMPP9 MILL)
After the '20th of September will handle Gasoline, Coal
Oil and Lubricating Oil
You Will Find Prompt and Satisfactory Service Here
Pioneer Employment Co.
With Two Big Offices
Is prepared to handle the business of
Eastern Oregon better than ever before
Our Specialties
Farms, Mills, Camps, Hotels, Garages, Etc.
Community Service
National Marine League
Head Points Out Import
ance of Co-operation.
Pertlaas Otaee
U H. iro4 it.
Ptadlctra OMcm
11 m, Wckk .
The Only Employment Office in Eastern Oregon with Connections in Portland
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiH
I Lexington, Ore.
1 Box 14
Uses up-to-date traction drilling outfit, equipped for
all sizes of hole and depths.
fin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiii 5
OU Have been walking in the
sunny fields of prosperity. Life
seems secure. Youth and
strength are careless and forgetful. You
have spent money as you have earned it.
Suddenly a flood of hard luck t
comes rolling toward you.
Will you be overwhelmed by it
Dollars deposited in this
bank draw interest at 4 per
cent They are safe dol
lars buiy dollars. A small
bank account serves as an
Incentive to save, Bare, Sara
If you have only a small
sum put aside, deposit it
with us today. All large
fortunes had small begin
nings. The biographies of all rich
men start with their first
bank account.
Shipping Interests Need the
Votes of Agricultur
ists to Win Battle.
By P. H. W. ROSS.
Editor's Note. P. H. W. Ross is the
nresident of the National Marine League
As chief of that body his interests have
led him to an exhaustive investigation
of every phase of American industrial
life and the results of that investigation
have further led him to the fixed belief
that the prosperity of America in the fu
ture must rest largely witn tne degree
of co-operation that will exist between
all forms of production in their Boost
ing of "American Ships for American
Goods." a slogan that means more than
it says for it is only by active ship build
ing, he thinks, that there will be shins
under any flag to give the required
means of transportation to our ever-in
creasing exportation!.
First The interests of the farmers
are bound up with those of the manu
facturer to a greater extent than is gen
erally understood. In fact, they are in
the same boat and must sink or swim
together. Whenever a carload of ma
chinery or a crate of shoes is marketed
abroad, the farmers' product has been
marketed with it
For instance: The greatest obstacle
to prosperity for a farmer is the cost
of the transportation of his products.
The more that costs the less he gets. It
may be stated broadly that it hardly
ever pays a farmer to market this pro
duct in its raw condition.
I used to raise hay in the State of
Washington. The cost of transportation
was so great that we could not anora to
bale the hay and ship it by railroad to
market, except in the case of extra ian
cy timothy, and even then it had to be
double compressed for the special Alas
ka trade; consequently we had to em
ploy the services of a manufacturer, and
the first to handle was the cow. We fed
our hay to the cow who manufactured it
into milk which, after being shaken up a
bit, turned into butter, and then we did
come out ahead, because the freight on
butter in proportion to its value was
much less than the freight on grain, hay
or the average mixed grades of timothy
and alfalfa.
We next found that the man was a
much more profitable manufacturer for
us even than the cow, and so we fed the
man with out products and he in turn
produced many things much more valu
able than butter, and thus we found that
the most profitable investment for the
armer was the industrial capacity 01
the intelligent working man.
Interests Are Joined.
I have gone into these extremely sim
ple details to show how the sale of every
nound of manufactured product of any
description is really the ultimate sale of
some farm product, ana just as n was
absolutely imperative to our interests
that our manufacturing allies, the cow,
the sheep, the ox, the pig and the hen
should be kept in first class condition,
kept calm, productive and contented, so
in the larger fields of feeding humanity
we speedily found that the welfare of
the manufacturing communities waa ex
actly identical with our own.
In other words the existence of a pros
perous, farm-product-consuming indus
trial population resident as close as pos
sible to our farming regions, was the
most valuable asset that we could possi
bly have.
We then discovered that unless the in
dustrial workers could market their
product, our prosperity would vanish be
cause then we were forced to pay trans
portation charges for long distances on
larger proportion of our agricultural
output and consequently received small
er net returns, than if we could dispose
of our product to nearby consumers.
This was especially the case with re
gard to the largest and most productive
farming region in the world, to-wit:
The eight states of Ohio, Indiana, Ill
inois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minne
sota and Missouri, all of which are far
thest away from tidewater and world
markets, than in other considerable far-
mine area in the United States.
Fortunately these eight states also
constituted the greatest industrial re
gion in the world, and so we were all
r eht so lone as we could sen the great
er part of our farm produce to the in
dustrial population resident within
those eight states. But as soon as the
industrial products of those eight states
were not freely marketed, we found that
Datato Girl Now Mistress
of Famous Fortune
our own local market was restricted and
that we were forced to pay transporta
tion charges on our own agricultural
products for vast distances, and that our
profits were all eaten up Dy tne cnargea.
And thus it came about that from
purely selfish reasons, if no other, a
slackening up of the sale of structural
steel hurt us just as badly as a slump in
the sale of butter did in former years.
Should Be Interested.
I want to emphasize the fact that the
farmers of America are directly, and I
hope, intelligently interested in the mar
keting' of every form and variety of Am
erican manufactured products, realising
that after all it is only another phase of
the sale of agricultural products.
The farmers of America also appre
ciate the fact that, now we are a cred
itor nation, we are compelled to sell our
manufactured products more than ever
before in foreign markets. We also un
derstand that since we cannot reach any
foreign country excepting Canada and
Mexico by land transportation, it is ab
solutely necessary to employ American
Hence is follows that our interest in
the shipping question is no longer va
guely sympathetic or a matter of pa
triotism or of argument, but that it is a
question of life or death to American
business prosperity.
The maintenance of the American
home and fireside is dependent upon reg
ularity of employment, which cannot be
maintained unless there is regularity of
sale of American products, whether ag
ricultural or manufactured. These are
the reasons why the manufacturing and
shipping interests of America can de
pend upon the voting strength and sup
port of the farming interests of the
country, and this interest and support
will be greater in exact proportion to
the distance of agricultural regions
from tidewater, becauso it is the cost of
transportation of farm products from
the farm to the consumer and the ability
of the nearby consumer to purchase the
farm products that settles the whole
question as to whether it is worth while
to be a farmer or not.
Each day abounds in mystery to tax
the thoughtful mind, and add its bit of
history to the lore of human kind. . . .
Each problem up for solving demands a
potent skill, and keeps the wheels re
volving in life's perpetual mill. . . .
To me the unsolved question is ever
as before; dumbfounds with its inges
tion bewilders more and more. ... I
grope amid its fastness, and tremble at
its frown. ... I marvel at its vastness
no soul can put it down!
The question I refer to, is of the "un
employed." . . . The ones a job is dear
"STl rnnrcTDV CdD ninDTU
vn irunuini runuunin
J. t,.-' M
to but seldom is enjoyed. . . .They ery
aloud to Vulcan, and Agricola's King
they crave to strike a welkin which
never seems to ring!
My soul is wrapped in wonder. It is,
so help me Mikel 1 have to work like
thunder I aint got time to atrikel The
ardent prayer for leisure is ever on my
mind. ... I'd pour out all my treasure,
for a job I couldn t find.
Mrs. Alice Sinclaire, former musical
comedy actress, who was born and rais
ed in the Dakotas, is now Mrs. George
J. Gould, New York banker and railroad
man. They were married secretly In
May and are now touring Europe. The
first Mrs. Gould died last November.
Col. W. B. Greely, chief forester
the forest service, is spending a few
days in the Northwest, having completed
inspection tour of the western na
tional forest districts beginning in May.
He will deliver several addresses while
in Portland at various meetings of lum
bermen of the northwest.
Col Greeley while In Portland gave
out the following statement:
"The sawmills of the country are mov
nig over the plains to the Pacific coast
pretty rapidly. The last summer census
made by thc forest service shows that
the lumber cut has dropped off in all
eastern states and increased in all the
western states. The big southern pine
country, which has hitherto been a great
competitor of the northwest, is dropping
off as a lumber producer and in the
meantime shipments htrough the Pan
ama canal from the Columbia river, Pu
get Sound and Grays Harbor ports are
increasing very rapidly. Shipment of
lumber through the canal in 1921 ex
ceeded 190 million feet and charters al
ready held for 1922 exceed 500 million
feet, indicating that the west coast tim
ber is very rapidly becoming an import
ant factor in the eastern lumber market.
The lumber census referred to above,
put Oregon second, with Washington
first, as s lumber manufacturing center;
Oregon has nosed out Louisiana, which
for a long time held second place. This
is indicative of just what has taken
place sawmills are moving from the
South to the West. This industry means
more in the long run to Oregon than
any other state, as it has larger forest
resources than any other in the coun
try. Oregon and Washington are going
to witness within the next ten years or
so a tremendous increase in lumber pro
duction to supply the lumber markets
of the Eastern and Central states where
the local supply of timber is rapidly
diminishing. I
"This will increase heavily the busi
ness on the national forests ana put i
very heavy demands upon tne forest
service to meet the increased cut and
carry out the principle of keepnig the
cut from each locality within the grow
ing power of the forests so aa to keep
the industry perpetual.
"Over two-thirds of all the timber the
country has left is west of the Rocky
mountains, either in the western states
or Alaska, and the thing we are driving
away on is that when forest industry
comes out here to keep it just as per
manent as possible. Go into every big
forest region of the East now-a-days and
you don't find very much but cut-over
land, more or less barren, a great many
abandoned mill towns, a great many
abandoned sawdust piles, and a large
part of the population gone too, except
where there are large areas of agrciul
tural lands. We don't want to see that
process repeated out here; i wtould be
a very unfortunate thing for the western
states to just eat up their virgin timber
resources and leave nothing in its place.
As far as the nation laforests are con
cerned, we are going just as far as we
can to keep the supply of timber per
"And we cannot keep the timber sup
ply perpetual unless forest fires are pre
vented. The protective organisation of
our forests must be increased in order
to adequately protect our forests. This
year we received pretty good recogni
tion from congress considering the ne
cessity for economy, but still we are
not giving the public resources out here,
the national forests, the degree of pro
tection htey ought to have; we are mak
ing it a little better every year just as
fast as we can get the resources to do
it with. But the forest service, the
states, and the private owners can't pre
vent the forest from burning up unless
the public, the users of the forests, real
izes its responsibility and docs its share
by being careful with fire in the woods.
"I would like to see permanent pro
vision made for airplanes for assistance
in protecting the national forests, but
only as a suplementary form of protec
tion. They cannot take the place in our
organization of lookouts and guards on
the ground. Airplanes are very valu
able, particularly when you have smoke
conditions and for fires that cannot be
exactly located.
Oregon Teacher Picks
On Smaller Schools
Realizea Opportunity to Do Greater Ser
vice With Fewer Numbers. Helps
Community Life.
July 31. A teacher who picks the Hniill
est communities she c i get such in
anomaly is Miss Margaret V. Thomas,
now a student in the University of Ore
gon summer session. Miss Thomas never
tries for a big school; she selects the
smaller places from choice, realizing an
opportunity to do a great deal besides
simply teach the school subjects.
Miss Thomas' outfit includes steropu-
con slides and a carbide generator, and
an occasional motion-picture film Is
"We produce the 'movies in the dark
ened schoolhouse," Miss Thomas ex
plains, " and a victrola plays between
the pictures while we ventilate tne room.
They are happy to be allowed to run the
victrola or even open the windows."
Not only does Miss Thomas take the
slides to those people who are far from
cities and towns of any size, but after
making them interested in doing things
a community scale she orgsnizes
children and adults into groups and
manages basket socials, picnics, plays
all with the intention of helping them
raise the funds which enable them to
bring in slides more often.
"They are so responsive," she said.
"If you love them and do things for
them, they will love you almost to
death. And those children are not fed up
on city movies; they get a good deal out
of the university films.
"The people in the small settlements
are pioneers; their children are the
children of pioneers, and are the finest
in the country. They deserve the best
the state has to offer."
Miss Thomas has used the industrial
films most, also the geographic and his
torical. Her whole aim is to stimulate
community life in the smallest places
and to add to the sum total of happiness.
She taught last year at lleceta, a lonely
spot on the Oregon coast, and next year
she will be near Reedsport.
Fame is a wonderful thing. Think of
the bird that first conceived the notion
of starting a fire to keep warm before
there was any fire. You know his name,
of course. Then there was the boy who
eally owns all the gold in the world,
the fellow who looked at a mountain,
saw there was some stone in it, dug up
the stone, saw there was metal in the
stone and figured out how to get the
metal out of the stone. You remember
who he was, too. And the other boy,
what's his name the chap that fixed
out words that carried meaning, and
spoke them to the rest of the gang so
they could converse? Everybody knows
who he was. There's no use talkin'. Its
very important to get your name in the
paper an' get a reputation.
nnmr hen cackung go get the
fjs O rl MOW WE'LL GO 'O?
4 -&
(50.00 REWARD is offered to anyone
who finds this horse: A sorrel gelding
with a roached mane; white stripes in
face; stands well up; weight 1600 to
1600; 9 years old; no brand. Notify C.
R. Tyson, Wallula, Wash.
It pays to buy good lubricating oils.
Valvoline and Havoline oils at Peoples
Hardware Company. tf.
it. -
For Sale Tent, 16x24 and fly. In
quire C. Uarbee, O.-W. depot, Heppner.
Bobby Goelet, son of Robert Walton
Goelct, of New York is first heir to the
famous Goelet fortune, which is estima
ted at $100,000,000, making him the weal
hticst baby in the world.
Churchless Children
There are twenty-five million boys
and girls outside of the Sunday
School in this country. Every child in
America should be in some Sunday
School every Sunday morning. Every
child should be accompanied to Sun
day School by his parents.
The mother who doesn't bring her
child into the world dedicated to God
has committed a crime against the
child. The father who doesn't lead
his child to the altar of worship, rev
erence, and devotion has committed a
crime against his child and against
society; for he has left out of the
child's training the greatest factor.
Parents who refuse to bring their
children to church, and who refuse to
allow their children to unite with the
church and become devout Christian
workers are stumbling blocks; they
are curses to their children.
There is but one remedy for the
condition in this country, and that is
salvation by Jesus Christ. There is
but one place in which that salvation
can be found, and that is in God's in
fallible Word. There is but one in
stitution authorized to teach that
Word, namely the orthodox Christian
Every child should be in Sunday
School and in the church pew on Sun
day morning sitting beside his par
ents. Children are never too young to be
saved, but if they are neglected and
grow to be old in sin and crime. It
ened in sin they may become too old
to be saved. It is extremely expensive
to the government for a child to
grow to be old in sin and crmle. It
costs millions to save an old man
from the error of his way. A child
can be saved at the threshold of
childhood and thus save his soul and
society untold expense.
The father who uses his automobile
on Sunday to take his child away
from the church not only breaks the
Ten Commandments, but he is a
curse to the child and a menace to
this government.
The father who spends his Sunday
on the golf links is a fraud so far as
a religious influence is concerned,
and he is a menace to the spiritual
development of hia child.
It is the business of the father to
be in the Sunday School with hia
child, and it is the business of the
child to be In the church pew by tha
side of his father.
Why do people neglect to bring
their children to Christ and into tha
church? Such parents and auch ne
glect are bringing untold Borrow and
expense and reflection upon thia
country. The juvenile courts and tha
penal institutions are full of the
children who coma from auch homes.
Parents, you are either a curse or a
blessing to your children. If you
neglect your Sunday duty you are a
curse to them. Children ought to be
In the Sunday School and church if
the nation is to be saved.