Orceon rhrur,! Society, Public AuJii-vwrn The GazettoTim PUBLISHED WEEKLY AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF MORROW COUNTY Volume 39, Number 15. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 1922. Subscription $2.00 Per Year PL1TI1 OF una Fearing He May Not B Fully Under stood, Lexington Farmer Addi to Com munication of Laat Weelu No Deaire to Be Taken for Knocker. Lexington, July 17. Editor Gaiette Times: My attention having been called to the fact that parta of my report on the annual meeting of the Wheat Grow er! association, published in your paper of last week, might be misconstrued, and considered a disparagement on the prin ciples of the association, I wish to ex plain more fully somt things which might lead some who have not gone deeply into ita principles to feel thst I am knocking. The loss at Condon I mentioned mere ly as an item of the report, it never hav ing occurred to me that others might consider the loss due to lack of judg ment on the part of the board instead of an unforseen accident, until suggest ed to me by Mr. C. A. Barnes, who, by the way, is our very able and efficient fieldman. In regard to the item concerning Mr. Nelson, he was chosen as Sales Manager at, I believe, $15,000 per year. As he did not appear to be the man for the position, he was dismissed at the expiration of six months. He is now suing the association for six months sal ary, having been paid for the time he served. It would appear at present that the management was merely mistaken in its judgment of the man. If the suit should be lost to Mr. Nel son I should consider the management to have been careless in the matter of its contract with him. That point re mains to be proven. As for knocking the association, there is not a man in Morrow county who believes in its prin ciples and power for the good of the far mers more than I, nor one who has worked harder from the very beginning to make this a success and I still think that the association is the farmers sal vation, under proper management and my object in writing that article was not to hinder organisation but to awak en the farmers to the fact that they have a big business ahead of them as a whole and each individual must work for his own Interests and ultimately for the interest of all. If the association should fail, which I sincerely hope it will not, it will not be the fault of the association but the fault of the farmers themselves, many of whom are doing as they have always been accustomed to doing, sitting disin terestedly back and. allowing any one, who will, take up their business and run it for them. To prove that I will state that In Mor row county for the year ending June 1st. 1922, there were 174 signed con .tracts and only 93 votes cast In the election. The association is a decided success in California, the ralsia growers having the greatest success as they are under better management. If it will help them why not us? But unless every farmer gets in and pushes, his association will come tumb ling about his ears and conditions will be worse, if possible, than before. Farmers come to lifel Attend to the business of your association as well as your farm, demand your rights, ade- quate representation and all that goes with it, and In that way keep out of th clutches of the speculators, bankers, and loan sharks who have been your undoing in the past. Organiiel Push and pull all together, for this way lies your salvation. JOE DEVINE, Are Visiting Here from California. ' Charley Brown, accompanied by his daughters, Miss Mollis and Miss Carolyn and his son Honry, arrived at Hcppner Tuesday from Walla Walla, where they have been visiting for a few weeks. They are on their summer vacation from their home at Redlands, California, and will spend a week or more visiting with friends at Heppner, expecting to return to Walla Walla and spend the remain der of the summer. Mr. Brown was for merly engaged In farming quite exten sively In this county, owning a fine place in Blackhorse, a few miles north of this city. lie retired from farming several years ago, and is now nicely located in a fine home at Redlands, where he and his family are enjoying life to the full They are always glad, however, to meet all the old friends at Heppner. HOMEY PH:LOSOPHY FOR 1922, Here was young Jim Jones just went into his back garden to see how his grape vines wero coming along, and ev- ery one of them was dead not a leaf in sight. He was sure he had doped the whole thing out so he would have a wonderful grape juice crop this year. He got the finest vines, planted them with the greatest care, and then gave them a dose of manure he was sure would make them come up great. In the winter months he dug around them, and gave them more manure to keep them going through the cold spell. "Burned up," remarked old Jake when he saw them. "Ain't nothln' bettor'n manure, but too much kills. Plants are like hu mans. Grapes most of all grow best when they have to fight, and don t get rich food too easy. TABLE MANNERS.' A Texas father was dining with hi son in a Texas hotel, and in the course of dinner the son got into an argumen with a cowboy. The cowboy called the son an offensive name, and the young fellow grabbed his knife In his fist and started around the table to be avenged. But his father seised him by the coat' tails. "Ain't ye got no tublo manners?" th old man hissed. "But, pop, ye hcercd what he called me, didn't yeY" "Yes, I heered all right, but that aln no ground for yer forgettln' yer table manners. Put down that there knife and go at him with yer fork." Delinea. tor. Rev. C. W. Dubois will hold Bervices at the Episcopal church on Sunday, both morning and evening. Health Clinic Shows Children's Defects Oat of 118 Examinations it Pendleton Meeting 108 Dental Case Wen Found. Out of 118 school children examined n a health clinic arranged in Pendleton by Mrs. Edith Van Deusen, home dem onstration agent, 108 were found to be in need of dental attention and many other physical defects were brought to light Physical examinations were con ducted by a local physician, a Hermiston dentist, and a Portland specialist on eye, ear, nose and throat. The Umatilla County Home Bureau cooperated in making arrangements for this work. Fifty-four cases of enlarged or dis eased tonsils were found; thirty-two children had faulty posture; eleven had dei'vtiro eye-sight; four had ear trou ble; and sixty-eight were more than two pounds underweight. On the basis of the findings of this conference Mrs. Van Deusen will un dertake nutrition follow-up work with no parents of the children examined. O. A. C. Extension Service News. Willow Creek Road Started. The Oregon-Washington highway along Willow creek in Gilliam county which has been held up so long on ac count of trouble in obtaining right of way and then again on account of the decision of the courts that Market road money could not be used in the building of a designated trunk highway is at last under way. The contractors are moving their equipment on to the job this week and the grading work will be started within the next few days. The Warren Construction company have the contract for both grading and graveling and engineer Smith who ha3 had charge of the work on the Oregon- Washington highway in Morrow county will be the engineer on the Gilliam county section also. The highway commission is calling for bids for constructing several bridges on the Gilliam county section of the O.- W. and owing to the habit of Willow creek to change its course so frequently the commission has decided to put in pile driven bridges. Arlington Bulletin. I. R. Clabough returned the end of the week from Portland, where he has been for some time with Mrs. Clabough, now confined in a hospital there, recov ering from the effects of a serious oper ation which she underwent recently. Appeals Will Be Taken In John Day District Case Interested parties were served this week with notice of appeal in the John Day irrigation district case. The Nor thern Pacific Railway company, by their attorneys, are appealing to the supreme court from the decree handed down by Judge G. W. Phelps, and we understand that there Is also to be an appeal filed by the defendants in this case, the pi pers for which are now being drawn. It appears from these proceedings that it is the intention to carry this case up to the highest tribunal in the land, and it will be some time before the case is finally settled. Mrs, J. P. Conder, who has been visit ing with relatives at Estacada and other points for the past month, returned home Monday. She was accompanied by John and Claude Conner who have been visiting with their grandmother at Salem. Want good home in Heppner for little girl 6 years old. Clean, respectable business man would like one or two meals each day. Will be relieved of little girl often evenings. Address 134, care Gaiette-Times. It. W. O. Bayless and wife returned home on Sunday. They spent a month's va cation visiting numerous points in the Willamette valley and on the coast. Death Follows Operation For Removal of Tonsils Following an operation for the re moval of his tonsils, Edwin Hango, of Boardman, aged about 12 years, died at the home of Mrs. Tom Johnson, county nurse, in this city on Saturday evening, and the rcmuins were taken to Board man on Sunday, where the funeral was held on Monday. It is stated that the child had been in very poor health for years, the result of his badly diseased tonsils. F. W. Winnnrd was up from Hood Riv er for a few days during the week, look ing after business interests. He and his family are getting quite nicely lo cated in Hood River valley for the pre sent. Glenn Jones reported to us this morn ing that the work of harvesting the big crop of wheat on the Heppner Flat farm of Jeff Jones and Sons, has started, and it will soon be known what the yield will be. Wm. Hendrix, who was quite severely injured in a runaway several weeks ago is now rapidly improving at his home on Rhea creek, and should be about again soon. Judge C, II. Finn, attorney of La Grange, was in the city on Monday at tending to legal business. Easy Life Ahead. "Dinah, I hear you are going to get married." "Yes'm; Ah done foun' me a nice, steady man." "Has he a good job?" "No'm, not now 'znckly but he's fix in' to study fo' do ministry. Ah'a gwine Buppo't him till he reads de Bible th'oo." Legion Weekly, A High Priced Affair. Following the marriage ceremony the bridegroom called the minister aside and inquired the price of the service. "Well," said the minister, "you may pay me whatever it's worth to you." "Be reasonable," groaned the groom, "my bride inherits (1,000,000 on her 21st birthday." Kansas City Star. SHORT BUT SWEET Oi vEEK AND If J Prosecute Persons Who Deface Road Signs Persons who deface road, trail and other signs posted by the Umatilla Na tional Forest service for the convenience of campers, tourists and other forest users, as well as forest officers, are to be prosecuted, according to anouncement made by J. C. Kuhns, supervisor. Mr. Kuhns announced that Ellis Mc Coy, J, B. McCoy, John Schmidt and Cleve McNeal, all of Stanfield, and W. G. Miller and C. E. Lawrence of Pendle ton, have been reported to him as hav ing defaced signs. Action is to be taken at once. In giving the names, Mr. Kuhns said: "It is felt that if people are so keenly interested in having their names posted for the benefit of the public that listing them In the newspapers as violators of a federal regulation would serve their purpose equally as well as placing their names on forest service signboards. "Despite the fact that signs are a public benefit a large number have been defaced or destroyed thoughtlessly or maliciously by travelers. Forest officers are empowered to arrest without war rant anyone committing any form of trespass, including mutilation of signs. The mutliation and destruction of forest service signs cannot be considered as unintentional and such cases of prop erty trespass come under the head of criminal trespass. "The practice of writing names, ad dresses, dates and in other ways defac ing the signs has become so universal that specific action is necessary. All forest officers are being instructed to report esses of mutilation of signs and to arrest the offenders. As the practice of defacing signs by writing upon them is, no doubt, due largely to carelessness or thoughtlessness forest officers are re luctant to take drastic action and are n the majority of cases merely requir- ing that names be erased from the signs or that new signs be furnished. It is apparent, however, that offenders must be treated with severity in future. "Registration books and blanks are placed at points throughout the forest so that visitors can record names and addresses and there is no excuse for de facing property to leave a record of a visit inside the national forest." East Oregonian. Power Farming Caravan Coming to Echo Soon. A traveling power farming exposition will visit Echo at a date yet to be fixed, to demonstrate the use of motor vehicles in industrial and farming operations. A caravan of 40 trucks, tractors, and other appliances will give the demonstration at 150 points In Oregon, covering 4000 miles to visit all portions of the state. The project is being handled by the Ford Co., Standard Oil Co., and other implement manufacturers. Echo dates will be announced after the Willamette valley towns are visited. Echo News. Mrs, Ed Clark departed Tuesday for Forest Grove to spend a few weeks visit at the home of her fnther, Mr. Bretz. Dan Barlow Is Hurt In Handling Wild Horse Dan Barlow attended the Wm. Hen drix sale on Saturday and purchased a few head of the young horses up for sale. He took the animals home and on Sunday prepared to put his brand on them. Ho had one of the unbroke mustangs in the barn at his place on Rhea crock, attempting to get him in shape for the branding iron, when the brute reared back and fell cm Mr. Bar low, pinning him to the manger. One leg was quite badly mashed and bruis ed whllo the other received cuts and scratches. Ho was brought to town at once and it was found that no bones were broken, and under proper treat ment by his physician, he was able to return home on Tuesday. Telephone Lines to Be Rebuilt. Frnnk Rasmus is busy on a contract with the forost service, getting out tel ephone poles for the rebuilding of the line from Heppner to the Ditch Creek station. He is getting the poles on the Basoy place near the Herrin mill and expects to complete the job by the 10th of August. ft. KM Break Grounds For New Church Building An impressive little service was held on Monday evening at 7:30 by the mem bers of the Christian church and friends, at the site of the old church building, corner Gale and Center streets, and ground for the new church building was broke, workmen starting in on Tuesday morning with the excavating for the basement. This will be pushed just as rapidly as possible, when it is contemplated that the work of construc tion on the superstructure will go for ward. At the services Monday, evening there was singing of hymns, a solo by Mrs. Frank Turner, reading of a poem by Mrs. Livingstone and short addresses by S. E. Notson and W. O. Livingstone. Fol lowing this the ground was broke, and several members of the church and a number of the Boy Scouts took a hand in turning the first dirt in the work of excavation and the building of the new church was started on its way. C. A. Repass arrived from Knoxville, Tcnn., where he has been making his home for several months past Mr. Re pass left this section about two years ago, going to his old home in West Vir ginia, and thinking he would live out the remainder of his days in the land of his boyhood, but he could not get over the longing to be in Oregon again, and now he is here to remain. Kenneth Mahoney and wife drove to Portland Saturday, expecting to spend several days in the metropolis on pleas ure. (C. C .Calkins, County Agent) It still is a noticeable fact that a large percentage of the fields would lack much of passing the certification test Over half of the fields inspected for cer tification were rejected. No doubt there are many other fields which might have passed had they been reported in. How ever, the fact that only the class A wheat was passed this year eliminated a good many fields which otherwise ted to pass the inspection having over would have passed. No field was permit- one half of one per cent mixture unless a large percentage of the mixture hap pened to be of the same color as the wheat in question. Most of the fields passing the test had less than a quarter of per cent mixture and a few were practically pure. In addition to well prepared summer- fallow and early seeding you need good seed. The list below is published in or der that you may know where certified seed can be secured. These fields were all inspected by E. R. Jackman from 0. A. C. Extension Service, who is the seed certification specialist for the state of Oregon. The percentage of purity is noted af ter each field listed below: Turkey-Red. Acres Pur ity L. Redding, Eight Mile 25 99.96 Harvo McReberts, Lexington 100 99.93 Joe Craig, Lexington 70 99.93 Troy Bogard, lone 800 99.92 C. R. Peterson, lone 2B0 99.90 John Nolan, lone 100 99.90 R. W. Brown, lone 320 99.86 Earl Warner, Lexington 240 99.85 Johann Troedson, lone 160 99.79 F. E. Mason, Lexington 140 99.75 R. W. Turner, Heppner 160 99.60 0. Lundell, lone 30 99.60 Hybrid 128. Tommy Boylen, Echo 1300 99.95 Phil Cohn, Heppner 100 99.80 Rluestem. W. F. Burnett, Lexington 820 99.87 Geo. McMillan, Lexington 200 99.84 Forty-Fold. L. Redding, Eight Mile 100 99.74 Leonard Carlson, lone 300 99.65 Oscur Keithlcy, Eight Mile.. 100 99.56 C. E. Carlson, lone 200 99.47 Hard Federation. L. Redding, Eight Mile 5 99.91 Early Baart. Johann Troedson, Ion.,......., 120 99,61 mi Bf SEC. STATE Travel on Highways in Oregon Heavy Now and Great Need of Observance of Road Laws and Caution on Part of Drivers la Urged by State Official. There is a great congestion of traffic ever the highways of the state of Ore gon during the months of July and Aug ust This has been true in other years, but it is doubly true this season, as there is a continual stream of automo biles coming and going. The need of care in driving is therefore urgent that accidents may be averted. Concerning this question we desire to give the fol lowing letter received this week from the office of the Secretary of State: Salem, July 13, 1922. Mr. Vawter Crawford, Editor Gazette Times. In view of the fact that during the months of July and August travel on the highways of Oregon is the heav iest, and, as a consequence, liability of accident from the operation of motor vehicles is greatly increased, I deem it an opportune time to direct attention to this condition and earnestly urge upon car drivers in your locality greater care in the operation of their ears. Cau tion on their part in this respect will help in a large measure in making the highways reasonably safe for travel, and continued attention to a few simple rules of the road will ultimately make travel comparatively safe at all time of the year. There is no time in the year when careful driving is not imperative. Dur ing the summer months congestion of traffic, which is greatly augmented by thousands of tourist cars from other states, necessitates closest attention to the observance of road laws, while win ter months demand, in addition, extreme caution on the part of drivers on ac count of slippery pavements, obscured vision, etc. A little thought on the part of operatora will minimize the danger and reduce the number of accidents, of which it is said the greater percentage is due to carelessness. To this end I am, therefore, taking the liberty of asking you, through the columns of your newspaper, to urge upon your readers who are car opera tors, the real need, especially during the current summer months, of the exercise of added caution and discretion, so that avoidable accidents, with consequent in juries and possible fatalities may be prevented. I feel quite sure that cooperation be tween the state press and the traffic di vision of the state department will tend to direct the attention of all drivers to Vie necessity of, care on their part. and impress npon them their direct li ability and risk by failure to observe certain rules of the roadway as well as impose upon other vehicles unnecessary dangers, tun cooperation will reduce to a great extent our record of viola tions in this state and prevent many accidents which are avoidable. Appreciating deeply your interest in our efforts to make travel safe in Ore gon, I am, Yours very truly, SAM A. KOZER, Secretary of State, The public sale at the Hendrix ranch on Rhea creek last Saturday was well attended but no heavy prices were offer ed for the most of the stuff put up, Many of the horses were range animals, young and unbroke and sold at prices ranging from two dollars to twenty-five. In years gone by, such animals would have brought better prices for the horse cannery at Linnton. FIRST CHRSTIAN CHURCH. July 23, 1922. The work on the new church building is now under way. It will be pushed as rapidly as possible; any volunteer work will be gladly accepted. The entire com munity should have some little part in this new structure. The church is or ganized community righteousness, and the entire community receives the ben ediction. It fosters right living which is better than high living and much less costly. Until the new building is finish ed we will be in our temporary quarters on Main street, where you will find a cordial welcome. Bible school 10, com munion and preaching at 11. C. E. at 7, and preaching and song service at 8. Personal Evangelism class on Thursday evenings. You are invited to be with us. LIVINGSTONE. Reduced Prices on Tires. C. V. Hopper Tire shop announces new prices on Mason Cords in heavy duty and over-size. Here they are: 30 x 34 el., 113.96; 30 x 34 s. s., $15.80; 32 x 34. $19.35; 31 x 4, $23.10; 32 x 4, $24.50; 33 x 4, $24.70; 34x 4, $25.35; 32 x 44, $30.75; 33 x 44, $31.56; 3i X 44, J32.4U; 35 X 44, J33.20; 33 X 5, $39.96; 37 x 6, $42.10. Ford owners, here are remarkable prices on Mason over-size "Maxi-Mile" Fabrics, 30 x 8, $9.25; 30 x 34, $10.60. Farewell Party Tendered Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilt As on expression of the high regard felt for Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilt most of the professional and business men of lone, together with their wives, gather ed last Monday evening at Dr. Walker's pacious residence and lawn to bid them farewell on the eve of their departure for their new home at Grass Valley. The affair was a complete surprise to Mr. and Mrs. Wilt they having no intima tion of what was coming until they were escorted from their home into the pres ence of a half hundred of their friends and business associates. Dr. and Mrs. Walker made everyone feel at home, Music and song interspersed with games on the lawn and light refreshments caused the fleeting hours to pass rapid ly. While all regretted the near depart ure of the guests of honor, best wishes were showered upon them with the hope that the coming years would be as kind to them as the past thirteen of their res idence in lone. Both will be missed here, where Mrs. Wilt has been prominent in social affairs and Mr. Wilt active in bus iness and public matters. Mrs. Wilt leaves today for Grass Valley, where Mr. Wilt will join her as soon as he closes up some business. lone Independent. Food Selection Plan Is Liked By Many Polk and Multnomah County Farm Women Cooperate With Specialist In Planning Meal. Members of the Ellendale, Oakdale, and Pioneer community clubs in Polk county, desirous of maintaining the health of their families, have enrolled in a family food selection project being directed by Margery M. Smith, nutrition specialist for the Oregon Agricultural College Extension Service. Details covering the plan of this work were developed at the first meeting of the series held June at th horn of Mrs. Will Howe. Of the eighteen wo men present twelve desired to carry on in their own homes th food practices recommended by Miss Smith. At subse quent meetings food for growing child ren, for parents, for th hired man, for the overweight and for th underweight will be considered and planned on th basis of three meals a day. Food Practices Outlined. Similar work is being undertaken by the Corbett and Pleasant Horn com munities in Multnomah county. The following six food practices art being recommended to th bom dem onstrators in this work: 1. Serve daily at least two vegetables other than potatoes or dry beans. 2. If possible serve fresh vegetables raw or cooked at least seven times a week. 3. Serve some fruit daily, fresh, dried, or canned. 4. Have whole wheat bread on the family table at least half of the time. 6. Serve whole grain cereal at least three mornings a week. 6. Use at least one-half pint milk a day for each adult and at least on pint a day for each growing child. O. A. C. Extension Service News. The First 1922 Wheat Dwight Misner is credited with deliv ering the first 1922 wheat at local warehouse. Delivery was mad last Monday and was of Turkey Red variety. It showed slight effects of the late hot wind but tested 68 pounds per bushel with a liklihood of increasing as the cut gets farther infield. Th yield promises to be but little, if any, under the average yield. Many ranchers began harvesting this week, and in a few days th work will be going full blast The prospects throughout the county, except for a strip in the western portion, is said to look very promising. Ion Independent Boy Scouts Enjoy Trip To Camp in Mountains Sixteen Boy Scouts, with Scoutmaster Livingstone, three pack horses and two saddle horses, left town on July 4 for their annual encampment in the moun tains. They left town at 4 p. m. and camped the first night at Kelley Spring one mile beyond the forks of Willow creek. Next morning they went on to their camp at Herren mill. They spent ten days of delightful camp life in aix small camps thoroughly organized. The time was largely given over to work with a recreational period each day. Practically all the boys at camp passed into the second degree Scout work dur ing that time. Bobbie Turner, the ten year old mascot, kept pace with the troop throughout and is qualified for a second class Scout though he cannot become a tenderfoot for two years yet The work consisted of camp cooking. hiking, nature study, first aid, learn ing to box the compass, and the Inter national Service code, tracking. The boys were graded in all this work, and the grades were exceptionally good. They proved themselves to be fine Scouts in every way, and their obedience and manliness were most commendable. A number of visitors were at camp, es pecially on Sunday. The boys were at camp ten days, returning on Thursday last, tired, enthusiastic and happy. Little Boy Succumbs As Result of Bloodpoisoning Eddie Gemmell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gemmell, residing in South Heppner, while playing about the home one day the past week, slipped and fell with the result that he received a slight scratch on the leg just about the knee joint. Bloodpoisoning set in from which the little lad died on Friday. He was aged 10 years, 11 months snd 9 days. was a bright boy and had many friends among both young and old, who deeply sympathize with the stricken parents. Funeral services were held at the Fed erated church on Saturday afternoon, Rev. W. O. Livingstone officiating. George Ray was run down by an auto driven by Lincoln Yoakum near the Cat mus blacksmith shop on Main street Monday, and had a couple of ribs brok en. There seems to be no blame attrrh- ed to Mr. Yoakum, who was backing his car away from the curb at the time when Ray unconsciously stepped in the woy of the car. Kenneth "Bingo" Binns, who filled in recently on the presses at the Oregon City Enterprise, has moved to Portland, where he has an extra sit on the News desk. Oregon Exchanges. Miss Eulalia Butler, formerly of this city, arrived on Tuesday afternoon for a visit of a short time in this city. Her home is now at Monmouth, Oregon, whero her parents reside. A. M. Markham drove over from his Freewater home on Tuesday and spent a day or so in this city looking after business interests. Sam Hughes left the first of the week for Milton-Freewater, to spend a few days visiting in that garden spot. Tom O'Brien and family were in the city for a few days at the end of the week. They were on their way over to Lone Rock for visit with friends. V. H. Padberg, extensive farmer of Clarke canyon is now in the midst of his harvest He was in th city a short time yesterday afternoon. GAS-DRIVEN CARAVAN WILL VISIT HEPPNER May Reach This City Early in Septem ber, But Date Cannot Be Given Now, State C, H. Latourell, Local Ford Sale Manager, Caravaa Greatly En larged Thla Season. Local dealers throughout th state are awake to th great opportunity present ed by the plan for a hug caravan of automobiles, trucks, tractors and imple ments which is being assembled in Port land and will begin its itinerary of th state near the southern lln in th near future and work its way northward. Th schedule of stops will be announced soon which will include this locality. A similar demonstration in western Washington last year attracted fully 10,000 persons in some of th mor pop ulous sections, and crowds of from 1000 to 5000 were common. Local business men will cooperate with th exhibitor and their representatives for th con venience and comfort of th crowds which will gather wherever a stop is made. The tour will cover about three months, using the highways exclusively. Associated in the enterprises are th Ford Motor company, featuring Ford trucks and Fordson tractors, the Stand ard Oil company, Oliver Chilled Plow works and allied manufacturer of a complete line of farm implements for which the Oliver concern is th North west distributor, th Ersted Machinery Manufacturing company, showing th Ersted hoist; Talbot 41 Casey, with the trailmobiles and a number of tractor specialties and attachments; Parsons Gordon company, Northwest distribu tors of the Lee Lin trailers, contractor dump bodies and similar equipment; th Francis Motor Car company with Hercu les truck bodies for various commercial and industrial purposes; Modern Appli ances company, demonstrating th Delco light and a number of electrical special ties, including many for use in th mod ern farm home; to which exhibit in numerable features will be added to meet lcoal demand for special demon strations of a widely varied character. In the neighborhood of 40 truck and tractors will be required to handle th entire apparatus. It is estimated that approximately 4000 miles will have been covered by the- date of th last demon stration. Cooperating with th distri butors will be their respective local representatives in about 150 cities, towns and villages in Oregon and a por tion of Washington along the Columbia river. More than 50 mechanics, drivers, lecturers and technical experts will par ticipate in- th various demonstrations. Civic organizations throughout th course of the tour will cooperate in ar ranging special features. At Oakland and in southern Oregon, there will be a great barbecue to which the whole countryside is being invited. A clam bake will be a prominent event at Sea side, and special programs are being ar ranged at Lebanon, Grants Pass and many other points throughout the en tire state. Daily radio concerts will be riven. There will be motion pictures, illustra ted lectures, various prixe contests, re freshments on the grounds and innum erable entertaining and educational fea tures. The entire plan was originated by W. H. Goodwin, Portland branch manager of the Ford Motor company who staged , a similar project in western Washing ton a year ago. That attraction proved so highly interesting to farmers, con tractors, engineers and business men that requests for a similar tour cam from hundreds of points throughout th entire Northwest and it is in compli ance with so widespread a desire that the various manufacturers and distri butors are putting on an entirely new industrial and power fanning tour in Oregon this year. This year's show will differ greatly from that staged a year ago by th same exhibitors . Upon reaching a demonstra tion point instead of setting up all equipment and apparatus in a single field, a distribution of the equipment will be made in accordance with local demand. Thus, if a farmer wishes a demonstration of mowing or plowing it will be conducted at a point convenient to all who are interested in such dem onstration. Should a contractor desire first hand information concerning spe cial body trailers, hoists, road building machinery, etc., such demonstration will be given at a spot apart from th agri cultural show. A business man wishing to be shown the advantages of deliver ing merchandise may have the free use of a vehicle specially equipped to meet his requirements. A tabulation of oper ation of truck, trailer, tractor and their special equipment and upon conclusion of the several demonstrations at each point, there will be an entertainment and educational program for the entire crowd at the headquarters of each show. The caravan will not confine itself to the highways and main traveled roads, but will go into the back country in or der to give the more remote sections every possible opportunity to witness a demonstration. The itinerary will be announced with in a few days, but it has been definitely determined that the caravan shall pro ceed under its owu power southward tn the California line, making brief stops en route and witholding actual demon strations until the caravan reaches its extreme southern definition at such points as Ashland, Mcdford and Grants Pass, from which points a return will be made for a huge show in the vicinity of Portland before leaving for towns and cities elsewhere in the state. Watch for date of arrival of the car avan in Heppner announcement of which will be made later. Parrish-Huddleston. Fred A. Parrish and Miss Sadie Hud dleston were married Saturday, July 0, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kuckiey, by Rev. C. H. Nellor. Th bride is a duughter of Ray Huddlestun of Lone Rock and the groom is a son of George Parrish of this city. Both hav many friends in Condon and Gilliam county, who wish them much happines and prosperity. Mr. and Mrs. Parrish will reside in this city, where ha has been employed for several years at th Shelley garage Condon Globe-Tims. i