The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, June 01, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    paui: TWO
How Oregon Must Prepare For V'ace r inir sacred dead and it Rooster delegation,
i t,. m , i s'-.ouiJ be maJe a beautv spot. A few no intimation that
r.nrllt Klbl!hd
lip; 1 i.r Tuiifi fc.stblll)Hl
ConuUoalMl t brurjr IK lilt
j Oregonians can do more to aid in
i settlement of International problems
hours of pumping each week would janytmng doing in this line, and the
fill the reservoir on the hill, and thus, time is snort
There has been late to regret ones action of a poor
there has been eoice of paint. It is well to buy the
water could be suppnea
:fv devclorine industry of the Mate tor irritation ot tne lots ana ground.
' than is possible in any other way. 1 If nothing more could be done than
! Such is the opinion of lohn Bar- to have a suprlv of water for use in
rubiiatiMi very Thur.!y morning by ; rett. former director general of the getting the lots in presentable shape
... .w.r?!7i'"VTJ.-!Pan.Arnericn union and ex-minister ' for Decoration Dav. it would be
fctUl CopiM
of the United States to four foreign much better than at present. Why
countries, expressed during a recent not be prepared to do this another
visit to this state. j season?
Barrett based this belief upon the i
premise that encouragement of in-1 We trv to lead an honest life. If
dustry would result
B, trade and
Boston Gives Us A New
Versed in forest lore and deter-
the modem I'. .. . . . .. ..
in growth ot
corresponding develop
ment of world leadership for the
United States.
But maximum development of in
dustrial Oregon and the Pacific
Northwest is based upon still anoth
er premise and that is support of Or
egon products by Oregon people. Un
less the industry of the State is en
couraged through the purchase of
products at home and similar sup'
the devil should take us up on a high
mountain and offer us everything in
sight to worship him, we wouldn't
do it, but in riding over the country
on a hot summer day and coming
upon an acre or two of fine big juicy
watermelons, and nobody around,
why. saw ridit there is where we
fall from grace.
Now we have the talk meter,
hitched onto telephones, same as reg
isters gas or water, and anybody
"listening in" on a party line will be
enlarging his or her phone bill. Good
thing. Anything that cuts down un
necessary talk is good.
Heppner's Chautauqua will soon
be on. Are you planning to pur
chase that season ticket now?
species has nothing on
flapper and her male companion, we
hear that a young Boston couple
propose to make a dash into the
woods of Maine without food or
clothing and there dwell for a period
of six weeks, wresting their susten
ance from Mother Earth. Boston
the proportions which will permit it
to enter the channels of foreign
Condon fraternized with Heppner
on Monday and Tuesday, being liere
in laree numbers on the latter day
and bringing along their band of 22
pieces and furnishing music at the
ball grounds and on the streets, all
nf uhiVh preatlv enioved bv the
The dates for Heppner's six big; Heppner folks, and we hope they
aays ot entertainment nave oeen sei ; wjl, come again Their ball team
-June 24 to 29, inclusive. Remem-I - nff with the Mmes, but thev
h mvon t th wnrM manv rhrin ! ber that you will help the local com- d .t h doins jt so we hold
fmm h. ,w f .,. rtv i mi tree out best by purchasing a sea-. nnlh-ms, fl(,oinst them on this account,
this year of our Lord, but this;51" K'-r ' trusting ttiat on some rurure uuie
nvti uiv v-........, uh, ie heppner poys win De auic iu
even up the score. Condon expects
Memorial Dav was observed in to go to Canyon City next week in
Herrner bv laree numbers of our, large numbers, taking their band
people going to the cemetery and along and incidentally showing the
decorating the graves. Just at this "Whiskey Gulch Gang" that there
time of the year the surroundings is some pep lett in tne uiinam iuua
latest demonstration of the unique
caps the climax. Still, the experi
ment may not be without its value.
If the young couple the young wife
is twenty-three and her husband
twenty-seven manage to get along
in their battle with nature, it may
bring them a greater spirit of con
tentment, in that it may teach them
how little they really need in this
world, and make them more pliable
to the exactions of the shoe trust,
which has pinched the toes of New
England and the pocketbooks of the
whole nation for a good many years.
The spot chosen for the experiment
is one uninhabited by man, though
reports have it as infested with wild
beasts, and of course by the terrify
ing mosquito, which may prove the
greatest obstacle to be overcome.
When all is said and done, however,
it would be more important if some
one could demonstrate how a young
couple can live in civilized surround
ings on a modest wage and raise a
healthy American family without
turning the young wife into a drudge
and the young husband into a slavish
sycophant, lashed into obedience and
sapped of all initiative because of
dread of the future and the possible
loss of a job.
at the cemetery are attractive. Many
have improved their lots by the
planting of flowers and shrubbery,
and green foliage and blooming
flowers are now in evidence, but
nothing to compare with what they
should be, and would be were the
owners able to get water for irri
gating, ine cemetery is tne resting
F 1
ty bunch and inviting tnem out tneir
way to do a little business in the fu
ture, now that they are mutually i
terested and connected up by the
John Day highway.
Bv the wav. we presume that
Heppner will overlook this "get ac-j
quainted" opportunity, and will notj
b. represented at Canyon Uty by a
advertised lines. While we are not
mentioning any brand in particular,
a perusal of our advertisements will
indicate the leaning of the editorial
A Story Four Thousand Tears
From the days of the pyramids to
the present is a long period of time,
yet, in those days as at present,
paints were used for beautifying and
preserving the objects which they
covered. In the old days paint was
used as a decorative material for
the mummy cases. Today it is used
to conserve the natural and convert
ed resources of the country.
Painting one s buildings is not an
expense, it is an investment. It ab
solutely insures against depreciation
and rotting. It is the only form of j
insurance that can be guaranteed to j
perform its duty 100 per cent
Paints have been high during the
last few years but are now down to
normal basis. It would seem to be
economy to paint now. The Dutch
have an old proverb which says,
"Good paint costs nothing, for it
saves more than it costs."
There are many brands of paint
on the market and to the consumer
all paints look alike. It is only when
the paint has been applied to a build
ing for four or five years that the
quality is demonstrated. It is too
E. R. Huston returned home on
Sunday from a visit of a week at
Portland, where he was called by the
serious illness of his son, Dr. John
Huston. The doctor has just under
gone a very serious operation from
which he seemed to be properly re
covering when Mr. Huston left Port
I Central Market
Fish In Season
H Take home a bucket of our lard. It
1 is a Heppner product and is as g
good as the best. n
- r-Ji f Lvw
p rTW & 1
hot cakes
of the
The European conference, boiled
down for quick understanding, reach
ed a point where . they were all
ready to agree on any old thing just
as soon as Uncle Sam put up money
Slats' Diary
By Ross Farquhar
Fridav Ma tuk me to the Den
tist this evning after skool havemg
him to fill up l or my
iole teeth witch was
slitely decade. He kep
r f .1 a telling me to open my
1 Mouth up wider and
finely l gess ma goi
wy k skared and she ast him
LC'if he cuddent fill it by
j standing on the Outside.
I am dredding Saturday
witch . is tomorro nite
I because we are going
. visiting Sunday and that
1 means I got to take
hath nnlpCQ mfl ffrff(ts
lt 'tcn a'nt bearly Pos-
sibie i tear.
Saturday We was down town
looking in the stores and ma sed to
pa I am going in and try that pearls
of shoes on in the window. Pa sedjs
You aint enny such stuff. She sed
I am to. Pa sed You aint neether.
She sed Why aint I. & Pa sed I am
not going to have you make such a
show of yureself on a Sat. nite.
Sunday Went to visit Unkel Hen.
I think Pa issent very crazy over
him he is so stingy. Pa says he is
so Close he stops his Clock on Sat
urday nite so as the wirks wont half
to wirk over Sunday and the Clock
will last Longer.
MondayHad to give a Currant
event in skool and I eive that 1 all
about haveing such a Time getting
food and close into Austray Hungry.
Pa says they have all most as much
trubble getting food into Yurope as
they do getting drink into the United
Tuesday--Run a errant for a ole
Lady and when she ast me to take
a nickel I sed. No mam I dont want
pay for doing a kind act. She is
poor and takes in Washing to work
her dauters way threw a female
Wednesday Ma says I shuddent
ought to get Angry or mad at are
teecher and that she is the best
frend us kids has got. Shux I wish
ma wood half to put up with her
frendship for awile. I gess she wood
lern a few things.
Thursday this was ma and pa's
wedding Anniversary and ma sed I
gess I will kill the brown hen and
roast her. Pa sed I woodent do that,
she wasn't liveing when it occurred.
It aint just rite.
The natural conclusion is that ev
ery purchase of Oregon products by
people of the State aids, even though
in an infinitesimal way, the settle
ment of World conditions.
The KOHLER Automatic
operates without storage batteries
You can now produce your own electricity without the
trouble and expense of maintaining a large bank of glass
cell storage batteries with the Kohler Automatic.
The dependable Kohler Automatic plant produces stand
ard 110 volt electricity fcr power and light without any
storage batteries, except a small, autcmobile-type, used
for starting the engine.
With the Kohler Automatic you can have ample elec
tricity for furnishing cheerful electric light, operating
a running water system and for using standard house
hold and power electric appliances.
Simply the turn of any button on the circuit starts the
Kohler Automatic producing electricity. Send for illus
trated literature. Come in and see the plant in operation.
No Storage Bamriet llQVoltt Automate loMWatu
Colin Auto Co.
Not only lower than other standard tires, but super
ior in quality, uniformity and dependability.
Buying MASONS now is buying tires right. With
this goes a standard of service we're proud of.
- 30x31, $9.00 30x3, $8.00
jffolvprcstf p j
ffsiy M
HOLEPROOF is the hosiery of lustrous beauty and fine texture
that wears so well. It is not surprising, therefore, that it is
I selected by many people who can afford to pay far more for
their hose, but who prefer the Holeproof combination of style and
serviceability at such reasonable prices.
Obtainable in Pure Silk, Silk Faced, and Lusterizcd Lisle styles for
men, women and children in the season's popular colors.
Sam Hughes Company
Phone Main 962
The Cash Variety Store
cA Shipment of
In This Week
Big ValuesaFor Little Money
Ediiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiii mil iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniR H
CHEAPNESS is not the
tesl; of Value---VALUE
is the test of
Quality Counts
A New Line
We will still continue to
handle the
Heppner Bakery Bread
as we always have, in white;
and in addition are hand
ling the
DAVIDSON of Portland
"Kracked Wheat," "Whole
Wheat," "Health" and
"Raisin" Breads.
Shipments three times a week
Monday, Wednesday,
Phelps Grocery
good Will An Asset
ATTTTHE prestige
enjoyed by The
First iational Wank
is the result of serv
ing well those whose
satisfaction we value
as our greatest busi
ness asset.
Fir National Bank