The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, May 11, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    pa nr. two
Tie Hiprr l)tte. Eetlbltkhed
klurcta k. UI
Th Hlpnr Tlmee, Eitabllehed
November Ik. 1T
Coneollilaied February lk, llt
!.-wk of patronage. There is far less
drinking now than formerly; mil!
there be less yet so soon as a
certain butterfly element reaches the
inevitable conclusion that drinking is
stupid instead of "smart." John Bar
leycorn may not be dead, but he is
indubitably dying. HVsron leader.
febllehed every Thursday tnornlnf by
and entered at the I'oetoffice at Hepp
ner. Oretrun as frecond-clau matter.
On Tear ...
tlx afotuhs-
Thraa Months
king ie Copies
Fuwe A J. attains Repmniiatnr
Honor Due Will Hays
It is with considerable satisfaction
that we read in the dispatches the de
termination of Will R. Hays, new na
tional director of the movie corpora
tions, to bar the Arbuckle pictures
from being placed before the Amer
ican public again. He will bar them
out entirely, notwithstanding the
decision of the Lasky outfit to again
put them on the screens. It takes a
man of nerve, character and Amer
ican manhood to take a stand like
that in the face of the kind of oppo
sition he had, and he is deserving of
praise and commendation from all
the American people for it. The Jesse
Laskys, Adolph Zukors and Nicholas
Schencks of the film corporations
need a good jolt of that kind, to
make them realize that they cannot
flaunt immorality in the face of the
American people for the sake of a
bunch of dirty money, and we are
glad they got it. It is a regrettable
fact that this general and popular
amusement, which should be made a
great and lasting factor for good, for
education and enlightenment, has
fallen into the hands of the kind of
people who now own and dominate
it, but evidently as long as Will R
Hays is at the head of it he will keep
them within the bounds of morality
and common decency. They have a
million dollars or more wrapped up
in the Arbuckle films, and that was
where the shoe pinches. They would
do most anything for that amount of
money, including the debauching of
the public morals and proprieties.
Now let the women, the churches,
the school authorities, Y. M. C. A.
and all such organizations follow up
the advantage and put a quietus on
this matter for all time to come.
Those who prefer money to morals
are on the run. Keep them that way.
Eternal vigilance is not only the price
of liberty, but everything else worth
Prohibition Succeeding After
Statistics have a habit of disprov
ing the sapient arguments of those
who contend that prohibition is a
failure. For instance, according to
Judge Green of the Commerce Court
of Chicago, prohibition has caused
sixty institutions for the treatment of
inebriates to close their doors from
Slats' Diary
By Ross Farquhar
Friday Sum people is very dis-
sagreeable and fussy and hard to get
a long with. I went in
to he Posroffis to by a
Stamp to paste on a Let-
1 ter and they was a lady
.? - cum up to the Window
1 an( 's ,ney enny
C- vlmale fr me- The Clerk
.rSsed Whats yure name.
don't know as its enny
of yure business but you
can see it on the Letter
1 gess if you care to
Saturday Ma sed if
I want to take in the
' Cirkus I better get busy
and era sum money so I goes out to
look for a Job. I ast Mr. Green the
store keeper did he have enny wirk
to get done. He sed Nothing doing
sunny. I sed that suits me to a tea.
But lie sed Go on ahed out of here.
Witch I did.
Sunday Went out on a plasure
ride in the ford and bust a Tire and
pa had to by a new I. broke a Spring
and a Axel and pa bot new ones. So
tonite pa sed If money is the root of
all Evil I am as pure as a driven
snow ball.
,VinJjy I hate stingy fokes like
ole man koke. He watches evry ct.
Last week he wanted to by a Statute
of Venus Demilo and he went and
tawked a nr. and a 1-2 try ing to get
the store keeper to knock off sum on
the price because her arms was broke
Tuesday Teecher give me a hard
problem in arithmitick and when 1
was unlucky and gessed the rong
answer she got sore and told me the
only Time I ever used my head was
when I was trying on a hat or make
ing a Dent in my pillow. Went to a
party tonite and had to take a bath.
Witch was one of ma's newfangled
ideas. Not mine.
Wednesday Jane told me a big
peace of good News today. She went
to a Jipsy fortune Teller witch told
her she was a going to marry the
hansomest man in town when she
growed up. So evrything is Rosey
for yrs. truely tonight. I have a
Song in my Hart.
Thursday Eat supper down at
Ted's house and they had Devilfud
cake and when I tuk the 3nd peace
his ma sed to me. Dont you ever
get a chance to eat cake at home. I
sed to her Yes mam I offen get the
chance but very seldom the cake.
Ralph E. Williams, who for the
past fourteen years has been repub
lican national committeeman for Or
egon, has proven himself a great or
ganizer. There is no good reason for
turning him down at the present time
for an untried man, who seems to be
basing his claims to the place largely
upon a platform that has little foun-
mi r. w
jQnger Engine life-
Dealer who display the tiff
m Calel Flu thine (Ml for tile.
thorough cleaning-and Zcra
kac. fur correct refill; nf.
ITANDAfiD oil company
f ' V
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dation in fact. Williams is a man of
demonstrated executive ability and
because of this he has gained the
high place he holds in the republican
party of the state and nation. W ill
iams should receive the vote of all
republicans of Morrow county at the
coming primaries.
In the race for governor there are
a number of very good men; each
and all of them are standing on the
proposition of reduction of taxation.
Ben W. Olcott, present incumbent,
during whose term of office the taxes
of the state have mounted to their
highest point, thinks there should be
some reductions, and says so in some
of his literature. However, we are
led to believe that the strongest man
running is Senator Patterson of Polk
county, a dirt farmer and a man of;
long experience in matters of state J
At this time he seems to be the
strongest opponent that Goy. Olcott
has; he is a man of sound ideas of
economy and can be counted upon
to put a stop to needless expenditures
in the state government. He also
understands thoroughly the prob
lems of the farming communities of
the state. He should be the choice
of the people for governor.
After making a very thorough can
vass in Umatilla county the past
week, E. M. Hulden returns to Mor
row county feeling assured that he
will be nominated as joint represent
ative. Mr. Hulden will surely win in
this race if he gets the support of his
home folks that he should. It is
quite generally conceded over in
Umatilla county that Morrow is en
titled to this representation by a
home man, and Mr. Hulden found
this sentiment very strong in all por
tions of Umatilla. Let's give him a
rousing good vote in this county and
thus assure his nomination.
(22nd District)
The Next Legislature Seems Likely to Be the Most Im
portant in the History of the State.
Appropriations Must Be Cut to the Bone.
Taxes Must Be Reduced.
(Paid Advertisement)
Taste is a matter of
tobacco quality
We itatc it u our honett
belief that the tobaccoi uied
in Cheter!Md are of finer
quality (and hence of better
taite) than in any other
cigarette at the price.
LigiU d Ulytn Ttbaen Ct,
M ft nillFI tkW 7
Turkish and Domestic tobaccos- bUndtd
Lower Pacts
20 now 18c
10 now 9c
(Two lO't-lSc)
Resolutions of Condolence
Hall of Maple Circle No. 259,
Neiehbors of Woodcraft.
Whereas it has pleased the Grand
Guardian of the Universe to sum
mon to her eternal home our beloved
neighbor, Frankie Luper, who was
always a faithful member of Maple
Circle 259, Neighbors of Woodcraft;
Be it Resolved: That we hereby
extend our heartfelt sympathy to the
bereaved family of our departed
Neighbor in their sad affliction. May
Cod's blessing rest upon them.
That we drape our charter in
mourning for a period of 30 days in
memory of the departed Neighbor.
That a copy of these resolutions
be spread on the minutes of the Cir
cle, a copy sent to the immediate
family, and one to the press for pub
lication. Rosa Richardson,
Ada Cason,
Dora Starkey.
4122Q of an inch when cold
yW&ofanincfi under fire
An automobile ngin hiving a 4" bora will
have when cold a clearance between its pistona
and cylinders of approximately 4 1000 of an
inch. When the aaroe angina has been heated
to operating temperature, tbla clearance will
have decreased life, or to 11000 of in inch.
Likewise, a main crankahaft bearing having a
clearance of about 141000 of an inch when
cold, will ahow a decrease in tbia clearance at
operating temperature to lesa than lOOO of
an inch.
All oils loee viacoaity, that is, they become
lighter in body whan aubjected to the heat of
engine operation.
An analysis of Zerolene ahowa that the differ
ences in its body at the varioua engine temper
atures, from cold to operating temperature,
follow in close relation the decrease in bearing
The right body at all operating
For this reason Zerolene oils have at all engine
temperatures exactly the required body to
splash and flow freely into the fast-moving,
small-clearance bearings to provide an ad
equate film of lubricant.
Because of their "oiliness," Zerolene oils cling
to bearing surfaces, and at the same time offer
in themselves a minimum of resistance to the
engine power going to the driving wheels.
For this reason they give perfect lubrication
and permit the development of the maximum
power, apeed and gasoline mileage of the car.
more power fispeed
less friction and wear
HmGmvd Lubrication
jfrfytrU Time to Re-tire? v
-ffOVl A (Bur Flak) 1
Clothes For Spring
And Summer Wear
You will find my stock of the latest
woolens in the season's best weaves
complete. I have just the suit you
want at a very attractive price.
Where jV
"Whatever your grocery needs may be, you will
find us well able to supply every item on your list
from canned and package goods to fresh fruit and
vegetables, butter and eggs.
Phone Your Orders and Save Yourself
Unnecessary Steps.
Sam Hughes Company
Phone Main 332
RED -TOP 30 x 3lA
Extra Ply of Fabric Heavy Tread
Price $17.85
FOR poor roads, for heavy loads, for hard use
anywhere the Fisk Red-Top cannot be equaled
for small cars. An extra ply of fabric and a heavy
tread of extra tough red rubber make a strong tire
built to meet exacting conditions.
Time after time one Red-Top has outworn three
ordinary tires. Its distinctive looks indicate your
selection of a high-grade tire while its extra mileage
more than justifies your choice.
There's a Flsk Tire of extra vatue In every size,
for ear, truck or speed wagon
You'll Like to Wank
tionalBank, you
will discover at once
a sincere and contin
uing interest in your
larger success, which
makes your dealings
here both a pleasure
and a profit to you.
FM National Bank