PAGE SIX THE GAZETTE-TIMES, HEITXER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1922. I LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ; I 1 1 Ol H HHK KI T with the i ("hrti n, fti the M Fel- 1 t,v m f 7. w i Ti 1 1. s ( Kri'..y ( -j,f,.t.. ... m r-- hrtv.kf.i . et ( t!( ' A I'U'nty for tw enty." Mr T-i M- l'n Vmi!ot. mhc ..-. n r M.::r.c on Kt M Mile for tht IM'V xt-i H. iir;.irtfi the paH h f'v t!i it !iomi m Hootl River Hil v ht-'p ihrv own a nn.ill iraet, ar.-l hp;c U. t .v; -vl to rtawle in the future KK 1U H MHtK rl OTMKS. And run m ;whi -t h i hchtful lreakf:?!t with the t hr;Tisn Kr..ieavorer of the Otruitfin ihunh; ?t-rved from ( to S . m Hern:8Ti Npilson & down from his far r. .t thf head of Kood canyon on Tu- s.lav okin(f afwr busires affaire in the city. tlKIV. T1IK WHOIF. FAMILY to hrt-t kf;it ti-mi'T row -, Friday ) morning at ( Kelli ws hatV just as pood and h waiter thn ou ov-uM pet at your own home, and then tiie isood time. MMte-pon claims that he was runninu the nm. hire not faster than ten miles if' l.-'ur hen he struck Kder, who ap p.irontly stopped m front of the ma- !. ve when the driver thought he was ;,t . f the way. In order to save hmi lf fro tu being run over by the car, K'ifr grsbbe.1 hold of the fender but a as thrown Joose and crushed between he wheel and the curb. P. T. A. MeetUjr. Urcular meettrg of P. T. A. Tuesdav. May 9 at J 3iV This will be the annual meeting at whioh time officers for the coming year will be electfM. treasurer's and committee reports read and a very entertaining program Riven. Mr. James will give a review of his work. . K Mmm Meettms at Lealmvlem. A Christian Endeavor mass meeting f nil the Christian Kndeavor societies m the towns of Heppner. Lexington and lone will be held at the Church of Christ building at Lexington on Wed nesday evening. May U, at 30 o clock. The completion of the plans and elec tion of otlicers for the union compoed of all these societies will be taken up at that meeting. Come and bring a lunch with ou A business session is to be held after supper after which a short program consisting of a num ber from each of the six societies rep resented will be given. An enjoyable evening: is assured. LKlM.TO ( HIH1H OP CHRIST. The circular letter of last week hrot splendid results in the financial budget of the church. We also appreciated the delegation of Christian Endeavorers and others who came down Sunday night from the Heppner Christian church You are cordially Invited to attend all of the regluar services of the church, including the liible school at 10 a m. Sunday morning sermon, "The Most Valuable Thing in the World." Sunday evening sermon. "A Trouble some Question Answered." ARTHl'R A H VHHTMAV, Minister. FOR SALE Two-man Inquire this office. combine, tf. Don't forget we have hardwood. All sizes. Suitable for making hitches. Peoples Hardware Co. FIRST ( I1KISTI4N I HI KCH. .nrtT !?. May 7. The keenest jo s the most intense de lights and the most abiding satisfaction is to be found in things spiritual; this is bt'.vond guest ion. Spend at least y our Sundays in spiritual service if you would reap the greatest rewards. Bible school contest is becoming tense, as the two airplanes are keeping very near each other; come and join in the fun. FiHe school 1 Communion and preachn:c at 11. Intermediate C. E. 4 p m . SVnior C K. at 1 p. m. with song service and preaching at S o'clock. Note change of hour of evening service. Come and worship with us. Injured by Automobile While crossing Main street at the intersection of May street Saturday evening. Will Eder was run down by a hew automobile driven by Lloyd Matteson. and was very seriously in jured. He received some broken ribs and a fractured collarbone, beside in ternal injuries. Fder is under the care of Pr. McMurdo at the present and is making progress toward recovery. County Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given that all reg istered Morrow County Warrants on the General Fund, up to and includ ing September 30, 1921, will be paid upon presentation at my omce on May 10th, on which date all interest ceases on said warrants. T. J. Humphreys, Treasurer. Legal Guarantee Giveru Ho nd of Kni7 nn pain continue work. Ask to tee Gle-o-nia Pile Treatment. PATTERSON SOS Main Street, -:- Heppner, Oregon FLOOR FINISH for Floors Furniture Woodwork Fioon subject to bardeat wear offer the kind of Kit that Kyanize Floor Fiuuh thrive! on. Eaty to apply, right from the caa. No miring. On today, dry tomor row with the handaomeit liutre one could deaire. Clear vanmh, or eight attractive ahadet from Light Oak to Dark Mahogany. Waterproof absolutely. So tonflh that grinding heeli cannot scratch it white. Far tkal very riason Kyanize Floor Finish is the ideal varnish for furniture and all woodwork, as well as floors. HERE'S OUR TRIAL OFFER ON KYANIZE FLOOR FINISH t MB!? sitfwicsMlA PlBlSNT THIS Advesthemsnt to the dealer, below, with IS ceoti lor a ood t broth to ptl r t , receive s quarter : : ptat can ot A 1aruxK r loot ruuw iwi color! fKtl carf. PEOPLES HARDWARE CO Heppner, Ore. GILLIAM & BISBEE'S & COLUMN & HALL For Governor A vote for Charles Hall, of Marshfield Coos Bay, Oregon, is a direct vote for Lower Taxes If elected, Charles Hall will put into operation the Illinois System, namely, 10 commissions to run the State Govern ment, instead of the 70 commissions now functioning. He Stands for a Clean AMERICAN Business Administration. Washing is hard, hot work and anything that will make this job any easier is what everybody is looking for. An electric washer in your home makes washing easy, and it saves a lot of time and hard work. It is well to disc your ground be fore plowing your summerfallow we have discs, single or tandem. Call on us for your sheep marking ink. Also sheep dip. The Devil is always to pay but we would prefer you let him rustle and pay us first for he will probably get you anyway. We do not make the goods we sell but if they are not made right or pric ed right, then we make them right. yilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Illllllllllllllllllll I The Holt Combined 1 Harvester WILL REDUCE YOUR GRAIN HAR- VESTING COST, SAVE TIME, ELIM- INATE GRAIN LOSSES. j A. J. CHAFFEE, Agent Located at Heppner Fanners Elevator allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllli i Pioneer Employment Co. With Two Big Offices PENDLETON AND PORTLAND Is prepared to handle the business of Eastern Oregon better than ever before Our Specialties Farms, Mills, Camps, Hotels, Garages, Etc. WIRK HUSH ORDERS AT OUR EXPENSE Portlaaa Office U N. SeeoBSl It Paadletm Oale US a. Ws St. The Only Employment Office in Easteri Oregon with Connections in Portland nuiiiiiiMiiinMiniirniiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirii! f A. M. EDWARDS ! 2 WILL DRILLER Lexington, Ore. 1 Box 14 a E Uses up-to-date traction drilling outfit, equipped for I all sizes of hole and depths. WRITE FOR CONTRACT AND TERMS nniiiiiMiiiMiiuiiMiuiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiMnniiiMiiiiUaiiiiitiiiiiiii Harvest With A Harris Combine The Cheapest, Most Satisfactory Way Karl L. Beach, Morrow Co. Agt. Write or call on me at Lexington, or see JASON BIDDLE, Heppner IBi3IWil!liilll ill lllBIIIHi:- BiliiHlill IS Judge R. J. Kitchen Lays Political Facts Bare Senator on the "Faithful Four- Municipal Judge R. J. Kitchen, of La Grande, Oregon, has entered the race for Joint Republican ticket, of Union, Umatilla and Morrow Counies. Gives facts regarding teen" Asks fanners and business men for nomination at May 19th primaries. R. J. Kitchen, Municipal Judge of the City of La Grande, Oregon, has entered the race for joiut sen ator from Union, Umatilla and Morrow counties on the Republican ticket and is asking the voters of the 19th Senatorial District to support him at the May primaries. His opponent in Union county, Senator C. R. Eberhard, is a member of the Senate from said district and in the last regular session was a member of the Ways and Means Committee. Judge Kitchen dif fers with Senator Eberhard relative to state and public affairs and he desires it to be understood that all statements herein made are relative to Mr. Eberhard 's official career and in no wise are meant or intended in a personal manner. Some of the numerous and cxhovbitont appropriations of that ses sion are as follows: Armories in certain cities ? 115,500 00 Artesian well investigation 10,000-09 Blind institutions 59,a50.0rJ Board of control 57.Oo0.00 Bounty on wild animals 100,000.00 Capitol and Supreme Court buildings and grounds.. . 109.779.50 Cedars ..... 60,000.00 Charitable and corrective institutions 150,000 00 County fairs 126'nH" Dairy and Food- Ci remission 49.400-00 Deficiencies 224 04i; Eastern Oregon State Hospital 46S.960.00 r'eeble Minded institution 392,357-00 State Hospital 997053-00 Live Stock Sanitary Board 112,307.9.1 Pacific International Livestock Exposition 175,000.00 Pacific Northwest l'ourist Association 100,000.00 Penitentiary ?S'H2a2, Public Service Commission 178,47-9.72 Social Hygiene Society 34,506.00 State School for Girls 107,8o8.3a Training School 423,348 01 State fair 'li'JM Tax commission 29,Jix ! Training School, State UI'2 University of Oregon Medical Department i57,788.00 Water Board .... 30,000-00 Oregon Agricultural College millage tax, estimated.. 2,260,107.64 University of OTegon millage tax, estimated 1,695,080. 74 Roads and Highways, millage tax, estimated 2,081,679 00 Making a total with millage tax of over $15,175,931.78 NOTICE $7,260,890.00 appropriations, $368,603.00 more than budget, $2,188,856.00 more than 1919-20. SENATOR EBKRHARD VOTES FOR SALARY RAISES OF WHICH JUDGE KITCHEN DOES NOT APPROVE. Some of the bills voted for by our-present senator, originating in the Senate, are as follows: Senate bill 94 Raise of salaries of county officers of Multnomah county, as follows: County Treasurer, $1,100-00; County Auditor, $600-00; County School Superintendent, $1,100.00- Eberhard voted Yes. Senate Bill 101 Appropriation for Harney County ex periment station, annual appropriation increased $1,000-00. Eberhard voted Yes. Senate Bill 107 Increasing salary Superintendent Public Instruction from $3,00000 to $4,000.00. Eberhard voted Yei Senate Bill 112 Increasing salaTy Attorney General. Eb erhard voted Yes. Senate Bill 114 To amend Section 8445 Oregon Laws, dou ble appropriation in Session Laws 1921, page 37. Eb erhard votsd Yes. Senate Bill 125 Authorizing collection, establishing and maintenance of permanent exhibit of the agricultural mineral am1 industrial products of State, $20,000 00. Eberhard voted Yes. Senate Bill 134 Increase of salary of Clerk of Supreme Court from $2,400.00 to $3,000.00. Eberhard voted Ves- Senate Bin 1 41 Increase of salary Tax Commissioner from $2,500.00 to $3XK1.00. Eberhard voted Yes. Senate Bill 145 Introduced by Eberhard to pay Chaplains at State institutions at State expense, reported un favorable (unconstitutional). Eberhard voted Yes Senate Bill 15 Relating to salaries in Deschutes County, every county officer's salary raised f'om $200 00 ui excepting treasurer. Eberhard voted Yes. Senate Bill 154 Relating to salaries Jefferson County officials- All officers of county raised except sheriff. Eberhard voted Yes Senate Bill 156 All salaries of officials of Lake County raised exctpt County Treasurer. Eberhard voted Yes. Senate Bill 15? Salaries Klamath County officials raied Eberhard voted Yes. Senate Bill l.K8 'KaiRed salaries of eight district attorneys- Eberhard voted Yes. Senate Bill 165 Appropriate money to establish Oregon Employment institution for the Blind, $15,000-00- Eb erhard voteo Yes. Senate Bill 179yTo increase salary of State printer, $600 Eberhard vrted Yes. Senate Bin 271 Providing for construction of State build ings and appropriation for- Eberhard voted Yes. benate Bill 277 Appropriation of $20,000.00 for purpose of carrying out Child Welfare Act. Eberhard voted Yes. Senate Bill 281 Increase salaries of officials of Uma tilla County as follows: County Judge, $600.00; County Treasurer, $500.00; County Clerk, $400.00; Recorder, $20000; Sheriff, $500 00; Assessor, $9d0-00'; Cotnty School Superintendent $600.00- Eber hard voted Yes. Senate Bill 283 Increase salaries officials Grant County as follows: County Judge, $300 00; Sheriff, $400.O; County Assessor, $200.00; County School Superin tendent, $300.00. Eberhard voted Yes. Senate Bin 28i Appropriating money for Kerr Nursery Home at Ptrtland $5,000.10. Eberhard voted Yes. Senate Bill 289 Appropriation for Hood River Experi ment Stat'or from $4,00000 to $5,000 00. Eberhard voted les. Senate Bill 304 Appropriating $10,000 00 for purpose of investigating artesian well conditions in Fort Rock Basin. Eberhard voted Yes. Senate Bill 311 Salary of Warden from $2500 to be de termined by the Governor. Eberhard voted Yes. Senate Kill 330 Salary of Insurance Commissioner raised from $3,000.00 to $3,600.00. Eberhard voted Yes. Senate Bill 3o9 Increasing salary of District Atto'm y i illamook County, and declaring an emergency. E' erhard voted Yes. Senate Bill S42 Multnomah County Justice of Peace on salary $75 00 per month- Eberhard voted Yes Senate Bill 343 To increase salary of constable of Clats-; Countyi from $1,090.00 to $1,380 00 per annum. Ebc hard voted Yes. Senate Bill 360 Assessor and County School superin tendent of Josephine County raised. Eberhard voted Yes. Senate Bill 368 Washington County officials raised as follows: Judge, $600 00; Commissioners, $2.00 per day; Treasurer, $300.00: Clerk, $300 00; Deputy Clerk, "300.00; Recorder, $300 00; Sheriff. $600-00; Assessor, $300.00; School Superintendent, $300.00. Eberhard voted Yes Senate Bill 377 Increase of salary of two county officials of Lane County. Eberhard voted Yes. Sernte Bill 378 Increase salary of Governor from $5 - 000.00 to $7,500.00, or 50 per cent. Eberhard voted Yes. Senate Hill 379 Salaries of Clatsop County officials in creased as follows: County Judge, $600 00; County Treasurer. $600-00; County Clerk $300.00; Sheriff, $500.00; Assessor, $300.00; School Superintendent, $600.00. Eberhard voted Yes. Some of the bills voted for by him originating in the Hou.- are as follows: House Bill 8 Creating office of county meat and herd inspector for Coos County and providing a salary. Eberhard voted Yes. House Bill 37 Appropriating $800 00 for improvemcn'. of Soda Springs at hodaville- Eberhard voted Yes. House Bill 68 Assessor's salary for Baker County in crease $500.00: Eberhard voted Yes. House Bill 101 Creating State Game Commission. Eb erhard voted Yes. House Bill 115 Salaries of Curry County officials raided as follows: County Judge, $40000; County Clerk. $500 00; Sheriff, $500.00; School Superintendent, $920.00. Eberhard voted Yes. House Bill 117 Raising salary County Judge and Treas urer Coos County. Eberhard voted Yes House Bill 124 Increase salary of constable Seaside pre cinct $100.00- Eberhard voted Yes. House Bill 125 District Attorney Clatsop County increase $600 00 per year. Eberhard voted Yes. House Bill 136 Salaries of officials Malheur County raised. Et.erhard voted Yes. House Bill 155 Raise salary Superintendent of Schools, Lincoln County, $200.00. Eberhard voted Yes. House Bill 182 Appropriate money for soil and irriga tion at O. A. C. Eberhard voted Yes. House Bill 198 Salary of Justice of the Peace The Dalles District, increase from $60.00 to $100.00 per month. Eberhard voted ies. House Bill 201 Raise salaries Wasco County as follows: County Judge, $300.00; Clerk, $200.00; Sheriff, $100.00; School Superintendent, $300.00. Eberhiij. voted Yes. House Bill 207 Increasing State Aid to mothers from $10.00 to $15.00 per month and not to exceed $.60 CO per month. Eberhard voted Yes. House Bill 210 Appropriate $15.000 00 to investigate dis ease of cattle by O. A. C. Eberhard voted Yes. House Bill 2 lv Raise salary Assessor of Wheeler Coun ty. ierhard voted Yes. House Bill 218 'Raise salary School Superintendent Til'-i-mook County $200 00. Eberhard voted Yes. House Bill 220 Salaries of Jackson County raised as fol- !ovs: Treasurer, $600.00; Assessor, $500.00; School Su; cvintendrait, $200 00. Eberhard voted Yes. Hon e Kill 231 Compensation State Board Fore-itry raise salary $600 00, and deputy $700 00. Eberhar'i voted Ves. llou e Bill 212 Appropriate money to reconstruct Ump qua Kiver Hatchery. Eberhard voted Yes. House Bill 247 Appropriate $5,000.00 survey O'.vyhce District. Eberhard voted Yes. House llill 262 Raising salaries officials Polk County. Eberhard voted Yes. llou e Hill 268 liaise salaries officials of Denton Coun ty as follcws: Sheriff $200.00; Clerk $300.00; School Superintendent $300-00; Judge $20000. Eberhard voted ies. House Bill 269 Appropriate $50,000.00 for water surreys Eberhard voted Yes. House iill 271 Appropriate money to improve mouth H(K(I Kiver. Eberhard voted es. House Hill 274 Appropriate money hatchery Necanicum Rive-, r.hcrhard voted Yes. Houte Hill 275 Appiopiiate money Klatskanine Hatch ery, Eberhard voted Yes. , Hou e J!ili 277 Anpronriate money for Santiam Hatch ery. Eberhard voted Yes. House Bill 286 Salaries officials Morrow County in creased as follows: County Judge $70000; Treas urer $500.00; School Superintendent, $400.00; Eb erhard voteu Yes. House Bill 288 Increase salaries of Wallowa County officials as follows: County Treasurer $20000; Sheriff $100 00; Assessor $500.00; School Superin tendent $300.00. Eberhard voted Yes. House Hnl 2S9 (Appropriating money hatchery Oak Kidire. Eberhard voted Yes House Kill 291 Appropriate money fish ladders Des chutes River. Eberhard voted Yes. nouse Hill 298 Appropriate money crop pest 0. A. C. Eberhard voted Yes. Hou Hill 320 Construction armories at Mcifford, In dependence. McWinnville and Marshfield and appro priate money thereof. Eberhard voted Yes. Houie Bill 322 Increase salaries of Union County of ficials as follows: County Judge $800.00; Treas urer $300 00; Clerk, $200.00; Assessor $100.00; School .Superintendent $150.00. Eberhard voted Yes Refer endum attached. Tie .Venator is proclaiming the fact over this Senatorial District that he was one of the "Faithful Fourteen'' in the special session called by the Governor just before last Christmas. The fncts are ns follows: At the special session there were three companion measures to pass regarding the support of the World's Fair to be held at Portland in 1925, one to pass a law regaraing gasoline tax; one to bond the state, and the third to call a special election to vote on the question as to whether or not we would have the fair. Mr, Eberhard voted "yes'' to call the special election to have the fair and every other member of the fourteen senators voted no. Was he one of the "Faithful Fourteen," or was he rot? We don't think so. Demands Reduction In Taxes. If nominated and elected Mr. Kitchen will favor the reduction of taxes by all taxing bodies, no more bonds issued until a method is devised for paying those alread y authorized. Cut over-lapping commissions, upply strict economy in expenditure of all public funds same as in private affairs, not affecting our efficiency. i Fewer Offices Advocuted. . Mr. Kitchen advocates fewer offices and the raise of no sal aries and placing Governor's salary back where it was before the 50 per cent raise. He stnnds for the organized farmer and laborer and the cutting out of all frills in education and the giving of preference to ex-service men on public work. Cut Out Extravgance, He advocates rhange in auto tax law so owner will pay on value and not weight of machine; let holder of note secured by mortgage on real estate pay taxes on it and not mortgagor pay double taxation; cut out all unnecessry appropriations and stand lor poll or income tax so taxation on real property will be more fair and uniform. "Cut out extravagance. Reduce taxes nol just talk about it." Kitchen is Out to Win. He is not in this race to divide the votes between any other candidates but to be nominated himself and the voters of the 19tn Senatorial District snould support him. KITCHEN FOR SENATOR CLUB A (Paid Advertisement) LOU HARRIS, Seorctarjrr 40B ir street, -' V La Grande, Oregon. i Gilliam & Bisbee