The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, May 04, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Office upstairs over Postoffice
lleppner, Oregon
Permanently located in the Odd
Fellows Building, Rooms 4 and 5.
Heppner, Oregon
A. D. McMURDO, M. D.
Office in Patterson Drug Store
Trained Nu-ae Aaalntaal
Heppner, Oregon
C .C .CHICK, M. D.
Office upstairs over Postoffice
Trained Kurw Assistant
Heppner. Oregon
Office in Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
First National Bank Building
Heppner, Oregon
Offce in Court House.
Heppner, Oregon
Office Phone, Main M
Residence Phone, Main 6S6
Gilman Building, Heppner, Ore.
Fire Insurance writer for best Old
Line Companies.
Heppner, Oregon
Heppner, Oregon
raoae BT2
Treatment of all diseases. Isolated
wards for contagious diseases.
Successors te C. C Pattemoa
Heppner, Oregon
Entire New Equipment... Lars
Modern surgery.
DR. C. C. CHICK, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Phone Mala 5.12 .
MIIS. (i. C. A1KKN, Hi:i'PM:il
1 nm prepared to take a limited
number of maternity cases at my
home. Pntlents prlvllrsed to choose
their imn phfHU'lna,
Heat of attention and care assured.
Phone .IV!.
Phone Main 872
Heppner Oregon
ADA M. ATERS, Plaintiff)
vs. )
W. D. Newlon and Ella)
B. Newlon, his wife, and)
John J. Worley, )
Notice Is hereny given that by virtue
of a foreclosure execution, Judgment,
Order, Decree and order of sale, Issued
out of the abovo entitled Court In the
ahove entitled cause to me dlreoted,
dated the 18th day of April, 1922, upon
Judgment and decree rendered and en
tered In aaid Court and Cause on the
14th day of April, 1922 In favor 0 Ada
M. Ayers, plaintiff above named and
against W. D. Newlon and Ella B. New
lon. his wife, above named defendants
for the sum of One Thousand Three
Hundred Fifty and no-100 dollars with
Interest thoreon at the rate of six per
cont nor annum from March 5, 1918 and
the further sum of $160.00 attorneys'
fees and the further sum of $17.60 oosts
and disburRements of en id suit and
cpsts upon this writ, commanding ma to
make s?.Ie of the fallowing described
real fio;erty located In Morrow Coun
ty, Slate tf OreRon, to-wil:
The East half of the Northwest
quarter and the Northwest quarter
of the Northwest quarter of Sec
tion 20, In Township One North,
Range 26, E. W. M
NOW THEREFORE by virtue of aaid
foreclosure, execution. Judgment, order,
decree and order of sale and In compli
ance with the command of same, I will
on Saturday the 20th day of May, 1922,
at the hour of 40 o'clock A- M. of aaid
day, at the front door of -the County
Court House of Morrow County, at
Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, aell
at public auction (subject to redemp
tion) to the highest bidder, for cash In
hand paid, all the right, title and inter
est of the above named defendants, or
either of them, had or now have, in and
to the above described real property, or
any part thereof, to satisfy said fore
closure execution, Judgment, order and
decree, interest, costs, attorneys' fees
and accruing costs.
Sheriff for Morrow County, Oregon.
Dated this 20th day of April, 1922.
Morrow County, Oregon,
A Public Corporation,
John J. Qlvens, G. W.
Grey, Jesse R. Pierce, J.
D. Jenkins, A. B. Moses,
The Parvln Company, a
corporation, George E.
Qulggle, A. A. Tillman,
Max Ragley, Frank
Hanford, Harris M.
Pease, E. A. Wlckllne,
M. Linebaugh, C. Line
baugh, H. W. Crees, C.
Ray Beckley, Clarence
E. Deal, Geo. W. Lewis,
Arvid Haryu, Ellen Mc
Arthur, Ruth a Hodge,
NO. 1870.
Frances Cantwell, L. D.
Hale, Ina Hale, O. D.
Forbes, H. M. Blake, J.
A. Harbke, Mary E. Rog
ers, E. L. Thomas, Chaa.
H. Rogers, Jacob J. Nlc-
kle, H. D. Winters, Iva
G. Sellwood, and M. B.
Evans, and any other
person or persons own
ing or claiming to own.
or having or claiming to
have any Interest or es
tate In or to the real
property hereinafter de
scribed, Defendant.
To John J. Glvens, G. W. Grey, Jesse
R. Pierce, J. D. Jonklns, A. B. Moses,
The Parvln Company, a corporation,
George E. Qulggle, A. A. Tillman, Max
Ragley, r'rank Hanford, Harris M.
I'ease,E. A. Wlckllne, M. Linebaugh, C.
Linebaugh, H. W. Crees, C. Ray Beck
Icy, Geo. W. Lewis, Arvid Haryu, Ellen
McArthur, Ruth S. Hodge, L. D. Hale,
Ina Hale, O. D. Forbes, J. A. Harbke,
Mary E. Rogers, E. L. Thomas, Chas. H.
Rogers, Jacob J. Nlcklo, H. D. Winters,
Iva G. Sellwood, and M. B. Evans, and
any other person or persons owning or
claiming to own, or having or claiming
to have, any Interest or estate In or to
I he ronl property hereinafter described,
OREGON: You and each of you are
hereby notified that the above named
Plaintiff, a Public Corporation, is the
purchaser, owner and holder of certi
ficates of delinquency numbered 964,
965, 966, 967, 968. 969, 970, 972, 973,
975, 976, 984, 986, 987, 989, 993, 995, 1002,
1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, and 1008, le-j
sued on the 15th day of May, 1920, by
tho Sheriff and Collector of Delinquent
Talcs for Morrw County, Oregon, and
fllid by said Sheriff and Collector of
delinquent Taxes in the office of the
County Clerk -f Morrow County, Ore
gon, on the 15th day of May, 1920, for
taxes due and delinquent, together with
penalty, Interest and costs thereon, up
on real property situate In Morrow
County, Oregon.
You are further notified that the am
ount for which safrl certificate Is issued
is set opposite and following tho des
cription of the tract or parcel of land
hereinafter Bet out, the same being the
amount then due and delinquent, for
the taxes for the year 1915, together
with penalty, Interest and costs there
on, upon ronl property situate In Mor
row County, Oregon, and particularly
bounded and described as hereinafter
set forth; said tract or parcel of land
being assessed for the year 1915 to the
person whose name first immediately
precedes the description thereof, and Is
followed by the name of the person ap
pearing to be the owner thereof, as
nppeara on the tax roll of Morrow
County, Oregon, now In tho hands of
(he Sheriff of said County for collection,
at the dato of the first publication of
this summons and notice, which date Is
tho 9th day of Mnrch. 1922.
Certificate No. 964, John J. Glvens and
John J. Glvens, East half of East
half of Northoast quarter of North
west quarter of Pcctlon 17, Tp. 3 N.,
R. 24 East of Willamette Merid
ian $1.20
Certificate No. 965, O. W. Grey and
Jobso R. Plorce, West half of North
east quartor of Southwest quarter
of Northwest quarter of Section 17,
Tp. 8 N R. 24 Enst of Willamette
Meridian $0.70
Certificate No, 966, J. 1J. Jenkins and
J. D. Jenkins, NW14 NW14 NEK,
NW14 NE, NW!4 SW14 NW14,
Section 17, Tp. 8 N R. 24 East of
Willamette Meridian $3.10
Certificate No. 967, A. B. Moses and A.
B. Moses, BW14 SWK NW4, WW
NEK NWi4, Soctlon 17, Tp. 3 N., R.
24 East of Willamette Meridlan....$5.00
Ce iflcnte No. 908, The Parvln Com
pany, a corporation, and The Parvln
Company, a corporation, South half
of Northeast qunrtor of Soctlon 16,
Tp. I N., R. 26 East of Willamette
Meridian $4.80
Certificate No. 969, George E. Qulggle
and Georgo E. Qulggle, 8K SE14
NW14, Section 16, Tp. 8 N., R. 26
East of Willamette Meridian $1.85
Certificate No. 970, A. A. Tillman and
A. A. Tillman, NWit NV, Section
29, Tp. 4 N., R. 24 East of Willam
ette Meridian $2.50
Certificate No. 972, Max Ragley, and
Frank Hanford nnd Harris M.
Pease, WH SEK BK'i and NWK
NE 8EK excopt east two acres
thereof, Section 17, Tp. 8 N R. 24
East of Willamette Meridian $3.06
Certificate No. 973, E. A. Wlckllne and
E. A. Wlckllne, WW WW 8WK
Soctlon 17, Tp. 3 N R. 24 East of
Wlllametto Morldlan $1.70
Certificate No. 075, M. Linebaugh and
C. Linebaugh, nnd M. Linebaugh
and C. Linebaugh, NEW and EW
EW NWW. Section 16, Tp. 4 N., R.
27 East of Willamette Morldlan
Certificate No. 97G. H. W. Crees and C.
Hay Beckley, Lota 1 and J. Block T
East (in Section 19, Tp. 6 N., R. J7
East of Willamette Meridian) $1.95
Certificate No. 984, Geo. W. Lewis and
Geo. W Lewis. NV! BW14 and E
SW14, Section 19, and NE4 NW14.
Section 30. Tp. I 8., R. 28 East of
Willamette Meridian 1 29
Certificate No. 98, Arvid Haryu and
Arvid Haryu. SEW, Section 33, Tp.
8.. R 27 East of Willamette Mer
idian 121-70
Certificate No. 987, Ellen McArthur
and Ruth 8. Hodge. 8 NW14 and
NV4 6W!4, Section tt. Tp. ( P.. R. 25
East of Willamette Meridian 121.70
Certificate No. 989, L. D. Hale and
Ina Hale, and L. D. Hale and
lna Hale. Lots 1 to 16 Inclusive.
Block 1. City of lone, Oregon $8.95
Certificate No. 993, O. D. Forbes and
O. D. Forbes, Lot 1, Block 1, Chirrs
Second Addition to the Town of
lone, Oregon $80.10
Certificate No. 995. J. A. Harbke and
J. A. Harbke, Lot 2, Block 1, of
ClufTs Fourth Adltlon to the Town
of lone, Oregon ..$2.10
Certificate No. 1002. Mary E. Rogers
and C. Ray Beckley, Lota 1 to ( In
clusive, Block 1, Caatle Rock. Ore
gon $0.0
Certificate No. 1003, B. L. Thomas and
E. L. Thomas, Lots 7 and 8, Block 1,
and Lota 1 and 2, Block I, Caatle
Rock. Oregon $1.10
Certificate No. 1004, Chaa. H. Roger
and C. Ray Beckley, Lots S and 4,
Block 2, Castle Rock, Oregon $0.90
Certificate No. 1005, Jacob J. Nlcklo
and Jacob J. Nlckle, Lots 1 and 2,
Block 3, and Lots t and 4, Block 6,
Castle Rock, Oregon $1.10
Certificate No. 1006. H. D. Wlntera
and H. D. Winters, Lots 3, 4 and 6,
Block 3, Castle Rock, Oregon $1.00
Certificate No. 1007, Iva O. Sellwood
and Iva G. Sellwood, Lota 1 and 2,
Block 4, Castle Rock, Oregon $0.90
Certificate No. 1008, M. B. Evana and
M. B. Evans, Lots 1 and 2. Block 6.
Castle Rock. Oregon $0.90
The said amounts bear Interest as
follows: The Taxes aforesaid bear In
terfut from the date of the filing of
said certificates of delinquency, respec
tlvely, at the rate of 12 per cent per an
num. until paid, the date of filing of
said certificates of delinquency being
tho 15th day of May, 1920.
And you and each of you are hereby
summoned to appear within sixty days
after the date of the first publication
of this summons, exclusive of the day
of first publication thereof, to-wlt:
March , 1922, and defend the suit In
the Court aforesaid, or pay the amount
due as shown above against the said
tracts or parcels of land, respectively.
above described, of which you are the
owner, or In which you have, or claim
to have, any interest or estate, together
with Interest and costs accrued in this
sult thereon. Service of a copy of your
answer or other process may be made
the undersigned attorney for
plaintiff, at the place specified below
as his address, and In case of your fail
ure so to do, judgment and decree will
be entered against you and each of
you, foreclosing said tax Hens for the
am-unt set opposite and following the
description of said tract or parcel of
land above set forth, together with In
terest and costs thereon, against said
tracts or parcels of land and said tracts
or parcels of land will be sold to satisfy
said Judgment and decree obtained in
this suit
You are hereby further notified that
the plaintiff will apply to the Circuit
Court aforesaid for Judgment and de
cree foreclosing said tax liens against
said property, hereinbefore described.
Thhs summons la published once each
week for sixty consecutive days In the
Gazette-Times, a newspaper of general
circulation In Morrow County, Oregon,
published weekly at Heppner In said
County, the date of f.rst publication
thereof being March 9, 1922, said pub
lication being made In pursuance of an
order therefor made by the Honorable
Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of the Cir
cuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Morrow County, said order having been
made and entered on the 14th day of
February, 1922.
By Samuel E. Notson, District Attorney,
for Morrow County, Oregon and At
torney for Plaintiff; whose address Is
Heppner, Oregon. M-ll.
Addie Devlne, Plaintiff )
Claude Devlne, Defendant )
To Claude Devlne, Defendant:
OREGON: You are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled suit
within six weeks of the date of the
first publication of this summons, and
If you fall to so appear and answer, for
want thereof, the plaintiff will proceed
to ask the Court that the bonds of mat.
rlmony now existing between the plain.
tiff nnd defendant be forever dissolved
and held for naught and that plaintiff
be granted an absolute divorce from
said defendant, and that Earl W. De
vino and Lois O. Devlne, the minor chil
dren of the plaintiff and defendant be
given to the care, custody and control
of the plaintiff. That plaintiff be grant
ed one hundred ($100) dollars attor
ney's fees, together with her costs and
disbursements herein. This summons
is published pursuant to an order of
the Honorable Wm. T. Campbell, Judge
of the County Court of Morrow County,
Oregon, made and entered on the 25th
day of February, 1922.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Residence and post-office address,
Heppner, Oregon.
Date of first publication March 80, 1922.
Dale of lost publication May 11, 1922
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admlnls
trator of the estate of Arthur Kllcup,
deceased, and has qualified as such. All
persons havlnr claims apalnst said es
state must present them to me properly
verified, at the office of Woodson and
Sweok, my attorneys, in Heppner, Ore
gon, on or before six months from the
date of first publication hereof.
W. W. Kllcup, Administrator.
Date of first publication, April 6, 1922.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of the State of Orogon for
Morrow County administratrix of the
estato of Arthur J. Hunt, deceased, and
that nil persons having claims against
the said estate are required to present
tho snmo, duly verified according to
law, to me at the office of my attorney,
S. E. Notson, In Heppner, Oregon, with
in six months from the date of first
publication of this notice, said date of
first publication being April 6, 1922.
ETTA C. HUNT, Admnlstratrlx.
Notice Is hereby given that I, the un
dersigned, under the laws of the State
of Orogon, have taken up the animal
hereinafter described while running at
j largo on my promises In Morrow Coun-
ty, Oregon, to-wit: One brown mule,
with bay points, coming 3 years old.
branded with irregular brand on left
shouliler, brand resembles a figure 7
with two points to rlsht of stern near
what seems to be a reversed figure I,
followed by a four pointed blotch.
That I will on Friday, the 2'Jth day ,
of April, 1922, at the hour of t o'clock
in the afternoon of said day, at my
ranch eight miles southeast of Hepp
ner, Oregon In said County of Morrow,
unless the said animal shall have been
redeemed, sell for cash In hand to the
highest bidder, said animal, for the
purpose of paying costs of taking up,
holding and selling of said animal, to
gether with reasonable damages for
the Injury caused by running at large
on said premises.
Dated and published the first time
this 13th day of April, 1922. t-
V. S. LAND OFFICE at La Grande,
Oregon, April 28, 1922.
NOTICE is hereby given that James
W. Wheeler, of Heppner, Oregon, who,
on June 14, 1918, made Homestead En
try No. O18S04, for SW, Section 14, and
on November 26, 1921, made Additional
Homestead Entry, No. 019797, for NW,
Section 14. all in Township 1 South
Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of Intention to make Final
three-year Proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, before United
States Commissioner, at Heppner, Ore
gon, on the 20th day of June, 1922.
Claimant names as witnesses: W. E.
Wiglesworth, F. K. Payne and E. O.
Nelll, of Echo, Oregon; J. G. Barratt. of
Heppner, Oregon.
CARL G. HELM. Register.
For Commissioner.
I hereDy announce myself as a
candidate for the nomination to the
ottice of County Commissioner, sub
ject to the will of the Republicans of
Morrow County, to be expressed at
the Primaries in May, 1922.
G. A. Bleakman, Hardman, Ore.
Paid Advertisement.
For Joint Representative.
I hereby announce my candidacy
on the Republican ticket for Joint
Representative of the District of Mor-
rcw gnj JJmatilla Counties in the
. , . ; Mm. :
may V """ .............
tuia county it years anu own piup
erty in both counties. I was a mem
ber of the 1919, or War Sesson, and
the specal session of 1920 of the Ore
gon Legislature and otherwise have
devoted much time to public matters.
1 have no platform, except to offer
the best judgment 1 have and to pur
sue a conservative and economic
course. I believe in applying strict
business methods to public matters.!
V hen we can pay for public develop
ment we should have betterments,
but when taxes grow burdensome we
must be content with the old ways un
til we can do better. Just now taxes
must be trimmed wherever possible
and no new appropriations made;
and the pressing need of the farmer
and stockman must be the main issue
in law making and in the sphere of
public influence.
E. P. Dodd, Hermiston, Ore.
Paid Advertisement.
For Representative.
1 hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the nomination to the
office of joint representative for
Morrow and Umatila counties in the
Oregon Legislature, subject to the
will of the Republicans of the two
counties, to be expressed at the Pri
maries in May, 1922.
J. Perry Conder, Heppner, Ore.
Paid Advertisement.
For Representative.
I hereiiy announce myseir as a
candidate for the office of Joint Rep
resentative of Umatilla and Morrow
counties, on the Republican ticket.
II elected I promise to faithfully and
lonestly perform the duties of the
office, working at all time for the best
interests of the people of this district
and the state of Oregon.
E. M. Hulden.
Ptii'J Advertisement.
For County Commissioner.
After being urged by citizens and
taxpayers in all parts of the county
to anounce myself as a candidate for
the nomination for County Cmmis
sioner, I have decided to do so and
will be a candidate for such nomina
tion on the Democratic ticket at the
coming primaries. 1 have been a
taxpayer here since before Morrow
county was organized. I have no
platform to announce nor promises
tc make only that, if elected, I will
endeavor to serve the people of the
county to the best of my ability.
R. L. Benge.
Paid Advertisement.
Homey Philosophy for 1922
This business of doubting every
thing and everybody doesn't get the
world very far. We've got to have
faith and we've got to have trust,
or the wheels stop turning. Fancy
a fellow starting to prove for him
self how many miles the sun is from
the earth. If his business depended
on the certainty of this knowledge,
he'd be dead before he started if he
had to gather it himself. But we
take the mileage on faith. In some
things we rely on what all the other
fellows have found out in the years
gons by. A young chap starts out
todav with the asset of a thousand
puzzling problems solved by the bill
ions of people we never heard of.
lust the same, big as the store is, it
will he exhausted unless we put
something into the world as well as
take something out of it. .
j Political Announcements j
1 i
vi I 1
Be Wise!
Cecil Lieuallen, accompanied by
Emery Gentry, spent some time at
Butterby Flats on Friday, Mrs. Jack
Hynd returning to Heppner with
them. We understand Mrs. Hynd was
speeding on Thursday night to such
an extent that she (not the car) land
ed in a large mud hole. She stuck
so fast that it took several helpers
to pull her out. However, to con
vince the speed "cop," Cecil, that
it was on her own land, not the high
way, Mrs. Hynd was speeding she
left for the county seat with him to
prove matters.
Roy Scott of The Lookout left on
Thursday with a large bunch of cattle
and about forty young calves which
have been wintered at Butterby Flats.
They will pasture at Sand Hollow for
a few weeks and then will be fed off
on some of the Hynd Bros, upper
ranches. Hynd Bros, declare that in
spite of the long, hard winter their
cattle are loking finer and doing Bet
ter than ever for them. Good ad for
the feeding qualities of Cecil hay.
Dick Logan arrived at his home
it Four Mile for the week-end and
had a busy time inspecting his fath
er's prospects for a good wheat crop.
Dick couldn't resist the temptation of
spending most of his time behind
some horses, plowing, seeding, etc..
before leaving for his studies at lone
,igb school.
Noel Streeter is the proudest boy
n Morrow county. Last Saturday
white scouting around the hills Noel
came across a coyote den and cap
tured eight puppies. Noel's bright
smile can be seen yet. He is think
ing of turning county trapper, so
look out Harold
W. G. Hvnd of Sand Hollow and
also A. Ashinhust arrived in Cecil
on Saturday and spent a few days
among their friends while viewing all
the good products in Cecil vicinity
Mrs. Karl Farnsworth and children
of Rhea were calling in Cecil on
Snnrlav. We are elad to hear that
Mr. Farnsworth is improving under!
the care of his doctors in Portland,
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Philips who
have been working at Willow Creek
ranch for several months left on the
local on Wednesday for Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Winnard and
also Mrs. Marion Van Schoiack were
know the pojver of knowledge. Knowledge is
the truth about Persons, Places, Things.
F'r instances: If you had time to count all of
the letters used by the printers of this page, you
would find more "e's" used than any other
letter. The letter "t" comes next, then "o,"
"a," "n" and so on with "z" least used.
That is all very interesting, but not very val
uable knowledge. Jlowever, the words these
letters spell can prove valuable to you. In the
news and advertising columns of The Gazette
Times the regiments of "e's," "t's," "o's,"
"a's," and "n's," tell both interesting and val
uable messages every week if you will but
road and profit.
Read and Advertise in
The Gazette-Times
Get Results!
First picture of the wife and son
of Robert Goelet, American multi
millionaire, who has just arrived
in New York. Mrs. Goelet was
formerly Princess Riabouchinsky,
widow of a wealthy Russian Prince,
a resident of Paris. The Goelet
family has been living in Paris for
the past year, where the son, Robert,
Jr., was born.
callers on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krebs
at The Last Camp on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Lindstrom from
their ranch near lone were visiting
at Highview. the home of Mr. and
Mrs. G. A. Miller on Sunday.
Miss Doris Logan left on the local
for lone on Friday and will visit at
the home of her aunt, Mrs. Hazel
Logan for a few days.
Clifford Henriksen left Willow
Creek ranch on Tuesday with a fine
bunch of cattle for their Hamilton
ranch above Heppner.
Mrs. Jack Hynd and son Herb of
Butterby Flats were visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Henriksen at Strawberry
ranch on Sunday.
Misses Cleta Palmateer of Windy-
nook and Ellen Ely of Morgan were
taking in the sights of sunny Cecil
on Sunday.
Miss Edith Swick of Rhea Siding
i spent the week-end with her friend
i Miss Grace Palmateer at Shady Del!
Mrs. Geo. A. Miller of Highview
ranch spent Friday visiting with Mrs.
Turner at her ranch near lone.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krebs of The
Last Camp were visiting friends in
mum nam n rtiMicur
Arlington on Friday.
One of Frank Turner's shearing
crews is busy shearing at Killarney
for J J. McEntire.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Funk and
daughter of lone were callers in
Cecil on Monday.
W. E. Ahalt is busy plowing with
his Fordson tractor for Leon Logan
at Four Mile.
Geo. R. Post of Portland was look
ing up his friends in Cecil vicinity
on Saturday.
Walter Pope spent the week-end
in Cecil before leaving for The Wil
lows. Frank Halferty of Morgan was
taking in the sights of Cecil on Mon
day. Joe White of The Willows was
calling on his Cecil pals on Tuesday.
FOR SALE A Deering 2-man
combine, practically new has cut
but 260 acres. Call on B. F. Doh
erty at Sand Hollow ranch. tf.
Shoe Repair Work E. N. Gonry
Shoe store is now prepared to take
care of all shoe repair work. There
is a good man on the job. Bring
your shoe troubles to Gonty. Adv.
the Illustrated Weekly M.ilne-New-paper
1'nhllKhrd at the Natloaal Capitol.
SpcvUl llargala Introductory Offer to
rrdaera of this paper FOR TEN
CENTS, ta stamps or eurrrary. The
Natloaal Rrpubllraa will be seat atx
weeks to one address.
Show this offer to your friends. The
National Republican is a national week
ly review of polities and government,
printing; more Interesting: current and
historical Information about national
Bffalrs each week than any other paper
In America. It Is of special value tu
children studying; history and civics In
the schools, to new women voters de
siring; to familiarise themselves with
the facts essential to a comprehension
of public questions and has much worth
while information for every member of
the family. There ought to be on every
home reading table In America at lomt
one national periodical Intended to fur
nish information about this nation of
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