The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, March 23, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    v. ma: two
Mrcb u, lJi
Tb Hwnr Tin., Klbllhd
.vviubr 1. U..
Con'iiutrU 4-etiiuary lft. 1811.
Afonijy Ma sed we are going to i'llllllllllimilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIimillllinilltlic
stav at Home evrv nite this week 5
viJcd their own crop and market
news. It is time they ceased to de
pend tor tneir information upon ot witcn i am giaa ot it oecause now s
,I.M ry Thur.l,)' mormn j
for their information
those whose interests are flatly op-l wont half to worry about washing s
posed to the interests of the man who j my teeth so much. a
produces the wheat. It is time they j Tuesday Blisters and me had a z
ceased to depend upon a mechanism i dog fite tonite. That is I kicked his
iso unstable that it reacts like a wea-dog and then he kicks mine and I
I ther vane to every rumor of crop con- pulled his dogs ears and he pulls
dition throughout the world. The, my dogs ears and then 1 pinched his
!! Tr .
r 1 Mioins
ihre Muolhs
fc.Lfcl cuvM
morhuw toi.MV urrauL PArtH
Don't Scuttle the Public
Some excellent things were said
here yesterday by members of the
state tax commission and others. The
tax problem is a big one and there
is urgent need of relief particularly
The Gentle Art of
dog and he pinched mine but finely
I puts 1 over on him. I pulled his , 5
dogs tale. Mine is a Bob tale dog s
and hassent got no tale a tall to
speak of and any ways he wont let
nobody pull his tale.
Wednesday Teecher was tawk-
Lexingttn, Ore.
Box 14
Uses up-to-date traction drilling outfit, equipped for
all sizes of hole and depths.
Brooklyn Bridge, which has been sold
to him, or a brick of "gold" that has
"stood actual test in an assay office"
and is later found to have been plug
ged. Now, however, the laugh is on
the city man himself. It has remain
ed for Irving T. Bush guardian an-
for the man who owns farm land.M of struggling business humanity
Time and again America's great
metropolis, New York, has laughed
at the "country rube" who visiting ing about are great men like Wash-
the big town, has fallen in with the j ington and Lincoln and she ast of j
city slicker and returned to his home Jake in what ways was they both j
town with a block of stock in the like each other and Jake replyed &!
Ihere are ways of securing relief if
the proper steps are taken but the
East Oregonian will say frankly it
looks askance at some of the sug
gestions made during the trip of the
Ever since the committee started
its hearings at Baker there have been
covert attempt at a campaign of pre
judice against the direct primary and
against public education, particularly
against the Oregon Agricultural col
lege and the state university. This
latter line of effort has shown up es
pecially in the articles by John V.
Kelly in the Oregonian and in talks
by Coe .McKenna, a member of the
commission. The people of Oregon
do not need any advice from these
gentlemen upon this subject. If there
are any corrective steps to be taken
in connection with college finances
these men are not the ones to sug
gest what should be done.
It is the function of a state to pro
vide free public schools and the col
leges are a logical and necessary part
of our public school system. It is
proper enough to charge tuition when
students come from outsdie the state
but it would not be good policy to
charge tuition for Oregon students.
The state that cannot maintain free
public education for its young peo
ple is not entitled to statehood.
In connection with the tax reduc
tion crusade, what is the idea of con
centrating so strongly upon the
schools? There is not a state school
in Oregon that is proportionately as
well provided for as are the inmates
of the Eastern Oregon State Hos
pital. Why not look the field over
and see if there are not other places
wnere the tax reducers can do good
Are the timber lands of Oregon,
aggregating many millions in value,
bearing their just share of the taxes?
Are the public service corporations,
including the railroads, taxed as
deeply as are the farmers? Have
the paving corporations that have had
so much business under our $40,000,
000 road program paid their just
share of taxes. The commission
might profitably look into these mat
ters also.
Nor is there any sense in the the
ory expressed by some that the di
rect primary has been the cause of
high taxes. The tax situation is just
as severe in boss ridden states as in
Oregon. The situation is nation wide,
in fact it is world wide. Taxes are
grevious because business and indus
try are depressed. As to what caused
the collapse opinions differ but it is
s fact that it followed quickly on the
heels of the rejection of the treaty of
Versailles. In a critical hour the
world was left bewildered and lead
erless and economic chaos followed.
We are now paying the price but we
are not going to escape by scuttling
the public school system. We can
do considerable to relieve taxation
and it should be done. But in a way
the really big problem is beyond our
There is no local remedy for s
world wide disease. East Oregon
and among the most advanced of free
publicity seekers to turn the trick
on a number of the most astute bus
iness men in New York. The scheme
it appears has been pulled off in con
nection with the Bush Terminal
Building that stands in the heart of
the world's busiest business centre,
42nd Street and Broadway, 30 stories
high and almost piercing the clouds.
The result is the preparation of a
law suit of no mean proportion, but
in the meantime the philantrophic
Mr. Bush sits, smiles and awaits a
gold medal as the champion slicker
of America.
Big business men flocked into the
Bush Terminal Building, paying for
office space as high as $5 or $6 a
square foot. The price was stagger
ing, but to offset it Mr. Buh dedi
cated two floors of the building for
the use of his tenant;. He provided
a wonderful restaurant on the ground
floor, luxurious lounging quarters
for the Buyers' Club, consisting ot
me tenants arC their busmen visit
ors. Then there were rest rooms,
telephones, conference rooms and all
the other surrounfngs of fJew York
luxury offered free to the rent pay
ers. The Bush Terminal was a ver
itable business paradie and the 30
stories were soon filled. No comes
the second reel. Having hooked the
tenants up with Vg leases at rents
that would brjas the average busi
ness man, Mr. Bush rolled up his
philantrophic cloak and put it away
in camphar. Without consulting the
tenants, he closed tiie c'iib: tore d-.wn
the restaurant, abolished the magnifi
cent entrance, and turned the space
into rentable quarters, from which it
is expected to rake in another $90,-
000 a year.
Visitors from out of town now look
in vain for the entrance to the great
Bush Terminal Building, but it is
only about 3 feet wide and can't be
found except by an explorer, ihe
onlv mark of identification is a little
revolving barber pole sign on the
building next door. The injury to
the business of the tenants is said
to run into the hundreds of thousands
of dollars. Perhaps the city man will
now realize that the "country rube"
is not the only fellow who suffers
from inability to match wits with the
When the Grower Suffers
The statistical division of the
Northwest Wheat Growers associated
in an article this week tells how offi
cial estimates of wheat production is
sued by European governments last
year greatly exaggerated the proba
ble yields.
During the time 'the American far
mers were disposing of their pro
ducts, reports from almost every Eu
ropean government declared record
yields were in view, and that the de
mand for American grain would be
small at best. But later, as the stat
istical division of the cooperative or
ganization points out, every one of
these nations with the exception of
Great Britain backed up from its for
mer statements and "applied the
The evil effect of these exaggerat
ed estimates upon the American far
mer clearly can be seen when we re
call how such misinformation is re
ceived by boards of trade in this
Responsive as the needle of a com
pass, fluctuating upward or downward
to every rumor of increased or de
creased demand, the wheat markets
in America were crowded down, by
these incorrect European reports,
Millions of dollars were lost to Amer
ican wheat producers last year by
overestimates of European produc
sed that they was both woodmen
She sed How and he sed Washing-1
ton choped down Cherry trees s
Lincoln split Rales before they got
into Polatix.
Thursday A new boy cum to
skool today witch's name was Har
vey Davis. Teecher ast him what
was his ma's name and he told her
Mrs. John Wilson. She sed how
cum your ma has got a name op
posite from you and he sed his ma
got marryed over for the 2nd time
witch diddent have no afect on him
as yet.
The Blue Mountain Eagle man ran
across one of the old-timers of this
section, while in The Dalles a week
or so ago, and says: "Billy Tillard
was a character who was well known
throughout this county some twenty
and thirty years ago. The writer
met him last week at The Dalles and
he said that he wanted to be remem
bered to all his old time friends here.
He is planning to be here for the '62
celebration. He has a lot of the old
gambling paraphernalia that comes
down from pioneer days and he will
probably bring them with him."
Mike McCabe was in the city on
Friday to enjoy the St. Patrick's day
celebration and meet with old-time
friends. He is located near Mitchell,
where he has a ranch and is running:
sheep. A long winter has been ex
perienced, but having plenty of feed,
the stockmen out that way have pull
ed through in good shape. The break
in bad weather came just in the nick
of time, however, as hay stacks were
just about all consumed. Mike was
engaged in the sheep business in
Morrow county before going to
Wheeler county.
FOR SALE Four first class Mam
moth Bronze turkey toms. W. H.
Cleveland, phone 48F11. 4t.
FOR SALE Good Jersey milk
cow. fresh. Phone 25FI1. Adv. 2t
Ladies' and Grown Girls' Oxfords
Pnce $4.00 to $6.00
Misses' Oxfords, Brown and Black
Esse $2.75 to $4.00
I am now prepared to take care of all repairing.
A good man is on the job.
I have received my certificate in PRACTIPEDICS
the science of giving foot comfort.
E. N. Gonty
Spring Suits
Spring woolens now in and you will enjoy looking them
$25.00 $35.00
Where LEAN
Slats' Diary
By Ross Farquhar
Friday Pa has got a new pear of
shoes witch he calls them his Squeak
orLeak shoes If they
are dry they squeak and
if they are wet they
Leak. Pa says ole Man
Hix is so stingy he goes
up the stares two steps
at a time in order so
that he can save
his shoes from wearing
out but he had bad Luck
yesterday haveing split
a 8 $ pear of Pants to
save his four $ and a
1-2 shoes.
Saturday Me and
Jake went out a long;
the Cnck today to hunt
Mush rats to sell there hide. We
tramped all morning but we diddent
find Nothing. In fact we was xceed
ingly Lucky to find are way back.
Sunday Comeing out of Sunday
skool today Jane sed to me that my
Ears are so big that when she 4ooks
as me from the Back I remind her
of a Loveing Cup. I have come to
a conclusion that Women is all alike
xcept that they got diffrent Names.
;Wgy : SSSSL.
of the
New Bargains
W Every Day
Dry Goods, Men's
and Boys' Wear Jr
Come Every f
Day and Come
Early f
Minor & Company
We are now showing many
latest patterns in
French and Domestic
For Spring and Summer
Good time now to make
your selections
Sam Hughes Company
Lmstt m ""ottat ttv UBTWTTwn" ppnTmnv.n 41' TH?. ft.T
Ulllll. UU AUA A. A. A. IbAll A All M MVv W WM mm mm m
t SB 1
Qet $1.00 In the Wank
In Your Own Jame
This is a good start for any
one who wishes to forge ahead
in money matters. One dollar
starts a savings account in
your name. Then you have a
safe place to Keep every cent
you save.
Keep your dollars going
hankward. We keep your dol
lars at work earning interest
for you. You can build a small
fortune for yourself in a Sav
ings Account by adding a fixed
sum regularly. Compound in
terest helps. Try it
Fir National Bank
It is time producers of wheat pro