I'AGK SIX Hnmpmakers Conference Will Sound New Slogan This Year HrUtr ii'imn "ir Oregon" Is Aim of Saenufic and Practicing Women cf Orrn. "Better Homes for Oregon" is the rt slogan around which the practi cal scientists and scientific practicers of Oregon homcmaking will rally fi.r their first separate conference at the state college. Corvallis, March 20 25. "And the slogan will be made vit al." sav the leaders of the movement. "The opening address of Dean A. B. Milam. Homcmaking From a New i-tandpoint.' will sound the keynote." The conference has always hereto fore heen held in connection with Farmers' Week, when some of the nomen thought they were expected to plav "second fiddle" in the men's orchestra. In conformity with the development of a better standard of homes and homemaking. the method has been changed to meet the new needs 0. A. C. Experiment station. THE GAZKTTE-TIMES, HEITXER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1922 'honored the Cecil vicinity with a vis it on Sunday. Card of Thanks. We wish to excress to our friends and neighbors, our sincere thanks and arnreciation for the many acts of kindness during the illness and tkath of our beloved wife and moth er. Daniel Rice, Cecil Burgoyne, Maude Craber, Shirley Robinson, Clarence Rice. Card of Thanks. We take this method of expressing our heartfelt thanks to our friends who assisted us in our late bereave ment in the death of our dear mo ther. John B. White, Ada Estes, Trvman White, Lee White, Mrs. Joe Sibley, Mrs. Claude White. Mr. and Mrs. Zenneth Logan of Mountview ranch were doing busi ness in lone on Saturday. George A. Miller and son Elvin of Highview ranch ere calling on their Cecil friends on Saturday. Miss Edith Swick, teacher of Rhea j siding school is spending the weekj end with her parents at Hood River, j Misses Violet M. Hynd and Doris Mflhonev. students of Heppner high school, spent the week-end at Butter- by Flats. Miss Esther Loean and brother Billie of lone were visiting on Sun day with Misses Dons and uana Lo gan at Cecil. Mrs. Noah Pettyjohn and also Mrs. Frp.t Pemiohn from their ranches near Morgan were doing business in Cecil on Thursday. Mrs Mollerv. who has been as sisting Mrs. Rov Scott at The Look out for several weeks left on the lo cal for lone on Sunday. r A Minor of Herpner and Mr Funk who is interested in the wool business, were calling on the sheep men on Willow creek on weanesaay "Hat" Pearson and son Blackley, Alva Bennett and Wm. Duncan have been working for the "Mayor" for a few days. They left on luesaay tor Echo. Mary Hal ferry at Shady Dell. Mr. and Mrs. A. Henriksen, who have been spending some time at their Hamilton ranch near Heppner, returned to their home at Willow creek ranch at Cecil on Saturday. Misses A. C. Hynd and V. M. Hynd of Butterby Flats and Miss D.iris Mahoney of Heppner were en tertained at dinner at The Highway , ... ma - - House on Monday py miss a. Lowe. lerome O'Connor is the busiest man on Willow creek amongst his lambing crew at the Curtiss ranch be longing to Minor and Krebs near Ce cil. Something like fifteen hundred lambs are the latest at time of writ ing at the various camps at Cecil. We know now whv the Mayor ikilled the fatted calf during the last two weeks or so. We heard it ru mored that a certain gentleman who holds some responsible position in the First National bank at Hepcner was invited to dine with the Cecil elite at the mayor s residence on Sundav last. Sunday arrived. Ev ervthine in order, all patiently await- ing the arrival of the guest from Heppner whose initials we believe are F G , and who failed to Ceo. Henriksen of Strawberry who has been having a vaca tion which he spent in Canby, is once more into harness ana warning against time on his ranch. Mrs Palmateer of Hood River is visirin? with her daughter Miss Grace Palmateer who teaches at tne rour Mile school and resides with Mrs Card of Thanks. Tn our friends and neighbors we extend our heartfelt thanks for their sympathy in our bereavement in the death of our daughter and sister. Svdna Delia Wnght. Mrs. Silas A. Wright and family. las. A. Pointer, formerly of Lex inston. is now located at Enterprise Oregon, where he has charge of the pastorate of the Christian church. I . Mr. Pointer is a graduate trom tne Bible univesity at Eugene. j Ladies' Missionary Meeting. The Ladies' Missionary meeting will be held at Mrs. Eppa Ward's on Tuesday next at 2 :30 p. m. A large attendance is desired, and every lady is requested to bring a guest. Mrs. T. J. Humphreys, Pres. Out With the Loafers. Have you removed those hens from which you do not want to get hatching eggs from the breeding pen? Remember that this is the sea son that even the loafers will lay and eggs from them may hatch more poor, producers. 0. A. C. Experi ment station. FOR SALE Good seed spring rve; also some Dluestem seen wneai. Phone 22F24. 3tp. Ulutcrrj (Dpntng The season's best values in trimmed hats, and all the late novelties will be on dis play rch 11 1922 Style and quality unequalled in price. Also latest styles in Ladies' Coats and Dresses. iirrear to meet one of Morrow coun-' ty's charming young school teachers who was the guest of honor for the day. We advise K G. to come ana make his humble apologies on his bended knees as our guest of honor is slowlv dvine bv inches of a broken j heart caused by the unpardonable ne glect of F. G. and we sincerely nope he will do better next time he re ceives an invitation to dine at a coun try dining table that groans under its weight of good ediDies grown in Morrow county, Oregon. wheat ranch, near in, only 10 acres uaste land, eood improvements and well watered, for $27.50 per acre, including 530 acres seeded. LiKe finding it. See me at once. E. M. Shutt. Wheat Ranch Bargain. If you can raise $7,500 cash as first payment I can let you have one third crop payments a 1040-acre pure OHUKH TO SHOW CAl SB WHY AS IIKDKH TO SK1.L REAL PROPERTY MCOI 1.11 SOT BK MAOB. l THE COUNTY COURT OF THE with OF OREGON FOR THE mi'OTT OF MORROW. In the matter of ths estate of Luclle Roberta and Evelyn Roberts, Minor. Tn T.tirlT.E ROBERTS AND EVEL- tm nintERTS. Minor and to the Heir, i. .mi unknown, of the estate of inhn w Roberta, deceased. WHEREAS, a petition ha been nied by the Guardian of aald Miner of the d.u.i. Estate, nravlnc for an Order of this Court that the real property of sakl estate be sold and that the pro ceeds of said sale be used for the sup port and education of said minor. NOW THEREFORE, you are hereby cited to appear on the Srd day of April. last, at I o'clock p. m. at tne court house In Heppner, Morrow County, Ore gon ami show cause, It any mere o why said real property, one-eiitnm in terest In Lot three In Block One In Ayrea Third Adltlon to the City of Heppner In the County 01 Morrow, st,, t nf Oreiron. should not be sold and the proceeds used for the educa tion of said minor ana tor tneir sup port and maintenance, and that a copy of this order shall be published at least once a week for four consecutive week In a weekly newspaper of general cir- HI'IIIIM GILUAM & BISBEES j& COLUMN j& Homemakers Conference Oregon Agricultural College Corvallis, March 20-25 "Better Homes For Oregon" Pictured in Lecture, Exhibit, Demonstration THE HOME Management, Sanitation, Furnishings, Labor Saving Devices and Emergencies. THE C H 1 L D Nutrition, Clothing, Books. THE F O 0 D Selection, Preparation and Serving. THE CLOTHING Selec tion, Making Dress Form, Decorative Touches for Garments, Short Cuts in Sewing. Evening Entertainment Community Play, Music, Noted Speakers. Full Information on Any Sub ject by Writing Itrsjiwirar, vr. .-. v . , a Christian Church MARCH culation, printed and published In Mor row County, Oregon. W1I.ILAM T. CAMPBELL, Judge. F A. Mi-MENAMIN. Attorney for Guardian. Dr. D. R. Haylor, eye specialist of Portland, will be at the Hnylor jewelry store in Heppner, March 6 and 7. Get your eyes examined. 2t. Novelty Dance "Fair Pavilion SATURDAY NIGHT, MARCH 4th, 1922 Music by WILLIAMS ALABAMA COLORED JAZZ BAND MUSIC THAT PLEASES Admission: Gentlemen $1.10. Ladiea Free. Tax. Inc. i;iiii;i:iaiilik YA is .a illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllU EE iiiiiiiiiiiiii mimiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiii 3 lis n . r i 1-1- n IS When the winter breaks and the ground thaws out don't forget that we have all kinds of tools for work ing the ground. Vnnr tipne are rsckline for more poultry supplies ana we. nave got some left. STRAYED There came to my place several n orth? ago one bay mare, blaze face, .( or 4 vears old. weieht about 1200. Owner may have animal by calling at r y ranch and pav;i? pa -tun b'll and cost of advertising. 2tp. CHAS. N. JONES, Heppner. CECILITEMS0F1NTEREST Who wants an have them. incubator? We T. W. May of Lone Star ranch was a busy man in Cecil on Saturday. Claude Blaine of Rock Creek was a passenger for Arlington on Sun day. Wm. Ball from his ranch near Morgan was a Cecil caller on Wed nesday. Harold Ahalt of lone was visit ing his friends in Cecil and vicinity on Sunday. Henry Cohn of the county seat Some of you ladies look awfully ciettv but there is nothing that would look so pretty to us as a check for your account or a part ot it. vwpflfter our terms will be 60 Have net nr 5 oer cent discount for cash within 30 days. After 60 days 8 per cent per annum will oe cnarg pf? to the dpenunt at the end of every month. No detraction from these rules. The nirf savin?: "Money makes the mare go." Money buys quality from us cheap. St. Patrick's Day etraii STARTHEATER PROGRAM WEEK OF MARCH 3rd to MARCH 9th FRIDAY, Little "Breezy" Eason in "The Big Adventure" Also WINNERS OF THE WEST SATURDAY, Vivian Martin in "The Song of the Soul" Also TWO-REEL COMEDY SUNDAY AND MONDAY A Special Cast in Mark Twain's Immortal Novel "Huckleberry Finn" Also COMEDY TUESDAY, Billie Rhodes in "His Pajama Girl" Also TWO-REEL COMEDY WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, Wallace Reid in "Sick Abed" Also TWO-REEL COMEDY EJ j! GET A COPY OF OUR DESCRIPTIVE PROGRAM S C Gilliam & Bisbee For Three Days Only During Out Millinery- Opening, March 3rd, 4th, and 6th we will have on display a collection of The Newest Spring Styles in Coats, Suits and Dresses That are High in Quality and Low in Price. Take advantage of this showing and come prepared to buy. NO TWO GARMENTS ALIKE Mrs. L. G. Herren Ancient order ofHibermians will celebrate St Patrick's Day Friday, March 17 PROGRAM Mass at St. Patrick's Church , 8:30 A. M. Work Meeting of A. 0. H. at I. O. 0. F. Hall 10:30 A. M. Football Game at Gentry Field 1:30 P. M, Banquet at Hotel Patrick . . . . .6:30 P. M Dance in Hotel Dining Room 9:00 P. M I The football game will be worth coming I miles to see. Real Irish players in a real Irish game. Splendid Four-Piece Orchestra 1 I will furnish music for the dance, which will be one of the very H best of the season. 1 A cordial invitation is extended to the pub I lie to attend the football game and dance Ej li iniiiiiiiiiiiiiii mi iiiuiiii imiiiiiimiiiimiwii""""!" iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimmiiiiir; J iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin . I j 1 E "melts in your mouth," I then you get the deleo g. EE table gum center. XSfiw H And with Wrigley three old MA EE standbys also affording friendly VlJSl EE aid to teeth, throat, breath, ap- X "5 I 5 EE petite and digestion. H2KT I I EE Soothing, thirst-quenching. jp&C&jfrX? VS I EE Making the next cigar V&X sj j taste C""' l II A . : AT IIIKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIr.1