The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, February 16, 1922, Image 1

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    Oregon Historical Society,
Public Auditorium
Volume 38, Number 45. HEPPNER, OREGON, THUE.sDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1922. Subscription $2.00 Per Year
There has been some considerable
activity during the week in the local
wool market. The offering of 30 cents
per pound for the 1922 clip by the
firm of Hallowell, Jones and Donald,
of Boston through their local rep
resentative, W. W. Smead, was the
means of causing quite a number of
our sheepmen to contract, and the
following are reported to have dis
posed of their clips: C. L. Sweek,
for Sweek estate, W. B. Barratt and
Son, R. A. Thompson and the Wy
land estate of Hardman. A number
of others are also on the anxious
seat, and may close up with Mr. i
Smead before the end of the week.
An advance of $1.00 per fleece is be
ing made by the buyers, and this will
help some in relieving the local fi
nancial situation.
The price is considered to be good,
though there appears to be a general
upward trend, and some of our flock
masters are a little cautious in mak
ing contracts at this time. The mar
ket is strong, and the wool outlook is
bright. Sheep are also stiffening in
price, while other livestock is hold
ing up pretty well. Wheat is taking
a strong upward trend and good mill
ing stuff is in demand. Altogether,
the outlook for both stockman and
farmer is encouraging and the better
prices offered the poducers should
be the means of strengthening all
lines of endeavor. The prospects for
the growing grain are not of the very
best just now, but the right weather
conditions prevailing from this time
forward will help the fanners of this
county to round up the average grain
Farm Loan Association
Has Election of Officers
A meeting of the Hardman Na
tional Farm Loan association was
held in this city on February 4, at
which time John J. Wightman of
Heppner was elected president and
C. L. Sweek, secretary-treasurer.
Directors chosen were John J. Wight
man, Frank Moore, P. S. Grittin, Jeff
Jones, C. L. Ashbaugh and Fred Ash
baugh. The association has secured
loans among its members to the am
ount of $230,000 and has applica
tions pending for $40,000 more. All
these loans are on land lying south
of the Base line.
Knights of Pythias
Will meet at the Federated church
next Sabbath morning in a body to
celebrate their 58th anniversary. The
members of both Doric Lodge No.
20, K. of P. and Dorian Temple, Py
thian Sisters are requested to gather
at the hall promptly at 10:30 and
from there go in a body to the Fed
erated church. This is a service to
which everybody is invited.
Sunday school at 9:45.
Junior Endeavor at 5 p. m. Senior
Endeavor at 6:30.
Preaching at 7:30.
E. L. Moore, Pastor.
Get Your Dogs Tagged.
The city council of Heppner, thru
Marshal Devin, wish to call the at
tention of-all dog owners of the town
that the time for payment of dog
tax is at hand, and the provisions of
the law in this respect will be rigor
ously carried out. If you own a dog
worth keeping, have it properly tag
ged by the payment of the license
fee promptly to the city marshal.
W. H. Instone, stockman of Lena,
was looking after business affairs in
Heppner on Tuesday. He reports
some snow still hanging on out his
way, and the feeding season has
been a long one. For a number of
years Mr. Instone engaged in the cat
tle business but sold out just as that
industry was on the decline, and he
contemplates going into the sheep
business in the early fall.
Almost the entire group of county
officials together with several others
have promised to take the Boy Scout
oath on the Court House steps on
Saturday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, as
honorary members of that organiza
tion. Scoutmaster Livingstone will
administer the oath in the presence
of the local troop B. S. A. of Hcpp-
ner. This is a part of the activities
of Anniversary Week of the Boy
Scouts of America.
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Clark were
visitors in the city on Wednesday
from their farm out northeast of Lex
ington. Mr. Clark lias leased his
farm, and expects to retire from the
came for a few vears, at least. In
another column he makes announce
ment of a public sale to be held at
his place on the last day of this
month. Look it up.
Mrs. Mary Halferty of Shady Dell
was a caller in Cecil on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Minor left Ce- j
cil on Wednesday for Pendleton.
Walter Pope left for Arlington on j
Saturday after spending a few days
around Cecil.
Jack Davies arrived in Cecil on
Tuesday and is once more at work
for Leon Logan at Four Mile.
Mr. and Mrs. Zenneth Logan of
Mountview ranch were calling on
their Cecil friends on Tuesday.
H. Harbison and party of friends
from Morgan were chasing rabbits
in the Cecil vicinity on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bolley of the
Rose Lawn dairy of Arlington made
a short stay in Cecil on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Miller and
son Elvin of Highview ranch were
visitors in the Egg City on Satur
day. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Philips return
ed from Portland on Friday and will
resume their duties at Willow Creek
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. May of Lone
Star ranch were visiting with Mr.
end Mrs. Everett Logan at Cecil on
Chas. D. Sennett was a week-end
visitor among his old friends around
Cecil before leaving for his home in
Mrs. R. E. Duncan of Busy Bee
ranch, accompanied by Mrs. Geo.
Perry of Ewing, was calling on Cecil
friends on Saturday.
A. E. Nash has been spending
some time amongst his old friends
around Cecil before returning to his
home at The Dalles.
Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Wallace of
Condon arrived in Cecil on Tuesday
and are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Krebs at The Last Camp.
Geo. Perry of Ewing and also Ev
erett Losan of Cecil and Bob Thomp
son of The Shepherd's Rest were all
passengers for the county .seat on
Miss Lena Krebs of Portland ar
rived in Cecil on Sunday and will
visit with her brothers at The-Last
Camp for several weeks-before re
turning home.
Gene Penland of Heppner arrived
in Cecil during the week and is now
employed as resident cook and dish
washer for Bob Thompson's lamb
ing crew at The Shepherd's Rest.
Mrs. A. Hcnriksen of Willow
Creek ranch left on the local for
Heppner on Wednesday. Mrs. A.
H. intends to visit with her son Oral
at his ranch at Hamilton near Hepp
ner for some time.
Ed Martin who has been working
at Buttcrby Flats was the party who
bought the first ticket issued at the
0 W. R. and N. ticket office at Cecil
on Tuesday, February 7th. Tickets
issued to all parts by the agent, T.
H. Lowe.
The "Mayor" and also the "Dep
uty" left their home town on Wed
nesday for Pendleton to attend a
meeting of woolgrowers, etc. Quite
naturally we expect to see their re
spective names figuring in large
of something startling that they will
do or at least mean to do in the sheep
and wool business in the near future.
Rumors are heard from Morgan of
a big feed to be held today, Satur
day, February 11th, by the winning
team of rabbit hunters. Whether
The Angels on Horseback" or
"Devils behind Sagebrush" teams
will be known later. Also a meeting
will be held after the feed to con
solidate schools and various other
matters to adjust, such as high
school at Morgan, county seat and
county court also to have quarters at
Morgan and we do hope they won t
leave the county jail out of the pro-
eran: and want it established at her
sister town of Cecil.
I am offering for sale, for cash,
and at a bargain, the following
household furnishings:
1 solid oak dining table and 5 solid
oak chairs, 1 solid oak carver.
I Axminster rug, 9 x 12.
1 White sewing machine.
1 iron bed with springs.
2 heating stoves.
1 baby's crib and mattress.
1 baby's high chair.
1 baby buggy.
1 dresser!
Some quart fruit jars.
Wheat Ranch Bargain.
If you can raise $7,500 cash as
first payment I can let you have one
third crop payments a 1040-acre pure
wheat ranch, near in, only 10 acres
waste land, good improvements and
well watered, for $27.50 per acre,
including 530 acres seeded. Like
finding it. See me at once.
E. M. Shutt.
Heppner High Calendar.
Feb. 17 Freshman Valentine par
Feb. 18 Basketball game, Pilot
Rock vs. Heppner at Pilot Rock.
Feb. 21 P. T. A. Dramatic-Musical
Feb. 24 Double-header basket
ball game, Heppner vs. lone, at lone.
March 4 Basketball game, Hepp
ner vs. Lexington, at Lexington.
March 1 1 Basketball game, Pilot
Rock vs. Heppner, at Heppner.
Heppner Wins from Lexington
24 to 13
Judging by the game at Heppner
last Friday, Lexington is not as strong
as she was last year. She was some
what handicapped, however, by the
absence of one of her best players,
DaPas Ward from the line-up owing
to his having a thumb injured in
The game started with a rush and
Lexington apeared to have an advan
tage when Allen scored a field goal.
After Allen's basket the Heppner
beys picked up, however and from
then on through the entire half the
Heppner boys were ringing in counts
at regular intervals. In the second
half Lexington continued to fight but
was unable to connect with the bas
ket except at long range and then
"connections" were few and far be
The checking and passing was
good through the entire game but
Lexington gave a rather poor exhibi
tion of shooting. The game was well
refereed and fouls were rather close
ly called by "Doc" Grove, Heppner's
new dentist.
McMillan, guard, was Lexington's
star, especially in the last half when
he broke up many of Heppner's
plays and took the ball up the floor
many times. Ridens, center, ac
counted for six of Lexington's points
with some "nifty" field goals at long
range. Doherty was Heppner's star
and high-point man. He played a
snappy game all the time and was
ably seconded by McDuffee and Wit
craft. The lineup was:
Lexington Heppner
Hill F Doherty
Allen F McDuffee
Ridens C Clabaugh
McMillan G Witcraft
Carmichael G Irwin
Dallas Ward S
Referee: Doctor Grove.
Lexington Girls Win from Heppner
Girls 23 to 16
The girls' basketball team disting
uished themselves in the eyes of the
high school last Saturday night, when
they played Lexington. Although
they were defeated, they put up a
good game and showed they had the
fight in them. Thelma Hall played
a good game, as she always does;
while Nellie Flynn did some excell
ent guarding the first haft. Good team
work was done by the guards. Dora
Cutsforth as guard for Lexington
played a very good game. Mable
Ridens and Velle Ward showed up
well as forwards, Velle doing extra
well as foul-shooter.
The game started off with a bang
the first two balls being Heppner s.
The game then see-sawed back and
forth with many fouls on both sides.
The first half ended with a score of
9-10 in our favor.
The second half started off as did
the first one both teams determined to
win If possible. Lexington, however,
received the first score In this half mak
ing the game a tie. Much hard fight
ing was then done but Lexington kept
steadily adding point by point until
the final score ot !3 tol6, when time was
called. This game, as promised, was
the fastest that has been seen In a
long time.
The line-up:
Heppner Lexington
Lina Doherty C WUma Leach
Thelma Hall BC......Huldah Tucker
Anita Turner Q Dora Cutsorth
Nellie Flyna .O Ruth Stevens
Fay Ritchie P Velle Ward
Marguerite Hisler....F .Mable Ridens
Referee: Lester Ridens.
Studrat Body Bfecttag sad Rally Held
Another lively student body meeting
was held last Friday afternoon to ar
ouse the interest of the students for the
basketball games to be held that eve
ning, and also to transact the business
which had come up since the last meet
It was decided to vote not to have
the D. of O. orchestra here, as another
function at this time would Injure the
patronage of high school activities. A
motion was made and seconded that
President Irwin appoint a committee of
three students to determine whether or
not felt letters shall be given to those
who participate In athletics.
President Irwin made a short speech
on behalf of the student body to Keith
Logan, an active student in H. H. B. ac
tivities, who left school Friday; and
then with the aid of the yell leader, the
student bodv held a rally.
Members of both teams, and the two
coaches gave short enthusiastic talks,
after which each player was given "nine
rahs." The meeting was adjourned af
ter a noisy trial at "Gasolla."
Last Thursday evening the Juniors
and Miss Palmateer gathered at the
home of Wllletta Barratt to make arm
bands from the old pennant A very
enjoyable evening was spent In cut
ting out fitting, and sewing the bands.
after which refreshments of ice-cream
and cookies were served. Everyone
went home feeling happy, but think
ing of the sad fate that some of these
bands would be likely to meet the next
day In school
We were very sorry to lose two of
our high school students: Doris and
Keith Logan who returned to their
home In Cecil last Saturday. Doris was
a freshman and Keith was one of our
three Junior boys. Since Keith has been
Lin high school he has occupied a prom
inent place In athletics, being one of
our star football players. He was also
business manager of the Hehlsch. They
have both been active In school and
class affairs and we regret very much
that they have gone.
Don Case and Paul Aiken attended
the Brotherhod meeting Monday night.
These meetings are open to all high
school boys and It is hoped that more
boys will take advantage of them.
Four high school students, Bernlce
Woodson, Alma Devin, Don Case and
Raymond. Ferguson have left to attend
the state Endeavor convention at Sa
lem. Rernlce Woodson and Alma Devin
left Tuesday and Raymond and Don left
Wednesday. Berntce, Don and Ray
mond go as delegates from the Federa
ted society, and Alma will represent
the Christian society.
The first-year domestic art classes
have completed their middies, and are
now ready to begin on gingham dresses.
The second year class Is going to make
silk dresses.
It has been decided that both the
juniors and seniors may present a play
this semester. Miss Palmateer will
coach both plays and Ellis Irwin has
been hired as property manager by the
Juniors. The Junior play will be given
about the middle ot 'April and the sen
iors commencement week.
The cast for the operetta "The Gyp
sy Rover" has been chosen, and work
on It has begun. We believe this to
be one of the best and most difficult
operettas ever given by the high school.
All of the grade rooms had Valentine
boxes last Tuesday afternoon and Judg
ing by the number which each child
received we take It there were many
of the boxes filled and overflowing.
The high school basketball team will
go to Pilot Rock for a game Saturday.
We wish the boys the good luck that
they have had so far this year, and
we are sure that they will put up a
good fight
The student body president Ellis Ir
win, has appointed a commute to In
vestigate the possibility of securing
letters for the students' participating In
athletics. After each person has taken
part In some athletic contest for a cer-
(Continued on Page Six)
Silas A. Wright answered death's
call at his home in this city at about
8 o'clock p. m., Wednesday, Febru
ary 15, 1922, after an illness of ten
days with pneumonia.
For many years Mr. Wright has
been a sufferer from bronchitis and
asthma, and several times he had
been called upon to pass through a
siege of pneumonia when the winter
months came on, but having a reas
onably strong constitution he was
able to overcome the disease. How
ever, the constant suffering with the
chronic ailment finally broke down
bis physical resistance, and he was
not able this time to rally from the
acute attack of bronchical trouble,
and passed away early last evening
in the presence of his family and a
number of mends.
Silas A. Wright was one of the ear
liest settlers in this section of Ore
gon, and has been a resident oi
Heppner for many years, retiring
from active farm duties because of
his physical ailment. He was the
owner of one of the largest ranches
in this section and for long years
was successfully engaged in sheep
raising and the stock industry gen
erally, out of which he gathered a
very substantial competence.
He was born on May 15, 1853, in
Nebraska, his parents being Albert
and Julia A. Wright, who were also
highly respected and honoable pion
eers of Morrow county, while his par
ents were en route across the plains
to Oregon, an emigrant wagon being
his birth chamber. He came from
Stirling pioneer stock, his parents be
ing natives of New York state. They
settled in Clackamas county, near Or
egon City, where they resided for
19 years, and where Mr. Wright re
ceived his educational training. With
his family he came to Morrow coun
ty in 1872, and since then his home
has been here and in Gilliam county,
following the sheep business, largely
for a number of years in connection
with his brother, George E. Wright
and in 1883 returning to Morrow
county he purchased the extensive
land holdings on Rhea creek and
established one of the best ranches
in the county, ten and a half miles
south of Heppner.
He was married February 27, 1884
in this county to Martha Cantwell,
and to them eight children were born,
two of whom died in infancy. The
mother and the following children
survive: Alonzo, of Nampa, Idaho;
Pearl M., Moses A, Delia, Delbert
and Orain, all of Heppner.
Mr. Wright was a highly respected
citizen of this community always
manifesting a deep interest in affairs,
and he bore an unsullied reputation
Funeral arrangements had not been
announced upon our going to press
Tom Boylen, Pendleton sheepman,
was in Heppner for a couple of days
the first of the week.
For County Commissioner.
After being urged by citizens and
taxpayers in all parts of the county
to anounce myself as a candidate for
the nomination for County Cmnus
sioner, I have decided to do so and
will be a candidate for such nomina
tion on the Democratic ticket at the
coming primaries. I have been a
taxpayer here since before Morrow
county was organized. I have no
platform to announce nor promises
tc make only that, if elected, I will
endeavor to serve the people of the
county to the best of my ability.
R. L. Benge.
Paid Advertisement.
"Be not deceived; God is not
mocked; for whatsoever a man
soweth, that shall he also reap."
Paul. Gal. 6:8. Suggested by
County Assessor Wells departed
for Portland Tuesday to be absent
a few days on business.
PIANO TUITION-Experienced,
capable tuition by Mrs. Bessie Bruce
Gibb, at the Wattenburger house, tf.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Phelps return
ed home on Friday from Portland
and Vancouver, where they spent the
past week.
Miss Opal Briggs returned Sunday
from attending a chief operators'
conference at Pendleton. Miss Briggs
is chief operator m the local tele
phone exchange.
Mrs. O. T. Ferguson returned on
Monday evening from a trip to Port
land and Vancouver, spending sever
al days at the latter place visiting
with her daughter.
FOR SALE One P. & O. plow,
2-bottom, 16-inch; 1 double disc, 9
10; 1 4-section steel harrow; all
about new. See J. C. Sharp, 2 miles
north of Kilkenny ranch.
Arthur Campbell arrived home the
last of the week, being called here
on account of the serious illness of
his sister, Mrs. Arthur Keene. He
is a student at the University of Ore
gon. Mrs. George Thomson departed
for Fort Collins, Colorado, on Tues
day morning in answer to a telegram
announcing the death of her father.
Dr. Quick, a prominent resident of
that city.
The family of L. W. Briggs is now
under quarantine on account of diph
theria. Miss Opal Bnggs, who was
taken ill upon her return from Pen
dleton, is under the care of the phys
ician and being treated for diph
theria. Mrs. Arthur Keene, who under
went a serious operation at the
Moore hospital in this city last week,
is reported to be holding her own
well and hopes for her recovery are
entertained by her family and the
physicians in charge.
J. A. Funk, of Enterprise has been
spending the week in Heppner. Mr.
Funk represents the big wool buy
ers, Hallowell, Jones and Donald, of
Boston, and while here assisted the
local representative, W. W. Smead,
in putting over a number of deals
for the 1922 clip.
W. B. Tucker and M. D. Tucker
of Lexineton were visitors in this
city for a short time on Tuesday. The
latter has just recently recovered
from what he considers was an at
tack of "flu," or something of the
kind, for he was mighty sick for sev
eral days. Other members of his
family were also down with the same
Dwight Misner returned from
trip to the Valley last week and soon
thereafter developed a case of flu.
Being a generous soul he distributed
some of the germs around among!
his family and friends, including;
Mrs. Misner and her brother and
his family. Dr. Walker reports the.
patients doing nicely and no newi
cases developing. lone Independ
Mrs. Neva Clabaugh and Miss Al
ma Devin, representing the C. E. so
ciety of the Christian church, and
Miss Bernice Woodson, representing
the society of the Federated church,
departed on Tuesday morning for
Salem, where they will attend the
state convention of Christian Endea
vorers meeting in the capitol city
this week. Other delegates from
the Federated society are Raymond
Ferguson and Don Case, who depart-
ed for balem on Wednesday.
1. 0. 0. F.
Brother Watts, Grand Marshall of the Grand
Lodge of Oregon, will pay an official visit Mon
day, February 22nd.
He will also be at Hardman the 23rd and at
lone the 24th.
Members are expected to attend their own
Lodge meeting and are cordially invited to visit
the others.
Wake up and lets give the Grand Marshall a
rousing reception.
E. R, HUSTON, Noble Grand.
Attest: A. M. PHELPS, Secretary.
The meeting of the Brotherhood
at Patrick hotel dining room on Mon
day evening was of more than usual
interest and the attendance of mem
bers and visitors was very large,
thanks to the hustling of the com
mittee on arrangements. A splendid
musical program was rendered im
mediately following the usual feed,
those taking part being Miss Rita
Norris, Delbert Clabaugh and Miss
Lorena Palmateer. Each sang a solo
and were heartily received, and a
male quartette consisting of Messrs.
Clabaugh, Chidsey, Barlow and Tur
ner, rendered a couple of songs very
The subject of the evening, "Lin
coln-Washington," was handled by
Prof. Howard M. James and Attor
ney C. E. Woodson. The usual or
der of handling the subj'ect for con
sideration was not followed, and
these gentlemen were allowed to use
all the time they chose, in order to
do justice to the memories of the
two great Americans. Both address
es were of a high order and listened
to with great interest.
"Reconstruction" will be the sub
ject for next meeting on the 13th of
March, and Frank Turner, Forby
Grenba and Fred Tash were named
by the chairman as committee on ar
First Christian Church.
Lord's Day, Feyruary 19, 1922.
Did you attend church services oo
Sunday last? If you did not you
missed something of real value.
You missed the real relaxation
from labor that you need.
You missed- delightful association
with a group of the very best people
in the community.
You missed inspiration, helpful
You missed that atmosphere of
holiness that makes one think of
"You missed a message from God
that your soul has needed this week.
You missed the presence of Jesus
Christ that has ever been an un
equalled inspiration and help to men
for 2000 years.
Can you afford to miss these
things that fill a vital need in your
life? These things are awaiting you
at the First Christian church nest
Lord's Day. Come and get them.
Bible school at 10 o'clock, Commun
ion and preaching at II, Intermedi
ate Christian Endeavor at 3 led by
Bobbie Turner, Senior Christian En
deavor at 6 :30 and song and preach
ing at 7 :30. You pull the latchstring
from the outside.
Livingstone, Minister.
Notice to Hibernians.
There will be an important meet
ing of Heppner Council, A. 0. H. in
I. 0. 0. F. hall in Heppner at 1 :30
p. m., Saturday, February 19, 1922.
All mmmhmre are ureentlv invited to
i flttpnd this meerin? at which manv
matters of importance to the order
w;n km rnnsiHmrpH
F. A. McMENAMIN, Secretary.
Lexington Church of Christ.
We passed the 100 mark last Sun
day at the Bible school with 102 pre
sent. Let's keep up the good work.
Remember to attend all of the ser
vices as follows:
10 a. m. Bible school.
11 a. m. Lord's Supper and ser
mon. 7 p. m. Christian Endeavor.
8 p. m. Evening sermon.
7 p. m Thursday. Prayer meet-
Arthi'R A. Harriman, Minister.