Orc-onHtorical Society. The gazette-Tim PUBLISHED WEEKLY AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF MORROW COUNTY ; . . Volume 38, Number 39. IIKPPXEK, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1922. Subscription $2.00 Per Ye&r BRIEF DIGEST OF AN ACT PASSED BY THE SPECIAL SESSION Providing for the supervision and regulation of the tmnsportltlon of psraona and property for compensation over any public highway by motor ve hicle The new automotive leglslatlton la Interpreted as affecting all corpora tion!, persons or companies owning, controlling, operating or managing any motor vehicle used In the business of transportation of persona or prop erty for compensation over the public highways of the state, exception being made to auch vehicles aa operate ex clusively within the llin.ta of an in corporated city or town. The Public Service Commission, In Ita administration of the act. la author lied to supervise and regulate auch features aa rates, aervicea and facilities from the atandpoint of their reason ableness, safety and adequacy and to exercise jurisdiction in such matters affecting the relationship of auch com panies with the passenger and shipping public All companies or individuals subject to the act and engaged In the operation of this class of public transportation Viust first obtain from the Commission a certificate or permit sotting forth the terms and conditions covering such operations, also to file a surety bond or liability Insurance and good faith un dertaking. The maximum license fee la fixed at ten (10) dollars per vehicle. The necessary application blanks, In cluding a request for pertinent data, accompanied by copiea of the lawf are furnlahed by the Public Service Com miaeton promptly upon request. The County Clerks and County Judges of the various counties have been sup piled with copiea of the new law for the Information of (lie general public The Commission requeata the co-operation of the automotive Industry and the general public In the Introduction of and compliance with the new law in matter and spirit. Heppner's Xmas Offering: to Near East Relief Is Sent In J. J. Nys, treasurer of the Near East Relief committee for this county, re mitted t24.I4. Heppner's Christmas offering to the sufferers of the Near Kaat Of this, the fourth grade of the public echool gave 13.00; the Brother hood, 125.21; the liebekah Lodge, $15, "5; the Christian Hunday School, $33. 17; and the Federated Sunday School, 1167.01. There will be no more cloth ing drives, but clothing Is needed, and persons having clothing they are will ing to donate may send the same at any time by parcel post to the Near East Itellef, (01 Stock Exchange liulldlng, Portland, Oregon. Whenever a ship ment has accumulated, It Is sent fur ward by the first ahlp. Anyone desir ing to assist with money may make payment through Mr. Nys. Federated ( kurrh. The quarterly Communion Will be held In the Federate! church Sunday morning, January 8, 1922. We will be glad to receive any who desire mern berahlp In the church. Preaching at 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 9:46 a, m. Junior Endeavor at 6 p. m. Senior En deavor at 0:30 p. m. E. L. MOORE, Taator. Commissioners CI. A. Hlcakman and L. P. Davidson are In the city attend ing the regular January sitting of the county court. HEPPNER HI LIFE Edited By JUNIOR ENGLISH CLASS Twelve men have been chosen for the basketbtall squad, aa follows: Fergu aon, Wltcrnft, Wright, Lee, Taul Mc DufTee, Boyd, Clnhough, Doherty, Aiken, Cason, Copenhaver, and Buselck. Doughnut basketball will contlnuo, although there haa been a now align ment of players In the senior dlvlsou, leaving three teama, Messra. Philip Mahoney and Everett Wilkinson motored to Lexington last Saturday to see If the Lexington high sophomores could play a game here that night. They agreed to come up and play us, but the car they were to come In was disabled by a frozen ra diator and the game had to he called off. One of the main attractions at the P.-T. meeting next Tuesday afteraoon will be characteristic folk dances of several countries given hy some of the girls in physical culture class. Tho list Includes an American minuet by Florence Cason and Velma Case, a Russian dance hy Elaine Slgshee, a Norwegian nance Dy I'orotny 1'nttlaon and Lunla Benge, a Spanish dance by Dorothy Hill and a Scottish dance by Ethyl Mlkesell, The work will be su pervised by Misa Moore. All students returned to school Inst Tuesday after a week's vacation, and are now looking forward (?) to the aemester exams which will begin next week. An Informal dance waa given by the alumni and students of O. A. C. In hon or of the Seniors on December 29 at tho Fair Pavilion. Invitations were also extended to the Juniors. The hnll waa decorated In the O. A. C. colors, orange and black, and ft three-piece orchestra furnished the music. Punch waa aerv ed by two glrla wearing O, A. C. rooter caps. It waa pronounced the best dnnce of the season hy every one who attend- ed, and we hope there will be more like It Geo. A. Miller of Hlghview waa call ing on the mayor on Friday, Mrs. Haxel Logan and chlllren from lone are visiting friends at Four Mile. Carl Troedaon and W. Swanaon from their ranch near lone, were calling In Cecil vicinity on Friday. Misa I ties Easton of Myrtle Point was the week-end guest of Mr. anl Mrs. Geo. Kreba at the Last Camp. Misa A. C. Hynd waa the guest of MIsb Mildred llenriksen at Strawberry ranch on Monday and Tuesday. Evorett Logan and family of Fair view ranch have moved into the Logan cottage at Cecil for the school pterin. Herbert Hynd of Hutterby Flats and Clifford llenriksen of Willow Creek ranch were Arlington vlaltora Friday. Cecil Thorne and Walter Pope were calling on friends around Cecil during the week, before leaving for Eight Mile. C. A. Mtnr." of Heppi.er honored Cecil with a visit during the week and waa the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krebs at the Last Camp. Misa Georgia Hummers, student of Franklin High Schhool at Portland, ar rived at the Last Camp on Saturday to spend her vacation. Misses Mallnda and Sara A. May ar rived In Cecil on Saturday and will spend their vacation with their par ents at Lone Star ranch. K.l Melton of ltockcllffe is a busy man these days helping H. J. Streeter with his wood saw. Ed spent Xmas with friends at Pilot Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Philips of Portland arrived at Willow Creek ranch on Mon day and will work for A. llenriksen during the coming busy season. Warner Stender and sister Miss Flossie arrived on Saturday at Seldom seen ranch and will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stender for some time. Arthur Turner returned , from Hub bard, Ore., on Friday where he has been visiting friends, and will now re sume his work at Dotheboys Hill ranch. Mlas Mildred llenriksen, student of Canby school, arrived at Strtawberry ranch on Saturday and will visit with her parents before returning to her studies. Hoy Scott, caml ender for Jack Hynd, and Geo. Brander arrived Satur day at Huttcrby Flats with'a line bunch of sheep frum Hynd Hros.' ranch at Freeseout W. (1. Palmateer of Wlndynook was seen In Cecil on Thursday delivering turkeys we are told, but we think It must have ben canaries by the size of the box he was carrying. Pavid Hynd of Sand Hollow and campttMider (leo. J Anderson arrived at 1'utteiby !!:' en Saturday with a line bunch of cattle from Hynd Bros. .ranch at Uklah which will be wintered at Cecil Mr. and Mrs. Oral Henrlksen and daughter, Miss Anna Josephine, left on the local for Heppner for their ranch above Heppner after spending the holi days with their parents at Willow creek ranch. The mayor and his family werS aroused from their plumbers one eve ning during the week by all their friends on Willi. . who enlei talned them with a delightful party and lunch till the small hours of the . morning. Rabbit drives are the fashionable an nouncements around the Cecil ranches and no need to say they are well at tended, especially now when all - the charming young lady visitors are first on the scene of action. Constable John certainty has his hands full chasing every one to their respective homes after the drives. The mayor declares there will be no more drives for he can't get his men lined up for work any more. The deputy says yes, there will be drives, so It goes on. Last Wednesday evening the fourth number of the lyceum course was given In the high school auditorium. The entertainer was J. Franklin Babb. "100, Man' la tho lecture that stirred New England and also entertained tho people of Heppner. Many praises were heard for Mr. Habb as the audience left I ho auditorium. Hell Hinging (timrlrt. The Boll Ringing Male Quartet will be here Monday, January 16. These hoys are one of the great hits of the lyceum because thoy make their pro gram full of brilliancy and snap. The Bell Ringing is something different, and these boys also sing, and give an Interpretation of Shakespeare's "Mer chant of Venice." This program will be held at the Star Theater, Monday, January 16. Tho CIvIcb clnss is having nn exten sive study of the charter nnd govern ing bodies of Heppner. Tuesday nlghi they attended a council meeting where 1 trey learned many profitable things, The material for rooters' caps has arrived and the Sophomores spent Tuesday nnd Wednesday evenings mak ing caps for the Freshles, or other new students who desire them. Because of the else of the second year domestic science clnss, It has been necessary to divide It. It has been ar ranged for one half of the class to pre pare the lunch while the other half re cites from the text book. The classes will exchange duties every two or three weeks. Mrs. Hopper musio Instructor, Is de tained In Arlington on account of Ill ness. Otherwise all of the teachers have returned. Mr. James, while In Portland last week, attended tho State High Sohoo. Alhletlo Association and took a very I active part In this meeting. Several yWCy i -nT" felONT USED TO GO IP 000?m "V' A V RiDiNG WITH "S Cgitzft ( V n( ) STRANGE FELLOWS J ffA amendments were made to the athletic j rulings. nr. dames waa ituii0iu for the following: Students must not only be enrolled in four BUbjects but must be taking four subjects; all stud ents, to be eligible for athletics, must have done passing work in three sub jects the previous semester. This last amendment eliminates the old provle lon for making up flunked work. The association voted to suspend several schools from the association, and all athletic relations were severed with Columbia University. The high school rooms have each been presented with a large calendar through the kindness of Humphreys Orug Company. School Caleadar. January 10. P.-T. meeting. January 11, 12, 13. Final "exams" for the semester. January 16. Beginning of second semester. Lyceum number, Bell Ring ing Quartet The first-year sewing class began work on their middies last Wednesday. The next ar'nlos to be made by the second-year clasa are silk dresses, which are expected to be completed by Eaater., Dongkaut League Basketball Per centage to Jaaaary 1. 1S22. Senior Division Team Won Lost Per. Turtles - 0 1000 Heart Breakers 3 1 750 Five Fire Files 1 2 338 Bears 1 25 Super Omnes 0 2 000 Junior Division Bear Cats 4 ! 667 Beea 4 2 667 Bone Heads 2 I 00 Gray Backs 2 4 333 The roof of our school building la In a very poor condition. When weather does not act Just right. often receive a shower from above. Several Latin plays, one of which Is to be presented to the assembly, were procured by Miss Moore, Latin Instruc tor, while In Salem recently. The Latin and Caesar classes will learn the ploy as part of their class work. Report of Work Done by the County Nurse for December No. of visits made to schools 16 No. of children examined 878 No. of children 10...- 24 No of defects noted and referred for correction: Defects of vision 17 Nasal obstruction 9 Enlarged Tonsils - 62 Defective teeth 212 Skin disease . lOxcluded from school Home calls Miscellaneous calls - Home Social Service calls School talks given -. 10 Talks to ParentB-Tenchers 4 Crippled children referred to State Medical School 2 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Lord's Pay, January 8. Had Ood lorgotten you at the begin ning of this week your funeral would have been held on Tuesday; but he re membered you nnd you are atlll alive and active. It's a Byuare deal not to forget Him, as wo make our plans; It Is far better to Include In yours the at tendance on the Sunday church ser vices. You will bo cordially welcomed at the First Christian Church. Bible Bchool 10 n. m communion and preach ing nt II, and Christian Endeavor and preaching service In the evening. "Come nnd worship with us nnd we will do thee good." LIVINGSTONE, Minister. A. B. Strait was over from Boardman Wednesday to present a new petition for a ferry franchise to the county court. Mr. Strait has moved the loca tion of his ferry again and desires to get a landing on the Oregon side of the Columbia at Boulder, which Is just op posite Alderdale In Washington. If this franchise is granted, It will not be necessary for the Portland Chamber of Commerce to take away that road money from rendleton In order that the Wnllula cut-off on the Columbia highway be constructed. The Yakima and all contingent Washington terri tory that Portland Is Interested In can route their tourists via the Strait ferry and save lota of travel. Mr. Strait Is convinced this new location la Just the Ideal one for a ferry. R. H. Lee and family are new ar rivals from Portland, Mr. Lee being tho fireman on the Heppner local at the present time. AND WITHOUT HER THE TR1P1L BE OOpvRiGHT Rabbit ShOOterg Slid "Gun Men" Please Take Notice At a meeting held In the office of County Agent Calkins last evening, a rabbit hunt waa organixed to take : place on Sunday next Some fifteen peo ple were present at thla meeting and signed up for the hunt, and It la de sired to get aa many more aa poasible. Those who will take part In this shoot are requested to leave their names either with C. H. La tour ell at hia gar age, or at the store of Patterson ft Son. On Saturday afternoon, Mr. Latourell and Capt. J. W. Cook will choose teams j from the list of names and complete the organlcatlon for the hunt. No guna of larger calibre than .22 specials will be allowed, and the loosing team in the contest will "set up" the eats to the winners. The contest gives promise of being a hot one, and in the meantime Mr. Rabbit better be seeking out safe places for hiding, for his tribe will be greatly reduced when, the assault la made. The hunt will take place In the north end of the county. I,le mm lt Mr." "bne of the most appealing features of 'Live and Let Live," William Chris ty Cabanne'a powerful Robertson -Cole production to be seen at the Star Thea ter Sunday is the humanness of the characters which move throughout the story. There are no "movie" of fic ticious types; no dark, smirking vll llans "still pursuing," no curly-headed, strong-armed heroes or simpering, sob bing little Ingenues. There are Instead the simple, kindly folk one meets Is every-day life. Indeed "Live and Let Live" Is a pro duction which, from every angle, be- I sneaks sincerity and genulness. Writ- theiten and directed by William Christy weir.ah-nnB himself. It shows how very often well-intentioned people may be cause of prejudice and bigotry Involve not only their closest friends and rela tives but also themselves in heart breaking tragedies. PatroB-Teaehrn' Association Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Patron-Teachers' Association will be held In the High School auditorium on Tuesday, January 10, at J:30 In the af ternoon. The program will be as fol lowa: Playlet, "Washington at Valley Forge" and dramatlxation of "The Mountain and the Squirrel" by the 4th grade. Piano duet by Willetta Barratt and Doris Mahoney. Folk dances by Miss Moore's class. All members and friends are urged to attend. MRS. LLOYD HUTCHINSON, Sec. County Agent Calkins has been busy nt Irrigon and Cecil this week In help ing with big rabbit drives. There is a determined effort being made to rid the various sections of the county of these pests, and the present time would Beem to be propitious, r , Star Theater Sunday, January 15th. Tuesday, January 17th. IjV f kSI( ik BEAUTY )h v SPOILED' sill U!OCA3T TO. First Legion Smoker Friday Night Was Snappy Affair A good crowd attended the first Le-. gion amoker of the season at the Fair ' pavilion last Friday evening, and they were entertained by several good bouts. I The first match on the card, between ; Copenhaver and Witcraft. went to the former on two Btraight falls. Witcraft uuvu nit wiu ii.au as uu, guunB promise of being a very clever mat man when he haa had time to develop. The four-round boxing match be- tween Johnson and Eads was a snappy one, and although Johnson seemed to have the edge, Eads made him extend 01 "er "ere present. the enrisuan cnurcn nere. himself. These two will take on lone's One of the little daughters of M.r. and .j best slugger, at lone the last of thU1. Jam Farley had her hand brok- , Mrs- V"lgS'0t .uMetf ...,. tA- .u,. .... r... ei, D. ,iv thi. w..u. .wi. ..tiJ& the meeting on the subject of " n, ,vuiuuu tuccuiiK nuati miu baud ...... i OftUtwoureeventaof mug, urn wiemiiiig iua.icu uco. wii Harry Turner and Harvey Bauman was , tar and away the best. While both men took one fall, they were working all the time, and were very evenly matched although Turner outweighs Bauman by a score of pounda. The other feature, four rounds of boxing between Lieu alien and Valentine, was rather disap pointing because the boys did not show the pep that was expected of them. A fast match between Bucknum and Ward took well, Bucknum winning the decision, It is expected that the Heppner post will entertain a team from lone soon, and when that comes off there will be something worth while attending, for the local boya want to even up their football record. Ralph Sperry and Woman Companion Hurt in Crash Patrolman Ralph Sperry, 231 Knott street, is In St. Vincent's hospital with broken collar bone and Mrs. Jose phine Newkirk, his companion, is in the same hospital badly hurt, the result of an automobile smashup at East Elev enth street North and Schuyler Btreet about 9:30 last night At the time of the accident Patrolman Sperry was sup posed to be on duty. Margaret Cook, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Cook, 436 East Eighteenth Btreet North, who drove the automobile that was struck by Sperry's machine, alleged In her acoldent report that Sperry was drunk and that a pint bottle of liquor was taken from him after the accident Sperry's car struck the Cook car on the richt rear wheel, spinning it around and shaking up the occupants. His ma chine then overturned, pinning him and Mrs. Newkirk beneath it. Miss Cook was unhurt. Tuesday's Oregonlan. Former Hrppner Tailor Die. Word was received here on Monday by Gay M. Anderson, secretary of the local lodne of Elks, announcing the death on January 1, at Salt Lake City of Louis Pearson, a member of the Heppner lodge, and formerly engaged in the merchant tailoring business in this city, Mr. Pearson retired from business here shortly after the big Are of 1918, in which his place of business and stock of goods were destroyed. When he left Heppner he was in fail ing health, but had been much uetter since going to Salt Lake. His death was from heart disease. Revtvnl at Lexington, Evangelist F. Wallace Zook is now with the Church of Christ at Lexington. The meeting began with him Sunday with a packed house both morning and evening. The spirit is fine and a great ingathering is expected as well as much help to the church and community. Evangelist Zook is making good all that is expected. He is a very live speaker nnd is full of Pible knowledge In the old Gospel. Services are held every evening except Saturday at 7:30 o'clock. The Bible School expects to reach the one hundred mark next Lord's Day. Not only Is everyone In vited to come but you will all be glad that you came, Arthur A. Harriman, PaBtor. Rcllrf Corp Will Initall. The annual InstaUation of olricers of the Relief Corps will bo held at I. O. O. F. Hall on Wednesday, January 11th, at 2:30 p. m. Refreshments will be served and all members are requested to be present. A special invitation la extended to the veterans of the Grand Army. BERTHA DREW OILMAN, President Miss Opal Briggs, of the local tele phone exchange, is spending the week In Tortland enjoying her vacation. 1 LOCAL NEWS HAPPENINGS For .o4 Mat aot bis lorn Lata tke j world to eoadeaaji tke worldt bait 1 that tke world through Hlna aalsht j b saved. Jobs 1:17. Suggested 7 j Llrlagstoae. Sam Turner returned home from Portland the first of the week. He en joyed a few daya of the vacation aea son in the big city. Elmer Peterson and Thoa, Hughes, U. of O. students who have been spending the holidays with the home folks, re turned to Eugene on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Keithly returned to their home at Walla Walla on Satur day, after spending ten days visiting with relatives and friends here and at;!". Hardman. Born At their home in thte B. F. Swaggart neighborhood northeast of Lexington, Tuesday, January 3, 1S22, to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Way, a 9-pound daughter. J. E. Musgrave runs a small farm on lower Khea creek and he reporta condi tions quite good in hia locality. He was in Heppner on Wednesday looking after business affairs. Dr. Mc-Murdo reports the birth of a 10-pounU son to the wife of Guy Ful- ler, at the home of Adam Knoblock on ' Rhea cieek, Dec 30. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Fuller la at Monument. ! Mia. Frank Turner took charge of the echool in the K.elley district Tues day morning and will finish the term. Miss Gertrude Lee, who waa teaching thl" -hool, resigned at the holiday I season. W. T. Mcltobertg underwent an oper- ".on , ome , in - Uy on We-. ation, and in the course of ten da'8 or two weeks Mr. McRoberts should be. A short letter received from Mrs. Carrie Vaughn this week states that she is with her brother at Centralis, Wash., who has been very sick but is now improving. They are having lota ' ' new iiiai. Vi u in thi. n.r,. r.. Ki.i. o-.....e j A. A. McCabe, who is an extensive. tarmer residing in the Fairview dis- trict south of lone, was In the city for . a short time yesterday. He Is hoping I for a heavy fall of enow; says it will '; be a mighty good thing for the grain that la comnlg up. - - ) Mrs. Tom Johnson, who has taken the place of Miss Bunge aa county nurse, was called to Pendleton for a , few i!tya this week. Miss Bunga re- 1 signC(i her position here as county 1 nra ,i rotnmeri tn hor h in tho j eaat t0 be marrlea, .,.,,,. .,. ,i . kj by the alumni and students of O. A. C. at the Fair Pavilion on last Thursday evening. Students of Heppner high school were specially invited guests and some fifty couples were present to enjoy a few hours of dancing. land on the first of the week. With I Mrs. W. P. Mahoney, Miss Vera Ma - noney aim airs. a. ij. Ayers, mts. .lara was on last rriday evening initiated into the White Shrine, a new "side degree" of the Order of Eastern Star. John G. N'illson, for many years a resident of the lone section, died at that place on Monday evening after an court on a charge of violalinir the pro. illness of some duration, Mr. Nillson hibltlon law. was a carpenter and builder by trade J and had followel this line for many: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mahoney re years in this county. He was a mem-; turned from Portland last evening, ber of the I. O. O. F. and Masonic or- They have been spending several dayt ders. His funeral is to be held at lone of the past week visiting in the me at 2 o'clock today. ; tropolia. Rev, Walter Revival Will Begin January 15 Harmon aiul liatos, national cvangt'lists, will begin a scries of revival liieelinss at. the First Christian Church here, January 15, and plan to continue as hm as the in terest in that work justifies. This is a strong team, ami tho community has every reason to anticipate a great re vival of religion under the inspiration of their leadership. SANTA CLAUS VISITS LEXINGTON SCHOOLS The teachera and pupil of Lexington school were very agreeably surprised by a visit from Santa Claus Friday morning, December 23. When the teachers arrived at school in the morning, each teacher's desk was nlltd with candy and orangea for each pupil in her room, with an extra box of choice candy for the teacher. A little American flag waa tn the middle of each huge pile. Santa also left a long letter to be read to the pupils, telling of his hardships in reaching the echool houss. Many little hearta were made glad by this generous and big hearted Santa The first of a seriea of educational films from the Extension Department of the University of Oregon was shown Tuesday evening, Dec. 27, at the movie hall. These pictures were shown under the auspices of the I'arent-Teachera' Association of Lexington. It Is hoped that a program of tbia kind will be held once a month during the remainder of the school year. About 200 parenta and children were present. A delightful Christmas program waa given Christmas night by the Sunday School and choir of the Congregational church. This Sunday echool also re membered the Near East sufferer! and sent in an offering of 140.3d to the re lief fund. The Lexington High school boya are i practicing basketball in the movie hail now. .hnol and the , m gW. a program COIffli.ung of drills and calesthentica in the near future. The regular monthly meeting of the j Parent-Teachera" Association will be held Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 10, at 1 1 o'clock In the High School auditorium instead of Tuesday evening on account 1 of the aeries of meetings being held tn , , i "Good Literature.' She la a very able ) something good. I urged. The members of the C. E. of the -Christian church of Lexington held ft ; watch party last Saturday evening, Deo. 31. Devotional services were begun shortly before the ending of the old j yeai. ana were continued until the qe- ginning of tho new year, ; Friends of Vernon Waid are glad to know he ia out of the hospital and 1ft at home at Stanfield, getting along very nicelv. He has been In tho St, Anthony hospital at Pendleton for the past two months with a broken leg. A horse bucked into a concrete watering truogh with him. He threw himself clear ex cept his foot which caught, breaking his leg just above the ankle. It was ft bad break andb y the time he reached the hospital it was in very bad condi tion. Contributed. j un t. pi. H. P. Sweetland, deputy U. a Marshal, arrived from Portland on last Thurs day evening, and on Friday morning returned to the city, having in charge Harley and Elmer Matteson, who will have to answer before the U. S. district .1 'I .7 -... .... ' ' .- -i k $ r E, Harmon l I