The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, December 29, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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(lUrJO.V. Til
way, i)i:c. 2:1, v.w.
K'9mf emlv we all ye tata labvar
d ar evy Indra, and I will give
jim ril."-M;itl, ll:!8.
WANTKD To work by huur, ironing,
plain sewinK and house cleaning, phone
"S2. 2tp.
John W. Heard, principal of Heppner
high school, is In 1'ortland thin week
attending attending the meeting of the
State Teacheri association.
J. It Olden and wife of lthea creek,
were visitors in this city un Tuesduy,
coming in to attend the funeral of their
lata neighbor, Ora E. Adkina.
W. C. Howard, president of Colum
bia College at Milton, came down to
attend the funeral of Ora E. Adklns.
lie returned home on Wednesday.
l'rof. and Mrs. Howard M. James
were passengers for Portland Tuesday,
going down to the city to attend the
meeting of the State Teachers associa
tion. George Zink of lone made Anal proof
on his homestead before Clerk Waters
in this city yesterday, his witness be
ing Bert Johnson and Werner Klet
mann, near neighbors.
The Misses Margaret and Cora Mae
Crawford went to Pendleton on Mon
day, where they spent the week visit
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1$.
Cooley. Mrs. Cooley Is an aunt of the
young ladiea
Mrs. H. V. Turner, accompanied by.
her daughter, Anita, and son, John, de
parted on Monday morning for liuker
to spend the bi lame of t ie week vis
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loy
M. Turner.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Huston of Eight
Mile visited In this city on Tuesday.
Mr. Huston stnteB that his suction is
covered with about Ave inches of snow,
which he believes Is fairly good pro
tection to wheat, at least so long as
the weather gets no colder than at
Charles Wright, the now proprietor
of the Hotel lone, took possession of
the .property Inst Wednesday. Mr
Wright Is an experienced hotel man
and is now making a survey of the
place with a view of having needed
changes and improvements made. lone
The Sunday school of the Congrega
tional church at Lexington is having
part In the Near East relief work.
On Sunday, December 18, they loaded a
ship for Armenian rolief and when it
was filled It was found to contain
141)40. This will furnish several bar
rels of flour for the hungry children.
In a short letter received from Loy
M. Turner, who is water master of
district No. i of the state of Oregon,
and located at Haker, he states that
they enjoyed a very merry Christmas.
The weather at Maker was mild and
there was about three Inches of snow
on the ground. To nil Heppner friends
he sends greetings of the season.
Henry Kummerland and wife of Den
ver, Colorado, are visiting at the home
of Wm. Kummerland and family of
near this city. They arrived her a
little over a week ago and expect to
remain for sometime. He is a brother
of Wm. Kummerland and this Is the
first meeting In 41 years, and tho visit
is a joyous one, Indeed. Mr. Kummer
land Is engaged In business In Denver,
In which city he has resided for many
The nomlnntlon of MIbs Ruby O. En
gelman to bo postmaster at lotto, vice
Mrs. Earl Wake, resigned, was sent
to the Benalo last Monday by Pres
ident Harding. Miss Kngclman Is one
of the most popular young ladies In
lone, and her appointment will give
universal satisfaction. It will proba
bly be two or three weks before form
alities are complied with and sha as
sumes charge of the ofllce. lone Inde
pendent. The public school closed yesterday
for the Christmas vacation of 2 weeks,
which the teachers are preparing to
spend elsewhere. Miss Patton goes to
ForcBt Grove, Miss Elgler to Spokane,
Miss Schcll to Portland, Misa Musgrave
to her home on Rhea creek and Mr.
Kllpple to Portland. Prof. Curfman
will reave Monday for Portland to at
tend a meeting of thd State Teachers
association, of which he is an official
fone Independent
We owe an apology to a good friend
nt Lexington who sent us up Borne
Items of Interest, along with some an
nouncementB that should have appear'
ed in our last issue. The letter wos
inadvertantly mlslnid and not discover
ed until after the paper had gone to
press and was more than half printed.
Wo are Borry, but these things will
happen sometimes, even In well regu
lated print shops, and we trust that
our good friend will And It in his heart
to forgive us.
C. It Ouniel, cashier of the flank of
lone, was a pleasant callor nt this of
fice whllo In the city on business yes
terday. Mr, Quniol has had charge of
the bank there for the past three
months taking the place formerly oc
cupied by Ouy Weaver. He is a very
pleasant gentleman and hopes to be
come bettor acquainted with the Hepp
ner people as time goes on. He was
accompnnlod by Chas. Alllngor, who Is
doing some construction work for tho
bank and came to Hoppnor to assist
In ordering somo necessary material.
ThlB ofllco acknowledges the receipt
of a short communication this weok
from our old friend, W. E. Sovorance,
residing at Hanks, Oregon. Mr. Sover
nnce was formorly engaged In agricul
tural pursuits In this county and lived
at Hardman. Ho mentions the fact that
his part of Oregon is having a touch
of real winter, with 2 Inches of snow
covering the ground and the mercury
bobbing around .the freoilng point and
as much us 18 below. Pretty cold wea
ther tor that part of the Willamette
valley, and not much different from
what we in this section have been hav
ing for the past couple of weeks.
The Christmas cantata, "The Night
Before Christmas," was well given at
the Christian church on Saturday eve
ning before a well filled house. Tho
preparation of this cantata was In the
hands of Mrs. Frank Turner, Mrs. 12.
R. Huston and Mrs. Dolbert Clabough,
and the manner In which the entertain
ment was presented proves thorn to bo
very cntmble In thin line. Following
the cantata a treat to the Sunday school
was distributed and the children wore
all made happy. A donation to Near
Enst relief was made at this time,
which was added to what the Sunday
Bchool contributor on Sunday morning
and made a grnnd total of the vol
untnry offorlng nearly $55.
It. E. Iuiu;tn of liusy life ranch
hiih-ir 'i lone with a visit on Saturday
Mr. and Mis. H. J. Streett-r and fam
ily were visitors in Arlington on Sat
urday. .Mrs. Pctrle is visiting with her
daughter, Mrs. Oscar Lulidell nt lthea
during the holidays.
Mrs. W. Chandler, who has been vis
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.
llenriksen, left on Monday for Albany.
C S. Yawbert arrived from The
I'allcs on Friday and will visit among
Ills friends around Cecil for a short
.Mr. and Mrs. O. Llnstrom and family
from their ranch near lone spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell
at lthea.
R. Howard, who has been working at
Tiie Iat Camp, left for Heppner on
Tiiursday where he intends to visit for
a few days.
Misses Gertie und Hazel Pettyjohn
of Morgan were callers In Cecil on
Thursday, also Fred Willis and W.
Ely of Morgan.
Henry Krebs of The Last Camp and
Herbert Hynd of Butlerby Flats were
passengers on the local flyer bound
for Heppner on Tuesday.
John Shoefeldt Is spending his vaca
tion with his mother at Rhea Siding
before leaving for Portland to resume
his studies for the winter.
Melville Logan was in Cecil from his
ranch nt The Willows visiting his old
friends before leaving to spend Xmas
with his friends In Portland.
II. O. Everson who has been working
around Cecil for several months left
on Wednesday to spend the festive
season with his family In Montana.
Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Perry from their
ranch near Kwlng accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. It E. Duncan of Busy Bee
ranch were callers In Cecil on Wednes
day. Earl Cronk, who has been visiting
at Butter by Flats for several days left
on the local on Sunday to Join his
parents at Hood River for the festive
Mr. and Mrs. A. Henrlksen of Wlllo"
Creek. ranch and Mrs. W. Chandler of
Albnny were tho dinner guests of Mr.
ami Mrs. Geo. Krebs at The Last Camp
on Sunday.
A Merry Christmas and Prosperous
Sew Year to the readers of the Cecil
Items and also to those who are not
readers, but who ought to be, of their
county papers
Mrs. A. Henrlksen returned from
Heppner on Friday accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. Oral Henrlksen and daughter.
Miss Anna Josephine, who will spend a
few days at Wrlllow Creek ranch.
iiu LMe-'innr Furnev. teacher of Ce
cil school and her pupils gave a fine
program on Wednesday Derore closing
-,.h,i fur the holidays. MIbs Furney
left on Thursday to spend her vacation
with her parents In Astoria.
Walter Pope was calling on his Cecil
friends on Mondny and Informed us
thnt his friend A. L. Yates of Eight
mil, vhn had been taken to The Dalles
hospital some weeks ago with a bad
foot, has been obliged to have bis leg
amputated to save his life.
"Constable John." "Tired Tim," and
Weary Willie" have never been heord
from since nil the young ladles left In
September for their various studies.
Now that Christmas holidays are here
and all the young ladles are at their
respective homes for the holidays hair
rutting, shampooing and shaving, press
ing suits, cleaning shoes, etc., Is all
these young gentlemen can do and we
hope all pnrtles concerned will have a
Merry and Happy holiday together.
If Oil,: lias nil
f work in ris.i k -i,
M tlnu a I'Uu '
in put In a liu t'e
put In and atir-
Hnn. C. E. Woodson arrived home
from Salem in time to enjoy Christmas
with his family. The special session
of tho legislature was pretty snappy,
the members being determined to finish
their work In t'me to return to their
homes for Christmas.
Iiof Hie ih.i-M.- 1.1 linn
tilea ;im ti lit lll"Ullt
H'.K liieese He K '
'.f tins sort. The milk
vat lieate'l. lennet
led frequently with i-i.-me peculiar look-;
ing things called rhecne knives. When,
removed the eheene is poured Into'
moulds and placed on a burlap covered t
table. These moulds are turned fre-1
iiuently so that all the whey will drain!
off. Following this they are taken to,
tiie cellar and then put on racks. Here i
tliey stay for a long time being washed
and rubbed each day to cure them then
put aside to cure longer before they
are Bold. Nick Faler is the cheesemak
er. Good luck to the Industry and may
it grow and prosper. Boardman Mirror.
LOST Pair of ladies' buckskin gloves
trimmed in beeds; family keepsake.
Lost between George Sperry's and the
Hugh Berry places, Dec. 5th. Suitable
reward if returned to this office.
ciist-r wfiv, f.rr one of th t?st near
in. highly'ive-1 Willow crek al
falfa ran-hes-- money linker. Owner
simply wants to raise what for a
while. See me at once. E. M. SHUTT.
Seeded Wheat Land For Sale.
At Z1 .'jO per acre, In center of finest
wheat land belt In Morrow county, only
few miles from railroad; 450 acres
sowed to wheat and 80 acres to rye;
ranch consists of a little over 1000 acres
of rlih, deep-soil plow land, a tractor
proposition with only ten acres waste
land; worlds of water and good Im
provements. Just as It stands and Ira
mediate possession given at only 127.60
per acre, $7,500 cash down, balance one
third crop payments. This offer holds
for only 20 days. Sickness compels
owner to move. No better bargain ever
offered. See me quick. E. M. SHUTT.
Advertisement tf. 027
mm -1
I (.' ' "4. SMra-
. A-kl- rl criwdric.l .
' "- . V mnirp.
""""i H
pared to come right to your place and
do repair work on your tractor, auto
mobile or gas engine. My charges will
be reasonable and my work is guaran
teed. F. B. MARSHALL, Box 281,
Heppner. Advertisement
Seed rye for sale at the Scott A Mc
Millan Warehouse. Lexington. Adv.
Seed, rye for sale at the Scott & Mc
Millan Warehouse, Lexington. Adv.
Seed rye for sale at the Scott & Mc
Millan Warehouse, Lexington. Adv.
Who has a good wheat ranch to trade
without any money changing hands
Corvallis, Ore., Dec 26-J1, l2l
Winter Short Courses.
Put Sclence'lnto Farm Practice,
Fruit and Vegetable Course.
Dec. I-1T, '21
Tra:tor Mechanics Course
.Jan. J-Mar. 18, 'J2
Dairy Manufacturing Course
Jan. i-Mar. 18. 'li
Agricultural Course....Jan. 8-Mar. 18, '22
Dairy Herdsmen's Course
Jan. 2..Mar. 18, '22
Grain Grading Coorse Jan. 1-21. '22
Beekeeping Course -
Jan. JO-Feb. 25 '22
Homemakers' Conference. Mar. 20-15, '22
Oregon Agricultural College
Full Information on any course by
of the
Big Bargain in Small
Creek Ranch
16 acres, all under ditch, partly in cultivation, alfalfa,
strawberries, raspberries; good five room house, good
barn and out buildings; stock and machinery; good
spring and well. Price $2250.00 if taken at once. 7 g
miles from town. EE
Real Estate and Insurance, Heppner. s
Paper. 82.00 Per Year,
Home Paper. It Is A Very Fine
Investment At $2.00 Per Year.
THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Your Home Paper. $2.00 Per Year
1 Central Market
Fish In Season
Take home a bucket of our lard,
is a Heppner product and is as
good as the best.
Ilnarilrhnn Cnmlnn I'p llsplillr
Ilonrdman Is coming up quite rap
iillv. Slie now has a new Industry which
will lie of (treat benefit to the farmers
of the project In a short while. We
refer to the rheese factory which Is
built on the Filler place. A nice little
house has been built to hold the mach
inery nnd It is well uorth any person's
time to make a visit there and see Just
Here's a Happy New Year's Day to you
and 364 other days after it, just as happy, brim
ming over with prosperity.
We couldn't wish you more!
Gilliam & Bisbee
We are Offering
Superior and
Van Brunt Drills
In Stock at a Price Below what
we can replace them
Peoples Hardware Co
We are overstocked on Ford side cur
tains. While they last we will sell
full sets of four Mohair cur
tains complete for
Come in and get a set and keep out the cold
Also Denatured Alcohol for $1 a gallon
Why let your radiator freeze?
Latourell Auto Co.
Authorized Ford Sales and Service
Heppner, Oregon
(old waiherjidmcation
When the cold snap comes it is important that you use
lubricating oil having a low cold test. Zerolene No. 1, No.
3 and No. 5 are low cold test oils. They remain fluid and
feed properly even when the temperature is below freezing.
Poor cold test oils congeal at freezing temperatures.
This causes hard starting with excessive drain on your
storage battery. When congealed, the oil cannot be splashed
or pumped to the bearing surfaces in sufficient quantities,
and there will be lack of lubrication until the oil has been
wanned by the heat of the engine. During this time there
will be loss of power and poor acceleration. Excessive wear
or even burned bearings and scored cylinders may result.
Drain your crankcase and fill with Zerolene as recom
mended for winter use in the Zerolene Correct Lubrication
Chart and solve your cold weather lubrication problems.
For sale by dealers everywhere and at our stations.
COHN AUTO CO., Heppner
LEACH BROS., Lexington
C. R. McALISTER, Lexington