Tin: gazi-:ttk-timks, heitxki.. oi.kc.ox, Tiin:s).v. in-:f. rAiii; Tiii;i:i: DR. F. E. FARRIOR DENTIST Office upstairs over Postofflce Heppner, Oregon DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in the Odd Fellows building, Rooms 4 and 6. Heppner, Oregon A. D. McMURDO, M. P. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office In Patterson Drug Store Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner, Oregon C. C. CHICK, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office upstairs over Postofflce Heppner, Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTOHNEY8-AT-LAW Office In MasonlcBulldlng Heppner, Oregon SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTOKNEY.AT.LAW First National Bank Building Heppner, Oregon S. E. N0D60N ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW Office In Court House Heppner, Oregon Office Phone, Main 643 Residence Phone, Main 666 FRANCIS A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts Building, Heppner Oro F. H. ROBINSON LAWYER IONK. OREGON ROY V. WHITEIS Fire Insurance writer (or best 011 Line Companies. Heppner, Oregon E. J. STARKEY ELECTRICIAN House Wiring a Specialty Heppner, Oregon Phone 872 E. E. MILLER "The Old-Time Auctioneer" He Sticks and 8tays Reasonable Rates for Sales lone, Oregon HEPPNER SANITARIUM nil. J. PRRRY CON PER Phyalclan-ln-Charge 1)11. IMRIS T. IlKHAIinS Associate Physician Treatment of all diseases. Isolated wards for contagious dlaoasM. KIRK INSURANCE WATERS & ANDERSON Successors to C, C. Patterson Heppner Oregon THE MOORE HOSPITAL NOW nlKN TO TIIK I'lllMO For SurRlcftl nnd Medical l'ationta. fCntli-ff New lOqiilpmrnl. Lnrffe Mmlrrn hurgvrj. Dlt. (. rilK K, M. I. I'll ult'lna nnil Nut-Kcon 1'hrtne Alnln &'.1'2 MATERNITY HOME MRS. U. C. A1KKN, HKI'PNBR. I am prepared to taks a llmltsd number of matsrnlty cases at say home. Petleuta privileged to ohooss their om phyalolna. Best of attention and care assured. Those 80S LEGAL NOTICES IN THI5 CIUCU1T COURT OP THE STATE OK OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OP MORROW. Christina Cook, rialntlff) ) Charlos D. Coleman and Lo-)gUMMON9 tus Itobison, Defendants) To Charles D. Coloman, defondant: IN TUB NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You aro hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint of plnintlff filed against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before Bix weeks from the date of first publication of this summons, to-wlt: On or bofore the 26th day of January, 1922, and you are hereby noti fied that If you fail so to appear or an swer, for want thereof plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the rollcf domanded In hor complaint, vis. for judgment anralnst you for $900.00 and Interest thereon at the rato of ten per cent per annum from February 20, 1919, for the further sum of II 00.00 attorneys fee and the costs and disbursements of this suit; that the real property mortgaged by you to plaintiff to secure the fore going obllnatlon, vlr.., Southwest quar ter of Soctlon 9, Northeast quarter of Section 17, Northwest quarter, North half of the Southwest quarter and West half (,f Northwest quarter of Southeast quarter of fic tion 16 In Township 6 South Range 25 K. W. M., be sold upon foreclosure and the proceeds applied to plaintiff s judgment and that you be foreclosed of all right, title and Inter est In or to said real property save the statutory riKht of redemption. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof In The Gaiette Tlmes, a weekly newspaper published at Heppner, Oregon, once a week for Bix weeks, by order of Hon. Gilbert W. Phelps, judge of the above entitled Court and the date of first publication Is December 15, 1921. WOODSON ft SWEEK. Attorneys for Plaintiff, 121 2-7t Heppner, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, administrator of the estate of Arthur KUcup, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate must present them to me, properly verified, at the office of Wood son & Sweek, my attorneys, at Hepp ner, Oregon, within six months from the date of nrst publication hereof. Date of first publication Nov. I, 1921. W. W. KILCUP. Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given that the un derstgned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County administrator of the estate of Charles H. Bullls, de ceased; and that all persons having claims against the said estate must pre sent the same, duly verified according to law, to me at the office of my attor ney, 8. E. Notson, In Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first robllcatlon of this notice. Date of first publication November 17, 1921. S. T. ROBISON, Admfnlstrator. NOTICE OF IIOND SALE. Sealed bids will be received until the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. the 6th day of January, 1922, and Immediately there after publicly opened by the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, at the office of the said Court In the County Court House In the city of Heppner, Oregon, for the purchase of bonds of said County, Issued for the building of permanent roads therein. One block of said bonds being for' the sum of $70, 000 00. Number 231 to 290 being for the sum of 11,000.0(1 each. Numbers 291 to 310 being for the sum of 1500.00 each. One block of said bonds for the sum of H0, 000. 00, same being In denominations of 11.000.00 each. Said Bonds to bear date November 1st, 1919, and to mature absolutely without option of prior re demption November 1st, 1929, said bonds bear Interest at not to exceed 5H per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on May and November first, prin cipal and Interest payable In United mates Gold Coin at the office of the County Treasurer of Morrow County, Oregon, or at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Oregon In New York City. Said bids must be accompanied by a certified check for t per cent of the face value of the bonds bid for and must be unconditional The approving legal opinion of Messrs. Teal, Minor & Wlnfree of Port land. Oregon, will be furnished the successful bidder. The Court reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. The asBesaed val uation of the county Is 113,366,629.00. (SEAL) J. A. WATERS, l!12-t County Clerk. WANTED a second-hand windmill that Is In good running order. Adver tisement. O. E. ADKINS, Heppner. I will sell my house partly furnish ed, or I will rent same to right party. Phone or write Millie McRoberta Hepp ner. tf. Furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. Inquire this office. Advertise ment, tf. PROGRESS SLOW DURIM YEAR Heavy Taxes, Chaotic Financial Conditions and Minor Wars Hamper Recovery in 1921. HOPE GOMES NEAR ITS END Washington Conference on Armament Limitation the Most Important Event What President Hard ing's Administration and the Congress Have Accomplished. By EDWARD W. PICKARD Back to Normalcy was the slognn of 1921, not only In America but In all the civilized nations of the world. Hut minor wars, Internal economic dis turbances, rliuotlc financial conditions In Europe, widespread unemployment, f ii mine In Russia and other lilinlrnncei innile progress In the .right direction rIow, excepting, perhaps, in the United States. When the year opened the peoples were groaning under the bunion of taxation anil depression resulting from the World war. As It drew to a close they were still groaning hut had hope fully turned their eyes toward Wash ington, where the representallves of grout powers were negotiating Inter national agreements that would elim inate some of the causes of war, es pecially In the Far East, and limit Hie means of making war. In the success of this conference nnd of oth ers that might grow out of It lay for the time being the hope of humanity. Efforts to enforce the terms of the trealy of Versailles resulted In con flicts among some of the new nations created by that pact, and several of tile older nnllons were Involved In warfare. Germany, working fast to recover her old position In the world of commerce, was lintnpered by the disastrous decline In the value of the mark, and her leaders protested con tinually that she could not possibly pny the war Indemnity. Peace negoti ations between Hie Hrlllsh government nnil Slnti Fein were brought to n suc cessful conclusion by which the Irish Free State was constituted. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS The League of Nations, though functioning without the co-operation of the United Stales, accomplished much during the year, chlelly through Its council, which met In l'arls on 1 February 21 anil Immediately referred proposed amendments to Hie covenant to a committee. President Wilson, who during January had withdrawn the American representatives from the council of ambassadors and the repa rations commission, on February 23 sent to the league council a strong protest against the Inclusion of the Island of Yap In territories subjected to the mandate of Japan, and also formally demanded for America a voice In the disposal of the former German colonies. The council In re ply .said It w as not concerned with the allocation of Yap to Japan and Invited the United States to take part In discussions concerning the Turkish and African mandutes. A month afler the Republican administration took ohVe Secretary of State Hughes reit erated Mr. Wilson's stand concerning Yap and mandates In general, and later France und Italy Indorsed Amer ica's pofltion In the controversy over the Island, though Japan formally re fused to give up her mandate. There after that dispute was the subject of long drawn-out negotiations between the United States und Japan which led to a treaty by which the United Stutes was assured equal rights In Yap and other Islands mandated to Japan. The council of ambassadors In Janu ary gave Germany more time, to dis arm, appointed a commission to pass on Austria's economic status, decided that Latvia and F.sthonla should M recognized as sovereign stutes, and then fixed the German reparations at 22(1,000,000,000 gold marks, payable In annuiil Installments, and 12 per rent tax on exports during the period of payment. This reparations decision created consternation In Germany and Berlin at once began efforts to per suade the United States to Intervene In her behalf. The Wilson administra tion miide no response, hut on April 2 Secretary Hughes Informed Ger many the United States would not countenance her escaping full respon sibility for the war or getting out of paying to the limit of her ability. A few days earlier, Berlin having failed to make the first payments, French troops occupied Duesseldorf, Duls burg und Ruhrort. The British ob jected strongly to this Independent action and Fiance withdrew. It would be tedious to detail the negotiations over the reparations bill. Suffice It to sny that Germany, with Doctor Wirth its chancellor, was compelled to ac cept tile figures of 1,000,000,000 gold marks finally decided on by the su preme council, made the payments due during the year but, on December 14, announced that the In major part of the sums due In the early part of 1022 could not he raised. And since many economists agreed that to drive her Into absolute bankruptcy would be disastrous to the rest of the world, toward the close of the year there was Increasing talk of arranging a moratorium of two to three years for her. France was the chief objector to such delay, as she relied on the monei due her from Germany, hut she showed signs "of yielding to the general view. Division of Upper Sllesin between Germany and Poland caused a lot of trouble. A plebiscite was held there In March, but both Ides asserted It was unfair and parly In May the region was Invaded by Polish Irregulars. Thinly veiled support was given thein by the Warsaw gov ernment and also by the French and there succeeded a long series of lights between them and German volunteer forces. The entente cordlnle of the allies was near to rupture, but In June British troops entered the territory und began clearing out the Poles. The dispute was referred to the league council which In October announced the boundary lines. Neither Germany nor Poland was satisfied but both ac cepted the decision. All through the year the Greeks fought the Turkish nationalists In Anatolia, with varying fortune, while the allied powers held aloof, though offering mediation which Greece re fused. In November France made a treaty with the Keniallst government which aroused protests from Great Britain and led to diplomatic negotia tions. The United States formally made pence with the central powers, the treaty with Austria being signed Au gust 24, that with Germany August 25, and the pact with Hungary August 29. In these treulies Anierlcu reserved all that was given her by the treaty of Versailles which the senate had re fused to ratify. President Harding on July 10 Is sued Informal Invitations to Great Britain, France, Italy and Japan to send representatives to Washington for a conference on limitation of armament and Far Kost questions. Acceptance from all was already as sured by a process of "feeling out," and on August 11, the formal Invita tions went out, China, Belgium, Hol land and Portugal being asked to par ticipate In discussions Involving the Far East. The foremost statesmen of these nine powers were named as delegates and on November 12 the mo mentous conference opened with Im posing ceremony. Almost immediate ly Secretary Hughes put forward America's plan for reduction and limitation of naval armament, Includ ing a naval holiday for ten years, the scrnpplng of all shipbuilding pro grams, destruction of vessels to a cer tain point and the maintenance of the navies of America, Great Britain and Japan on a 5-5 3 basis. The plan was formally accepted by the delegates of those nations on Decemlier IB, and to the agreement were added clauses for the preservation of the status quo of naval bnses and fortification lu the western Puclllc. Of almost equal Importance was the four-power pact accepted by the con ference on December 13. This was east In the form of a treuly by which the United States, Great Britain, France nnd Japan agreed to mnlntnln peace In the Pacific, the Anglo-Japanese treaty being abrogated. China offered some very difficult problems to the conference and all the demands of her delegates were not satisfied. The conferees, however, did enter Into an agreement to remove many of the foreign restrictions on China nnd to respect the territorial and administrative Integrity of tho oriental republic and preserve the open door for trade and Industry of nil na tions. Direct negotiations between the Chinese, and Jopunese jh'lejales re sulted In Japan's agreeing to restore Shantung province to China upon re ceiving payment for the railway. It was evident from the first that the conference could not do much In the matter of limitation of land arma ments so lotig as the situation In cen tral Europe remained so unsettled. Premier Brland was present to give voice to France's needs of protection anil fears of aggression by Germany und possibly by Russia. His eloquent speech so far convinced tne corner eno that the other powers gave as surance that France would never be left In the "moral Isolation" which she feared. President Harding has clung to his Ides that an association of nations can be formed which would do what the League of Nations cannot do, and on November 25 he put forward the sug gestion of a continuing series of con ferences like that in Washington, which presumably might result In the formation of the association. the Idea was received with favor every where, except that the French de murred at the proposed Inclusion of Germany. FOREIGN AFFAIRS During the first six months of the year the guerrilla warfare between the British forces In Ireland and the Irish "republicans" continued . unabated, Murders by the Sinn Felners and re prisals by the British were of almost dully occurrence. The Irish were espe cially exasperated by the execution of a number of prisoners convicted of complicity In .the killing of soldiers. The appointment of Lord Talbot, lead ing British Koman Catholic, as lord lieutenant of Ireland, failed of Its ef feet. On May 25 the Sinn Felners burned the Dublin custom house, and on June 30 they re-elected Eamonn de Valera president of the "Irish repub lic." Meanwhile the new government of nortltern Ireland was organized, with Sir James Craig as premier, and on June 22 King George went across to open the Ulster parliament De Valera on July 9 accepted the Invitation of Premier Lloyd George to a conference In London, and truce was announced. Then began the series of negotiations that lasted through the remainder of the year. Offers and counter-offers were made, and finally Britain prof fered Ireland full status as a dominion within the empire, to be known as the Irish Tree State. A treaty to this effect was ratified by the British par liament and submitted to dull elreann. Ulster was not consulted, but was given the option of becoming n part of the Irish Free state or retaining her status. Angrily she chose the latter. Charles, ex-emperor of Austria-Hungary, made two futile efforts to regain the Hungarian throne. On March 27 he appeared In Hungary without forces and claimed the crown, but Regent Horthy refused to step aside. Czecho slovakia, Jugo-SIaitn and Rumania mobilized to frustrate the coup and the allied council of ambassadors warned Hungary that the restoration of the Hapsburg regime would not lie toler ated. So Charles returned to his place of refuge In Switzerland. But he was not through, for on October 21 he and his wife, Zita, went by airplane to Hungary and rallied a considerable number of supporters who proclaimed Charles king. Again the "Utile en tente" prepared for action, but Regent Horthy led his army out of Budapest and defeated the Carllsts in a real bat tle. The former emperor and empress were taken prisoner, ns were a number of prominent Hungarian nobles. The allies decreed that Charles must be exiled, and In November he nnd Zita were taken to Funchal, Madeira. Russia's year was one of "fighting, famine and efforts to resume relations with other nations. The soviet gov ernment held its own against repeated revolts, which Included risings of the worklngmen of Moscow, of peas ants under Antnnov, and an Invasion of the Ukraine by Petlura, which for a time threatened to be successful. Failure of the crops brought a terrible famine in the Volga region. Many thousands starved to death and even the American relief administration, which took charge of the situation, could only partially check the disaster. In seeking to break through the ring of isolation surrounding It. the Moscow government gradually receded from Its communistic principles. It sought the aid of foreign capital, and ou August 9 It abandoned slate ownership of all but a few of the largest Industries. Treaties were made with the Baltic states and with Turkey, and tempt ing offers of concessions were held out to other nations. In a notable pronouncement on October 21 Premier Lenin admitted the economic defeat of communism. Old King Peter of Serbia died in Belgrade on August 17, and four days later his son Alexander was pro claimed king of Jugo-Slavia. He was reluctant to leave Paris, however, and It wus not until November 6 that he went to Belgrade and assumed his crown. Portugal was upset by sev eral revolutionary movements toward the close of the year. On August 19 the ministry wus overthrown by a mili tary coup and several cabinet mem bers, including Premier Granjo, were assassinated. A few days later a plot of the royalists was uncovered, and In November Carvalho Mesquita led a re volt. Because of these disorders nnd of the spread of bolshovlsm the pow ers began consideration of a plan for intervention. Spain had rebels, also the tribesmen of Morocco. Against (hem she maintained a wearying nnd expensive warfare for months. And while on the subject of rebellion, men tion must be made of the revolt of the Moplahs on the Malabar const of India, which caused (he British gov ernment much unnoynnce nnd not a few lives. There were communist outbreaks lu Germany In March, and on August 20 Malhlas Erzherger, the Germun states man who signed the treaty of Ver sailles, was assassinated. Doctor Wlrlh, who became chancellor on May 10, re signed with his cabinet on October 22, but was persuaded to remain In office and form a new ministry. In Novem ber there were riots In many German cities due to the high prices of food. The chauvinistic element In Japan was active, especially after the Wash ington conference opened, and on No- ; vi-ir.b-r 3 Premier Hara :- m ... !""!. Vlsent Tik.'li ;,V.I W-U-1 ' him. The emperor "f .1 -ipan suffered a complete mei.tal and phy.-i.-al break- ! ilmn some time Inst year, and frown Prince llirohitu was made n gent on 1 Noember 25. lie had lately returned I from a tour of Europe. ; I DOMESTIC AFFAIRS During the early part of the year the country was preparing for the change ,,f administration un March 4. President-elect Harding resigned as senator from Ohio on January 9, and the next day lie asked that prepara tions pr an elaborate Inauguration be canceled, feeling that It would be In consistent with the urgent need for economy. On February 19 Mr. Har ding announced the appointment of Charles K. Hughes as his secretary of state a choice that met with general approval und on succeeding days he completed his cabinet with these names: Secretary of the treasury, An drew W. Mellon ; secretary of war, John W. Weeks; attorney general, Harry M. Daugherty; postmaster gen eral. Will II. Hays; secretary of the navy, Edwin Denby; secretary of the interior, Albert B. Fall; secretary of agriculture, Henry C. Wallace; secre tary of commerce, Herbert C. Hoover; secretary of labor, James J. Davis. Mr. Harding was Inaugurated on March 4 with simple, dignified ceremony, and President Wilson, despite his contin ued illness, was able to be present. The senate. In extra session, confirmed the cabinet and a number of other ap pointments, and adjourned on March 15. On the first day of the year General Crowder was sent by President Wil son to Cuba to see what could be done to restore financial and economic con ditions there, upset by the collapse of the sugar boom. He remained on the Island for a long time and succeeded In Ids mission to a considerable ex tent. On April 11 telephone communi cation between the United States and Cuba was opened by an exchange of greetings between Presidents Harding and Menocul. The United States Supreme court rendered several notable decisions. On January 111 It held that Judge Landis had no lawful right or power to pre side over the trial of Victor Bergeraud other Socialists. On March 28 it ruled that profits from sale of corporate stocks und bonds and capital assets are taxable as Income. On April 11 It refused to review the convictions of Haywood und 7!) other I, W. W. mem bers. The conviction of Senator New berry of Michigan and others for al leged violation of the corrupt prac tices act was set aside on May 2, the act being held void. On June 30 Wil liam Howard Taft was appointed chief justice and was sworn in on October 3. The unemployment situation be came so bad during the summer that President Harding called a conference of experts on the subject. It began Its sessions on September 26 and. after a long study, established a central bu reau and started local employment movements throughout the country. The resulting relief was but partial, for business itself was suffering a gen eral depression. One of the worst race Hots In the history of the country broke out in Tulsa, Okiii., on May 31. Before It was quelled the negro quarter of the city had been burned and 35 persons had been killed and many wounded. Labor troubles of long standing in West Virginia culminated in an insur rectionary movement by miners which called forth a proclamation by the President ordering them to disperse. Federal troops were sent into the re gion and the miners soon surrendered. A commission, headed by Gen. Leon ard Wood, was sent to the Philippines. It reported In November, recommend ing against Immediate withdrawal of the United States from the Islands. Meantime General Wood was offered and accepted the post of governor gen eral. The American Legion, in session nt Kansas City, elected Lieut. Col. Han ford MacNlder of Iowa its national commander on November 1. The Le gion had as guests Marshal Koch of France. General Diaz of Italy, Ad miral Heatty of England nnd other distinguished warriors. These same visitors and many other eminent per sons participated, on Armistice Day, Nov. 11, lu the ceremony of the burial of America's unknown soldier lu the National cemetery at Arlington. Under the budget law which was passed In May Gen. Charles G. Dawes wus appointed director general of the federal budget and he and his aids made notable progress iu the way of cutting down the expenses of the government. NATIONAL LEGISLATION Not a great deal of legislation was passed by the Republican congress during the last two months of Presi dent Wilson's administration. The President vetoed the bill to revive the War Finance corporation on January 2, and congress promptly repassed It. On January 12, ?7,1UUH was appro priated for enforcement of prohibition. The house decided, on January 19, that its membership should not be In creased. Alter much debate congress set the limit of the regular army at 175,000 men. Mr. Wilson vetoed the measure, but it was passed over Ills veto. On February 2(1 the President signed the Wiuslow bill, making avail able to the railroads JS70.tMi.tW from the government guarantee fund. President Harding called congress in extru session on April 11 and nearly all the rest of the year It was busy with the task of redeeming the pledges of the Republican party, with what success must be left to individual judgment. Among the first bills passed were emergency tariff and Immigra tion acts; u new army bill cutting Hie army down to loO.tXHl; and the budget bill. Ou April 30 the senate adopted n resolution declaring the war with Germany and Austria at nn end; on June 13 Hie house adopted a resolu- Ion of similar purport, und the meas ure was finally passed on July 1 and signed the next day by President Harding. Repeated efforts to pass a soldiers' bonus bill came to naught. but n soldiers' relief bureau was cre ated on August 2 and (VI. C. R. Forbes was made its director. The house yasseil hotha tax roylslonhill and a t.'irif r.i'J. .-it f.e .!! r,(.( get Itro'i!;'! to tl.c ih'ter. T-' t.tX liefi ore was a'1, 1 Ir.'o la.v on Noom ber 21. Aii.iig other In p irtant measures pas-e! were a bill to exen.pt American eou-f'.u.e s!, iping from oa.wnent of Panama canal tolls; a bill for govern ment regulation of the packing Indus try; the ? ),5"".0"O shipping hoard deficiency bill; the billion-dollar farm exports credit bill; and various meas ures relating to enforcement of the prohibition amendment. Including one forbidding the manufacture and safe of beer as medicine. The extra session came to an end on November 23, and on December 5 congress met for the regular session. LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL Two strong tendencies In the world of labor marked the year In the United States. One was toward a reduction of wages, as a part of the "return to normalcy," and the other was toward the establishment nt the open shop. Naturally both were contested by or ganized labor, not wholly successfully. The railway executives took the lead In both movements, but had many fol lowers. In January the national con ference of slate manufacturers' asso ciations pledged support for the open shop movement. On the last day of that month the railway executives asked that the national working agree ments be abrogated ; the railroad brotherhoods appealed to President Wilson to prevent wage reductions hut he refused to Interfere. By order of the railway labor board some of the working agreements were terminated on July 1 and a wage cut averaging 12 per cent was put into effect. The rail ways later announced they would ask further wage cuts. The membership of the brotherhoods decided by vote that a strike should be called on Octo ber 30, but nine allied unions refused -to support such a strike, and on an nouncement by the board that It would not consider wage cut requests until all working rule questions had been decided the strike order was canceled. On Decemlier 1 the board reconstituted the working rules so that the open shop principle was recognized. In the packing industry there was a wage reduction In March and a strike was narrowly averted. In September the large packing plants installed the shop representation system and in No vember, under this plan, the employees consented to a further reduction of 10 per cent. The meat cutters repudiated this and called a strike on Liee. 5. There were many minor strikes, most of them short lived. Samuel Gompers was re-elected president of the American Federation of Labor which held its convention In Denver in June. Great Britain's coal miners went on strike on March 1 and for nearly four months the notion's industries were near collapse. The rail and transport workers refused to go out and the government would not yield to the demands that the mines be national ized, so the miners returned to work on June 28 without having gained much. SPORTS It was a great year for sports. In all lines there was activity and pros perity, und International contests were numerous. Organized baseball, which had suf fered from the White Sox scandal, rehabilitated Itself by the appoint ment of Judge Landis as supreme ar biter. The New York Giants and the New York Yankees won the National and American league pennants, re spectively, and in the series for the world championship the Giants were victorious. The former members of the Chicago White Sox who were ac cused of conspiracy to "throw the 1919 world's series" were acquitted by a Jury, though not by public opinion. Jock Hutchinson of America won the British open golf championship In June. In this country the titles went as follows: Western amateur, Charles Evans, Jr.; national open, James M. Barnes; western open, Walter Hagen; national amateur, Jesse Guilford. The feature In pugilism was the battle for the world's heavyweight title between Jack Dempsey and Georges Oarpentler of France on July 2. The Frenchman was knocked out in the fourth round. Benny Leonard defended the lightweight title against Richie Mitchell on January 14; Jack Brltton, welterweight champion, de feated Ted Lewis of England on Feb ruary 7, and Pete Herman won the bantamweight title from Joe Lvnch on July 25. Davis nnd Johnston, the American tennis team, won the Davis cup in New Zealand on January 1, and Til den won the International champion ship In Paris "on June 4, and Hie American championship on September 19. The Americans again won the Davis cup on September 3 by defeat ing the Japanese team. The University of Illinois won the Western Conference track and field meet and the National Collegiate athletic meet In June. Yale defeated Harvard In their annual boat race ou June 24. The University of Iowa won the Western Oonfercnct football championship, and Harvard boat Vale on November 19. The Fast was given two Jolts In football, for the Univer sity of Chicago defeated Princeton and Centre college of Kentucky beat Harvard. On November 23 youns Jake Schaef or won the world's halklhv champion ship long hold by Willie lb.ppe. NECROLOGY Just the names of the well-known mca and womcu who passed away In 1921 would fill much space. Among the shilling marks found by Death were these: .lau. 1, Dr. Theobald von I'.eih-inann-IIollwegg. former German impe rial chancellor; Jan. 3, Ferdinand Schlesluger, Wisconsin capitalist; .Ian. 7, James G. Scripps. publisher of many tiewspupct-s ; Jim. 13, Henry Keliihardl, famous American art collector and dealer; Jan. 19, Daniel I'.arto. profes sor of agriculture in the University of Illinois; Jan. 21, Congressman Charles Booherof .Missouri, and Mary M. Whit ney, famous astronomer at Va.sar; Jan. 22, "Cap" Strceter, the noted Chicago lake front squatter; Jan. 30, John Francis Murphy, American landscape pa;-.-, r; .1 . t;..v. F. 11 I'm.'.' :r.t of M Feb. 2. far.!.!. ! F.-rr.H. --bo!:...;, of M.ian. :il,-l I M : -. i;ov, conj,c.r; 1VO I'r':;--,. K r- ; -' i. : ti nihilist b-.i. i.-r. :,-,. Pr..f. i:r -. t H . n del! of H.irvar-l : I'-b. l .a.--. i , J., ., Huneker, tan-ir critic an-! atst-r; Feb, 22. W. F. M.i'-n.b.. former Denei cratlc national chairman ; F h. 2-4. Dr. F. J. V. Skiff, director of tho Field Museum of Chicago. March 1. Nicholas I, king of Monte negro; March 2. C ongressamr, Champ Clark of Missouri; March 11, S. W. Burnham, eminent astronomer of Chi cago; March 17, Dr. F. W. Ou!ianMn, educator, lecturer and proa' her, of Chicago; March 19. Bert I.c,t,.n Tay lor of the Chicago Tribune, most fa mous "column conductor"; March 24. James Cardinal Gibbons, archbishop of Baltimore; March 2-S, Mrs. George M. Pullman, widow of the car builder, and Charles Haddon Ch;, rubers, Aus tralian playwright; March 29, John Burroughs, beloved American natural ist, April 3, Annie Louise Cnry, once famous prima donna; April 8. Julie Opp, actress, and B. E. Wallace, pioneer circus man; April 9, Archbishop Walsh of Dublin, Sydney Fisher, Canadian statesman, and Ernesto Nathan, former mayor of Rome; April 11, Augusta Victoria, former empress of Germany; April 30, John Koblnson, noted circus owner. May 3, Dr. W. R. Brooks, astrono mer; May 5, J. A. Sleleher, editor Les lie's Weekly; May 14, Alf Hyman, the atrical manager; May 15, Former Sen ator T. B. Catron of New Mexico; May 18, Former Secretary of the Interior Franklin B. Lane ; May 19, Edward D. White, chief Justice of the United States Supreme court; May 29, Gen. Horace Porter, war veteran and diplo mat June 5, W. T. Crooks, noted British labor leader; June 7, Alvln T. Hert, Republican leader of Kentucky; June 8, Col. F. W. Galbralth, Jr., national com mander of the American Legion ; June 13, Gen. Jose Gomez, former president of Cuba, and H. C. Ide, former gover nor general of the Philippines; June 15, Judge W. A. Blount of Florida, president of the American Bar asso ciation; June 16, William E. Mason, congressman-at-large from Illinois; June 22, Dr. Morris Jastrow, authority on Semitic literature, and Gen. C. H. Taylor, editor of the Boston Globe; June 28, Charles J. Bonaparte of Bal timore; June 29, Lady Randolph Churchill. July 3, John F. Wallace, eminent en gineer; July 10, Douglas Story, author and Journalist ; July 12, Harry Hawker, famous British aviator; July 15, Dr. W. E. Stone, president of Purdue uni versity; July 29, Robert E. Burke, prominent Democrat of Chicago, and Charles B. Cory, ornithologist ; July 81, Edgar Saltus, author. Aug. 2, Enrico Caruso, the famous operatic tenor; Aug. 6, John G. Jen kins, Wisconsin Jurist; Aug. 11, Wil liam C. Hook, Jurist, of Kansas; Aug. 12, Alexander Block, noted Russian poet ; Aug. 13, Samuel P. Colt, leader la rubber Industry ; Aug. 17, King Peter of Serbia; Aug. 19, Demetrios Rhallys, Greek statesman; Aug. 23, Sir Sam Hughes of Canada; Aug. 25, Peter Cooper Hewitt, noted American Inven tor ; Aug. 31, Field Marshal Count von Buelow, German war leader. Sept. 2, Austin Dobson, English poet ; Sept 11, Former Senator George P. Wetmore of Rhode Island ; Sept. 15, Peer Stromme, American author and Journalist; Sept. 21, Sir Ernest Cas sel, British financier; Sept. 23, Eugel bert Humperdinck, German composer. Oct. L Former Federal Judge Peter Grosscup of Chicago; Oct. 2, Duvld Bisphaiu, American baritone, and Wil liam II, former king of Wurttemberg; Oct. 12, Philander Case Knox, senator from Pennsylvania; Oct 18, Ludwig former king of Bavaria ; Oct. 21, MaJ. Gen. W. W. Wotherspoon, U. S. A.; Oct 2s, "Bat" Masterson, writer and former timed westerner; Oct. 20, Henry Oyen, American novelist. Nov. 3, Dan Hunna, capitalist and publisher, of Cleveland, O. ; Nov. 5, Rev. Antoinette Blaekwell, first woman ordained as a minister in the United States; Nov. 13, C. H. Prior of St Paul, railway builder, and Mrs. George J. Gould; Nov. 20, Lawrence C. Earl, American painter; Nov. 22, Christine Xilsson, Countess de Casa Miranda, mice famous operatic soprano, nnd Henry M. Hyndman. British socialist lender; Nov. 27, Lieut. Col. C. W. Whittlesey, hero of the "lost battal ion;" Nov. 2S. Abdul Baha Abbas, lend er of the Bahaists; Nov. 29, Ivan fnryll, composer, and Lord Mount Ste phen, creator of the Canadian Pacific railway system. Dec. 10, Sir Arthur Pearson, famous blind publisher of England; Dee, 11, the earl of Halsbury, former British lord high chancellor; Dec. 12. H. Clay Evans of Tennessee, former commis sioner of pensions; Dec. 15. Congress man J, A. Elston of California, who committed suicide; Deo. Id, Cuinille Saint-Saens, noted French composer. DISASTERS Floods, tornadoes and conflagrations cost many lives and vast property losses in 1921. A four-inilliou-dollar tire destroyed the business section of Athens. Ga on January 24. The Ar mour grain elevator in Chicago, larg est In the world, was wrecked by lire and explosion on March 19, the loss being Sil.iXXVXH). A thousand houses in Tokyo were destroyed by tlames in March, and in April tire in Manila rendered lo.ittM homeless and -l.ois) buildings wore burned in Hakodate, Japan. The Southern states were struck by a tornado on April 15, im) persons being killed. On June 3 came, the terrible floods In eastern Colorado 111 which hundreds lost their lives and immense property damage was done. San Antor.lo. Tex., experienced it dis astrous llood on September 10. The two most startling disasters occurred abroad. Ou August 24 the giant dirigible Zlt-2. built by the Brit Isb for the United S'ntes, broke in two whllp over Hull, England, on her last trial trip. Forty six men were killed, including 15 members of the American crew that was t. bring the vessel across tho ocean. On September 21 u great ultra's plant at tlppaii, llermiiny, ble.v up. The town was wiped out. about l.N) persons were killed and thousand were Injured. (& 1121. H' -attra Ntwii,,ior I'ahjB I