The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, December 01, 1921, Image 1

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i 'TT" TV"
4. I il i I Jiff AA .La.
Volume 39, Number 34.
HKi'iWKi;, oi;k(J(jx, thukspay, dkckmukr i, ii.
Subscription $2.00 Per Year
StatB Highway Commissioner W. Ii.
Harrutt departed this morning for
Omaha, where he will attend the Inter
national convention of highway officials
to he held In that city on the Gth, 6th
and 7th of December.
Thin is a very important gathering
of highway commissioners and those
in olhVial capacity over the road work
of the nation, and Mr. Pa mitt expects
that much good will result from the
deliberations of the convention.
In talking over road matters with
tho editor of this paper, Mr. Barratt
stated that he was very much in favor
of the north and south road leading
from Pendleton into Grant, Harney
and Lake counties, as the benefits to
come to this part of Eastern Oregon
from the construction of this highway
could hardly he estimated. He further
stated that he also considered the op
ening of the Heppner-IIardman-Spray
market road as another of great impor
tance to the people of Hcppner, as well
as those along the route of the pro-!
posed road. Mr. Barratt stated that he
desired very much to get this road on
the map hut that It seemed to he a hard
matter to do so at the present. The!
people of Heppner Bhould be Impresses!
with the Importance of this road to ourj
town and should get busy at once and i
organize to put It over. The $70,000 of:
bonds to bo applied on the Hardman j
market rond is a good starter, but ltj
is at present tied up and Is doing no I
good. Add to this what ran be secured
from the forest service and government j
post rond co-operation should bring
us connection with the John Day High
way near Spray. That thero Is no morel
ure . . directed, hv DEGINALD PACfoR
It n In a .tr!'s Itolc that Hubert He
A llhlait Klrtil Won Xotlce on
(he Srrrrn
lie's only live years old, and already
bo has a past! His first newspaper
mention (after tho showing of "Tho
Old Nest," in Now York recently) finds
his name already linked with one ul
the opposite sex! It is very sad, but
it is true that thero has been a girl in
Hubert Do Vilblss's life! To bo sure,
she was a very tiny person, with skirts
only to her knees, but sho was also
very beautiful which always compli
cates tilings.
If you will promise not to mention it
to him (for he Is very sensitive about
It) we will tell you how it happened,
because it was really this feminine in
fluence that brought about Robert's
success in pictures No. It wasn't his
mother, though of courso she plays a
big part.
A few months ngo, when K. Mason
Hopper was picking his cast for "Dan
gerous Curve Ahead," ho called for a
beautiful little girl, to play the daugh
ter of lleleno Chad wick. Through
somo mistake, Robert was sent. And
then there uns a problem. Hopper, af
ter seeing tho child, refused to look at
any other. It mattered not to him that
Itobert was a hoy and that tho story
called for a girl.
"Change tho story," said ho to Ru
pert Hughes, who wrote it.
"Impossible!" exclaimed Hughes.
"Then change tho child. Mako a girl
out of him Insisted tho director. So
they did!
He it said to Robert's credit that he
took It. very gracefully, both figurative
ly and literally speaking. Will Rogers
was making one of his comedies at tho
time, In which there was a dozen or so
cowboys, and these natural chaffers did
not spare tho little follow. His en
trance Into the commissary at noon was
Invariably a signal for:
"Well, how's tho little girl today?"
and "Aren't you wearing your skirts a
bit short, littlo lady?" nnd othor greet
ings of thin liko..
Now Robert Is nwcll-behaved child,
with nil credit duo to his pretty, girl
ish mother. Ho he took tho "kidding"
in silence for several days. Then ho
struck. Hwootly, but firmly, ho refused
to wear skirts to luncheon.
"Mother, I will wear them for Mr.
Hopper and for you, but I will not wear
them to oat In, now."
So thereafter, a pair of coveralls did
apparent interest in this particular
road being manifested by the business
men of Heppner is a disappointment
to Mr. Barratt.
The government will be spending
very largo sums of money in road con
struction during the coming years. Ore
gon gets this year $2,500,000. three
sevenths of whii-h will be spent on pri
mary roads and four-sevenths on sec
ondary roads. This means, as Mr. Bar
ratt points out, that the feeder roads
are to receive some much needed hei,
and next year the funds to be dis
tributed from the same source will be
much larger. Those interested here
should organize In order to get results
for tills county out of these funds. They
are doing this elsewhere and we should
not lag behind. j
Christmas Letters and
Cards of Unusual Size
Postmaster General Hays urges the
public to desist from using1 small-size
cards and envelopes which are common
at Christmas (Into. He hopes that the
stationers will not stock up on these
small sixes. An unusual amount of
time is used in canceling such mall by
hand, a3 It will not pass through the
cancelling machines, which are built
to cancel the proper sizes of envelopes
at the maximum rate of 50,000 per hour.
The hand stamping not only causes
delay to tho small-sired cards and en
velopes but also delays the other mail
which follows.
f'leve VanSchoaick suffered a broken
right leg between the knee and ankle
one day the past week while driving
a h'He colt on the range on the Skin
ner creek ranch. Ho was kicked by
the animal when he got too close. Tho
injured man was brought to town and
is being cared for at the home of C. A.
Minor, Mack Smith acting In the ca
pacity of nurse for him, and It is ex
pected that ho will soon be out again.
' duty dining the noon hour, nnd Robert
I gained a littlo experience In quick-change
Mr. Hughes was so pleased with Rob
j art's work In "Dangerous Curve Ahead"
t that ho asked for him for "The Old
Nest," and it was in this latter picture
that Robert umiueHtinnably came Into
his own. Already, after only tho New
York showing on the picture, critics
have procaimed that he will "give
.Tackle Coogan a run!"
Robert is one of the few children who
can stand popularity. Ho is being
guided through his tender years by a
sensible, however fond, mother. He is
not spoiled, as any one at tho studio
will afilrm. He is a favorite and every,
one welcomes the youngster, but he
never presumes upon his popularity.
Robert, for all his role in "Ianperous
Curve Ahead." is n manly, upright little
"fellow, very fond of playing around in
his own back yard, clad in overalls.
A I ready Robert has a life creed,
taught, him, of course, by his mother.
H is, "God bvcs everybody. love ev
ery body!" More than once he has van
quished tho enemy in some childish
fray by suddenly standing up, repeating
his little motto ami then dashing nway
before anything clso can happen.
Although he is well embarked upon
one very definite nnd fascinating career
which, ho assures everyone, is "lots of
fun," Robert hal shown decided signs
of Interest In another calling. He wants
to be a violinist. From his tenderest in
fancy ho has been highly responsive to
violin music, but though nt first It was
a purely receptive nnd appreciative in
terest, it has grown into an active one
with Robert's added years. It Is all very
well to listen to othor people play but
now ho wants to play himself.
However, that is a pleasure he Is re
serving for tho future; that Is his an
swer to the eternal quest ion: ""What
are you going to do when you grow
up?" His present occupation is engag
ing enough to pleaso tho most exacting
youngster. Ask him how he likes play
ing before the camera and he'll tell you
smilingly: "It's lots of fun. Rut you
miiHii't talk about the camera. My di
rector says so."
And that's about all there is to toll
concerning his short life, except the
cold fact that he was born In Rich
mond, California, on March 12, litlfi.
Ills name is really Ho Vllbiss. (Hy the
way, Robert wants it. said thero Isn't
any devil in his name. It's pronounced
Ho VHblss.) Ho lived the first three
ears of his five In Richmond, then left
for Los Angeles with his mother, Kthyl
He Vllblss. His first picture was "The
Hrart of Humanity1 under Allen Hol
ubnr. Resides "Tho Old Nest" and
"Dangerous Curvo Ahead," he has taken
a part In two other Ooldwyn pictures,
"A Poor Relation" nnd ono of tho "Ed
gar" Comedies.
- --ni M mr i ii i i .ii
New South Comes Into IU Own Thru
Ide Publicity.
AilvtrtWIiijc I. pert TelU of Awaken
ing; nnd Its Future.
I Alitor' ote. St. Elmo Massengale
.s Um' h'.'tdniK litrure in advertising t-ir-
. b in the Smith. As most people know,
the b i if advertising expert of today is a
man of wide knowledge, Kreat execu
tive ability and in constant and close
tioc li with the economic needs and con
'hl urns of the territory wherein his
work lies. Whatever the head of the
Massenyale agency says will be nc-
i-ptcd as absorhinsr facts by the mer-
-hauls and leaders of the South, and
an be accepted bv those of the North
.is the note of authority.
tP to a few years ago capital was
ant sought in or did It hurry to the
South. Pixie was considered as a pret
ty section of the country about which
one should and often did -write songs,
novels and dramas mainly remarkable
for an impossible negro dialect and the
number of roses that intruded upon
every scene and setting.
Cash, as tho country considered Its
use in Dixie, was a petty contrivance
used strictly as a medium of exchange
and not in a power of development.
With blind allegiance tho South clung
to cotton as its great and only staple
and the shifting market on that single
staple spelled relative poverty or af
fluence for the territory south of Mason-Dixon.
A change has come in Dixie. It still
has its rosea and its negro population,
but added to that has come a great
outpouring of Industrial blood through
the veins of southern progress and in
instant response the South has devel
oped until from a weak and pretty sis
ter in a cotton gown it stands today
an industrial power to be reckoned
with in tho offices of the world's great
est banking, transportation, develop
ment and commercial units.
Kiiruros may weary the average read
er, but beneath them lies a romance
greater than any ftctionist ever drew
with swift running pen if one has but
tho ability to ee nnd understand. Of
the entire output of the United States
in corn the South gives 54 : per cent,
of tobacco S4 7-10 per cent, potato 92
per cent, peanut 9! 9-10. npplo 16 9-10,
rloe S" per cent nnd sorghum syrup
85 per cent. The annual peach crop Is
nearly $4 4,000,000, sugar cane syrup
$90,00,000, oats $1 7n.000.0oo. wheat
$300,000,000 and cotton $2,000,000,000,
with live stock value in the South of
The Pouth's development as an agri
cultural, dairy and live stock country
is due .to one caue more than all oth
ers. Advertising was the force that
changed the South from a one-crop to
a varied-crop and livestock section. It
was not until the Southern newspapers
and farm paper publications had given
the widest publicity to tho benefits to
be derived from varied crops and live
stock raising that Southern farmers
could be inducer! to dethrone "King
Cotton." It took years of continuous
advertising on tho part of these far
seeing Southern publications to sell the
Southern farmers on the Idea that pros
perity depended not upon ono kind of
a crop, but upon many kinds of crops.
1'nprrs Hepnld,
While tho Southern newspaper and
farm paper publications were never
directly paid for such advertising, tho
resultant prosperity of the South has
repaid them many fold for the space
so generously donated for the upbuild
ing of tho Southern statos' agricultural
Rut advertising has been not only
the means of building up the South
agriculturally. It has built up tho
South Industrially from practically a
minus quantity, so far ns manufactur
ing industries were concerned, to a
point whoro Southern industries rival
tho industries of other sections of our
It was only a quarter of a century or
so ngo when Southern people had to
obtain even tho simplest of manufac
tured commodities from tho North. It
was this condition which Inspired the
late Henry W. Grady, tho beloved pub
licist of tho South, to writo In ono of
his editorials, ns follows
"It was a' one-gallonsed fellow,
whose breeches struck him underneath
his nrmplls nnd hit him at tho other1
end. about the knees. Ho did not be-1
lievo In decollete clothes. They buried j
him In tho midst of a mnrble quarry'
They cut through solid marblo to make'
., , , - - ' - - . - . '""", ' -, Tt.a
t . .
his grave and yet, the little tombstone
that they placed above him was from
I Vermont. They buried him In the heart
I of a pine forest and yet, the pine cof-
fin was imported from Cincinnati. They
buried him within touch of an iron
j mine and yet, the nails of his coffin and
, the iron in the shovel that dug his
I grave were imported from Pittsburg.
"They buried him beside the best
sheep-raising country on the face of
the earth and yet, the wool in the cof
fin bands themselves came from tho
North. The South' did not furnish a
thing for that funeral but the corpse
and the hole in the ground.
A1I From the North."
"And they laid him away, and the
clods rattled down upon the coffin.
And they buried him in a New York
coat, a Roston pair of Bhoes and a pair
of breeches frpm Chicago and a ahirt
from Cincinnati, leaving him nothing
to carry into the next world to remind
him of the land from which he came
and for which he fought for four years
but the chilled blood in his veins and
the marrow in his bones."
It was advertising that changed the
South that Henry W. Grady pictured.
Today Southern VePIe my buy
Southern made shoes, hats, suits and
:ovns, steam engines, automobiles and
in fact, almost any commodity that is
made anymhere in the United States.
Not only are Southern made goods
sold in the South, but they are in de
mand and are shipped to all parts of
our own country and to foreign coun
t rie s.
The upbuilding of the South indus-j
trially has been duo to advertising.
The success experienced by the few!
Southern manufacturers who first had j
the courage to advertise encouraged
not only other Southern capital to en
ter the industrial field, but brought
capital from other sections of the
country to start manufacturing plants
in the South.
These new manufacturers in their
turn advertised and became successful.
At the present time some of this coun
try's largest advertisers, doing an an
nual business amounting to millions of
dollars, are manufacturers located in
tho South.
Tho growth of the South industrially
has in Its own turn made the rapid
growth of Southern cities. During the
past twenty-five years there have been
Southern cities that have doubled their
populatiton, not once but time after
The South today has a number of
cities which have developed into great
di attributing centers. In these cities
are huge distributing and jobbing
houses representative of practically ev
ery line of merchandise. Of so much
importance as distributing centers have
certain Southern cities become, that
hundreds of manufacturers located in
other sections of tho country haye
chosen them as locations for important
branch houses.
Smith n Playground.
Advertising, however, did not stop at
developing the South agriculturally and
industrially. It developed the South
as a great winter playground. There
was a time when the South as a winter
resort was neglected. Advertising has
changed all this and now Southern re
sorts entertain thousands of visitors
during the months when the North has
its inclement weather.
Advertising has acquainted people
with nnd sold to them Southern indus
trial and agricultural products. It has
built up Southern cities and peopled
tho Southern resorts with visitors. It
is recognized by Southern people as tho
greatest factor In the South's rapid de
velopment of its lands and mineral re
sources. To so great nn extent do Southern
people believe in the power of adver
tising that Now Orleans has already
made a large advertising expenditure
in telling people of its many advan
tages. The state of Georgia is planning
to conduct nn advertising campaign ex
tending over a period of years. Savan
nah. Georgia, and Montgomery. Ala
bama, are each to put on an advertisintr
campaign to tell tho rest of tho world
the advantages of locating in a South
ern city. Proving that thoy believe in
nnd practice what they preach, the
Southern Newspaper Publishers' Asso
ciation has conducted a remarkably
successful advertising campaign sell
ing tho South to tho rest of tho United
States. Thero is not another section of
tho United States which believes more
in advertising or shows greater results
from advertising than tho Southern
What has been accomplished in tho
past by tho South through advertising
Is only a promise of what it will ac
complish In the future with Its vast
mineral resources, its wonderful agri
cultural facilities, nnd its growing in
dustries all backed by the power of advertising.
Mrs. Chas. B. Sperry died suddenly at
her home in lone on last Friday morn
ing, the summons coming before It was
possible to call in assistance. Death
resulted from heart trouble.
Mrs. Sperry was, a well-known ana
much respected citizen of lone having
been a resident there many yean. She
was buried in the family plot at the
lone cemetery on Monday, Rev. W. O.
Livingstone of Heppner conducting the
Caldonia Mae Ritchie was born In
Clay county, Texas, on May 28, 1873.
and died in lone, Oregon, November 25,
1921, aged S years, 6 months and 27
days. On November 28. 1894 she was
united In marriage to Charles B. Sper
ry and as a result of this union four
children were born, viz: Nancy Ethel
Oambill. Harley D., Hazel Beatrice and
Marion Wayne. In addition to these,
a mother, three sisters and five broth
ers survive. Her husband, Charles B.
Sperry, died on February 9, 1921.
Will II. Hays. pAstmaster general,
asks that patrons of the postofflce use
care in wrapping and addressing
Christmas packages. Flimsy wrap
ping or careless addressing may mean
the lns of a valued remembrance, or
delay in its delivery. All packages
should hnve full return address of the
st'niler. Write all addresses legibly,
ami give street and number, as well as
town and state correctly. Mailing
Christmas packages early in December
will insure their delivery by Christ
mns. Eight million parcels are han
dled by Uncle Sain every day under
normal comltions, and many more In
the holiday months. Send yours early
and avoid the delay of the rush period.
Heppner Library els More Books.
We are requested to state to the
public that the Heppner Library Is
still in need of books. The little li
brary now contains some S50 volumes
and it is desired to increase this to
1000. The last request brought In 75
books for which the Association Is
very thankful, yet 'It is not possible
to supply the demand. It is especially
desired to got hold of somo books suit
able for children around the ages of
0 nnd 7 years: there are many calls for
books of this class. Look over your
shelves; there may be some books that
you are done with that the library
would appreciate very mucn.
( . W. II. M. To Hold Special
Srrvh'eK Siintiny.
The Hoppnor Auxiliary of the Chris
tian Wonions Board of Missions will
have ohniRe of the services nt the
I'hristian .hurt,-h on next Sunday morn
ing nt 11 :00. At this time the order of
services will be:
Scripture reading, Mrs. T. J. Humph
reys. Trayer, Mr E. X. Crawford.
Solo, Mrs. Pelhert Clabough.
Heading. Mrs Spencer Crawford.
Missionary Talk. Mrs. V. J. Beamer.
Duet, Miss Talmateer and Mrs. Frank
Missionary Story, Mrs. Frank Par
ker. Rending, Mrs, Hay Clabough.
Selection by choir.
Song by Christian Endeavor.
Will Hold nncanr.
Tho Ladies Aid Society of the Fed
erated church will hold a Christmas
bazaar on Wednesday. December 7th, at
the parlors of tho church. They will
have on pale needle work, cooked and
uncooked food. Many useful articles
in needle work can be had at this sale,
Advertisement. 2t
Lord' I)y, Dorr ni her 4.
Ladies Missionary Society will give
their annual program in the morning
at 11 o'clock. This will bo Interesting
and helpful. Preceding that the Bible
School will hold Its session nt 10 o'
clock. Christian Endeavor will meet
at I ho uinl hour, 6:30. On Sunday
evening, 7110, tho pastor will preach
the first of a series of sermons to young
people, tho theme will be, "The Auto on
Life's Highway." Tho series will con
tinue during this month every Sunday
evening. Every ono is cordially in
vited. LIVINYISTOXE. Minister.
August Lundell, real estate dealer of
Pendleton, la in tho city today.
f Attorne - F. A. McMenamin was call
ed to P'ortland this week on legal busi
! H'-rman Neilson was down from bis
Hood can von farm on Tuesday and at-
, temK-d the banquet of Doric Lodgs No.
20, K. of P. on Tuesday evening.
1 Bob Allstott who Is an extensive far
! mer and stockman of Eight Mile, was
; in Heppner over Tuesday night to par
j ticipate In the feed at K. of P. halL
i County Agent Calkins and family
have moved into their newly construct
ed bungalow on Chase street and are
getting acquainted with their cosy
j Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Slocum were up
i from Leiington on Tuesday evening to
attend the banquet at K. of P. lodge,
j Mr. Slocum is one of the old-time mem
bers of Doric Lodge.
; John C. Edwards, who has been at
I work during the past year on the Joe
I Hayes place on Butter creek, left Wed-
i nesday for a visit of three months at
his old home in Hlllsville, Va.
Mrs. Mildred Judy came up from
Portland this week to visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hughes.
She had Intended to be here for
Thanksgiving but the storm prevented.
The Elks will hold their annual lodge
of sorrow by giving an appropriate pro
gram at their building In this city on
Sunday neiL The public generally Is
Invited and the service will be at 2:00
p. m.
Miss Dora Broetje, of Portland, Is a
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Clark near this city, where she
will visit for a couple of weeks. Miss
Broetje is a student friend of Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Guyer departed on
Saturday for their home In Corvallis.
Mr. Guyer is a contractor and builder
j and has had charge of the construction
of the C. C. Calkins home In this city.
Mr. Calkins is his son-in-law.
Ellis Hiatt departed Wednesday for
Kelso, Wash., where he will visit for
a few weeks at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hiatt He has
been at work during the past season on
the big sheep ranch of John Kilkenny.
Miss Margaret Crawford, who is
teaching a term of school near Morgan,
was up to Heppner to spend Thanks
giving with the home folks. It was
necessary to abandon school for several
days owing to the heavy fall of snow.
The Willing Workers of the Christ
Ian church had charge of the bi-monthly
social at the church on last evening.
It was a "Dollar Social" and the finan
cial results amounted to 40. A splen
did gwial time and a good feed were
enjoyed by all who attended.
W. B. Barratt has Just recently dis
posed of his wool clip, realizing a price
of 20 cents per pound. He had an ex
tra good clip the past season, but Is
not able to figure out very much profit
at this price. In doing a little figuring!
he finds that it takes Just 25 12-lb. I
fleeces to make 300 pounds of wool in i
the grease: when this is reduced to the !
scoured basis there are 100 pounds of
wool. This 100 pounds of wool will
make cloth enough to furnish 20 suits!
of clothes for a 250-lb. man. and these '
20 suits sold for a price of $60 each, i
which is a very conservative price for!
all-wool stuff, brings $1200 which leads
Mr. Barratt to the conclusion that the ;
final price realized for his wool clip I
has made somebody a nice piece of;
money, but it has not been the pro
Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. Preach
ing at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sen
ior Endeavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer;
meeting service each Thursday evening!
at 7:30. E. L. MOORE, Pastor, j
Doughnut Itnsketlinll.
A Doughnut Basketball League has
been formed of the boys in high school
and the higher grades, These have
been placed in two divisions. The Sen
ior Division of five teams and the Jun
ior Division of four teams.
Tho Senior Division:
"The Bears," colors, Navy and White.
Doherty, captain, Aiken, Smith, H. Case,
"The Turtles," colors dark red, Fer
guson, captain. Buseick, Logan, A. Case,
Copenhaver. j
"The Heart Breakers," colors white'
and red; Witcraft, captain: R. McDuffee,;
Wright, Bell, Ward, Grimes.
"Five Fire Flies," colors, red and
black; Carl Cason. captain, Boyd, Hall,
Moore and Shurte.
"Supero Ornnes," colors Maroon and
white: Clabouuli, captain, Tash. Dex
ter, r. McDuffee, Lee, Irwin, D. Case,
Junior Division:
"Bear Cats," colors, orange and black:
Wilkinson, captain. Ma honey, Johnson,
Lovgren, E. llirl, C. Hirl, Boyd.
"The Gray Backs" colors maroon and
gray; Groshons. captain, Sprouls. Tur
ner, U. Tash, Not son.
"Bees," colors, Blue; Ralph Moore,
ca jit a in, Gammelt, Buck mini, Parker,
"Boneheads," colors, maroon, D, Cox,
captain, Thomson, VanVactor, Drlscou,
Theso teams will begin practice at
once and will play matched games, and
preliminaries to high school games later
in tho year.
Play pr-tc'ieo is making very good
progress, the first act being almost
finished. Florence Cason, who takes
the part of Betty, playing apposite
Jack, tho nephew of Aunt Mary, is in
every way doing full Justice to the
part. Her brother Bob, more commonly
known as Kyle Cox, while being really
very foiul of his sister, is always teas
ing her. Mitchell and Clover are Jack's
other chums. Mitchell's favorite pas
time is playing Jokes and telling In
Thrre Mill" and Quantltr Fialahed
I'rodui't Drought la Hr SkrrllT p.
Ilnffr. A Hrwinl of Two Mckta'
After a of two nights. Sher
iff McDuffee was able to gather In one
of the biggest moonshine outfits yet
rounded up in Morrow county, and this
forenoon brought to town as a result
of his labors on Tuesday and Wednes
day nights three stills and a quantity
of the finished product from the place
of Elmer and Harley Matteson out in
the vicinity of I'arkers Mill. Along
with these evidences of guilt, the sher
iff brought Messrs. Elmer and Harley
Mattison, Edward Letrace and Enoch
Cave, who will each have to answer
for their connection in the making and
distribution of moonshine liquor.
The sheriff reports that he had two
nights of very unpleasant vigil and
when he was satisfied that he was on
the right track he went to Hardman
and got some assistance In the way of
a deputy or two and came back and
took in the entire outfit with the gen
tlemen mentioned. Two large stills
were found to be in operation and
there was fifteen gallons of finished
product ready for distribution in the
usual manner of the moonshiner. The
sheriff took posssession of all of the
implements and the booze, of the latter
saving a couple of gallons for evidence
and the balance was poured out The
latest capture adds to the growing
display of "souvenirs" the sheriff has
stored at the court house, and we pre
sume that any disposition of the case
will await the convening of the grand
Jury at the regular term of court a
week from Monday.
Sheriff McDuffee also reports that
George Missildlne, under Indictment In
this county since 1916, has been appre
hended In Portland, and he will leave
to bring him to Heppner tomorrow. He
has been going under the name of
Daley and was located at Bakersfleld,
Calif., much of the time since leaving
New-Idea Photodrama Star
tles Screen World By Unus
ual Use of Powerful Plot
Strong Moral Make "When Dm
Came" T-'ntqae.
The entire picture world Is startled
by the completion of the new-Idea pho
todrama, "When Dawn Came," a pho
todramatic masterpiece produced and
supervised by Hugh E. Dierker.
Mr. Dierker has given the world a
picture that should awaken manhood
and womanhood to thet dawning of a
new day.
So-called modern civilization and
progress have traveled by leaps and
bounds, until the present generation is
enveloped in a world of thoughtless,
careless, faithless, and not a few de
generate people. Such conditions can
not endure. Coming nanhood and wo
manhood cannot measure up to the
standard of our forefathers unless the
entire world is brought to a realiza
tion of the folly of present-day moral
"When Dawn Came" sheds a new
light on the subject, and drives home
a thought that sinks deep into the
heart of every human being who is ca
pable of thinking.
Dawn comes eventually, even In the
remote corners of the earth, but to
shut out of your life God's greatest gift
is to darken the pathways of those who
depend upon you for future existence.
Star Theatre Sunday and Monday,
December 4 and 5.
teresting stories. Philip Mahoney
takes this part. Clover Is always able
to find something to laugh about, "no
matter how serious the situation is. It
is very appropriate that Carl Cason
should appear in this part. These are
only a few of the interesting chamc
ters in the play. You cannot afford to
miss seeing this high class entertain
ment, if you want to enjoy a hearty
Thursday evening the Domestic Sci
ence girls gave themselves a banquet
at the school house dining room. All
had a good time and felt as though they
would be satisfied to cook for the
teachers till the end of the term with
out getting hungry.
Heppner HI ( nleadnr.
Dec. 9 Lyceum number, Do Marco
Dec. 13 P.-T. A. meeting.
Dec. ltj Studentbody play, "Tho Re
juvenation of Aunt Mary."
Deo. 19 Lyceum number. Guila Ad
ams. Last Wednesday our English class
work consisted of talks on Thanksgiv
ing and several poenn given by differ
ent mem her s of tho class.
-Tho material has beon ordered for
the rooters caps. The S phs Intend
to get busy makir tht-tn as son aa It
Although tho Thanksgiving vacation
marked the completion of tho second
six -weeks' period of school, it was
thoroughly enjoyed by teachers ami
pupils. Tho seniors, wo will admit, did
look a bir drowsy Monday morning,
evidently from tho effects nf fhelr hiic
"feed," or "feodM." but tho Prrsh rmm,
as n whole, looked mio .-rt'ri:etlc and
dignith'd than mi th moixing of the
second six- wck V pero--!. Of foijms
the Snplw wore, 'heir tworil tit.tHh.UN
-'Xprcifsitiii, ewpec'.iH y wit en never uly
looked at by tho Juniors, who rurrWl
(Continued on Pajfo Sli)