in Tin; G.r,m:-TiMi;s (lAZr.TTK TIMl'.S, HI-TPNTR, OREGON. THPRsinv XoV. v?2. I - hi: m ;,-t to Don't Sea Your Libert v Bonds. ty . ' M it,- i . pp. tH k-HllklM, Hrv I, H K S O.I rri ii n. . Ore Twif fci V---C. . I" " 7.rrr .. r;es at pa 10- -u thing soze she on sum suhiccks. av she cuJ fmit wood he to suv up later at nite. .'.iJers 3 vV: uk -4 Are KATES I! (10 cs u;:t: uere te:::: ; and foil!- cars' a Victory honjs cre a cvj .is fil,:j . and perhaps better -thev believed h they wrote. Thev ha J seen icr knew of i the action of our civil uar rwiCs which, after the war. went to high premium on only three to four per cent, and they were convinced as men can he convinced of anvthm j oticc of Scliool IIcctin !iimii,i""""""ii!iiiiiiiiiii imiiimiHiiinmiiiHinimiiiiMiiiiiiiMiii 'K IS 11KUK!;Y Count st... Man No. V I. er Homey Philosophy for 1921. The cynic has said that "All men ae cowards." As we hear men lie. """ c,nTx orrmu paper ari- uarch "e;r "nduct to others, 'cent wo..l.i N c, r - ""-"-;:':-- ; anJ lhtin t0 their barrn e.vplana- It is true they didn't suspect that L2? As phfss a77 I Kr commission or unseem- -- ' acts- ' fee! that the cynic is cor rect to a I. But just then we hcoin I'.iYKN to tie v. :tte ot i ,i;o!i. a Sv-H I l luml!. llr:.t.r.rr . i.. fie- ,. . r I! V u'''rK'l'n ' 'r 'h l'"U di, r.,t lH'";"' ' v "Tlu?el7tU .tnot dun,,, or the district: ' --m.i uuirm ia. aim s ..f S, h .,-1 J.;, 1. M: !.i:.V, , '. ,. ii tne Mh day ,.f .. se .f il.s, usi:.K the t on the rop..iti.n rh-)t I iK.n- R.-n J.- i . j"; L I H II Hi 1 UI-t-; l!:tt!ldent -. - 1": nu ll . Us , 3 Ttavheis HI IH.KT KSTIM ATKt KXfKNDlTt KKS the bonds would take the tumble thev JiJ right on top of victory. nut now thev are coining nut nf. uuit.itu on nine Counts. to remember what men will I their doom. I ih?m- h,m,(c o i Non-Partisan Lea me orcan iz- ' sra,ics,of men .a.nJ of ,u nationalities ! in5 steaJilv upward. AND THEY a:i tonduions wnen we seej " 1LL ttr jUi:u l P! A $100 . np Mr. h..m .... j ur t. i j .l . . .. ... J initors i'irrk t'thtr srvtc8; Total telephone... . 1 , li.v' 1 j U'O UO 5 4.H50 00 I 1 1.150 00 1 1.40V 00 5 S.450.00 S S.4S0.O0 3 a.6"0 oo 1 l.SL'O.OO i :oo to 60.00 Tvt.ii t-'.'O OH 2.100.00, 4,050.00 1.450.UOj 1.400 O0 .450 00 2. 4 SO 00 3.60O oo' 1.320.00, 200.00; 60.00 A. M. EDWARDS WELL DJULLEX Lexington, Ore. I Box U 1 5 Uses up-to-date traction drilling outfit, equipped for i all sizes of hole and depths. WRITE FOR CONTRACT AND TERMS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKHiiinirl are trying to revive their is tunes in western stares in this indictment: ling for- of aw av w ith the most sublime herofsm 'Taxes have been triple in v.-. ihv- e forget the cynics blurb. The , i.... i truth is. wondrous couraee and base Lowarjice are strangely mixed into every man s maKe-up. Dakota bv lea cue law s "Market ccnditions. which were to be improved, are worse than thev ever were. "The Bank of North Dakota is in solvent. "The program of state marketing ras heen scrapped in favor of a co operative marketing plan. "The state hmehuilders' depart ment has quit functioning. . "The state homehuilders depart is more than a year behind in its pay ments of losses, and some of the 13:0 claims will not be raid for two . Virtually every enterprise spon sored by the inner circle of the so cialist leaders is bankrupt, the Con sumers' Lnited Stores company alone costing the farmers more than l -000.000. ' "State money was deposited n, league banks' and re-loaned bv thm to the political gangsters for their private schemes. These schemes are now bankrupt, the league banks are bankrupt, and the Bank of North Da kota is whistling for its monev. "The state flour mil! lost more in the first year of operation than it cost! V on; ine property-. Manufacturer Disarm the Kick The Oregon Humane Society' be lieves it would be a good plan to dis arm the children by extending hu- ii.auc cuueauon. r . .. crv montn we read of some child being responsible for shooting Hamare or neing killed or injured with weapons. How often we see children playing with toy guns and pointing them at other children, saying, 'Til shoot you. ' in play. What else can be expected than accidents if we give children tov guns and pistols, or swords to plav with as Mun as tney can walk? Are not parents who do this care lessly guilty of an offense against their own child and making it a men ace to others? Persons of either sex can leam to use a gun when they arrive at an age at which they will use mature judg ment with it. They can then be taught to use a gun in its rrorer rlacp arH ;n h. place only, and we should stop the manufacture of toy weapons. For this holiday pnsnn !n v. Christian spirit that is demanding "iiu uisani.ament, let us begin to disarm our children. The destruction of birH Hf tc an ing on fast enou?h without tearhinn little ones to pull a trigger with our v-unsrmas trees. We Sure Are Pretty Easy Sometimes. We Americans are a clever lot- sometimes. We can out-finance, out- invent, out-fight and out-brag any thing on two legs, or four legs or six legs tor mat matter. But once in awhile we are aw fully easv. Take potash, one of the three ah- soiuteiv necessary elements m mis. ing food. Before the war we homrht our surrlv from the rotash mist in I Germany. During the war we delved a lot and found that in one district in California there were deposits that would last this country 200 vpam Certain rock in Wyoming will supply an our needs for 800 years fircen sands on the New Jersey seashore contain enough potash for all the eastern country indefinitely. Rut PY. perience showed that all were more expensive to mine that are the Ger man ceas. But we went at it. After the war treat talk rimp fmm Germany of selling potash to Ameri ca for $40 a ton. We bit. As the best price the American potashers could offer was ton re fused to buv until the German rotash arrived them face dearh for a hnlu nno bond that von .-nnl.t on eo ...... VMUV Vl j j vuiu -VH IU Villi COO J v i n i ana u uw iiipir itv-pc i vui a cai as'ii nnw nnnoc ariMm.-i ietorv oonds are a most at par. Don't sell your Libertv bonds. Presently there will be going about certain smooth gents with fat rolls offering you a dollar or two above market price tor vour bonds What are they going to do with them? Keep inern, or course, oecause they know it will be onlv a very few years until Uncle Sam's gilt-edged bonds, pav ing higher than savings bank interest will every one of them sell in th? market at well above $100 apiece. uon t torget that prediction, folks! AND M PI-LIES. 1 Kuiniture tdesks. .loves, etc ) : MiM.hfs (chalk, erasers, etc.). 3. Lilrary books ' " ' .V I'la ground enuipment 6. Janitor's supplies . " 7. Kutt I s. LiKht and water 1. '.".'.'.' v. l:.tage and stationery ..."r..!"r.".lJ!!Z Total t ONSTHH TIONi Total MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS, , Total ..:I25, y20.OO I J0O.O0 300.00 200. Oi) ?o ftil 150.001 250.00 1.200.00, 375.00: lOO.OO !t 2,7115.00 I 500.00 it 600.00 Teaching Children to Save. What better incentive can he oivpn a child to learn the advantages of i winu man ior tne tatner or mother to start an account for the voungster in the Postal Savings? When the deposits to the child's credit have reached the sum of $20, the money can be made to earn more interest by investing this amount, with a few extra nickels added, in one of the new $25 Treasury Savings Certifi- cates bearing the portrait of Theo dore Roosevelt, which will be issued by the Treasury Department toward the end of the year. America will no lon?er be eonsii ered a Nation of spendthrifts if par ents of today use the necessary pre. ' r- - caution to see mat their children the citizens of tomorrow are not -U J . . u ""in me uerman porasn anuweu to grow wasteful and extrav The American plants had'agant. Teach them the many advan- ,t 160.00 IMIKRTKllNESSi ' Alli";!fhVin1dr.b,K.Jn.8, and merest thereon es .. All other indebtedness and interest thereon IZZLZjiXS'oS Total ; I- I INMl KAME: Total MISt EI.I.ANEOl Si Total EMF.RI.ENlVi Total t 350 00 I- .! 100.00 tl2.6SO.00 The Byers Chop Mill (Fermrrlr SCHEMPP'I MILL) STEAM ROLLED BARLEY AND WHEAT After the 20th of September will handle Gasoline, Coal Oil and Lubricating Oil You Will Find Prompt and Satisfactory Service Here 1 it 160.00 t 100.00 it 4000.00 I TVh-eafnl.t!.1...-:rn0-n, f nUmey ,or a" during i 400.00 Estimate ot probable uneio,, h' 1 iL 'houl vear nm ui current I42.S0S.O0 Total estimated receipts, not including proposed tax Total estimated expenses for ther1- Total estimated receipts not inuluding proposed "tax. Balance, amount to be raised by district tax.. I'uied this loth day ut November, lsJl. i t.155.00 725.00 3,400.00 Z.OOO.Oo' 3,600.0o! ilf it12.sso.oo ,t42.905 001 I 12.SS0.00! If30.025.00 Attest: VAWTER CRAWFORD, District Clerk. W. G. McCAHT V, t.halrman Hoard o( Directors. earand' tXV:."??? ? 'f thre. t vear;) rix mc.h. ot the current year" n fcS EXPENDITURES ITEM 5 0 Ei-i Expenditures and budget nllnwnnoa for six months of iat school year 3 B K4 Expenditures for the three tisca years next prei'eding the last school year ORIGINAL ESTIMATE AND ACXOIXTIXO SHEET School District Xo. One. to shut down. Then, when the shipsltages of thrift in their young and ten- hooi uw"5m" eV,TJhow. "apariIlel0cfu1mn,eth,6lt..h,rt'?', 2,3,;A t,f the came in frnm fisv -..i'H, .... n -.'n u. . rvice. materUl and rapDlie for th. thr.. MVJ.t.u?'Lc' "'." .wveral ."I: ; r.-'.. ra'r ""' &'"w ,u uc "'Cjrent year, thedetail expenditures for tie la. 7 ,1.?''"?. KnocKea stin to nnd mat tne price of Best habit thev have when f e' r. ar " budget allowances and R n,.. l?,r"n n-'ai the German potash was $150 a ton, ; sponsibilities come. That's flll Rnt the r.arm4n nnAc-U' T1,'P n..'1l ,U .U .1. - -P .wiinaii oiasn i in u i in icani ijiciu me value or trust paid a dividend of 20 per cent, even- penny; the wonderful growing this vear. and told its stockholders rower of monev It will tearh vmir that while it had sold notash helnw'rhiH coif cost to German farmers, hi? profit.-; 'snect. IF -w. jl.x. iwuiwiiiiug vjj ica-iuii ui ; auum iuuay ur inveM in a zzo or the high prices charged American 100 Treasury Savings Certificate, Consumers. which vield intprp;r at X nr rent MeanU'hilp Olir OWn Pintflch rlpnAc. nnarforlw .? UaA ..M .'4-.. , r" n-" j-j wui (.! i , 11 utiu until niaiuiiiv, yuu its remain untouched, the American; will teach the child to assume his re- comranies' wnrkmpn arp iHU nn-Cmmtik;!;,,, r -;,:,.,i.:. t l.,i.:. r - -- - hmu ; sj.wiijiuilll ll . 1 11C1I?II ip UJ HCllIlg ..lout, umi tuuiu uc spenr m tnis to nnance nis (Jovernmenf. ivr.uaal g,,, - country and added to the national ! That small start may be the first isuperintendVnt wealth is sent tn enme fnict okmo .u. i.jj i . j Principal , - , ' , " in. muati ui jiivvi,M in youi leacners, 3 mi a jaw-oreamng name. bov s business life. It will bring your Potash is as dear as ever in Am- daughter an understanding of money erica. And hard rn oat at that ho. ..:n i. i : m-. . u.- iuiucs uiai in wane ncr an econom- cause as little as possible is sent over ical hmispwifp some Hav a hiPtsinir here in order to keep the price up. 'and help to her husband and family. ! Janitors I Clerk .... IJolcprcDf ffasiery "X Art. v ? t a i IIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIiniMIIMMinilMIIIIIMlllMiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMi 5IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II t 2.800.00 t 1.250.00't 1,250.00 t 2 100 00 it ' nsonXf ??.! !" li 16: it 1.450.001 i' -t 1,400.00 t 6.450 on IJ 2,490.00lt 2,025.00 t 2,t25.00 t 2 700 00 ....... t .00.00, 645.00 t 645.00 $ TjnZ i j z.490.00, , , ... . 1 3,600.00it 3.6OO.O0I ,! ??;?, 64S.46;t 5S5.00 J 1.052.10 TeWk- : ''! lO.O0 t lOO.OU t 200.011 ' ,. "- """" 3 r'"" 2.S5 1 1 5 2 .. 3.. There are. only three tilings to know about hos iery: "Does it fit well?" "Does it look well?" and "Does it wear well?" Millions of well dressed men and women will tell you how well Holeproof Hosiery answers those ques tions. Hence the decided preference for this famous brand. We now have a full and complete line of Hole proof Hosiery for both men and women-all priced right. SILK, SILK FACED, SILK AND WOOL AND LISLE. Sam Hughes Company 2 Hterial a ml Supplirati Klimitliru J r4 A a L- .. . . Kn.t,3,).,m i txui n.LM.viHi ii7trTTliTXiTOT Slat's Diary. By ROSS FARQUHAR Friday They is kwite a good eal of tawk about a co. of drs. bilding a insane asilum here in hl9 town, ca sed thpv was a Suuu opening tor a in- sniusnun ot mat Kind V L ( A F m- i befora the last leckshun ' was had. H -a . . 3 Saturday tonite we " --Jiwent down to mr. and u g Mrs Hogans to sit a I," while & Mrs Hogan got t out a bunch of fotografs V she had had tuk las sum- st mer when she was at the - : 1 A summer kolonv. she had Tv'a boPnt a 100 witch was -w'' tuk in ripr Kathalr,. c..: then she had a fue tuk without her batheing suit on. she had on a or gandy dress or a krape machine or sum thing, ma sed it made her tired. " uiu me to. only pa sed he had a very plesant evening. Sunday when ma was makeing the coffy this morning she swang a round & spilt it on pa's silk sox & he let out a yell like as tho they was the only ones he had. he got to stay home from chirch. Saw Jane in chirch & when she looked at me her teeth twinkled & I wanted to smile but diddent because I had for got to wash my teath this morning. Monday-Pa fell off of a shed witch he was painting & when we re ceaved him at home he was all cov-1 ered with mud. he was all so cov- j ered with insurants, a cuorle more falls and we will be able to by a new ford. Tuesdayl saw a old gentleman trying to cross the street & he sed I wonder where all the traffick cops go to. 1 sed I diddent no but if they had went where pa told them to go to they wood not be back in time to give him enny help. Wednesday Mr. White jus past the house & his arm was rapped up in a sling & his eye was swelt shut & GROCERIES of coursp f Furniture (desks. etc.):l etc,) 1 200.00 3u0.00,t 200.00 20.001 150.00 t 250.00 I ! Supplies, (chalk : Library Books t ' Hags 1 ! Playground equipm'nt.t Janitor's sutiulien is ' Kuel 1 'tun i,A I.iKht and Water "."".".'.it '375 00, t 1 LIigHiL'LjjL Stationery t 100.00,$ Total lnt. anil Sup lolal. l oaiilrucUoQ .... 9 'Intnl. Sllnl.... a i Kepalrn 1 1, ,1.. K . Bonded, and interest tnereon Ail other Indebted ness and interest thereon 9.80,1 it 375.00 t 100 11(11 is 1 11 nn 87.96;$ 100.00 13S.s5 t 50.00 f 644.42 $ 450.00 $ 170.71$ 225.0;$ 42.96 $ 50.00 t 601.60 6UJ.3a, 304.16 634. 50 371.40 200.76 3.7(15.(10$ l,4M.H9t I.1MMmT MWrttTt- ,17,-(. .... soimw ; ; ' "" I'lotal, Malotrsanrr I i i - i 3.VI.00 1 800.00 l1QB.aH SOfl.Ifl'i 20O.OO I ... t 2,680.00jt 1,340.00:$ 1,340.00 t 2.6S0.00 I ..410.000.00 t 5.021. 4J1 .1 .750 nrj 1 1 si 1 o. i'lotal. Indebtedness 3,8X0.00 6JI.4S .I.OHO.IIO Ullk lOLtR tluMiyj HHCm I lyur... T.t j if.fM: TWrittjio,u, l, . i qo.oq VM.34 37M $ I.IN.omi-27I.7B 1.V)0O I I. HAM) TdTtl. -3.IW5.(HI fM.4-.t2JM -'7753l 1 11,775,4.) j I ThanksgivingSuggestions FOR THANKSGIVING DINNER A few of the many good things you will find in our stock for the big annual dinner. CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES-; High Grade Full Assortment. COFFEE The Best in Town. FISH Crab, Lobster, Clams, Salmon, Oysters. MINCE MEAT Heinz or Libbys, can, glass or bulk. OLIVES Queens, Pimento, or liipe. SALAD DRESSING AND MAYONAISE. MARACHIN0 CHERRIES. PICKLES-Kipe, Sour and Dill. JELLY, PRESERVES AND JAMS in glass. Tru-Blu Fmit Cake, Porter's Fruit Pudding, Heinz 's Plum and Fig Pudding. Candy, Nuts, Figs, Dates, Oranges, Grape Fruit, vi apes a,uu appies. UKANBERRIES, Cel ery, Lettuce, and in fact everything the mar- .ei oiiorus m iresn iruits and vegetables for this occasion. tnrel' flVylfi:'tV,?J.d-.A0.i'ereby certify that the above estimate of expend!- I .-Jtr 11. . ' 1.7....... . 1 pmparen oy me and that the exiienililiiri. .il,Ue'J 'rm th6 reCO'd" ,n y charKe ttn" "e ami correcrcop". VAWTER CRAWFORD. District Clerk s A F E T Y sc s E R V I C E Cel- m j 3ordL 1 1 batteries I Phelps Grocery Company Phone 53 llllllllllllllIIIIlllIllllllM Willard Batteries, of standard Willard quality, may be had for your Ford car and at a price you'd expect to pay for a lot less valuel Battery Electric Service Station I. R. CLAB0UGH Phone 83 Heppner, Oregon 41 Fifteen Dollars qA Month Can you save $15.00 a month f The average man between 20 and 30 years of age ought to be able to do as well as that. Of course there may be good reasons in your case why you cannot save that much, but be sure they are good reasons be fore you are satisfied with less than that. Saving $15.00 a month Means $2,212.26 in 10 years when you include the more than $400.00 interest which your savings will earn in the First National Bank at 4 per cent compound interest. 9 Fir National Bank IIEPPNER, OREGON ; 'a