The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, November 24, 1921, Image 1

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    iVoUc AuJslurium
The Gaz
Volume 39, Number 33.
Subscription $2.00 Per Year
Not l Hwollrf-tlon of the Oldnt Inknb
llnut Has KiM-k Hrnvr Snow Fall
Owucrrrd ao Earlr la the Smnon.
Wrathrr llaa Hera Mild.
Late Friday afternoon It began mow
ing at Ileppner and It kept It up at a
lively rate until Sunday afternoon. A
totul of aliout 14 Inches full here. Sun
day night It began raining and baa
rained intermlttantly nearly every day
since making a crust on the snow
whirh rendered moving about very un
comfortable. The auto and bua traffic
of the city has been practically sus
pended because of the deep snow and
the roads have not been very well
broken leading to town from the coun
try districts.
Owing to the mild weather, the anow
has been gradually melting and at the
present there la considerable slush. The
tuwness with which the melting la go
ing on has ueen a splendid thing as It
has not caused the water to rise to
any considerable extent In the creeks,
nnd the moisture is soaKing Into the
ground where it la needed and will do
a lot if good. With a big rise In Wll
low creek much damage might result
just at this time to the new concrete
bridges under construction. The work
on these has progressed nicely up to
the tlmo of the storm and none of them
ure in such condition that the false
work can be removed and the creek
channel Is pretty badly hampered by
the construction forms, so there is
ground for the fear of damage to the
bridges and other property that might
result from flood waters. A few more
days of present weather conditions and
the danger should be over.
From reports coming into Heppner,
the storm has been general east of the
Cascade mountains and has raised
havoc generally with the operation of
railroads, telephone and telegraph ays
terns. Trains are blocked on both aides
of the Columbia river. Big slides have
occurred on the O-W. R. sc N. between
Hood Itlver and I'ortland, and through
trains are reported to he tied up at dif
ferent points along the lino. The Hepp
ner branch train has been held here
since Funday ns there was no connec
tion on the main line. The mail went
riut yesterday, however, on the work
train, and we understand that passen
gers will be taken out today as arrange
ments have been made to take them
through to destination. It Is expected
to be several days, however, before the
obstrur (inn on the tracks beyond Hood
Itlver have been cleared away so that
trains can get through to Portland.
The snow fall has been very heavy
throughout tlite Columbia Itlver Imsln
Three feet or nioro Is reported at The
Italics while over Morrow county there
has been perhaps an average of II
Inches. At Monument there was no
snow, so we have been informed by
parties getting In from there the past
clay or so nnd they were surprised to
lind such a heavy mantlo of snow here.
It is a very unusual Btorm for tills
country at the time of year and It Is not
recalled by the oldest inhabitant that
bo heavy a fall of snow ever occurred
here so early In the year. Twenty years
ago tho county was visited by a fall of
snow to the depth of about 8 inches
which fell a month earlier and laid on
but a few days. And we can recall that
In 1 S9? there came a freeze-up about
Thanksgiving ilny and there waa also
snmo snow, but nothing to compare
with tho present storm, tho the weather
was much colder and much fruit and
vegetables that hnd not been gathered
were destroyed by the freeze.
This snowfall will b of great value to
the farmers as most of the moisture
resulting therefrom will be obsorbed in
tho ground. The storm began with a
rain which soon turned to snow; there
was no frost In tho ground and the
fields are In excellent shape to drink in
the water as the snow gradually melts.
Klorhnion have plenty of feed and their
herds and flncki will not suffer, and
from present indications It will not be
many days until tho ground Is bare
again. It Is too enrly to expect much
winter weather, but we are no prophet
Old Mnn Loses Money.
Hllas Harris was down from his home
nenr Parkers Mill at the end of tho
week and reported that he had been
recently robbed of the sum total of his
money, U90. He had the money placed
awny In his cellar at his home and the
money was taken while he went down
to tho postolllco for his mall, so he re
ports. The cellar was supposed to be
a very substantial affair, and the strong
door was locked with a padlock. The
lock hnd been pried off and his treasure
disappeared with tho perpetrator of the
theft leaving nothing behind as a clew
to his idontlty. It left the old mnn
strapped for the time being, but ho will
he In funds ngnln when ho receives his
pension. He mny conclude now that
plnolng his surplus money In a bank
will bo tho best policy.
The funeral of Barney F. Dohorty
was held nt tho Catholic church in this
city last Saturday forenoon, Mev. Fath
er Caniwell odlclcatlng. The body ar
rived from Portland on Friday eve
ning. Deceased was a native of Ire
land, hnd boon n. resident of Morrow
county for many years and was well
known here. Ills only relatives are
Mrs. Michael Kenny, sister, of this city,
nnd James (1. Hoherty, brother, of
In company with Mrs. Shurte, school
superintendent, Miss Kmina Bungo,
public health nurse, made a visit to the
schools of Lexington and lone and
other points in tho north end of tho
county the rnt week. Miss Bungo
will have hor otllce in the I. 0. O. F.
building In the room formerly occupied
by Pr. Allison, nnd her office hours
will bo on Saturday of each week In
this city. Other parts of the week will
he occupied with the work outside of
Heppner Post, American Le
gion, Elects Officers for 1922
A large number of the members of
Heppner Post No. 87, American Legion,
gathered around the festive board at
the Klkhorn restaurant on Friday eve
nlng and partook of a big feed of sea
food which had been prepared fur them
in a delectable manner by Edward
Chlnn, the genial proprietor. After
disposing of large quantities of the
various products of the sea, the boys
held a business session and elected the
following ofllcera for the ensuing year:
J. W. Cook, Post Commander, Forby
Oreamha, Vice Commander, Paul Gem-
mell. Adjutant, Walter Moore, Finance
Oltlcer. The question of erecting i
building for the Legion was also dis
cussed, along with some other business
matters, but no definite steps were tak
en at this time.
Lawrence Sweek died at his home
I near Monument Monday, November 11
after an Illness that had extended over
a period of several years. He was
burled at Monument Wednesday a large
number of friends and neighbors at
tending the funeral.
He was born February 26, 1857, In the
Willamette valley about 10 miles south
of Portland on a farm and remained
on the farm and engaged in agricul
turnl pursuits until 180 when he re
moved to Grant county. He spent two
years at Prairie City and then moved
to Hamilton where he took a band of
sheep on shares. In 1S94 he sold out
his sheep an-1 received 90 cents for his
ewes nnd 75 cents for his lambs and for
a while he engaged In freighting. Later
he acquired his home near Monument
and again went Into the sheep business
He was married February 17, 1879, to
MIbs Emily L, Harding of Washington
county, Oregon, and they became the
parents of eight children as follows:
Fay, Rex I... Onn. Belle, Calvin L, Ruth,
ninncbe and Gladys.
Deceased was a member of the Ma
sonic lodge at Mo, anient. He was
prominent In tho affairs of the county
and for a number of years took a very
active part In the Grant County Stock
Growers' Association. He was a man
of fine character, stood very high, had
many friends and his death is greatly
to be regretted. Blue Mountain ICagle
Owing to the Interrupted train ser
vice. It Is Impossible for urn to advertise
a definite program this week, but If we
rrrrlve nor Aims the fart will be made
known on our bill bonrri.
Oscar Lundell of Khea was doing
business in lone on Friday.
J. J. McKntire of Killarney was a
caller In Cecil on Tuesday.
A. llenrikpen of Willow Creek ranch
left for Montana on a business trip on
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Krebs of the Las
Camp spent Sunday and Monday at
J. W. Oaborn and friend, J. Combost,
from Texas, honored tho county seat
with a visit during the week.
W. (i. Hynd, who has been visiting
friends hi Cecil for a few days, return
ed to his home at Sand Hollow Monday.
Jack Hynd of Huttcrby Flats, sold
his wool during the week and shipped
a carload out to Portland on Thursday.
Miss Violet Hynd of Butterby Flam
left on the local for Heppner on Sunday
to resume her studies at Heppner high
Leo Gorger of lone, Roy Stender of
Soldomseen ranch and J. K. Crahtree of
Dotheboys Hill were Cecil visitors on
Hnow began falling in Cecil on Fri
lay and by .Saturday noon, Nov, uuh, a
heavy cover of snow was to be seen
on nil sides.
J. A. Tioednon was in Cecil on Fri
day, seeing Julius Klein and Fred Sam-
pest safely on board the local flyer
bound for I'ortland.
Geo. W. Krebs, who has been visiting
with his sons at the Lust Camp for sev
eral months, left on Saturday for his
home In I'ortland.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A, Minor spent a day
or two nt tho Last Camp on their re
turn from Portland before leaving for
their home in Heppner.
Herbert Hynd, accompanied by Miss
Eleanor Furney and Misses A. C. Hynd
and A. C. Lowe, all of Cecil, honored;
the Kgg City with a visit on Monday.1
Mr. and Mrs. Oral Honriksen and
rlaughtor, Mina Anna Josephine, from
their much nt Hamilton, spent the week1
end with Mrs. A. Henrlksen at Willow
Creek ranch. j
Horbert Sommei fehlt, who has been
visiting friends in Cecil for several
weeks, left on Saturday for Prosser,
Wash., where he will visit some time
before going to his homo in Portland.!
H. K. Duncan, of Puay Pee ranch left
for Condon on Thursday with a truck
load of his famous honey. Wo hear)
that U. E. has also begun tho dairying I
business. He has Invested In a herd of
Holstelns quite, recently, I
Mr. and Mr. T. 11. Lowe of the High
way House entertained a largo party;
of ladles and gentlemen at dinner on
Sunday evening. Miss Huth VatA'actor
of Heppner, K. Winntel of Canity and:
Sd Kletmann of lone being tho guests i
of honor, i
Dwight Mistier has been the buslost
man in Morrow county during tho week
airing out his new Oakland sodan car
nnd selling tickets for tho Chautauqua
which will bo held in lone during tho
week, Cecil ought to be well represent
ed if all the ticket holders make use of
their tickets.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Combost nnd daugh
ter, from Valdasta, Texas, left for
Portland and vicinity on Snturdny, nf
ter MMu1lri; some time visiting wlh
tholr cousin, J. W. Osborn at Cecil. Mr.
Combost may decide, on returning to lo
cate In Morrow county if he finds noth
ing eultablo clsowhere. i
Arrangements have been made by C.
C. Calkins County Agent, to have O. A.
Mansfield, State Farm Bureau president,
meet the farmers of Morrow county
during the week of December 5-12. Dur
ing that week afternoon and evening
meetings will be held at the following
communities of the county:
Boardman, Irrlgon, Cecil. lone, Lex
ington, Alpine, Heppner, Pine Clt,
Eight Mile and Hardman.
The dates of the different meetings
will be announced next week through
the county papers.
Mr. Mansfield Is now attending a
meeting of the National Farm Bureau
and with his message from the organ
ized farmers, coupled with hla burning
desire to help them to a position equal
to the one enjoyed by people In other
walks of life, wll make It worth while
the time it will take for every farmer
to get to these meetings.
Morrow county expects to have a
Farm Bureau equal to any in the other
counties, to aid the farmers In meeting
their problems.
Convention In Sneers.
Pendleton Itehekahs who attended
the annual district convention held
yesterday In Echo speak high praise
for the success of the gathering. The
local delegates motored to Echo for the
Three hundred Rehekahs were pres
ent, among them Mrs. Nettle Whet
stone, of Pendleton, president of the
Rebekah Assembly of Oregon, Mrs.
Olive Frye of Heppner, grand assembly
marshall, and Mrs. Etta Sanderson of
Freewater, Inside guardian.
The Freewater team won the sliver
cup for the degree' team work, and
Freewater was chosen as the meeting
place for the next convention, to be
held In 1922, Mrs. Jones of Milton was
selected as chairman for the conven
tion, MrB. Jessie Kirk of Freewater,
vice chairman and Mrs. Henry Thomp
son of Pendleton, conductress. East
Oregonian. -
Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. Preach
ing at 11:00 a. m. and T : SO p. m. Sen
ior Endeavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer
meeting service each Thursday evening
at 7:30. E. L. MOORE, Pastor.
You will hear it said that such and
such a magazine prints suggestive stor
ies, meaning that they present corrupt
ing Ideas in an attractive dress. But
there Is a suggestiveness also of quite a
different sort the suggestiveness that
ouickns the reader's sense of duty.
stimulates ambition, gives courage to
face adversity, fortifies against yield
ing to temptation. It Is this better kind
of suggestiveness that you will And on
almost every page of The Youth's Com
panion. Which of these two kinds of
suggestiveness would you wish to have
exert an influence in your family life?
The 62 issues of 1922 will be crowded
with serial stories, short stories, editor
ials, poetry, facts and fun. Subscribe
now and receive:
1. The Youth's Companion 52 lssueB
in 1922.
2. All the remaining issues of 1921.
3. The Companion Home Calendor
for 1922.
All fr 12.50.
4. Or Include McCall's Magazine, the
monthly authority on fashions. Both
publications, only $3.00.
Ommonwealth Ave. ft St Paul St., Bos
ton, Mass.
New subscriptions received at this office.
While R. E. Harbison of Morgan was
In town last Saturday he unexpectedly
met his old friend, M. H. Nlckelsen,
who was visiting here from Hood River.
Messrs. Harbison and Nlckelsen are
Oregon pioneers of the long ago but
had not met for years, consequently
the meeting Saturday was a pleasant
ahd enjoyable one for both gentlemen.
lone Independent.
Snntnr Stnnflelil Will Send Seeds If Yon
Write illm.
Senator R. N. Stanfleld writes The
Onzette-Tlmcs that ho has been allotted
a small quantity of garden and flower
seeds for free distribution. The sena
tor calls attention to the fact that In
asmuch as these seeds have cost the
government a large outlay In money,
there will be no promiscuous distribu
tion, and he desires that they be placed
In the hands of those who will use
them. He will be glad, however, to mail
a portion to each and every citlcen de
siring them, upon their written request
to him nt Washington, D. C.
Requests should bo sent In Imme
diately so as to reach Senator Stnnflold
by December first, and the seeds will be
mailed out Immediately after January
Jnck Mulligan desires to announce
that he will not make another trip to
Ileppner before spring, nnd nil those
desiring to have their pianos tuned
should see him now. Will be In Hepp
ner until the first of the coming week.
I.eo Hill returned from Portland the
Inst of the week, whore he hnd been to
bring up a new Willys-Knight car
which he had sold to young Mr. Piper
of Piper's Cnnyon.
Thanksgiving services will be held
at the Christian church nt 10:30 this
forenoon. Rev. E. U Moore of the Fed
erated church delivering the address.
Notice is hereby given that all Gen
eral Fund Warrants, registered up to
nnd Including May 1st, 1921, will be
paid upon presentation at my office on
Decembor 6th, 1921. Interest censes
after this date.
Cunty Treasurer.
I'OK SALE As I am contemplating
leaving Heppner, I nm offorlng my
property for snlo. Will make reasnnble
forms. See me at once. E. H. Slocum.
Advertisement. 2t
Nov. 24-25. Thanksgiving vacation.
Dec. 9. Lyceum number, DeMarco
Dec. 13. P.-T. A. meeting.
Dec. 16 Studentbody play, "The
Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary."
Dec. 19. Lyceum number, Guila
If our high school may be judged by
our studentbody president, then we are
evidently a very Industrious crowd for
Don Case, studentbody president, has
recently secured a position In the
Heppner postofflce where he will spend
practically all of his spare time.
Savory odors of "turkey 'n' trimmins"
issued forth from the domestic science
rooms last Wednesday evening when
the Senior class of "12 enjoyed their an
nual Thanksgiving banquet The boys
furnished the turkey, and the girls the
necessary amount of "trimmins" and
cooking to make IV success.
Monday morning, about Ave minutes
after the bell rang, Mr. James came In
to the assembly and said, "Mr. Heard,
aren't you going to call classes?"
Mr. Heard looked around the room
at the vacant seats and said, "Classes!"
The attendance of the school Monday
was about two-thirds; and two of the
teachers, Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Turner,
were absent However, Mrs. Clark
made her appearance Tuesday morning.
The football game played by our
Freshies and those of Lexington last
Thursday ended In a tie. Paul Aiken
ntercepted a forward pass and made
a 95-yard run for our only touchdown.
The teams were quite evenly matched
and the game ended with a score of
7 to 7. Consldrlng the fact that our
boys had had no chance to practice they
did very good work.
The self-winding clock In the assem
bly as well as the other rooms has
ceased to wind itself, and a clock ofi
days gone by has been resurrected and
placed in the study hall.
The Jerseys have arrived for the
doughnut" basketball teams and as
soon as the 2nd year domestic art class
makes the trousers, practice is expected
to begin. The Friday after Thanks
giving will be celebrated by some of
the boys marking off lines, sweeping
floors, and putting up goals in the
In order to more fully understand the
organization of national government,
the eighth grade civics class organized
two political parties. Each party had
its candidates for president vice-pres
ident, senators, representatives, attor
ney-general and speakers. Votes were
cast by the class on Friday, and the
returns announced Monday.
Monday morning Mr. Heard asked
for volunteers to clean up the football
suits, as these would have to be laid
away on account of having no games
for the rest of the season. Several
freshmen volunteered to bring tubs and
washhboards to begin work Tuesday
The football game between Heppner
and Pendleton, which was to have been
held at Heppner on Saturday, November
19, was cancelled by Pendleton. Owing
to the heavy snowfall, It was decided
that transportation was Impossible. It
was a great disappointment to the high
school students as they had been eager
ly looking forward to this event.
"What's happened?"
"Weill If you aren't taking your
Latin home"
"That'B the first time I've ever ssen
you take yonr Latin home'
These were Borne of the remarks
heard when several pupils were caught
in the unusunl act of tnking their Lat
in home nut there's A reason. The'
class has divided Into two sections nnd
is having matches on vocabulary drills,
and the losing side must treat.
The Junior Class held n candy sale
at tho wrestling match Satuidav. The
sale was held for the purpose of rais
ing funds to buy a new pennaut, but
the amount taken In was very small as
the crowd was not very large and the
people were too Interested in the match.
It Is hoped that they meet with better
success the next time, as the assembly
looks rather lonely without a Junior
Another cartoon has been added to
the collection already on the bulletin
I ' f "
board. This one is by Harold Case and
It Is a representation of the effect of
the heavy snow on the football Beason.
The title is "The Real White Mule." A
white mule represents the snow and he
is seen kicking a boy in football togs,
which represents the football season.
The cast for the play, 'The Rejuven
ation of Aunt Mary" has been chosen
and practice was commenced Monday
night. The play is the story of how a
particular and wealthy old maid is re
juvenated, or made young again, as the
result of a visit paid to her e-av voumr
nephew and his college friends in the
city. Ailene Sprouls takes the part of
Aunt Mary and Alvin Bovd that of the
happy-go-lucky nephew Jack, who Is
always able to coax enough money
from his fond aunt to get him safely
out of the various difficulties in which
he is always involved. More detailed
accounts of the play will appear In la
ter Issues of this paper.
The Work of the Pnblle Henltfc Hmt,
Miss Emma Bunge, the public health
nurse, spent Monday inspecting the
children of the grades and opportunity
room. Miss Bunge inspects each child
and if that child shows symptoms of
defect a notice is sent home to the par
ents requesting that they take the child
to their family physician for diagnosis
and treatment The nurse always
wants to get acquainted with every
parent; she trys to visit as many homes
as possible and she Is here to help all
those who are In need of her.
She 1b going to have an office In the
Odd Fellows building and office hours
will be Saturday from 8:30 to 12; the
other days are spent in visiting the
different schools In the county. She
has taken this office in order that those
who wish to bring their children to her
for Inspection or who wish a consulta
tion wtih her may do so.
Miss Bunge says that the Modern
Health Crusade Is being taken up by
the pupils in different schools in the
county. It teaches the pupil clean
habits of living nnd the common sense
rules of health.
Many Animals Killed.
Harold Dnbyns, champion slayer of
coyotes for the United States biological
survey's predatory animal department,
is in Portland conferring with his
chief, Stanley G. Jewett.t Dobyns is
working In the Blue mountain region
of Eastern Oregon this winter. Since
July 17 he has killed S6 predatory an
imals and during the last 13 days he
killed 18 coyotes by poison, according
to the Oregon Journal. During Octo
ber, 15 trappers worked full or part
time and took an average of 19 preda
tory animals per month. The men
worked a total of 3t!4 1-2 days and
killed 199 coyotes 2 bobcats, 1 bear,
1 badger nnd 5 racoons. In addition.
72 porcupines, 11 badtrers and S skunks
wiie taken hi: not numbered nor any
part saved.
Doric Lodge to Entertain.
Doric Lodge No. 20, K. of P. is pre
paring to entertain the members of that
order nnd their ladles with a big tur
key dinner on next Tuesday evening at
I. O. O. F. hall. The committees hnve
been at work on this feed for some
time past and everything will be in
readiness for a good time. Besides the
dinner a good program of entertain
ment will he offered and It is expected
that there will be a large gathering of
the Knights and their Indies on this
Crsnd Worthy Matron Dd Not Uracil
Mrs. Minnie C. Letson. Grand Worthy
Mntron of the Order of Eastern Star of
Oregon, was to hnve been in Heppner
Monday night to pay an pinclnl visit to
Ruth Chapter No. 32, but owing to the
big storm and the consequent blockade
of traffic on the railroad she was un
able to reach this city, and the official
visit was unavoidably postponed to
some future date.
Enrl IMirycnr Is Dead.
Earl Puryear, well known here, pass
ed away tint Monday night after a
brief Illness at his hotne In Pasco, Wn.,
where he had been in business. His
wife is tho daughter of the late W. T.
McNnhb, and Mrs. McXnbb left on tho
Wednesday morning train for Pasco.
lono Independent.
Dave Hynd, of Rose Lawn ranch.
Sand Hollow, was doing business In
Heppner on Saturday.
J. O. Turner and family have been
spending the week In the city frm their
farm north of Swaggart Buttes.
Pat Foley, proprietor of Patrick ho
tel. was up from The Dalles over
Thursday night last, looking after his
interests here.
KOH SALE Flve-hoom house, or will
lease at 120 per month; also almost new
range and other furniture. Mrs. Jose
phine Schempp. Advertisement
Oscar Edwards returned home Sat
urday from Portland, where he had
been for a few weeks, helping with the
Morrow county exhibit at the stock
Harvey Miller came to town Saturday
afternoon, expecting to go out on the
train Sunday for Salem. He has been
In the city since waiting for the train
service to start again.
! Walter Becket came In from Eight
Mile Tuesday with a fine bunch of fat
turkeys which he had prepared to for
I ward to the Portland market in time
for the Thanksgiving trade.
I Miss Beatrice 8perry Is home from
j Portland on a vacation of two weeks
! duration. Miss Beatrice holds a post
j Hon in the First National Bank of Port-
j land. lone Independent
j Miss Lorena Palmateer, high school
; teacher, departed this morning for
Walla Walla to spend her Thanksgiving
vacation visiting with a friend who is
a teacher in the schools of that city.
The carnival staged by the Federated
Sunday School at L O. O. F. hall last
Friday evening was a pronounced sue
cess. It was well attended and there
was a lot of fun and a good time for
J. M. Gambill and family left for
Springfield, Ore., their future home,
last Wednesday. lone regrets to lose
the Gambill family and the best wishes
of the community go with them. lone
Oscar Keithley reports that the big
snow storm has been driving the wild
geese to the stubble fields In his vicin
ity. He went out Tuesday and bagged
four fine fellows. It is very seldom that
geese stop In his part of the county.
Oning to the Interrupted train ner-
vice. It In Impossible for us to advertise
a definite program thin vreek. but if we
receive any films the fnct will be made
known on our bill boards.
Dillard French Is In the city today.
Being an extensive stock raiser he was
not bo well pleased with the heavy snow
but states that he feels better now, that
it is melting away slowly. Mr. French
is a leading cattleman of the Gurdane
Phil Doherty. stockman and farme
of the lone section, was doing business
in Heppner the first of the week.
was not feeling bad over the big storm
as the heavy fall of snow will bring a
lot of needed moisture to the wheat
fields and pasture lands.
A six-pound daughter arrived to
brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Dempsey Boyer on Friday, Nov. ISth.
at the maternity home of Mrs. G. C.
Aiken In this city. Both mother and
child are doing well. Mr. and Mrs.
Boyer live near Monument
APPLES 11.00 AND LESSl I am of
fering Newton and Spitzenberg cooking
and eating apples at $1.00 f. o. b. Hood
River, with a discount of BCj, on orders
of 10 boxes or more. Terms, cash with
order. B. L. Clark, R. 1, Eox 8S, Hood
River, Ore. Advertisement.
L. Monterestelli, manufacturer of
tombstones and monuments, has been
in Heppner for the past week. He drove
over from Pendleton In his car Just
before the storm, and when he was
ready to return home he was unable to
do so, either by auto or train.
Mrs. Daisy Becket and son Billy
came in from Eight Mile on Tuesday,
expecting to take the train for Port
land, where she would spend the
Thanksgiving vacation with her eldest
son. who is attending school in the city
this winter. There being no train ser
vice she did net get away.
Oris Padberg was In from his farm
Saturday and made this office a pleas
ant call. He states that he has In over
400 acres of wheat, a goodly portion of
which was up In fine shape before the
snow came, and he was feeling good
over the prospect of a big lot of mois
ture going into the ground.
Dr. Fred E. Farrlor started for Hepp
ner Junction on Sunday morning, ex
pecting to meet Mrs. Farrlor and son
Fred who are on the way home from a
visit of several months In Oklahoma.
The train got as far as lone and then
returned to Heppner and Mrs. Farrlor
has had to remain at Pendleton during
the blockade.
A. M. Edwards finished up a good
well at the farm of Chris Brown a few
miles west of Ileppner. this week. At
a depth of 3.10 feet a fine flow of water
has been secured and Mr. Brown can
now proceed to put In a good water
system on his place. Mr. Edwards
will move his drilling outfit to Lexing
ton, where he will put down a well on
the city property of Claud White.
Oscar Keithley came in from Eight
Mile on Tuesdny with a nice lot of tur
keys, which he disposed of locally. He
states that the snow fell over the Eight
Mile country to the depth of about
eighteen Inches; this has settled down
a lot since by the thawing that has
been going on. The last day or so much
rain has fallen also and there will be
a lot of moisture taken into tho ground,
the fields being In Just the right condi
tion to receive it. The moisture will
be of much benefit to the late sown
W. W. Smead got home Saturday eve
ning from Portland. Ho had been In
the city for a couple of weeks or more,
attending the Live Stook show and
caring for the Morrow county exhibit
there, Mr. Smead states that the show
was a real success this year, drew large
crowds and everyone was well pleased.
He also states that there was no doubt
in Portland when ho left that tho 1925
exposition measure to bo voted on there j
Saturday would carry strong: Just
what will happen to It when taken be
fore the state at largo is another ques
tion, however, ns there seems to be very
strong opposition to anything that will
add to the burden of taxation.
t'ulon Pnrlfle Slrm Snnllows the Ore-tron-Wnshlna-ton
Hnllrond at Navlsa
lloa k, Oregon Snort Line and Is
Ion Pnrlfle Ce.
The announcement has Just been
made by the traffic authorities of the
Union Pacific System of a complete re
organization of that department The
news was somewhat startling at first
glance, especially to those whose bus
iness relations with that big firm have
been more or less friendly and intimate
for a long time.
But as explained by A. S. Edmonds,
assistant traffic manager, who has Just
returned from a big conference meeting
in the East the move is not In any sense
revolutionary. Indeed, it rather con
templates unified in place of unit con
trol, and is really in line with what
nearly all the big railroad systems have
found after years of experience to be
the most satisfactory.
Until this announcement was made
the Union Pacific System operated un
der the unit plan. That la, the Union
Pacific Company, Oregon Short Line
and Oregon-Washington Railroad It
Navigation Co., while comprising the
System, were still doing business under
their Individual titles. In a technical
senset his rather Hinted the activities
of Its various officers, and to overcome
that situation and place all parts of the
system In position to deal with the
traffic world as a system rather than as
three units this reorganization was de
cided upon.
Under the new arrangement Mr. Ed
monds became assistant traffic manager
of the Union Pacific System, with
headquarters at Portland, instead of
traffic manager of the O.-W. R, & N.
Wm. McMurray, general passenger
agent and H. E. Lounsbury, general
freight agent of the O.W., are now gen
eral passenger agent and general
freight agent respectively, of the Un
ion Pacific System and are In position
to handle System matters as freely as
they formerly did O-W. matters.
While Mr. Edmonds was in the East
in conference with the traffic authorit
ies at headquarters effecting this reor
ganization he also atetnded the agri
cultural Inquiry conducted In Congress
and several meetings of the Transcon
tinental Rate Bureau as welL He feels
that the new regime was the only log
ical procedure. The Union Pacific Sys
tem will now hold the same relation to
the traffic world as that of the New
York Central, Big Four, Pennsylvania
and other big lines composed of a long
list of units-
Exporters of the Northwest have been
attempting to dodge the Federal Grain
Grades and sell their wheat on what
they call "Portland Chamber of Com
merce Type Sample." It was their con
tention that . as the foreign ports
are not acquainted with our grades and
are forced to buy on these grades they
will go elsewhere for their wheat
While selling on type samples is con
trary to the provisions of the Grain
Standard Act, yet before forcing a
change on Western Exporters the TJ. S.
Department of Agriculture sent an able
representative out to hold a hearing at
Portland which took place on November
7th. It developed that the exporters
desireil to use the Federal Grades In
buying wheat because it gives them an
opportunity to dock the farmers with
mixed wheat or with wheat of a lower
test weight, but they desire to sell on
a type sample because in this way they
an sell wheat which is badly mixed, or
which only tests 57 to 5S pounds per
bushel, without designating it as a
No. 3, or frequently as mixed wheat.
The farmers' contention who were pres
ent, was that if the grades were good
to buy on they were good to sell on,
and that the exporter should label stuff
which is shipped out. The Farm Bu
reaus of Kastorn Oreeon were pretty
well represented at the hearing, Uma
tilla having five or six men present;
Sherman five, Wasco two, and Morrow
county was represented by E. M. Hul
den. Secretary of the Morrow County
Farm Hureau, and the County Agent.
It was pointed out very clearly that
we must attempt to reduce the num
ber of commercial varieties grown in
the state. There are now sixty-one.
Professor Hystop explained that this
ought to be cut to fifteen for the entire
state. This would he the greatest help
in eliminating mixtures. Although the
result of the hearing was not announc
ed at that time there is little doubt but
that wheat sold from the Pauirto ports
hereafter will go out on the Federal
GradPs and give the farmers an oppor
tunity to know tho class of wheat being
shipped and determine just what tholr
No. 1 wheat should be worth on tha
market here.
It is generally ktMwn th;it our best
wheat is used at home and that tho soft
club wheat of the lower giadea are ex
ported. It is this claf "f wheat that
has been used i:i dofoniiinititf what the
market sh-uild be for wheat which U
left at home.
111 Hold lln rut r.
Tho Ladies Aid Soo;et of the Fed
erated ehii'vh will hold a Christmas
bazaar on Wednesday, December 7th, at
the pallors of the rhureh. They will
have on sale nef-lle work, cooked and
uneooUed fond. Mar. v useful artklfjf
in ne'dte work eun he had at this sate.
Advertisement. 2t,
On tho evening of November 10th thi
marriage of Ctatenee Held of Ilepprer,
oiegvii. and Miss Viola hank. daughter
of Mr. and M : s. Pen y Shank, was sol
emn ied by Mis. Gpjo at the Hacbney
Hotel. .John Pay.
I.att-r tho youm; oe.iplo mot ore-1 to
Mr. Uoid's :;wuh n-ar Hepi'imr wheie
they expert to make their future home.
Iduo Mountain Kuij.