The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, November 17, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    Till: (SAZKTTlvTIM KS, IlITPNEIJ, OREGON, Tin i.'sDAV, N'oV. 17. KL'l.
Walttr Itrunim and family of Tar
Ut r Mill w re vlnitora in this city on
Saturday lust.
f'.tover (inff who Is a ranchman of
the tiurdatiti district, was Uointf buai
ness In tliiH city .Saturday.
KuKviitf Cvhti'V. one of the hutttlitiK
funnem living Just outside the city
limits of Lexington, was In Heppner on
Monday to attend to business matters.
FOR MAiK llti-acre cattle ranch
near still, UreKon, at 7.00 pw acre
Write to Mrs. R A. Cody, 116 Strautf
hn , Ave., Hoiso, Idaho. Advertise
ment TAKK MTKK. The Guild of All
SaintH church will hold a window sale
at Mint Smith's variety store on Sat
urday, November 19th, beginning at
10:00 a. m.
K. S. Slmontun, of Lexington, was a
plctt.s.uit caller at this oflice while In
the city Tuesday, and had his name
Added to our subscription list. Mr.
Himonton Is farming the Andrews placu
out In the Alpine district.
Win. Huebner, Sand Hollow farmer
and poultry raiser, came to town Tues
day, bringing in a consignment of
eggs. Mr. Huebner supplies this) mar
ket with a lot of tine eggs, making
the trip to town about once a week.
Tlndal Kobisun of Klght Mile was In
the city Monday to qualify hh admin
istrator of the estate of the lute Chas.
II. ItulliK of fiardman. Mr. Hullis died
having quite a little property Interests
ahvlng ijuitu a little property Interests
to be administered upon.
W. T. Craig, who farms a short dis
tance out north from lone, was In this
city on Monday to look after some
buxineKs mutters. Mr. Craig would be
pleaded to see some rain out his way;
it would be of much benefit to the grain
that Is beginning to come up.
CeorKft Perry recently bought the
Nate Cecil place near Cecil from C. C
Clark, of Arlington, and expects to
move on to It soon with his family.
This is a fine little place right on the
creek, nil under ditch and set to alfalfa
and (ieoiKe will make him a good home
Mr. Anderson Hayes of this city was
united In marriage to Miss Edith Davis
in I'ortUmd on November loth. Miss
Mavis formerly taught school In ,the
Hayes district on Hhea creek and It
was at this time that the young people
became acquainted. After a short hon
eymoon they will be at home on the
Hayes farm on Rhea creek.
(i. M. Campbell and V. Uosa Smith,
representing the Masonic Mutual Life
Association of the District of Colum
bia, were in Heppner a few days this
week in the Interests of this fraternal
association. They have been calling
upon members of the Masonic order In
this city and soliciting their support
of the Association.
Cloo Itrenner, who formerly lived In
the Bight Mile section and for ti num
ber nf years raised wheat on the Hren
ner farm, came up from Koseburg the
end of the week and has been here for
a few tlavs looking after business af
fairs. Mr. Hrenner Is now encaged in
I'liMlirWK ;tt liu.-ftiUrK. riillltHH- a rim.
(ft t ton i-1 y Mm e there ai'.d eiij inn a
li'iud patroiiMm- He returned limm; on
"Dangerous Curve Ahead"
Si-til ru fur sale at the Scott & Mc
Millan Warehouse, Lexington. Adv.
Km nislied housekeeping rooms for
rent. Inquire this oltice. Advertise
ment tf.
ThorouKhbied bronze turkeys for
sale. Inquire of Mrs. F. liurroughs,
lone. Ore. Advertisement nS4t.
FOR BALK Singer sewing machine,
in good condition. A bargain. Inquire
this ollk-e. Advertisement
WA.M'Kll Three or four men board
ers for dinner and supper. ..inquire at
this ortlce. Advertisement. tf.
Send your hemstitching. Price 10c
and 12e per yard. MAUEL V. WIL
COX. Kstacada, Ore. Advertsernent.
WAVI'KI) a second-hand windmill
that Is In geod running order. Adver
tisement. O. B. ADKINS, Heppner.
NT: 10 1 J IIVK KUH SALK Cleveland
ranch, phone 4&FH, or leave orders for
delivery at Minor & Co. Advertisem'nt.
Seed rye for sale at the Scott & Mc
Millan Warehouse, Lexington. Adv.
FOR SAI.K 240 acres farm land near
Sweden, Mo. Will Bell or trade for
Heppner property. MrB. T. W. Klppee,
Heppner. Adv. OlJ-lm
NTH AY F.U Two-year-old mare mule
brown with bay points, brand DM on
left Jaw. Reward for Information lead
ing to recovery. DWIOHT MliSNUK,
lone, Oregon. tf.
Owing to practically a cash demand
by thet wholesale houses, from this
lute, Nov. 8, 1S21, without any excep
tions, our business will be conducted on
a cash basis. WM. HAYLOR.
Reed rye for sale at the Scott & Mc
Millan Warehouse. Lexington. Adv.
FOR HA I.K Practically new Super
ior disc drill. 20-7, 1175, and Iowa
cream separator. Archie Zeek, care of
.lolm Wildenan. Heppner. phone 22XS.
Advertisement. O20-4
Sued rye for sale at the Scott & Mc
Millan Warehouse, Lexington. Adv.
Seeded Wheat Land For Sale.
At J 27.50 per acre, In center of finest
wheat land belt In Morrow county, onlv
few miles from railroad; 450 acres
sowed to wheat and 80 acres to rye;
ranch consists of a little over 1000 acres
of rich, deep-soil plow land, a tractor
proposition with only ten acres waste
land; worlds of water and good Im
provements. JtlBt as It stands and Im
mediate possession given at only $27.60
per acre, $7,500 cash down, balance one
third crop payments. This offer holds
for only 20 days. Sickness compels
owner to move. No better bargain ever
offered. See me quick. E. M. SHUTT.
Advertisement tf. 027
Lost on highway between Heppner
and the Willows, a grip containing
samples of leather, puttees and knives.
$10,110 reward for return to R. A.
SAMPSON, lone. Ore. 2t.
Public I.aad Sale.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Ollice at The Dalles. Oregon, Nov.
5, 1921. NOTICE Is hereby given that
as directed by the Commissioner of the
r!ri.i tj.nd Office, under provisions
of Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant to the ap
plication of Taulino yuald. herini io.
022428, we will offer at public sale, to
the highest bidder, but at not less than
$3.50 per acre, at 10:15 o'clock A. M., on
the 27th day of December, next, at this
office, the following tract of land:
NWVi NWV4. Sec. 14, T. 3 8, R. 28 E ,
. . ... ... Attar on,i Ktnck Ranches for sale
Tnose no nave n ncai
should call at my ollice and list the snme at once, so as to get In on the
fall and winter demand. 1 have sold a couple of big wheat ranches Just
,.. .....i i k. ... ,.i. hn ir looklna- for others. Wheat ranches
especially are going to be In demand Ihls fall and next spring.
tp vnn vv. AT.T.Y WANT TO SELL
you must be prepared to ask considerably less for your land than It was
held at during and Immediately following the war, when wheat and
. i.t Moo-ret tiiis as wo may. these
oiner iarm pronucis ihuurni u.. i,..v. -
changed conditions exist, and the farms that change hands the next
year or so are the ones In which the buyer can see a bargain, or at least
good value. My exclusive lime win oe nevoieu w i
ness, ami business Intrusted to me will receive prompt ana eincieni i-
Shoes for Service
And back them up with the manufacturer's
for service. Solid leather through
out and built for comfort with every
needed reinforcement to prolong the
shoes' life and usefulness. Easy on
the feet hard to beat. No matter
what your work there's a WEYEN
BERG SHOE for you.
David A. Wilson
Everything in Men's Furnishings.
W. M. IC'int.-iinmit 40 acres). "This
It.ut is oi.icr-l into the market on a,
sli'.wiii that the greater portion there-I
of is mountainous or too rough for cul-j
The sale will not be kept open, but;
will i.e declared closed when those1
present at the hour named have ceased
holding. The person making the hlgh-j
est bid will be required to Immediately j
puv to the Receiver the amount thereof, j
Any persons clainiing adversely thej
above-described land are advised to flle'j
tiieir claims, or objections, on or before
the time designated for sale.
T. C. QUEEN, Receiver.
Notice Is hereby given that pursuant
to the laws of the State of Oregon, the
undersigned has taken up the follow
lug described animal found unlawfully
running at large upon my premiseB In
the County of Morrow, State of Oregon,
and that I will, on Saturday, the 26th
day of November. 1921, at the hour of
2 o'clock In the afternoon of said day,
at my residence at Irrigon, Oregon, Bell
to the highest bidder for cash In hand,
the following described animal, to-wlt:
One black yearling gelding, branded
with spreading M on left shoulder.
Dated this 10th day of November,
it's toasted, of
course. To seal
in the flavor
Thanksgiving Day
and clothes
Both father and the boys are going to have new
clothes this fall. Can there be a more opportune day
for the donning of such apparel than on Thanksgiv
ing Day? We think not.
Our offerings in suits and overcoats are not only
new, but priced surprisingly low from $30 to $50.
Lloyd Hutchinson
Cleaning Dyeing Pressing Ifopairiifg
Have that damaged
tread fixed before it
causes a lot of blow
outs and punctures
and costs you five or
six times the price of
having it repaired.
Bring It Here!
We will vulcanize it
making it as good as
Have any tire trouble? Bring it here
Tri-State Terminal Building.
Big Bargain in Small
Creek Ranch
16 acres, all under ditch, partly in cultivation, alfalfa,
strawberries, raspberries; good five room house, good E
barn and out buildings; stock and machinery; good
spring and well. Price $2250.00 if taken at once. 7
miles from town.
Real Estate and Insurance. Heppner. EE
A Few of the Special Bargains at
I The Cash Variety Store
Where You Get
I Big Values For Little Money
5 Men's Overalls, 79 cts. Boys' Shirts and Blouses 39cts. E
Copper Bottom Wash Boilers $2.75.
II Central Market I
Fish In Season H
i iiiiiii.miiihiiiiiiiiiiii mum i iimmimi timmii u iiiii.iimiiiii. ;g ; lake home a bucket oi our lard. It
is a Heppner product and is as
I good as the best. H
But be properly prepared
before starting
"Baggageman Proof" Trunks, Suit
Cases and Bags.
Suit Cases $2.50 to $22.50
Traveling Bags $6.00 to $20.00
Trunks, Including Steamers,
$10.00 to $25.00
These prices include "Genuine Heavy Leath
er cases and Bags and Rawhide Bound
Steamers. See our windows.
Minor & Company
Seeding Time Is Here
Gilliam & Bisbee will
sell you
Drills and Harrows
at prices that are right.
Gilliam & Bisbee
Marble and Granite
Fine Monument and Cemetery Work
All parties interested in getting work in my line
should get my prices and estimates before
placing their orders
All Work Guaranteed