Oregon Historic?! Society. Gazette PUBLISHED WEEKLY AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF MORROW COUNTY Volume 39, Number 32. 11K1TXEK, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1921. Subscription $2.00 Per Year The I 1 I! It ti I I ft 1 D 1 MVUiS THINS All ien GREAT'S! ASSET No Class Lines In America, Says Samuel Gompers. Declares Unions Keep Standard of Workers on Plane of Self Respect. Activities of A. F. L. Outlined And Policies Explained by Aged Leader. By SAMUEL GOMPERS. PrtHldent of the American Federation of Labor 10d It or 'h IWte. No man In the world totiity Hturula ho hinh in the esteem of in bor us (toes Samuel (iompers, mm no tii:in is Kiven more respect Iy the tm pluyerH, for while the latter were op lohe(l to the oi Kit filiations he repre sents, they have admitted he was hon Mt, fair atul open to reason a well as belli a clean tighter for the righta he believed due to his followers, He known the jdeals, the aims and the strength of unionism aa no other man doea. America has no peasantry. America has no class set apart, mark ed apart, definitely classified as being apart and Irrevocably fixed as apart from the great mass of her people. America has no class from which it Is impossible to merge. America is distinguished throughout the world by the high standard of liv ing which the masses of her people en Joy. The comparison Is sharp and dis tinct. For this, the American trade-union Is primarily responsible. America has no proletariat as Europe knows the proletariat In the beginning, this was because of the manner In which our country was settled and because of its boundless natural resources. It has remained so primarily because of the trade-union movement. For this. If for no other service, the trade-union movement of the United States is entitled to be ranked aa one of the country's greatest assets, If not, Indeed, as the greatest asset of all. The growth of the trade-union move ment has substantially paralleled the growth of the machine or factory sys tem. With the coming of steam and the subsequent coming of electricity and the use of these agencies of pow er In the development of factory life, the tendency of Industry was to concen trate populations in small areas and tendency of employers was to keep these coneentrttted populations, so faf as possible, at a mere aubslstance level of wnges. t'nloaa Halt Class. Tint for the trade-union movement entering into modern Industrial life, combating the ever present tendency of employers toward a mere subsistence wage, combating their tendency to re tain the long employment day that had obtained prior to the development of fartory life, America would have had a clans ns distinctly marked apart from the rest of society as any European country. The idea obtains to some extent that trade unions are merely organizations of nggresston, that they are something in the nature of predatory bands form ed to secure for their members such temporary advantages aa may be pos sible, no matter what the coat to em ployers or to society. Of course, those who out of short-alghtedneaa oppose the trado union movement, Beek always to spread this false Impression. The truth Is that no organisation In America Is broader in its outlook or at tempts to more intelligently understand the general neds of our society or to fit In more constructively and helpfully. An understanding of the structure of thp American Federation of Labor may be helpful In lending to an understand ing of Its activities and policies. The form of organisation around which the American labor movement Is built 1b exactly like the form of organisation In the political life of our country. The American Federation of Labor Is con structed with Its foundation on the ground and nil powers proceed from the bane upward and not from the top downward. The smallest unit of or ganization Is the local union. Local unions are composed of groups of peo ple working In the same trade In the same communities. These local unions are nflllinted Into what are known as city central bodies or city central la bor unions. The city central labor un ion Is, thus, a representative organisa tion composed of delegates from all the local unions In a city. By the same process, state federations of la bor nre formed. In most cities, there are, in addition to the city central la bor union, delegate bodies representing the unions In specific branches of In diistry such as the building trades, the metal trades and the printing trades. Through these representative com munity organizations, the wage earners In each city are brought together and are placed In a position to act united ly nnd Intelligently for the conserva tlon and advancement of their own In terests and for the consideration of problems of all kinds relating to the life of the municipality. International Scope. In addition to these representative community organisations, there afe na tional and International unions. Most American unions have adopted the term 'International' because their member ship extends into Canada and Mexico. National and International unions are formed by uniting all of the local un ions In a given trade. Comparing the trade-union move ment with our political Btructure the national and international unions really correspond to the departments of gov ornmont. The Amerioan Federation of Labor la as lta name implies, a federa ttnn a federation of unionB corres ponding to the federation of states, It In an nfflllatton of national and inter national unions. In Its annual conven tlons, these national and international unions nre entitled to vote in propor tion to the membership on which they pay jter cap i la tax to the American Federation of Labor. Jn addition, each city central body, each state federation! and each of the five departments of the American Federation of Labor Mine, r Metal Trades, ttulldinw Trades, Union Label Trades and Kailroad Employes' Department, are entitled to one dele-! gate. Many persons think that the Ameri-7 can Federation of Labor is an organi-j lation of great power. In a most 1m- portant sense this is true, but In the sense in which it Is understood by! many of labor's critics, it is without! truth. The great power of the Ameri- can Federation of Labor Is the power of moral suasion. It la the united opin ion of four million organized wage earners that has weight and power. Th American .Federation of Labor haB no power of compulsion elter over ItB own affiliated membership or those outside its membership. It Is believed by many that the American Federation of Labor ordem strikes. This is not the case. The American Federation of La bor cannot order one person to cease work. The statement that the Amen I can Federation of Labor has no power of compulsion Is absolute. There is no qualification whatever. It can say, through its conventions, or through its Executive Council and Its officers that certain policies or certain courses of conduct are advisable, but only as there is general unity of opinion and the moral force of that unity of opinion Is there any ac .ual power to compel com pliance. B. F. Doherty Dies In Port land. Was Sick Over a Year Word was received early this morn ing by his relatives heie, announcing the death of Barney F. Doherty at a little pnst elubt o'clock last evening at St. Vincents hospital In Portland. Mr. Doherty's death resulted from heart rMsen.Be and dropsy. He Tial been sick for be pant year or more and during the past three months he was receiving treatment In Portland, not being con fined to the hospital all the time, but he did not receive permanent relief from his trouble. Mr. Doherty was a brother of Mrs. Michael Kenny and Jas. O. Doherty of this city and was a resi dent of Heppner and Morrow county for many years a citizen well respect ed here. The body Is expected to ar rive from Portland Frldny evening, but arrangements for the funeral have not yet been made. He was about &8 years of age and unmarried. Pint l M l-'lve-honm limine, or wilt lease at $-) per month; also almost new ran ire and other furniture. Mrs. Jose phine Schempp. Advertisement. Mrs. Minnie C. Let son, Grand Worthy Matron of the Order of Kuatern Star, will make an official visit to liuth Chap ter No, 32 of Heppner on Monday eve ning, Nov. 2, at Mason!" hall. It Is 'desired that aU.raomi) present on tht occasion that a suitable reception may be given Mrs. Let son. Popular Yeunjr People Married. The marriage of Mr. Clniie V. Hop per and Miss Bern Ice Da foe of thi,. city, took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Cox in Arlington on Thurs day evening, November 10, Hew Young of the Methodist church of Arlington officiating, and Mr. Harold Cohn and Miss Gladys Turner, both of this city, acting as bridegroom and bridesmaid The marriage came somewhat as a surprise to the friends of the young couple here as the event was not ex pected quite so soon. After a short honeymoon spent in Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Hopper returned to Heppner on Monday evening and were given a re ception at Hotel Patrick by their many friends. Mr. Hopper Is engage'd In the tire re pair business here and has been a resi dent of the city for tho past nine months, having made many friends among his associates here In that time who haVe found him to be a young man of Hterllng worth. Mrs. Hopper has been toaeher of music In the Heppner schools during tho past two years. Is a talented young woman nnd these young people have tho very best wishes of the community for a prosperous and happy future. Their borne will be In this city and Mrs. Hopper will continue with her work In the scnhool, to the delight of both pupils and patrons. Dangerous Cuve RupertHughej A, V H.Db , Star Theater, Sunday and Mon- day, NOV. 27th and 28th. f BROTHERHOOD SETTLES The regular monthly luncheon and meeting of the Brotherhood took place on Monday evening at Hotel Patrick, ' with a somewhat smaller attendance' than is usual when this event 1b pulled off, and but one long table was re-j quired to accomodate those who sat' down to the spread. Mrs. Pyle pre-j pared her usual good meal and this; was thoroughly enjoyed. After a short! business session President Livingstone presented the subject for discussion, which was "Disarmament," introducing Jos. J. Nys as first speaker. He was followed by S. E. Notion, Prof. James, W. S. Raker. E. M. Shutt, J. W. Hiatt and V. Crawford and the disarmament question was quite thoroughly dis cussed from a number of angles. There was expressed a general feeling of sat isfaction and optimism over the re sults so far attained at the Disarma ment Conference and a resolution ex pressing this feeling was passed and the secretary ordered to forward the same to President Harding and Secre tary Hughes. The Interest in the de bate was lively and the meeting was declared to be one of the best yet held by the Brotherhood. Chairman Chidsey of the relief com mittee reported that after making a survey of the city he was Unable to report anyone In need of aid. This committee would he glad to be In formed at any time of anyone In need and want within the city, as they de sire to lend assistance in all such cases. The subject to be discussed at the December meeting will be "A Commun ity Christmas." Heppner Lone to lone In the football game between the Heppner Legion Post and lone Post teams at lone on last Friday afternoon, the Heppner boys received a complete shutout, the score being 13 to 0 at the close of the hard fought battle. The defeat of the locals can be laid to their lack of team training, ns they had ex perienced difficulty In getting together. With lone It was a case of good team work though they had a hard time holding their opponents In the second half, when the Heppner team apparent ly got its wind and was ready to put up a stiff fight. These teams will come together on Thanksgiving at Heppner and Manage Licuallen hopes to be able to carry off the bacon. Remembers Daughter's Birthday Mrs. Claud White was hostess last Monday afternoon at a pnrty given at the beautiful new White home In Lex ington in honor of the eighth birth day of her daughter, La Verne Claudia. Decorntions were fall flowers and leaves, and Mrs. White was assisted In the entertaining by Mrs. Eugene Gen try and Mrs. Neil White. Honor guests were the two grandmothers of the lij tle miss, Mrs. J. C. White and Mrs. J. M, White, and she was the recipient of numerous beautiful gifts. Many games were played and a dainty lunch was served. Guests present wore Neva Warner, Harriet Pointer, Vernol Smith, Olln Gould, Grace Burchell, Loten and Inea Tyler, Mae and John Keith Gentry, Vivian White, Richard Walker, Edna Gnmmell, Clara and Edna Van Winkle, LVernon Scott and Nnomi McMillan. KIHST CHRISTIAN CHTIICH. Lord's IT, Nor. 90. Do you enjoy a real stimulating sur prise? Then go to your room and quiet ly nnd leisurely sum up the things for which you should be thankful, give yourself at least thirty minutes to this; then look at your list. If you do not ex perience a real thrill, then you should see your physician. Attend church on Sunday, Thanksgiving service at tho preaching hour, preceded by Bible School and Communion service. Our great Christian Endeavor meeting will he held well, more later about this. Watch the big billboard opposite the postonVe: the greatest messages extant will be found there from time to time. Union Thanksgiving Service at the Chrlstlnn church on Thursday next at 1 0 :S0 o'clock, Itev. B. L. Moore will do llver the sermon. Let us all be present nnd appropriately give thanks. LIVINGSTONE, Minister. W. S, Raker, who represents the Northwestern Mutunl Life Insurance Co. of Milwaukee, was In Heppner a few days this week, talking Insurance. fU tlnbn.1. I m it. Dn.tl.nJ tin i departed for Arlington Tuesday. DISARMAMENT QUESTION HUMAN INTEREST Modern Proverb. He who watts for "Twin Beds" is destined to laugh him self fat or thin, which ever way he wants to weigh. J. N. King of lone brought his wife to the hospital here on Monday, where she will remain for a while, receiving medical treatment. Joe Simas and Chas. Bennett, resi dents of Monument, were registered at Patrick hotel a couple of days this week while In the city on business. Uncle Willie Wilson was taken to Portland Tuesday to be placed under the care of a specialist. He has been failing in health considerably of late. FOR SALE As I am contemplating leaving Heppner, I am offering my property for sale. Will make reasnable terms. See me at once. E. 1L Slocum. Advertisement. 2t U .R. Grey, who was in charge of the engineering department of the Willow creek highway during the past summer with headquarters in this city, has been transferred to Baker to take charge of highway work In that vicinity. Mrs. Cora Beardsley and Miss Clara Miller sisters of Harvey Miller, with their father, E. C. Miller, came up from Salem on Thursday last to be present at the funeral of Lois Irene Miller on Saturday. They returned home the first of the week. APri.HS-fl.no AND LESS, I am of fering Newton and Spitzenberg cooking and eating apples at $1.00 f. o. b. Hood River, with a discount of 6 on orders of 10 boxes or more. Terms, cash with order. B. L. Clark, R. 1, Box 88, Hood River, Ore. Advertisement. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alexander of Odessa, Wash., were visiting In Hepp ner a few days at the end of the week, returning home Monday. Mrs. Alexan der was formerly Miss Clara Willing ham of this city, and she was visiting with her mother, Mrs. Henry Howard. . Dean Goodman left for Eugene lodaj to take in "Home Coming Week" and the big football game between the U. of O. and the Aggies. When the time drew near, he could not withstand the pressure of desire to see the big game and to meet with a large number of his old classmates Chas. Erwin came in from Walla Walla last evening. He will visit his farm near lone for several days before returning home. Rain and snow was the order when Mr. Erwin left Walla Walla Wednesday morning but there appeared to be more snow in this sec tion than had fallen around the foot hills at Walla Walla. Sheriff McDuffee and Clerk Waters returned on Sunday from1 Portland. These gentlemen spent a part of the past week in the city taking in the convention of county officials. They state that the meeting was a good one. ! They also took time to visit the big j live stock show which they found to be a great attraction. ' i M. B. Haines, proprietor of the new , hotel at Condon, has been In Heppner j for several days this week, coming over on Sunday to attend to business af-1 fairs here and at lone, where he for- I merly engaged In the hotel business j and made good. He states that he has had a fine business since going to Con-1 don and Is quite well pleased with the situation there. It was reported that Mr. Haines Is negotiating for the con struction of a new hotel at Arlington, which point it is considered Is going to be one of tho best locations for a pros perous hotel business In Eastern Ore gon. Opening I'p Coal Vein. W. G. Mooro is authority for the In formation that Horace Yocum is open ing up an eight-foot vein of splendid coal on his place on Willow creek, about one mile south of the Moore mill. Mr. Yocum has been quietly working away, assisted by Chas. Jayne, anil Mr. Moore states that they are uncovering some coal of very excellent quality. 1 Just how extensive the vein is has npt yet been proven but It looks good now. THE FEDERATED CHURCH. Sunday School at :45 A. M. Preach ing at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sen ior Endeavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting service each Thursday evening at 7:30. E. L. MOORE, Pastor. A I. FA IF A RANCH TO TRADE. Who has a good wheat ranch to trado without any money changing hands either way, for one of the best near In, highly Improved Willow creok al falfa ranches a money maker. Owner simply wants to raise wheat for a while. See me at once. E. M. SHUTT. Advertisement. LIE IN HIS COFFIN Poor old sleepy Lexington, hitherto considered dead, proved to be the livest and toughest old somnambulist that ver grabbed a pigskin. It seems that our neighbor Heppner some time ago made it known that if we could find eleven children In our high school that had an average of ninety In deportment, they, meaning Heppner, would like to play us a game of football. Now you can imagine the time we had getting up that eleven, es pecially as we have only eleven he kids in our school from abc up, but as they all proved to be extra good kids and were anxious to learn how to play foot ball, (Prof. Bennett said that was the name of the game) we got busy. Well, the first turn out of the box, what does our neighbor do but bring down a coffin with the remark that af ter the game was over It was custom ary for all teams that had hitherto played Heppner to enter said coffin and go forth to the silent acres. Well, galdinglt, that made ua road and. O, well, game was called, and Bay the way that bifnch of grammar and abc kids of ours plowed up the dirt was something fierce. It seemed that when Heppner did get hold of the windbag, some little scamp from Lexington would take It away from them and run on with it; finally Louie must of felt sorry for them, for he tossed the ball to them to see if they knew what to do with It and, by cracky, all they did was feel of it to see if It was made of leather or wood. Finally Bill got tired of watch ing them stand there and hold It, so the scamp run up and took it away from them and run off with It again. Well, this sort of thing kept up all the afternoon till the score got up so high on the Lexington side that we run out of paper and our pencil got dull. Some of the gang was for letting Hepp ner score a few more in order to even things up, but It seems that they didn't have a man on the team that could run that far or kick It higher than his head, so what could we do but call It 56 to 14 In our favor and let Heppner go home, coffin and all. Contributed. Womens Relief Corps to Meet. The regular meeting of the Womans Relief Corps will be held in I. O. O. F. hall on Wednesday, Nov. 23 at 2:30 p. m. There will be regular and special busi ness and a social hour will follow. The president requests every member to be present. The Carnival tTTT 4 m t H 4 Saturday Evening fHTtTt-rWWWtTTtTTH-rWT An evening of whole some fun with refresh ments at hand. A pro gram of unusual va riety promised. Ad mission free. Bring your change. Everybody Welcome Auspices Federated Sunday School L 0. 0. F. Hall, 7:30 liilHiii:i'liiiiluL;ii,il,iiU,,.LLikl W. G. Scott Receives Injuries In Auto Accident on Sunday W. r; Scott of Lexington was quite severely injured on Sunday when his Ford turned over on him. He had driv en out to the main Una near Metsner to take the train to Portland and In going up on the highway the steering gear gave way and th machin turned over the grp.de, pinning Mr. Scott under neath. He waa held down by the cat for about fifteen minutes before relief came and when th car was lifted it was foind he was quite severely In jured. He waa placed on the train and taken to Heppner Junction but reached there too late to get on the local and was brought on to Ion for medical treatment Some cuts and very bad bruises have kept him confined at home since but It is expected that he will be out in another day or two. It was feared at first that be had received serious internal Injuries but this proved not to be so, according to word sent this paper today. Joe Corabest a relative of J. W. Os born, accompanied by Mr. Osborn, was in the city yesterday from Cecil. Mr. Combest has just recently arrived In this county from his horn at Valdasta, Texas, a short distance north of the city of Dallas. Mr. Combest cornea here with a view to finding a permanent lo cation for himself and family and If he is able to get the kind of place he is looking for he will have his family come on from the south. With what he has seen of Morrow county so far he Is well pleased. Father of C. L. Sweek Dies. Was Stockman of Monument Word reached Heppner on Tuesday morning announcing the passing of Lawrence Sweek at hit home near Monument at about 10 o'clock Monday evening. Mr. Sweek took a sudden turn for worse Monday afternoon, and his son. C. L. Sweek, of this city departed for the bedside of his father about 4 o'clock. The funeral waa held at Monument today under the auspices of thte Masonic lodge there. Mr. Sweek was a prominent citizen of northtern Grant county and had been engaged in stock raising there for many years. He had many friends in Heppner who regret to hear of his demise though his death has not been unexpected for many months past CARD OP THANKS. We desire to thank all frieuds for the wonderful kindness extended us during the hours of our bereavement and at the funeral and burial of our beloved Lois Irene Miller. Also for the many beautiful floral offerings. HARVEY MILLER. ' "tRa BLANCHE HOWARD. MR. and MRS. JAT KING. MR. and MRS. E. C. MILLER and FAMILY. MR. and MRS. A. F. BEARDSLEY MR. and MRS. KARL MILLER. Dan Stalter got In the latter part of the week from the Greenhorn country where he has been spending the past summer at the Mayflower mines. He states that they had a fine season for work, and though he came out at about the same time of the year, it was the first time that he traveled in dust from the mines to Heppner. Another week's stay there would have told a different story as it has been snowing a lot in the mountains and he would have en countered a foot or more of snow in getting over part of the road to Hepp ner. At a meeting of the Red Cross Chap ter on Tuesday evening, attended by members of the executive committee. Miss Allen, Red Cross superintendent of county nurses from Portland and Miss Emma Bunge, public health nurse for Morrow county, it was decided to take the room In Odd Fellows building, for merly occupied by Dr. Allison, as head quarters for the county nurse, and this will be fitted up for her use. Miss Bunge is getting initiated into her work here and eh will soon be in position to care for her duties as the demands require. E B Mala Hickwaja sr Traak Koadi la Or. K Are Kant Nearlag Coaiplrtlo Feeder Koda Are Now the Ner. The main trunk highways of Oregon are fast nearing completion, tbough there remains much to be don yet be fore the roads now on the map of the State Highway Commission are all graded and surfaced. The program, however, is being well carried out and now the greater question of feeder roads and market highways is coming to the front This is the question In road construction that the people of this state will have to work on in th immediate future; It is the real road problem, now that the limit has been reached In th state's ability to get further capital by the bonding process, and Just how the future road program will be financed is th question that will require a lot of figuring. Heppner waa visited last evening by Senator L L. Patterson of Polls county, and W. B. Dennis of Carlton, Washing ton county, in company with Commis sioner W. B. Barratt and Herbert Nunn of Salem, head of the-engineering de partment of the State Highway Com mission. At an informal luncheon at Hotel Patrick, a number of our cltlsan had th pleasure of meeting Mr. Pat terson, Mr. Dennis and Mr. Nunn, each of whom is a good roads enthusiast The two former gentlemen were mem bra of the state legislature who wer foremost in the fight to put acroaa th state's road building program: Senator Patterson being one among the first to take up the work, and Representa tive Dennis giving this subject such attention and support that he wa looked upon as the best informed man on the subject in the 1919 session of the legislature. He did not return to th legislature In 1921, but was called ther to aid in the road legislation during the last session and rendered much val uable service to the committees having this work in charge. At the little meeting last evening, Representative C. E. Woodson presided and there was short talks on th road question by Messrs. Patterson, Dennis and Nunn as well as a few of our local men. Mr. Patterson was of the opinion now that we had practically completed the trunk lines it was up to th state to get behind a program that would help the farmers and citizens of th ru ral districts to get to these trunk lines; this would, as a matter of fact prov to be the greatest development scheme for the Btate. Tourist travel Is a great thing, but the development of th farms and home la a much greater thing. He would make no particular complaint of the Highway Commission for the policy they hav followed, for their program was to a certain extent set out by statute. Mr. Dennis took much the same ground and emphasised what Mr. Patterson had to say. They had Just traveled over some of th Eastern Oregon roads off the highway and wer made to realize the need of better laterals and market roads. These gentlemen will get behind a program that will put this over. Mr. Nunn reviewed to some extent the work accomplished, and did not hes itate to say that Oregon had accom plished more in building of permanent roads for the money expended than any other state; this fact is proved by th statistics at hand. It is a record to b proud of. Mr. Barratt was reticent about mak ing any statements but gave out the word that he hoped to see the work on the Oregon-Washington Highway thru this county completed, as well as the connecting link in Gilliam county. He accompanied these gentlemen to Ar lington today, and with Engineer Nunn was going over the survey In Gilliam county from the Morrow county line to the Columbia River Hishway to try to convince the engineer that another lo cation for that end of the highway can be made that will eliminate the neces sity of cutting up so badly the alfalfa fields through which the present survey runs. Mr. Barratt states that the pres ent route, if the road was built would practically ruin several good alfalfa farms along Willow creek In Gilliam county, put the county up against ex cessive damages and make it almost impossible to complete the work. He hopes to eliminate this. Messrs. Fattersn and Dennis state this was their first visit to Morrow county and the first opportunity they had of seeing what a wonderful empire exists out here In this Eastern Oregon country. They wer delighted with the reception given them at Heppner, and hope that now the better roads have come. Eastern Oregon and Willamette valley will become more sociable and better acquainted. Patron-Teachers Association Thanks Art Exhibit Patrons On behalf of the Patron-Teachors as sociation, the president, Mrs. Frank Turner, extends thanks to all those who so liberally helped in making th recent art exhibit the complete success It was. The clul'iion wh. were so ac tive In the selling of tickets are to be especially praised, iinil the general pub lic of the city the exhibit splendid attention and patronised the entertain ment In large numhers, for alt of which the association desires to express ap preciation. Vllt Came lirlrrat. Mayor Noble, Dr. McMurdo, Jos. Sny. der, lien l'attersoti utid Jas. Thotimon had a visit during tho week to the fa mous M:Uheur Iike game retreat anil j returned homo on Tuesday, bringing with them 50 clueks ;ind geese. They ! left here Saturday moniinx, taking Just i einht hours fur tho Jimreey and found J the shootlex go-el. Snow was encoiin j tered on the return trip and it was pretty hard getting through tho moun- lams this wi le of -Mutiuriient. Friend 'of tli o shooters have been eaUtig duck j since their return. MARKET ROADS AR NEXTBiG