Tllli GAZKTTK-TIMKS, IIEITNTJJ, ORKGON, TlII K'sDAV, NOV. 1. VAGV. F1VK oca Unit he lias In-en proin- A. Huud went down to 1'urtland on Tuesday tu take In the atock ihuw. Seed rye fur mile at the Scott ft Mc Millan Warehouse, Lexington. Adv. Furnished housekeeping rooms for rent Inquire thla oltke. Advertiso nient tf. Thoroughbred brome turkeys for ale Inquire of Mrs. F. Hurrougha, lone. Ore. Advertisement n3U. FOR BAI.K Binder sewing machine, In good condition. A bargain. Inquire this ottlce. Advertisement. WAMTKI) Three or four men board era for dinner and aupuer. Inquire at this office. Advertisement. tf Send your hemstitching;. Price 10c and 12V4C per yard. MA1IKL. V. W1L COX, Estacada, Ore. Advertsement HAMKD-u second-hand windmill that la In good running order. Adver tisement. O. E. ADK1NS, Heppner. HEKD HVK VUH S A I.K Cleveland ranch, phone 48K11, or leave orders for delivery at Minor & Co. Advertlsem'nt Seed rye for aale at the Scott & Mc Mlllan Warehouse, Lexington. Adv. KOK SALB Ho acrea farm land near Sweden, Mo. Will sell or trade for Heppner property. Mrs. T. W. Rlppee, Heppner. Adv. Oll-lm Mrs. E. M. Shutt and son Lawrence departed for Portland on Thursday of last week to spend a couple of weeks or so visiting with friends In the city Seed rye for sale at the Scott it Mc Millan Warehouse, Lexington. Adv. KTHAVKII Two-year-old mare mule brown with bay points, brand DM on left Jaw. Reward for Information lead lux tu recovery. DWKIHT M1BNKR, June, Oregon. tf. Owing to practically a cash demand by thet wholesale houses, from this dale, Nov. 8, 1S21, without any excep tlons, our business will be conducted on a cash basis. WM. HAYLOR Commissioner IJurratt returned home from Tortland on Saturday after at lutmllng the meetings of the Highway Commission In Portland during the past week. He came In by way of Pen dleton and Pilot Rock. Sunday, Nov. 6th, was aday of splon did results at the Federated Sunday School. More than 1 00 were present. The Queen Esther class number was real treat. A cordial Invitation to alt 9:46 each Sunday morning. Mrs. John H. Wilt was suddenly stricken with heart trouble last Satur day and for a lime was In a very ser lous condition. At present she Is much better and It Is hoped the crisis has been passed. lone Independent. Lawrence Palmer, who farms quite extensively near Lexington, was In the city on Monday. He reports that h has his tall Beedlng practically done and the summerfallow Is In line shape. He was accompanied to Heppner by E 8. Duran. Rev. Dultols, Kplscopal Missionary for Eastern Oregon, was In Heppner fur several daya this week, looking af ter the Interesta of his church In this city. He held services at the Episco pal church both morning and evening on Sunday. Jas. Carty, extensive land owner of the Tub Springs country, and one of the many resident of the north end that are Interested In the outcome of the John Day contest now before the court at Heppner, was In the city the first of the week. S. E. Notson went down to Lexing ton on Tuesday evening, where he de livered an address before the Parent Teachers Association. Some sixty or more were In attendance and the meet ing was a very profitable one. The Association at Lexington has a mem bership of over forty and Is doing a good work for the school there. Dan P. Hmythe, an attorney of Pen tiatnn and aim interested In the sheep rnlslng Industry as a part of the firm of Smythe Bros., lias oeen in nonpn.r during the week. He Is also one of the attorneys representing the land own ,. in ii.. .nit sirnlnst the John Day Irrigation directors. Smyths Bros, own quite a body of land wunin me douh darles of the John Day Irrigation Dla trlct In Qllllam county. Undor auspices of lone Post of the American Legion the Elllson-Whlte Chautauqua Association will put on flv evAninirn of sunerb entertainment at lone beginning on the evening of NnvAmhar 21st From the annunce- mant a-nnna rl n ir In the last ISSUe of the lone Independent we are sure that the people who take advantage of this in,.,. (annua will lie well entertained and amply repaid for the small price of their season ticket, wnicn is ai.uv. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whoelhouse rnmo up from their Arlington home oi. Monday and spent a day or two in this city, tho guesta of Mr. and Mra. Chas. W. Rhurte. Mr. Whoolhouse, who was last winter elected as one of the di rectors of the John Day Irrigation Dis trict was called to the city to appear at the trial now being heard before Judge Phelps, as a wltneBB on the part of the land owners or me uisinci. mm. Wheelhoiise la a sister of Mra. Shurte. The Heavorton Feed & Produce Co., capital $10,000, was this week organ ised at lone. The business of the com pany will be to deal In produce, hay, feed and grain and to manufacture cer oalB for the market. The principal olllce and place of buslnesa will be at lone and tho Incorporators are: H. M. Olden, R. A. Fnrrenn, H. R. Smith, J. R. Olden, H. V. Smouso, M. K. Cotter. Hen ry Stendcr and Claude C. Chick. Judge F. A. Robinson la secretary. "one in dependent. Ralph Crego, commander of the American Legion Post of Heppner, this week received his Victory Modal which contains two battle clasps Yproa-Lye, and Defensive Sector, and he Is quite proud of the decoration. The medal alan nnntflln Oil more ClESP, that of the Meuse-Argonne, In which engagement Mr. Crego took part, and he will have this added. Any ex-service mnn desiring to get his modal, can get the proper blankB by applying to the Post, the officers of which are glnd to render any assistance possible In these matters. Dwlght Mlsnor, lone farmer, was In the city on Monday, somewhat Interest ed In the John Day case now being heard before Judge rhelps. Mr. MIs ner did quite well at the wheat raising game the past season, disposed of his crop quickly, spent his money and Is In the game up to his eyea for another good crop. It la Juet a little dry out his way and a good rain would help the grain In the ground to come forth us It should, yet Mr. Mlsner has no kick It of i-lothc sing himself. Mr. and Mrs. Jav Kine arrival K.I. Mrs. H. J. Streeter was visiting in newlay morning frm liutte. Montana, to on Friday, accompanied by Mrs. be present at the funeral of Mrs. K Inn's Hardesty or Morgan. ister. Mr, Irene Miller. Mr. King Mr Gscar ..j and am. tales that conditions In Hutte at pres- . . Hlinnav ., ,h. hom, of Mr nt are very bad. owing to the entire . ,, . v T,r Rhea siding. le Institutions of the city very heavily to care for them. Strong organizations have been formed, however, and the situation Is well In hand, Mr. King states. And they hope to get through the coming winter months with all properly cared for. The Butte com munity Is dependent very largely on HiK and fee-is the futui ri(;ht prospects W enr he will he ab CECIL IIEMS OF lilERBI losing down of the mines there. Many iimllies are in a destitute and starving; T. W. May of Lone Star ranch ac- ondition and It Is taxing the rharlta-' companled by his brother L D. May of Moro, were calling In Cecil on Sunday. H. J. Streeter was running a delivery wagon between Morgan and Cecil on Saturday and looked well at his new work. Galen Faulkner made a short stay In Cecil during the week before leaving the copper mines, and when these are for Condon where he will work during not being operated It leaves thousands the winter. of families In destitute circumstances. Mr. King states that the prospects for the opening of the mines In the early spring are now bright, and when this lakes place the situation in that city will Improve rapidly. Mra. Jaa. Gentry waa hostess to more than 100 of the residents of the city Sunday afternoon who visited the newly-opened hospital at her residence. She has converted her residence Into a splendid hospital with accomodations for a large number of patients. An en tirely new eurgery has been Installed, which Is under the care of Dr. McMur- do, and the elegant home Is an Ideal location for the care of the sick and afflicted. Mlsa Clowry, who la a trained nurse of years of experience, will have harge of the nursing and will be fur nished competent assistants at all times when needed. The building It self contains all the necessary mod ern conveniences, the rooms are light and airy and spotlessly clean and the little hospital is Indeed a credit to any community. We feel sure that no one could possibly be disappointed with the anrroiindlnes. and much praise was showered on Mra. Gentry by the visit ors touching the splendid appointment! of the hospital. Light refreshments were served to the visitors. C. A. Minor and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson of Heppner were gueata of Mr. and Mra. Geo. Kreba at the Last Camp on Monday. Miss Grace Pelmlter, teacher of Four Mile, arrived In Cecil from conaon Thursday where she had been taking In the teachers Institute. Ed Martin, herder for many years for Hynd Broa., left on the local lor I-en-dleton where he will apend hia vaca tion before returning to work for the Inter. Ed Brlatow. one of Ione'i leading merchant princes, his wife and family, and Judge Robinson, Ione'i great au thority on law, were calling on their friends In Cecil on Sunday. Cecil waa well repreaented at Rhea Siding school at an evening's entertain ment on Satutrday evening given oy mi.. Edith Rwick and her pupils. Ev eryone had an enjoyable evening. Mlsa Annie Hynd of Rose Lawn, Sand Hollow, who has been vlaltlng In Port land for a week or two, vlalted her friends In Cecil for a few daya before leaving Sunday on the local for Hepp ner. Armistice Day Protrram at Lrxlngtos There will be ah Armistice Day pro gram on Friday evening at the Leach Hall in Lexington, consisting of musi cal numbers and two reels or nima This entertainment is to be free. A chicken supper and hot doughnuts, served cafeteria style, will be given by the Ladies Aid of the Congregational church. NOTICE. Lost on highway between Hoppner and the Willows, a grip containing samples of leather, puttees and knives. no 00 reward for return to R. A, SAMPSON, lone. Ore. it. S,"!ii"r!io-i-ii ia:,'h uai th h T,e of a large BUrpri put)' on l"ri'i.iy eve ning. It ticii.K Mm li'.y Stend.'r's liirth .lay. fliirui'i s oiihcstia nupnlieil th music and a merry time was spent by all present. J. M. Mellon of the Lookout was vis iting at Wlr.ti nook, the. borne of W. G. i'ulniateer on Wednesday. Mr. Melton left Ocll on Thursday for I'llot Rock where he will vifit friends before leav ing for Missouri A. Henriknen of Willow Creek ranch! the busiest man in Morrow county entertaining his old-time friends Mr. W. :. Chandler and son Oscar from Ne braska, and buying sheep between times and considering if he can really spare one dollar to renew hia Red Cross membership. Bill Thomson and his Essex roadster ade a short stay in Cecil on Sunday. Hill wore a weary face and was full of trouble. First and the greatest afflic tion of all was, his latest lady love re fused to ride in tbe roadster to the county seat. Next, Bill's nerves were so shaken that he couldn't drive. W heard it took him three days and nights without any rent to push hia roadster to Cecil, where he waa soon resuscitat ed and sent on his way rejoicing to his home In Heppner. Mi li: i if or" tMHIL Notice hereby g.VH to the laws of the S'i,l. umlerflifrrrie-i! han t:ti-:e ing ih-jo rihe-d union! f runnii.K at latwe up-.o the County of Morrow, and that I will, on s a i day of November, l.'-l, - f.,i:u :.),. f'l! I" I of ' i in -non. urddl. the J.-.r-i at the hour af KOK BAI.K. 1 am offering for sale at my farm, 7V4 miles north of Lexington, the fol lowing: Bed, springs and mattress child's bed. kitchen cabinet, cupboard, rocking chairs, library table, carpets, one of them practically new. oil stove and oil heater, some bed comforts, cur tans and towels, one Columbia grapha phone and records, dishes and cooking utensils, some wash tubs, buckets, etc., 1 pump Jack, 1 John Deere 14-nch, 2- bottom plow. This sale will take place on Saturday, November 6, 1921, at the hour of 2:00 p. m. Terms of sale will be cash. J. A. At'SBURN. St Mrs. W. (J. McCarty is visiting at the home of her son, Willis McCarty and hia family In The Dalles. 2 o'clock In the afternoon of said day, at my residence at Impon. Oregon, sell to the hllrhest bidder for In hand, the following de.ii rihed animal, to-wit: One black yearling geldini:, branded with spreading M on left shoulder. Dated this 10th da;' of November, 1921. LEE GHAYBEAL Seeded Wheat Land For Sale. At $27.50 per acre. In renter of finest wheat land belt in Morrow county, only I few miles from railroad; 4S0 acres1 mowed to wheat and 80 acres to rye; I ranch consist of a little over 1000 acres of rich, deep-soil plow land, a tractor ; proposition with only ten acres waste t land; worlds of water and good Im provements. Just as It stands and im mediate possession given at only 127.50 ! per acre, $7,500 cash down, balance one- j third crop payments. ThM offer holds! for only 20 days. 8ickness compels owner to move. No better bargain ever offered. See me quick. E. M. BHUTT. Advertisement tf. 027 ttfk :3Sfer7irf IIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!! fLUCItlnM! , Afw all the way W. Jf t ( SISm The high reputation of Red ACIGARETTE 43 KvV Crown gasoline is based on the w" mlV performance of "Red Crown" jj ) IIkI 1 past and present Its absolute f"' v-T It v ff dependability has made it gen- - e- ii j i rTiWr eraiiy recognized as me uaso- I I 'MW line of Quality. .i1asa1a J aiJtK Crown gasoline is al- j TljflSTcD IrWxs!& ways dependable because it Notice thU deliaou V Am w power irom me oi , ,i.Tyatfs2L the tnp to the end. Ready start- flavor when you XSkSSr ing, a rapid pick-up and greater imnlr I jirkv Strike Vkv Afl - rvTV7esF :i .1 i I wmv - j SMSiZ' M mileage inese are me restuus it'i sealed in by jS A you get when you use "Red the toasting proceaa 1 1 Crown." EE v H I You wi" find ' Red Crown" S y "T""4 ' (3 U 1 throughout the Pacific Coast, EE Aii f.e J I atyourneighborhoodandother Z ' B Standard Oil Service Stations, EE f p at earaees and at other dealers. " )l I Y W Look for the Red Crown sign K STANDAS.TPANY 1 WE SELL . ML I fa si a Steffi ugmMir Have that damaged tread fixed before it causes a lot of blow outs and punctures and costs you five or six times the price of having it repaired. Bring It Here! We will vulcanize it making it as good as new. Have any tire trouble? Bring it here C. V. HOPPER TIRE SHOP Tri-State Terminal Building. lllll!!IIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIllllllll!!llllllll!lllllllllll!i:illll!ll!lllllllll! Big Bargain in Small j Creek Ranch j 16 acres, all under ditch, partly in cultivation, alfalfa, strawberries, raspberries; good five room house, good barn and out buildings; stock and machinery; good spring and well. Price $2250.00 if taken at once. 7 s miles from town. EE ROY V. WHITEIS I Real Estate and Insurance, Heppner. li I Central Market I FRESH AND CURED MEATS Fish In- Season Take home a bucket of our lard. It g is a Heppner product and is as . g good as the best. 1 Weyenberg Shoes for Service And back them up with the manufacturer's guarantee. WEYENBEHG SHOES are built for service. Solid leather through out and built for comfort with every needed reinforcement to prolong the shoes' life and usefulness. Easy on the feet hard to beat. No matter what your work there's a WEYEN BERG SHOE for you. David A. Wilson Everything in Men's Furnishings. iiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiitiiiiii. The Cash Variety Store 1 Kiddy Knrs, $2.00 and $2.50.. Stamped Night Gowns, Pillow Cases and Towels, Doilies and Lays. I Big Values For Little Money j Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiimmi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiig LIST YOUR LAND NOW Thoae who havo Wheat Farma, Alfalfa and Stock Ranchea for aale Hhoulil call at my olllce and list the aame at once, ao as to get in on the fall anil whiter demand. I have Bold a couple of bl wheat ranchea Just lately, and 1 have prospects who are looking for othere. Wheat ranches especially are going to lie In demand this fall and next spring. IF YOU REALLY WANT TO SELL you must ha prepared to ask considerably less for your land than It was held at during ami Immediately following the war, when wheat and other farm products brought high prices. Regret this as we may. these changed conditions exist, and the farms that change hands the next year or ao are the ones In which the buyer can see a bargain, or at least good value. My exclusive time will be devoted to the real estate busi ness, and business Intrusted to me will receive prompt and efficient at tention, e . M. SHUTT THH HKAI, KSTATK MAN UPSTAIRS IN COURT HOI SIC Seeding Time Is Here Gilliam & Bisbee will sell you Drills and Harrows at prices that are right. Gilliam & Bisbee Thanksgiving Day and clothes Both father and the boys are going to have new clothes this fall. Can there be a more opportune day for the donning of such apparel than on Thanksgiv ing Day? We think not. Our offerings in suits and overcoats are not only new, but priced surprisingly low from $30 to $50. Lloyd Hutchinson Tailoring Cleaning Dyeing Tress'ini! Keiiairiiu L. MONTERESTELLI Marble and Granite Works PENDLETON, OREGON Fine Monument and Cemetery Work All parties interested in getting work in my line should get my prices and estimates before placing their orders All Work Guaranteed