The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, November 10, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Tmi: (;.i:tti:-Timj s
w- 14, 191 J
: fif T -.i-.'iiy niirr.lB by
Sht "s Diarv.
'' te-t a I started to sk.i.i
en Or .Mills a going in to Mister.!
house. When
home ma sed
-"V Gillems
IIIIMM. H1'l li It I OX
4 IT! II 4 1111
-;m 1-r
f I .-r.!h
lv-UilTl N KATES.
1 00
Foreign A.: rT-rwir Krprppnmtivt
Henry Ford, Dreamer and Man
of Action.
S wept the men whose official
Joins of various kinds keep them
constantly before the public, like
FVesiJent Hardinc or Mr. I.lovd
(.'reorce. it is usually some one thing
that Mnss a private person into the
glare of publicity at a particular mo
ment Henry ForJ is an exception to
this rule. Four or five different mat
ters, not related essentially to one
another, have given Mr. Ford his
place in f-ont page headlines Juring
the few weeks.
One of these relates to the end of
his contest against Mr. Newberry for
the .Mchigan Senatorship. Anothei
relates to his remarkable experience
in reaching the maximum output of
bora cars when most manufacturers
were still runninc on ran time. An
other topic of ceneral comment has
been .Mr. Ford's experience in the
ownership and operation of a ran
road several hundred miles Ions. But
in certain quarters, the most interest
ing of Mr. Ford s recent activities has
been in connection with his plans for
the development of the Govern
ment's unfinished work at Muscle
Shoals, Alabama.
During the war, the Government
decided to create a series of water
powers at Muscle Shoals, with an ap
proximate capacitv considerably
greater than that which is harnessed
at Niagara. This water power was to
be used principally for obtaining nit
rogen from the air for explosives in
war time and for fertilizers in time
of peace.
Mr. Ford's offer has been under
serious consideration at Washington
with the prospect that it will be ac
cepted. In view of Mr. Ford's vari
ous recent activities, the editor of
the Review of Reviews sent the not
ed writer, Judson Welliver. to Detroit
to spend some days with Mr. Ford, to
learn at first hand his plans and ideas
especially with regard to Muscle
Shoals and the future of American
agriculture. Space doesn't permit a
resume of Mr. Welliver's article but
country people will be interested in
tne most significant of the writer's
impressions as follows:
Mr. Ford, with all his dreams and
visions, loves most to dwell upon the
future of American agriculture. He
wishes to help emancipate the farm
er and the farmer's wife from at
least two-thirds of their present
His opinions on the elimination of
live stock, including the dairy cow.
win not. perhaps, be taken very ser
iouslv. His firm belief, how ever
that there is an immense field for the
use of mechanical appliance?, with
electrical power or with chean snh
stitutes for gasoline, is in accord with
evident tendencies. Hence his de
sire to develop Muscle Shoals.
Mr. Ford is a dreamer, but he is
also a man of action whose achieve.
ments have been so remarkable that
he is sure to find the country readily
interested in his points of view, how
ever fantastic some of them may
a lmv s a little vung
C: ' habv over to Gillems.
Dr. Mills is the same dr
i f & nia got me frum
F 'when I was a little in
icnosent babv.
J $a!wdaym a was
J remarking that . mens
I close is aboue tw entv 5
per ct. off & she did
dent see why wimmens
close diddent do so al
so, pa sed when he ws
'he opry house to a
snow the other nife it.
seemed to him that wimmens close!
was about 40 per ct. off. But thaii
issent the way ma ment xackly I
aont triune.
Sunday I have been lernino tn
play a little on a Vialin & have got
oze i can piay on some of the xer
sizes so this afternoon 1 tuk my Via
lin & went over to Janes house & set
a while & tawked & then & up & asi
her wood she like for me to play
She replyed & sed I better go and
pia parcneesy. I gess 1 am up vs.
it so far as she is consented.
Monday Slim throwed a nanir
wad & hit the teecher pritty neer so
she made him go over & set with
Elsy for a couple hrs. That kinda
encurraged me so I throwed 1 & it
cot her in the neck. I seen she was
sore & I was hopeing she mite force
me to set with Jane. But my hopes
was busted & she give me a sen
tense to rite 100 times. After skool
was out. She ast me how old was I
& I sed 11 yrs. she sed well well I
diddent beleave a boy cud get so on
ery as you in 1 1 yrs.
Tuesday Tuk a fue marlvk
lade them on the floor & teecher ack-
sidentlv stepped on 1 of them ft
neer flopped, so I stayed in. Jake
past tne wmda while I was stavino in
& I ast him what time was it hp
grinned & sed What you care you
aint going no wheres.
H ednesdayl beleave ma is mr.
rving this ekal sufferaee to far shP
pa is going to have a party for
some ladys & gentlemen & she sent
out the tikkets & sined them Mrs. &
.Mr. Grimes. I ast pa why did he stand
tor it St he smiled & sed n this rasp
they is exterminating sircumstances
whatever them are. serch me.
Thursday ire teecher ast me
where I was born & I told her in
Ohio, she sed what part & I ansered
iuu per ct. & the wav she boked at
me with both eves made a hot chill
run down my back.
r; n would be made for an Oregon
exhibit, and possibly a citv tax to put
a sue in -condition. Hut the thought
that the fair would be financed al-
niot entirely bv taxation, and that
taxes would have to be voted before
, public subscriptions were taken, had
I not been entertained seriously. So
t everybody shouted for the fair, and
I in proportion as it was advertised,
jthe country and the world assumed
I that it w ould be held.
But now it is not to be held if it is
to be financed by public subscription.
Unless the money can be taken from
the taxpayers by process of law there
is to be no fair. It is well that the
exposition promoters have made this
clear. No tax, no fair. j
We cannot blame them for comim
to this decision. The burden of fi
nancing the fair by public subscrip
tion would be so tremendous that
they could hardly be expected to
make the effort. To vote the cost
onto taxpayers is the easv wav. If
the fair cannot be financed the easv
way there is to be no fair. -Oregon
On the Wrong Track.
The American Federation of La
bor is said to be facing the worst cri
sis in its history. According to re
liable sources between a million and
a million and a half members have
dropped from its rolls since the first
of the year.
Friction is evident amone the
"higher ups" in labor circles. In the
meantime, the ordinary workman
who pays the dues to maintain the
machine has found it necessary in
many instances to go to work rather
than continue on the prolonged ser
ies of srikes and unemnlnvmenf that
tne federation has fostered.
The American Federation of La
bor gained its supremacy in its orig
inal effort to better the living, wont
ing and wage conditions of workmen
It is losing its supremacy and facing
its downfall due to its un-American
attitude of attempting to deny the
right to work to any craftsman not
a member of one of its recognized
branches, and by its pernicious doc
trine of constantly reduced produc
tion per hour at increasing wages.
No organization can survive on
such an unwholesome basis of operation.
Swollen with its own nnvrpr the
American Federation of Labor will
go the wav of all autocratic orpani-
zations which attempt to over-ridp
the public interest in favor of their
own seihsh ends. Manufacturer
Homey Philosophy for 1921.
Level Headed Banker's State-
A. L. Mills of Portland First Na
tional Rank has become a national
authority on financial conditions in
twenty years. As a young man he
humbly started life in the chicken
He has just attended the quarterly
federal reserve bank conference at
Washington D. C, and as represen
tative of the twelfth federal reserve
district, notes slowly improving bus
iness conditions.
He is of the opinion that there
will be' no great improvement until
the European situation is cleared
up, and banks will continue to dis
courage borrowing money for purely
speculative purposes. Me made the
following apparently level-headed
"Responsible borrowers can get
money in all the financial centers for
legitimate purposes, but bankers
turn a deaf ear to all those wishing
to borrow for speculation.
"Corporations and business
houses that have liquidated their old
indebtedness, marked off their losses
and put their inventories down to a
rock bottom basis have no diffimltv
in getting credit.
"Crops are being marketed in an
orderely, but rapid, manner, liquida
tion of debt is taking place, even
though the returns to the farmer and
gr.iwer are satisfactory."
He Vs. She.
In a crowded trolley a female
strap-hanger was loudly complain
ing at the lack of gallantry' of the
men occupying seats. Finally one of
them looked up.
"Do you believe in woman's rights,
madam?" he inquired.
"Certainly I do," she flared back.
"Then stand up like a man," he
B. P. SiaInrt Hrr.
H. P. SwattKart of Lexington was In
town Saturday and raid the Herald
office a call. Mr. Swaggart la feeding
100 horses and Jacka on thla project
now and Is buying feed here for his
other stock. He took horses and Jacks
to the Htate fair in September and was
awarded seven blue ribbons on the six
horses nnd took a first and second on
Jacks. Mr. Swaggart Is one of the orig
inal pioneers of this section having
been In the district more than 50 years.
Hermlston Herald.
Lexington, Ore.
1 Box 14 1
Uses up-to date traction drilling outfit, equipped for
all sizes of hole and depths.
Prtltlou Heine Circulated.
Mrs. llasey. of the Salvation Army,
has been presenting to the cltiiens of
Heppner this week a petition asking
ior mo commutation of the death sen
tence of Rathle and n Mill thA nnn.
demned murderers of Sheriff Till Tay
lor ot t'enilleton. to life imprisonment
We understand that the netitlon l h.
Ing signed by quite a number of the
citizens here who express themselves
as being opposed to capital punlsn-ment.
FOK SLK Red and Black Rasp
berries .also Loganberries, In Number
! cans; one can or a case at 25 cents a
can. Gallon jugs complete with han
dle and cork. 25 cents each. Phone
Main 93 or call at the house. O. C.
DUNTON Advertisement.
Petitions have been circulated in
Heppner during the week, asking
that the sentence of Rathie and
Kirby be commuted bv Gov. Olcott
to life imprisonment. We have not
learned to just what extent the reti
tions were signed, but presume that
a great many put down their names
some because of their honest scni.
pies regarding the death penalty, and
otners merely signing because they
were asked to. We note, hnupvpr
that many have refused their signa
tures to such a document Tor the very
good reason that they believe that
justice has been meted out to these
criminals, and that they owe this debt
to society because of the murder
they committed. As we heard one
man state, society will be far better
off when these men are placed be
neath the sod. and when it is made
known to all who may be inclined to
take human life in the state of Ore-
Eon that it will not be easv for them
to escape the extreme penalty for
their crimes. We do not believe
much in this "sob-sister" stuff. Let
the execution of these criminals
prove a lesson to others.
No Tax, No Fair.
The word with the hark on it ho
been eiven forth bv the IP? Fair
Committee. Unless the tax is voted
for the 1925 Fair there will be no
It has been contended that thp
honor of Portland has been at stake.
that a fair must be held in order that
Portland may not be diseraced hp-
fore the world. It was the promot
ers ot tne fair who implicated Port
land's honor, bv eivin? out the wnrH
there would be a fair. At the time
Portland was committed, in so far as
any enthusiastic group could morally
commit the community, the plan was
to nnance the fair as fairs ordinarily
are financed, by public subscription.
It was expected, of course, that if the
fair was financed it would be held,
and of course that a state appropria-
Did you ever take note of a rush
at a railway gate or a circus door?
Some people edge out of the middle
of the throne and hover around the
edges seeking the easy way to get in.
utners dart into the thickest of the
crush and eagerly press forward until
they gain the entrance. The success
ful man in this life is like one of the
latter. He knows he has a battle be
fore him and he flinches not at the
hard places but eoes through with it
at all hazards.
Debit and Credit.
A parsimonious Connecticut far.
mer, after having married a widow
worth $10,000, was being consratu-
"Well, Seth." remarked a neiVh.
bor, "I hear you are $10,000 to the
"Not quite that." said the farmer
mournfully. "Not quite that. Ye
see, it cost $2 for the license."
right fitel
oil heater
A move is on foot by different or
ganizations in Pendleton to take up
the cudgel against the voting of a tax
on the people of Oregon to aid in the
financing of the 1925 exposition in
Portland. This paper has heard but
little expression from the people of
this county so far. but believes that
if the question was put up to them
a this time, the tax would be voted
down here. The burden of taxation
has reached the breaking point with
the most of the counties of the state
for the things that arpear to be nec
essary, and the benefits to accrue to
the residents outside of Portland
from the proposed exposition would
not seem to be sufficient to justify
adding another straw to the load.
To make sure that
your oil heater will op
erate at its highest ef
ficiency, tell your deal
er you want Pearl Oil,
the clean-burning ker
osene that is refined and
re-refined by our spe
cial process.
Peari Oil makes oil
heaters most econom
ical to operate because
every drop delivers
clean, intense heat. No
waste no smoke no
Sold in bulk by dealers
everywhere. Order by
name Pearl Oil.
mmmm aitjwipipi
! Ifordi
1 iz II
1 batteries I
Willard Batteries, of standard
Willard quality, may be had for
your Ford car and at a price
you'd expect to pay for a lot
less valuel
Battery Electric Service Station
Phone 83 Heppner, Oregon
The Byers Chop Mill
IKorurrlr S HBMPI' S Mll.l.)
After the 20th of September will handle Gasoline, Coal
Oil nnd Lubricating Oil
You Will Find Prompt and Satisfactory Service Here
Store will be closed
Armistice Day
Friday, Nov. 11th
at noon.
Watch for Thanksgiving
news next week
Phelps Grocery
Phone 53
There are only three things to know about hos
iery: "Does it fit well?" "Does it look well?" and
"Does it wear well?"
Millions of well dressed men and wonu-ii will tell
you how well Holeproof Hosiery answers those ques
tions. Hence the decided preference for this famous
We now have a full and complete line of Hole
proof Hosiery for both men and women all priced
Sam Hughes Company
November n--igi8
and 1921
On this third anniversary of
Armistice Day, representatives
of the nations are gathering in
Washington to formulate plans
to bring to the world assurance
of future peace.
Fitting is it that this confer
ence be preceded by the cere
monies at Arlington in memory
of our hoys who gave their
lives in expectation of the ful
filment of this purpose.
Fitting also is it that the
thought and prayers of all be
centered on Washington carry
ing inspiration for the success
ful working out of this great
For this purpose our Nation
al Government has decreed No
vember 11, 1921, n National
Holiday and this institution
will be closed all day.
Finft National Bank