The Gazetx E-TIMES PUBLISHED WEEKLY AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF MORROW COUNTY Volume 39, Number 31. IIKITXEK, OREGON", THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 11(21. Subscription $2.00 Per Year TESTIMONY OFFERED IIGAU At Oae of the KnafroBi Caaea Grawlaa; Out of Joaa Uar Irrlsratloa Ulatrlrt Proeerdlaare 4peaed Before Judge I'hrlpa After Four Day o( Taklag Teatlmoay, Poetpoameat Takes TU1 Jaauary 3rd al Peadletoa. After fuur days of presentation of testimony In the equity case of the land owners of the John Day Irrigation Dls trlct against the directors and olllclala of the district to annul the CO centa per acre assessment, an adjournment was taken until January 3rd, 1922, at which time the case will come on for further hum Ink before Judge Phelps at Pendle ton. The plaintiffs in this case are the Northern Pacific Railway Company, Dan P. Smythe, A. K. Smythe, James Carty. John Kilkenny, Jack Hynd, A. Henrlksen and Henry Gorger, the de fendants being the John Day Irrigation District. M. D. Clark, C. C. Clark, Ed ward Hlctmann, F. A. McMenamln, F. It. lirown. Lewis & Clark, John H. Lew is, George Clark and Morrow, Gilliam und Umatilla Counties. Fraud and mismanagement on the part of the. directors and olllclala of the organisation are alleged in the com plaint, and the burden of testimony pre sented by the plaintiffs at the heralng an far has been to establish this alle gation. Numerous witnesses have been examined, and we understand that the plaintiffs still have more testimony to offer. Attorneys here and representing both sides of the case were, for the plain tiffs: Woodson & Sweek, lleppner, L. P. DePonte of Tacoina, Carter & Smythe of Pendleton; for the defendants, Mc Menamln & Frits of Heppner and C. H. Finn of LaGrande. With the exception of some expert testimony that is to be taken by deposi tion at Portland, there will be no fur ther proceedings In this case until the time set on January 3rd, at which time It Is expected all testimony will bi completed and the case left with Judge Phelps for his decision. At a former hearing before Judge Phelps the matter of the election of new directors was threshed out, and the court decided that C. A. Minor and A. W. Wheclhouse had been duly elect ed directors of the District. The newly elected directors did not proceed to qualify at once after their election but this week they did so by filing their bonds and oath of office and Judge Phelps declared they had authority to go ahead and act. They therefor pro ceeded to organize at a meeting held on Tuesday afternoon, and appointed C L. Sweek secretary and Sam K. Van Vnctor attorney, removing from these offices F. R. Brown and F. A. McMena mln. The newly organized board of di rectors Is now C. A. Minor, A. W. Wheelhouse and M. D. Clark, and these officials will continue to act until the decision of the supreme court has been handed down on the appeal of the elec tion case which is now In their hands. The Tuesday meeting passed a resolu tion dispensing with the services of Judge Finn as attorney for the district In pending litigation and further ex pressed themselves as being in sympa thy with the tax payers of the district in the present litigation. Just whnt further complications will grow out of this John Day muddle re mains to be seen, but there seems to be a pretty long string of litigation yet to be wound up and Just what the end will be no man would dare predict. Public Health Nurse For Morrow County Arrives Miss Emma Hungo, public health nurse for Morrow county, arrived here lust evening, coming from Seattle. She will serve the county In this capacity for an indefinite period, under direction of the Ited Cross and In cooperation with the State, Board of Health. Miss Bunge has had four years of public health work and seven years of work with children nlong the same line and she comes well prepared to care for her work. She is a graduate nurse from the city and county hospital of St. Paul, Minn., and has hnd post graduate work In the University Extension Division of both the universities of Minnesota and Wisconsin. She but recently arrived at the Northwest Hoadquartors of the Hed Cross at Seattle, and has been sent this county direct through the Seattle office. There Is a very Important work to be done In each county by the public health nurse nnd we trust that our peo ple will heartily cooperate with Miss Hunge in her efforts as she goes about the various districts of Morrow county. Morrow County Wool Grow ers Meeting Is Postponed County Agent Calkins Informs this paper that owing to the fact that It will he Impossible for certain speakers to be present on Saturday, Nov. 19th, the date set for holding the Morrow County Wool Growers meeting, tho meeting Is postponed, and announce ment of tho new dato will appear later. These speakers hnd nn important place on tho program nnd It was thought that to go ahead without them would he a disappointment to all who might attend. Idaho Sheep Man Here. Frnnk Gooding, extensive sheopman of Gooding, Idaho, spent several days at Heppner during the pant week, pur. chasing from local sheep men about 80(10 sheep for shipment to his range In Idaho. Mr. Gooding Is optlmlstlo con- corning tho outlook for tho sheep In dustry and expects to see the flockmas tors coming back gtod and strong be fore another season passese by. Sundny Stock Nhlpmenta. Fat slock shipments from the local yards on Sunday to the Portland mar ket consisted of two cars of sheep by John Kilkenny nnd three cars of cattle by F. D. Cox and T. J. Matlock. KOV. TERMOF CO. COUHT'i County Court met In regular session at Heppner, Oregon, November 2nd, 1921, with the following officers pres ent: Hon. Wm. T. Campbell, Judge, Q. A. Bleakman, Commissioner; I P. Dav idson, Commissioner, Geo. McDuffee, Sheriff, J. A. Waters, Clerk; when among others the following proceed ings were had, to-wlt: The following General Claims were presented to the court and after due consideration allowed and ordered paid. See list following. Following road claims were presented to the court and allowed and ordered paid. See list fol lowing. Koad petition of J. R. Ashlnhust el al, continued for the term. Viewers' report on road petition o. tl. W. Hlldebrand, et al, read and ap proved and road as petitioned for al lowed. Budget committee met and made up i ine county ouugei lur ensuing; year. Same will be published in run next week. Court reduced wages for team and common labor on roads to the follow ing: 12.00 per day for team of 2 horses, $3.00 per day for single handB. Petition of C. A. Harrington et al to call Bpeclal Road Meeting In Road Dist. No. 2, for the puprose of voting a spec ial tax of ten mills approved, and Nov. 20th set as date for the holding of said meeting. Claims Allowed (iraeral Faud. K. C. Wermark, Road 7-17...- $ G8.S7 W. W. Smfud, County Fair 750.00 J. E. Brown, Bounty 1.00 Add Moore, Road No. 6 44.60 Clyde Wltcraft, Road 17 12.50 Ted Crltes. Road No. 8 94.44 Crnndall & Roberts, Auditors 200.00 ('has. B. Oral, DlBt Sealer 5.70 J. N. MattCBon Bounty 6.00 Tom Brady. Bounty 7.00 Daisy Pearl Becket Wld. Pension 25.00 Sadie Morey, Wld. Pension 25.00 Gladys Gibbons, Wld. Pension ... 10.00 Emma C. Fuller, Wld. Pension.... 10.00 Rebecca Knight, Wld. Pension.... 40.00 Harriett E. Crewdson, Wid. Pen. 17.60 Ernest Cannon, Bounty 3.00 Dr. C. C. Chick, Health Officer.... 8.20 J. A. Psdherg, Road No. 8 34.12 D. Mlsner, Bounty 4 00 A. J. Knohlock, Road Nos. 7-16 ... 62.50 C. E. Glasgow, Co. Court Exp 18.30 V. Youcum, Sheriff 80.00 Mrs. May Case, County Clerk 6.00 O. A. Rlenkman. County Court. .. 96.40 L. P. Davidson, County Court 62.00 W. T. Campbell, County Court 111.97 Sylva Wells, Assessor - 60.00 W. P. Prophet, Poor -. 40.00 Ed Rletmann. Road No. 3 27.50 Dalles Iron Works, Road No. 1 22.84 Standard Oil Co., Road No. E 46.88 S. C. Runyan, Rd. No. 6 2.75 Kd Durnn, Road. No. 8.. 10.00 Richard Steers, Road No. 16 7.50 Woodson & Sweek, Road No. 16 60.40 Sam MeDanlel, Road No. 16 15.00 Centrnl Market, Road No. 17 17.70 Phelps Grocery Co., Road No. 17 125.90 Pacific Coast Rescue League, Contribution 60.00 Hushong & Co., Various Offices.... 68.42 lleppner Herald, Sheriff 28.50 Treasurer - - 1-80 M. U Case, Coroner - 6.80 HeppnerT.lght & Water Co., Ct. House 69.65 W. R. Walpole, Tax Rebate...- 21.0b N. P. R. R. Co., Tax Rebate - 27.97 Geo McDuffee, Tax Rebate 6.58 Sheriff - 15.00 Jail Account 41.40 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., Current Exp. 18.90 Ed Breslln, Current Exp. 32.00 Road No. 7 12 00 Chas. Latourell, Bounty 4.00 Patterson & Son, Poor 3.25 Dr. J. T. Cornier, Poor - 12.00 Humphreyes Drug Co., Ct. House . and Poor 4.25 Gilliam & Blsbce, court house..- 40.15 Thomson Bros., Court House 2.05 E. P. Jarmon, Road No. 5 18.00 N. Thompson, Road No. 3 21.66 First National Bank, Hardman- Rock Creek Road 3.75 Road No. 17 87.18 Road No. 8 68.25 Road No. 7 12619 Road No. 16 63.25 Hank of lone, Road No. 8 262.00 Road No. 9 177.57 Farmers & Stockgrowers Nation al Bank, Rond No. 6 149.67 Road No. 7 - 106.40 Rond No. 9 - 320.00 Road No. 14 - 75.60 Road No. 16 - 160.19 General Road - 2.50 Lena-Jarmon Road 143,25 Claims Allowed From Koad Fuade. Bristow & Johnson, Market Road 40.45 Clarenco Held, Road No. 5 54.00 Leo White, Road No. 4 19.81 Luther Ashlnhust, Rond No. 4 7.60 Claud Wnld, Road No. 4 36.00 O. V. Gibson, Rond No. 4 44.62 Phelps Grocery Co., Rond No. 7.... 147.03 Harry Brown. Rond No. 6 72.75 Will Cullok, Road No. 6 14.87 Jack Aycrs, Rond No. 6 142.75 Howard Cullck, Road No. 6 35.63 Robt. NotBon, Road No. 7 27.19 Stnte Ind. Acc. Com., Market Rd. 21.30 Genornl Roads 43.98 Earl Hunt, Road No. 8 10.00 Coo. McDuffee, Rond No. 8 20.00 Crnndall & Roberts, Gen. Roads.. 200.00 Ralph Benge, Road No. 6 -. 85.60 A. E. Wright, Road No. 16 33.12 Hardman Bond 16.88 Arlington National Bank, Road No. 3 209.32 W. L. McCnleb, General Road...-. 200.00 E. Cannon, Road No. 16 7.50 First National Bank, Hermlston, Rond No. 2 - 64.87 Arlington National Bank, Road No. 2 - 86.87 II. W. Grim, et al, Road No. 1, Speclnl 1372.25 Fccnnughty Co., General Road.... 7 Ji Heppner Garage, General Road ... 1.00 L. W. Brlggs, General Rond 19.00 Howard Cooper Co., Gen. Road.... 10.92 Howard Cooper Co., Gen. Road.... 636.00 W. L. McCalob, Goncral Road 5.35 Howard Cooper Co., Gen. Road ... 21.80 J. W. Klrsohner, General Roads 32.60 reoplcs Hardware Co. Rd. No. 5 39.33 Genornl Road 7.36 Gilliam & Blsbee, General Road 38.57 Ronrdmnn Garage, Road No. 2.... 39.87 John Penny, Road No. 4 40.82 Geo. Schempp, Road No. 4 8.81 Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co., Market Road 86 35 MAYBE WE Lois Irene (Howard) Miller, wife of E. 11. Miller, died at an early hour Mon day morning at the home of Mrs. Geo. Aiken, where she had been under the care of a phyBician for a week past. Death came to Mrs. Miller very sudden ly, though Bhe had not been well for a month or more, and a post mortem ex amination showed clearly that death was caused by intestinal trouble. Mrs. Miller had been a resident of Morrow county for the past two years, residing with her husband on the Mil ler farm a few milea out north of Lex ington. Just recently the young people had moved to a place of their own, Mr. Miller having purchased the Lauder place a few miles east of their former home and they were Just getting Bet tied down to begin a useful life to gether when this aeparatlon cornea. The blow Is indeed a hard one on the young husband, and to the many friends Mrs. Miller has made during her short stay among the people here. The fun eral will be held at the Christian church In this city on Saturday after noon at 2:30, it having been put off to this date awaiting the arrival of Mrs. Miller's mother from her home at Win terse Iowa, Lois Irene Howard was born July 11 1893, at Corydon, Iowa, and when but a little girl removed to Salem, Oregon, with her family and grew to woman hood In that city. For a number of years she was a Red Cross nurse and during the Great War served ten months In France. During this time her future husband was also with the A. E. P. in France but they never met each other while over there. She was married on December 31, 1919 to E. H. Miller at Salem and they Immediately came to Morrow county to reside. She had been a faithful member of the Methodist church for many years but since coming to Morrow county she attended the Christian church with her husband at Lexington and had greatly endeared herself to the people there be cause of her many excellent qualities. Besides her husband Bhe Is survived by her mother, Mra. Blanche E. Howard, of Winterset, Iowa, and a sister, Mrs Jay King, of Butte, Montana. SEA FOOD WILL BE - SERVED LEGION BOYS Heppner Post of the American Legion has arranged to hold a big feed at the Elkhorn restaurant on Nov. 18, at which time the members of the Legion will be served with a sea food dinner. All memberB of the Legion are urged to attend this feed and enjoy the com radeship of the hour. It Is to be served to them free and a good social time la promised by the officers of the Poat who have the matter In charge. Following the feed will be the regular annual election of officers. THK FKDF.IIATED CHURCH. Innday, Not. 13. Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. Preach ing at, 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sen ior Endeavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting service each Thursday evening at 7:30. E. L. MOORE, Pastor. WANTED Information aa to the ad dresses of Madison Snyder, Frank H. Snow, Louis Treanor, Chas. E. Stulti, Saxon Young and Alfred Stingley. Ad dress E. W. Spalding, National Metro politan Bank Building, Washington. D. C. Advertisement. lone Mnrkot, Market Road . 4.85 Arlington National Bank, Road No. 2 23.62 Stnte Ind. Acc. Com, aMrkot Rd. 9.31 General Road -. 42.10 First National Bank, Road No. 2 410.65 Road No. 6 76.81 Road No. 7 766.13 Road No. 8 - 251.07 Road No. 16 547.38 Road No. 17 150.00 Rond No. 6 58.62 Road No. 14 11.60 Market Road - 41.00 Hardman Bond 19.76 Bunk of lone, Market Road 668,20 Road No. 3 82.79 Road No. 6 229.78 Farmers & Stockgrowers Nation al Bank, Market Road 26.25 Rond No. 5 - 94.98 Road No. 7 687.94 Road No. 9 - 210.00 Road No. 14 144.00 Road No. 16 168.44 Rond No. 17 65.94 General Road 25.00 Hardman Bond 94.62 CAN LIMIT ARMAMENTS, 1 . 1 Thinks Branch Should Have Daily 2 Way Motor Service R. E. Harbison, who runs the ware house at Morgan, was In Heppner over Monday. He made this office a pleasant call and got acquainted with the pencil pusher. Wetound him a very pleasant gentleman to meet and a mam well In formed on affairs generally. Mr. Har bison would strongly favor a service on the branch that would enable the peo ple of his end of the county to get to Heppner and back the same day. A gaaoline motor would fill the bill nice ly, he thinks, and if such a service were established many more people from that aide of the county would be glad to come to Heppner and do a lot of trading, and they would do It, too. He hopes for the day when this may be accomplished. Upon the completion of the Willow creek highway we may look for the establishment of a bus line that will accomodate these good people, and then It will be proper for the rail road company to set up a cry that the trucks and busses are taking away their business. This contingency might be headed off by ids railroad establish ing a aervlce auch aa Mr. Harbison sug gests. Fire Destroys Home. The home of Mr. Harshman near Rock creek beyond Hardman, was en tirely destrtoyed by Are the first of the week, together with Its contents. The family is composed of five small chil dren and all were left practically desti tute of cothlng. Besides, the supply of groceries that had been laid in for the winter were all consumed by the flames. The family is left In need and neigh bors and others have contributed some what to their necessities, and a collec tion was raised to help them in Hepp ner on Monday by Jaa Burnslde of Hardman. An appeal was also made to the Morrow County Chapter of the Red Cross and no doubt some assist ance will be given the family from the Chapter when they are fully advised 01 the situation. Brotherhood Will Hold No vember Meeting on Monday The regular monthly meeting of the Brotherhood will be held at Hotel Pat rick dining room oft next Monday eve ning at 6:45. There will he the usual feed and an interesting program. The subject for discussion will be "Disarm-' anient," and will be presented by At torneys S. E. Notson and Jos. J. Nys. i Get your tickets early. President James, states that the disarmament question; will be fully settled at this meeting i and no male man of Heppner can afford to miss It. High School Pupils Parade. The pupils of lleppner High put on a parade this afternoon for the purpose of advertising the football game at Lexington tomorrow. The parade was led by the high school orchestra which played a mournful dirge and following them was Lexington in a casket pre pared for burial, with flowers an1 ev erything, borne by six stalwart players of the Heppner team, and then a suit able number of mourners In an auto. 1'ehind the funeral cortege was the stu dent body, and tMe parade no doubt had the desired effect as it called forth many spectators as it passed up and down the street. Just whether It will he Lexington or Heppner that will be burled tomorrow remains to be seen when the opposing teams themselves have squared for battle. The parade wag taking just the same and was a line advertising stunt. CARRIES OFF LUMBER; DRAWS FINE OF $25.00 C. H. Brcshears of Lexington plead guilty In Judgo Cornett's court on Tuesday to a charge of stealing several pieces of 2x4s from the Lexington yard of the Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. and: drew a fine of $25 and costs. As a mat ter of retaliation, Mr. Breshears Imme diately upon his release swore out a warrant for the arrest of E. A. Zochert of Leexington for running his truck without tho proper Btato license at-1 tached thereto. Mr. Zochert also en-' tered his plea of guilty to this charge and Judge Cornett extracted a fine of $25 from him. j I Chas. Allinger, pioneer contractor! nnd builder of lone, was in Heppner for; a short time on Saturday to nttond to, some business here. We acknowledge a pleasant call from him and enjoyed a few minutes in talking over affairs In' his part of the county. ANYWAY I OF GURDANE DISTRICT It Is now possible for automobiles to pass between lleppner and Uklah by way of Arbuckle mountain and Ellis Ranger Station. This route is only about forty-seven miles in extent. The road has been made passable by the work of Ranger Woods and Guard Cas teel. Two bad crossings, one at Tur pentine creek and one at Spruce springs have been bridged and it Is estimated that five hundred stumps have been blasted from the road bed. That part of the route between .L'kiah and Ellis Ranger Station is entirely free of stumps but a number remain west of Ellis on the Heppner end. Several cars have been over the road this fall. It is hoped h next fall to connect this route with the Heppner-Ritter road. Ranger Woods recently located and partly biased the route for a road lead ing southward from Ellis Ranger Sta tion directly to the Matlock creek and lower Potamus. It is expected that ac tual construction will begin on this road in the spring. Its chief value will be in the administration of the Forest and affording a route for men and sup plies in case of fire In the southern part of the District. A new ranger for the Gurdane Dis trict arrived October 29 at the home of Ranger and Mrs. Woods at Gurdane. The new arrival weighed nine pounds and is a lusty prospective forester. W. C. Casteel, Forest Guard, packed up and threw the "diamond" November 1 for the last time this season. He and Mrs. Casteel, who accompanied him throughout the season, expressed re gret that the field season must close. This was Mr. Casteel's first season with the Forest Service and although he had spent many summers in the mountains and had frequently seen smoke from forest fires, he says that he had not realized till this summer that the ap pearance of a smoke set some lookout to calculating location, then a prompt telephone call and almost Immediately a man with a pack outfit was riding. That a big smoke, or a smoke of certain color was the signal that set in motion more men with pack-strings, wagons or automobiles according to the route. The Five Mile Cattle & Horse Asso ciation held its regular annual meet ing at the Charles McDevitt ranch at Gurdane Saturday All sections of the country covered by the Association were represented hut the total number of members present was less than at the last annual meeting. The Forest Service was represented by S. R. Woods, ranger on the Five Mile Range. Four teen miles of drift fence has been con structed during the season by the For est Service and the Association In co operation. It is desired to completely enclose the entire Five Mile Range as rapidly as possible. The next unit of fence la to be built in Hall canyon. It will be two miles in length and will form a connecting link between the Five mile fence constructed this season and some private fence. The north lino of the range will then be almost en tirely fenced. The treasurer's report showed tho finances of the Association to bo in good shape. The following officers were reelected by acclamation: J. D. French of Gurdane, president; Alex Ruholts, Tilot Rock, vice-president: John Brosnnn. Lena, secretary treasurer, and the following advisory board: Clair Sturdivant. Uklah, Walker Ellis. Albee, R. A. Culick, Lena, Phil Iliggins, Lena. Improvements nt Lexington. Hie Ladies Aid has Just completed a new cement walk around the Congre gational church property at Lexington on C nnd Water streets. The improve ment Is a great help to the appearance of this part of town and in the carrying out of this work the Aid desires to ex press thanks to nil those who helped. The I. O. 0. F. nro also putting In a cement walk nlong their lot, which con nects up a good distance of cement walk on C street. W. R. Munkers is making extensive additions and Im provements to his residence, while E. Nordyke has the forms up for his now garage nnd tho work of pouring con crete will begin soon. Many are paint ing and the local painters are kept on the jump beautifying residences In dif ferent parts of town. Lexington Is "dolling up" some this fall, nn evidence thnt nt least a small portion of pros perity has come their way. Ike Howard, prominent citizen of lone, was in tho city Saturday attend ing to business matters. ' J. W. Beymer and wife left for Port land on Tuesday and will be absent In the city during the remaining days of ' the Livestock Exposition. I Mr. and Mra. N. 3. Whetstona were passengera for Portland on Tuesday to : spend the remainder of the week tak ing In the Livestock show. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jason Blddle have ; moved to Heppner from Iona and will j live here for the winter, being; doml j cited at the Grandma Thompson home. J. S. Beckwith, court reporter, is In i the city this week, busily engaged In j recording the testimony offered In the i equity case being beard at the court ' house before Judge Phelps. Percy Jarmon, alfalfa raiser of But ter creek was a visitor In Heppner on Saturday. He had a big crop of hay this season but so far has not been able to dispose of any of the crop. Mr. ami Mra Ralph Flnley and W. B. Finley were In the city on Monday from their farm out north of Lexington. It is quite dry out that way and there has not been much seeding so tar this fall. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Luttrell of Enter prise are In Heppner and expect to spend the winter here. In hopes that the change to a lower altitude may prove beneficial to the health of Mrs. Luttrell. . Mr. and Mra Walter Becket of Eight Mile, spent a few hours In this city on Saturday. Mrs. Becket la teacher of the Eight Mile Center school this year and has a fine bunch of youngsters un der her care. Wid Palmateer and Wate Crawford, farmers of the Morgan section, were Heppner visitors on Monday, being in terested in the case of the land owners against the directors of John Day Ir rigation district Jason Biddle Is now the proud pos sessor of a new Dodge car, purchased this week from Cohn Auto Co. of this city. He said it was necessary for him to come to town once In a while and he Just had to Invest Mr. and Mrs. Wilson E. Brock of Pen dleton drove over to Heppner on Sun day and spent a couple of days here and at Rhea creek, where Mrs. Brock has some land holdings. They returned to Pendleton Tuesday afternoon. Roy Nelll and Grandpa Moorehead were in the city Saturday from the N'eill alfalfa ranch near Pine City, Mr. Moorehead, who has been slowly re covering from the effects of a stroke of paralysis suffered a number of weeks ago, was glad to be able to get to town again. Gilbert W. Phelps, circuit judge, ar rived from Pendleton on Sunday and has been quite busy at the court house this week hearing the John Day Irriga tion district assessment case. He was accompanied by Mrs. Phelps who Is en Joying a visit with her many Heppner friends. Henry Stender Is disposing of his property In Heppner to J. W. Osborn, of Cecil, who expects to move to the city as soon as the deal la closed. Mr. Stender, who has retired from the farm ing game, figures that he may buy him a small place near Cecil and be closer to his land holdings in that vicinity. Harley Sperry was up from lone for a short time on Thursday last He was accompanied by Fred Bender, who with Mrs. Bender had been spending the past couple of weeks viaiting with their many old-time friends at lone. Mr. and Mrs. Bender were formrely engaged In the general merchandise business there. George Noble, a native Heppner boy and brother of Eugene Noble, has been in Heppner this week from his home at The Dalles, making a visit with his mother and brother here. For the past dozen years or more he has been living in Nevada but finally decided to return to God's country and he la now located at The Dalles with his family. Martin Behm, resident and farmer of the Ella neighborhood, was called to Heppner on business Monday, and made this office a pleasant visit while in the city. Mr. Behm Is still hard at work at the farming game, though he believes that the farmer has been the first to get back to normalcy, and Just a little be yond, in what he has to sell. He raised a good crop this season and will have in a good acreage for another year. Applications For Motor Vehicle Licenses Mailed Application blanks for 1922 licenses have been mailed by the Secretary of Stnte to all motor vehicle ownera in Oregon, ao as to permit them to apply for nnd receive such licenses before January 1, 1922. Motor vehicle owners will avoid much trouble, annoyance and unnecessary delay by promptly apply ing for their 1922 licenses upon receipt of the application blanks. Deferring applying for licenses until about the first of the year only congests the work of the Secretary of State's office and may result in the arrest of the car own ers by traffic officers for failure to have the 1922 licenses on their cars after January 1st next. License plates for 1922 will have a yellow background and black figures and letters. Up to the present time during the year 1921 there have been registered and licensed in Oregon 613 motor ve hicle dealers, 6.436 chauffeurs, 178,610 motor vehicle operators, 3.106 motor cycles and 116.fi19 passenger and com mercial cars, from which the total li cense fees nggregate $2,319,307.00. Tho fees, less administration expenses, are distributed one-fourth to the counties from which the registrations are re ceived and three-fourths to the State Highway fund for use In road construc tion and Improvement throughout tho State generally. The distribution of the registrations up to September 14, 1921, showi that in Morrow county there were register ed 6 motor vehicle dealers, 28 chauf feurs, 1,119 motor vehicle operators, 1 motorcycle, 739 passenger cars, ! am bulnnces and hearses, 16 commercial cars of less than one ton capacity, 58 I trucks of from one to five tons capac . Ity, or a total of 915 licensed passen I ger nnd commercial motor venlcies. DEGREE OF lOR HAS CONVENTION Fratrraal aad Protective Aaaarlalloa la (itoea a Booet In Saeeeaafal father lag at Hrppaer oa Taraday. The seventh annual district conven tion of the Degree of Honor Protective Association for Eastern Oregon was held at Heppner on Tuesday of this week. There was not a large attend ance from the outside, Pendleton being the only place that sent a delegation. There were nine members came over from that city and they enjoyed the meetting with the members of the He'ppnee lodge very much. The presiding officers at this conven tion, which was held in I. O. O. F. hall, were President, Mrs. Mary Etta Jones, of Magnolia Lodge No. 34 of Pennle ton; Past President, Mrs. Emma Jones of Kate J. Young Lodge No. 29 of Heppner; First Vice President Mrs. Lillle Aiken, of Heppner; Second Vice President, Mrs. Elsie Stevenson of Heppner; Usher, Mrs. Myrtle Aiken of Heppner; Assistant Usher, Mrs. Minnie Hill of Heppner; Secretary, Mra Myrtle Farley of Pendleton; Inner Watch, Mra. Amy D. McFerrln of Heppner: Outer Watch, Mrs. Sylvia Devln of Heppner. Mrs. Edith M. Rinehart of John Day, state president, was here to assist In the work of the convention and to lend cheer and encouragement Mrs. Rine hart has remained over for the week to work for the success of the local lodge in gathering in a few new members. At the noon hour a banquet was spread In the dining hall and the mem bers of the local lodge and their guests sat down to a delicious spread of viands chief among these being an abundance of delicious friend chicken. Mrs. Lillle Aiken, Mrs. Myrtle Aiken, Mrs. Amy D. McFerrln, Mra Geo. Moore and Mrs. Leo Hill were responsible for the success of the banquet feature which was pronounced one of the finest ever spread in the history of the city. At the business session officers for the new year were chosen as follows: Mrs. Elsie Stevenson, convention presi dent and Mra Lillle Aiken, correspond ing secretary. In the evening a reception was held at the home of Mra Mattie B. Scrlvtier and an enjoyable social time was had. Heppner plana to hold the conven tion here next year and the time will likely be changed to June. The Pen dleton delegation agreed to thla and has promised to bring a big bunch here next time, including their team, which Is said to be one of the best In the en tire country. The Pendleton delegation was pro fuse In Its praise for Heppner and they stated to a reporter of this paper that they were going to come Just as often as they could. This delegation was composed of Mrs. Agnes Willtama Mra Mary Etta Jones, Mra May Powera Mra Ava Edwards, Mrs. Anna Peterson, Mrs. Ella Rosa Mrs. Ella Anderson, Mrs. Myrtle Farley and Mra Lettie Long. They came over by auto and were chap eroned by Mr. Peterson. Mrs. Smead Attends D. A. R. Meeting In Stockton, Calif. Mrs. W. W. Smead, of this city who is at present visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. H. Curtla at Stockton, Calif., forwards this paper a short account of a D. A. R. meeting she attended in that city and copied from the Stockton Record: El Toyan Chapter, D. A. R., held their November meeting yesterday at the town residence of Miss Emily Dodge at the Home Apartments. Following the business meeting Miss Dodge gave an Interesting account of the life of George and Martha Washington, illus trating with many pictures. Mrs. Frederick M. Braddock added to this with anecdotes of George Wash ington. Mrs. A. H. Ashley and Mrs. W. W. Smead of Heppner, Oregon, a mem ber of the Chapter D. A. R. of The Dal lea Oregon, told incidents that had come to them in various ways. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Lord's Day. ov. 13. We need the complete rest embodied in change of employment, environment motiv, thought, atmosphere and vision that attendance on the Church services affords. No man can do full Justice to himself, nor discharge his obliga tions to God who neglects this means of rest and encouragement Come and worship with us at four helpful services on each Lord's Day, or any part of them. Bible School 10 a. m.. Communion and Preaching. 11 a m , Christian Endeavor. 631) p. m., and Song Service and Preaching at 7:30 p. m. LIVINGSTONE, Minister. Books For Library Waatrd. The Heppner Library association hereby requests donations of books for the library, funds of tho association for the purchase of new books for tho present year being exhausted. Anyone having one or more books they have finished and are willing to donate to the library are requested either to leave the same at Mrs. L. G. Ilerron's millinery storo or notify Mrs. W. P. Mahoney, Mra Sam E. Van Vactor or Mrs. Ada M. Ayera and they will b called for. The library is well pat ronized but tho need for more books Is urgent. THE LIBRARY BOARD. Be Ready to Attend Big Game At lone Tomorrow That football game at lone on to morrow between Heppner and hunt Legion teams, will bo a hummer, and everyone that can go down from heie should do so. Commander Crego, of tti Heppner Post, would also tike to have. Just as many a. possibly volunteer some space In their cars for tho trans portation of the Heppner team to th Egg City. Lot him know hov many you will be able to accomodate. Geurgo and W. P. McMillan and ! Ilarve MeAlister wore LexttiKtnn gen I tlemen who visited Heppner Tuesday. 9