The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, June 09, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Office upHlairg over PoBtofflce
Heppner, Oregon
Permanently located in the Odd
Feliows building, Koomi 4 and 6.
Heppner, Oregon
A. D. McMURDO, M. P.
Office in Patterson Drug Store
Trained Nurse Assistant
Heppner, Oregon
C. C. CHICK, M. D.
Trained Nunc Assistant
Office upstairs over Postofflce
Heppner, Oregon
f .
Office in Masonic Building
Ileppuer, Oregon
First National Bank Building
Heppner, Oregon
Office in Court House
Heppner, Oregon
Office Phone, Main 643
Residence Phone, Main 665
Roberts Building, Heppner Ore
Kire Insurance writer for best Old
Line Companies.
Heppner, Oregon
House Wiring a Specialty
Heppner, Oregon
IMione 872
"The Old-Time Auctioneer"
He Slicks and Stays
Ib-itaoDHble Rates for Bale
lone, Oregon
Phone Main 04
Treatment of all diseases, isolated
wards for contagious case.
Successors to
C. C. Patterson
llrppaer, Ore.
patients privileged to choos their
own physician and surgeons.
will nell same to part keeping bar for
what sh la worth to htm. Address J.
I). French. Ourdarse, Oregon. 174
I am prepared to take a limited
number of maternity casts at my
home. I'atleatfl privileged te chooae
their ona phralclaa.
neat of attention and care assured.
I'kone 8s
Notice In hereby given that the un
derstood hns been appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County executrix of the
sntnta of James L. Swift, deceased, and
that all persons hnvlng claims against
the said estate must present the same,
duly verified according to law, to me
at the office of my attorney, 8. 15. Not
son, In Hoppnor, Oregon, within six
months from the date of the first pub
lication of thin notice, said date of first
publication being May 2d, 1921.
SK10 that 10-20 Titan Tractor at Gil
liam A Blsbee's, guaranteed to pull
three 14 Inch plows.
riom tne Umatilla National Forest,
one coming two-year-old heifer a red
Jersey with whits face, branded JX
with quarter circle underneath, and
marked cropp off each ear and underblt
In right ear. Was last seen In Septem
ber, 1020, on Matlock prairie. Will pay
all expenses for keeping this animal, or
An International 10-20 Tractor at
Oilham A Bubee on fall terms.
liET your poultry supplies at Gilliam
& lllsbee.
VOU can buy alfalfa seed at Oilllam
& lllsbee.
LOST One black 1-year-old stallion.
branded seven 11 dash on right hip. 110
offered for Information leading to re
covery. Oral rlenrlkaen, Cecil, Oregon,
Wasted Position by man and wife
n ranch. Address this office. tf.
Notice is hereby given that we have
taken up and are holding at Parkers
Mill, one steer, marked with crop In
left ear, and overblt and crop In right
ear. Owner may have same by paying
costs of advertising and feed bill.
PYLE & GRIMES, Parkers Mill. Ore
LOST On the road between lone and
Heppner, Thursday, May It, a pocket
book containing, among other papera
a check for 120, made by Mra Ethel
Ashbaugh to M. L. Cantwell and unen
dorsed, also gasoline coupon hook
Finder please leave at Gasette-Tlmea
office. M. It. CANTWELU
WANTED Man with 8 or 10 horses
and outfit to contract work of care of
farm 17-miles south of lone. Good
buildings and deep well. CHAS. WAG
NER, 4864 Jefferson St., Portland, Ore.
LOST Two head of horses, one bay
3-year-old mare, branded 8 on left
shoulder, and one bay t-year-old horse,
branded cross on left shoulder. Notify
H. C. Happold. Heppner. Oregon. 3t
Big 4th of July celebration at Par
kers Mill. tf.
Good, seasoned 18-Inch wood for sale
at 14.00 per cord at Parkers Mill. tf.
POH 8A1.B Good work horses, cook
house and binder. H. J. BIDDLE, lone,
Oregon. Jt
I.ONT Wrist watch, radium numbers,
somewhere on streets of Heppner. Fin
der please leave at this office.
r"OH AI,E Seven broke mules, three
and Ave years old; one span of heavy
brood mares; one Nelson stacker hood;
one Garden City automatic feeder, good
as new. F. E. MASON, Lexington, Ore
Foil SALE One 20-40 Case tractor;
been used two years; Case separator in
good running order. Will sell this rig
at a sacrifice and on time. Machine
at my former place six miles south
east of Heppner. 'ARTHUR W. DTK
3TIIA. Halsey, Oregon, U. F. D. 1. It
County Court met In regular session
with the following officers present:
Hon Wm. T. Campbell, Judge; O. A.
ftleakman, commissioner; L. P. David
son, commissioner; Geo. McDufTee,
sheriff; J. A. Waters, clerk. When
among others the following proceed
ings were had to-wlt:
General and Koad claims as per fol
lowing list allowed and oidered paid.
(See list)
In the matter of grading road from
Heppner to Jones Hill, Court entered
jnto agreement with State Highway
Commission, whereby the Highway
Commission is to accept the 140,000.00
Morrow County road bonds as surety
for money advanced by the Highway
Commission for the construction of said
grading, county to pay the State when
ever bonds are sold.
In the matter of petition for tele
phone franchise by Walter Rietmann
et al for the construction of a tele
phone line from lone to Rietmann dis
trict snme approved and franchise
granted as per request.
In the matter of "Addition A" to
town of Boardinan. Same waa approv
ed by the County Court.
In the matter of road petition of
Hugh Orlm ct al; J. P. Louy et al; G.
W. Hllderbrand et al; J. It Ashlnhuse
et al; R. Vernon Jones et al; and W. F.
Harnett et al; all continued for the
, Court adjourned for the term,
lined Claims Paid.
O. B. MltoJlell. spl. 2 $ 6.60
a. A. Petty mkt road 178.10
Chas. Latourell, general . 776.00
Uuy Chiinln, general 13.12
F. UlusBcock, general. .. 11.26
J. It. Jackson,. Lex.-Jar... 16.00
F. l'nrtlow, spl. 2 6.26
B. I,. Dlllabaugh, spl. 2 19.60
Thomson Bros., mkt. road 96.60
l'helps Grocery Co., Lena-Jar 20.26
15. Cave, Lena-Jar - 130.00
Fred Rauch, Lena-Jar 70.48
O. W. Hux, spl. 1... 46.63
W. R..Wnlpolo, spl. 1 16.00
State Acct. Com., ronds - 174.34
G. A. Petty mkt. road 66.70
W. L. McCaleb, general 200.00
A. Skoubo, spl. 2 7J.62
Hleakman V Co., Rock Crook.... 9.06
Rallenger Lbr. Cc.spl. 2 620.36
S. C. Runyan, Lox.-Jar ..... 22.26
Leach Bros., Lex.-Jar 10.29
Valley Tacking Co., mkt road.. 18.04
Tum-A-Lum, mkt road 96.46
Standard Oil Co., mkt. road 794.84
Coast Culvert Co., mkt. road. 434.80
MUte Highway Com., 2 82.31
H. E. Cowgill, 2 19.84
Good Roads Co., 2 86.66
W. F. narnott, Lex.-Jar 21.26
W. O. Minor, Lcx.-Jnr 41.60
Standard Oil Co., Lex.-Jar 146.06
J. W. Klrachner, Lex.-Jar 74.60
J. H. Deardorlf, Lena-Jar 7.80
T. Ross Co., Lena-Jar 118.17
Slonn Thompson, Lena-Jar 38.60
O. H. Bartholomew, 2 1.60
Standard Oil Co., 2 80.79
Lexington Onrage, 2...- 12.46
A. E. Wattcnburger, 2 6.00
Echo Bakery, 2 ' 8.88
Tum-A-Lum Co., 2 24.00
Wm. Wheeler, goneral 109.60
Alex Gilihs, general 108.60
W. P. Prophet, Rock Creek 4.96
Lex. Water Co., Dlst. 4 23.40
Ashhnugh Sawmill, Dint 14 29.44
E. E. Itugg, Plst. IB 16.60
J. P. Hadloy, Dlst. 16 7.60
H. I'l. Cowgill, general J.96
Battery Station, general... 12.76
Wi L. McCnleb, general 20.62
L. W. Brlggs, general.... 27.60
Shelleys Garage, goneral ,. 66.09
Tum-A-Lum, Dlst 16 .00
C. Nanneman, Dlts. 14 67.89
J, L. Harvey, Dist, 14 12.85
11. A .llutchina, hlbl. 14 5116
l-'ar. .Hloik liiink. various 1,1 ftu.31
ilauk of luiie. various... 1,
First Natl Hank, various ,2n.7
" (.rural Haloes t'aUl.
'Lena. Snell riliurle. tiavel exp. 10.00
J. II. Cochran, bounty 42.00
Fiancls J. iiiatt bounty 43.00
Ulen Willingham, bounty 24.00
' W. M. Ayers, circuit court.. 9.00
'Joe Creswell, bounty 10.00
First Natl Bank, Co. court 27.40
Harvie Young, bounty 30.00
l'helps Grocery Co., poor 9.20
Thomson Bros., court house 9.76
John McDevitt, bounty 16.00
Loren Matteson, bounty 11.00
F. D. Cox, bounty 18.09
K. bwaggart. bounty 1.00
Martin Behm, bounty 64.00
Charley Williams, bounty 91.00
Neil Doherty, bounty 4.00
R. W. Snider, bounty (.00
Chas.- E. Oral, dist sealer 11.96
Homer Nash, bounty 18.00
It E. Duncan, bounty 7.00
A. L. Strait, bounty .00
James Carty, bounty 21.00
Phil Iliggins, bounty 16.00
John Stout, bounty (.00
Harold Mason, bounty 2.00
James Daley, bounty. S.00
Mae French, salary dep. ass. 76.00
W. M. Ayers, salary 70.00
O. C. Chick, county physician.- 10.00
John Garside, salary IS.OO
Harriet Balrd. widow pension.. 14.00
Daisy Pearl Becket wld. pen 25.00
3adie Moray, widow pension... 26.00
Gladys M. Gibbons, wld. pen 10.00
Alice McFerrln, wid. pen . 10.00
Emma C. Fuller, wld. pen 10.00
Rebecca Knight wld. pen 40.00
Harriet E. Crewdson, wld. pen... 17.60
T. J. Humphreys, office rent 23.00
J. J. Wells, assessor exp 260.00
A. V. Mow, bounty 1.00
G. A. Bleakman, co. court 71.69
U P. Davidson, co. court . 13.20
O. E. Johnson, bounty t 00
W. H. Hayes, bounty 00
W. T. Campbell, county court... 62.86
Gazette-Times, various . 66.66
Heppner Herald, various... 61.00
Glass & Prudhomme Co., vari
ous SC. KS
Bushong & Co., various 20.03
Irwin Hodson Co., various 18.66
Margaret Crawford, clerk exp.. 21.00
R. J. Starkey. supt exp. 92.00
A.' D. Reld. supt exp 21.00
W. H. Dobns, bounty 135.00
Mrs. Paul Gemmell. supt exp... 7.60
Lucy Wedding, supt exp 9.00
Mrs. Joe Pickett supt exp 10.60
Margaret Crawford, supt exp. 9.00
Lena Snell Shurte, supt exp 11. 14
E. R. Huston, sheriff exp 25.20
D. E. Harper, sheriff exp 12.60
Vivian Tocum, sheriff exp 80.00
Geo. McDufTee, tax rebate 16.48
Dr. J. P. Conder, poor acct 25 00
Humphreys Drug Co. poor 4.25
City Meat Market poor 1-60
Patterson e Son. poor... 6.10
Heppner L. W. Co., poor ( 44
court house fi.'0
A. E. Perry, water master.. 12.81
r, P N'elll, water master acct.. 5 0"
Poland Humphreys, treas. exp. 1000
Sam Hughes Co., court house... (.80
W. B. Tucker, rd. No. 8 68.25
Pat Connell, rd. No. 8 76.00
Jas. Hlggins, bounty 13.00
Clair Ashbaugh. bounty 6.00
Pnc. Tel. & Tel. Co., current ex. 44.68
Gilliam & Blsbee, court house.. 9.30
Phelps Grocery Co., poor acct. 15.10
Humphreys Drug Co., various.. -19.70
E. N. Gonty, poor acct 5.86
Notice Is herely given that all li
censes on dogs In the city of Heppner,
Oregon, must be paid to the Chief of
Police, within 10 days from the date
hereof, or the owners thereof will be
Dated this "th day of June, 1921.
W. C. CASON, Chief of Police.
exporters, travelers
ship and sail under
the Stars and Stripes
THERE are today few
ports in the world of
importance to shippers or
travelers, which cannot be
reached by ships that sail
under the Stars and Stripes.
President Harding has
taid that. 'We cannot sell
(uccessfully where we do
not carry". The American
Merchant Marine that once
almost vanished is again an
established and important
carrier of the world's com
merce. You can ship or sail any
where in American ships
designed for utmost com
fort and safety.
Operators of Passenger
Admiral Line, 17 State Street, Nv
York, N. Y.
Matsnn Navigation Company, 24
bo. Gay Street, Baltimore, Ma.
Munson Steam Ship Line, 82 Beaver
Street, New York, N. Y.
. New York end Pnrto Rico S. S. Co.,
II Broadway, New York, N. Y.
Pacific Mall S. S. Co., 4) Broadway,
New York, N. Y.
U. S. Mail S. S. Co., 45 Broadway,
New York, N. Y.
Ward Line, (New York and Cuba Mall
S S. Co) Foot sf Wall Street,
New York, N. Y.
Free use of
Shipping Board films
Ua of Shippins Oiterd motion picture
films, four reels, free on request of any
mayor, pastor, postmaster, or organi
eation. A arret educational picture
of ship and the sea. Write for Inform
ation to H. Laue, Director Information
Bureau. Room "ill, III "F" Street,
N. W., Washington, D. C
(7e 4'iBfrfcee titimt ssfr)
Steel steamers, botb ail and eoel
earners. Also wood eteaiaers. wood
Soils and oeeaa-laini tale. Farther
iaiOTaelioa obtained br reqneal.
For sailings ofpassengtr
and freight shits t all
parts of the world and all
ether information, writt
to any of the abovi lines
or to the
U.S. Shipping Board
Opera Singer Redeems Emblem Found
In Window of New York
Pwn Shop.
The slj;lit of a Victory !!h-1u! In the
window of a New York luiwn a Imp
moved Luclen iltiratore, njnTu sliiKcr
and French soldier durirtf the World
war, to redefin the det:orittlnu in hope
that It will find Its wuy to its owner.
"While trolling with my (secretary,"
M. Muratore wrote, "I cliHticed to look
curiously In a window where many odd
articles were displayed. Among them
was this medal. Having wired with
the French army In the great war, I
was naturally Interested to know how
this medal should come to such a place.
My friends Informed me that probably
the veteran had been forced by cir
cumstances to part with It for a small
sum. It Is certain that I should be
greatly distressed to be forced to give
up Insignia of reward with which
France has honored me. With this
feeling, I sent my secretary to recover
this medal for me In the hope that I
should be able to return It to the gal
lant soldier who won It"
The medal bears clasps for St. Ml
hlel, Meuse-Argoune and a defensive
ector. It will be returned to lta owner
if properly Idcntilied.
i r ,-.U'
iV.f i !
Statement That Agriculturists Turn
Backs on cx-Servlce Men Is At
tacked by Writers.
A statement that the funners of this
country gained considerably as a re
sult of the World war and now turn
their backs on ex-service men has
been challenged by numerous writers.
The following Is a good statement
of the farmers' case, as one corre
spondent outlines It:
"Sixty years of my life had rolled
away when this country entered the
war. I had four boys and they cer
tainly all wore breeches, but none of
them claimed exemption. Three of
them enlisted shortly after war was
declared. The youngest was a boy of
eighteen. Myself, one of the boys,
and my sixteen-year-old daughter
were left to conduct a farm of mora
than 300 acres, and we bad to work
from 10 to 18 hours every day. If ws
hired any help we had to pay muni- i
tloo plant wages for an elght-honr day,
and If we had any surplus cash, the
T. M. C. A., the Red Cross, Jewish
Welfare Board, Salvation Army and
other meritorious war agencies ab
soibed It. I know that other fanners
In this section were In the sum condi
tion. I also know that the states
which have paid their ex-sold'ers
bonuses to dote are almost excltisire
ly nrrrlcni'tir-il."
I , ifeilf Mm
m ii i! i nn iri w. w mrs wj j'r
er mlcle a ci
rORnsHit ootasnc & 1
l&eVthis in iny day
The Camel idea wasn't born then. It was the
exclusive expert Camel blend that revolutionized
cigarette smoking.
That Camel blend of choice Turkish and Domestic
tobaccos hits just the right spot It gives Camels such
mellow mildness and fragrance!
The first time I smoked Camels I knew they were
made for me. I knew they were the smoothest, finest
cigarette in the world, at any price:
Nobody can tell me anything different
R- J. REYNOLDS Tobacco Co.
WinatoB-Sakun, N. C
The same standard of quality
built into U. S. Tires is put
into U, S. Tubas,
Why some men
seem to have all
the tire luck
YOU probably know a man whose car is a
hobby with him. He knows just why it's
the best little old car there is of its class.
And hell stand up for that car against the
world in any kind of an argument
Year by year an increasing number of men
feel the same way about U. S. Tires.
For a while they may try "job lot" srufiE
"bargains," "big discounts" and "rebates."
But usually it doesn't take long for a man to
sense the economy of the standard quality tire.
For years 13. S.Tire makers have been build
ing quality tires for sane tire users for the car
of medium or light weight no less than for the
heavy car.
The tire buyers of the land have responded
with a mighty U. S. Tire following.
The U. S. Tire makers meet the re
sponsibility for supplying this nation
wide following with characteristic
Ninety-two U.S. Factory Branches
are established, covering the entire
Find the U. S. Tire dealer who
has the intention of servingyou. You
will know him by his full, completely
sized line of fresh, live U. S. Tires
quality first, and the same choice
of size, tread and type as in the big
gest cities of the land.
"Find the U S, Tim oVater
with the full, completely
eixed hne of freh, lire
V. S. Tir. "
United States Tings
United States Rubber Company
Vaughn & Goodman
Heppner, Ore.
E. R. Lundell
lone, Ore.