The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, May 26, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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paoi: nvE
Illg th of July celebration at I'ar
ksrs MI1L tf.
Carl Yount, wheat buyer from lone,
wraa In Heppner on Tuesday.
Good, aeaaoned 4-foot wood fur aale
at $4.00 per cord at I'arkers Mill. tf.
Mr. and Mra T. W. Cutaforth of Lex
Incton ware vlaltora In the city yes
terday. Walt Smith, real estate dealer of lone
hi In Heppner a ahort time yesterday
on bualneaa.
LOST Wrist watch, radium number
somewhere on atreeta of Heppner. Kin
der pleaae leave at this office.
House and acre of ground for aale
or rent. Just outside corporate limits
of Heppner. Inquire this office or aee
Mra Sarah Brown, city. It.
Prof. Howard M. James returned
home on Sunday from Eugene, where
he had been during the past week with
the high school debating team.
Lena Knell Shurte, school superinten
dent of Murrow county, was visiting
her sister, Mrs. A. Wheelhouse, during
the Dokey convention. Arllngl6n Bus
Mr. and Mra J. W. Beymer of Hepp
ner were attending to business matters
here this week. They were registered
at tha Hotel Condon. Condon Ulobe
Tlmes. Patrons of the Lexington school dis
trict, and all others desiring copies of
the high school annual, tha Lexonlan.
can get them by calling at Burgoyne's
atora In Leilngton.
Attorney C. L. Sweek Is over at Mon
ument this week to look after matters
pertaining to the business of his father
there. The elder Mr. Sweek Is still at
the hospital In Portland.
Frank Moore, Willow creek alfalfa
ralasr, was up town on Tuesday, wear
ing his usual optimistic smile. Frank
will have some crops this season, Jung
Ing from present prospects.
LOST Two head of hones, one bay
1-year-old mare, branded 8 on left
shoulder, and one bay i-year-old horse,
branded cross on left shoulder. Notify
H. C. Happold. Heppner. Oregon. It
Oee. E. West and wife of Palouse
City. Washington, arrived at Heppner
Tuesday and will visit for a week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kirk.
Mrs. West Is a sister of Mrs. Kirk.
FOR SALE Seven broke mules, three
and five years old: one span of heavy
brood mares: one Nelson stacker hood;
on Oarden City automatic feeder, good
aa new. F. E. MASON, Lexington, Ore.
WAHTKD Man with 8 or 10 horses
and outfit to contract work of care of
frm 17 miles south of lone. flood
buildings and deep well. ('HAS. WAG
NBH. aSVs Jefferson St., Portland, Ore
Bherlff McDuffee was called to Pen
dleton yesterday to appear as a wit
ness In the John Day Irrigation case
to be heard In tha court of Judge
phelps today. He accompanied Attor
ney F. A. McMenamin.
Harvey McAllster was up from Lex
lngton for a short time on Tuesday.
He and Ed Hurchell were delegates
to the grand lodge I. O. O. F. In Albany
last week from the Lexington lodge.
and they each enjoyed a fine time.
Mrs. Lillian Turner and son Robert
returned home on Runday. While he
low, Mrs. Turner attended the grand
lodge of the Rehekahs of Oregon held
during last week at Albany, represent
Ing the local lodge at that meeting.
W. E. Pointer of Lexington was up
to Heppner on Tuesday and treated
himself to a new Ford which ha pur
chased from tha Latourell Auto Co
Ed believes that a man who does not
rid In a Ford these days la not In
A. M. Phelps, who represented Hepp
ner Idge No. 6, L O. o. F, at the
grant' lnriire sessions In Albany the
past week, returned home on Sunday.
He reports a fine session with a large
attendance from all the lodges of the
From the Rhnahonl, Wyo., Enterprise
we note the following: Little Rita Max-
Ina arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs
C. L. Wooriard on May 14th, weighing
1-2 pounds. A grand baby shower
was given in honor of the little new
W. E. Pointer and Essie Keers, both
residents of Lexington, were married
at Walla Walla on May lth. 1921, qui
etly putting "one over" on their many
friends of the home town. They will
continue to make their home at Lex
Bright and early Monday morning
tha members of Lexington high school
passed through Heppner on their way
to the mountains where they were go
Ing for a day's outing and good time
They put In the day nt the Hamilton
ranch and report a delightful time.
Miss. Mary Duran, one of tha grad
uates of Lexington high school on Frl
day evening last,' was awarded the
scholarship in a achool of higher learn
Ing of her choice. Miss Duran contem
plates making use of the scholarship
by attending Philomath College next
Attorney C. E. Woodson went over to
Pendleton yesterday afternoon, where
upi.t-'is bcture JudKe l'la-lpa today
one of the attorneys for the land
wners In the John l:iy IrrlKatlnn ilis-
ict In the suit of the N P. It. It. .V,
al, UKatnst the directors of the dis
Alfred E. Anderson wrilfs this paper.
from his new home at The Dalles and
states that they like It well there. The'
herry crop was cut short by the heavy
April fronts but peaches and apricots
ill be a tine crop. Mr. Anderson la
located on a small place out frum The.
From the East Orcgonlan of Pendle
ton we note that M. S. Corrlgall, a big
iheep man of Heppner, Is 111 at St. An
thony's hospitnl. Mr. Corrfgall has been
II at his Butter Creek home for sev
eral months past, and this would Indi
cate that he is not Improving. Mr. Cor-
rigull is president of the First National
Bank of Heppner.
Thos. Hess, who formerly resided In
this city but who left here a number
f years ago, came up from Portland
the last of the week for a short visit
1th old time friends here. He was ac-
ompanled by his daughter. Mr. Hess
notes with pleasure the many substan
tial Improvements made in Heppner
since he was here last.
Salem won the high school debate
outest and the University of Oregon
up, defeating Eugene and CorvalUs
Igh schools In the finals at Eugene
last week, with a unanimous decision
In each case. In the other debate of
the finals Corvallls defeated Eugene 2
to 1. Salem has won the contest at
intervals of three years since 1914-1915.
Attorney F. A. McMenamin went to
Pendleton yesterday, and today he la
appearing before Judge Phelps there in
the cane of the Northern Pacific rail
road company, et al, vs. John Day Ir-
tobacco makes 50
riatiun district, th case coming up
fur argument on dmurrr. We under-'
ntanrl that other attorneys, represent-1
ItiK the dttjtrlct will be present from
We are publishing this week the no-1
tire of the June teachers examination,!
and special attention Is called to thej
fart that there has been a change In
the law, and that the examination will;
be hld on the second Wednesday In
stead of the last Wednesday In June.
trs. Shurte, our superintendent, asks
that teachers will make special note of
this change and be governed accord
Commissioner n leak man came down
from Hard man yesterday and accom
panied Judge Campbell to Portland,
where these members of the county
court will attend the meeting of the
state highway commission to be held
in the city this week. Commissioner
Hleakman will try hard to get some
more state road money for Morrow
county, and of course we hope that he
will succeed.
On next Sunday at the Federated
JLucky Tiger
Tha Nation' Hair ft
7j'.:.-a atnm atcmu h mwr i a
IflF 'M nsjosmco ev nowims am
vrsyrr f aoss wno know.
fyVR Positively eradicates
BoWSai dandruff corrects xe-
atatems scalps stops falling hair
pronotasluxuriantirrowth siiit-lustre.
i bmuty, health action immediate and
certain. Money-Back Guarantee.
At Sruflil9 ant barter,, or MM IH
tor ,anarous Mmpl.
IMT TKitl CO.. Kansas Clu . Ms.
rhurrh will be the union Mirnorial s-r-vlres,
conducted by Rev E. I.. Moore,
pastor, assisted by Kev. W. O. Llving
tsuiie of the Christian church Sunday
school will be at 9:45 as usual. Chris
tian Endeavor In the evening at 7.00
and no evening services, the congrega
tion Joining In the union aervkes at the
Christian church. Prayer meeting on
Thursday evening at I 00.
J. W. Sibley and Mont Bandy, res
'idents of South Springs, were in Hepp
ner Saturday to attend to some busi
ness matters. Mr. Sibley expressed the
opinion that some of the grain In his
vicinity suffered from the dry and
warm weather of the early part of last
week, but the ralna since have proved
to be very beneficial. Crops have been
growing very rank out that way and a
few hot days had caused the grain to
curl up some. The general outlook for
crops In the South Springs district Is
splendid at present
Geo. I. Burnside who came here a
couple of weeka ago from Hardman,
Ore., haa leased the homestead of Mrs.
C. E. Wilcox two and one-half miles
southeast of Deaven and will take lm-
li.e-hate pf.M,ion. This is U,e lion,.;
t'ea.l that belor.Ked to the unf.-rtui.ate
Mr. Wlh ox who was killed in an acci
dent near the oil refinery Cowley,
Wyoming. Progress. Mr. I'.urnsi'le and
his son left here Beveral weeks ano for
Wyoming, expecting to get located on
V tract of lai.d in the Hig Horn irriga
tion section. It Is their intention to re
turn to Hardman later to harvest their
wheat crop.
ill-! JSMg
hfiS sTsssf'
UiatTll 11S1S J" SS
Look for the
Trade -Mark
If you want to put an end to
separator troubles
If you want to know, the
battery will come through with,
out punctured, warped, cracked
or carbonized insulation
If you're looking for that com
fortable sense of security from
separator-replacement bills
You'll see that the next bat
tery you buy has the Willard
Thread - Rubber Trade - Mark,
that means Willard Threaded
Rubber Insulation between the
Come in. We'll tell you just
why the Willard Threaded Rub
ber Battery is such a money saver.
1. H. CLAIlOt .H
lleppaer, Or.
l-koae 8.1
Phone Main
to get in touch with
Real Printing Service
SERVICE that ia not based upon price alone, but upon
the requirements and desires of each individual customer.
SEE VICE that demands that each job be the best it is
possible to give for the purpose it is supposed to serve.
SERVICE that is possible because it is backed up by a
REAL printing plant not a collection of worn-out, obsolete
machinery and type a plant completely equipped with
modern machinery, each machine the best possible to pro
.oure for the work which it is intended to perform, and
the latest faces of new type.
SERVICE at a price no greater than that of the ordin
ary brand of country printing. The price of G.-T. printing
is based upon the Franklin Printing Price List, the one-price-everything-marked-in-plain-figures
idea applied to
printing, and insures a square deal to the customer as well
as the printer. It is used in over 10,000 printing plants all
over the United States.
The Gazette-Times
Tire Mileage at the Lowest Cost in History
SIZE and TYPE old Prices New Prices Old Prices New Price Old Prices New Pricea Old Prices New Prices Old Prices New Prices
30x3 Clincher $17.55 $12.85 $21.05 $17.00 - - - - $2.75 $2.15
30 x 34 Clincher 20.80 15.00 27.75 22.00 $32.60 $25.00 $34.25 $27.50 3.25 2.55
32x3$ S. S. 26.30 21.00 31.60 26.00 39.20 32.90 41.15 36.40 3.60 2.90
32x4 S.S. 34.95 26.90 42.00 34.40 49.80 41.85 52.30 46.30- 4.55 3.55
34 x 41 S. S. 49.85 38.35 59.10 49.65 62.05 . 54.90 6.00 4.75
35x5 S. S. 61.15 47.05 73.65 61.90 77.35 68.45 7.25 5.85
Pint war tax. Other tittt rtductd in prop$rtin
These Prices Apply to Our Regular and Complete Line
Price unsupported by value never is an advantage to any but the man who sells
to make a quick "clean-up" and quit.
A reputable, unexcelled mileage tire made by a company that can and will deliver
all and more than you pay for is the only one yu can afford to buy.
Sold only by Dealers
A New Low Price on a Known and Honest Product
Milk and Cream
for Heppner
We pasteurize ali milk and cream and we
guarantee it to keep for 24 hours
from the time of delivery
Yours for better milk and cream
Morrow County Creamery
W. C. COX, Mgr.
Heppner, Oregon
New Fisk prices now in
effect, which means tire
mileage at the lowest cost
in history.
Tri-State Terminal Building.
For Prompt Service and Quick Returns
Ship us your cream.
I Norman Cream Company
r I ; iR
I riai H
- W Cr.UrUh,n,trU,if.ri, Wgl g
jjj i Southern Ortg,n K
cg mil beautiful Uiei. Sf jj
4, vV I
1 vll
I nfCrn erMe Ss B
63 KJ "yv
cannot adequately
describe the beauties of Crater
Lake. Its sapphire-blue coloring,
its picturesque island and its gor
geous setting combine to make it
one of nature's wonder spots.
Crater Lake is in the southern
part of Oregon and is accessible
by automobile from the Pacific
And motorists may plan a trip
to Crater Lake with assurance)
because Red Crown Gasoline may
be obtained all along the route
from north or south.
Make your trip with "Red
Crown" the gasoline of quality
the gasoline with a continuous
chain of boiling points.
Look for the Red Crown sign
on service stations and garages.
oj Quality