PAGE RIX THE GAZKTTF.-TIMES. IIEPPXER, 0XE30N, TRUE SI) AY, MAY V in the tvr" he t-'r.allv aied. NVi. the unbending repiv. Well, it is Mvnething for the one I line hest of all in the world." he Jo,. ared ardently. i 1 Oh!" she responded uith some thing very near a sniff: "I guess. , then, that it is that rair of susrenders LIVE LOCAL ITEMS t 1 Star Theater Special orders for Cut Flowers at all seasons of the year .ht M.Ie m.ttM! m !i pi-nr on Saturi ., e. nt n. u t ithf!vou sajJ vou needed?" Emmi-f: C. city. M inp Amelia Kan? h. of (ioMem'.al. in lmtir:B with M:ss Alma Ak r cf this city. Mr and Mr. John Olden. Rhea creek resniritu, ere visitors In this city on Mm. lr. Arlet Nrrtck, of Portland, is vlpltin thig meek at the home of her brother, I. V. ISentry. Adam KnoMock departed for Albany on Sunday, gmnir down to attend the Brand lodge meeting of the I. O. O. F. a a representative from Willow Lodge No tt. The ladle of the Congregational church of Lexington will hold an apron and cooked food sale, at the church. Saturday, May SMh All are invited to attend. rteprpe W, Pykstra is enjoying a visit this week with his son, M. V. Dykstra, of Pend. Mr. Pykstia Is en paired in ranching and ptoekraisir.g in the Rend country. Mri Susan Oreiner, of San P!e?o. Calif., who has been visiting her niec-e. Mrs. Ed Breslin, in this city for a week, departed for Condon, her former home, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. French Burroughs, who ; possess one of the best places on Rhea j creek a short distance above Jordan j Siding, were visitors In Heppner for a hort time on Wednesday. j C. H. Erwin, extensive wheat grower of the Jordan Butte country south of j lone, was a visitor in Heppner on Fri- ' day and reports wheat coming along ; fine with plenty of moisture. ! Mrs. Frank Turner and little son, j Robert, went to Portland on Sunday j to remain for the week. While in the ' city the boy will receive treatment at the handi of an ear specialist Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Berwick came in from Shaniko yesterday, and this after noon returned home in their auto. Mr. Berwick is running the locomotive on the Shaniko branch. J. J. Davis, Secretary of Labor, ispeaking at a Moose testimonial ban Cjuet in his honor at Pittsburg, said: 'If you could visit Ellis Island, and see the undesirables turned back from our shores you would awake to the danger of the situation. It is time for us to register all aliens that we may know where they are. The communist group among them u well organized. They do not come here to learn the principles of our government. We must adopt a sys tem of education to offset this com munist propaganda. There is no room in America for any man that preaches the overthrow of this government." Let us have your orders for Dec oration Day Flowers early. Case Furniture Co. The commencement exercises of Lex ington high school will be held on Fri day evening. May SO at the high school auditorium. The commencement ad dress will be delivered by Dr. J. F. Brumbaugh of O. A. C. On Sunday, May 22nd, the baccalaureate services will be held at the Congregational church, the address to be delivered by the pastor, Rev. J. C. Hall. These ser vices will be at 1:00 o'clock in the af ternoon. W. T. Matlock this week closed a deal with Frank Wilkinson, of Port land, for the lower half of the Hager ranch of Heppner. The place contains 1S40 acres, about 100 acres being in al falfa and the balance range and wheat land. Mr. Wilkinson expects to move onto the place at once and will erect a home there as well as other suitable buildings. The place at the present time contains none of these conven iences. ' Andrew Reaney, of Lexington, was a pleasant caller at this office while in town Wednesday. Of course Mr. Rea ney ! delighted with present weather conditions and is appreciative of the good rains the wheat section is receiv ing. He is looking forward to an abun dant yield of grain at harvest time and the prospects were never brighter. He was accompanied to Heppner by his brother, Frank Reaney, of Soap Lake, Wash, who is making a visit at the Reaney home at Lexington. J. H. Cox got rid of a portion of two of his fingers on Monday. While dress ing up some lumber on a small planer In the workshop of W. G. McCarty, he pushed the fingers into the machine and they were neatly trimmed. Mr. Cox has had somewhat similar experiences before, and he is about to conclude that he is up against an "evening up'' pro cess that will eventually make his lin gers all the same length. The oper ation is a little painful but Mr. Cox is convinced that a machine of this kind will do the Job quickly and welL CALL FOR WARRANTS. All school warrants of S :hool District No. 25, Morrow County, Oregon, up to and including April 2. 1S20 No. 202 will be paid upon presentation. In terest stops on this date. Lated May 20. 1921. ml9-2t. MRS. CLAIRE P. BARTER. Clerk, Boardman. Oregon. Styled to harmonize with the newest dress modes Unaffeased. Ttiey had enjoyed a little tilt at the breakfast table, but during the day he felt as though he might have been a trifle unkind, and so took home a pretty peace offering. He placed the package in a conspicuous position, but, very pointedly, she ig nored it. "Wouldn't vou like to know what JyVMERE.TO EAT The Question Is Settled DINE WITH US Our New Big Dining Room Is not xclulv to transient trd. It'i for tb tolki of Heppner FInt, Lut and Ail the Time. Give the wife a rest and a treat a Sunday dinner here. SHORT ORDERS, TOO Elkhorn Restaurant WtUow Street TSXamcnd Shand Come in and see how well we can fit and please you Our Finest Low Shoe Styles in Brown Calf and Kid High grade leather in the heels, counters and soles insure good wear. You must see them to appreciate them Price $4.50 to $7.50 and the sooner you come the surer you are to get a fit in just what you, want. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. Old shoes received by mail will be made like new and sent back the same day. E. N. Gonty Shoe Store 2Qcernt Price Reduction on GoodrichTires The decisive reduction of twenty per cent on the prices of Goodrich Tires and Tubes which took effect May 2nd, re ceived the complete endorsement of tire users and dealers throughout the country. It was accepted at its full face . value as a helpful, economic move in tune with the spirit of the times. The . reduction applies to , ' Goodrich Silvertown Cords Goodrich Fabric Tires Goodrich Red and Gray Tubes Goodrich Tires have earned their rep utation by sheer quality of construc tion and complete dependability of ser vice. Every improvement in making, with many exclusive betterments is in the Goodrich Tires you buy today. Tour dealer will supply your needs and give you the benefit of these new re duced prices on your purchases The B. F. Goodrich Rubber Company Akron, Ohio FRIDAY, MAY 20 HARRY CAREY in "OVERLAND RED" , The Rollicking Romance of a Joyous Vagabond Picturized from the. Famous Novel by Herbert Henry Knibbs. THE BEST THING HARRY EVER DID FRIDAY and SATURDAY: Additional attraction; a num ber of vocal solos each evening by Winifred Meadows, an experienced singer, with whom we believe you will be well pleased. SATURDAY, MAY 21 Mary Pickford in"SUDS" From the Charles Frohman Production, " 'Op 0' Me Thumb." It is one of the rare productions .that goes straight to the heart and awakens all sorts of human sympathy strong and moving-and with that measure of humor and pathos that is inseparable from its realism. SUNDAY, MAY 22 SAMUEL GOLDWYN presents PAULINE FREDERICK in "The Woman In Room 13" SUSPECTED! Traced from that fatal room 13 to her home by the law! Confronted with the question, "Were you in Room 13 when the fatal shot was fired?" Flayed by her conscience, grilled by the district attorney, hated by the husband she loved! vWas she the Woman in Room 13? MONDAY and TUESDAY, MAY 23 and 24 v VIVIAN MARTIN in "HUSBANDS and WIVES" from the famous novel "MAKING HER HIS WIFE" by Cora Harris. We can personally assure you that you will be well entertained during the show ing of this picture comedy and human interest is intermingled in an unusual manner. The story depicts the mistaken efforts of an amateur husband to cor rect the ways of his butterfly wife. Vivian Martin as the butterfly, is at her best. Consolation ALE Price Reduced 5c Each Day After Friday, May 6th Following our big sale last week of waists and hosiery and for the benefit of those unable to take advantage of that event, we are making these very attractive prices. COME EARLY. Buy one or as many as you wish. "WIRTHMOR" WAISTS Excellent voile Waists SPECIAL 98o Not a waist in this lot that is not worth $1.50 or more. "WEL WORTH" WAISTS-$2.50 and $3.00 values SPECIAL $1.67 These splendid waists in voile or organdie corne in white and colors. SILK WAISTS-Ocorgette and Crepe da chene waists. .7 SPECIAL $3.95 These waists were all bargains at $5.00 to $7.50. FIBRE SILK HOSE-A real hosiery bargain SPECIAL 50c Colors, white, I'almbeach, pearl grey, OK grey, Champagne. Price will be reduced 5c each day un til all are gone. COME EARLY AND GET YOUR CHOICE Minor & Company