The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, April 21, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    r.i,K TWO
Our Molting- Forests.
lUprntr Gaaatt. KaUbltahad
aiarck ID. 1HI
T Iltpr.r Tim, S.atabllh4
Somkr It, 17
ConolMatd February lfc, llll
ttt Thurad&T mornlnar of
mmi tyvmfw Crmwtmmi
ri'b.tahftd !-;
in1 an!rad au tha Peatofficat at Happ
rar, oraaron. aa aacond-claaa mattar.
.ii krtik; -o Rim nun on
(I Uontha
Thraa Months.
Sinala Coptaa
1 U-e thy woods and templed
hi',i " IW much do we love them?
That is the question put forward bv
the American Forestr' asocfation
which is campaigning for a national
foret policy. From a study of the
puMic's affection in this direction it
would appear that the dollars which
the lumber brings are dearer than
any sentimental emotion aroused.
Here we are singing our delight
in the trees, while lumbermen and
pulp manufacturers are sawing off
the limb on which -e are depending.
In consequence the United States
uses half of the world's white paper.
LlHEK:TKJ iand makes enough paper pulp to
ucaic a iic luur leei w me ana
eight feet high forty-five hundred
miles long yearly, a mushy path
from Boston to Honolulu, and then
some. No less than thirty billion
feet of lumber go into paper, while
seventy billion feet are used for oth
er purposes.
To people who live in cities, and
most Americans do, this forest ques
tion is remote, and is often looked
upon as sentimental. They grumble
The Farmer's New Food
The breeding of game birds for
food is increasing as an industry by
leaps and bounds. The number of
breeders has been doubling for two ;
or three years past, and most of them
are farmers.
It has been brought home to every
body during the last ten years that
despite our thousands of game laws
and tens of thousands of game ward
ens, American game birds were rap
idly disappearing. We now know
that if this great American heritage
wild fowl is to be saved to pos
terity, not laws and not game ward
ens will do it. It will be done by
the farmer who breeds them for
food purposes.
Statesmen are beginning to see the
folly of preventing people by law
from producing food and selling it.
The United States Supreme Court
has just decided that notwithstanding
the migratory bird law, and notwith
standing any law that may be on the
books, game can be privately bred
and consequently being property,
can. be sold for food. There are
organizations in this country that!
will protect any man who is inter-
fered with in his right by over-zealous
constables and justices of the
The farmer who breeds wild geese
and duck, pheasant, grouse and
quail, will find it very little more
work than the common barnyard
chicken, and yet he can sell these
game birds for food, and for further
breeding purposes, at eight to ten
times the price he can get for a
There are at least fifty millions
of town people, men, women and
children, who never go hunting, and
nearly all of them have never tasted
the delights of game bird food.
There are millions and millions of
them who would gladly go to the
meat market and pay the price for a
pheasant or a brace of quail or a
wild duck. Why should only the
hunters have the privilege of this
food? Why shouldn't the farmer be
allowed the right to stock the city
shops with wild fowl for food pur
poses, just as he stocks the market
with grain and meats and poultry?
and the Supreme Court of the Uni
ted States, in ls'l;', decided that a
refund should be made to purchasers,
of land in odd sections. The Com-i
missioner ruled that this decision of
the Supreme Court did not cover the1
even sections, but the Secretary of
the Interior has recently held that i
the refund should likewise apply to
the even sections as well as the odd.
The lands involved are embraced in
a strip forty miles wide on each side
of the proposed line of the Northern
Pacific along the Columbia River
from Wallula Junction. Washington,
to Portland. Oregon, which was for
feited on account of the failure of
the railroad company to construct
the road. Applicants will have until
December 11, 1921, to file applica
tions for repayment, and may obtain
application blanks by writnig to Rep
resentative Sinnott.
about high rents and the difficulty of
procuring lumber, without connect
ing such shortage with actual grow
ing trees. The difficulty of impress
ing urbanites. therefore, with the
seriousness of a timber shortage is
large for those who feel personally
and keenly the approaching forest
- i
The Wrong Way.
The move to recall the public ser
vice commission is not likely to gain
any great headway, and it should not.
We do not know that we agree en
tirely -with the commission in its
finding in the telephone case, but we
do know that the members of the
commission were elected by the peo
ple. They are better servants of the
people now than they were when
they took office. They are just as
good servants as they were when
they refused to allow the telephone
company to raise its rates, and we do
not for a moment doubt that they
used their best judgment in arriving
at their decision. They knew that
their action would not, and could not
be popular. If they played politics
they would not have been as liberal
with the telephone company as they
have been.
If they have made a mistake, it
is a mistake of judgment and not
of the heart. One mistake is not suf
ficient excuse for recalling men who
are exercising all the qualifications
that they had when the people select
ed them for those offices.
If the commission has made a mis
take, there is a method of action
open. That is to bring action before
the commission showing that the
rates granted are too high. If there
is evidence which should have been
considered, but which was not con
sidered, there is a way to get it con
sidered. If costs of material and of
labor go down, it is only reasonable
to expect a move to lower the rates.
We know the members of the com
mission. We have confidence in their
honesty. We have confidence that
their decisions are made according to
the best of their judgment. They
are human. They may make mis
takes, but because of the fact that
they are human we may well believe
that they did not purposely make any
error which they knew would be so
tremendously unpopular. That much
can be set down as fact. Remember
that this is the first grave error they
have been charged with; that it has
not even been proved that they have
made an error, and handle the matter
in a sane and fair manner. Cottage
Grove Sentinel.
Slats' Diary.
By Ross Farquhar.
Friday? went to a Fish supper
tonite & wen he cum home he sed it
was the best supper he
seen in a long time &
he wo6d of eat a lots
more only he diddent
have but 1 nife to eat
it with.
Saturday Are dog
Bnzz has ben sick &
pa got fritened & thot
he mebby mite have
rabbys or sum thing so
he cunsulted with ma &
she sejested or ruther
she told him to get sum
stricknine or poysen &
put him out. Pa got it
of coarse & without my nollege he
give it to the poor pup. he give him
a hole dimes wirth & then turned
his hed away so he woodent see the
traggidy. Finely he looked in &
there was Brizz a wagon his tale &
he got better from that instance. Ma
sed that 1 time whitch ignorants
come in handy, pa had give him to
much. Thank Heven.
Sunday Clear and sunny. I de
sided not to go to s. Skool. But ma
spoilt the day by saying If you dont
go to Sunday Skool I am going to
lam you. There was only but 1
thing for me to say & I sed it. I
sed I wood go.
Monday the teecher ast Jake to
give a sentense with the wird custom
in it. Jake was stoopid so I slip him
a peece of paper whitch I had rote
on it The Chickens eat Are garden
& pa Custom.
Tuesday dureing this evening I
met Jane down town & I ast her
wood she like to have a ice cream
Sunday. She replyed & sed that is
a good wile to wate & she wood just
as leaf take it then. Whitch was
what I ment in the 1st place.
Wednesday pa was a argueing on
polatiks with a (Vend of hissen & the
man ast pa was he in favor of ekual
rites. Pa sed You betcher boots I
yam in favor of ekual rites. Mebby
he is but I dont think he will ever
get them. As long as ma stays here
at are house.
Thursday herd the teecher frvk
about the State of Mind & not a
wishing to dis Play my ignorants I
looked in my goggraphy for a hour &
cuddent find such a state. Jake said
mebby it was in Rushia.
The Right Idea.
Normalcy is not a question of
price or a question of wage. It is
merely a question of fairly steady!
employment with the dollar buying
as much as it ought to. Whether;,
the fanner receives $1 or $10 for a
dav's work, makes no difference so
long as the bushel of wheat or day's
work will obtain as much of the nec
essaries or comforts of life in one
case as in the other. What we mean
bv normal times is steady employ-,
ment, as much as in the nature of
things is permissible, paid for by a
tabilized dollar. In normal times
people do not live upon their savings,
but the latter accumulate, and con
stitute the sole and onlv form of new
wealth which can be created. It is
this which flows into new undertak
ings and makes possible a healthy
expansion in industry in supplying
a sound demand Pacific Banker.
Pure Ice, Full Weight, Prompt Delivery
Courteous Service
There are four points that satisfy our patrons. Do we
serve you? If not, just phone Main 362 or ask one of our
drivers. Once a customer, always a customer.
One of the objects of the perpet
uation of the Government Savings
organization, which still continues to
market the smaller securities of the
United States Government, is to in
crease the number of savers in this
country. The Government Savings
organization has in charge the dis
tribution and sale of the 25-cent
Thrift Stamps, $1 Treasury Savings
Stamps, $5 War Savings Stamps, and
the $25, $100 and $1000 Treasury
Savings Certificates, which are kept
constantly on sale at all post offices
and virtually all banks.
As part of its work, the Govern
ment Savings organization has devel
oped family budgets and budgets for
school children in an attempt to
change the system which Dr. Wheat
on characterizes as "Pay expenses
first and save what's left if there
is anything." The first item on every
budget, the Government Savings or
ganization contends, should be "Am
ount Saved."
Little Girl (iim Near I. racing Life.
Mary, the little daughter of Mr. anil
Mrs. W. J. Beamer, came near losing
he life by drowning on last Thursday
afternoon. With her little brother, she
was playing along the bank of Willow
creek at the Beamer home, the Eph
Eskelson place, a short distance from
the house, when the bank gave way
and Mary was thrown into the stream.
The little boy Immediately gave the
alarm but before assistance came and
the girl was finally rescued, she was
carried quite a distance down stream
by the rushing waters. The creek is
pretty high and had it not been for
the prompt action of the little four-year-old
brother, who gave the alarm,
Mary would doubtless have perished,
as she could not battle the swift run
ning waters alone.
High taxes and constant agitation
for more pay and shorter hours are
having their effect on industrial ac
tivity. The process must be reversed
if we wish i return of stabilized con
ditions. Reasonable taxes, fair pay
and full efficiency should be our motto.
Fanners Are Undismayed.
After seeing published a lot of
unreliable statistics, compiled by
white collared "farm experts" who
never plowed an acre of land in
their lives, that the cost of producing
bushel of wheat was all the way
from $1.50 to $2.00, the undismayed
farmers are sowing a more than av
erage acreage of wheat in the face
of dollar a bushel prices, in many
wheat states the best wheat is hard
to market at a dollar but the wage
agitator keeps howling that the cost
of living is not coming down. Eggs
are lower than for twelve years and
so is all the farmer has to sell. With
high spiritsand patriotism, the far
mers are not going to quit growing
crops and feeding us all.
Under these conditions labor can
not expect to hold to a war scale of
wages. It must take its cut along
with producers.
Representative Sinnott has been
notified by the Commissioner of the
General Land Office that a refund
of $1.25 per acre will be made to
purchasers who paid $2,50 per acre
for land in even numbered sections,
as well as in odd numbered sections,
inolved in the primary limits of the
general route of the Northern Paci
fic Railroad from Wallula Junction,
Washington, to Portland, Oregon,
forfeited by Act of Congress in 1890,
$2.50 per acre was charged in
stead of the regular price of $1.25
on the theory that the building of the
railroad would enhance the value
of the land. The road was not built
Reedsport planing mill has order for
doors that will take two months to fill.
Fifth oil drilling company operating
in Klamath Falls district.
State Institutions except blind school
filled to overflowing.
White Wonder
Laundry Soap
An excellent soap for
laundry use.
4 for 25c
Phelps Grocery Co.
Phone 53
Look to Your Paint
Is It Giving You Protection?
TF CHECKED or cracked,
new paint is needed, and it
will be cheaper to paint now
lor deterioration costs more than
good paint.
A well painted house brings
several hundred dollars more on
sale and more in rent. Keep it
painted and it stays new for
The best paint spreads more
easily saves labor cost. It
covers more square yards you
buy more gallons of cheap paint.
The best paint then protects
the house, if properly applied,
from five to ten years longer.
There is no question as to
which costs less. Don't allow
surfaces to rot. It costs less to
paint them.
The best paints are scientific
in formula and preparation.
We've made them for 72 years
to meet weather conditions in
the West.
The best materials PIO
linseed oil, zinc and color are
combined in Fuller Paints in
scientifically exact proportions
with long-time skill.
Our process super-purifies and
"whitens" the lead base. It must
be fine enough to pass through
a silk screen with 40,000 mesh
holes to the square inch. Fine
lead means easier spreading and
a more clastic, tougher protect
ive coat. The "Whiter" lead
base means more beauty in the
Such paint will, if properly
applied last from five to ten
years longer than cheap paint,
and look better through the
- 111'
House Paints
Phoenix Pure Point
Pure Prepared Point
"Pur Prepared" and "Phoe
fiii" arc Fuller'! Specification!
for house painting. Get cither
aim jrwu imv inx DCBl
sps that anyone can make
"i lone - service paints.
THEM. These paintl ire Im
portant to you. so it's important
to go to the right stores to get
them. Dealers' names and ad
dresses are printed in the memo,
coupon to the riht. Cut it out
and put it in your pocket now.
Free Advice
on Painting
ASK our agent for Color Card,
which shows thirty-two shades
or this desirable paint
We have a Fuller
Specification Depart
ment which will tell
you about the most de
sirable color schemes,
color harmony, and
those other details
that you want to
know about.
Tale advantage of Fuller House
Paints. Take steps to paint now.
Don't let weather depreciate your
Dept. 4, San Francisco
Pioneer Manufacturer of Paints,
Varnihe, Enamels, Stains, and
lor 72 Years
Established 1849.
Branches in 16 Cities In the West
Dealers everywhere
Also makers of Rubber Cement Floor
Paint, All Purpose Varnir.hes, Silken
white Enamel, Filteen-for-floors. Wash'
able Wall Finish, Auto Enamel, Barn
and Roof Paint, Porch and Step Paint
(Cut this out and paste It in your
note book as a memo.)
My house needs painting. Fuller'!
Specification House Paints are sold by
the following merchants i
Peoples Hardware Co.
w ith your spring tractor work on
account of
Magneto Trouble
We are speceialists in magneto repairing and
carry on hand at all times a large stock of repairs for
nearly all makes of magnetos.
By bringing your tractor magneto in now to bo
overhauled ami worn parts replaced, if necessary,
you may save many valuable days later on which
might otherwise be lost on account of magneto
We guarantee our work and our prices
are reasonable.
Battery Electric Service
Heppner StatlOIl Oregon
New Location
I have moved my office from the Slocum block
to the new hotel building where I will be pleased to
greet my old and new friends.
Real Estate and Insurance
Created by the People of
Your cNgighhorhood
Tliis bank is a community
bank built up by the patronage
of you and your neighbors. Its
officers and directors are your
neighbors, and the bank is un
der their supervision. Every
precaution is taken to insure
the safety of your funds and
you will realize a genuine plea
sure in becoming one of our
big family of customers. ,
Fir& National Bank